In 1809, Thomas Jefferson received seeds from his Parisian friend, Madame de Tessé. He reported back to her in March 1811 that a seedling "has germinated, and is now growing. I cherish it with particular attentions, as it daily reminds me of the friendship with which you have honored me." Jefferson's tree was likely the first grown in America, and Jefferson made the earliest American citation of this tree. Goldenrain trees are now naturalized at Monticello.
The scientifically-minded French Jesuit, Pierre d'Incarville, was one of the few privileged explorers allowed in China during the mid-18th century. It is believed that, while in Beijing, he collected the black, pea-sized seeds of the Goldenrain tree, which he entrusted to a Russian caravan on a westward trek to Europe. The seeds would eventually reach the Jardin du Roi in Paris and were being grown by 1763. However, according to Joan Dutton, the tree was introduced in England in 1560.
The Goldenrain is a hardy, medium-sized, deciduous tree with large clusters of bright yellow flowers that cover the tree for several weeks in early summer, followed by papery pods.
Typical Blooming Dates: June - July
Color(s): Yellow
Location at Monticello: West end of the Vegetable Garden
In Bloom at Monticello is made possible by support from The Richard D. and Carolyn W. Jacques Foundation.