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"I beleive the Indian then to be in body and mind equal to the whiteman."

- Thomas Jefferson, 1785

Views ... Lewis & Clark ... Images, Objects and Art ... Indian Removal



Lewis & Clark

"In all your intercourse with the natives treat them in the most friendly & conciliatory manner which their own conduct will admit; allay all jealousies as to the object of your journey, satisfy them of it’s innocence."

—Thomas Jefferson, 1803

Images, Objects, and Art

"I am in fact preparing a kind of Indian Hall"

—Thomas Jefferson, 1806


Indigenous Peoples Removal

"Should they force us to war, it is to be considered whether we should ever cease it till the tribe be driven beyond the Mississippi as an example."

—Thomas Jefferson, 1802

Available from The Shop at Monticello

Jefferson's West: A Journey with Lewis and Clark

James P. Ronda, H.G. Barnard Professor in Western History at the University of Tulsa, retells this compelling part of the American story by contrasting the expectations of Thomas Jefferson had for the expedition with what Captains Clark and Lewis actually experienced during their journey.

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham gives us a complete vision of Thomas Jefferson the man, from birth to his last days and through the Revolutionary War to his years as President.