Alexandra “Allie” Early Carter is the Chief Development Officer at Monticello. A lifelong Virginian and a double Hoo, Carter earned both her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Virginia. She began her career in education, teaching in a Title I school for three years before making the transition to development work.
Most recently, Carter worked at the University of Richmond School of Law as the Associate Dean for Development & Alumni Relations, overseeing both philanthropic and alumni engagement initiatives for the law school. Prior to her time at Richmond Law, she served in development roles at United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg and Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia.
Carter is also engaged with community and philanthropic groups. She serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors of her sons’ school, Canterbury Community Nursery School, and on the Leadership Team of Impact 100 Richmond, a women’s philanthropy initiative that provides transformational grants to nonprofits in the Richmond community.