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This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Baal (ancient deity), 18:93

Babcock, Amos G.

  • A Journal, of a Young Man of Massachusetts (ed. B. Waterhouse), 10:168–10:169, 10:247, 10:259, 18:657

Babelon, Auguste

  • edits Opera Omnia Quæ Extant (Suetonius), 14:511

Babington, William

  • mineralogical theories of, 13:102

The Babler, 7:665

Bacchus (Roman deity), 16:344, 16:590, 19:439

Bache, Benjamin, 3:39, 3:40n

Bache, Benjamin Franklin (1769–98), 1:49n, 3:39, 3:40n, 3:331n, 3:451, 3:452n, 20:608, 20:623

Bache, Benjamin Franklin (1801–81)

  • mentioned, 7:62

Bache, Catharine Wistar

  • family of, 7:62, 8:449n
  • friendship with E. Trist, 2:285, 3:163n
  • mentioned, 10:450
  • and T. M. Randolph, 8:448

Bache, Emma Mary

  • death of, 7:62

Bache, Franklin

  • education of, 3:39, 3:40n, 3:88
  • identified, 20:623n
  • letter from, 20:622–20:623
  • seeks professorship, 20:608, 20:622–20:623

Bache, Hartman, 3:39, 3:40n

Bache, Margaret Hartman Markoe. See Duane, Margaret Hartman Markoe Bache (William Duane’s wife)

Bache, Richard (1737–1811), 3:452n

Bache, Richard (1784–1848)

  • and Franklin Gazette, 12:307–12:308, 12:309–12:310, 12:370
  • identified, 12:308n
  • letter from, 12:307–12:308
  • letter to, 12:370

Bache, Richard (1794–1836), 3:39, 3:40n, 3:88

Bache, Sarah Franklin, 3:451, 3:452n

Bache, William

  • appointment, 1:615–1:616
  • family of, 17:373
  • health of, 7:62, 7:63n

Backer, T. H. (Amsterdam agent), 1:50n

Backus, Azel

  • criticizes TJ, 1:277, 1:278n, 1:350n, 7:206, 7:207n

Backus, Thomas (ship captain), 14:334n

bacon, 2:371, 5:489, 6:343, 7:45, 8:184, 9:588, 9:588, 9:713, 11:298, 11:299, 11:623, 12:51, 13:566, 13:581, 15:95, 16:470–16:471, 18:30, 19:485, 19:579, 20:209, 20:217, 20:218, 20:218, 20:328

Bacon, Ann Simmons (Edmund Bacon’s wife)

  • and 1820 census, 16:151
  • health of, 19:484
  • identified, 17:25n
  • Memorandum on Turkeys Raised, 17:25
  • and turkeys, 17:25, 18:643
  • and wool spinning, 4:380

Bacon, Edmund

  • and agreement with R. Durrett, 5:418
  • attends court, 2:670
  • and J. Bacon’s estate, 18:435, 19:485, 20:103–20:104
  • buys carriage from TJ, 18:578, 18:578, 18:632, 18:642, 18:642, 18:643
  • buys corn for TJ, 6:181, 6:181–6:182, 6:553, 6:554, 7:72n, 9:151–9:152, 9:152n, 11:214, 12:242, 14:213, 14:305, 14:305n, 14:431, 14:478, 14:487, 14:555, 18:318, 18:431, 18:435
  • buys oats for TJ, 18:273–18:274
  • buys plow horse for TJ, 2:155n
  • debts owed to, 16:103–16:104, 16:128, 18:318
  • delivers letters, 16:589n
  • delivers nails, 1:64
  • describes Central College cornerstone laying, 12:59
  • describes cider-making at Monticello, 12:192n
  • describes TJ’s siting of Central College, 11:544–11:545n
  • describes travels with TJ, 1:51–1:52
  • and 1810 census, 3:202
  • and 1820 census, 16:151–16:152
  • on escape of H. Hemings, 18:li
  • family of, 12:272, 13:133–13:134, 13:134, 13:135, 14:369, 14:509, 15:11, 16:104, 16:147, 16:151–16:152, 18:366, 18:431, 18:641, 18:643–18:644, 19:484, 19:485, 20:524
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:20
  • flour for, 18:187
  • and gunpowder for TJ, 14:213
  • harness for, 18:642
  • and horses and mules, 14:469, 14:555, 14:564, 14:586, 16:104, 18:368, 18:435, 18:435n, 18:632, 18:641, 19:485
  • identified, 1:52n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:364–14:365, 14:367
  • letters from, 9:151–9:152, 11:211–11:212, 11:421, 12:191, 12:242–12:243, 12:272, 13:133–13:134, 13:135–13:136, 13:167, 13:600, 14:213, 14:305, 14:369–14:370, 14:431, 14:469–14:470, 14:490, 14:509, 14:554–14:555, 14:584–14:586, 15:11–15:12, 16:103–16:104, 16:128, 16:147–16:148, 16:151–16:152, 16:418, 16:444, 16:569, 16:573–16:574, 18:187–18:188, 18:273–18:274, 18:317–18:319, 18:351, 18:366–18:367, 18:431, 18:435, 18:578, 18:598–18:599, 18:632, 18:641, 18:642–18:643, 18:643–18:644, 18:647–18:648, 19:484–19:485, 20:524–20:525
  • letters from accounted for, 10:538n, 16:418n
  • letters to, 4:306–4:307, 12:192, 12:197, 12:227, 13:169, 14:564, 14:602, 16:418, 16:432, 16:449, 16:509, 20:103–20:104
  • letters to accounted for, 5:418n, 16:128n, 18:578n, 18:641n
  • letters to from R. B. Sthreshly, 6:554
  • mentioned, 3:215, 7:520n, 7:619n, 9:105
  • and merino sheep, 2:666
  • Monticello overseer, 1:52n, 1:81n, 3:394, 3:513, 3:612, 3:643, 4:306–4:307, 4:464–4:465, 4:543, 4:557n, 5:418, 5:576n, 5:608n, 6:136n, 9:147, 9:151–9:152, 9:415, 9:483, 9:483n, 10:105, 10:106, 10:107, 10:475, 10:517, 11:211–11:212, 11:421, 12:191n, 12:192, 12:197, 12:198, 12:227, 12:242–12:243, 12:272, 12:415, 13:134, 13:135, 13:167, 13:244, 13:276n, 14:305, 14:307, 14:369–14:370, 14:431, 14:472, 14:490, 14:509, 14:554–14:555, 14:564, 14:584–14:586, 14:602, 15:11–15:12, 15:44, 15:44n, 15:60, 15:414, 15:543, 16:104, 16:128, 16:418, 16:418, 16:432, 16:444, 16:449, 16:509, 16:569, 17:22, 17:59, 17:412, 17:515, 18:li, 18:317–18:318, 18:351, 18:598, 19:26
  • moves to Ky., 18:li, 19:484–19:485, 20:103, 20:524–20:525
  • orders goods for TJ, 6:343, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 6:346, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 9:267, 9:269, 12:362, 15:449, 15:450, 15:451, 15:451, 16:7, 16:9, 16:9, 16:9, 16:11, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:13, 16:14, 16:14, 16:470n, 17:4, 17:8, 17:8, 17:8, 17:9, 17:9, 17:9, 17:9, 17:10, 17:10, 17:11, 17:11, 18:41, 18:41, 18:41, 18:42, 18:43, 18:45, 18:46, 18:47, 18:47, 18:47, 18:49, 18:50, 18:50, 18:50, 18:50, 18:366, 19:9
  • pays I. Chisholm, 5:5
  • pays insurance premium, 3:329n, 13:34
  • pays TJ’s expenses, 5:6, 5:6n, 14:541
  • pays Wayt & Winn, 6:111n
  • photograph of, 18:196 (illus.)
  • plans to move west, 11:211–11:212, 12:272, 13:120, 13:133–13:134, 13:167, 13:167n, 13:169, 13:244, 13:244n, 13:600, 14:369–14:370, 14:469, 14:490, 14:509, 14:564, 15:11, 16:103–16:104, 16:128, 16:147–16:148, 16:569, 18:366, 18:366, 18:431, 18:578, 18:641, 18:642, 18:647–18:648
  • T. M. Randolph recommends, 13:244n
  • and rent collection, 2:422, 9:483, 10:472, 14:307, 14:472, 14:554–14:555
  • seeks cottonseed for TJ, 1:81, 1:159
  • seeks land in Va., 18:366, 18:598
  • sends greetings to Randolph family, 19:485
  • and Shadwell mills, 18:578, 18:643
  • ships crops for TJ, 15:471, 15:471n
  • slaves of, 14:509, 16:152, 18:318, 18:435, 19:484
  • TJ borrows money from, 11:451–11:452n, 14:213
  • TJ pays, 1:41, 1:81n, 2:155, 5:298, 10:467n, 12:242–12:243, 14:213n, 14:220, 14:244, 14:287, 14:295, 14:295n, 14:296, 14:309, 14:318, 14:319, 14:473, 14:474, 16:148n, 18:44, 18:648n, 19:8, 19:32n, 19:37, 19:38n, 19:85, 19:85n, 20:524–20:525
  • TJ recommends, 13:244
  • TJ’s account with, 12:191, 12:192, 12:242–12:243, 12:644, 13:169, 14:305, 14:370, 14:490, 15:425, 15:426, 15:557–15:558, 16:148, 16:569, 16:573–16:574, 16:649, 18:366–18:367, 18:431, 18:598, 18:599, 19:69, 20:525
  • and TJ’s health, 20:103, 20:525
  • TJ’s promissory note to, 6:54, 7:231, 7:231n, 9:301, 9:301, 9:301n, 13:324, 15:494, 15:494–15:495n, 15:590, 16:138, 18:435, 18:632, 18:641, 18:642, 18:643, 18:643–18:644, 19:494, 19:496n
  • and University of Virginia, 19:189
  • and wagons, 13:600, 16:104, 16:128, 16:128n, 18:632, 18:641, 18:642, 18:643
  • wheat of, 16:444
  • witnesses documents, 2:229, 5:607–5:608, 6:34, 6:36, 6:36n, 6:36, 6:36n, 8:396, 8:396, 8:396n, 8:399, 16:645, 17:273, 17:273n, 17:273n

Bacon, Ezekiel

  • and federal revenue, 4:520n
  • identified, 3:358n
  • letters from, 3:358
  • letters to, 3:428
  • reference for J. L. Edwards, 4:92
  • and repeal of Embargo Act, 2:533, 2:534n, 2:537
  • and Supreme Court appointment, 3:126, 3:166, 3:178
  • and J. Wilkinson, 3:358, 3:428, 3:428–3:431

Bacon, Fielding W., 16:152, 18:366, 18:598, 18:599, 18:599

Bacon, Francis

  • classification of knowledge, 6:408, 6:409, 7:606, 7:607n, 8:240, 8:473, 8:475n, 9:xliv–9:xlv, 20:618
  • in D. Fraser’s proposed book, 5:545
  • The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry The Seventh, 7:629, 7:631n
  • mentioned, 7:101, 11:390, 14:631, 15:122n
  • Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning: or the Partitions of Sciences, 8:473, 8:475n, 9:xliv–9:xlv
  • portrait of, 3:305, 10:398
  • quoted, 9:110, 9:111n, 10:371
  • tried for bribery, 10:77, 10:79n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • works of, 19:506

Bacon, John

  • estate of, 18:435
  • promissory note assigned to, 6:54, 6:54n, 6:54n, 7:231, 9:301, 9:301, 9:301n, 12:644, 16:138, 16:649, 18:632, 18:641, 18:642, 18:643, 18:643–18:644, 19:485, 19:494, 20:103–20:104
  • sells slave to E. Bacon, 18:435

Bacon, Judith, 18:643–18:644, 18:644n

Bacon, Mary Anne Williamson

  • account with TJ, 11:421, 11:421n, 11:451–11:452, 14:307
  • identified, 11:451n
  • moves to Ky., 18:641

Bacon, Matthew

  • A General Abridgment of Cases in Equity, Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, &c., 7:627, 7:628, 7:628, 7:628, 13:53, 13:53, 16:641, 18:334, 18:335, 18:336n, 18:473
  • A New Abridgment of the Law, 3:546, 3:546, 7:125, 7:126, 7:127, 7:127, 13:53, 16:640, 16:640–16:641, 18:381, 18:446, 18:463, 20:314
  • A New Abridgment of the Law (ed. H. Gwillim), 18:334, 18:335

Bacon, Nathaniel (1593–1660)

  • read by J. Adams, 4:474

Bacon, Richard, 18:643, 18:644n

Bacon, Thomas J., 16:152

Bacon, William, 14:360, 14:367, 14:368, 18:642, 18:647–18:648

Bacon, William L., 16:152

Bacon’s Rebellion, 10:423, 10:423n

Bacot, Thomas Wright

  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:530n

Bacquet, Jean

  • Oeuvres, 3:174–3:175n

Badajoz, Spain, 2:233, 2:247, 6:515, 6:515n

Badillo, Francisco de Sales, 3:478n

Bagby, Mr.

  • at Poplar Forest, 18:69

Bagby, Thomas

  • and University of Virginia, 19:55, 19:239

Baggaley, Ann

  • signs petition, 18:146

Bagot, Mr., 2:83

Bagot, Charles

  • as British minister plenipotentiary to U.S., 9:579, 12:460n, 13:77, 14:232
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 13:76, 13:76, 13:79n, 13:93, 13:94n

Bagot, Mary Charlotte Anne Wellesley-Pole (Charles Bagot’s wife)

  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 13:79n, 13:93, 13:94n
  • and Washington society, 9:579, 13:77

Bagwell (TJ’s slave)

  • farm laborer, 2:426n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386, 8:62n, 12:303, 12:303, 12:303
  • purchased by TJ, 2:425, 2:425, 2:464


  • Spanish expedition against, 4:286, 4:286n

Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich

  • edits Hexaplorum Origenis (Origen), 12:582, 13:295

Bailey, Ancel

  • and University of Virginia, 20:202, 20:222, 20:225, 20:235n

Bailey, Lewis

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 16:308, 16:314, 16:320, 17:620, 17:650, 19:178, 19:185

Bailey, Lydia R.

  • and P. Freneau’s poems, 2:309, 2:336, 2:369, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334
  • identified, 2:309n
  • letters from, 2:309, 2:369
  • letters to, 2:336, 3:241

Bailey, Nathan (Nathaniel)

  • edits Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque (Phaedrus), 19:669, 19:696
  • edits Minellius Anglicanus, sive Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon (Ovid), 9:464, 9:538, 9:639
  • An Universal Etymological English Dictionary, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286, 16:5, 16:194

Bailey, Robert

  • and wheat, 19:22n

Bailey, Temple

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 17:637

Bailey, Theodorus

  • and dispatches to France, 2:410
  • forwards letters for TJ, 10:36, 17:441, 17:479, 20:297, 20:311, 20:567
  • identified, 3:459n
  • letters from, 3:459, 3:459–3:460, 3:503, 3:521, 3:597–3:598, 4:588–4:589, 4:673, 5:263, 5:581–5:582, 10:36, 10:271, 16:575–16:576, 17:441–17:442, 17:569–17:570, 17:591, 20:264, 20:268–20:269, 20:297, 20:306, 20:567
  • letters to, 3:505–3:506, 4:589, 5:305–5:306, 5:606, 16:606–16:607, 17:479, 17:599, 20:239, 20:262, 20:311–20:312
  • letters to accounted for, 3:444n, 4:580n, 17:419n
  • and map of N.Y., 3:459–3:460, 3:521, 3:597–3:598
  • postmaster in New York City, 3:459, 3:464, 3:503, 3:505–3:506, 3:521, 3:538, 10:36, 10:271, 16:575, 16:606, 20:239, 20:253, 20:262, 20:264, 20:268, 20:306
  • Report of the Commissioners, 3:459–3:460, 3:597
  • returns undeliverable letter to TJ, 10:271
  • sends maps to TJ, 5:263, 5:305–5:306, 5:581, 5:582, 5:582n, 5:606
  • sends works to TJ, 17:441, 17:479, 17:569–17:570, 17:591, 17:599
  • and spinning machines, 4:588, 4:589, 4:673
  • on War of 1812, 5:581–5:582

Bailey, Z.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 16:310, 16:311

Bailly, Jean Sylvain

  • mayor of Paris, 17:366, 17:367

Baily, Jeremiah

  • receives patent, 6:456, 6:458n

Bain, William

  • identified, 16:104–16:105n
  • and lease of Albemarle Co. land, 16:104, 16:212, 16:215+, 16:215n+
  • letter to, 16:104–16:105

Bainbridge, William, 6:206, 6:207n, 10:217, 19:427

Baines, Edward

  • History of the Wars of the French Revolution, 13:288, 13:288n, 13:304, 13:317, 13:317, 13:616, 14:16, 15:524, 15:525n, 15:606, 16:115, 19:506

Baird, Sir David

  • killed by French forces, 1:108

baize (textile), 5:394, 16:11, 16:11

Baker, Ezra

  • recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:537n

Baker, Harriet Weissenfels (John Martin Baker’s wife)

  • health of, 10:58
  • mentioned, 11:660, 11:661, 11:662
  • requests landscape view of Monticello, 1:346, 1:366, 1:434
  • sends greetings to TJ, 2:391, 3:524, 4:5, 6:165, 13:526
  • sends seeds to TJ, 9:102

Baker, Henry

  • The Microscope made easy, 1:581

Baker, James

  • and fish for TJ, 11:66, 11:274, 11:295, 12:551, 13:141
  • letter from, 11:274–11:275
  • letters to, 11:66, 11:295, 12:551
  • as Richmond merchant, 11:386, 13:132, 13:165, 20:22n

Baker, Jerman (ca. 1734–1792) , 1:363, 1:378, 2:397

Baker, Jerman (17761828)

  • attends dinners honoring TJ, 1:608+, 1:615+
  • and Baker v. Preston, 17:257n, 17:258, 17:258n, 17:269–17:270, 17:270n, 18:52, 18:52n
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:331, 11:596, 12:472, 12:551, 16:475, 17:620, 20:194
  • considers land purchase, 9:147
  • and death of J. W. Eppes, 20:148
  • and F. W. Eppes’s education, 13:321, 13:428–13:429, 14:294
  • family of, 16:328
  • health of, 9:331, 10:664
  • identified, 9:278n
  • letters from, 9:331–9:332, 10:664–10:665, 11:59, 11:132–11:133, 12:551–12:552, 14:280, 14:311, 16:242, 16:281–16:282, 17:185, 18:354, 20:148–20:149, 20:172–20:173
  • letters to, 9:277–9:278, 10:581–10:582, 10:628, 11:18–11:19, 14:294, 16:232, 16:328, 19:594–19:595
  • letter to accounted for, 20:149n
  • and petition of P. I. Barziza, 10:628, 10:628, 10:664, 11:19, 11:19n, 11:59, 11:146
  • and petition of J. Miller, 9:277–9:278, 9:279, 9:331, 9:332n
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 10:581–10:582, 10:664, 11:59, 11:59, 11:59n, 11:59n, 11:119, 11:132
  • relationship with son, 10:183, 10:664, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:59, 14:183–14:184, 14:280, 14:294, 14:311, 16:232, 16:242, 16:281, 16:328, 16:443
  • sends greetings to M. J. Randolph, 10:664, 12:551, 14:280, 14:311, 16:242, 16:281, 17:185, 17:185n, 20:173
  • sends parcel through TJ, 18:354
  • and statements of Va. taxes, 16:232, 16:242, 16:281, 16:328, 20:149n, 20:172–20:173
  • and TJ’s health, 20:148
  • as treasurer of Va., 15:433n, 15:433n, 15:482n, 15:487n, 16:185, 16:397n, 17:160, 17:160n, 17:185, 17:257n, 17:258, 19:594–19:595, 20:194, 20:275
  • and trunk for J. W. Baker, 14:280
  • as Va. legislator, 9:277–9:278, 9:331–9:332, 9:379n
  • visits Poplar Forest, 9:147
  • and wine for TJ, 16:281, 16:328, 16:366, 16:375

Baker, John Martin

  • as consul, 6:163–6:164, 6:165, 7:634, 7:693, 7:697n, 9:102, 9:112, 9:119n, 10:58, 11:660–11:662, 11:662–11:663, 13:526
  • family of, 6:164, 6:165, 9:102, 10:58, 11:660, 11:660n, 11:661, 11:662, 12:47, 12:151, 12:473, 13:526, 13:526
  • identified, 1:346n
  • letter from, to R. Rush, 11:660–11:663
  • letters from, 1:345–1:346, 1:434, 2:391, 3:523–3:524, 4:4–4:5, 6:163–6:165, 9:102, 10:58, 11:659–11:660, 12:47–12:48, 12:151, 12:473–12:474, 13:526, 14:96, 14:125
  • letters from accounted for, 2:391n
  • letters to, 1:365–1:366, 12:22, 12:93–12:94, 12:521–12:522, 14:101
  • letter to accounted for, 14:96n
  • and L. de Prunner, 2:297, 2:391, 4:4
  • seeks appointment, 2:391, 3:523–3:524, 4:5, 4:5, 6:163, 6:164–6:165, 9:102, 11:659–11:660, 11:660–11:663, 12:22, 12:47, 12:93–12:94, 12:151, 12:473–12:474, 12:521–12:522
  • sends goods to TJ, 4:215, 4:220, 4:529, 6:163, 9:102, 9:333, 9:369–9:370, 10:58, 10:278, 10:292
  • sends prospectus to TJ, 13:526
  • and TJ’s order for goods from Majorca, 1:345, 1:365–1:366, 1:434, 3:524
  • A View of the Commerce of the Mediterranean; with Reflections arising from personal experience, during many years residence in Spain, France, Italy, and Africa , 14:96, 14:101, 14:125
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 11:659, 12:22

Baker, John Wayles (TJ’s grandnephew)

  • education of, 10:183, 10:356n, 10:664, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:59, 11:59n, 14:183–14:184, 14:188, 14:210, 14:210, 14:280, 14:280–14:281, 14:294, 14:311, 15:141, 15:142n, 16:188, 16:215–16:216, 16:222, 16:232, 16:281, 16:328, 16:328–16:329, 16:382, 16:443, 16:552
  • health of, 16:150, 16:232
  • on T. Holcombe, 6:64
  • identified, 6:65n
  • introduced by TJ, 16:328–16:329
  • letters from, 6:64–6:65, 16:443–16:444
  • letter to, 16:552
  • parcel for, 18:354
  • relationship with F. W. Eppes, 15:377, 16:458
  • room and board payment for, 15:270, 15:280
  • and study of French, 7:647, 7:647n, 14:294, 14:311
  • suspended from South Carolina College, 18:228, 18:230n, 18:273n
  • TJ’s relationship with, 6:64–6:65, 6:65, 6:225, 6:451, 6:451, 6:648, 6:649, 9:712, 10:355, 16:552
  • trunk for, 14:280
  • visits Monticello, 15:48n, 15:500n, 16:242, 16:443
  • visits Poplar Forest, 7:400, 15:14n
  • witnesses document, 15:38

Baker, Louis Jean Marie, 12:473

Baker, Martha Bolling Eppes (TJ’s niece; Jerman Baker’s wife)

  • sends greetings to M. J. Randolph, 16:242, 16:281
  • thanks TJ, 16:242
  • TJ sends greetings to, 14:294, 16:232, 16:328

Baker, Martin, 6:19

Baker, Polly (fictional character), 10:646, 10:648n, 13:464–13:465, 13:465n

Baker, Sir Richard

  • A Chronicle of the Kings of England, 11:274, 11:274n, 11:447

Baker, William, 1:156n

Baker & Folsom (Richmond firm), 13:132, 13:165

Baker v. Preston, 17:257n, 17:258, 17:258n, 17:269–17:270, 17:270n, 18:52, 18:52n, 18:158

Bakewell, Robert

  • identified, 3:264n
  • letters from, 3:263–3:264
  • Mineralogical and Statistical Survey of Estates, 3:263–3:264
  • Observations on the influence of soil and climate upon wool, 1:479, 1:480n, 3:263, 3:264n

balances, hydrostatic, 14:167

Baldwin, A.

  • and aid for M. M. Russell, 20:50–20:51

Baldwin, Abraham

  • and University of Georgia, 5:372, 5:373–5:374
  • as U.S. senator, 17:460n

Baldwin, Briscoe Gerard

  • as attorney, 11:538–11:539
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:224n, 13:401, 13:473n, 13:583, 13:584n
  • as Va. legislator, 15:296n, 19:272, 19:273, 19:368, 19:368, 19:369

Baldwin, Cornelius, 18:378n

Baldwin, Cyrus B.

  • cloth manufacturer, 6:335, 6:335, 6:631, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:309–7:310, 7:310n, 7:460, 7:461n

Baldwin, Henry

  • identified, 16:610–16:611n
  • letter to, 16:610–16:611
  • as U.S. representative from Pa., 15:277, 16:610, 16:611n

Baldwin, Loammi

  • engineer to Va. Board of Public Works, 12:196, 13:58, 13:59n

Baldwin, Roger Sherman

  • identified, 18:247n
  • letter from, 18:246–18:247
  • letter to, 18:274
  • and proposed biography of R. Sherman, 18:246–18:247, 18:274

Baldwin, William

  • identified, 2:125n
  • letters from, 2:124–2:125
  • letters to, 2:157–2:159, 2:159
  • and Quakers, 2:124–2:125, 2:125n, 2:157–2:158, 2:159

Baldwin I, emperor of Constantinople, 7:66

Baldwin II, emperor of Constantinople, 7:66

Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem, 7:66

Balearic Islands, 1:345, 1:346n, 1:365

Ballard, Bartlet, 2:237, 2:238–2:239n

Ballard, Henry E.

  • and sainfoin, 15:578, 15:578–15:579n

Ballard, Joseph W.

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:601n

Ballard, William

  • account with TJ, 9:105–9:106
  • agreement with TJ, 6:304
  • identified, 6:304n
  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • as Tufton overseer, 6:304, 8:203, 8:204n, 8:611, 8:611n, 8:676n, 9:604n
  • witnesses documents, 8:396, 8:396n, 8:399

Ballendenies. See A free translation of the Preface to Bellendenus, containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time (S. Parr)

Ballew, Solomon

  • and University of Virginia, 16:310, 19:48

balloons, 8:388, 18:344–18:349, 18:359

Ballou, Hosea

  • and abolition of slave trade, 17:289, 17:290

Ballowe, Thomas, 7:600, 7:601n

Bally, Victor François

  • Du Typhus d’Amérique ou Fièvre Jaune, 10:129, 10:146n
  • Opinion sur la Contagion de la Fièvre Jaune, 10:130, 10:135, 10:147n

balm of Gilead fir. See balsam fir (balm of Gilead fir)

balsam copaiba trees, 1:56, 1:56, 1:58n

balsam fir (balm of Gilead fir), 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n

Baltic Sea

  • and American commerce, 4:612, 4:612n
  • and Napoleon’s Continental System, 5:385, 5:561, 7:92

Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Frederick, 6th Baron Baltimore

Baltimore, Md. See also McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh): collector at Baltimore

  • American, and Commercial Daily Advertiser, 1:178n, 1:221n, 2:173, 2:174n
  • banks in, 2:117, 12:179, 14:497, 14:498–14:499, 15:542, 18:250
  • builders’ prices in, 12:520
  • cattle show in, 18:436
  • Church of St. Mary, 1:450, 1:450–1:451n
  • commerce at, 4:26
  • construction techniques in, 13:381
  • cotton factories in, 9:534–9:537, 9:537n
  • criticized, 17:442
  • currency, 3:525–3:526
  • customhouse, 15:542
  • defense of, 8:153, 8:154, 10:426, 10:439, 10:441
  • Delphian Club, 17:73, 17:74n
  • dinner for D. B. Warden, 3:340
  • 1812 riot in, 7:229, 7:230n, 7:231, 7:231–7:232n, 8:689, 8:689n, 14:614, 14:615n
  • Federal Republican and Baltimore Telegraph, 17:393, 17:394, 17:395n, 17:417, 18:383, 18:400, 18:400, 18:401, 18:448, 18:450, 19:32, 19:32–19:33n
  • financial distress in, 14:614, 14:615–14:616n, 16:34
  • First Independent Church, 14:462, 16:xlix, 16:599
  • flooding in, 11:606, 11:606n, 11:614, 11:626n
  • French immigrants in, 10:490
  • gaslights in, 10:310–10:311
  • glass manufactured at, 8:21, 8:142
  • library in, 15:578
  • lottery office, 4:391, 4:392n
  • Merchants’ Exchange building, 12:196, 14:652
  • merchants in, 1:50, 2:205, 7:72
  • militia of, 7:656, 7:656n
  • millers in, 7:386, 7:386n
  • and J. Monroe’s presidential tour, 11:568, 11:569n
  • museums in, 6:291, 6:291–6:292n, 6:374, 8:462, 10:179n, 16:75, 19:107
  • newspapers, 3:414n, 4:177–178, 4:234, 4:336, 4:338n, 8:260, 8:566, 8:569–8:570, 8:598, 8:599n, 8:660n, 9:607n, 10:385, 10:385n, 10:536, 10:536n, 10:537, 10:601, 11:5, 11:277, 11:279n, 11:594, 11:594–11:596, 11:604, 11:604n, 11:648, 11:649, 12:6, 12:8, 12:160–12:164, 12:293, 12:370n, 12:530, 12:531n, 13:456, 13:477, 13:497, 13:497n, 15:97, 15:100, 15:481n, 17:46, 17:46n, 17:80, 17:164, 17:164n, 17:173n, 18:214
  • prices in, 3:437, 6:561, 17:403
  • privateers from, 14:613, 14:615n, 16:166, 16:372, 19:511
  • Republican support for W. Duane, 3:585
  • Saint Mary’s College, 1:450, 1:450–1:451n, 12:478, 13:451, 13:452, 13:455n
  • scientific and literary society (later Maryland Academy of Science and Literature), 19:276, 19:276n
  • Smith family of, 3:542, 3:550, 3:550n, 3:553
  • stagecoach from, 12:584, 14:465, 14:475
  • tarring and feathering in, 2:411, 2:412n
  • TJ orders gypsum from, 2:197, 3:453
  • wages in, 12:584, 14:465
  • Washington Monument in, 14:152, 14:152n, 16:33, 16:34, 16:48

Baltimore College, 13:451–13:453, 13:454–13:455n, 16:207, 16:219, 16:271, 16:289–16:290, 16:359, 17:71–17:72, 17:105, 17:408, 17:432, 19:276, 19:276n, 20:345–20:346, 20:365

Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser (newspaper), 8:598, 8:599n, 8:660n, 9:607n, 10:536, 10:536n, 17:173n

Baltimore Patriot & Mercantile Advertiser (newspaper), 12:293, 19:693n

Baltimore Tammany Society

  • letters from, 1:176–1:179
  • letters to, 1:221

Bancroft, Aaron

  • identified, 18:323–18:324n
  • Sermons on those Doctrines of the Gospel, and on those Constituent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the subject of controversy, 20:408–20:409, 20:409n, 20:449–20:450
  • as vice president of American Antiquarian Society, 18:323

Bancroft, Edward

  • and L. P. Barziza, 18:202
  • correspondence with TJ, 9:8n, 9:283
  • identified, 9:7n
  • introduces P. I. Barziza, 9:6–9:7, 9:394
  • letter from, 9:6–9:8

Bancroft, George

  • translates Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece (A. H. L. Heeren), 20:378, 20:378n

bandages, 10:364n, 14:9, 19:308n, 19:418n

Bandini, Angelo Maria

  • and portrait of A. Vespucci, 7:613

Banger, Timothy

  • identified, 10:409n
  • letters from, 10:408–10:409, 10:409–10:410
  • letter to, 10:444
  • and package for TJ, 10:408, 10:409, 10:409, 10:444, 10:448, 10:500
  • thanks TJ, 10:408–10:409
  • TJ on, 10:444

Bangs, Edward Dillingham

  • identified, 18:324n
  • letter to, 20:133
  • as member of American Antiquarian Society, 18:323
  • An Oration pronounced at Springfield, Mass. on the Fourth of July, 1823, 20:133
  • praises TJ, 20:133, 20:133n

Banister, John, Jr., 3:183, 3:210–3:211

Bankhead, Ann (Anne) Cary Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter; Charles Lewis Bankhead’s wife)

  • and Bedford Co. land, 3:187, 4:316, 4:318n, 19:203, 19:203, 19:204n, 19:261, 19:261, 19:262, 19:420–19:421, 19:421n
  • and birth of son, 3:315n, 4:429, 4:430n
  • book for, 3:633
  • Carlton estate of, 7:401n, 8:308n
  • Carlton estate of conveyed to trustees, 8:394–8:397
  • children of, 8:395, 8:397n, 8:398, 8:636, 8:636n, 10:537, 14:77, 14:110, 17:247, 20:415n
  • Christmas visitors of, 2:110, 2:111n
  • and W. J. Coffee’s terra-cotta busts, 12:lii, 15:318
  • compared to flowers by TJ, 3:633
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:10n, 14:16
  • forwards letter to TJ, 12:553
  • gold watch for, 6:339n
  • greetings to, 7:16, 7:460, 7:623, 7:643, 7:643n, 7:656, 7:698
  • health of, 11:172, 11:172n
  • identified, 2:104n
  • infant of, 1:387, 1:396n
  • letter from, 12:553
  • letters from accounted for, 2:104n
  • letters to, 2:103–2:104, 3:633–3:634
  • and letter writing, 1:245
  • mentioned, 10:89, 10:90n, 10:212, 10:212n, 10:537
  • mistreatment by husband, 9:131
  • portrait of, 20:lii, 20:330 (illus.)
  • and portrait of M. J. Randolph, 20:li, 20:126n
  • pregnancy of, 11:15
  • relationship with husband, 14:110, 17:412
  • safety of, 14:9, 14:77, 14:110, 14:594
  • swans for, 7:621
  • TJ conveys land to, 8:278, 8:397–8:399
  • and TJ’s estate, 18:272
  • TJ misses, 3:394, 3:644
  • and TJ’s plants, 2:103
  • visits Monticello, 7:635, 9:131, 11:631n, 17:247, 17:248n

