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This guide leads to free Internet sites containing relevant, reliable, and rich content including published and unpublished sources, maps, manuscripts, and illustrations. “Geoscience” was not a term known to Jefferson within his time, so the clues to information provided here deal with Jefferson’s interest in and knowledge of geography, geology, nature and environment.  In these search result sets there will be some redundancy and there will be some irrelevant items – so browsing and critical selectivity is required.

1.    Thomas Jefferson Portal.  Global bibliographic access.  Click “Advanced Search” and enter Subject

- When viewing an individual title, please click "View Description" to see more detail.

2.    Thomas Jefferson’s Libraries Project.  Annotated listing of titles owned and read by Thomas Jefferson.

3.    Early American History Sites Search.   Google Custom Search in 41 major research institutions.  Note: searches generated in the E.A.H.S. are not stable and must be re-entered for each search session.

  • "thomas jefferson" AND (nature OR "natural history")
  • "thomas jefferson" AND exploration
  • "thomas jefferson" AND (geography OR geology) AND explor*

4.    Founders Online.  Papers of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton, and Madison.

5. Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia

Jack Robertson.  Fiske and Marie Kimball Librarian.  9/19/16

Jefferson Library at Monticello.

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