Every student should have the chance to experience the power of place at Monticello and explore its many facets. Visiting students can learn about Monticello as an architectural icon, Jefferson's vision for the development of a new nation, and the experiences of the enslaved community members living and working on this active plantation.

Thanks to the generous support of corporate, foundation, and private donors, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation is gratefully able to provide the following scholarship opportunities:

Individual Scholarships

Supported by the Mitford Angel Fund

Classes with students who receive free or reduced lunch may request individual admission scholarships. Scholarships will be available as funds allow. Teachers Scholarships will be available as funds allow. Teachers will need to submit a written request stating how many students are in need of scholarships and how this opportunity will impact these students.

Class Scholarships for Virginia Schools

Supported by the Charles Angel Fund

Teachers or administrators in Virginia schools may apply for a full class scholarship, including transportation costs, by submitting a request with a transportation cost quote for their visit. Special consideration is given to schools in districts with higher-than-average poverty levels, Title I schools, and classes with a high percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunch. 

Contact us to learn about ways you can support Monticello’s school programs.