Bankhead, Charles Lewis (Ann Cary Randolph Bankhead’s husband)

  • and Albemarle Co. land, 3:621–3:622, 3:644
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344, 5:345n
  • alcohol abuse by, 9:131–9:132, 10:461–10:462, 10:537, 14:594, 17:412, 19:651–19:652, 19:652n, 19:674
  • and appointment of principal assessor, 6:442
  • attends Albemarle Co. Court, 17:59
  • and Bedford Co. land, 3:64, 3:162, 3:163n, 3:186–3:188, 4:5–4:6, 4:59, 4:279, 4:316, 4:317, 4:318n, 4:319, 19:155, 19:203, 19:204n, 19:261, 19:262, 19:420, 19:421n
  • beer for, 8:565
  • and birth of son, 3:315n
  • buys land, 2:239n
  • Carlton estate of, 7:401n, 8:277, 8:308n, 9:131–9:132, 10:168, 10:462
  • Carlton estate of conveyed to trustees, 8:394–8:397
  • debts of, 8:277, 8:394
  • and 1810 census, 3:202
  • family of, 8:395, 8:397n, 8:398, 14:77, 17:412, 20:415n
  • at family dinner, 1:387
  • and fight with T. J. Randolph, 14:8–14:9, 14:10n, 14:16–14:17, 14:19–14:20, 14:25–14:26, 14:37, 14:47, 14:60, 14:60n, 14:77, 14:110, 14:594
  • greetings to, 7:460, 7:623, 7:656
  • health of, 8:565, 14:16
  • hires out slaves to University of Virginia, 17:650, 19:47, 19:62
  • identified, 3:188n
  • letters from, 4:5–4:6, 6:517–6:518, 14:16–14:17
  • letters from accounted for, 7:636n, 10:462n, 11:244n, 14:17n, 17:412n
  • letters to, 3:644
  • marries A. Randolph, 1:396n
  • mentioned, 5:600, 12:553
  • military service of, 7:624, 7:635
  • J. Miller visits, 17:178
  • mistreats wife, 9:131
  • and portrait of M. J. Randolph, 20:li, 20:126n
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 11:243, 11:244n, 12:58, 12:58, 13:275–13:276, 13:276n
  • purchases horses, 3:180
  • requests charcoal from TJ, 6:517
  • sells corn, 10:118, 12:242
  • and W. Short’s land, 4:5–4:6, 4:59
  • and slave management, 20:30
  • slaves owned by, 8:395
  • studies law under TJ, 1:245, 1:389, 1:416, 2:103
  • TJ conveys land to, 8:277–8:278, 8:397–8:399
  • TJ on, 8:277, 8:278, 10:461–10:462, 14:16, 14:110
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • TJ sends greetings to, 3:633
  • tobacco crop of, 5:34, 5:51, 5:56–5:57, 5:63, 5:64n, 5:489
  • and University of Virginia, 17:635, 19:178
  • visits J. Bankhead, 8:123, 8:565
  • visits Monticello, 9:131
  • witnesses document, 2:229, 4:277–4:278n

Bankhead, Ellen Monroe. See Carter, Ellen Monroe Bankhead (TJ’s great-granddaughter)

Bankhead, James, 5:533–5:540, 5:542–5:543n, 5:543n

Bankhead, John

  • family of, 8:123, 11:172, 12:559n, 14:19, 14:19, 14:77, 14:594, 20:414–20:415
  • health of, 8:123
  • identified, 8:278n
  • letter from accounted for, 8:279n
  • letters to, 8:277–8:279, 9:131–9:132, 10:461–10:462
  • and T. J. Randolph, 1:590–1:591
  • as reference for W. Hawkesworth, 20:414–20:415
  • relationship with C. L. Bankhead, 8:277–8:278, 8:565, 9:131–9:132, 9:132n, 10:461–10:462, 10:537, 14:19, 14:19
  • and seeds for TJ, 10:212
  • and W. Short’s land, 3:621–3:622, 4:6, 4:59
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:103, 3:633, 3:644
  • as trustee of A. C. and C. L. Bankhead, 8:394–8:397, 8:397–8:399
  • visits Highland, 19:71
  • visits Monticello, 9:132
  • witnesses document, 3:188

Bankhead, John Warner (TJ’s great-grandson), 3:315n, 3:633, 4:429, 4:430n, 8:397n, 8:636, 8:636n, 17:247, 20:414–20:415, 20:415n

Bankhead, Mary Warner Lewis (John Bankhead’s wife)

  • relationship with C. L. Bankhead, 8:277–8:278
  • and W. Short’s land, 3:622, 4:6
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:103, 2:103, 3:633, 3:644, 8:278, 9:132, 10:462

Bankhead, Thomas Mann Randolph (TJ’s great-grandson)

  • appearance of, 11:631n
  • family of, 8:397n
  • health of, 8:636, 8:636n, 11:631n

Bankhead, William

  • identified, 17:274n
  • visits Monticello, 17:247
  • witnesses documents, 3:188, 17:273, 17:392

Bankhead, William Stuart (TJ’s great-grandson), 8:397n

Bank of Alexandria

  • notes issued by, 8:19, 8:511

Bank of Baltimore, 18:250

Bank of Columbia, 2:181, 2:182, 4:192, 4:576, 6:168, 7:380, 7:381n, 7:421, 7:617, 8:125, 8:499, 8:511, 9:587–9:588, 10:93, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639, 10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:57, 11:124, 11:155, 12:347, 12:347, 13:320, 13:320, 13:321, 14:158, 14:426, 14:427, 14:508n, 17:499, 17:500, 17:510, 17:513, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550

Bank of England

  • crisis management by, 7:193, 8:525, 8:527n
  • and resumption of specie payments, 14:206

Bank of Fredericksburg, 2:661, 3:112, 3:302, 3:373, 4:81, 4:217, 4:556, 4:557, 4:558, 5:225, 6:306, 6:314, 6:471, 17:177, 17:229

Bank of Germantown (Pa.)

  • cashier of, 9:447, 19:396

Bank of Kentucky, 16:59n

Bank of New York, 8:413, 20:57

Bank of Norfolk, 1:626, 5:494n

Bank of Orleans, 2:121, 2:192

Bank of Pennsylvania

  • drafts on, 1:407, 1:421, 1:455, 6:156, 6:258, 20:471
  • stock owned by T. Kosciuszko, 1:32n, 1:166, 1:217, 1:218n, 1:408, 2:135, 2:181, 3:89, 3:90n, 3:284, 3:289, 3:524, 3:528, 3:613, 3:617, 3:619, 4:17, 4:18n, 4:26, 4:418, 4:463, 4:487–4:488, 4:591–4:592, 4:665–4:666, 5:59–5:60, 5:374, 5:380, 5:381n, 5:393, 6:168, 6:307, 6:546, 7:170, 7:189, 7:192, 7:193–7:194, 7:211–7:212, 7:215–7:216, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:314–7:316, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:355, 7:369, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:432n, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 8:20, 8:300, 8:499, 8:499, 8:500, 8:573, 14:69

Bank of Richmond. See Bank of Virginia (Richmond)

Bank of Tennessee, 19:581

Bank of the Manhattan Company

  • directors of, 20:326
  • distressed situation of, 7:211, 7:212n, 7:216

Bank of the United States

  • deposits in, 2:121
  • drafts on, by TJ, 1:41n, 1:45, 1:49, 1:455, 1:458
  • and W. Duane, 3:450–3:451, 4:174, 5:254–5:255, 5:257n
  • and A. Gallatin, 3:602–3:603, 6:535
  • and A. Hamilton, 6:534, 12:424, 13:609
  • loan through J. Barnes and J. Madison, 1:212–1:213, 1:217–1:218, 1:246, 1:281, 1:285, 1:408
  • mentioned, 6:225, 7:654
  • opposition to, 2:70, 2:70n, 2:92, 2:93n, 3:317, 3:388–3:389, 3:449, 3:450–3:451, 4:113, 4:113n, 4:128–4:130, 5:254–5:255, 5:257n, 5:586n, 6:581, 6:594, 8:556–8:557, 9:407, 9:407n
  • and renewal of charter, 3:259, 3:274–3:275, 3:317, 3:331, 3:386, 3:388, 8:155n, 18:340n
  • and state charter for, 4:371–4:372, 4:373n
  • TJ on, 15:598

Bank of the United States, Second

  • B. Austin on, 12:484–12:485
  • Baltimore branch of, 14:495, 14:615–14:616n
  • Boston branch of, 18:164
  • constitutionality of, 13:360, 15:236–15:237, 17:548
  • W. H. Crawford on, 10:99–10:100
  • creation of, 9:354, 9:354–9:355n, 10:29, 10:29, 10:31n, 11:110, 11:380, 11:380n
  • currency of, 11:585, 12:178–12:179, 12:313, 12:406, 12:514, 13:345, 13:346, 13:474, 13:475, 13:479, 13:616, 14:6, 14:85, 14:265–14:266, 14:321, 14:500, 15:181, 15:263, 15:514, 16:150, 17:526, 18:350, 18:561, 20:100
  • directors of, 15:123, 16:360n
  • and internal improvements, 11:123n
  • and W. Jones (ca. 1761–1831), 12:178–12:179, 16:407
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s American investments, 12:347
  • list of branches of, 12:179
  • and McCulloch v. Maryland, 14:627n, 18:460
  • J. Monroe’s debt to, 19:395n
  • and Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 16:574, 16:575n, 16:617, 17:398, 17:399n
  • proposed Fredericksburg branch, 12:553n, 12:558, 12:559n
  • proposed Lynchburg branch, 12:50–12:51, 12:77, 12:78, 12:139, 12:178, 12:179, 12:280, 12:280, 12:395
  • proposed Petersburg branch, 12:139–12:140
  • Republican support for, 17:555
  • stock issued by, 14:23n, 16:23, 16:23, 16:23, 16:24, 16:90, 16:149, 16:210, 16:223, 16:333
  • TJ on, 16:488–16:489

Bank of the United States, Second, Richmond branch of

  • deposits in, 19:485
  • drafts of, 15:394, 17:172, 17:185, 18:309, 18:529
  • letter to, from T. J. Randolph and TJ, 19:300
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 15:6, 15:7, 15:30–15:31, 15:32–15:33, 15:33n, 15:34–15:35, 15:36–15:38, 15:38n, 15:46–15:47, 15:47–15:48, 15:49, 15:49, 15:50, 15:56, 15:62, 15:64, 15:78–15:79, 15:79, 15:143, 15:143n, 15:143n, 15:148, 15:173, 15:173n, 15:196–15:197, 15:204, 15:225, 15:226n, 15:245, 15:246, 15:261, 15:282, 15:291, 18:165–18:166, 18:413, 18:417, 18:572–18:573, 18:607, 19:203, 19:285–19:286, 19:288–19:289, 19:300, 19:311–19:312, 20:94
  • Resolution by, 15:6–15:7, 15:204, 15:245
  • Richmond branch of (subentry to be split apart as time permits), 11:304, 11:304n, 11:426, 11:426n, 11:451, 12:411–12:413, 12:555–12:556, 12:572, 12:585, 12:649n, 13:42, 13:123–13:124, 13:126, 13:159, 13:251, 13:283–13:284, 13:602n, 14:6, 14:42, 14:281, 14:287, 14:369n, 14:495, 14:497, 14:498, 14:586, 14:587n, 14:588n, 14:602, 14:617, 14:619, 14:621, 14:623, 14:624, 14:634, 14:640, 14:645–14:646
  • TJ’s Account with, 15:79
  • TJ’s loan from, 11:464, 11:476, 11:496, 11:496n, 11:593, 11:594, 11:605, 11:638, 12:l, 12:141, 12:148, 12:181, 12:253, 12:273, 12:527, 12:541, 12:541n, 12:555–12:556, 12:572, 12:585, 12:613, 12:632, 12:633, 12:633, 12:644, 12:645, 12:654, 12:656–12:657, 13:18, 13:42, 13:79, 13:91, 13:95, 13:101, 13:131, 13:141, 13:159, 13:165, 13:165–13:166, 13:166, 13:168, 13:171, 13:173, 13:277, 13:283, 13:285, 13:289, 13:323, 13:326, 13:459, 13:475, 13:492, 13:604, 14:7, 14:42, 14:57, 14:57, 14:72, 14:211, 14:220, 14:220, 14:245, 14:245, 14:272, 14:276, 14:281, 14:287, 14:287, 14:295, 14:308–14:309, 14:309–14:310, 14:318–14:319, 14:353, 14:354–14:355, 14:415, 14:468, 14:472, 14:473, 14:473, 14:474, 14:483, 14:486, 14:496, 14:498, 14:504, 14:543, 14:570, 14:640, 15:43–15:44, 15:45, 15:202, 15:202, 15:243, 15:332, 15:426, 15:470, 15:471n, 15:473, 15:609, 16:124, 16:126, 16:127, 16:129, 16:130, 16:131, 16:139, 16:141, 16:249, 16:326–16:327, 16:413n, 16:594, 16:594n, 16:597, 17:47, 17:242–17:243, 17:259, 17:259n, 17:263, 17:263n, 17:282, 17:284, 17:396, 17:532, 17:542, 19:32, 19:288–19:289, 19:495, 19:585, 20:568, 20:570

Bank of the Valley in Virginia (Winchester), 10:660n

Bank of Virginia (Fredericksburg)

  • check from, 17:390, 17:390–17:391

Bank of Virginia (Lynchburg)

  • loan terms of, 17:197

Bank of Virginia (Petersburg), 12:140

Bank of Virginia (Richmond)

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:339, 11:253
  • banknotes of, 7:96, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:511, 9:443, 9:447, 9:522, 9:525, 9:553, 9:587, 10:74, 10:521, 10:600, 10:630, 11:486, 11:585, 12:74, 13:475, 13:477, 13:479, 13:506, 14:321, 14:532, 15:263, 16:150, 16:169
  • and C. Bellini estate, 9:123, 9:136, 9:291, 9:490, 9:490, 9:490n, 9:492, 9:530, 10:249, 11:580, 12:578, 12:579, 12:581, 12:586
  • calls in debts, 7:515, 7:515, 7:517
  • cashier of, 19:715, 20:195
  • and Central College, 11:317, 12:411–12:413, 12:625, 12:625–12:626n, 13:162n, 15:88, 15:98
  • charter for, 7:144, 7:145n
  • deposits in, 7:617, 14:535, 14:543, 20:194, 20:195, 20:195
  • drafts on, 16:349, 16:365, 16:367, 17:128, 17:144, 17:229, 17:390–17:391, 20:194, 20:199, 20:200
  • financial condition of, 10:294, 10:295n, 10:361, 10:549, 10:549n, 12:318n
  • and S. J. Harrison, 3:374–3:375
  • and W. McClure’s debt, 5:15, 5:17, 5:174, 5:574, 5:587
  • and mail service, 3:103, 3:104n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n, 14:621
  • and J. Shoemaker, 2:95
  • and W. Short’s land sale, 5:400
  • TJ’s loan from, 1:302, 1:318, 1:344, 2:199n, 2:216, 2:217n, 2:234, 2:314, 2:329n, 2:463, 2:464n, 3:280, 3:289, 3:528, 3:561, 3:561n, 4:6, 4:17, 4:169, 4:185, 4:194, 4:463, 4:528, 4:555, 4:619, 5:102, 5:132, 6:20, 6:91, 6:113, 6:113, 6:116, 6:295, 6:306, 6:337, 6:356, 6:372+, 6:396, 6:396n, 6:544, 6:544, 6:552, 6:561, 7:69, 7:515, 7:551–7:552, 7:552, 7:555, 7:710, 7:716, 8:47, 8:49, 8:63, 8:63n, 8:180, 8:187n, 8:284, 8:323, 8:323n, 8:437+, 8:491, 8:491n, 8:491–8:492n, 8:582, 8:624–8:625, 8:676, 8:694, 9:37, 9:51, 9:62, 9:99, 9:106, 9:124, 9:133, 9:133, 9:273, 9:312, 9:313, 9:552, 9:567, 9:568, 9:593–9:594, 10:36, 10:36n, 10:59, 10:218, 10:219n, 10:388n, 10:467, 10:671, 11:208, 11:236, 11:236–11:237, 11:290–11:291, 11:362, 11:379–11:380, 11:380n, 11:395, 11:426, 11:464, 11:476, 11:496, 11:496n, 11:593, 12:l, 12:148, 12:181, 12:253, 12:273, 12:527, 12:541, 12:541n, 12:556, 12:633, 12:645, 13:18, 13:79, 13:91, 13:95, 13:131, 13:141, 13:165, 13:277, 13:283, 13:323, 13:326, 13:459, 13:475, 13:492, 13:604, 14:7, 14:42, 14:211, 14:220, 14:287, 14:295, 14:309, 14:318–14:319, 14:353, 14:415, 14:473, 14:474, 14:483, 14:570, 15:43, 15:45, 15:109, 15:202, 15:332, 15:426, 15:470, 15:471n, 15:473, 15:513, 15:518, 15:518, 15:538, 15:549, 15:609, 16:4, 16:124, 16:129, 16:139, 16:141, 16:248, 16:262, 16:401, 16:409–16:410, 16:445, 16:572, 17:60, 17:161, 17:190, 17:191, 17:195, 17:242–17:243, 17:259, 17:259n, 17:263, 17:263n, 17:282, 17:284, 17:287, 17:396, 17:532, 17:542, 18:330, 18:374, 18:586, 18:597–18:598, 19:32, 19:495, 19:585, 20:189, 20:265, 20:568, 20:570
  • and University of Virginia, 14:177, 14:221, 14:349, 15:4, 16:303, 16:303, 16:360, 16:442, 16:475, 17:128, 17:144, 17:416, 17:422, 17:428, 17:440, 17:440, 17:620, 17:620, 17:620, 17:620, 17:631, 17:631, 17:642, 17:643, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:53, 19:60
  • and Va. Literary Fund, 12:288n, 16:442
  • and wartime loan to Va., 7:670, 7:670, 8:165, 20:557

Bank of Washington (D.C.), 1:30n, 1:481, 1:481n, 1:535

Bank of Winchester, 6:306, 6:314


  • legislation on, 15:235, 15:271, 15:514–15:515, 15:515n, 15:597–15:598, 16:447, 16:522, 17:548, 17:549n, 17:560, 18:80, 18:82n, 18:149, 18:195, 18:300–18:301, 18:302n, 19:698

The Bankrupt Law of America compared with The Bankrupt Law of England (T. Cooper), 11:369, 11:370n

banks See also Bank of the United States; Bank of the United States, Second; Bank of the United States, Second, Richmond branch of; Bank of Virginia (local branches); Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (local branches)

  • J. Adams on, 3:357, 6:626, 10:360, 10:360, 10:360, 13:615, 15:235
  • B. Austin on, 12:484–12:485
  • in Baltimore, 15:542, 18:250
  • J. Barnes on, 7:192–7:194, 8:19, 8:472
  • J. C. Cabell on, 7:144, 7:669–7:671, 8:35, 10:294, 10:294
  • T. Cooper on, 7:678
  • currency issued by, 6:533n, 6:604+, 7:128, 7:134, 7:149–7:150, 7:203, 7:315–7:316, 7:716, 8:6, 8:19, 8:32, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:165, 8:167, 8:177, 8:182, 8:259–8:260, 8:306–8:307, 8:332, 8:382, 8:509, 8:510, 8:511, 8:511, 8:511–8:512, 8:556–8:557, 8:654–8:655, 9:44–9:45, 9:95–9:96, 9:97n, 9:202–9:203, 10:74, 10:432, 10:440, 10:463, 10:465, 10:471, 10:473, 10:521, 10:600, 10:630, 10:643, 11:356, 11:523, 12:178–12:179, 12:313, 12:402n, 12:406, 12:514, 12:576, 12:651, 13:423, 14:6, 14:7, 14:85, 14:101, 14:125, 14:155, 14:265–14:266, 14:286, 14:321, 14:445, 14:500, 14:532, 14:565, 15:236–15:237, 15:249, 15:463, 16:59n, 16:112–16:113, 16:114, 16:122, 16:141, 16:141n, 16:150, 16:152, 16:169, 16:223, 16:293, 16:293, 16:548, 16:596, 17:418, 18:212, 18:214, 18:222, 18:235, 18:350, 18:550, 18:561, 18:622, 19:512, 20:100, 20:240, 20:302, 20:389
  • distressed situation of, 7:128, 7:168, 7:169–7:170, 7:192–7:194, 7:211–7:212, 7:212n, 7:216, 7:384, 7:491, 7:553–7:554, 7:602, 7:653–7:655, 7:669–7:671, 7:678, 7:678, 7:689–7:691, 7:692, 7:699, 7:714, 8:18, 8:19, 8:300, 8:301, 8:472, 8:653–8:654, 8:654–8:655, 10:251, 10:252, 10:512, 10:513n, 13:165–13:166, 13:166, 14:308, 15:357, 15:367, 15:380, 15:391, 15:457, 15:471, 15:569, 16:448, 16:488–16:489, 20:240
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 9:617
  • and elections, 19:533, 19:535
  • engraving of banknotes for, 10:165–10:166, 10:167 (illus.) , 10:256
  • European, 6:224–6:225, 6:588–6:589, 6:592, 6:649, 6:649n, 6:650
  • “Franklin” on, 13:609–13:610
  • in Georgetown, D.C., 10:94–10:95, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639, 10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:57, 11:124, 11:155, 12:347, 12:347, 14:158
  • in Ky., 18:550, 18:576n
  • T. Law on, 6:578, 6:594, 6:649, 6:649, 7:468, 8:475
  • and loan curtailment, 19:622
  • and loan for University of Virginia, 15:431, 19:593, 19:595
  • J. Melish on, 3:384, 3:388–3:391
  • in New York City, 11:508, 11:539, 12:179, 14:432, 19:491, 19:522, 20:57, 20:326, 20:561
  • in N.Y., 12:402n
  • W. C. Nicholas on, 6:600
  • and Panic of 1819, 14:53, 14:245, 14:308, 14:349, 14:452–14:453, 14:596–14:597, 14:615–14:616n, 15:8, 15:48, 15:48n, 19:397
  • petitions for incorporation of, 6:649, 6:650, 7:145n
  • proliferation of, 11:288, 13:609–13:610, 16:448, 19:304
  • robbery of, 15:277, 15:278n
  • W. Short on, 7:223, 8:556–8:557
  • stock issued by, 7:363, 8:18, 8:413, 8:472, 9:587–9:588, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639, 10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 12:347, 12:347, 14:23n, 14:69, 14:158, 16:23, 16:23, 16:23, 16:24, 16:90, 16:149, 16:210, 16:223, 16:333
  • TJ on, 7:128, 7:133–7:134, 7:149–7:150, 7:168, 7:169–7:170, 7:211–7:212, 7:314–7:316, 7:442–7:443, 7:653–7:655, 7:689–7:691, 7:692, 7:699, 7:710, 7:713, 7:714, 8:31, 8:108, 8:109, 8:109, 8:163, 8:177, 8:182, 8:259–8:260, 8:265, 8:300, 8:301, 8:306–8:307, 8:355–8:356, 8:360, 8:653–8:654, 8:654–8:655, 9:95–9:96, 9:329–9:330, 9:353–9:354, 9:358, 9:407, 9:407n, 9:561–9:562n, 10:251–10:252, 10:522, 10:608, 11:194, 11:346, 12:549, 14:155, 14:224, 14:349, 14:452–14:453, 14:489, 14:491, 14:596–14:597, 15:8, 15:22, 15:48, 15:48n, 15:180–15:181, 15:236–15:237, 15:249, 15:271, 15:569, 15:598, 16:24n, 16:291, 16:488–16:489, 16:496, 19:635–19:636, 20:302, 20:561
  • in Va., 7:134, 7:144, 7:145n, 7:185, 7:203, 7:669–7:671, 7:689–7:691, 7:710, 7:713, 7:714, 7:716, 8:19, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:306, 8:511, 8:676, 8:694, 9:286–9:287, 9:287n, 9:332, 9:332n, 9:365, 9:401, 9:401n, 9:496, 10:74, 10:294, 10:294, 10:295n, 10:361, 10:549, 10:549, 10:549n, 10:659, 10:660n, 11:67, 12:50–12:51, 12:77, 12:78, 12:139–12:140, 12:178, 12:179, 12:306, 12:318n, 12:363, 12:382, 12:383, 12:388, 12:395, 12:411–12:413, 12:553n, 12:555–12:556, 12:558, 12:559n, 12:572, 12:585, 12:649, 14:76, 14:164n, 14:174, 14:266, 14:432, 14:469, 14:640, 16:101, 16:468, 16:637+, 18:298, 18:431, 19:32, 19:491, 19:522
  • in Washington, D.C., 8:499, 9:587–9:588, 12:179, 14:308, 14:470n
  • works on, 3:296, 8:6, 9:61, 9:90, 10:22–10:23, 10:25–10:29, 10:29–10:31

Banks, Henry

  • attacked by A. McRae, 1:616n
  • A Compendious View of the Establishment & Operations of Manufactory of Arms, 1:614–1:615
  • identified, 1:615n
  • letters from, 1:614–1:615
  • mentioned, 1:615
  • Observations, 3:296
  • Sketches & Propositions, 3:296

Banks, Sir Joseph

  • praises Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:287–10:288n
  • president of Royal Society of London, 6:252, 10:287n

Banks, Linn

  • correspondence with TJ published, 13:503, 13:503n
  • identified, 13:406n
  • letter to, 13:405–13:407
  • letter to, from T.M. Randolph
  • as speaker of Va. House of Delegates, 13:lii, 13:181, 13:183, 13:405–13:406, 13:473, 13:473n, 13:490, 14:22, 15:252n, 16:417n, 16:474n, 18:11n, 18:110, 18:208, 18:208n, 19:258n, 20:293n

Banks, William

  • and University of Virginia, 16:309

Bankson, John

  • identified, 1:179n
  • letters from, 1:176–1:179

Banneker, Benjamin, 1:588–1:589, 1:590n

Banyalbufar (wine), 1:366, 1:366


  • in Albemarle Co., 20:90n
  • in Charlottesville, 19:126
  • and Christian primitivism, 13:267n
  • in Pa., 19:79
  • in R.I., 16:266–16:268, 16:268n, 18:658
  • and South Carolina College, 19:246
  • in Va., 9:380, 9:382, 13:341, 15:466

Baranov, Aleksandr A.

  • manager of Russian-American Company, 4:550, 4:551, 4:554n

Barataria (fictional island), 2:44–2:45, 2:46n

Barataria Island, La.

  • pirates on, 8:84, 8:85n

Barba, Jean Nicolas

  • family of, 17:540–17:541

Barba, René Anacharsis

  • identified, 17:542n
  • introduced to TJ, 17:255
  • letter from, 17:540–17:542
  • letter to, 17:559
  • seeks employment, 17:540–17:541, 17:559

Barbary sheep, 3:190, 3:637

Barbauld, Anna Letitia

  • “The Apology of the Bishops, in Answer to ‘Bonner’s Ghost’” , 15:553, 15:553–15:554n
  • Evenings at Home, 12:534
  • The Female Speaker, 7:665
  • “A Thought on Death, November, 1814” , 18:423

barbecues, political, 1:515, 1:517n

Barbé Marbois, François, comte de

  • Complot d’Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les États-Unis d’Amérique et contre le Général Washington. Septembre 1780, 11:436, 11:438n, 11:503, 11:635, 11:635–11:636n
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s commentary on Montesquieu, 5:436
  • exile of, 11:436, 11:438n
  • greetings from, 5:576
  • identified, 11:437–11:438n
  • letter to, 11:436–11:438
  • T. Lyman introduced to, 11:294
  • sends medals, 15:392, 15:393n
  • and statue of Henry IV of France, 15:392, 15:393n
  • and TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 13:40, 13:41n, 17:337–17:338, 17:377n

Barber, Mr. See Barbour, James; Barbour, Philip Pendleton

Barber, Firth

  • as cloth manufacturer, 12:408–12:409, 12:410n

Barber, Levi

  • letter from accounted for, 12:659
  • letter to accounted for, 12:659

Barber & Phillips (Wilmington, Del., firm), 12:408–12:409, 12:409, 12:410n

Barbeyrac, Jean

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Barbier, Antoine Alexandre

  • Dictionnaire des ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, 20:346

Barbour, Mr.

  • school of, 13:428–13:429

Barbour, Benjamin Johnson

  • Account of a Visit to the University of Virginia and Monticello, 16:20–16:21
  • identified, 16:21n

Barbour, James (1775–1842)

  • and access to records, 7:256, 7:256
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319, 11:319
  • and appointments, 6:288–6:289, 6:292, 6:301, 6:336, 16:445–16:446, 16:446n, 20:455–20:456, 20:457, 20:577–20:578
  • and approach of war, 4:566
  • and brewing, 17:159, 17:178
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:118
  • description of, 13:25
  • family of, 5:391–5:392n
  • as governor of Va., 7:33, 7:61, 7:62n, 7:190, 7:232, 7:669, 7:670, 7:671n, 8:47, 11:182, 17:178
  • identified, 4:415–4:416n
  • introduces Mr. Lewis, 17:496
  • issues proclamation, 7:669, 7:671n
  • and W. F. Jones, 6:126, 6:127n
  • letters from, 4:415–4:416, 4:485–4:486, 4:559, 6:336, 9:532, 9:563, 10:651–10:652, 11:227, 14:141, 17:159, 17:496, 19:291
  • letters to, 4:432–4:434, 4:565–4:566, 6:288–6:289, 7:256, 9:532–9:533, 11:3, 17:178–17:179, 20:455–20:456
  • and W. McClure’s debts, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:639–5:640
  • and Missouri question, 15:532
  • portrait of, 11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.)
  • on Republican presidential nominations, 9:563
  • seeks plants, 9:532, 9:532n, 9:532–9:533, 11:227
  • sends works to TJ, 19:291
  • TJ advises, 4:415, 4:432–4:434, 4:485–4:486
  • and TJ’s designs for Barboursville, 11:xlvi, 11:223–11:227, 11:227, 11:232 (illus.)
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • and transmission of packages to and from TJ, 14:76, 14:141, 14:165, 14:189
  • transmits seeds to TJ, 4:534, 4:559, 4:565–4:566
  • and J. Trumbull’s historical paintings, 10:651–10:652, 11:3
  • as U.S. senator, 8:47n, 18:83, 20:560, 20:561n
  • and War of 1812, 5:191–5:192, 7:623, 7:632
  • wool cloth manufactured for, 6:631–6:632n

Barbour, James (1798–1857)

  • and University of Virginia, 20:196, 20:212, 20:213

Barbour, Lucy Johnson (James Barbour’s wife)

  • seeds for, 9:533

Barbour, Mordecai, 1:25

Barbour, Philip Pendleton

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • as attorney, 19:559
  • and Cohens v. Virginia, 17:32n
  • and F. Eppes’s inheritance, 20:250, 20:251–20:252
  • identified, 5:391–5:392n
  • introduces J. Fray and W. Wright, 18:636
  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:554, 6:630
  • letters from, 10:302, 18:636–18:637
  • letters from accounted for, 6:555n, 20:250n
  • letters to, 5:391–5:392, 5:516–5:522, 20:250
  • letters to accounted for, 5:392n, 6:289n
  • and Limestone Survey lawsuit, 10:302, 14:429
  • recommends G. W. Spotswood, 20:584
  • and Rivanna Company, 5:391, 5:516–5:522, 5:526–5:528, 5:529, 5:529, 5:556, 5:639
  • as speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 18:300, 18:302n
  • speech of on Seminole War, 14:92, 14:92n
  • TJ pays, 20:250, 20:250n
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 13:580, 16:508
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:152

Barbour, Thomas, 3:636

Barboursville (J. Barbour’s Orange Co. estate), 9:532, 9:532n, 11:xlvi, 11:223–11:227, 11:227, 11:232 (illus.) , 13:24, 13:25, 20:291n, 20:298

Barcelona, 4:222–4:223

Barclay, Alexander Tedford

  • and Natural Bridge, 19:132, 19:132n

Barclay, David

  • identified, 14:535n
  • purchases TJ’s tobacco, 18:602
  • as trustee of Smith & Riddle, 14:534, 14:535

Barclay, Hugh

  • Rockbridge Co. property of, 12:175, 16:280, 17:556, 17:556n

Barclay, John D.

