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Scientific Name: Asarum canadense

Common Name: Wild Ginger

Description: Early spring-flowering, North American perennial; unusual, burgundy-brown, jug-like flowers appear at soil level, where they are pollinated by ants

Size: Succulent foliage on 2 to 3 inch, mat-forming plants

Cultural Information: Prefers shade and humus-rich soil; plant shallowly

USDA Zones: 3 through 8

Historical Notes: This herbaceous North American wildflower, called "wild ginger" on account of the ginger-like fragrance and flavor of the roots, was listed by John Clayton of Williamsburg in the early 18th century. The species was introduced to British gardens by 1713 and was reported by Peter Collinson in London. Wild ginger thrives on the wooded slopes of Monticello Mountain where it forms dense carpets. It is a choice native perennial for shade gardens.

- Peggy Cornett, CHP Information Sheet

Further Sources