Happening at Monticello

  • The Art of French Brasserie Cooking…Deux!

    6:30 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.
    Farm and Garden,  Special Event

    Thomas Jefferson’s love of French cuisine continues at Monticello under the direction of our Farm Table Chef, David Bastide. A native of southern France, Bastide learned to cook – quite literally – on his grandmother’s knee. Bastide returns for a new virtual cooking class starring a time-treasured Steak-Frites entrée as the main event and featuring side dishes that incorporate ingredients grown and harvested from Monticello’s gardens.

  • Monticello Scavenger Hunts

    All Day

    Enhance your visit with our new mobile Scavenger Hunts. Use your smartphone to complete unique challenges- snap photos, explore new spaces, test your knowledge, and share your thoughts. FREE with admission.