  • certifies Treasury Department warrants, 9:495n

Barclay, Robert

  • An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, 12:554
  • Quaker theologian, 4:152–4:153, 17:246

Barclay, Samuel (ship captain), 11:531

“The Bard: A Pindaric Ode” (T. Gray), 3:633n

Bardstown Repository (Ky. newspaper), 4:277n

Barentin, Charles de

  • as keeper of the seals, 17:364

Barère, Bertrand

  • La Libertád de los Mares, ó el Gobiérno Inglés descubiérto (trans. C. Le Brun), 18:95–18:96, 18:156

Bargellini, Giovanni Santi

  • merchant, 9:293

barilla, 2:283n, 14:466

Baring, Alexander, first Baron Ashburton

  • and British debt, 3:199
  • family of, 15:478
  • An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, 1:35
  • and Lafayette, 3:212, 3:445

Baring, Francis

  • and Lafayette, 2:16, 2:245, 3:54, 3:55n, 4:30, 4:359, 4:649, 4:650, 5:213

Baring Brothers & Company (London firm)

  • identified, 7:440n
  • and Lafayette’s debts, 3:212
  • letter from, 8:484
  • letters from, to John Barnes, 8:125, 9:182–9:183
  • letters to, 7:439–7:440
  • letters to, from J. Barnes, 8:484, 8:484n
  • and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 2:219, 3:525n, 4:418, 7:421, 7:431n, 7:432, 7:437, 7:441, 7:442, 7:456, 7:499, 8:125, 8:430, 8:484, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 8:573, 9:181, 9:182, 9:367, 9:448, 9:465, 10:296, 10:297n, 10:567, 10:567, 10:599, 10:641–10:642, 11:350, 11:362, 12:347, 13:319, 14:69
  • and W. Short’s certificates, 2:479n

bark. See cinchona (Peruvian bark)

Barker, Jacob

  • writings of, 8:6

Barker, John, 5:623n

Barksdale, A.

  • and University of Virginia, 15:96, 15:97, 15:97

Barksdale, John H.

  • and University of Virginia, 15:95

Barksdale, Jonathan

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and University of Virginia, 17:627

Barksdale, Nathan D.

  • and University of Virginia, 20:196

Barksdale, Nelson

  • Advertisement for Workmen for the University of Virginia, 14:40, 14:86–14:88, 14:91, 14:97–14:98, 14:98, 14:120, 14:124, 14:125, 14:136, 14:139, 14:163, 14:170, 14:172, 14:212n, 14:216, 14:218, 14:651, 14:652, 15:131, 17:173n, 17:298n
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:64
  • as Central College proctor, 11:467n, 11:570, 12:183, 13:17, 13:18n, 13:161, 13:162–13:163n, 13:163–13:164, 13:164n, 13:164n, 13:164n, 13:164n, 13:365–13:366, 13:501n, 13:598, 15:81, 15:83, 15:85–15:86, 15:86, 15:93, 15:94, 15:94, 15:95, 17:644n, 19:100, 19:174, 19:175, 19:175–19:176, 19:179, 19:180, 19:180, 19:180
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:326, 11:328, 12:625, 13:162, 15:98, 16:475, 17:630
  • identified, 12:183–12:184n
  • letter from, 19:100
  • letter to, 12:183–12:184
  • letter to, from C. Carter and W. B. Phillips, 14:163–14:165
  • letter to, from J. Dinsmore, 14:170–14:171
  • letter to, from J. Dinsmore and J. M. Perry, 14:187–14:188
  • letter to, from J. Oldham, 14:172
  • letter to, from R. Ware, 14:170
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:307, 16:308, 16:316, 16:319, 16:475, 16:476, 16:476, 16:478, 16:480, 16:480, 17:620, 17:630, 17:634, 17:649, 17:654, 19:46, 19:49, 19:50, 19:53, 19:54, 19:56, 19:62, 19:186, 19:189, 20:555
  • as University of Virginia proctor, 13:539, 14:86–14:88, 14:95–14:96n, 14:113n, 14:124, 14:152, 14:163, 14:169–14:170n, 14:170–14:171, 14:172, 14:173, 14:176, 14:177, 14:187, 14:196n, 14:216n, 14:651–14:652, 14:652–14:653, 15:83, 15:100, 15:101, 17:625, 19:174, 19:175, 19:175–19:176, 19:179, 19:180, 19:180, 19:187, 20:173, 20:174
  • and valuation of Albemarle Co. slaves, 20:486n

Barksdale, Samuel

  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279, 14:422
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280


  • as farm produce, 3:348, 8:439, 12:255, 14:34
  • Italian, 15:327
  • Persian, 4:49
  • seed, 2:272, 4:562, 5:384
  • sent to TJ, 1:44
  • from Spain, 15:156, 15:528n
  • TJ orders, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109

Barlow, Capt.

  • allegedly delivers letter, 19:615

Barlow, Joel

  • carries TJ’s letters to France, 3:553–3:554, 3:564, 3:565n, 3:598–3:599, 3:613, 3:617, 3:619, 3:627, 4:49, 4:62–4:63, 4:327, 4:462
  • The Columbiad, 1:35, 5:614, 5:617, 5:618, 5:621
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:547
  • and N. Cutting, 10:677
  • death of, 5:612, 5:665, 5:667n, 5:674, 6:45, 6:57, 6:485n, 7:428n, 7:490, 8:37, 8:38n, 8:45
  • departure for France delayed, 4:26, 4:28–4:29
  • and dynamometer, 2:111, 2:145, 2:176, 2:317
  • An Elegy on the late honorable Titus Hosmer, 5:614, 5:617n, 5:618
  • forwards book manuscript to TJ, 6:45
  • forwards letters to TJ, 4:350, 5:359+
  • historical writings of, 2:145, 2:176–2:177, 3:564, 3:565n, 3:598, 13:24
  • J. A. Houdon bust of, 5:l, 5:358 (illus.)
  • identified, 1:589–1:590n
  • Joel Barlow to his Fellow Citizens, of the United States of America. Letter I, 5:615, 5:617n, 5:619
  • Joel Barlow to his Fellow Citizens of the United States. Letter II, 5:615, 5:617n, 5:619
  • and T. Kosciuszko, 4:29, 13:273
  • and Lafayette, 4:358–4:359, 4:359
  • letters from, 2:145–2:147, 3:598–3:599, 3:619, 4:49
  • letters from mentioned, 2:178
  • letters to, 1:588–1:590, 2:111–2:112, 2:176–2:177, 3:564–3:565, 3:613–3:614, 4:51–4:52, 4:62–4:63
  • Letter to Henri Gregoire, 1:588, 1:590n
  • and T. Main, 2:146, 2:177
  • mentioned, 3:280, 5:276, 5:580n, 6:429n, 10:353
  • and merino sheep, 2:3
  • as minister to Algiers, 9:575
  • Obituary by P. S. Du Pont de Nemours and K. E. Oelsner, 5:612, 5:614–5:617, 5:618–5:621, 6:515–6:516, 6:516n, 7:525, 10:46
  • opinion of W. Lambert’s ode, 2:401n
  • Oration delivered at Washington, July Fourth, 1809, 1:588, 1:590n
  • on T. Paine, 6:297
  • portrait of, 20:320–20:321
  • and profit-making scheme, 3:578n
  • proposed historical work by, 11:461n
  • Prospectus of a National Institution, 4:24n, 5:615–5:616, 5:617n, 5:620
  • A Review of Robert Smith’s Address to the People of the United States, 4:21n
  • sends grain samples to TJ, 4:49
  • settlement of accounts of, 20:578
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 1:589, 2:147
  • and TJ’s belongings in Washington, 4:49, 4:51–4:52, 4:193, 4:215
  • and tobacco seed for A. von Humboldt, 4:358+
  • and treaty negotiations in Paris, 4:649, 4:650n, 4:665, 4:665n, 5:68, 5:82, 5:107, 5:212, 5:436–5:437, 5:576, 5:577n
  • U.S. minister to France, 3:427, 3:443, 3:444n, 3:521, 3:539, 3:564–3:565, 3:598–3:599, 4:17, 4:22, 4:30, 4:34, 4:54, 4:155, 4:358, 4:418, 4:446, 4:529, 4:540n, 5:296, 5:436, 5:616, 5:617n, 5:620, 7:428n, 13:273
  • The Vision of Columbus, 5:615, 5:619
  • and J. Wilson, 6:415n

Barlow, Ruth Baldwin (Joel Barlow’s wife)

  • conveys letter, 6:459
  • dispute with D. B. Warden, 6:484, 6:485n, 8:45, 15:599n
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 5:612, 6:484
  • family of, 5:614, 5:617n, 5:619
  • health of, 1:589, 5:674
  • sends greetings to TJ, 3:599
  • superintends husband’s business, 5:617n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:177, 3:564–3:565, 3:613–3:614

Barlow, Thomas, 6:484, 6:485n, 8:37

Barlowe, Arthur, 11:293n+

Barnaby (slave), 14:476, 15:308

Barnaby (TJ’s slave; b. 1783). See Gillette, Barnaby (TJ’s slave; b. 1783)

Barnard, Mr. (of York Co., Pa.)

  • as Revolutionary War veteran, 20:586–20:587

Barnard, John

  • A Present for an Apprentice, 18:189, 18:224

Barnard, Robert

  • identified, 16:502–16:503n
  • letter from, 16:502–16:503
  • letter to, 16:520
  • and University of Virginia professorship for S. Barnard, 16:502, 16:520, 20:501

Barnard, Samuel

  • identified, 20:502n
  • letter from, 20:501–20:502
  • letter to, 20:561
  • Polyglot Grammar, 20:501, 20:502n, 20:561
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 16:502, 16:503n, 20:501

Barnave, Antoine Pierre Joseph Marie

  • and French Constitution of 1791, 17:370

Barnes, David Leonard

  • as federal judge, 3:231, 3:232n

Barnes, John

  • account with T. Kosciuszko, 7:432, 7:456–7:457, 7:499, 8:430, 8:484, 8:499, 8:500, 8:500–8:501, 9:465, 9:465, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:431, 10:638, 10:638–10:642, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:125, 12:317, 12:347, 12:347–12:348, 13:319, 13:320–13:321, 14:68, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:131, 14:158, 14:482
  • and M. P. Beckley, 2:135, 2:151, 2:182, 3:528, 3:558–3:559, 3:587–3:588, 4:3
  • and P. Cardelli’s busts, 17:136, 17:159–17:160, 18:212, 18:299, 18:299, 18:301, 18:310, 18:327
  • and correspondence for M. Wanscher, 13:107, 13:120–13:121, 13:121, 13:144–13:145
  • cosigns loan to TJ with J. Madison, 1:212–1:213, 1:217–1:218, 1:246, 1:281, 1:285, 1:408
  • as customs collector, 4:488–4:489, 4:685
  • on defense of Washington, 7:554, 7:617–7:618
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s Treatise on Political Economy, 10:452, 10:479, 10:480, 10:625
  • on European affairs, 6:212
  • family of, 11:350, 16:427
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:241–14:242, 14:270
  • friendship with J. Alsop, 14:3
  • handles financial transactions, 1:458, 1:467, 7:261, 7:261–7:262, 7:284, 7:294, 7:323, 7:456–7:457, 7:553–7:554, 7:572, 7:713, 8:430, 8:573, 9:130, 9:131n, 9:553, 9:648, 9:649n, 11:425, 11:507–11:508, 11:539, 11:648, 11:648n, 13:470, 13:486, 13:506, 13:542, 20:478, 20:483, 20:496, 20:496, 20:497, 20:503, 20:516, 20:531
  • health of, 6:558, 7:284, 7:294, 8:473, 14:270, 15:480, 16:427, 17:497, 18:310, 18:327, 20:496
  • identified, 1:32n
  • injures arm, 1:166, 1:206, 1:218
  • introduced to G. W. Campbell by TJ, 7:354, 9:14
  • introduces Mr. Parr, 17:78, 17:136
  • introduces J. E. White, 15:126
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s American investments, 2:134–2:135, 2:151–2:152, 2:181–2:182, 2:188, 2:219, 2:256, 2:260, 3:89, 3:90n, 3:284, 3:289, 3:524, 3:528, 3:531, 3:558, 3:567, 3:587, 3:613, 3:617, 4:3, 4:17, 4:26, 4:29, 4:418, 4:462–4:463, 4:469, 4:487–4:488, 4:521, 4:576, 4:591–4:592, 4:621, 4:629, 4:666, 4:684–4:685, 5:27–5:28, 5:59–5:60, 5:188, 5:192, 5:295, 5:374, 5:380, 5:381n, 5:393, 5:484, 5:531, 5:571, 6:85, 6:91–6:92, 6:118, 6:166, 6:167, 6:168, 6:211–6:212, 6:212, 6:239–6:240, 6:262–6:263, 6:307, 6:507, 6:546, 6:558, 6:577–6:578, 6:606–6:607, 6:607n, 7:9–7:10, 7:46, 7:169–7:170, 7:189, 7:192–7:194, 7:211–7:212, 7:215–7:216, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:314–7:316, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:355, 7:363, 7:369, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:431–7:432, 7:432, 7:437, 7:440, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 7:475, 7:499, 7:553–7:554, 7:572, 7:617, 7:713, 8:20, 8:125, 8:125, 8:145, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:300–8:301, 8:425–8:426, 8:437–8:438, 8:472–8:473, 8:480–8:481, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 8:499, 8:500, 8:500–8:501, 8:573, 9:181–9:182, 9:182n, 9:182, 9:367, 9:448, 9:465, 9:465, 9:500, 9:587–9:588, 10:93, 10:94–10:95, 10:250, 10:250, 10:295–10:297, 10:312–10:313, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:479, 10:567–10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:638, 10:665, 11:27, 11:57–11:58, 11:58n, 11:124–11:125, 11:155, 11:155, 11:187, 11:350, 11:361, 11:362, 11:447–11:448, 11:522, 11:523, 12:23, 12:317, 12:319, 12:322–12:323, 12:347, 12:347–12:348, 13:320–13:321, 13:542, 14:68–14:69, 14:324, 14:425–14:426, 14:426–14:427, 14:444, 15:376–15:377, 17:510, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550
  • on T. Kosciuszko’s death, 12:293, 13:84, 13:84n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:316–12:317, 12:317, 12:346, 13:319, 14:3–14:4, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:131, 14:158, 14:324, 14:343, 14:370, 14:425–14:426, 14:444, 14:482, 17:443, 17:485, 17:497, 17:500, 17:510, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550
  • letters from, 2:134–2:135, 2:181–2:182, 2:219, 3:284, 3:524–3:525, 3:558–3:559, 3:587, 4:3, 4:26–4:28, 4:418, 4:487–4:489, 4:521, 4:576, 4:629–4:631, 5:27–5:28, 5:59–5:60, 5:177, 5:374, 5:393, 5:483–5:484, 5:530–5:531, 6:91, 6:91–6:92, 6:166, 6:168, 6:211–6:212, 6:262–6:263, 6:546, 6:558, 6:606–6:607, 7:46, 7:189, 7:192–7:194, 7:215–7:216, 7:233–7:234, 7:283–7:284, 7:294–7:295, 7:323, 7:333–7:334, 7:334–7:335, 7:363, 7:369, 7:380–7:381, 7:421–7:422, 7:431–7:432, 7:437–7:438, 7:456–7:457, 7:469–7:470, 7:470–7:472, 7:499–7:500, 7:553–7:554, 7:617–7:618, 8:19–8:20, 8:125, 8:145, 8:194–8:195, 8:430, 8:437–8:438, 8:497–8:499, 9:181–9:182, 9:367, 9:465, 9:500, 9:587–9:588, 10:93–10:94, 10:250, 10:295–10:297, 10:312–10:313, 10:431–10:432, 10:479, 10:567–10:568, 10:598–10:599, 10:638, 10:665, 11:57–11:58, 11:155, 11:217–11:218, 11:350–11:351, 11:385–11:386, 11:402, 11:507–11:508, 11:522, 11:523–11:524, 11:539, 12:293–12:294, 12:346–12:347, 12:531–12:532, 13:84, 13:120–13:121, 13:319–13:320, 13:442, 13:486–13:487, 13:542, 14:3–14:4, 14:68, 14:68–14:69, 14:158, 14:241–14:242, 14:370, 14:444, 15:126, 17:78–17:79, 17:159–17:160, 17:443, 17:497, 17:533, 18:310, 19:168–19:169, 20:496–20:497
  • letters from accounted for, 1:166n, 1:281n, 1:408n, 1:455n, 1:509n, 3:90n, 15:480n, 15:480n
  • letters from, to Baring Brothers & Company, 8:484, 8:484n
  • letters from, to M. P. Beckley, 3:587–3:588
  • letters from, to T. Kosciuszko, 8:498–8:499n
  • letters to, 1:165–1:166, 1:217–1:218, 1:281, 1:408, 1:455, 1:467, 2:151–2:152, 2:188, 2:256, 3:29–3:30, 3:89–3:90, 3:289–3:290, 3:528, 4:17–4:18, 4:462–4:463, 4:554–4:555, 4:589–4:590, 4:621, 4:684–4:685, 5:145, 5:380–5:381, 5:499, 5:570–5:571, 6:84–6:85, 6:118, 6:239–6:240, 6:307, 6:507, 6:577–6:578, 7:169–7:170, 7:211–7:212, 7:261, 7:261–7:262, 7:314–7:317, 7:353–7:354, 7:440–7:441, 7:572, 7:713, 8:172, 8:425–8:426, 8:472–8:473, 8:480–8:481, 9:448, 9:553, 10:451, 10:452, 10:584–10:585, 10:625, 11:27, 11:124–11:125, 11:187, 11:361–11:362, 11:425–11:426, 11:438–11:439, 12:316–12:317, 13:107, 13:144–13:145, 13:388, 13:469, 13:506, 14:131, 14:270, 14:425–14:426, 15:479–15:480, 17:136, 17:485, 17:510, 17:550, 18:327, 19:201–19:202, 20:478
  • letters to accounted for, 10:297n, 11:539n
  • letter to, from Baring Brothers & Company, 8:125
  • letter to, from T. Kosciuszko, 9:465
  • letters to, from J. Milligan, 10:480, 11:523–11:524
  • letters to mentioned, 2:155, 2:260, 2:261n
  • manages funds for TJ’s granddaughter, 9:553, 9:553–9:554, 9:578, 9:579, 9:587, 10:93
  • mentioned, 4:193
  • on Napoleon’s return to power, 8:497–8:498
  • on prospects for peace, 7:437, 7:499–7:500, 8:20, 8:125
  • recommends J. Eliason, 5:483–5:484, 5:499, 5:530, 5:570–5:571, 6:91, 6:166
  • reports on visit with W. Short, 7:469–7:470, 7:471–7:472, 7:472n
  • and runaway slave, 11:438–11:439, 11:522
  • sends greetings to TJ, 4:471–4:472, 5:177
  • sends newspaper to TJ, 11:217
  • ships goods to TJ, 1:44–1:45, 1:509, 11:523, 17:295, 17:485, 17:489, 17:497, 17:504
  • and W. Short’s certificates, 2:478, 3:29–3:30, 3:89, 3:106, 3:197
  • on stability of banks, 7:192–7:194, 8:19, 8:472
  • and supplies for TJ, 4:26–4:28, 4:630, 4:685
  • TJ pays, 1:41, 3:528, 3:531, 3:550, 3:551, 3:559, 4:557, 6:117, 7:441, 7:517, 7:552, 7:572, 7:572, 7:602, 7:617, 8:19, 8:425–8:426, 8:426, 8:427, 8:434, 8:437, 8:451, 8:483, 8:501, 11:426n, 15:479
  • TJ’s account with, 1:31–1:32, 1:166, 1:217, 4:3, 4:17–4:18, 4:463, 6:118, 6:166, 6:167, 7:422, 7:441, 7:617, 7:713, 11:522, 11:522–11:523, 15:425
  • as TJ’s agent, 4:554–4:555, 4:560, 4:560, 4:561, 4:576, 4:577, 4:589–4:590, 4:685, 4:686, 5:28, 5:129, 5:130–5:131, 5:145, 5:177, 5:454, 6:506, 6:506, 6:506n, 7:333, 7:353, 7:713, 8:472–8:473, 10:240, 13:469, 14:370, 15:479–15:480, 15:480n
  • and TJ’s health, 13:388, 13:442, 13:469, 14:242, 14:242, 14:270, 18:310, 18:310, 19:168, 19:201, 20:478, 20:496
  • TJ’s power of attorney to, 8:145, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194, 10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:584, 10:584, 10:585, 10:585–10:586, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:665, 11:27, 11:57, 11:124–11:125, 11:155, 11:155, 11:187
  • travels to Philadelphia, 7:363, 7:381, 7:456, 7:457, 7:469–7:470, 7:470–7:472
  • and B. O. Tyler’s engraving of Declaration of Independence, 12:531
  • visits Monticello, 11:350, 11:361–11:362, 11:385–11:386, 11:402, 11:413, 11:425, 11:522
  • on wartime finance, 8:19–8:20, 8:125

Barnes, Joseph (d. 1818)

  • appointed consul, 13:375, 13:377n
  • death of, 13:375–13:377, 13:377n, 14:256
  • estate of, 14:256–14:257
  • family of, 14:256–14:257

Barnes, Joseph (1779–1839)

  • as Philadelphia attorney, 20:118

Barnes, Joshua

  • edits Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus (Anacreon), 10:357, 14:510, 15:24
  • edits Euripidis Tragoediae Fragmenta Epistolae (Euripides), 14:510, 15:24, 17:106
  • edits Euripidis Tragœdiæ Viginti (Euripides), 14:193

Barnes, Sarah

  • signs petition, 18:146

Barnet, Isaac Cox

  • and C. G. G. Botta, 20:498, 20:509
  • as claims commissioner, 9:388
  • as consul, 8:161, 9:388, 9:648, 10:21, 10:22n, 11:473, 12:187, 13:54, 13:272, 13:272, 13:280, 13:280, 13:282n, 13:282n, 14:86, 14:388, 17:266
  • and Destutt de Tracy, 16:420, 16:421, 16:486, 20:497–20:498
  • on French elections, 12:38–12:39
  • identified, 5:463–5:464n
  • and M. A. Jullien, 12:229, 12:230, 12:232n, 17:65
  • and T. Kosciuszko, 12:38, 12:228–12:229
  • letters from, 5:463–5:464, 12:38–12:40, 12:228–12:229, 20:497–20:498
  • letters to, 7:50
  • letters to, from Destutt de Tracy, 16:423n, 16:487n
  • and P. Poinsot’s consular ambitions, 16:51–16:52
  • sends works to TJ, 5:463, 5:580n, 6:489, 6:509, 7:50, 18:547, 20:497
  • and TJ’s health, 14:148
  • and D. B. Warden’s removal as consul, 7:428n, 7:428n, 7:428–7:429n
  • witnesses document, 8:346n

Barnett, Fanny

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:307, 16:476, 16:479

Barnett, John

  • and University of Virginia, 17:626

Barnett, William

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:308

Barnett’s Tavern (Fauquier Co.), 1:52n

Barney, Joshua

  • American naval commander, 19:74n
  • and contested congressional election, 7:177n
  • and row galleys, 6:169–6:170, 6:170n, 6:216
  • and trade with Saint Domingue, 1:515, 1:517n


  • altitude calculated with, 9:9–9:10, 9:10n, 9:11, 9:12n, 9:71–9:72, 9:187, 9:188–9:192, 9:193, 9:313–9:315, 9:316–9:317n, 11:51, 11:51–11:52, 12:341–12:342, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492, 13:348
  • and cartography, 16:99
  • and meteorological observations, 9:239–9:243, 16:97, 16:97, 16:97
  • mountain, 9:224, 9:225n
  • for surveying, 9:642–9:643, 9:689
  • TJ purchases, 5:xlviii

The Baronage of England (W. Dugdale), 8:581, 9:109

Baronio (Baronius), Cesare

  • quoted, 7:24

Barr, Thomas Tilton

  • identified, 10:593n
  • and Kentucky Society for Promoting Agriculture, 10:593, 10:593n, 11:4
  • letter from, 10:593
  • letter to, 11:4

Barraclough, William

  • identified, 15:558n
  • letter from, 15:558–15:559
  • letter to, 15:591
  • Poetical essays, on several subjects: containing various views of nature, interspersed with moral reflections, 15:558, 15:558–15:559n, 15:591

Barralet, John James

  • and publication of Declaration of Independence, 5:631, 5:633n, 5:643

Barraud, Ann B.

  • and Bremo (J. H. Cocke’s Fluvanna Co. estate), 9:502n

Barraud, John Taylor

  • forwards books for D. B. Warden, 5:436, 5:499–5:500, 7:90
  • identified, 5:500n
  • letters from accounted for, 5:500n
  • letters to, 5:499–5:500

Barré, Isaac, 13:329, 18:145

Barrell, George

  • and Jewel of Malta, 18:60n

barrels, 11:603, 12:192, 12:302, 12:349, 12:542, 14:268, 14:542, 14:554, 14:585, 15:86, 16:418, 16:432, 16:569, 17:498, 17:498n, 17:515, 20:218

Barret, William

  • identified, 16:592n
  • letters from, 16:592, 17:40–17:41, 17:439, 20:62–20:63
  • letters to, 16:596, 17:17, 17:430, 18:624, 19:110, 20:73
  • and TJ’s debt to A. Robertson & Company, 16:592, 16:596, 17:16, 17:17, 17:40, 17:430, 17:439, 18:403, 18:577, 18:585, 18:624, 18:624n, 19:31, 19:69, 19:85, 19:110, 19:110, 19:132, 19:143, 19:154, 19:155n, 20:7, 20:62, 20:73, 20:73–20:74

Barrett, Jean Jacques de

  • translates Cicero, 9:354, 9:420

Barrett, John, 14:551n

Barrett, Oliver

  • identified, 4:512–4:513n
  • letters from, 4:592–4:593
  • letters to, 4:512–4:513, 4:579–4:580
  • spinning machine of, 4:424–4:425, 4:426, 4:512–4:513, 4:579–4:580, 4:588, 4:589, 4:592, 4:637, 4:666–4:667, 4:673, 5:21–5:22, 5:23, 5:24, 5:80, 5:134, 5:181, 5:182n, 5:182n, 5:208, 5:209, 5:241–5:242

Barringer Creek (Albemarle Co.), 3:432

Barrington, Daines

  • as literary patron, 11:613

Barrois, Louis Théophile

  • as bookseller, 11:636, 12:18

Barrois, Louis François

  • and TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 17:337–17:338, 17:377n

Barron, James

  • charges against, 17:516, 17:517n, 17:517n, 17:517–17:518, 17:518–17:519, 17:519n

Barron, Richard

  • edits Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy Shaken, 13:138, 13:138–13:139n

Barrow, David

  • identified, 8:365n
  • Involuntary, Unmerited, Perpetual, Absolute, Hereditary Slavery, Examined, 8:365n
  • letter from, 8:364–8:365
  • letter to, 8:454–8:455
  • Minutes of the Kentucky Abolition Society, 8:365n

Barrow, William

  • An Essay on Education, 7:658, 7:666n

Barrowby, William

  • translates A Treatise of the Venereal Disease (J. Astruc), 12:589

Barry, Mr.

  • letter from J. Wagner to, 3:262–3:263
  • and newspaper anecdote, 3:261

Barry, Edmund D.

  • and Baltimore College, 16:207

Barry, James

  • quoted, 13:540, 13:540n

Barry, Jeanne du

  • mentioned, 6:622
  • quoted by J. Adams, 6:466–6:467

Barry, John

  • American naval commander, 19:73, 19:74n

Barry, Richard

  • and Blodget’s Hotel, 4:577
  • identified, 2:41n
  • letters from, 2:52–2:53, 2:188, 2:362, 3:342, 3:441, 4:326, 4:422, 4:577
  • letters to, 2:40–2:41, 2:80–2:81, 2:346, 3:460, 3:525, 4:463
  • letters to accounted for, 4:577n
  • order on TJ of, 2:40, 2:40, 2:52–2:53, 2:77, 2:80
  • painter at President’s House, 1:200
  • and W. Thornton’s shepherd dogs, 2:456, 2:490, 2:511, 2:666, 3:63, 3:241
  • TJ makes payments to, 4:555, 4:576, 4:576, 4:576n, 4:577, 4:590
  • TJ’s debt to, 3:342, 3:441, 3:460, 3:525, 3:528, 3:531, 3:550, 3:551, 3:587, 4:3, 4:17–4:18, 4:326, 4:422, 4:463
  • and window glass for TJ, 2:80, 2:188, 2:346, 2:362, 3:556, 3:557n

Barry, William Taylor

  • circular on education, 18:476, 18:478–18:479, 18:480n, 18:514
  • identified, 18:477n
  • letter from, 18:476–18:478, 19:258–19:259
  • letter from TJ referenced, 19:136, 19:137n, 19:334
  • letter to, 18:513–18:514
  • and report on public education in Ky., 19:258, 19:259n
  • on TJ, 18:476–18:477
  • and TJ’s health, 19:258–19:259

Barsac (wine), 9:209, 9:513, 10:58, 10:278, 10:292

Barthe, Dominick

  • forwards J. Potocki book, 3:434, 3:456
  • identified, 3:434n
  • letters from, 3:434
  • letters to, 3:456

Barthélemy, Jean Jacques

  • scholarship of, 9:697
  • Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, 1:580, 1:582n, 7:662, 7:666n, 7:666n, 12:534, 15:26, 19:505, 19:509n

Bartholomew, Benjamin (ship captain), 13:11, 13:166

Bartle, Andrew, 17:109

Bartlet (TJ’s slave; b. 1786)

  • delivers letter, 8:158n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • transports hogs, 8:158

Bartlet, William, 18:445, 18:445n

Bartlett, Joseph

  • Aphorisms on Men, Manners, Principles and Things. Physiognomy, a Poem: and the Blessings of Poverty, 20:419, 20:419n, 20:495
  • identified, 20:419–20:420n
  • letter from, 20:419–20:420
  • letter to, 20:495

Bartlett, Josiah

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:332

Bartling, Daniel

  • and clarification of liquids, 10:606, 10:606n

Bartolini, Lorenzo

  • Italian sculptor, 9:127–9:128, 9:128n, 9:350, 9:387, 9:670

Barton, Aron S.

  • letters from, 2:4
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 2:4

Barton, Benjamin Smith

  • Additional Facts, Observations, and Conjectures relative to the … Opossum of North-America, 8:422, 8:422–8:423n
  • and American Philosophical Society, 6:516n, 7:281n, 7:281n, 8:193, 8:194n, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323, 8:324, 8:327
  • and appointment to U.S. Army medical department, 6:27, 6:28n, 6:46, 6:64
  • Archaeologiae Americanae Telluris Collectanea et Specimina, 2:510n, 8:422, 8:422n
  • and books borrowed from TJ, 8:284, 8:319, 8:422
  • botany lectures, 1:45, 1:46n, 1:191, 1:245, 1:308
  • botany work, 3:167, 3:181, 3:596
  • and classification of animals, 7:152
  • Collections for An Essay towards a Materia Medica of the United-States, 13:248
  • correspondence with TJ published, 3:76, 3:76n
  • on cucumber tree, 20:96n
  • death of, 9:309, 9:310n, 10:445, 12:171–12:172, 12:461
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:295, 7:302, 7:562
  • and Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 3:589
  • Elements of Botany, 1:35, 1:581, 7:626, 19:508
  • and extinction of species, 12:443
  • family of, 17:98, 17:114
  • and S. Godon’s mulberry paper, 2:404n
  • and history of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2:332, 3:166–3:167, 3:181–3:182, 3:309, 3:582, 3:649–3:650, 6:46, 6:46, 6:531, 10:444–10:445, 10:445, 12:171–12:172
  • A. von Humboldt sends greetings to, 1:453n
  • identified, 1:521n
  • illness of, 8:274, 8:325, 8:422, 12:460–12:461
  • on Indians, 6:137, 6:138, 7:289
  • Indian vocabularies of, 11:454
  • on insects, 8:423n
  • and instruction of M. Lewis, 6:424n
  • introduced by TJ, 8:274, 8:274, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323–8:324, 8:324, 8:325–8:327, 8:327, 12:460–12:461
  • introduces A. B. Woodward, 7:288
  • and journals of M. Lewis, 9:309, 9:310n, 9:467, 9:605, 10:377, 11:486–11:487, 12:636–12:637
  • on language, 6:137
  • letter from forwarded to National Intelligencer, 2:670
  • letters from, 1:520–1:522, 2:507–2:510, 3:166–3:167, 3:596–3:597, 6:27–6:28, 7:288–7:289, 8:274–8:275, 8:319, 8:422–8:423
  • letters to, 1:555–1:557, 3:150, 3:181–3:182, 4:146–4:147, 6:46, 7:281, 8:284–8:285, 8:325–8:327
  • library of, 9:467, 9:605, 9:605n
  • and mammoths, 2:507–2:509
  • medical instruction by, 1:193
  • A Memoir concerning … Various Species of Serpents, 8:422, 8:422–8:423n
  • memoir on the extinction of species, 2:509, 2:510
  • mentioned, 3:374, 7:399, 12:173
  • names plant after TJ, 1:57n
  • New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, 1:520–1:521, 12:385, 12:386n, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:120n
  • and Noël de la Morinière’s work, 5:604n
  • offers to assist TJ, 8:274
  • and opossums, 11:367–11:368, 11:370n
  • on J. Priestley, 8:423n
  • proposed trip to Europe of, 8:274, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323–8:324, 8:324, 8:325–8:327, 8:327, 12:460–12:461
  • as F. Pursh’s mentor, 2:90, 2:91n
  • seeks to be treasurer of U.S. Mint, 6:28n
  • sends packages to TJ, 7:308, 8:422–8:423
  • and N. G. M. Senter’s works, 5:64, 5:66, 5:66, 5:67–5:68n
  • TJ introduces J. Bradbury to, 4:146–4:147
  • TJ recommends as correspondent, 3:618
  • as university professor, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323, 8:324, 8:327, 18:635
  • J. S. Vater criticizes work of, 2:467n, 2:468n
  • and J. S. Vater’s work, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 3:615–3:616
  • and work on Indians, 3:596, 3:596–3:597, 3:616, 4:146, 16:119

Barton, Mary Pennington (Benjamin Smith Barton’s wife)

  • and journals of M. Lewis, 9:467, 9:605, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:171–12:172, 12:173

Barton, Thomas Pennant

  • identified, 17:99n
  • introduced to TJ, 17:98
  • TJ introduces to Lafayette, 17:114–17:115, 17:115

Barton, William

  • identified, 5:371–5:372n
  • letters from, 7:398–7:400, 7:511–7:512
  • letters from accounted for, 5:372n
  • letters to, 5:371–5:372, 7:446–7:447, 7:555–7:556
  • Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse, 5:371, 5:372n, 7:150, 7:151n, 7:216–7:217, 7:398, 7:512, 7:554, 8:469, 9:204
  • Select American Biography, 7:398–7:400, 7:446–7:447, 7:511
  • TJ pays, 7:555–7:556
  • on war and U.S. society, 7:511–7:512

Bartow, William Augustus

  • and books for TJ, 18:579
  • identified, 18:579n
  • and Juvenile Library Company of Richmond, 19:322–19:323, 19:323n, 19:343
  • letters from, 18:579, 19:322–19:323
  • letter to, 19:343
  • letter to accounted for, 18:579n

Bartram, William

  • as botanist, 2:221, 5:433, 12:368
  • recommends A. Wilson, 13:106n

Barziza, Antonio, Count

  • family of, 9:6, 9:230, 10:628, 10:629
  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 7:372
  • TJ as agent for, 7:372

Barziza, Giovanni (John L.), Count

  • and books for TJ, 9:283, 9:322, 9:394
  • family of, 9:7
  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 9:7, 9:322, 10:580n, 10:628, 10:629, 20:568
  • proposed visit to U.S. of, 9:7, 9:283, 9:322, 9:394
  • TJ conveys letter to, 11:580, 12:268

Barziza, Lucy Paradise, Countess (Antonio Barziza’s wife; John and Lucy L. Paradise’s daughter)

  • birthplace of, 18:201–18:202
  • family of, 9:7, 9:7, 10:628, 10:629, 11:147, 18:202
  • marriage of, 18:201

Barziza, Philip Ignatius

  • and books for TJ, 9:283, 9:322, 9:394, 9:394, 10:579, 10:628, 11:120
  • family of, 20:569
  • identified, 9:7–9:8n
  • introduced to TJ by E. Bancroft, 9:6–9:7, 9:394
  • letters from, 9:230, 9:322–9:323, 10:579–10:580, 11:120, 18:201–18:202, 20:568–20:569
  • letters to, 9:282–9:283, 9:394, 10:628–10:629, 11:146–11:147, 18:214–18:215, 20:598
  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 9:6–9:7, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:322–9:323, 10:579–10:580, 10:580n, 10:628, 10:628, 10:629, 10:659, 10:660n, 10:664, 11:19, 11:19n, 11:59, 11:66, 11:120, 11:146–11:147, 18:201–18:202, 18:214–18:215, 20:568–20:569, 20:598
  • seeks appointment, 20:569, 20:598
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 9:283, 9:322
  • visits Monticello, 9:8n, 11:580

basalt, 9:134, 18:310

“Basanistes” (pseudonym)

  • Αἱρέσεων ἀνάστασις or, A New Way of Deciding Old Controversies, 10:241, 10:242, 10:242n, 10:381, 10:382, 13:481

Base du Système Mètrique Décimal, ou Mesure de l’Arc du Méridien compris entre les parallèles de Dunkerque et Barcelone (P. F. A. Méchain and J. B. J. Delambre), 12:91, 12:156


  • sweet, 15:429

Basil, Saint, 16:189, 16:196

Basilii Fabri sorani Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticæ (B. Faber), 10:235, 10:237n

basins, 6:348, 16:289, 16:289n

bass. See chub, Roanoke

Bass, J. H.

