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For the holiday season, Monticello guide Kyle Chattleton dispels a myth involving Benjamin Franklin and dives into the more complicated history surrounding it.

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From the podcast archive: A brief history of the American turkey

Before it was American, it was Asian. And before it was the centerpiece of Thanksgiving in the United States, it was a hit in Spain. Andrew Smith, author of Popped Culture: A Social History of Popcorn in America, The Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food, and The Turkey: An American Story, gives a quick primer on the history of the 'American' turkey as well as a quick review of the validity of story of the First Thanksgiving. (November 26, 2008. Approx. 15 min.)

Blog post: A Very Repectiable Bird

With the coming of Thanksgiving comes also a burble of chatty news stories about the origins thereof, and usually something about turkeys.  Not far behind comes some sort of mention of the Founding Fathers, and how they all felt about turkeys.