Happening at Monticello

  • Fellow's Forum: Black Musicians in Jefferson’s Virginia

    4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Livestream,  Talks, Book Signings, Lectures, Conferences

    Join musicians David McCormick and Loren Ludwig of the Early Music Access Project for an in-depth look at how free and enslaved black musicians greatly enriched the musical culture of Virginia from the early days of slavery onward.

  • The Saunders-Monticello Trail

    All Day

    With native hardwood forest, deep ravines and spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the trail winds its way toward Monticello and back in a very manageable four miles. A maximum grade of 5% keeps it completely accessible to walkers, cyclists and those in wheelchairs.

  • Monticello Scavenger Hunts

    All Day

    Enhance your visit with our new mobile Scavenger Hunts. Use your smartphone to complete unique challenges- snap photos, explore new spaces, test your knowledge, and share your thoughts. FREE with admission.