  • A Greek and English Manual Lexicon to the New Testament, 16:364, 17:197, 17:411, 17:411n, 18:18, 20:430

Bassano, Hugues Bernard Maret, duc de , 5:616, 5:617n, 5:620, 6:575, 6:575n, 7:490, 7:491n, 8:452

Bassett, Burwell

  • and College of William and Mary, 12:26, 12:32, 15:399, 15:399–15:400, 20:154
  • friendship with M. L. Hill, 15:496–15:497
  • identified, 3:652n
  • letters from, 4:42–4:43, 17:516
  • letters to, 3:651–3:652, 4:68
  • and mammoth bones, 4:43
  • and Palisot de Beauvois’s claim, 3:651, 3:652–3:653, 4:42, 4:68
  • reference for Willis, 4:516, 4:516
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 17:516
  • as Va. legislator, 15:399, 15:399–15:400, 16:515, 16:625n, 17:33–17:34n, 20:154

Bassett, George Washington

  • identified, 17:387n
  • introduced to TJ, 17:387

Bassett, Nicholas See also Bassett & Company (firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:479, 19:53, 19:54, 20:201, 20:202, 20:204, 20:204, 20:219, 20:221, 20:223, 20:225, 20:226, 20:226, 20:229, 20:230

Bassett & Company (firm) See also Bassett, Nicholas

  • and University of Virginia, 17:650, 19:48, 19:62, 19:183, 19:188, 19:238

Bassett & Donaghue (Donahoe) (firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 17:638

Bassette, John

  • and Dutch accounts of Va., 2:502–2:503, 2:511, 2:567
  • translates work, 2:503n, 2:503n

Bassus, Cassianus

  • Γεωπονικά Geoponicorum sive de re rustica libri XX (ed. T. Owen; 1805–06), 8:56, 8:57n, 11:164
  • Γεωπονικά Geoponicorum sive de re rustica libri XX (trans. P. Needham; ed. J. N. Niclas; 1781), 2:81–2:82, 2:83n, 10:233, 11:164
  • Γεωπονικά Geoponicorum, Sive De Re Rustica Libri XX (ed. P. Needham; 1704), 2:81–2:82

basswood (American linden)

  • used in polygraph manufacture, 8:545, 8:549n

The Bastard (Ottawa chief)

  • views painting, 4:181, 4:182n

Bates, Andrew

  • captain of the Charles , 5:220

Bath, William Henry Granville, 3d Earl of

  • correspondence of, 17:460n


  • bathhouses, 19:705n
  • cold, 8:453–8:454, 8:544, 10:513, 14:157, 14:420, 15:501, 17:509–17:510
  • medicinal use of, 19:206, 20:544
  • portable, 6:570, 6:615, 7:187–7:188, 7:325, 7:326n, 7:345, 9:22–9:25, 9:43–9:44
  • warm, 18:319

Bathurst, Henry, bishop of Norwich

  • and treaty of commerce and friendship, 8:381

Bathurst, Henry, 3d Earl Bathurst

  • political views of, 8:542, 8:543, 8:544n

Baton Rouge, W. Fla., 1:442, 3:264–3:265, 3:282, 3:325, 3:344

Batteux, Charles

  • Histoire des Causes Premières, 6:439, 7:75, 7:148, 12:112
  • La Morale d’Epicure, Tirée de ses Propres Écrits, 15:26
  • translates Ocellus Lucanus, De la Nature de l’Univers, 12:112

Batting, Mary (John Hardy’s widow)

  • and Revolutionary War compensation claim, 20:493

Battle, Mr.

  • and sheep, 11:347

Battle of the Thames; being the Seventeenth Canto of an Epic Poem, entitled The Fredoniad (R. Emmons), 19:234, 19:235n

Battles, Jane

  • and Cabell family, 16:414, 16:415n
  • letter from, to A. C. Cabell, with postscript to TJ, 16:414–16:415
  • seeks payment from U.S., 16:414

Battles, Robert

  • and University of Virginia, 20:200, 20:203, 20:205, 20:207, 20:219, 20:220, 20:221, 20:225, 20:226, 20:226, 20:228, 20:229, 20:230, 20:234

Batture Sainte Marie

  • TJ receives books on, 1:37, 1:37, 1:38n, 1:287, 1:287n

Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over See also Livingston, Edward; Livingston v. D’orgenoy ; Livingston v. Jefferson ; Moreau Lislet, Louis; The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi (Thomas Jefferson); statement on the batture case (Thomas Jefferson)

  • acts cited in case of, 3:72, 3:176n
  • books on, 3:545–3:546, 3:546–3:547, 18:181
  • W. C. C. Claiborne on, 2:434, 2:471–2:472, 2:659n, 2:681–2:682, 3:157–3:158, 6:388–6:389, 6:394–6:395, 6:433–6:434, 6:434n, 8:64
  • communications between TJ and his counsel concerning, 2:414, 2:414–2:415, 2:432, 2:473–2:474, 2:474–2:475, 2:494, 2:494, 2:501–2:502, 2:545, 2:659–2:660, 2:675–2:677, 3:42–3:43, 3:152–3:153, 3:203, 3:226–3:227, 3:331–3:332, 3:481–3:483, 3:483–3:488, 3:489–3:499, 3:499–3:500, 3:546–3:547, 4:110–4:111, 4:195, 4:594–4:595, 4:596–4:597, 4:605–4:606, 4:615, 4:646, 4:678–4:679, 5:43–5:47, 5:143–5:145
  • and Congress, 2:357, 2:358n, 2:427–2:428, 2:440n, 2:441n, 2:442n, 2:450n, 2:450n, 2:451n, 2:455, 2:455, 2:494, 2:519, 2:659, 2:660, 2:662, 2:682, 3:203–3:204, 3:244, 3:254–3:255, 3:256–3:257
  • deeds related to, 3:478n
  • and Federalist party, 2:398, 2:408, 2:414
  • A. Gallatin on, 2:516–2:518, 2:518–2:529
  • and injunction from Orleans Parish court, 6:433–6:434, 6:434–6:436, 6:437n
  • lawsuit brought against TJ, 2:395, 2:396n, 11:70, 13:lii
  • E. Livingston seeks damages locally in, 10:668–10:669
  • J. Madison on, 2:435–2:436, 2:678–2:679
  • map of, 4:xliii–4:xliv, 4:370 (illus.) , 4:521, 4:522n
  • F. X. Martin on, 6:434–6:436
  • and New Orleans city council, 6:388, 6:390–6:391, 6:392–6:393, 6:394–6:395, 8:64, 8:64n
  • pleadings in, 3:43, 3:109, 3:118, 3:119, 3:123–3:124, 3:134, 3:147, 3:152–3:153, 3:203, 3:226–3:227, 3:316, 3:331–3:332, 3:397, 3:397–3:400, 3:400–3:401, 3:401–3:404, 3:404–3:407, 3:407–3:410, 3:410–3:411, 3:420, 3:425
  • resolutions of Orleans territorial legislature concerning, 2:159–2:161, 2:192–2:193, 2:355, 2:357–2:358, 3:25, 3:26–3:27n
  • C. A. Rodney on, 2:454–2:456, 3:117, 3:151
  • L. W. Tazewell on, 5:43–5:47
  • TJ assembles counsel, 2:398, 2:401–2:402, 2:406, 2:408+, 2:416–2:417, 2:470, 2:474–2:475, 2:493, 2:494, 2:501
  • TJ receives documents, 2:435, 2:435–2:436, 2:439, 2:439–2:446, 2:449, 2:449–2:451, 2:516–2:518, 2:682, 3:30–3:31, 3:109, 3:233–3:235, 3:235–3:237, 4:465, 4:466, 4:595, 4:646, 4:679, 5:16, 5:17n
  • TJ requests documents, 2:426, 2:426–2:427, 2:427, 2:427–2:428, 2:428, 2:429, 2:452, 2:657–2:659, 2:662
  • TJ returns documents, 3:475–3:476, 3:476–3:478, 5:84–5:85, 5:85–5:87n
  • and TJ’s relationship with E. Livingston, 20:625, 20:626n
  • and U.S. Constitution, 2:436

Baudoin. See Baldwin

Baudoin, Capt.

  • and French expedition to Africa, 8:244

Baudoin, Francis, 7:66

Baudoin, Jean, 7:66

Baudon, A.

  • letter from, 9:12–9:13
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 9:12–9:13

Baudouin Frères (Paris booksellers), 17:267

Baudouin, Pierre, 6:626

Baudouin de Toulouse, 7:66

Bauduy, Peter, 1:199, 1:200n, 1:667–1:668, 3:63

Bauluy, Mr., 2:13

Baxter, Capt. (schooner Greyhound ), 2:667

Baxter, George A.

  • president of Washington College, 9:712, 9:714n

Baxter, John

  • A New and Impartial History of England, 1:580, 3:5, 3:7n, 3:37–3:38, 3:38, 3:86, 7:629, 8:235, 12:534, 13:410, 13:412, 13:413n, 13:585, 15:375–15:376, 15:465, 16:150, 16:151, 16:169, 16:187, 17:64, 17:232, 17:251, 17:419, 18:399, 19:506, 19:509n, 20:330, 20:349, 20:349n, 20:354, 20:391–20:392, 20:422, 20:481

Baxter, John George

  • identified, 8:605–8:606n
  • letter from, 8:634–8:635
  • letter from accounted for, 8:606n
  • letter to, 8:605–8:606
  • recommended by J. C. Breckinridge, 8:554–8:555
  • textile machinery of, 5:207–5:208, 5:268, 8:554–8:555, 8:605–8:606, 8:634–8:635

Baxter, Richard

  • writings of, 18:473

Baxter, William

  • identified, 19:426n
  • letter from, 19:425–19:426
  • proposes to publish Lancaster Washingtoniana, 19:425–19:426, 19:426–19:428

Bayard, Ferdinand Marie

  • quoted, 16:202

Bayard, James Ashton

  • and election of 1800, 6:192, 6:193n
  • J. W. Eppes on, 6:313
  • as peace negotiator, 6:74, 6:103, 6:105n, 6:313, 7:198, 7:198n, 7:201, 7:202n, 7:429n, 7:433
  • and speech on war with Great Britain, 5:577n
  • as U.S. representative from Del., 8:276, 8:276–8:277n

Bayle, Pierre

  • Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 3:546
  • mentioned, 3:329
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Bayley, Richard, 10:150

Baylor, David

  • and University of Virginia, 17:634

Baylor, George

  • and G. Washington, 18:137

Bayly, Mr. (of Germantown, Pa.)

  • and hydrostatic engine, 7:232, 7:233n

Bayly, Mountjoy

  • wins Senate doorkeeper election, 4:164n

Bayreuth. See Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine, margravine de Bayreuth

Baytop, James

  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529

Beale, John, 20:640

Beall, Lloyd

  • as agent at Harpers Ferry, 12:103, 12:104n

Beall, Walter, 18:414, 18:415, 18:415, 18:419, 18:419, 18:419, 18:420, 18:420


  • Arikara, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166
  • asparagus, 3:454, 3:454, 3:454, 3:456, 3:501–3:502
  • black-eyed pea, 1:157, 20:396
  • chickpea, 6:188, 6:293, 7:326, 20:507
  • crowder, 1:157
  • as farm produce, 3:348, 16:634n
  • flowering, 16:623, 16:627
  • frijole, 6:188, 20:605
  • given to TJ, 18:255
  • haricot, 5:489–5:490, 5:658, 6:44, 6:45, 9:532–9:533, 13:519, 13:599
  • horse, 9:672
  • lima, 1:631, 1:657, 3:502, 5:658, 9:608–9:609
  • and Pythagoras, 7:218, 7:221n
  • snap, 3:501–3:502, 5:658, 6:44–6:45, 6:487, 13:519, 13:599, 15:567n

Bear Creek plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate)

  • blankets and beds for slaves at, 4:382–4:383, 5:463n, 6:310
  • clothing for slaves at, 6:309
  • clover cultivation at, 8:78
  • corn grown at, 13:567, 15:428, 15:609, 15:609n, 18:69
  • fields at, 13:567, 14:430, 14:430, 15:428
  • hogs at, 8:72, 15:229
  • land conveyance at, 4:316–4:319, 19:155–19:156, 19:203–19:204, 19:204n, 19:261–19:262, 19:262, 19:420–19:421, 19:421, 19:421–19:422n, 19:422–19:423
  • land offered for sale at, 14:326
  • oats grown at, 15:609, 15:609n
  • overseer at, 8:493n, 9:34, 9:34n, 11:285, 15:158, 15:229
  • roads through, 7:71, 7:430, 8:70
  • slaves at, 4:384–4:386, 15:130, 15:130n
  • Survey of Bear Creek Lands, 4:279–4:280
  • TJ’s instructions for, 4:381–4:382, 5:489
  • tobacco at, 17:198, 17:198n, 18:601, 18:602

bear grass, 3:353

Bear Meat (Cherokee Indian)

  • militia service of, 7:161

Béarn family

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:65


  • claw of, 10:398
  • fondness of for chestnuts, 12:391
  • skin of grizzly sent to TJ, 1:668n, 2:39, 2:106
  • in Va., 11:631

Beasley, Frederick

  • identified, 20:319n
  • letter to, 20:318–20:319
  • professorship of, 8:446, 8:449n
  • A Search of Truth in the Science of the Human Mind, 20:318, 20:319n

Beasley, John

  • and University of Virginia, 20:206, 20:229, 20:233

Beasley, Reuben Gaunt

  • as agent in London, 5:454, 7:198, 7:198n, 13:46
  • and books for TJ, 12:43, 12:110, 12:112, 12:235, 12:275, 12:346, 12:582, 12:607, 12:608–12:609, 13:291, 13:440, 13:492, 14:340, 15:25n, 15:26n, 15:72, 15:259, 16:56, 16:56–16:57, 16:58, 16:89, 16:216, 17:444, 17:534, 18:51, 18:466, 20:281, 20:283
  • consul at Le Havre, 12:187, 13:41, 13:85, 13:137n, 13:291, 13:293, 13:295, 13:295n, 13:568, 14:24, 14:25, 14:85, 14:109, 14:202, 14:325, 14:499, 15:25, 15:72, 15:239, 15:291, 17:266, 20:58
  • identified, 12:43–12:44n
  • letters from, 12:43–12:44, 13:291–13:292, 14:175–14:176, 15:72, 15:485, 16:89, 17:534, 18:364
  • letter to, 12:607
  • letter to accounted for, 14:25n
  • and seeds for TJ, 14:175, 15:485, 16:24, 16:24–16:25n, 18:364

Beatson, Alexander

  • A New System of Cultivation, without Lime, or Dung, or Summer Fallows, 19:591, 19:592n, 19:606, 19:607n

Beattie, David

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120, 19:120, 19:123n

Beattie, James

  • works of, 19:505

Beauclerk, Amelius

  • British admiral, 6:57, 6:58n

Beauharnais, Eugène de (Napoleon’s stepson), 19:489

Beauharnais, Hortense de, 1:250n

Beauharnais, Marie Anne Françoise Mouchard, comtesse de, 16:528

Beaujolais, Louis Charles d’Orléans, comte de

  • seeks refuge in U.S., 9:575, 9:578n

Beaujour, Louis Auguste Félix, baron de

  • French consul general to U.S., 2:353
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie’s passage, 5:432

Beaulieu, Va., 3:392

Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 2:13, 10:13

Beaumes de Venise (wine), 9:513

Beaumont, Albanis

  • Travels from France To Italy, through The Lepontine Alps, 7:389

Beaumont, Francis, 7:664

Beautemps-Beaupré, Charles François

  • maps of, 5:203–5:204n

Beauvau, Charles Juste, prince de

  • as government minister, 17:369, 17:378n

Beaven (Beavin; Bivans), Baker

  • identified, 13:117n
  • letter to, 13:117
  • as slater, 13:97–13:98, 13:117, 15:93
  • visits Monticello, 13:99

Beaver (ship), 4:550, 4:554n, 12:553–12:554, 12:555n

Beaverdam lands. See Willis Creek tract (Cumberland Co.)

Beaver Dams, Battle of (1813)

  • American defeat at, 8:259, 8:261n


  • and gloves, 18:47
  • and hats, 19:9

Bec (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • given to T. J. Randolph, 6:36
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, marchese di

  • as criminologist, 16:499, 17:325
  • An Essay on Crimes & Punishments, 8:388, 8:672, 8:673n
  • Περι Αδικηματων Και Ποινων (trans. A. Coray), 20:381, 20:382n
  • quoted, 4:25, 4:26n, 10:371, 10:373n

Beck, M.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:314

Beck, Matthias

  • as vice director of Curaçao, 18:32

Beck, Paul, 19:624

Beck, Theodric Romeyn, 12:573n

Beck, Thomas

  • transports gypsum for TJ, 9:582, 9:582n

Beckley, John

  • debt to TJ, 2:135n, 3:588n

Beckley, John James

  • as clerk of Va. House of Delegates, 18:200, 18:201n
  • as Henrico Co. deputy clerk, 8:170
  • work of bound for TJ, 8:630

Beckley, Maria Prince

  • identified, 3:588n
  • letter from to J. Barnes, 3:587–3:588
  • loan from TJ, 2:135, 2:151, 2:182, 3:528, 3:558–3:559, 3:587–3:588, 4:3, 4:17

Becks, Micajah, 15:438

Becks, Thomas, 3:612

Bécourt, Regnault de

  • La Création du Monde, 5:466, 5:467n, 5:467n, 5:607, 6:133, 6:134n, 6:213, 6:368, 6:368, 7:284–7:285, 7:303–7:305, 7:324, 7:324
  • health of, 6:368
  • identified, 5:467–5:468n
  • letters from, 5:466–5:468, 5:554–5:556, 6:133–6:134, 6:368–6:369
  • letters to, 5:607, 6:213
  • proposed book by, 6:133, 6:134n, 6:368–6:369
  • seeks funds from TJ, 5:466, 5:554–5:555, 5:607

Bede, Saint

  • Historiæ Ecclesiasticæ Gentis Anglorum (ed. A. Wheelocke), 16:364, 17:196
  • The History of the Church of Englande (trans. T. Stapleton), 16:364, 17:196
  • Venerabilis Bedæ Presbyteri Ecclesiasticæ historiæ gentis Anglorum, 10:357
  • works of, 17:411

Bedford County, Va. See also Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate)

  • C. L. Bankhead to buy land in, 3:64, 3:162, 3:163n, 3:186–3:188, 4:5–4:6, 4:59, 4:316, 4:317, 4:318n, 4:319
  • deeds of trust for land in, 15:30–15:31, 15:34–15:35, 15:36–15:39, 15:47, 15:48, 15:50, 15:62, 15:64, 15:78, 15:173, 15:196–15:197, 15:204, 15:225, 15:226n, 15:246, 15:261, 15:261n, 15:282, 15:283n, 15:291, 18:165–18:166, 19:288–19:289, 19:289n
  • distance to Mill Brook
  • and dog tax, 4:349n
  • land prices in, 9:147, 18:106
  • proposed sale of TJ’s land in, 20:73, 20:73–20:74, 20:94, 20:112
  • Randolphs sell land in, 3:186–3:188
  • roads in, 3:195, 9:35, 14:59, 16:253, 18:70
  • sheriff of, 12:29, 12:29n, 19:65, 19:65n, 19:69, 19:72, 19:85, 20:252–20:253
  • smoke in, 9:145
  • surveyor of, 5:465, 5:465n, 12:210
  • Tabernacle Meeting House, 9:35
  • taxation on property in, 8:73, 8:73n, 8:73, 8:255–8:256, 8:256, 9:50, 9:51–9:52n, 10:466, 10:467n, 12:29, 12:139, 15:174, 19:38, 19:65, 19:65n, 19:69, 19:72, 19:85
  • temperature readings at, 3:396–3:397, 14:550n, 14:596, 14:597n
  • TJ’s lands in, 4:387, 5:465, 5:465n, 5:470, 5:475–5:476, 5:476n, 5:479–5:481, 5:486, 5:486–5:488, 12:209–12:210, 13:12, 17:542–17:543, 17:543n, 19:285, 19:286–19:287, 19:288–19:289, 19:421n
  • and TJ’s land transfer with J. W. Eppes, 5:348–5:349
  • Wolf Creek, 2:237, 3:187, 3:188n, 4:317, 4:318n
  • yellow fever in, 17:603

Bedford County Court, Va.

  • and taxation, 8:73, 8:73
  • and TJ’s petition to alter road, 18:70, 18:70n
  • tries TJ’s slaves, 19:262–19:263n

Bedford County Superior Court of Law, Va., 10:498


  • cords for, 19:9
  • and estate settlement, 4:231–4:232n
  • feather, 18:465
  • in jails, 20:45
  • at Monticello, 8:235, 16:lii, 20:lii
  • at Poplar Forest, 17:154
  • for slaves, 4:383, 7:71, 8:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186, 8:186n, 13:386, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • straw, 18:465
  • for students, 16:522, 20:532
  • taxes on, 8:255
  • ticking for, 19:14
  • trestle, 13:17, 13:112
  • for University of Virginia commissioners’ meeting, 13:68, 13:169, 13:226

Beecher, Lyman

  • On the Importance of Assisting Young Men of Piety and Talents in Obtaining an Education for the Gospel Ministry, 9:255, 9:255, 9:255–9:256, 9:257n, 9:257n, 9:378, 9:378–9:379, 9:379n, 9:381, 9:381n, 9:381–9:382, 9:383

beech trees, 7:52, 8:248


  • mentioned, 6:187, 13:612, 14:383, 18:351, 20:396
  • for militia, 7:649
  • at Monticello, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:280
  • at Poplar Forest, 13:519, 18:405
  • price of, 8:307
  • purchased for Monticello, 1:81n
  • purchased for University of Virginia, 20:209, 20:210
  • received as pay, 1:419, 1:421, 16:429
  • sent to TJ, 2:291, 12:324, 12:538, 16:470
  • in soup, 4:180
  • TJ purchases, 4:12n, 4:209, 10:539n, 14:472, 17:498, 18:241, 18:258, 18:284, 18:315, 18:403
  • at Tufton, 5:260


  • methods of, 11:503–11:504, 11:504n
  • works on, 8:388, 11:165

beer See also Coppinger, Joseph

  • as alternative to liquor, 9:329, 19:378
  • books on, 8:410, 8:411, 8:412n, 8:439, 9:29, 9:30n
  • bottled, 5:31, 8:185, 8:186, 9:542
  • brewed at Monticello, 6:507, 6:507n, 7:712, 8:185, 8:186, 8:438–8:439, 8:565, 9:4, 9:371, 10:340, 10:462, 13:616–13:617, 15:527
  • brewing of during American Revolution, 8:439
  • brewing process, 8:410–8:411
  • jugs for, 7:154, 7:155, 7:204, 7:710, 7:712, 7:716, 8:11, 8:11, 8:12
  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • porter, 3:241–3:242, 3:252, 4:630, 11:293, 20:269
  • porter used to make brandy, 9:3
  • profits from brewing of, 8:413
  • served at Monticello, 8:235, 14:84
  • TJ orders, 2:116
  • B. Waterhouse on, 1:299

bees, 14:303, 19:liv, 19:645


  • experiments with, 18:218
  • TJ purchases, 18:50

beets, 1:56, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 7:54, 7:54n, 7:55, 7:55n, 11:308, 16:395, 20:605

Beggs, Charles

  • and Indiana Territory Legislative Council, 1:96

Bekker, Balthasar

  • De Betoverde Weereld, 11:231, 11:232n, 11:308

Belair, Lewis Descoins

  • as bookseller, 12:392, 12:393, 12:393, 12:511–12:512, 12:512, 13:32, 13:313, 13:313n, 13:494, 13:561, 13:595, 14:483, 15:51–15:52, 15:290, 17:230, 18:628
  • identified, 13:32n
  • and Jefferson Benevolent Institution of Pennsylvania, 13:593, 13:617
  • letters from, 13:313–13:314, 13:358–13:359, 13:391–13:392, 13:428, 18:605
  • letters from accounted for, 14:483n, 15:290n, 15:597n, 17:230n
  • letters to, 13:32, 13:342–13:343, 13:394–13:395, 13:413, 13:474–13:475, 13:617, 14:483, 15:51–15:52, 15:290
  • letter to accounted for, 13:342n
  • sends book through TJ, 18:605
  • TJ orders books from, 13:342, 13:358–13:359, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:494, 13:525, 13:525
  • and University of Virginia, 18:605
  • visits Monticello, 18:605

Beleurgey, Claudius

  • editor of Telegraphe, 3:233, 3:234n

Belfast Agricultural Society. See Belfast Literary Society

Belfast Literary Society, 3:279, 3:280n, 3:294–3:295, 3:309, 3:309n, 4:159, 4:175, 4:187–4:188n

Belfast Monthly Magazine

  • bound for TJ, 13:368, 14:166, 15:340

Belfield (Charles Willson Peale’s Pa. estate), 5:323


  • and Congress of Vienna, 9:90, 15:52
  • government of, 9:346, 9:346
  • public opinion in, 19:466
  • TJ’s travels in, 17:353

Bélidor, Bernard Forest de

  • Architecture Hydraulique, 6:381, 7:386

Belisarius (Byzantine general)

  • engraving of, 12:461, 12:462n

Belknap, Jeremy

  • American Biography: or, An Historical Account Of those Persons who have been distinguished in America, 5:387
  • A Discourse, intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 18:xlix–18:l
  • The History of New-Hampshire, 1:581, 19:507
  • writings of, 16:517

Bell, Andrew

  • An Analysis of the Experiment in Education, made at Egmore, near Madras, 7:342, 7:342n
  • as educator, 16:29n, 16:60, 16:325

Bell, George, 5:276

Bell, James. See Bell, John (surgeon)

Bell, John (author), 14:185

Bell, John (editor)

  • Bell’s British Theatre, 7:665

Bell, John (of Richmond)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 16:263

Bell, John (surgeon)

  • Anatomy of the Human Body, 1:35, 1:307, 7:626

Bell, John R.

  • as reference for J. S. Myer, 18:17

Bell, R.

  • delivers R. Jefferson’s letter, 4:607n

Bell, Robert

  • letters from accounted for, 4:689

Bell, Robert (of Philadelphia)

  • as printer, 18:559

Bell, Robert W.

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344

Bell, Samuel

  • and Fry v. Bell, 17:27
  • identified, 17:29n

Bell, Thomas

  • and P. Derieux’s debts, 9:252, 9:253n
  • as justice of the peace, 11:419n

Bell, Thomas (of Kentucky)

  • and Fry v. Bell, 17:27
  • identified, 17:29n

Bell, Thomas (ship captain), 19:702, 20:14

Bell, William

  • letters from accounted for, 2:683

belladonna lily, 3:633, 4:523, 5:412

Bellanger, François

  • translates Les Antiquités Romaines (Dionysius of Halicarnassus), 13:342, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 13:562n, 14:215

Bellart, Nicolas François

  • as electoral candidate, 12:39

Bellavista, Va., 3:392

Bellechasse, Joseph Deville Degoutin

  • and batture controversy, 2:159–2:160, 2:440–2:441n, 2:442n, 2:442n, 3:26n, 3:484
  • identified, 2:161n

Bellenden, William (Bellendenus)

  • A Free Translation of the Preface to Bellendenus (ed. S. Parr), 1:35
  • work of bound for TJ, 8:630

Belleplaine, Va., 3:392

belles lettres

  • books on, 7:629, 19:323n
  • collegiate education in, 12:3, 12:76, 12:124, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403, 14:32, 15:387, 15:389, 16:296n, 17:237–17:238, 17:310, 19:570
  • promotion of, 15:419–15:422, 16:531, 16:533–16:539, 16:539
  • study of, 7:638, 7:638, 7:641, 7:664, 15:239, 17:494, 17:494, 18:334, 19:165

Bellet (wine), 9:471–9:472, 9:569, 11:246, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:656, 11:657n, 12:566, 13:241, 13:246, 13:316, 13:447, 14:328, 14:329, 14:338, 14:338, 14:339, 14:339n, 15:186, 15:186, 15:384

Bellinger, John S., 11:293n+

Bellinger, Joseph

  • identified, 6:317n
  • introduced to TJ, 6:317

Bellini, Aurora (Maria Aurora Gaspera)

  • and C. Bellini estate, 3:375–3:377, 3:381n, 4:68–4:69, 4:69n, 4:80, 4:185, 4:214, 5:359+, 7:694, 9:113, 9:290, 9:292, 9:490, 9:491, 9:492, 9:492
  • vital records of, 9:290, 9:290, 9:291n, 9:291n, 9:292–9:293

Bellini, Carlo Maria Niccola

  • family of, 9:291n

Bellini, Charles (Carlo Maria Marchionne)

  • death of, 9:292, 9:297n
  • estate of, 3:375, 3:381n, 4:34, 4:68–4:69, 4:69n, 4:185, 4:214, 5:359+, 7:694, 9:113, 9:114, 9:118n, 9:122–9:123, 9:123, 9:136, 9:290–9:292, 9:292–9:294, 9:297, 9:490, 9:491–9:492, 9:530, 10:249, 10:249n, 11:580, 12:184, 12:267, 12:550, 12:578, 12:579, 12:581, 12:586
  • vital records of, 9:290, 9:291n

Bellini, Leon Girolamo

  • family of, 9:290, 9:291n, 9:292, 9:292

Bellini, Luisa (Louisa; Maria Luisa Eleonora)

  • and C. Bellini estate, 3:375–3:377, 3:381n, 4:68–4:69, 4:69n, 4:80, 4:185, 4:214, 5:359+, 7:694, 9:113, 9:290, 9:292–9:294, 9:297, 9:490, 9:491, 9:492, 9:492
  • vital records of, 9:290, 9:290, 9:291n, 9:291n, 9:292n
  • will of, 9:290, 9:291–9:292n, 9:293

Bellini, Maria Vittoria Luchini

  • family of, 9:291n

bell jars, 20:638, 20:638

Bellona (schooner), 6:45, 6:152, 7:90, 7:349


  • as scientific equipment, 20:611

Bell Rock (North Sea)

  • lighthouse on, 4:362–4:363, 4:364n


  • mechanical device to ring, 10:344–10:345, 10:345 (illus.) , 10:345, 10:345

Bell’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:231

Bell’s British Theatre, 7:665

Belmont tract

  • sale of, 2:101, 2:102, 2:114, 2:137, 2:138, 2:139, 2:206–2:207, 2:227, 2:228, 2:347, 3:169–3:170, 3:170–3:171, 3:172, 3:210, 3:425–3:426, 5:671, 6:20, 8:96–8:97, 8:142

Beloe, William

  • The History of Herodotus, 8:22, 8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n, 19:505
  • translates Herodotus, Translated From The Greek, With Notes, 11:268

Belsham, Thomas

  • American Unitarianism, 8:553, 8:553–8:554n, 8:658, 13:29n, 13:132, 13:160
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662, 7:667
  • and Jesus’s miracles, 10:381–10:382, 10:382n
  • Memoirs of the Late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, M.A. (T. Lindsey), 6:145, 6:146, 6:146, 6:180, 6:192, 6:193, 6:204, 6:219, 6:226, 6:227, 6:228, 6:277, 6:278, 6:280, 6:367, 9:175, 9:176n, 9:595, 9:596n, 10:381, 11:230
  • mentioned, 6:227, 6:317–6:318, 6:500, 10:241, 20:416
  • TJ on, 6:233
  • and TJ’s syllabus on Jesus’s doctrines, 10:381
  • and the Trinity, 12:576
  • and F. A. Van der Kemp, 13:482

Belsham, William

  • History of Great Britain, 1:580, 3:122–3:123, 19:506
  • Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain of the House of Brunswic-Lunenburg, 3:122–3:123, 7:664
  • Memoirs of the Reign of George III, 3:122–3:123
  • mentioned, 6:227, 6:500
  • TJ recommends, 7:629, 18:399

Belshazzar, king of Babylon, 7:582, 7:590n, 16:16

Belsunce de Castelmoron, Henri François Xavier de, bishop of Marseille

  • medal honoring, 17:507, 18:39, 18:118, 18:118

Belvidera, HMS (frigate), 4:133, 5:207

Belvoir (Hugh Nelson’s Albemarle Co. estate), 1:500n

Bembo, Dardi

  • translates Opere di Platone (Plato), 9:394, 12:583, 15:24, 15:258

Bemis Heights, Battle of (1777), 13:114–13:115, 13:116n

Ben (TJ’s slave; b. 1785)

  • and corn mill, 4:12
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303

Ben (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 20:212

Benade, Abraham, 5:423, 5:424n

Bend, John

  • letter from accounted for, 13:514n

Benedict XIV, pope

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Benefactor (brig), 12:566, 13:10

Bénévent, Prince de. See Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de

Benezet, Anthony

  • toasts honoring, 17:289

Benjamin (Old Testament figure), 19:560

Benjamin & George Williams (Baltimore firm)

  • J. A. Morton’s agents, 4:629, 4:631n, 4:666, 4:684, 5:27–5:28, 5:59–5:60

Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 4:186n
  • letters from, 4:186
  • sends work to TJ, 4:186
  • TJ pays, 5:133

benne. See sesame (benne; benni)

Benner, Jacob, 3:377

Bennet, George

  • New Translation of the Morals of Seneca, 1:576

Bennett, Capt.

