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Below is an 1823 letter from Thomas Jefferson to surveyor and viticulturist John Adlum, followed by the transcription as it appears in volume 19 of the Retirement Series.
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Original Document
Dear Sir Monticello Apr. 11 1823
I recieved successively the two bottles of wine you were so kind as to send me. the first, called Tokay, is truly a fine wine, of high flavor, and, as you assure me there was not a drop of brandy or other spir[it in i]t, I may say it is a wine of a good body of it’s own. the 2d bottl[e,] a red wine, I tried when I had good judges at the table. we agreed it was a wine one might always drink with satisfaction, but of no peculiar excellence. of your book on the culture of the vine it would be presumption in me to give any opinion, because it is a culture of which I have no knolege either from practice or reading. wishing you very sincerely compleat success in this your laudable undertaking, I assure you of my great esteem and respect.
Th: Jefferson
Majr John Adlum
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