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A virtual fellow's forum with Charles Cullen, President and Librarian Emeritus of the Newberry Library from May 24, 2022. Recording available. 



Charles Cullen is a twice-retired historian who most recently finished a four-year tenure as Interim President and CEO at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.  He began his career as a legal historian serving first as editor of the Papers of John Marshall, and then as co-editor and editor of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson.  He became President and Librarian of the Newberry Library in 1986, which position switched to emeritus when he retired in 2005.  His work on Jefferson’s dinner list began at Princeton where a copy of the manuscript caught his attention, primarily because of the many questions it asked but did not answer.  Research has convinced him the list was begun as a political and partisan act, though additional work remains to flesh out that thesis and explore many others related to Jefferson’s list making.