  • pilots Rolla (brig), 9:366, 9:366n

Bennett, Henry, 12:409

Bennett, James

  • citizenship of, 18:345–18:346
  • flying machine of, 18:345–18:346, 18:346, 18:349n
  • petitions Congress, 18:345, 18:346, 18:347, 18:349n

Bennett, Thomas

  • as governor of S.C., 18:228, 18:232, 18:232, 18:234n, 19:222, 19:222–19:223n
  • identified, 6:89–6:90n
  • letters from, 6:88–6:90
  • letters to, 6:124–6:125
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 6:88–6:90, 6:124–6:125

Benneville, George de

  • farm of, 4:179–4:180

benni. See sesame (benne; benni)

Bennington, Battle of (1777), 18:453, 18:454

Benson, Egbert

  • TJ misdirects letter to, 1:14n, 4:581n

Benson, Jane

  • Philadelphia boardinghouse keeper, 7:469

Benson, John

  • Fredericksburg postmaster, 1:592, 1:667, 4:193, 4:581, 4:582, 5:83, 5:114
  • identified, 1:14n
  • letters from accounted for, 4:581n
  • letters to, 1:14, 4:581–4:582
  • TJ declines invitation by, 1:14

Benson, John B.

  • Charlottesville merchant, 15:300, 15:365, 16:276n
  • identified, 15:300–15:301n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:301n
  • letters from, 15:300–15:301, 15:365–15:366

Benson, Thomas

  • Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, 6:406, 6:407n, 10:358, 10:465, 16:363, 17:196

Benson, William

  • and University of Virginia, 17:621

Bent Creek (Buckingham Co.)

  • mail service to, 3:103, 3:104n, 3:148

Bent, John

  • land claim of, 13:513, 13:580
  • letter from, 13:513–13:514
  • letter to, 13:580

Bentham, Jeremy

  • on Alexander I, 18:372n, 18:377
  • Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains, 15:351, 15:352n, 16:445
  • on F. Wright, 18:429

Bentivar (Carr family’s Albemarle Co. estate), 14:21n

Bentley, Anna Briggs

  • education of, 9:540, 9:541n
  • family of, 9:606

Bentley, William (of Massachusetts)

  • correspondence of, with C. D. Ebeling, 9:137, 9:137–9:138, 9:138n
  • donates books to Alleghany College, 20:436, 20:504
  • A Funeral Discourse [for] John Fiske, 7:198–7:199, 7:199n, 7:242
  • identified, 4:617n
  • introduces O. Rich, 4:617, 8:601
  • letters from, 4:617, 7:198–7:199, 9:137–9:138, 12:34
  • letters to, 7:242, 9:299–9:300
  • library of, 13:5
  • recommends J. Dodge, 12:34, 12:320, 12:321, 19:483n
  • and Salem, Mass., Essex Register, 14:546, 14:546n

Bentley, William (of Virginia)

  • account with TJ, 2:185–2:186, 17:162–17:163, 17:179, 18:31
  • and Beaverdam lands, 2:169, 2:170n, 3:155, 4:519–4:520, 17:162–17:163, 17:179
  • and W. B. Giles, 2:170n
  • identified, 2:186n
  • letters to, 3:155
  • sends botanical specimens, 1:191n

Benton, Thomas Hart

  • criticizes American Society for promoting the civilization and general improvement of the Indian Tribes within the United States, 18:259, 18:260n
  • identified, 18:72n
  • letter to, 18:72
  • sends work to TJ, 18:72

Bentzon, Adrian Benjamin

  • and trade agreement with Russia, 4:551, 4:554n

Bérenger, Laurent

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Beresford, William

  • A Voyage Round The World, 1:445–1:446, 1:449n

Bergasse, Henri Joachim, 10:170–10:171, 10:171n, 11:405

Bergasse, Henry, 10:171, 11:405, 11:407, 11:653, 12:30, 12:374, 12:374, 12:580, 12:581, 13:10, 13:14, 13:15, 13:15, 13:15, 13:16, 13:16, 13:243, 13:302, 13:443, 13:443, 13:445n, 13:448, 13:449, 14:118, 14:327, 14:328, 14:328, 14:329, 14:626, 15:63, 15:119, 16:419, 18:457, 19:641

Bergasse, J. L., 15:120, 16:117

Berington, Joseph

  • The History of the Lives of Abeillard and Heloisa, 7:664

Berkeley, George

  • J. Adams on, 15:410, 15:589
  • Alciphron: Or, The Minute Philosopher. In Seven Dialogues, 18:658
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:480, 15:588
  • An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision, 9:637, 9:638n
  • on immaterialism, 18:58, 18:60n
  • as resident of R.I., 18:658–18:659, 18:659
  • works of, 11:383, 11:383, 19:506

Berkeley, Sir William

  • on printing presses, 7:140, 7:141n
  • seed from Greenspring estate of, 7:16n

Berkshire Agricultural Society

  • J. Allen’s address to, 18:121, 18:121–18:122n
  • identified, 9:343n+
  • TJ as honorary member of, 9:343+, 9:448+
  • I. H. Tiffany on, 10:661
  • E. Watson as member of, 11:277, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:338
  • works on, 15:573

Berlin, University of, 4:354n

Berlin and Milan decrees

  • application of, 1:313–1:314, 2:345–2:346
  • criticized, 2:8
  • described, 1:21n
  • effect of, 9:210–9:211, 9:571
  • partial repeal of, 5:293, 5:294n
  • provoked by Great Britain, 2:231, 7:39
  • revocation of, 1:183, 1:658, 3:54, 3:77, 3:105, 3:165, 3:255, 3:600, 5:82, 5:294n, 6:142, 6:538, 6:540n, 7:87, 7:463–7:464, 8:107
  • TJ on, 1:19–1:20, 4:429, 5:293, 7:87, 8:572
  • unchanged, 2:162, 2:162n, 2:195, 2:470, 4:611–4:612

Bern, Switzerland

  • aristocracy of, 3:8, 3:12, 3:15

Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules, crown prince of Sweden

  • book sanctioned by, 6:513
  • in 1813 campaign against Napoleon, 6:619, 6:621n
  • Lafayette on, 3:105
  • and numerology, 15:581
  • as peace broker, 6:241
  • and TJ, 3:105, 3:106n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Bernard, Allen

  • identified, 13:170n
  • letter to, 13:169–13:170
  • Rockfish Gap innkeeper, 13:li, 13:80, 13:169

Bernard, Benjamin B.

  • threshing machine invented by, 2:5n, 2:36

Bernard, Sir Francis

  • correspondence of published, 6:258
  • as royal governor, 12:494

Bernard, Saint, 16:590

Bernard, Simon

  • family of, 10:391
  • identified, 10:392n
  • introduced to TJ, 10:391–10:392, 11:139–11:140, 11:180
  • letter from, 11:139–11:140
  • letter to, 11:180
  • serves under Napoleon, 10:392
  • as U.S. Army engineer, 10:391–10:392

Bernard, William

  • identified, 12:558–12:559n
  • seeks bank presidency, 12:553n, 12:558

Berrian, Samuel

  • identified, 8:614–8:615n
  • letter to, 8:614–8:615
  • An Oration, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, 8:614, 8:615n

berries, 3:190

Berry, Mrs.

  • Augusta Co. innkeeper, 13:230, 13:231

Berry, duc de. See Artois, Charles Ferdinand d’, duc de Berry

Berry, duchesse de. See Bourbon, Marie Caroline Ferdinande Louise de, duchesse de Berry

Berry, Peter L., 14:248

Berth, Mr., 8:592

Berthe, Jean Nicolas

  • Précis Historique de la Maladie qui a régné dans l’Andalousie en 1800, 10:129, 10:130, 10:146n

Berthier, Louis Alexandre, Prince de Neuchâtel

  • family of, 16:325, 17:193, 17:388, 17:388n, 17:551, 17:552n
  • and Napoleon’s return to power, 8:452

Berthod, Anselme, 8:560

Berthollet, Claude Louis, 1:267n

Bertrand, Henri Gratien

  • “Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St. Helena over the Tomb of Napoleon” , 19:591, 19:592n

Berwick, Edward

  • translates The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (L. F. Philostratus), 17:535

Berwick, Duke of

  • and portrait of C. Columbus, 7:563, 7:611, 7:612, 7:616

Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant (Donck), 2:503n, 2:503n

Bess (TJ’s slave; b. 1747). See Betty (Bess) (TJ’s slave; b. 1747)

Besson, Alexandre Charles, 3:65, 3:66n

Bethel, Slingsby

  • satirized by J. Dryden, 20:396, 20:402n

De Betoverde Weereld (B. Bekker), 11:231, 11:232n, 11:308

Betsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1812). See Fossett, Betsy-Ann (Betsy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

Betty (E. Bacon’s slave), 16:152

Betty (Bess) (TJ’s slave; b. 1747)

  • health of, 10:355
  • hempen bed for, 8:71
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:380, 4:383, 4:384, 4:386, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 8:60, 8:60, 8:61, 8:61, 8:255

Betty (Island Betty; Old Betty) (TJ’s slave; b. 1749)

  • makes butter, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:383, 4:384, 4:386, 5:461, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 8:60, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387, 13:387

Betty (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

  • child of, 18:501
  • mentioned, 5:34
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255

Betula. See birch trees

Beuchot, Adrien Jean Quentin

  • edits Bibliographie de l’Empire Français, 20:346

Beugnot, Jacques Claude

  • as head of the French police, 8:138, 8:139n

Bevan, John

  • letter from, 15:21–15:22
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 15:21

Bevan, Joseph Vallence, 14:251, 14:347

Beverley, McKenzie

  • employs tutor, 17:607

Beverley, Robert

  • Histoire de la Virginie, 5:509, 8:388

Beverley Town, Va. See Westham, Va.

Beverly (Henrico Co., Va.)

  • TJ’s lots in, 4:63, 4:154

Beverly (TJ’s slave; b. 1798). See Hemings, Beverly (TJ’s enslaved son; b. 1798)

Bevill, William, 16:455–16:456

Beyer, Edward

  • painting of Liberty, Va., by, 9:xliii, 9:344 (illus.)
  • painting of Rockfish Gap by, 13:li, 13:400 (illus.)
  • painting of Warm Springs by, 13:li, 13:400 (illus.)

Beyerlé, Jean Pierre Louis

  • Essai Preliminaire, ou observations historiques, politiques, théoriques et critiques. Sur les monnoies, 12:156, 12:157n

Beyle, Marie Henri (Stendhal)

  • Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, 19:669, 19:669n, 19:694

Béziers (Besiers) family

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:65

Bézout, Étienne

  • Cours De Mathématiques, 7:481, 7:626, 9:79, 9:107, 11:409, 11:452, 13:17, 13:382, 17:490
  • Cours de Mathématiques, à l’usage de la Marine et de l’Artillerie (ed. F. Peyrard), 10:235
  • Cours de Mathématiques, a l’usage Des Gardes du Pavillion et de la marine, 7:458, 7:458n, 8:309–8:310, 9:69–9:70, 9:229, 9:229n
  • Cours de Mathématiques, a l’Usage du Corps Royal de l’Artillerie, 8:309–8:310, 9:69–9:70, 9:80–9:82, 9:82n
  • Élémens du Calcul Différentiel et du Calcul Intégral, 20:582
  • Théorie Générale des Equations Algébriques, 16:400n
  • works of, 19:617, 20:469, 20:582

Bianchi, Jacopo

  • clerk in Florence, 9:294, 9:294

Bianchi, Pietro

  • family of, 9:294

Bias, Cesario

  • as clerk for B. Peyton, 16:274, 17:4, 17:95, 17:153, 17:223, 17:386, 17:552n, 18:53, 18:187, 18:332, 18:364
  • identified, 16:274–16:275n
  • introduced to TJ, 18:364
  • letters from, 16:274–16:275, 17:4, 17:95, 17:153, 17:223, 17:386–17:387, 18:332
  • travels of, 18:364

Bibb, George Minos

  • as U.S. senator, 4:114n
  • and Va. land grants, 18:208n

Bibb, William A.

  • as merchant, 5:528n
  • and University of Virginia, 16:314

Bibb, William Wyatt

  • as governor of Ala., 17:451
  • U.S. representative from Ga., 4:612n

Bibby, Thomas

  • plays violin with TJ, 15:408, 15:408n


  • Acts referenced, 6:541, 7:25, 7:26, 7:27n, 7:575, 7:589, 7:590n, 7:590n, 10:121, 14:257, 14:551, 16:619, 16:637, 18:55, 18:56, 18:60n, 18:60n, 18:61, 19:361, 19:363n, 20:19, 20:335, 20:408
  • Acts referenced by TJ, 4:73, 4:74n, 5:123, 5:125n, 16:563
  • J. Adams on, 7:25–7:26, 7:76
  • Amos referenced, 4:606, 4:607n
  • apocrypha, 7:25, 7:26, 7:27n, 7:77, 7:78n, 7:218, 7:219, 17:154n
  • authenticity of, 7:25–7:26, 8:196–8:197
  • bound for TJ, 18:619
  • 1 Chronicles referenced, 19:305, 19:306n, 19:306n
  • Colossians referenced, 10:506
  • 1 Corinthians referenced, 3:94, 3:95n, 7:581, 8:364, 8:365n, 10:505, 11:424n, 12:553, 13:393, 13:394n, 16:266, 19:362, 19:363n
  • 2 Corinthians referenced, 5:326–5:327, 6:284, 6:285n, 8:614, 8:614n
  • Daniel referenced, 6:236, 6:302, 7:36–7:37, 7:98, 7:99n, 7:582, 7:590n, 8:7, 8:7n, 10:306, 10:307n, 16:16, 16:619, 18:546
  • Daniel referenced by TJ, 5:135–5:136, 5:137n, 12:133, 12:134n, 17:431, 17:431n
  • deluge in, 10:564n, 12:177n, 12:190–12:191, 16:602n
  • Deuteronomy referenced, 6:98, 6:100n, 6:618, 10:505, 13:262–13:266, 13:268–13:269n, 16:264, 17:323, 17:323, 17:375n, 17:376n, 18:445, 19:305, 19:306n
  • Deuteronomy referenced by TJ, 18:163, 18:164n
  • dictionary of, 1:36
  • Ecclesiastes referenced, 6:192, 6:192–6:193n, 10:5, 10:8n, 17:13, 17:14n
  • Ecclesiastes referenced by TJ, 9:374, 9:375n, 11:338, 11:339n, 16:92, 18:73, 18:74n
  • Ephesians referenced, 8:191, 19:362, 19:363n
  • Esdras referenced, 8:665, 8:666, 8:667n, 8:667n
  • Esther referenced, 13:5, 13:6n, 16:16
  • Exodus referenced, 6:616–6:618, 6:619n, 6:643, 6:644n, 8:665, 8:666, 8:667n, 15:581, 15:584n, 16:17, 16:351, 16:351n, 17:323, 17:376n, 18:56, 18:60n, 18:90, 18:95n, 18:306, 18:309n, 18:477, 19:305, 19:306n, 19:623, 20:315, 20:317n
  • Exodus referenced by TJ, 5:591, 5:591n, 7:125, 7:147, 8:126, 8:127n, 12:20, 14:471, 14:620, 18:163, 18:164n
  • Ezekiel referenced, 7:195, 7:195n, 16:16, 18:658
  • Galatians referenced, 10:504, 19:361, 19:363n
  • Galatians referenced by TJ, 7:605, 7:605n, 12:324, 12:326n, 18:333, 18:334n
  • Genesis referenced, 6:21, 6:23n, 6:541, 7:219–7:220, 8:7, 8:7n, 10:46, 10:505, 10:506–10:507n, 12:335, 15:582, 15:584n, 16:16, 16:264, 16:620, 18:149, 18:152n, 18:242n, 18:644, 19:305, 19:306n, 19:560
  • Genesis referenced by TJ, 4:56, 4:57n, 6:564, 6:567n, 7:616, 7:617n, 9:329, 9:331n, 12:444, 15:231, 15:232n, 19:665
  • Greek language, 14:551, 16:229, 20:364
  • Habakkuk referenced, 7:386, 7:386n, 15:582, 15:584n
  • Hebrew language, 13:570, 13:570n, 13:571n
  • Hebrews referenced, 8:190, 10:504, 16:619, 19:400, 19:401, 19:401n, 19:402n
  • Hosea referenced by TJ, 14:452
  • Isaiah referenced, 7:195, 7:195n, 7:579, 7:579, 7:586, 7:589, 7:590n, 10:504, 12:64, 12:70, 12:591, 12:615, 14:386, 15:582, 15:584n, 17:13, 17:14n, 18:38n, 20:97
  • Isaiah referenced by TJ, 4:395, 4:395n, 10:375, 10:376n, 16:167, 19:104, 19:105n, 20:66, 20:286, 20:506
  • Jeremiah referenced, 7:579, 19:401, 19:402n, 20:335
  • Jeremiah referenced by TJ, 4:627, 4:628n, 5:12
  • Job referenced, 5:58, 5:59n, 12:334–12:335, 13:502, 13:503n, 18:396
  • John referenced, 6:302, 6:447, 6:521, 6:643, 6:644n, 7:25, 7:25, 7:217, 7:221n, 7:362, 7:363n, 7:585, 8:189–8:190, 8:190, 8:275, 8:276n, 10:78, 10:79n, 10:121, 10:505, 10:505, 13:502, 13:502–13:503n, 14:257, 14:386, 16:16, 18:56–18:57, 18:58, 18:58, 18:59, 18:60n, 18:60n, 18:60n, 18:61n, 18:645, 18:645, 19:401, 19:401, 19:401n, 19:402n, 20:19
  • John referenced by TJ, 12:419, 16:196, 18:499, 19:526, 19:526, 20:619, 20:620n
  • 1 John referenced, 18:645
  • Jonah referenced, 4:606, 4:607n, 13:462, 13:465n, 13:615, 13:615n, 17:13
  • Joshua referenced, 15:582, 15:584n, 17:14n, 19:305, 19:306n
  • Joshua referenced by TJ, 3:579, 3:579n, 12:442, 18:275, 18:275n
  • Jude referenced, 7:219
  • Judges referenced, 7:23, 7:27n, 9:249, 9:250n, 16:246, 18:205, 18:205n, 19:305, 19:306n, 19:306n
  • Judges referenced by TJ, 9:334, 9:336n
  • Judith referenced, 6:623, 6:627n
  • 1 Kings referenced, 5:495, 5:496–5:497n, 10:647, 15:107, 15:107n, 18:58, 18:444, 19:360, 19:362n
  • 1 Kings referenced by TJ, 9:330, 9:331n, 15:296, 15:297n
  • 2 Kings referenced, 10:211, 10:212n, 10:504, 18:546, 20:536, 20:545n
  • Lamentations referenced, 10:146n
  • large print edition of, 10:214
  • Leviticus referenced, 6:98, 6:100n, 17:323, 17:376n
  • Leviticus referenced by TJ, 14:471
  • Luke referenced, 1:615+, 2:458, 5:126–5:127, 5:127n, 6:183, 6:184n, 6:287, 6:288n, 7:25, 8:552, 8:553n, 8:665, 8:667n, 10:78, 10:78, 10:79n, 10:79n, 10:121, 10:123, 10:124n, 10:467, 10:468n, 10:504, 10:505, 10:505, 10:506, 11:115, 12:6, 12:6n, 12:161, 13:503, 13:503n, 15:580, 15:583n, 16:16, 16:74, 16:620, 17:291n, 18:58, 18:59, 18:60n, 18:61n, 18:533, 18:546, 19:377, 19:382n, 19:400, 19:401, 19:402n, 19:601, 20:376
  • Luke referenced by TJ, 1:154, 1:156n, 1:564, 1:565n, 2:421, 2:421n, 3:145, 3:146n, 3:555, 3:555n, 3:606, 3:607n, 7:148, 7:151n, 7:414, 7:415n, 8:168, 10:522, 11:24, 11:25n, 11:346, 11:347n, 12:154, 12:157n, 12:608, 15:302, 15:304n, 15:455, 15:455n, 15:457, 15:458n, 16:95, 16:235, 18:499, 19:75, 19:75n, 19:86, 19:87n, 19:578, 19:656, 20:263, 20:363, 20:565
  • Malachi referenced, 8:190, 15:535, 15:536n
  • Mark referenced, 7:25, 7:575, 7:589–7:590n, 10:78, 10:79n, 10:121, 10:505, 10:506, 12:410, 16:618, 17:291n, 18:58, 18:60n, 18:533, 19:400, 20:335
  • Mark referenced by TJ, 16:95, 16:235, 18:499, 19:656, 20:506, 20:565
  • Matthew referenced, 1:291, 1:292n, 1:615+, 2:203, 2:203n, 2:386, 2:387–2:388n, 3:74, 3:75n, 3:206, 3:207n, 3:262, 3:262n, 5:70, 5:71n, 5:590, 5:590n, 6:237, 6:239n, 6:447, 6:447, 7:25, 7:25, 7:584, 7:588, 7:588, 7:588, 7:590n, 8:406, 8:406, 8:407, 8:408n, 8:450, 8:451n, 8:665, 8:667n, 10:77, 10:78, 10:78, 10:79n, 10:79n, 10:79n, 10:121, 10:123, 10:124n, 10:467, 10:468n, 10:504, 10:504, 10:506, 11:115, 11:484, 11:484n, 12:6, 12:6n, 12:161, 15:514, 15:515n, 16:74, 16:618, 16:619, 17:291n, 18:56, 18:58, 18:59, 18:60n, 18:60n, 18:61n, 18:209, 18:390, 18:444, 18:533, 18:533, 18:644, 19:377, 19:382n, 19:624
  • Matthew referenced by TJ, 5:305, 5:645–5:646, 5:646n, 7:243, 7:243n, 7:705, 7:706n, 10:522, 10:656, 14:428, 14:428n, 14:471, 15:302, 15:304n, 15:457, 15:458n, 16:95, 16:235, 17:417, 17:417n, 18:499, 19:75, 19:75n, 19:86, 19:87n, 19:527, 20:250, 20:477, 20:478n, 20:565
  • mentioned, 8:5, 10:417, 10:541, 10:611, 12:60, 12:62, 13:502, 18:93–18:94, 20:47–20:48
  • Micah referenced, 15:296, 15:297n, 17:14, 17:14n, 17:291n
  • miniature edition of, 12:291, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 13:33, 13:100
  • miracles in, 6:236, 18:89, 18:94–18:95, 18:95n
  • Nehemiah referenced, 18:477
  • new edition proposed, 5:654, 5:654–5:655n, 5:662
  • New Testament, 10:480, 11:335, 11:368, 13:17, 14:215, 14:215, 14:257, 14:630, 15:581, 16:267, 18:212, 18:241–18:242, 19:399–19:401, 19:401n, 19:478, 20:53, 20:53n, 20:64, 20:100, 20:101, 20:364
  • Numbers referenced, 7:58, 7:58n, 15:580, 15:582, 15:582, 15:583n, 15:584n, 15:584n, 18:57, 18:60n, 18:94–18:95, 18:95n, 18:477
  • Old Testament, 11:368, 14:630, 15:296, 15:581, 16:267, 17:166n, 18:89, 19:400, 19:400, 19:400, 19:400, 19:401
  • paintings of scenes from, 16:219, 20:155, 20:157n
  • Peter referenced, 7:219
  • 1 Peter referenced, 10:76, 10:78, 10:79n, 10:79n, 15:535, 15:536n, 18:38n, 18:644–18:645
  • 1 Peter referenced by TJ, 2:274, 2:277n
  • 2 Peter referenced, 20:334
  • Porteusian, 19:400, 19:401n
  • prints of scenes from, 11:403
  • Proverbs referenced, 5:98, 5:98n, 6:623, 7:579, 15:582, 15:584n, 19:116n, 19:116n
  • Proverbs referenced by TJ, 8:341, 8:343n
  • Psalms referenced, 5:127n, 5:612, 5:614n, 6:22, 6:23n, 6:447, 6:616, 6:616, 12:64, 12:70, 12:553, 14:386, 16:600, 17:14, 17:14n, 17:279, 17:279n, 18:645, 18:661, 20:18
  • Psalms referenced by TJ, 6:67, 6:68n, 6:402, 6:407n, 6:550–6:551, 9:682, 9:682n, 11:339–11:340, 11:340n, 20:23–20:24, 20:273, 20:495, 20:529–20:530
  • purported divinity of, 20:19
  • Revelation referenced, 5:627, 5:629n, 6:521, 7:36–7:37, 7:98, 7:99n, 7:195, 7:195n, 8:7, 8:7n, 8:364, 8:365n, 10:78, 10:79n, 14:386, 15:582, 15:584n, 16:16, 16:17n, 16:619, 18:57, 18:59, 18:60n, 18:61n, 20:98
  • Romans referenced, 6:447, 7:582–7:583, 7:589, 7:590n, 13:502, 13:503n, 18:38n, 18:645, 19:281, 19:281n
  • Romans referenced by TJ, 20:66
  • 1 Samuel referenced, 6:37, 6:39–6:40n, 14:419, 18:58, 18:60n, 19:306n
  • 1 Samuel referenced by TJ, 1:103, 1:103n, 5:123, 5:125n
  • 2 Samuel referenced, 5:641, 5:642n, 6:37, 6:39–6:40n, 10:505
  • 2 Samuel referenced by TJ, 7:103, 7:104n
  • selling of, 10:283–10:284
  • Septuagint, 12:582, 13:293, 13:295, 17:411, 17:411–17:412n, 17:412n, 17:482–17:483, 17:483n, 18:18, 18:18n
  • sermon based on, 2:411, 2:412n
  • Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) referenced, 12:377
  • societies for distribution of, 6:607–6:608, 6:608n, 7:178, 7:182–7:183, 7:183n, 7:586, 10:507, 10:509n, 10:550, 10:610–10:611, 16:106, 19:703n
  • A. O. Stansbury on, 8:188–8:189, 8:190
  • study of, 7:182, 7:715, 9:651–9:652, 10:468, 14:27, 14:184, 20:408–20:409
  • swearing on, 2:594
  • Ten Commandments, 6:616–6:618, 7:125, 7:146–7:147, 7:147, 10:122, 10:425, 10:508, 11:525, 19:623, 19:625n
  • Thessalonians referenced, 20:336
  • Thessalonians referenced by TJ, 1:596, 1:597n, 3:304, 3:308n, 7:605, 7:605n, 12:324, 12:326n, 18:564
  • 1 Timothy referenced, 16:601
  • 2 Timothy referenced, 19:401, 19:401–19:402n
  • 2 Timothy referenced by TJ, 5:123, 5:125n
  • TJ acquires copies of, 2:321–2:322n, 2:337, 2:349, 10:233, 10:580, 10:642–10:643, 11:30, 11:31, 11:452, 12:291, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 12:620, 13:33, 13:100, 13:305, 13:439, 13:469
  • TJ orders, 13:342, 13:391, 13:394, 13:494, 13:525, 15:159, 15:159n, 15:223, 18:241–18:242, 19:478
  • TJ’s favorite edition of, 10:450
  • and virgin birth, 16:4n, 19:527
  • works on, 2:321–2:322n, 3:356–3:357, 8:235, 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:86, 9:194, 9:194n, 9:340–9:341, 10:233, 10:300, 11:115–11:116, 11:116n, 14:347n, 16:363–16:364, 16:364, 17:196, 17:197, 17:197, 17:411, 17:411, 17:411n, 17:411n, 18:18, 18:18, 19:493
  • Zechariah referenced, 12:64, 12:70, 15:296, 15:297n, 15:581, 15:584n, 18:645

Bible Society of Virginia, 6:607–6:608, 6:608n, 7:178, 7:182–7:183, 7:183n

תורה נביאים וכתובים. Biblia Hebraica, 13:571n

Bibliographie de la France, ou Journal Général de l’Imprimerie et de la Librairie, 13:391, 13:494, 13:495n, 13:525, 13:561, 13:561, 15:133, 15:159, 17:58, 17:58n, 18:177

Bibliographie de l’Empire Français (ed. A. J. Q. Beuchot), 20:346

Bibliographie Instructive (G. F. de Bure), 10:232n, 14:451, 20:346


  • works on, 20:346

Bibliothecæ Americanæ Primordia (W. Kennett), 5:513, 5:513n

Bibliothecae Historicae Libri Quindecim de quadraginta (Diodorus Siculus), 1:580, 6:382

Bibliotheca Historica (B. G. Struve, C. G. Buder, and J. G. Meusel), 8:559, 8:562n

Bibliotheca Legum Angliæ, part I. or, a Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm (comp. J. Worrall), 12:291, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364

Bibliothèque Britannique (eds. F. G. Maurice, C. Pictet de Rochemont, and M. A. Pictet), 11:444, 11:446n

Bibliotheque des Anciens Philosophes, 12:110, 12:582

Bibliothèque du Panthéon (Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève), Paris, 10:311

Bibliothèque géographique et instructive des Jeunes Gens, ou Recueil de voyages intéressants pour l’instruction et l’amusement de la jeunesse (J. H. Campe; trans. J. B. J. Breton de la Martinière), 12:534

Bibliothèque Nationale (Bibliothèque Royale), Paris, 10:311

Bibliothèque portative d’Architecture élémentaire, a l’usage des Artistes (C. A. Jombert), 10:235, 10:237n, 14:446n, 19:524n

Bibliothèque Universelle (eds. F. G. Maurice, C. Pictet de Rochemont, and M. A. Pictet), 11:443, 11:444, 11:446n

Biddle, James

  • American naval commander, 19:427

Biddle, Jane Margaret Craig (Nicholas Biddle’s wife)

  • identified, 7:383n
  • introduced by J. Vaughan, 7:383

Biddle, Nicholas

  • Address delivered before the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture, at its annual meeting, on the Fifteenth of January, 1822, 18:216–18:217, 18:217n, 18:241, 18:242
  • and American Philosophical Society, 12:235–12:236, 12:331, 12:455, 12:636, 12:636–12:638
  • American Philosophical Society membership diploma for, 6:xliv–6:xlv, 6:115n, 6:116n, 6:386 (illus.)
  • and books for L. Marks, 10:445, 10:446n
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 6:532
  • History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, 6:417, 7:63–7:64, 7:64n, 7:289, 7:289n, 7:290, 7:517–7:518, 7:555, 7:555n, 7:556, 9:704, 9:705, 9:706–9:707n, 10:60, 10:257, 10:257n, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 12:171, 12:188, 12:636, 12:637, 12:638n
  • identified, 2:74–2:75n
  • introduced by J. Vaughan, 7:383
  • and J. B. Lefevre’s claim, 2:74, 2:94
  • letter from, to W. Tilghman, 12:636–12:638
  • letters from, 2:74–2:75, 6:531–6:532, 18:216–18:217
  • letters to, 2:94, 6:430, 18:241
  • and Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2:332, 6:357, 6:417, 6:427, 6:429, 6:430, 6:531–6:532, 9:704, 9:706–9:707n, 10:164, 10:256–10:257, 10:377, 10:377, 10:445, 10:445, 10:446n, 11:43, 11:43–11:44n, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:172, 12:235–12:236, 12:636–12:638
  • and naval position for F. B. Taggart, 5:502, 5:503
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 8:461, 8:465n
  • as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n

Bidet, Nicolas

  • Traité sur la nature et sur la culture de la Vigne, 11:164

Bidwell, Barnabas, 3:28, 3:28n, 3:75, 3:118, 3:124

Bienville, Mr. See Le Moyne, Jean Baptiste, sieur de Bienville

Big Bone Lick, Ky.

