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The Jefferson Library has resources on the many subjects that interested Thomas Jefferson, and about the world he lived in.

Below are some of the resources we suggest you consult here when doing research on a specific subject (for example, Palladian architecture, or Monticello's entrance hall, or the Louisiana Purchase).




Thomas Jefferson Portal Always be sure to search our online catalog. You may find books on your topic, as well as articles, book chapters, Web sites, and other materials.


Online; free.


Monticello Web Sites / Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia
Monticello's websites contain a great deal of information relating to Thomas Jefferson, including articles in the Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia. Online; free.
Information Files We may have a file on the subject you are researching. Information files typically contain photocopies or notes of mentions of that topic in TJ's writings or other books, articles about the topic that we've found, pamphlets, and other miscellaneous items.

On-site only.

Information files are cataloged in the Thomas Jefferson Portal.

Article Databases The Jefferson Library provides access to several databases where you may find articles on the subject you are interested in. Articles may contain more current research findings or analysis than books.

On-site only.

See the Library's Research Databases page to see a list of databases we subscribe to.


Papers of Thomas Jefferson You may find mention of the subject in Thomas Jefferson's letters. There are various published editions and online manuscript collections available.  The most accessible and complete is the National Archives' Founders Online Project, which includes most of the published Princeton edition volumes.  See Searching Jefferson's Papers for more information.

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