Hostas, formerly known as "Funkias," were introduced into Europe from China and Japan in the 1780s. By the late nineteenth century the White Day Lily, H. plantaginea (then called Funkia ovata) was considered an old-fashioned flower in America. Gertrude Jekyll, Britain's renown landscape gardener and writer, used the 'Grandiflora' form (a sterile hybrid introduced from Japan in 1841) in large Italian pots, mixed with white lilies, hydrangeas and ferns.August Lily produces fragrant, white, trumpet-shaped flowers on 2-foot stalks in late summer amid glossy, light green leaves that form large clumps. It thrives in part shade and moist, woodsy soil.
Typical Blooming Dates: August - September
Growth Type: Perennial
Color(s): White
Hardiness Zones: 4 - 8
Location at Monticello: West Lawn by original Tulip Poplar
Planting Conditions: Shade