  • fossils acquired from, 8:449n, 12:150

Bigelow, Andrew

  • identified, 14:58–14:59n
  • introduced to TJ, 14:58

Bigelow, Jacob

  • Facts serving to shew the comparative forwardness of the spring in different parts of the United States, 12:617
  • identified, 12:617n
  • letter to, 12:617–12:618
  • TJ sends weather observations to, 12:617, 12:618–12:619
  • writings of, 18:356

Bigelow, Tyler

  • letter from accounted for, 20:643

Bigland, John

  • works of, 19:505

Bigordi, Domenico di Tommaso (Domenico Ghirlandajo)

  • and portrait of A. Vespucci, 7:613

bilberries, 19:564

bile, 2:542

A Bill Annulling Marriages Prohibited by the Levitical Law, and Appointing the Mode of Solemnizing Lawful Marriage, 12:441

A Bill Appropriating part of the revenue of the Literary Fund, and for other purposes, 12:500–12:502

A Bill Concerning Slaves, 20:477–20:478n

A bill concerning the appropriation of the Literary Fund, 16:629, 16:629n

A Bill, Concerning the University of Virginia (1821) See also An act concerning the University of Virginia (1821) , 16:624, 16:625, 16:625n, 16:629, 16:635, 16:636n, 16:640, 17:32, 18:129, 18:220, 18:222n, 18:260, 18:265n

A Bill, Concerning the University of Virginia (1823) See also An act concerning the University of Virginia, and for other purposes (1823) , 19:241, 19:242, 19:274, 19:282–19:283, 19:284–19:285, 19:285n, 19:291–19:292, 19:314, 19:315, 19:324, 19:324, 19:339–19:340, 19:340–19:341n, 19:353–19:354

A Bill concerning Treasons, Felonies and Other Offences Committed Out of the Jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, 14:455–14:456, 14:457n

A Bill Constituting the Court of Admiralty, 14:456, 14:457n

A Bill Directing the Course of Descents, 17:323, 17:328

Bill for the improvement of the United States, by public roads and canals, 2:213–2:214

A Bill for Amending the Constitution of the College of William and Mary, 12:73n

A Bill for Establishing a System of Public Education, 12:98, 12:114–12:127, 12:129n, 12:132n, 12:133, 12:134, 12:193, 12:201–12:202, 12:233, 12:256, 12:263, 12:285–12:286, 12:288n, 12:289–12:290, 12:325, 12:326n, 12:382, 12:383n, 12:413, 12:432–12:433, 12:448–12:449, 12:457, 16:430n

A Bill for Establishing Elementary Schools, 12:10–12:15, 12:15–12:16, 12:18, 12:98, 12:285–12:286, 12:288n, 12:289–12:290, 12:326n, 16:430n

A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge, 7:637, 7:641n, 9:626, 9:627, 10:263, 10:264n, 11:415, 11:416n, 12:73n, 12:201–12:202, 16:611–16:612, 16:613n, 17:326–17:327, 17:328, 17:376n

Bill of Mortality for Portsmouth (L. Spalding), 3:373–3:374

A Bill Providing for the endowment of Primary Schools, Academies, Colleges, and an University, 12:381–12:382, 12:383n, 12:388, 12:413, 12:414n, 12:432, 12:437, 12:437n, 12:457, 12:489, 12:500

A Bill Providing for the establishment of Primary Schools, Academies, Colleges, and an University, 11:133–11:134, 12:73n, 12:193, 12:194n, 12:202, 12:233, 12:256, 12:288, 12:329

Bill Requiring the Sheriffs of the different counties and corporations within this Commonwealth, to take the sense of the people upon the propriety of calling a Convention (1815), 9:286, 9:287n, 9:298, 9:298n, 11:119n

Billy (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:633, 19:56

Billy (Big Billy) (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Billy (Little Billy) (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Billy (C. Clay’s slave), 6:94

Billy (J. B. Couch’s slave)

  • and lost trunk, 1:346, 1:347, 1:348

Billy (J. Daingerfield’s slave), 15:94

Billy (N. H. Hooe’s slave), 3:112

Billy (C. Peyton’s slave)

  • transports clover seed, 4:548

Billy (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Billy (TJ’s slave)

  • as laborer, 15:11

Billy (TJ’s slave; b. 1799)

  • as cooper, 12:227
  • delivers letter, 5:342, 8:133n, 9:505
  • escape of, 15:130, 15:147, 19:262n
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 4:388, 5:461, 8:61
  • return of, to Poplar Forest, 12:349, 12:483, 12:538, 15:158
  • sale of, 15:138, 15:154, 15:162
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:718
  • trial of, 19:262, 19:262–19:263n
  • as wagoner, 5:489

Billy (TJ’s slave; b. 1808; Flora’s son)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:62, 8:255

Billy (TJ’s slave; b. 1808; Sarah [Sally] Hubbard’s son)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255
  • valuation of, 19:333

Bingham, Henry Vest

  • identified, 18:365n
  • and judicial review, 18:364–18:365
  • letter from, 18:364–18:366

Bingham, Julius A.

  • identified, 18:490n
  • letter from, 18:489–18:490
  • letter to, 18:514
  • proposed work of, 18:489–18:490, 18:490n, 18:514

Bingham, Thomas

  • identified, 10:433n
  • letter from, 10:433
  • War of 1812 service of, 10:433

Bingham, William, 1:56n

Binney, John See also Binney & Ludlow (Boston firm)

  • identified, 15:349n

Binney & Ludlow (Boston firm)

  • identified, 15:349n
  • letter from, 15:348–15:349
  • letter to, 15:369–15:370
  • and seeds for TJ, 15:348, 15:369

Binns, John

  • identified, 14:558–14:559n
  • letter from, 14:558–14:559
  • letter to, 14:644
  • and T. McKean’s letter to C. A. Rodney, 19:470
  • and Philadelphia Democratic Press, 8:5, 13:383n, 19:330, 19:330, 19:332n
  • publishes Declaration of Independence, 5:632–5:633n, 10:188, 10:189n, 13:liii, 14:558–14:559, 14:568, 14:644, 15:liii, 15:346 (illus.) , 15:479–15:480, 15:480n, 20:157n

Binns, John Alexander

  • and R. Rush’s cabinet proposal, 5:78
  • A Treatise on Practical Farming, 2:198n

Binny, Archibald See also Binny & Ronaldson (Philadelphia firm)

  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:559n
  • printing partnership, 1:17, 1:18–1:19n
  • as typefounder, 18:520, 18:521

Binny & Ronaldson (Philadelphia firm)

  • W. Duane on, 3:329–3:330
  • letters from, 1:283
  • letters to, 1:314–1:315
  • and raising of sheep, 1:17
  • as typefounders, 1:18–1:19n, 5:654–5:655n, 13:570n, 18:520

Binon, Jean Baptiste

  • and bust of J. Adams, 13:69, 13:70n, 13:578

A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson, M.D. LL.D. (D. Hosack), 15:127–15:128, 15:128n, 15:144, 15:144n, 17:277, 17:278n


  • and clues to character, 7:63–7:64
  • A Description of a System of Biography (J. Priestley), 8:472, 8:672
  • A New American Biographical Dictionary (T. Rogers), 19:341–19:342, 19:342n
  • Port Folio to publish, 7:317–7:318
  • proposed national, 2:188–2:189, 7:295–7:296, 7:302–7:303, 7:330, 7:411–7:412, 13:495–13:496, 19:472–19:473, 19:473–19:475, 19:510–19:511, 19:543–19:544
  • TJ on, 14:284, 15:163, 17:307

Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence (J. Sanderson), 13:477–13:478, 13:478n, 16:li, 16:213–16:214, 16:214n, 16:228, 16:424, 16:503, 16:511, 17:307, 17:310, 17:321, 18:246–18:247, 18:274, 19:93–19:94, 19:95n

Bioren, John, 14:601

Biot, Jean Baptiste

  • Analyse du Traite de Mécanique Céleste de P. S. Laplace, 13:314n
  • member of Société d’Arcueil, 1:267n
  • Traité Élémentaire d’Astronomie Physique, 10:235, 17:138, 17:447, 17:494
  • writings of, 18:335, 20:469

Birch, Thomas

  • drawing by, 10:200 (illus.) , 10:201n
  • family of, 5:221n
  • The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain … With Their Lives and Characters, 7:399, 7:400n
  • identified, 10:200–10:201n

Birch, Thomas Erskine

  • identified, 4:286n
  • letters from, 4:286–4:287, 4:391–4:392, 4:518–4:519
  • letters to, 4:396, 4:562–4:563
  • The Virginian Orator, 4:286, 4:287n, 4:391, 4:396, 4:518–4:519, 4:562–4:563

Birch, William Russell

  • bust of TJ, 3:625n
  • drawing of TJ by, 5:221n
  • and D. Edwin’s engraving of TJ, 5:221
  • identified, 5:221–5:222n
  • letters from, 5:221–5:222
  • letters to, 5:288

Birch, William Young, 3:296–3:297n

Birch, W. Y., & A. Small (Philadelphia publisher), 1:18, 1:19n, 1:172n

birch trees

  • F. A. Michaux on, 5:7, 5:8n, 7:52, 8:248

Birckhead, Francis

  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:479

Bird, John

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:314

bird pepper, 5:364–5:365, 6:xliii, 6:66–6:67, 6:67, 6:81, 6:127–6:128, 6:187–6:188, 6:195–6:196, 6:252, 6:292, 6:377, 6:386 (illus.) , 6:615, 7:326, 7:567, 7:568n


  • artists depict, 19:108
  • books on, 8:6, 8:22, 8:22–8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n, 19:547, 19:569
  • cranes, 8:6
  • and flight, 18:347, 18:359
  • hawks, 8:6
  • house martins, 11:39, 12:618
  • mentioned, 12:442
  • mockingbirds, 1:162
  • nightingale, 1:599
  • ospreys, 14:161
  • partridges, 15:138n
  • skylark, 1:599
  • swallows, 11:404, 18:356
  • study of
  • taxidermy of, 13:227
  • in Va., 14:562
  • and weather, 12:618–12:619
  • whip-poor-wills, 8:6, 11:39, 12:618
  • wood robins, 11:39

Birdseye, Victory, 19:556

A Bird’s Eye Sketch of the Military Concerns of the United States (W. Duane), 5:257n

Birdwood (Gilmer family’s Henry Co. estate)

  • E. Trist at, 5:27n, 7:501–7:502, 9:456–9:457

Birkbeck, Morris

  • Notes on a Journey through France, 9:122, 9:122n, 9:679, 10:559, 10:560, 10:560, 10:592, 11:124, 11:124n, 11:300–11:301, 12:20
  • and settlement in U.S., 11:222, 11:301, 11:301n, 11:609, 11:609n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 12:20

Birkman, Peter

  • identified, 19:596n
  • letter from, 19:595–19:596
  • letter to, 19:632
  • The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre, 19:595–19:596, 19:596n, 19:632

Birth, Mr. See Berth, Mr.


  • TJ’s, 10:114, 10:117n, 19:501, 19:502n

Bishop, Mrs.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:626

Bishop, Jane

  • and University of Virginia, 19:47, 20:199, 20:218, 20:219

Bishop, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:303, 16:303, 16:310

Bishop, John T.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:308, 16:312

Bishop, Jonathan

  • delivers letter, 15:208, 15:229
  • as overseer, 15:158, 15:229, 15:428, 15:473–15:474, 17:207
  • TJ pays, 17:217, 17:218, 17:232, 17:258, 17:258n, 18:404, 18:406, 18:406
  • transports slave, 15:158, 15:158n, 15:174, 15:427

Bishop, Joseph

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • buys bark from TJ, 14:431, 18:351
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:328, 13:161, 20:195, 20:556
  • and harness for E. Bacon, 18:642
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • TJ pays, 2:116, 7:459, 7:460n, 7:460, 20:169n
  • TJ’s debt to, 19:494
  • and University of Virginia, 20:197, 20:209, 20:210

bison, American (buffalo), 6:470, 7:302, 8:238, 10:398

Bisset, Robert, 7:664

bittersweet, American. See waxwork (American bittersweet)

Bixby, Luke , 5:39n

Bizarre Scandal, 8:296n

Bizet, Charles

  • acquires seed from TJ, 11:183, 11:183n
  • delivers letter, 11:248
  • letters from accounted for, 4:689, 10:679, 13:621

Bizett, Nicholas

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306

Black, Christopher L.

  • identified, 11:529n
  • letter from, 11:528–11:530
  • letter to, 11:582
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:528–11:529, 11:582

Black, George W.

  • and University of Virginia, 20:206, 20:228, 20:233

Black, James

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 16:476, 17:638

Black, John

  • and University of Virginia, 19:47

Black, Joseph (Scottish chemist), 12:518, 20:637

Black, William (ship captain), 12:436, 12:436n, 12:522, 12:523, 12:524, 12:528, 12:535

Blackbeard (Edward Teach), 2:668, 5:600–5:601, 6:53

blackberry lily, 10:517

Blackburn, George

  • on education, 14:101–14:103, 14:104n, 14:198
  • family of, 14:101, 14:103, 14:104n, 16:34
  • identified, 13:234–13:235n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:234
  • letter from, 14:101–14:104
  • letter to, 14:198
  • professor at Asbury College, 14:103
  • professor at College of William and Mary, 4:108, 4:246, 8:609, 13:234, 14:102
  • professor at South Carolina College, 8:353, 8:609–8:610, 8:646, 14:102
  • proposed Charlottesville school of, 14:103–14:104
  • seeks professorship at Central College, 8:353, 13:234
  • teaching system of, 14:104, 14:104n, 14:198
  • and University of Virginia, 14:101, 14:101, 14:102, 14:103, 14:104n, 14:104n, 14:198, 16:34
  • visits Monticello, 14:101, 15:67–15:68n

Blackburn, Samuel

  • on University of Virginia, 17:157, 17:158n
  • as Va. legislator, 16:468, 16:515, 16:593, 16:629, 16:635, 17:157, 17:158n, 18:109, 18:109, 18:110, 18:129, 18:208, 18:260, 18:262–18:263, 18:263, 18:264, 18:285

Blackburn, Thomas R.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:631, 17:631, 17:641n

Blackden, Samuel

  • and Ky. land, 1:131n, 5:433

black-eyed peas, 1:157, 20:396

Blackford, Benjamin, 14:118

Blackford, Arthur & Company (Shenandoah Co. firm)

  • and corn-shelling machine, 14:96–14:97, 14:118, 19:678–19:679, 19:708–19:709
  • and University of Virginia, 17:620, 17:636, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:49, 19:62, 19:183, 19:188, 19:238, 20:195, 20:212, 20:213, 20:556

Blackledge, William

  • recommendation of, 2:211, 2:212n, 2:333

Blacklock, Thomas

  • as translator of Horace, 6:551, 6:552n, 6:616

Blackmeadow (farm at Montpellier [Madison family estate]), 3:190

Blackmore, Richard

  • J. Swift satirizes, 10:424, 10:425n

Black Pawnee Indians (Paniouassas), 17:38, 17:39n

Black Rock, N.Y.

  • burnt by British forces, 8:217
  • TJ on, 20:142


  • charges from, 1:3
  • enslaved, 17:650
  • at Monticello, 1:419n, 1:464n, 12:185, 16:552, 17:79
  • at University of Virginia, 17:650, 20:209, 20:214, 20:215

Blackstone, William

  • Blackstone’s Commentaries (ed. S. G. Tucker), 7:616, 7:617n, 7:628, 8:336, 10:438, 18:282
  • cited in Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:299, 4:302n
  • Commentaries on the Laws of England, 2:420, 3:546, 4:302n, 5:136, 5:136, 5:137n, 7:125, 7:126–7:127, 7:127, 7:148, 7:148, 7:249, 7:628, 9:697, 10:417, 10:428–10:429, 16:640, 16:641, 17:508, 17:508–17:509n, 17:530–17:531, 18:381, 18:475, 18:559, 20:411
  • Commentaries on the Laws of England (ed. E. Christian), 18:334, 18:335
  • as legal authority, 9:697, 11:368, 17:322, 19:165
  • on legislators’ responsibility to constituents, 4:129, 4:130n
  • and Magna Carta, 7:67
  • mentioned, 4:162, 7:129, 7:223, 18:334–18:335
  • Reports of Cases Determined in the Several Courts of Westminster-Hall, from 1746 to 1779, 3:134, 3:135n, 3:152
  • and royal rights, 3:174n, 3:176n
  • J. Tyler on, 3:206
  • writings of bound for TJ, 8:630

Blackstone’s Commentaries (W. Blackstone; ed. S. G. Tucker), 7:616, 7:617n, 7:628, 8:336, 10:438, 18:282

Blackwater (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate)

  • beds and blankets distributed to slaves at, 4:382–4:383

Blackwater Mills (Bedford Co.), 4:87

Blackwater tobacco warehouse (Lynchburg), 6:25, 6:26n

Blackwell, Thomas

  • Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, 15:298, 15:299n

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 19:608

Blacons, Henri François Lucretius d’Armand de Forest, marquis de

  • and French Constitution of 1791, 17:370


  • as scientific equipment, 20:611

Bladen, Martin

  • translates Caius Julius Cæsar’s Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey (J. Caesar), 1:580, 19:505

Bladensburg, Battle of (1814), 7:621–7:623, 7:624n, 7:656n, 8:19n, 8:153, 8:155, 20:594

Blaettermann, Elizabeth Charlotte Dean (George Wilhelm Blaettermann’s wife)

  • J. Ogilvie on, 14:347

Blaettermann, George Wilhelm

  • identified, 14:253n
  • letters from, 14:251–14:253, 19:558–19:559
  • letters from, to R. Rush, 17:539, 17:539–17:540
  • library of, 19:559
  • recommendations of, 14:252, 14:252–14:253n, 14:345–14:346, 14:347–14:348
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 14:251–14:252, 14:517, 14:519, 15:302, 17:418–17:419, 17:419n, 17:538, 17:539, 17:539, 17:539–17:540, 17:562, 19:555, 19:558–19:559
  • University of Virginia professorship, 20:292

Blagden, George

  • and reconstruction of U.S. Capitol, 8:592, 8:592, 11:480

Blagrove, Charles

  • identified, 5:87n
  • letters from, 5:103, 5:159
  • letters from accounted for, 5:222n
  • letters to, 5:87, 5:128, 5:222
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:87, 5:103, 5:103n, 5:128, 5:159, 5:222, 5:222n

Blagrove, William

  • and Bunker Hill Association, 2:504–2:505, 2:666
  • identified, 2:505n
  • letters from, 2:504–2:505, 14:182–14:183
  • letters to, 2:666
  • as Navy Department clerk, 14:182, 14:183n

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de, 10:165, 10:165n, 16:568, 17:88

Blair, Archibald, 3:605, 3:605n

Blair, Beverley

  • identified, 2:154n
  • letter prepared by, 2:154

Blair, Hugh

  • Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1:576, 7:629, 7:662, 12:576, 16:5, 16:381, 16:458, 19:505
  • TJ references, 7:630

Blair, John

  • and P. Mazzei’s property, 3:383n, 5:598, 6:115+, 6:115n+
  • TJ on, 10:366
  • and Va. constitutional society, 5:359+, 5:359n+
  • will of contested, 9:27–9:28, 9:28–9:29n, 9:29n, 9:93–9:94, 9:94n

Blake, George, 3:126, 3:127, 3:165–3:166, 3:178

Blake, Mrs. George (née Moredock), 3:127

Blake, James Heighe

  • letters from accounted for, 1:12n
  • mayor of Washington, 7:669n

Blake, Joaquín, 2:247, 2:248n

Blancan, René

  • merchant, 9:451

Blanchy (brig), 11:661

Blanckaert, Nicolaas

  • edits Arriani Ars Tactica, Acies contra Alanos, Periplus Ponti Euxini, Periplus Maris Erythraei, Liber de Venatione, Epicteti Enchiridion, Ejusdem Apopthegmata et Fragmenta, quae in Joannis Stobaei Florilegio, et in Agellii Noctibus Atticis Supersunt (Arrian), 14:510

Bland, John, 16:454

Bland, Peter, 16:454

Bland, Peter R., 16:454

Bland, Richard

  • executors of, 1:403
  • An Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, 8:643, 8:645n
  • and manuscript of Va. laws, 16:241n, 20:183
  • and protection of slaves, 7:603, 7:605n
  • and Stamp Act Resolutions, 4:599, 8:642, 16:230
  • TJ on, 7:411, 7:548, 7:603, 8:643
  • and Two-Penny Act (1758), 7:546
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n

Bland, Theodorick (1742–90)

  • as member of Continental Congress, 16:446, 16:446n

Bland, Theodorick (1776–1846)

  • identified, 17:231n
  • letter from, 17:230–17:231
  • letter to, 17:244–17:245
  • and son’s education, 17:230–17:231, 17:244–17:245
  • and University of Virginia, 14:313
  • as U.S. commissioner to South America, 13:299, 13:300n

Blankenship, Mr., 5:128


  • Dutch, 6:344, 6:344, 9:76
  • Indian, 1:510
  • “paint”, 18:40
  • at Poplar Forest, 17:154
  • to protect furniture during transport, 14:636
  • E. Randolph’s, 4:231–4:232n
  • for sale, 12:361
  • for slaves, 3:647+, 4:99, 4:382–4:383, 5:33, 5:34, 5:460–5:463, 5:470, 8:68, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186, 13:386, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • striped, 9:147, 18:40, 18:403
  • TJ purchases, 16:12, 19:11

Blanque, Jean

  • La. legislator, 7:227

Blanque, Jean Paul, 3:52, 3:496–3:497

Blanquefort (wine), 9:513

Blatchford, Samuel

  • Elements of the Greek Language … Being a Translation of Dr. Moor’s Celebrated Greek Grammar, 8:660, 9:464, 9:464n, 9:538, 9:639

Blatchly, Cornelius Camden

  • An Essay on Common Wealths, 19:36, 19:37n, 19:86–19:87
  • identified, 19:37n
  • letter from, 19:36–19:37
  • letter to, 19:86–19:87
  • and New-York Society for Promoting Communities, 19:36–19:37, 19:86–19:87
  • Some Causes of Popular Poverty, 12:7n

Bleake, Margaret

  • signs petition, 18:146

Bleakley, David

  • letters from accounted for, 3:655

Bledsoe, Jesse

  • as U.S. senator, 6:241

Blenheim (slave), 4:231–4:232n

Blenheim (Albemarle Co. estate), 16:104

Blenheim, Battle of (1704), 15:605

Blenheim Mountain (Albemarle Co.), 8:568, 9:648, 13:276

blindness, 11:359, 12:248, 12:621, 18:516, 18:546, 19:362, 19:458, 19:598, 19:645, 20:424

Bloch, Marcus Elieser, 5:601, 14:168

Blocquerst, Andrew J., 5:467n

Blodget’s Hotel (Washington), 4:577, 4:577n, 7:680, 7:698, 7:699n, 8:445n, 13:520, 13:521n

Blomfield, John

  • introduced to TJ, 14:346, 14:347n

Bloodgood, Abraham

  • chairs meeting of N.Y. Republicans, 1:530–1:534, 1:568–1:569
  • identified, 1:534n
  • letters from, 1:530–1:534
  • letters from accounted for, 1:533n
  • letters to, 1:568–1:569

Bloodgood, Francis

  • family of, 15:371n
  • identified, 15:371n
  • letter from, 15:370–15:371
  • letter to, 15:403
  • and minerals for University of Virginia, 15:370–15:371, 15:403

Bloody Buoy (W. Cobbett), 3:305, 3:308n, 13:235, 13:235–13:236n

Bloomfield, Joseph

  • military experience of, 6:527–6:528
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Bloomfield, Samuel F.

  • and post road, 1:350, 1:351–1:352

Blount, James, 11:293+, 11:293n+

Blount, Thomas

  • and party politics, 9:100–9:101, 9:101n

Blount, William

  • conspiracy, 4:174, 4:174–4:175n, 5:4
  • and party politics, 9:100–9:101, 9:101n

Blount, Willie

  • identified, 18:284n
  • letter from, 18:281–18:284
  • letters from accounted for, 3:655
  • letter to, 18:358–18:359
  • and republican principles, 18:281–18:283, 18:358

blowpipes, 20:611, 20:611, 20:612, 20:637

Blucher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 6:619, 6:621n

Bluebeard (fictional character), 16:618

Blue Ridge Mountains

  • altitude of, 9:10n, 9:71–9:72, 9:193
  • as geographical feature, 2:218, 3:102, 4:177, 4:526, 12:165, 12:451
  • as political divide, 12:129, 12:130, 12:287, 12:382, 12:489, 12:501, 12:502n, 12:539
  • routes through, 1:197–1:198, 9:35, 11:628–11:629
  • surveying of, 9:687–9:688, 13:348–13:349
  • visible from Monticello, 8:298, 15:405, 16:36–16:37
  • visible from Montpellier, 16:201
  • visible from Poplar Forest, 3:355

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich

  • career of described, 2:510n
  • and classification of animals, 7:152, 7:208–7:209, 7:210, 7:210, 11:367
  • corresponds with TJ, 1:207, 1:208n
  • on mammoths, 2:508, 2:509
  • Manuel D’Histoire Naturelle, 7:626, 19:508

Blunt, Edmund March

  • The American Coast Pilot, 12:342, 12:343n, 13:36
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, for the year 1814, 6:535, 6:559
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, for the year 1816, 8:118, 8:142, 8:181, 9:60
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac, and Astronomical Ephemeris, for the year 1817, 10:580, 10:630, 10:642, 11:13, 11:13n, 11:31
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac, and Astronomical Ephemeris, for the year 1818, 10:580, 11:13, 11:13n, 11:31
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac, and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1819, 13:513, 13:513n
  • Blunt’s Edition of the Nautical Almanac, and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1820, 15:173
  • as bookseller, 17:280
  • identified, 4:13n
  • letters from, 4:13, 4:202, 6:535
  • letters to, 4:55–4:56, 6:559
  • Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1812, 4:13, 4:13n, 4:55
  • Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1813, 4:202, 4:202n
  • nautical almanacs of, 15:465

Blythe, James

  • and Transylvania University, 15:155

Boardman, James

  • identified, 18:162–18:163n
  • letter from, 18:162–18:163
  • sends portraits to TJ, 18:162

Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York

  • Address of the General Committee of the Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York, to the County Agricultural Societies, For 1820. with accompanying documents, 15:437, 15:437n, 15:438n
  • and chemical chair, 12:647, 13:249
  • identified, 15:438n


  • corruption among, 9:371, 9:402, 9:499, 17:3
  • payment of, 11:459
  • rates for transport, 9:418, 9:493, 9:493–9:494
  • of W. Wood, 15:414

boats See also gunboats

  • barges, 6:170n, 19:143
  • bateaux, 17:432n, 19:394n
  • building materials for, 9:555–9:556, 9:556, 9:557
  • canal
  • carriage to and from Richmond, 1:44n, 1:81, 1:114–1:115, 1:153, 1:176, 1:246, 1:257, 1:319, 1:368, 1:457, 1:488n, 2:96, 2:109, 2:110–2:111, 2:116, 2:154, 2:305, 2:335, 2:352+, 2:392, 2:423, 2:430, 2:438, 3:67, 3:310n, 3:334, 3:442, 3:479, 3:518, 3:520, 4:57, 4:219, 4:233, 4:234n, 4:381, 4:422, 4:526, 4:530, 4:548–4:549, 4:557, 4:580, 5:599, 5:622, 5:656, 7:94–7:95, 8:97, 8:100, 8:305, 8:492, 8:536, 8:571, 8:582, 8:609, 8:609n, 9:51, 9:76, 9:133, 9:254, 9:272–9:273, 9:273, 9:313, 9:313, 9:421, 9:499, 9:505, 9:542, 9:547, 9:582, 9:602, 10:300, 10:357, 10:358, 10:395, 10:410, 10:434–10:435, 10:440, 10:440, 10:450, 10:466, 10:475, 10:494, 10:494n, 10:502, 10:532, 10:539, 10:571, 10:576, 11:260, 11:290, 11:303, 11:337, 11:378, 11:548, 11:593, 11:593, 12:29, 12:78, 12:167, 12:167, 12:192, 12:194, 12:261, 12:312–12:313, 12:346, 12:355, 12:356, 12:372, 12:380, 12:389, 12:405–12:406, 12:436, 12:476, 12:481, 12:503–12:504, 12:516, 12:522, 12:523–12:524, 12:527, 12:528, 12:535, 12:542, 12:543, 12:546–12:547, 12:550–12:551, 12:551, 12:552, 12:579–12:580, 12:587, 12:607, 12:645, 12:646, 13:93, 13:98, 13:109, 13:116, 13:140, 13:140, 13:165, 13:168, 13:277, 13:277, 13:277, 13:283, 13:283, 13:285, 13:285, 13:285, 13:289, 13:305, 13:314, 13:322, 13:325, 13:326, 13:349, 13:542, 13:588, 13:594, 13:616–13:617, 14:6, 14:37, 14:37, 14:50, 14:166, 14:166–14:167, 14:175, 14:193, 14:214, 14:218, 14:222, 14:223, 14:243–14:244, 14:265–14:266, 14:266, 14:267, 14:267, 14:270, 14:272, 14:286, 14:350, 14:366, 14:447, 14:476, 14:492, 14:542, 14:570, 14:573, 14:576, 14:583, 14:593, 15:156, 15:181–15:182, 15:202, 15:204, 15:243–15:244, 15:280, 15:332, 15:334, 15:334, 15:353, 15:357, 15:367, 15:380, 15:380, 15:390, 15:391, 15:391, 15:396, 15:414, 15:414–15:415n, 15:471, 15:483, 15:498, 15:498, 15:518, 15:541, 15:544, 15:544, 15:545, 15:552, 15:554, 15:610, 16:21, 16:41, 16:45, 16:47, 16:216, 16:224, 16:240, 16:281, 16:323, 16:328, 16:366, 16:376, 16:389, 16:410, 16:413, 16:416, 16:416, 16:526, 16:596, 16:597, 16:626, 17:3, 17:4, 17:47, 17:47, 17:83, 17:95, 17:110–17:111, 17:112, 17:113, 17:129, 17:153, 17:176, 17:176, 17:197, 17:199, 17:207, 17:211, 17:217, 17:221, 17:221, 17:243, 17:259, 17:287, 17:386, 17:396, 17:515, 17:531, 17:552n, 17:579, 17:588, 18:39, 18:71, 18:79, 18:117, 18:118, 18:131, 18:169, 18:203, 18:203, 18:212, 18:214, 18:222, 18:244, 18:250–18:251, 18:258, 18:287, 18:309, 18:310, 18:320, 18:330, 18:332, 18:349, 18:350, 18:358, 18:375, 18:402, 18:435, 18:471, 18:491, 18:512, 18:522, 18:530, 18:581, 18:586, 18:597, 18:601, 18:609, 18:609, 18:621, 18:623, 18:630, 19:31, 19:38, 19:65, 19:78, 19:85, 19:110, 19:110, 19:151, 19:213, 19:367, 19:371, 19:385, 19:394, 19:477, 19:483, 19:594, 19:684, 19:702, 20:14, 20:14n, 20:15n, 20:21, 20:22, 20:23, 20:29, 20:36, 20:40, 20:44, 20:55, 20:69–20:70, 20:120, 20:145, 20:153n, 20:171, 20:237, 20:252, 20:309, 20:382–20:383, 20:412, 20:431, 20:459, 20:461, 20:465, 20:466, 20:471, 20:496, 20:503, 20:549, 20:563
  • cost of transportation by, 10:561–10:562, 15:224, 16:25n, 16:216n, 16:223, 16:223n, 16:240, 16:240, 16:293, 16:343, 19:702, 19:702
  • design of, 5:491, 5:492n, 5:508n, 5:548–5:549, 9:555–9:558, 9:558n, 9:601, 13:425, 19:142–19:143
  • diving (submarine), 6:206, 6:313, 6:314n, 19:143
  • floating batteries, 6:637–6:641, 6:642
  • impressment of, 7:123, 7:135, 7:156, 19:622
  • lifeboats, 9:556, 9:557
  • mechanical power for, 10:184
  • mentioned, 12:422, 12:563, 12:563, 14:277, 19:185
  • military, 9:557, 11:498, 13:33, 19:142–19:143, 19:279, 20:585, 20:587n
  • and river navigation, 6:604+, 11:104, 11:413, 12:594–12:595, 12:595–12:596, 12:596, 12:597, 12:597–12:598, 12:600, 12:601, 12:603, 14:391, 14:392, 14:394–14:395, 14:396–14:397, 14:399, 14:405, 14:406, 14:407–14:408
  • rowboats, 6:169–6:170, 19:143
  • run aground, 12:342–12:343, 19:609
  • safety of, 9:557, 20:337
  • steamboats, 4:199, 4:199–4:200, 4:235, 4:273, 6:56–6:57, 6:62, 6:63, 6:247–6:249, 6:272, 6:637–6:641, 8:591, 10:610, 10:674, 10:675, 10:675, 11:32, 11:65–11:66, 11:111, 11:255, 11:435, 11:448, 11:457, 11:497–11:499, 11:523, 11:539, 11:565, 11:565n, 12:401–12:402, 12:402n, 12:518, 13:33, 13:77, 13:254–13:255, 14:37, 14:129, 14:166–14:167, 14:308, 14:464–14:465, 14:465, 15:149, 16:281, 16:468, 17:26, 17:26, 19:143, 19:143, 19:143n, 19:147–19:148, 19:228, 19:298, 20:40, 20:631
  • stolen, 14:610, 16:369–16:370n
  • and TJ’s travels in France, 14:607

Bob (Charles Clay’s servant), 3:65, 9:229

Boccaccio, Giovanni

  • Decameron, 17:72

Bochart, Samuel

  • Hierozoicon, 7:715, 7:716n

Bocock (Bococke; Bowcock), Mr. (overseer)

  • mentioned, 18:405
  • TJ pays, 18:406–18:407, 18:441

Bocock (Bowcock), Johnson, 18:406, 18:406

Boddily, J. (ship captain), 15:63

Bode, Johann Elert

  • Uranographia sive Astrorum Descriptio, 10:508–10:509, 10:550, 10:587

Bodoni, Giambattista

  • as publisher, 13:428, 13:428n, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

Boehmeria nivea. See silk plant

Boerstler, Charles, 5:533–5:539, 6:645, 7:525, 8:261n, 8:263

Boerum, Simon

  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:333n

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus

  • Consolationis Philosophiæ Libri V. Anglo-Saxonice Redditi ab Alfredo (ed. C. Rawlinson), 8:236, 16:364, 17:196
  • translation of work of, 17:138, 17:445

Bogart, William Henry

  • recollections of S. Hale, 13:29n

Boggs, Robert

  • on J. Logan, 9:64

Böhmer, Justus Henning

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Boileau, Nathaniel Britton

  • secretary of commonwealth of Pa., 4:372, 4:373n

Boileau, Nicolas, 7:665


  • as scientific equipment , 20:636

Boilly, Julien (Jules) Léopold

  • and portrait of TJ, 19:610n

Boimare, A. L.

  • edits Journal Historique de l’Établissement des Français a la Louisiane (B. de la Harpe), 9:659n

Boin, William

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 16:307, 16:308, 16:320

Boissieu, Denis Salvaing de

  • Traité de l’usage des fiefs et autres droits seigneuriaux, 3:175n

Boissy d’Anglas, François Antoine, comte de

  • Essai sur la Vie, les Écrits et les Opinions de M. de Malesherbes, 14:204, 16:484–16:485
  • identified, 14:205n
  • letter from, 14:203–14:206
  • letter to, 16:484–16:485
  • on Malesherbes, 14:203–14:204
  • meets TJ in France, 14:203–14:204, 16:485

Boiste, Pierre Claude Victoire

  • Dictionnaire Universel de la langue Françoise, avec le Latin, 10:235

Bolama (Guinea-Bissau), 3:269–3:270n

Bolaños, Juan de Hevia

  • Curia philipica: donde breve y comprehendioso se trata de los juyzios, mayormente forenses, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount

  • J. Adams on, 7:74, 7:78n, 7:480, 10:6
  • correspondence with J. Swift, 6:267, 6:267n
  • mentioned, 6:228, 6:238, 6:302, 6:302, 6:521
  • Philosophical Works, 2:51
  • read by J. Adams, 4:474
  • TJ on, 16:553, 16:554n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • works of, 8:49, 11:383

Bolinger, Peter

  • identified, 14:213n
  • introduced to TJ, 14:131, 14:213
  • letter to, 14:213
  • and water pipes for University of Virginia, 14:131, 14:213

Bolívar, Simón, 16:563, 20:604

Bolland, Jean de

  • Acta Sanctorum, 7:220, 8:558–8:563, 8:656–8:657, 8:682, 9:431–9:432, 11:527


  • and Acta Sanctorum (J. de Bolland and others), 8:558–8:563, 8:656–8:657

Bolling, Archibald

  • as security for E. Bolling, 17:111

Bolling, Edward

  • debt to TJ, 3:488, 4:11, 17:111, 17:492, 17:493n
  • identified, 6:42n
  • letters from, 6:42
  • recommends T. Roberts, 6:42

Bolling, John (d. 1757)

  • and Westham land, 8:171n, 8:171n

Bolling, John (17371800) (TJ’s brother-in-law)

  • and Shadwell cemetery, 11:566
  • and TJ’s debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company, 3:488, 16:513, 17:111, 17:146, 17:492, 17:493n

Bolling, John (TJ’s nephew)

  • family of, 5:568n

Bolling, Lenaeus (Linnaeus)

  • Buckingham Co. residence of, 16:211, 16:276
  • as Va. legislator, 17:158n

Bolling, Mary Jefferson (TJ’s sister), 8:612n

Bolling, Robert

  • as security for E. Bolling, 17:111

Bolling, William

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:332, 12:464, 15:98, 17:620, 20:194
  • and education of the deaf, 9:656n

Bollman, Justus Erich, 2:14, 3:324, 3:325n, 6:599, 7:128

Bologna, Università di, 2:565, 19:565

Bolton, Capt., 5:665

bolts, 2:545, 2:546, 2:547, 11:548, 11:588, 20:85

Bombay, India

  • council of, 16:15
  • harbor of, 16:15

bombazine (textile), 16:11, 19:14, 19:16n

Bomford, George, 18:622, 18:639n

Bonamy, Alexis Cesar , 5:86n, 5:86n

Bonaparte, Caroline, 1:250n

Bonaparte, Elisa, grand duchess of Tuscany

  • as art patron, 9:127, 9:128n

Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson

  • conveys letter, 11:618, 11:619n
  • identified, 8:378–8:379n
  • letter from, 8:378–8:379
  • letter to, 8:434–8:435
  • marriage of, 2:288n
  • seeks letter of introduction from TJ, 8:378
  • TJ’s letter of introduction for, 8:437
  • visits Europe, 8:378–8:379, 8:432, 8:434–8:435, 8:437, 9:392, 9:393n

Bonaparte, Jerome, king of Westphalia, 2:287, 2:288n

Bonaparte, Joseph

  • as king of Spain, 1:96, 1:108, 2:35n
  • and muscat grape, 18:320
  • and Napoleon’s abdication, 7:537
  • property of, 17:585
  • U.S. residence of, 9:653, 9:694, 9:696n, 10:9, 10:9n
  • and works on Napoleon, 19:546, 19:636

Bonaparte, Josephine, 1:417n

Bonaparte, Julie Clary (Joseph Bonaparte’s wife)

  • proposed visit to U.S. of, 9:694, 9:696n

Bonaparte, Louis, king of Holland

  • abdication of, 2:49n
  • appoints TJ to Royal Institute of Sciences, Literature and Fine Arts, 1:194
  • interest in mineralogy of, 2:49n
  • rule of, 12:95, 13:147
  • TJ on, 2:354

Bonaparte, Lucien

  • and introductions for G. Ticknor, 13:239

Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I, emperor of France

Bonci, Giovanni

  • notary public, 9:673, 9:673, 9:676, 9:678n

Bond, Achsah, 5:525, 5:526n

Bond, Edward Fell

  • identified, 5:526n
  • letters from, 5:524–5:526
  • seeks appointment, 5:524–5:526

Bond, Nathaniel S. (ship captain), 10:170, 10:172n, 11:531

Bond, Shadrach, 5:525, 5:526n

Bond Street (London), 4:109n

“A Bond Street Lounger”

  • criticizes U.S., 4:109
  • letters from, 4:109

Bondurant, George W.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Bondurant, William

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Bonfils, Sauveur François (Salvatore Bonfiglio)

  • identified, 14:151–14:152n
  • recommended to TJ, 14:151, 14:199, 14:438

Boniface I, pope

  • T. Dwight compared to, 9:255

Bonn, Andreas

  • anatomical collection of, 20:617
  • family of, 20:617

Bonn, University of, 20:512

Bonnaffé, Sagory & Compagnie (Le Havre firm), 14:389n

Bonne, Rigobert

  • Atlas Portatif à l’usage des Colleges, 7:116, 7:116–7:117n, 12:112

Bonnel, Mrs., 1:667

Bonneville, Margaret B.

  • identified, 6:8n
  • letters from, 6:8
  • letters to, 6:47
  • and T. Paine’s papers, 6:8, 6:8, 6:47, 20:320

Bonnycastle, John

  • An Introduction to Algebra, 10:357, 10:386, 15:450, 15:452n
  • An Introduction to Mensuration, and Practical Geometry, 15:450, 15:452n

Bonpland, Aimé Goujaud

  • Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804. by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland (trans. H. M. Williams), 10:243, 10:244n
  • and South America, 17:388, 17:388n, 17:551
  • Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, 1:24–1:25n, 1:455, 1:455n
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:557–3:558n

Bonsal, Conrad & Company (Norfolk firm), 4:56n

Le Bon-Sens, ou Idées Naturelles Opposées aux Idées Surnaturelles (Holbach), 9:650, 9:652n


  • mentioned, 16:241
  • at Monticello, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:55, 8:272 (illus.) , 8:289, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • at Poplar Forest, 8:256
  • used in transportation of TJ’s library, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:290

Booker, George

  • attorney, 9:683–9:684

The Book of Common Prayer, 8:388, 8:672, 10:375, 10:376n, 15:553, 15:554n

Book of Kings (compiled by TJ)

  • “The Book!” or, The Proceedings and Correspondence upon the subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales (S. Perceval), 8:33
  • bound for TJ, 8:33, 8:240, 8:671, 8:672–8:673n
  • A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against His Royal Highness the Duke of York (G. L. Wardle), 8:33, 8:240, 8:242n
  • favored by TJ, 8:240
  • Mémoires de Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, Margrave de Bareith (Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine, margravine de Bayreuth), 8:33
  • Vie de Jeanne de St. Remy de Valois, ci-devant Comtesse de La Motte (J. La Motte), 8:33, 8:34n

The Book of Nature Laid Open (W. Hutton), 20:129–20:130

The Book of Prices adopted by the House Carpenters of the Borough of Pittsburgh, February 15, 1813, 12:278, 12:520, 13:57, 13:612, 13:613n

“The Book!” or, The Proceedings and Correspondence upon the subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales (S. Perceval; included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ) See also Book of Kings , 6:374, 6:374n, 6:413, 7:34, 7:36n, 7:270, 7:410, 7:410n, 7:500, 8:33, 8:240, 15:450, 15:452n

books See also Jefferson, Thomas: Books & Library; law: books on; political economy: works on; religion: works on; subscriptions, for publications; Virginia, University of: Books and Library

  • access to, 13:521–13:522, 19:302, 19:323n
  • and African colonization, 11:11
  • on aging, 3:137, 3:137n
  • on agriculture, 1:581–1:582, 3:321, 3:322n, 4:110n, 6:17, 6:122, 6:219, 6:280, 6:280, 6:380, 6:613, 6:613, 7:626, 8:56, 8:57n, 8:388, 8:388, 8:442, 8:672, 10:234, 10:237n, 10:501, 10:501–10:502n, 10:532, 11:129, 11:162, 11:164–11:165, 11:165n, 11:245–11:246, 11:398, 12:99, 12:103, 12:112, 14:29–14:30, 14:47, 14:219, 14:222, 14:240, 14:445, 16:151, 16:151, 16:169, 16:187, 16:364, 16:406, 16:546–16:547, 16:576, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:197, 17:251, 17:411, 17:445, 17:447, 18:18, 18:97, 18:156–18:157, 18:179, 18:241, 18:242
  • on American Revolution, 3:41, 3:41n, 3:98, 6:55, 6:122, 6:231, 6:258, 6:373, 8:178, 8:179n, 8:266, 10:276–10:277, 10:646–10:647, 11:313, 11:364, 12:534, 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:225–14:226, 14:373–14:375, 16:27, 16:42, 16:91, 16:93–16:94, 16:127, 16:204, 16:209, 16:218, 16:286, 16:440–16:442, 16:472–16:473, 16:496–16:497, 16:516, 16:517n, 16:524, 16:578, 16:580–16:584, 16:615, 16:635, 17:58n, 18:666, 19:669, 19:694, 20:359, 20:360n, 20:498
  • on anatomy, 8:429, 8:429n, 19:76, 19:76n, 20:614–20:615, 20:616
  • of aphorisms, 18:65, 18:119–18:120
  • for apprentices, 18:189, 18:224
  • on architecture, 9:500, 10:235, 10:237n, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:456, 12:107, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 14:168, 14:446, 14:446n, 17:99, 17:137, 17:444, 20:139, 20:237, 20:237, 20:238
  • on art, 6:571, 6:571n, 8:4, 8:43, 8:195, 8:196n, 16:416, 16:416n, 16:597, 19:669, 19:694
  • on astronomy, 6:75, 6:84, 6:84n, 7:626, 8:388, 8:670, 8:685, 8:686, 10:233, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:508–10:509, 10:550, 10:580, 10:587, 10:642, 11:13, 11:31, 12:565–12:566, 12:619, 12:653–12:654, 13:59, 13:247, 13:247n, 14:45, 14:168, 16:380n, 17:138, 17:280, 17:447, 18:335, 18:399
  • atlases, 11:582, 11:582–11:583n, 14:168
  • auctions of, 9:186, 9:186n, 10:512, 10:513n
  • autobiographical, 6:113n, 10:234, 10:524, 10:524n, 10:553, 10:553n, 13:396–13:397, 16:637+
  • on balloons, 8:388
  • on banks and currency, 8:6, 9:61, 9:90, 19:591
  • and batture case, 3:545–3:546, 3:546–3:547
  • on beer, 8:410, 8:411, 8:412n, 8:439, 9:29, 9:30n
  • on bees, 8:388
  • on belles lettres, 7:629, 19:323n
  • bibliographies solicited, 17:268
  • on bibliography, 20:346
  • binding of, 10:236n, 11:233, 11:233n, 11:247, 14:351, 16:427, 17:81–17:82, 17:209, 17:229, 17:568, 17:574, 19:492
  • binding of for TJ, 1:35–1:38, 1:225, 1:286, 2:321, 2:349, 2:482n, 4:289, 8:33, 8:566, 8:628, 8:629–8:632, 8:671, 8:672, 8:672–8:673n, 8:674, 8:678, 9:60, 10:452, 10:452, 10:569, 10:572, 10:637, 11:26, 11:205, 11:352, 11:362, 11:386, 11:394–11:395, 11:523, 11:523, 11:539, 12:153, 12:312, 12:439–12:440, 12:476–12:477, 12:480, 13:36, 13:53, 13:53, 13:367–13:368, 13:368–13:369, 13:441, 13:449, 13:455–13:456, 13:476–13:477, 13:507, 13:520, 13:562, 13:573, 13:586, 13:586, 14:39, 14:93, 14:93, 14:133, 14:146, 14:165, 14:165–14:166, 14:166, 14:175, 14:183, 14:200, 14:214–14:215, 14:215, 14:269, 14:341, 15:340, 15:391, 15:480, 16:115, 16:187, 16:504, 16:516, 16:596, 16:627, 16:628, 16:639, 17:568, 17:608, 18:10, 18:115, 18:240, 18:280, 18:329, 18:471, 18:491, 18:504, 18:530, 18:565, 18:619, 18:619, 20:430
  • biographical, 1:288–1:289, 1:580, 2:145–2:146, 2:147n, 2:176, 6:489, 6:509, 7:50, 7:295–7:296, 7:302–7:303, 7:330, 8:478–8:479, 8:486–8:487, 8:529, 10:xlv, 10:75, 10:75n, 10:234, 10:237n, 10:245–10:246, 10:276, 10:357, 10:365–10:366, 10:384, 10:406, 10:408, 10:419–10:420, 10:421–10:423, 10:423n, 10:431, 10:434, 10:437–10:438, 10:487–10:488, 10:492–10:494, 10:497, 10:520, 10:523–10:524, 10:524, 10:535–10:536, 10:536n, 10:541, 10:542, 10:542, 10:612, 10:613, 10:613–10:614n, 10:657, 11:148, 12:l, 12:100, 12:228–12:229, 12:230–12:231, 12:267, 12:322, 12:372, 12:372, 12:389, 12:389, 12:403, 12:416, 12:417–12:419, 12:419, 12:427, 12:429–12:431, 12:431, 12:438, 12:439, 12:480, 12:493, 12:496, 12:496–12:497, 12:514, 12:517–12:518, 12:527, 12:531n, 12:534, 12:534, 12:546, 12:549n, 12:574, 12:583, 12:589, 13:127, 13:295, 13:477–13:478, 13:478n, 13:512, 13:517, 14:41, 14:50, 14:51, 14:78, 14:204, 14:288, 14:289, 14:293, 14:442, 14:489, 15:127–15:128, 15:128n, 15:144, 15:144n, 15:146n, 15:199, 15:368, 15:368n, 16:li, 16:26–16:28, 16:28n, 16:86–16:87, 16:168–16:169, 16:213–16:214, 16:214n, 16:228, 16:272, 16:273n, 16:324, 16:424, 16:492, 16:503, 16:511, 17:66, 17:277, 17:278n, 17:307, 17:311, 18:73n, 18:246–18:247, 18:274, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:552–18:553, 18:554n, 18:565, 18:579, 18:583–18:584, 18:619, 19:93–19:94, 19:95n, 19:96–19:97, 19:341–19:342, 19:342n, 19:472–19:473, 19:473–19:475, 19:511, 19:543–19:544, 19:586, 20:260n, 20:276, 20:359, 20:359–20:360n, 20:370–20:371
  • biographical on TJ, 7:330, 10:38, 10:39n, 10:493, 10:497, 10:536, 10:541, 10:542, 10:542, 12:100, 12:146–12:147, 14:41, 14:203, 14:283–14:284, 14:284–14:285, 15:199, 18:254, 18:254n, 19:501, 19:510–19:511
  • on birds, 8:6, 8:22, 8:22–8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n, 19:547, 19:569
  • Book of Kings (compiled by TJ), 8:33, 8:34n, 8:240, 8:671, 8:672–8:673n
  • on botany, 3:167, 3:181, 3:596, 5:640, 5:642n, 5:682, 7:245n, 7:626, 8:194, 8:248, 8:248n, 8:284, 8:285n, 8:319, 8:363, 8:363n, 8:422, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n, 8:430n, 8:601, 8:601–8:602n, 8:616, 10:234, 10:287, 10:288n, 10:357, 12:173, 13:248, 13:249n, 13:311, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525, 14:168, 16:224, 16:257, 17:48–17:49, 17:88n, 17:135, 17:411, 17:546, 17:546–17:547n, 18:18, 19:209–19:210, 19:226
  • on brewing, 4:562, 6:507, 6:510, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:259, 7:285, 7:292, 8:410, 8:411, 8:412n, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:50n
  • of builders’ prices, 12:157–12:158, 12:159, 12:196, 12:264, 12:278, 12:278, 12:291, 12:369, 12:397, 14:87, 14:119, 14:138, 14:170, 14:170, 14:173, 14:187, 14:196n, 14:196n, 14:211, 14:212, 14:216, 14:516, 14:520, 14:651, 14:651, 14:652, 16:115, 17:296, 17:298n, 17:576, 17:577n, 20:174, 20:177n, 20:307, 20:439
  • on canals, 8:388, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286, 15:573, 15:605
  • carried by B. Hemmings, 1:321
  • on chemistry, 5:175–5:176, 5:223, 6:408, 6:408, 6:411n, 7:626, 8:429, 8:430n, 10:234, 12:445, 14:168, 16:150–16:151, 16:151, 16:164, 16:169, 16:187, 16:557, 16:558n, 17:147, 17:232, 17:251, 18:64, 18:156, 18:399, 19:28–19:29, 19:29n, 19:64, 20:6
  • for children, 2:101, 2:193, 2:306–2:307, 2:308n, 2:309n, 3:122, 8:22, 8:633–8:634, 9:97, 9:97n, 9:129, 10:336, 10:338, 14:100, 15:465, 15:495, 15:495n, 15:526, 18:439, 18:440n
  • classical, 7:259, 9:195–9:196, 9:455–9:456, 9:697, 9:697–9:698, 10:212–10:213, 10:233, 10:233–10:234, 10:235, 10:236n, 10:236–10:237n, 10:257, 10:257n, 10:328, 10:328, 10:349, 10:349, 10:349n, 10:365, 10:384, 10:384n, 10:417, 10:443, 10:485n, 10:531–10:532, 11:414, 12:112, 12:112, 12:153, 12:153, 12:313, 12:355–12:356, 12:356, 12:439, 12:439, 12:439, 12:439, 12:480, 12:530, 12:534, 12:534, 12:534, 12:575–12:576, 12:582, 12:583, 13:53, 13:342, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:359, 13:359, 13:359n, 13:391, 13:391, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:413, 13:413, 13:413, 13:428, 13:428, 13:428n, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:476, 13:494, 13:494, 13:494, 13:494, 13:494, 13:494, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:562n, 13:596, 13:608, 14:184, 14:185, 14:193, 14:215, 14:215, 14:215, 14:222, 14:240, 14:240, 14:257–14:258, 14:265, 14:266, 14:276, 14:286, 14:351, 14:387, 14:510–14:511, 14:511, 14:520, 14:550–14:551, 14:561, 15:391n, 16:25, 16:40, 16:56, 16:58, 16:58, 16:115, 16:164, 16:190n, 16:190n, 16:190n, 16:190n, 16:224, 16:226, 16:257, 16:275, 16:393, 17:72, 17:106, 17:138, 17:138, 17:138, 17:444, 17:444, 17:445, 17:447, 17:447, 17:447, 17:447, 17:448n, 18:73, 18:123, 18:197, 18:202, 18:240n, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:466, 18:503, 18:556, 18:565, 18:579, 18:619, 18:619, 20:114, 20:115n, 20:156, 20:281, 20:281, 20:449n
  • on commerce, 14:96, 14:101, 14:125
  • competition with foreign, 18:171
  • of correspondence, 6:532, 6:532n, 8:236, 8:237n, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:435, 8:671, 8:672n, 10:589, 12:403, 12:438, 12:480, 12:488, 12:529, 12:582–12:583, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:561, 14:30, 14:31, 14:146, 14:193, 14:222, 14:222–14:223, 14:240, 14:265, 14:266, 14:267, 14:286, 14:351, 14:384, 14:467, 14:583–14:584, 15:184, 16:168–16:169, 20:8–20:9, 20:10n, 20:36–20:37, 20:63–20:64, 20:249–20:250, 20:260n, 20:295, 20:317–20:318
  • cost of, in Great Britain, 18:334, 18:335
  • on criticism (literary), 7:629, 12:438, 12:475, 12:480, 14:193, 14:200, 14:265, 14:286, 16:224, 16:257, 19:676–19:677, 20:42
  • dedicated to TJ, 2:172, 9:355, 9:448, 10:xlvi, 10:240 (illus.) , 15:68–15:69, 15:69n, 15:171–15:172, 15:223–15:224, 16:509, 16:509–16:510n, 18:96n, 19:393, 19:393–19:394n
  • dictionaries, 6:220, 6:387, 6:441, 6:471, 6:533, 7:286, 7:286n, 7:458, 7:633, 7:646, 8:210, 8:236, 8:237n, 8:435, 8:469, 8:472, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n, 8:514, 8:581, 8:628, 8:660, 8:672, 8:672, 9:60, 9:274, 9:274, 9:276, 9:277n, 9:394, 9:464, 9:464, 9:538, 9:538, 9:639, 9:639, 10:62, 10:72, 10:81, 10:172, 10:234, 10:235, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:358, 10:358, 10:358, 10:358, 10:391, 10:465, 10:491–10:492n, 10:619, 10:642, 11:13, 11:31, 11:67, 11:233, 11:233n, 11:247, 11:248n, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:397, 11:547, 11:592, 12:52, 12:153, 12:439, 12:439, 12:490, 12:534, 12:535n, 12:582, 13:32, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:369, 13:521, 14:166, 14:193, 14:193, 14:215, 14:219, 14:221–14:222, 14:240, 14:258, 14:265, 14:265, 14:266, 14:266, 14:276, 14:286, 14:286, 14:351, 14:351, 14:423, 14:467–14:468, 15:26, 15:340, 15:450, 15:452n, 16:5, 16:194, 16:195, 16:363, 16:364, 17:106, 17:196, 17:197, 17:211, 17:221, 17:411, 18:256, 18:280, 18:381, 18:471, 18:580, 18:619, 20:276
  • on distilling, 8:388
  • on dyeing, 10:471
  • on economics, 6:596, 7:5–7:6, 7:598, 7:628, 8:361
  • on education, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:550–8:551, 8:551n, 10:45–10:46, 10:328, 10:370–10:372, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 10:550, 10:604, 12:17, 12:100–12:101, 12:162–12:163, 12:229–12:230, 12:534, 12:573, 12:648n, 13:153, 14:51, 16:60–16:61, 16:86, 20:49–20:50, 20:64, 20:101, 20:158, 20:182, 20:186, 20:245–20:246, 20:260, 20:329, 20:589
  • on Egypt, 11:650
  • on electricity, 8:685, 13:346–13:347, 13:347n, 13:378
  • encyclopedias, 6:408, 7:683, 7:683, 8:244, 8:580–8:581, 8:581n, 8:581, 8:630, 10:192–10:193, 10:193n, 12:312, 14:30, 14:82–14:83, 16:34, 16:125, 16:234, 16:236, 20:582
  • on epistemology, 20:318, 20:319n
  • on ethics, 7:627, 8:630, 8:630, 10:460, 10:550, 10:573, 10:580, 10:642–10:643, 10:657–10:658, 12:312, 12:313, 12:355, 12:356, 12:402–12:403, 20:26, 20:276, 20:329, 20:330n
  • on European affairs, 18:234, 18:255, 19:236, 19:236n, 19:269, 19:363, 19:406
  • on fish, 5:601–5:602, 5:603–5:604n, 5:604–5:605, 12:455, 12:516, 12:516n, 14:168, 16:567, 19:539, 19:567
  • on food adulteration, 20:6, 20:37
  • forwarded by W. F. Gray, 2:482, 2:483n, 8:674
  • for French-language study, 14:311, 20:182
  • on French Revolution, 8:291–8:292, 8:388, 8:672, 8:673n, 13:397, 13:397n, 13:488, 13:511, 14:16, 16:115, 19:212, 19:630
  • on gardening, 6:118, 6:167, 6:214, 6:214, 8:388, 8:672, 9:60, 11:352, 12:438, 12:480, 12:534, 13:96, 13:97n, 13:350, 13:351n, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:441, 14:93, 14:193, 14:215, 14:215n, 14:265, 14:286, 16:364, 17:43, 17:197, 18:18
  • on geography, 4:311–4:312, 4:325–4:326, 4:326n, 6:352, 6:374, 6:413, 7:389, 7:626, 8:301, 8:301, 9:299, 10:626, 12:112, 12:112, 12:177, 12:189–12:190, 12:191, 12:534, 12:652, 14:168, 16:125, 16:547, 16:626, 18:237, 18:375, 19:388, 19:437–19:438, 19:438n
  • on geology, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429–8:430n, 12:165–12:166, 12:335, 12:444, 16:523, 18:125, 18:193
  • given to TJ, 2:95–2:96, 2:161
  • on government, 7:628, 10:40, 10:44–10:45, 10:459–10:460, 10:550, 10:556–10:557, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625, 12:398–12:399, 12:401n, 12:514, 16:255, 16:287, 16:289n, 16:353–16:354, 17:246, 18:54, 18:364–18:365, 18:379, 18:551, 20:144, 20:150, 20:151n, 20:166–20:167, 20:270, 20:323, 20:532–20:533, 20:534, 20:544–20:545n, 20:546
  • on grammar, 6:40–6:41, 6:41–6:42n, 6:402, 7:320, 7:320n, 7:458, 7:458n, 10:235, 10:358, 10:358, 12:534, 14:458, 14:504, 16:5, 16:10, 16:73, 16:73n, 18:15, 18:76, 18:390, 20:274, 20:501, 20:527, 20:527n, 20:561
  • on history, 1:580–1:581, 3:122–3:123, 3:635–3:636, 6:32, 6:45–6:46, 6:55, 6:58, 6:58–6:59, 6:93, 6:94, 6:146, 6:157, 6:165, 6:167, 6:206–6:207, 6:231, 6:231n, 6:289, 6:342–6:343n, 6:352, 6:373, 7:139, 7:155, 7:190, 7:286, 7:389, 7:629, 8:xlvi, 8:22, 8:23n, 8:40, 8:121–8:122, 8:122n, 8:140–8:141, 8:143, 8:150–8:151, 8:151n, 8:152, 8:174–8:175, 8:176n, 8:200, 8:203, 8:235–8:236, 8:236, 8:237n, 8:237n, 8:266, 8:282–8:283, 8:291–8:292, 8:301, 8:309, 8:326, 8:334–8:337, 8:338n, 8:350, 8:388, 8:388, 8:581, 8:581, 8:582n, 8:628, 8:629n, 8:629, 8:632n, 8:671, 8:672n, 9:137, 9:138n, 10:xlvi, 10:107–10:108, 10:214–10:215, 10:215n, 10:234, 10:234, 10:235, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:237n, 10:342, 10:357, 10:357–10:358, 10:358, 10:365, 10:457–10:458, 10:486, 10:486, 10:486, 10:486, 10:489, 10:508, 10:509, 10:552–10:553, 10:553n, 10:588–10:589, 10:617, 10:626, 10:637, 10:646, 11:274, 11:274n, 11:447, 11:612, 11:650, 12:9, 12:112, 12:112, 12:112, 12:112, 12:313, 12:356, 12:372, 12:389, 12:439, 12:514, 12:531, 12:534, 12:534, 12:534, 12:581n, 12:583, 13:317, 13:369, 13:410–13:412, 13:476, 13:523, 13:523n, 13:562, 13:563–13:564n, 13:585, 13:603, 14:15–14:16, 14:28, 14:63, 14:138, 14:166, 14:168, 14:185, 14:185, 14:193–14:194, 14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:276, 14:284, 14:285, 14:351, 15:340, 15:375–15:376, 15:465, 16:5, 16:27, 16:42, 16:58, 16:91, 16:93–16:94, 16:115, 16:127, 16:150, 16:151, 16:154, 16:169, 16:181, 16:187, 16:197n, 16:204, 16:204–16:205, 16:205, 16:205, 16:206, 16:209, 16:209, 16:218–16:219, 16:239, 16:261, 16:286, 16:290, 16:364, 16:364, 16:380–16:381, 16:441, 16:503, 16:507, 16:516–16:517, 16:532, 17:64, 17:128n, 17:128n, 17:196, 17:197, 17:218, 17:232, 17:250, 17:250n, 17:251, 17:419, 17:563, 18:73, 18:123, 18:197, 18:202, 18:240n, 18:254, 18:254n, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:399, 18:439, 18:466, 18:619, 18:619, 18:656, 18:656, 19:428, 19:461–19:463, 19:463–19:464n, 19:510, 19:610, 19:610n, 20:114, 20:115n, 20:115n, 20:115n, 20:183, 20:183, 20:281–20:282, 20:292, 20:330, 20:354, 20:391–20:392, 20:422
  • on horses, 5:447, 5:448n, 5:455, 8:388, 8:672
  • and human progress, 17:490
  • on hydraulics, 6:381–6:382, 6:468, 6:469n, 7:302, 7:386
  • on hygiene, 14:44–14:45, 14:507, 14:529–14:530
  • of hymns, 10:651n
  • influence of foreign, 18:173
  • on insanity, 3:277, 3:279n, 6:60–6:61
  • on jails and prisons, 20:75–20:76, 20:77, 20:77n, 20:106–20:107, 20:107n, 20:107n, 20:133–20:134, 20:273
  • on latitude and longitude, 8:660, 8:674n, 9:60, 9:60, 9:274, 10:62, 10:158
  • lent by TJ, 2:28, 2:51
  • on Lewis and Clark Expedition, 6:122, 6:417, 6:418–6:424, 10:60, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 12:171, 12:636–12:638
  • literature
  • as luxury goods, 18:172–18:173
  • on manufacturing, 1:37
  • on Massachusetts, 6:44, 6:82
  • on mathematics, 1:37, 1:576, 5:14, 5:416–5:417, 5:442, 5:443n, 5:447, 5:448n, 5:455, 5:493, 5:501, 5:523, 6:157, 6:381, 6:381, 7:250–7:253, 7:286, 7:458, 7:458, 7:458n, 7:458n, 7:626, 7:683, 8:56, 8:301, 8:309–8:310, 8:469, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n, 8:640, 8:660, 8:670, 8:670, 8:674n, 8:685, 8:685, 8:686, 9:60, 9:60, 9:69–9:70, 9:82n, 9:107, 9:229n, 10:235, 10:336, 10:338, 10:357, 10:386, 10:645, 11:409, 11:537, 12:107, 12:312, 12:313, 12:344, 12:345, 12:356, 12:372, 12:389, 12:402–12:403, 12:439, 12:514, 12:534, 13:17, 13:57, 13:342–13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:394, 13:394, 13:413, 13:413, 13:413, 13:428, 13:428, 13:428, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474–13:475n, 13:476, 13:524, 13:561, 13:561, 13:561, 13:595–13:596, 13:608, 13:608, 14:45, 14:100, 14:102, 14:132–14:133, 14:153, 14:168, 14:193, 14:215, 14:215, 16:125, 16:209, 16:400n, 17:574, 17:574n, 17:600, 18:399, 19:616–19:618, 20:292, 20:443–20:445, 20:469–20:470, 20:514, 20:581, 20:581–20:583
  • on medicine, 8:388, 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 10:163–10:164, 10:234, 10:237n, 11:4, 11:4n, 12:589, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:391, 13:394, 13:394, 13:494, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561, 13:562, 14:44–14:45, 14:206, 14:232, 14:600–14:601, 15:182–15:183, 15:183n, 17:151, 17:158–17:159, 17:241, 17:242n, 19:260, 19:386, 19:453, 20:331–20:332, 20:614–20:615
  • on merino sheep, 3:321, 3:322n
  • on metaphysics, 5:223, 5:276, 12:312, 12:313, 12:355, 12:356, 12:402–12:403, 17:246, 20:582
  • on meteorology, 18:611, 18:625–18:626, 19:207, 19:207n
  • military, 8:388, 8:672, 10:235, 14:491, 19:643, 20:28n, 20:276
  • on milling, 6:456, 6:456, 11:352
  • on mineralogy, 3:263–3:264, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429–8:430n, 14:168, 16:558n
  • on moral philosophy, 8:4, 8:118, 8:242, 8:472, 8:630, 8:630, 8:672, 8:673n, 10:234–10:235, 10:580, 10:603–10:604, 10:642–10:643, 11:283, 12:438, 12:475, 12:480, 12:487, 12:528–12:529, 12:534, 12:582–12:583, 12:656, 13:295, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286, 18:74–18:75, 18:126
  • on morals, 6:510–6:511, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:286, 7:458, 7:458n, 12:534, 18:437–18:438
  • and music, 8:4, 16:264
  • on natural history, 6:133, 6:134n, 6:213, 6:368–6:369, 7:389, 8:5, 8:6, 8:22, 8:22–8:23n, 8:388, 8:422, 8:422–8:423n, 8:581, 8:672, 9:307, 9:307n, 9:308n, 10:234, 11:192, 12:335, 12:534, 12:534, 12:588, 12:589, 12:590, 14:168, 14:232, 14:276, 14:351, 14:387, 14:388n, 14:460, 16:125, 16:568, 17:4, 17:87, 17:87–17:88n, 17:88n, 17:151, 18:399, 18:466, 20:114, 20:115n, 20:282, 20:513n
  • on natural law, 7:627, 8:285, 8:328, 10:46, 10:557–10:558, 10:594
  • on natural philosophy, 1:581, 7:626, 10:486, 11:30, 11:30n, 11:31, 12:153, 12:439, 12:534, 18:335, 18:399, 20:129–20:130, 20:443–20:445, 20:469–20:470, 20:514, 20:581, 20:581–20:583
  • on natural theology, 12:7, 12:474–12:475
  • on neutral rights, 8:387, 8:387–8:388n, 18:156
  • of W. C. Nicholas, 14:587n
  • and nonimportation, 13:462
  • novels, 3:122, 3:633, 3:633n, 6:70n, 6:464n, 8:4, 8:238, 8:242n, 8:243n, 8:294, 10:545, 10:545n, 10:573, 10:656, 11:254, 11:254n, 11:266, 11:627, 11:628n, 11:630, 11:630n, 12:532, 12:534, 12:534, 12:534, 12:635, 14:15–14:16, 14:60, 16:517, 18:570, 18:585, 19:453, 19:453, 19:509n, 19:607, 20:411, 20:412n
  • on N.Y., 6:352, 6:352, 6:352–6:353n, 6:400, 6:400n, 6:449, 6:450, 6:450, 6:450n, 6:450n, 7:169, 7:169n, 7:248, 7:264, 18:254
  • on oratory, 7:629–7:630, 8:630
  • on orthography, 6:355n, 18:198, 18:225
  • packing and shipping of, 8:579–8:580, 8:603, 8:628, 8:629, 10:243, 10:243–10:244n, 16:361, 18:181
  • pantheons, 14:444
  • on philology, 18:473
  • on phonology, 12:173, 12:236
  • on physics, 7:282, 7:292, 8:429, 8:429, 12:112, 12:534, 13:476, 17:138, 17:447, 20:583
  • on plants, 3:167, 3:181, 7:458, 7:458n
  • on plague, 10:136, 10:147n
  • of poetry, 6:464n, 10:234, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:656, 12:532, 12:534, 12:534, 12:583, 13:295, 15:558, 15:558–15:559n, 15:591, 16:5, 16:74, 16:75, 16:346, 16:509, 16:517n, 16:547, 16:576, 17:138, 17:445, 17:447, 18:441, 18:463–18:464, 18:464n, 18:503–18:504, 19:234, 19:546–19:547, 20:107n, 20:168, 20:419, 20:420n, 20:484, 20:498, 20:563
  • on politics, 5:223–5:224, 6:374, 6:374, 6:413, 6:504, 6:505n, 6:613, 6:613, 7:628, 7:682, 8:xlvi, 8:4, 8:5–8:6, 8:22, 8:175, 8:175, 8:198, 8:198n, 8:229, 8:231, 8:236, 8:240, 8:242, 8:242n, 8:248, 8:291, 8:294, 8:301, 8:317, 8:326, 8:328, 8:328–8:329n, 8:391–8:392, 9:40–9:41, 9:41n, 9:58–9:59, 9:74, 10:153, 10:153n, 10:363, 10:363n, 10:371, 10:417–10:418, 10:418, 10:419n, 10:481n, 10:486, 10:518, 10:519n, 10:587, 10:657–10:658, 10:658, 12:89–12:90, 12:157n, 12:230, 12:291, 12:312, 12:313, 12:355, 12:356, 12:402–12:403, 12:426, 12:438, 12:450, 12:475, 12:480, 12:514, 14:108, 14:145, 14:201–14:202, 16:22, 16:42, 16:45, 16:93, 16:256n, 16:637+, 18:372n, 18:524n, 18:525, 18:624, 19:591, 19:635, 19:700, 20:26, 20:329, 20:330n
  • price of, 9:108, 9:108–9:109, 11:234, 13:424, 14:452, 16:361, 18:473–18:474, 20:411
  • on psychology, 14:432–14:433, 14:470–14:471
  • published by J. Milligan, 2:101, 2:193, 3:623n, 10:120, 10:120n, 12:438
  • published by W. W. Woodward, 2:321, 2:321–2:322n
  • publishing of, 3:238–3:239, 10:328, 10:328
  • purchased from J. Milligan, 1:35, 2:193, 8:118, 8:660–8:661, 9:130, 10:260
  • returned to W. Prichard, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334
  • on rhetoric, 7:629, 12:576, 16:5, 18:473, 18:579
  • satires, 7:60, 7:62n
  • science
  • on scientific nomenclature, 6:408, 6:408, 6:409, 6:411n, 6:411n, 20:618
  • on self-improvement, 8:388
  • on sensation in vegetables, 5:276, 5:277n
  • sent by Bradford & Inskeep, 7:289
  • sent by I. A. Coles, 2:106
  • sent by N. G. Dufief, 3:137, 3:393, 5:36, 5:442, 5:443n, 5:523, 5:594–5:595n, 6:119, 6:157, 6:368, 6:471, 6:510, 6:647, 7:286, 7:292, 7:633, 7:646, 8:468, 8:674, 8:685, 8:686, 10:172, 10:590, 10:642, 10:658, 11:13, 11:30, 11:31, 11:31–11:32, 11:161, 11:247
  • sent by J. R. Fenwick, 3:41, 3:41n, 3:98
  • sent by Fernagus De Gelone, 11:193
  • sent by H. Gazzera, 2:37
  • sent by L. Harris, 2:467, 2:468n, 2:468n
  • sent by J. Laval, 11:283
  • sent by J. Milligan, 1:332–1:333, 1:384, 2:193, 2:264, 2:482, 2:483n, 3:122–3:123, 3:623, 6:643, 8:22, 8:33, 8:48, 8:54, 8:106, 8:471, 8:472, 8:628, 8:629n, 8:660, 8:661, 8:678, 9:131, 12:403, 12:438, 12:439–12:440, 12:475, 12:476, 12:480, 12:488, 12:530, 13:36
  • sent by D. B. Warden, 1:613n, 1:629–1:630, 1:630n, 10:243, 10:243–10:244n, 11:417, 11:454, 11:501, 11:618, 19:610, 19:610n
  • on slavery, 8:442, 8:450, 8:451n, 17:12, 17:14n
  • sold by A. Koenig, 8:361, 8:362, 8:362n, 8:579
  • in Spanish, 12:282, 12:635n
  • of speeches, 7:331–7:332, 7:332n, 7:373–7:374, 7:374n, 8:585–8:586, 8:614, 8:614, 8:615n, 8:630, 8:648–8:649, 8:649–8:650n, 10:164, 10:358, 10:528, 10:601–10:602, 10:602n, 10:646–10:647, 11:5, 12:507, 18:489–18:490, 18:490n
  • on spelling, 7:320, 7:320n, 10:336, 12:162, 15:401, 15:401n, 15:402n, 16:262, 17:61, 17:61n, 17:94, 18:253–18:254, 18:254n, 18:294–18:295
  • of State Department, U.S., 3:638
  • of state papers and public documents, 8:156, 8:157n, 8:235, 8:252, 8:330, 8:379, 8:418–8:419, 8:424–8:425, 8:439–8:440, 8:474, 8:475n, 8:628, 8:631–8:632, 8:661, 9:237, 9:289, 9:318, 9:531, 9:544, 12:400, 14:279, 18:489–18:490, 18:490n, 18:524n, 18:524, 18:624, 19:462
  • on stenography, 16:287
  • on tariffs, 19:591, 19:592n, 20:315, 20:316n, 20:351, 20:591
  • tariffs on, 13:438–13:439, 13:439n, 14:24–14:25, 14:38, 14:85, 14:340, 16:497, 16:524, 17:291, 17:291n, 17:468–17:471, 17:495–17:496, 17:496n, 17:502–17:504, 17:520–17:521, 17:521–17:522n, 17:522–17:523, 17:523n, 17:544, 17:571, 17:580, 17:581n, 17:582, 17:600, 17:614, 17:655–17:656, 17:656–17:659, 17:660, 18:4–18:5, 18:6–18:7, 18:11, 18:19, 18:21n, 18:27, 18:30, 18:55, 18:72, 18:78, 18:171–18:173, 18:197–18:198, 18:225, 19:559, 19:684, 20:440, 20:441n, 20:477
  • textbooks, 1:455–1:456, 8:294, 8:482, 8:482n, 8:640, 8:670, 10:294, 10:336, 10:338, 12:507, 14:51, 14:100, 14:132–14:133, 14:143, 14:200, 14:203, 14:276, 15:450, 15:452n, 17:61, 17:94, 18:238, 18:358, 18:633, 19:478, 20:6, 20:288, 20:308n, 20:469–20:470
  • TJ recommends on agriculture, 1:581–1:582, 2:81–2:83
  • TJ recommends on history, 1:580–1:581, 3:5–3:6, 3:7n
  • TJ recommends on U.S. Constitution, 17:248, 17:249, 17:252
  • TJ recommends to Albemarle Library Society, 19:505–19:508, 19:509n, 19:607, 19:634
  • TJ recommends to N. Burwell, 12:471, 12:532, 12:532–12:533, 12:534–12:535
  • TJ recommends to J. H. Cocke, 14:510–14:511
  • TJ recommends to S. R. Demaree, 1:576–1:577, 5:478, 5:479n, 5:557
  • TJ recommends to L. H. Girardin, 17:72, 17:105, 17:106
  • TJ recommends to G. W. Jeffreys, 11:164–11:165, 11:165n
  • TJ recommends to Bishop J. Madison, 5:577
  • TJ recommends to J. Minor, 7:625–7:631
  • TJ recommends to B. Moore, 7:625–7:631
  • TJ recommends to R. B. Taylor, 14:510–14:511
  • TJ recommends to F. A. Van der Kemp, 11:307, 11:422
  • TJ recommends to B. Vaughan, 14:460
  • TJ recommends to J. Wyche, 1:205–1:206, 1:508, 1:579, 1:580–1:582
  • “trash reading”, 15:378
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:225, 9:226n
  • on U.S. Constitution, 16:168–16:169, 16:419–16:420, 16:482–16:484, 16:484n, 16:556, 16:609, 16:617–16:618, 16:637, 16:637+, 17:31, 17:248, 17:249, 17:252, 20:479, 20:506
  • on Vt., 18:254, 18:254n
  • on War of 1812, 8:94–8:95, 8:228, 8:228, 8:338–8:339, 8:340n, 8:340–8:341, 8:344, 8:344, 8:371–8:372, 8:381, 8:450–8:451, 8:471, 8:471n, 8:576–8:577, 8:577n, 8:672, 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129, 9:129n, 9:710, 9:710n, 11:159, 11:364, 11:382, 20:8–20:9, 20:10n, 20:36–20:37
  • on weights and measures, 12:91, 12:92n, 12:156, 12:157n, 20:316n
  • Westover library, 8:331, 8:332n
  • on wine, 8:411, 19:455, 19:479, 19:528
  • for women, 12:471, 12:532, 12:532–12:533, 12:534–12:535
  • on wool, 3:263, 3:264n
  • on yellow fever, 10:127–10:128, 10:128, 10:129, 10:130, 10:130, 10:130–10:131, 10:131, 10:131, 10:131–10:133, 10:133, 10:133–10:134, 10:135, 10:136, 10:136–10:137, 10:145–10:146n, 10:146–10:147n, 10:147n
  • on zoology, 7:626, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n, 16:568, 17:88n

Books, Rare, Curious, Elegant and Valuable … for sale at auction, in Boston, 20 December, 1815, 9:186, 9:186n, 9:276, 9:277n

Booth, Mr.

  • and grapes, 17:405

Booth, William

  • and University of Virginia, 20:202, 20:223, 20:226

Boothroyd, Benjamin

  • The History of the Ancient Borough of Pontefract, 7:389

boots, 6:346, 9:147, 9:147, 9:147, 18:196, 18:430n, 19:471

Boqueta de Wosieri, John L.

  • A Plan of New Orleans & its Environs, 3:499, 3:500n

Borda, Jean Charles de

  • Description Et Usage Du Cercle De Réflexion, 11:179, 11:193, 12:153, 12:439
  • and surveying instruments, 3:480, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:76, 9:77n, 9:222, 9:680, 9:689, 9:691, 9:691–9:692, 10:571–10:572, 10:572n, 15:288
  • and trigonometrical tables, 4:148
  • and weights and measures, 4:224, 4:227

Borda’s circle (surveying instrument), 3:480, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:70, 9:76, 9:77n, 9:222, 9:680, 9:689, 9:691, 9:691–9:692, 10:571–10:572, 10:572n, 11:40, 11:179, 11:193, 15:288, 19:198, 19:200


  • U.S. consul at, 4:189, 4:529–4:530, 4:530n, 8:37, 8:571, 10:215, 10:489, 10:632
  • wine estates of, 13:244n

Bordeaux, Decree of, 3:71, 3:73n, 3:132

Bordeaux (wine), 9:288, 12:30, 13:14, 13:16, 13:445n, 14:328, 14:329, 17:139

Borden, Benjamin

  • and University of Virginia, 20:556

Bordes, Jean Marie de

  • Economie de la Vie Humaine, 3:50n
  • identified, 3:50n
  • letters from, 3:49–3:50
  • sends TJ pamphlet, 3:49

Bordley, John Beale

  • Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs, 1:581, 11:165
  • and rutabagas, 14:249
  • Sketches on Rotations of Crops, and other Rural Matters, 2:82

Borgia family, 9:346, 9:347n, 9:431, 19:111, 19:411

Bory de St. Vincent, Jean Baptiste G. M.

  • edits Annales Générales des Sciences Physiques, 16:568
  • Essais sur les isles fortunées et l’antique Atlantide, 20:115n, 20:282
  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 17:88

Bosanquet, John Bernard, 2:455

Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe

  • on law of forces, 7:557, 7:560n
  • referenced, 20:581

Bosio, Secondo, 5:555, 5:556n

bos moschatus (Ovibos moschatus). See musk ox, Canadian

Bossut, Charles

  • Essai sur l’Histoire Génerale des Mathématiques, 6:381, 7:626
  • referenced, 20:581
  • writings of, 14:168, 14:168

Boston, Mass. See also Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell: as Boston customs collector

  • African Americans of, 17:289, 17:289–17:290
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 4:196, 4:197n, 4:228, 4:229n
  • American Statesman & City Register, 19:334
  • banks in, 12:179, 18:164
  • Brattle Street Church, 8:49, 8:50n
  • and Christianity, 17:586
  • climate of, 19:301
  • commerce at, 4:26
  • decline of, 9:5
  • duck cloth manufactured in, 2:98–2:100
  • during Revolutionary War, 7:101, 7:103n, 9:54, 14:448, 15:128
  • Fanueil Hall, 13:70n
  • glass from, 8:143, 8:235, 11:112, 11:137, 11:307, 14:274n, 14:434–14:435, 14:435, 14:439, 14:440n, 14:475–14:476, 14:493–14:494, 14:506, 16:192–16:193, 16:370, 17:130–17:131, 17:148, 18:621, 20:496, 20:503
  • and gypsum, 9:226–9:227
  • impact of British blockade on, 6:48
  • W. Lambert criticized in, 3:285
  • merino sheep sold in, 2:456
  • newspapers, 1:50n, 1:533n, 1:569n, 1:671, 1:673n, 5:6, 5:7n, 5:110n, 8:57, 8:57n, 12:497
  • pharmacopoeia of, 1:35
  • port of, 17:313
  • representation of, in state legislature, 2:367
  • Republican party in, 11:569, 11:569–11:570n
  • South End Church, 12:404
  • support for Great Britain in, 8:134
  • TJ visits, 17:337
  • Unitarianism in, 19:126, 20:415, 20:558
  • B. Waterhouse on, 18:656–18:657, 18:658

Boston (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 4:386n, 5:461, 6:309, 8:62, 8:255

Boston Daily Advertiser (newspaper), 8:57, 8:57n, 13:578–13:579n

Boston Female Asylum, 5:165n

Boston Glass Manufactory, 11:137, 14:274n, 14:434–14:435, 14:435, 14:439, 14:440n, 14:455, 14:475–14:476, 14:493–14:494, 14:506, 16:192–16:193, 16:370, 17:130–17:131

Boston Patriot (newspaper)

  • prints TJ’s correspondence, 1:533n, 1:569n

Bostwick, John

  • New Orleans merchant, 16:54, 16:110, 16:134
  • as potential purchaser of Lego, 15:614, 16:110

Boswell, James

  • anecdote of, 11:492
  • The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D., 11:495n, 19:506

The Botanist (B. Waterhouse), 5:640, 5:642n, 5:682, 19:359–19:360


  • and Belfast Literary Society, 4:159, 4:175
  • books on, 1:436–1:437n, 2:81, 2:82, 2:83, 2:680, 2:681n, 3:167, 3:181, 3:320–3:321, 3:322n, 3:561–3:562, 3:596, 5:640, 5:642n, 5:682, 7:244–7:245, 7:245n, 7:626, 8:194, 8:248, 8:248n, 8:284, 8:285n, 8:319, 8:363, 8:363n, 8:422, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n, 8:430n, 8:601, 8:601–8:602n, 8:616, 10:234, 10:287, 10:288n, 10:357, 12:173, 13:248, 13:249n, 13:311, 13:342, 13:342, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525, 14:168, 16:224, 16:257, 17:48–17:49, 17:88n, 17:135, 17:411, 17:546, 17:546–17:547n, 18:18, 19:209–19:210, 19:226, 20:513n
  • J. Bradbury’s expedition, 1:435–1:437, 2:533, 2:534n, 4:8, 4:146–4:147, 4:535–4:536, 4:563, 9:337–9:338, 9:522
  • collegiate education in, 12:4, 12:33, 12:76, 12:123, 12:150, 12:647, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403, 14:517, 14:519–14:520, 15:41, 15:123, 15:124n, 16:159–16:160, 16:329, 16:374, 16:458, 16:568, 17:493, 20:458, 20:512
  • and Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2:90–2:91, 2:140, 4:523–4:524
  • Liverpool Botanic Garden, 1:163, 1:164n, 1:164n, 1:435, 4:146
  • and proposed Washington botanical garden, 4:426–4:427, 4:535, 4:563–4:564n
  • T. J. Randolph’s enthusiasm for, 1:191
  • and T. M. Randolph, 1:436–1:437
  • scholars of, 1:24–1:25n, 2:91n, 2:125n, 2:681n, 4:189, 8:480, 10:287, 10:288n, 12:189–12:191, 13:248, 16:568, 17:48, 17:135, 18:62, 19:159, 19:668n, 19:694
  • Société Royale d’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand, 19:159, 19:161n
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:640, 7:641, 7:667, 7:687, 8:13, 9:26, 9:27, 9:37, 9:37–9:38, 9:38, 9:39, 9:84, 10:164, 13:249n, 16:199, 16:329, 17:494, 18:64n, 18:356, 19:17, 19:17, 19:668n
  • TJ on, 3:181, 8:13, 8:616
  • University of Virginia professorship of, 14:445

Botany Boards. See Elements of Botany (B. S. Barton)

Botetourt, Norborne Berkeley, baron de

  • colonial governor of Va., 4:600, 8:644, 8:645n, 11:252, 17:311

Botetourt County, Va.

  • surveyor of, 12:394, 18:102, 18:102–18:103
  • TJ designs courthouse for, 13:303, 13:304n
  • yellow fever in, 17:603

Bothe, Friedrich Heinrich

  • edits Aeschyli Dramata Quae Supersunt et Deperditorum Fragmenta Graece et Latine (Aeschylus), 17:106

Botidoux, Marie Jacinthe de

  • correspondence with M. J. Randolph, 1:377, 1:659n

Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo

  • Il Camillo, o Vejo Conquistata, 9:207, 9:343, 9:343n, 9:493, 9:493n, 20:498
  • Carlo Botta’s Description of His Personal Circumstances, 20:370, 20:498, 20:498–20:500
  • family of, 20:369, 20:499
  • finances of, 20:369, 20:498, 20:499
  • health of, 20:369, 20:499
  • Histoire de la Guerre de L’Indépendance des États-Unis d’Amérique (trans. C. L. de Sevelinges), 20:498
  • History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America (trans. G. A. Otis), 16:42, 16:91, 16:93–16:94, 16:127, 16:204, 16:440–16:442, 16:472–16:473, 16:497, 16:516–16:517, 16:524, 16:578, 16:580–16:584, 16:615, 16:635, 19:507, 19:669, 19:694, 20:369, 20:370n, 20:498
  • identified, 2:529–2:530n
  • introduces E. G. Valli, 9:207, 9:707
  • letters from, 9:207–9:208, 9:343, 20:509–20:510
  • letters from accounted for, 2:200n
  • letters to, 2:529–2:530
  • sent geophysical work, 2:536
  • Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America, 2:161–2:162, 2:529, 2:536, 3:41, 3:41n, 3:98, 7:616, 7:617n, 8:626, 8:626n, 8:657, 9:207, 9:343, 10:234, 10:235, 10:276–10:277, 10:646, 11:313, 11:364, 11:452, 12:534, 13:24, 13:26, 13:28, 13:523, 13:523n, 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:590, 16:91, 16:93–16:94, 16:204, 16:209, 16:218, 16:472–16:473, 16:496–16:497, 16:516, 17:57, 17:58n, 17:375n, 20:369
  • on TJ’s correspondence with J. Adams, 20:498, 20:509–20:510
  • D. B. Warden’s opinion of, 2:162
  • works of, 11:205

bottles, 8:11, 8:12, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 9:512, 13:15, 13:15, 13:243, 14:543, 18:39, 18:561, 19:103, 20:611, 20:612, 20:617, 20:637, 20:638

Bottner, Joseph, 17:209

Boucher, Pierre B.

  • Institution au droit maritime, 3:72, 3:73n, 3:546
  • Institutions Commerciales, 3:629–3:630, 3:638

Boudet, Dominic W.

  • identified, 13:541n
  • letter from, 13:540–13:541
  • sends work to TJ, 13:540–13:541

Boudet, Jean, comte, 1:371

Boudinot, Elias

  • and antislavery, 15:176, 15:178
  • identified, 15:176–15:177n
  • letter from, 15:176–15:177
  • A Star in the West; or, A Humble Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem, 11:49, 11:49n, 11:230

Boufflers, Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvau-Craon, marquise de, 14:31

Bougainville (Solomon Islands), 5:202–5:203

Bougainville, Jean Pierre

  • as translator of Cleanthes, 6:521, 6:540–6:541, 6:541
  • as translator of Theognis, 6:280n

bougies, 4:416

Bouginé, Carl Joseph

  • Handbuch der allgemeinen Litterargeschichte nach Heumanns Grundriß, 8:559, 8:562n

Bouguer, Pierre

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:314, 9:317n
  • La Figure de la Terre, 9:314, 9:317n

Bouhier, Jean

  • translates Cicero, 9:354, 9:420

Bouillon-Lagrange, Edme Jean Baptiste

  • writings of, 14:168

Boulton, Matthew

  • manifold writer of, 11:481
  • steam mill of, 9:302–9:303, 9:304n

Bouquet, Henri, 1:290

Bourbon, Louis Henri Joseph, duc de. See Condé, Louis Henri Joseph de Bourbon, 9th prince de

Bourbon, Louis Joseph de. See Condé, Louis Joseph de Bourbon, 8th prince de

Bourbon, Marie Caroline Ferdinande Louise de, duchesse de Berry, 10:119, 10:119n

Bourbon Iron Works, 18:414, 18:415, 18:415, 18:419, 18:419, 18:420, 18:420

Bourdaloue, Louis

  • sermon of referenced, 6:21, 6:23n
  • Sermons, 7:627, 12:534

Bourgeois, Maurice, 3:475n

Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Molière), 19:602, 19:603n

Bourgoing, Jean François, baron de

  • as French chargé d’affaires, 12:169, 12:169n, 12:249
  • Travels in Spain, 12:169

Bourguet. See du Bourguet, Jean Baptiste d’Estienne

Bourguignon, Louis. See Cartouche (Louis Bourguignon)

Bourier, Ate.

  • letter from, 13:246–13:247
  • seeks professorship, 13:246–13:247

Bourjon, François

  • Le droit commun de la France, 3:174n

Bourne, Sylvanus

  • and Amsterdam consulship, 12:22
  • death of, 11:660
  • identified, 2:352n
  • letters from, 3:76–3:77, 4:274–4:275
  • letters to, 2:352
  • letters to mentioned, 2:544
  • and London consulship, 4:274–4:275
  • mentioned, 6:469
  • and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2:352, 3:76

Bousquet, Augustine, 8:640

Boutté, Hilaire, 2:445n, 5:86n

Bouvard, Alexis

  • and standard measures, 9:223

Bowditch, Mary Ingersoll (Nathaniel Bowditch’s wife)

  • health of, 13:357

Bowditch, Nathaniel

  • The Comet: Elements of the Orbit of the Comet, now visible, 4:195–4:196, 4:196–4:197n, 4:237
  • and Greek pronunciation, 14:190
  • identified, 8:456n
  • letters from, 12:565–12:566, 13:247, 13:357, 16:380
  • letters to, 8:455–8:456, 12:619, 13:339–13:341
  • Mathematical Papers, 12:565–12:566, 12:619, 13:247, 13:247n, 13:339, 13:341n, 14:45, 14:153
  • as mathematician, 13:119, 14:126, 14:323, 16:148, 17:237, 20:243
  • The New American Practical Navigator, 13:36, 13:53, 13:368, 13:368n, 13:369, 13:449, 14:200, 15:339, 15:340n
  • “On the Eclipse of the Sun of Sept. 17, 1811” , 8:455, 8:456n
  • “On the Motion of a Pendulum” , 8:455, 8:456n
  • praised, 7:217
  • as president of insurance company, 20:292
  • sends works to TJ, 16:380
  • and solar eclipse, 4:195–4:196, 4:237, 4:238, 4:239
  • and Traité de Mécanique Céleste (P. S. Laplace), 14:45
  • as a Unitarian, 18:159, 18:159
  • and University of Virginia, 13:357, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525, 15:302, 15:345–15:346n, 16:297–16:298
  • writings of, 18:355, 18:355, 18:356, 18:356

Bowdoin, James (1726–90)

  • eulogy for, 18:356
  • governor of Mass., 7:65, 7:67n
  • as president of Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 18:533
  • writings of, 18:355

Bowdoin, James (17521811)

  • eulogy for, 5:597, 5:597n
  • identified, 3:96n
  • mentioned, 7:65, 18:481
  • nephews of adopt surname, 7:66, 7:67–7:68n
  • TJ on, 5:165, 5:165n
  • translates Advice to Shepherds, 3:96n, 3:343, 3:343n, 5:165, 5:165n, 11:164
  • U.S. minister to Spain, 1:524, 3:96, 5:165n, 5:597n

Bowdoin, James Temple

  • adopts uncle’s surname, 7:67n

Bowdoin (Winthrop), James

  • adopts uncle’s surname, 7:67–7:68n

Bowdoin, Sarah. See Dearborn, Sarah Bowdoin (James Bowdoin’s widow; Henry Dearborn’s third wife)

Bowdoin College, 7:65, 15:532, 15:535–15:536n

Bowdoin family

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:64–7:67

Bowen, Oliver

  • American naval commander, 20:493

Bowen, William Daniel

  • Canadian militia officer, 8:225

Bowie, Washington

  • and merino sheep, 2:3–2:4, 2:31, 2:32n

Bowie & Kurtz (Georgetown, D.C., firm), 2:219, 3:525n, 3:558, 4:18n, 4:418, 7:431n, 7:432, 7:437, 7:439–7:440, 7:442, 7:443n, 8:497, 8:497, 8:499n, 8:500, 8:573

Bowles, John, 5:419, 5:426

Bowles, Stephen

  • and University of Virginia, 16:303

Bowling, James

  • identified, 16:145n
  • letter from accounted for, 16:145n
  • letters to, 16:145, 17:588
  • and TJ’s debt to L. Bowling, 16:145, 17:588, 17:588n, 17:588, 17:589, 18:19, 18:131

Bowling, Lewis

  • attacked by slave, 15:147
  • TJ’s debt to, 16:145, 16:145n, 16:649, 17:588, 17:588n, 17:588, 18:19, 18:131

Bowman, Francis

  • and Albemarle Library Society, 19:509n, 19:607
  • conducts funeral, 20:136, 20:136n
  • identified, 20:136n
  • letter from accounted for, 19:509n
  • letter to, 20:136
  • mentioned, 20:87

Bowne, Walter

  • identified, 19:557–19:558n
  • Resolutions of the Republican Members of the New York State Legislature, 19:556–19:557

bows, archery, 16:38

bow-wood. See Osage orange (bow-wood)

Bowyer, John (d. 1806)

  • land of, 13:221

Bowyer, John (d. 1851)

  • and D. Cosby, 14:4, 14:5n
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:223–13:224n, 13:401, 13:473n, 13:491n, 13:584, 13:584n, 16:468, 16:469
  • and son’s legal education, 20:410
  • as Va. legislator, 12:471n, 16:635, 18:178, 18:178, 18:248, 18:262, 19:254, 19:272, 19:368, 20:589

Bowyer, John Colston

  • TJ recommends legal curriculum for, 20:410

Boxer , HMS (brig), 6:509, 6:510n, 6:526

Boxley, Pallison

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86, 16:479, 19:53

Boxley, Peter

  • and University of Virginia, 17:633

Boyd (Boid), Mr.

  • militia service of, 7:161

Boyd, James M., 14:367

Boyd, John J.

  • clerk for LeRoy, Bayard & Company, 14:432
  • identified, 14:432n
  • letter from, 14:432

Boyd, John Parker

  • Documents and Facts, relative to Military Events, During the Late War, 10:17, 10:17n
  • identified, 10:17–10:18n
  • letter from, 10:17–10:18
  • mentioned, 6:525
  • and War of 1812, 8:216, 10:186, 19:427

Boyd, Mary Magruder, 20:241n

Boyd, Samuel (of New York City), 10:263

Boyd, Thomas D., 14:360, 14:367

Boyd, William, 20:340

Boyd’s Tavern (Albemarle Co.), 16:38, 20:241, 20:241n

Bőÿe, Herman

  • identified, 19:405n
  • introduced to TJ, 19:405
  • introduces H. P. Taylor, 20:89
  • letter from, 20:89
  • and new map of Va., 20:161

Boyer, Abel

  • Grammaire angloise-françoise, 5:557

Boyer, Isaac

  • identified, 11:598–11:599n
  • letter from, 11:597–11:599
  • letter to, 11:647
  • and politics in Pa., 11:597, 11:599n, 11:647, 12:47

Boyer, Jean Baptiste de, marquis d’Argens

  • and correspondence with Frederick II (“the Great”), 9:709n
  • translates Defense du Paganisme par L’Empereur Julien, en Grec et en François, 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14
  • and Frederick II (“the Great”), 10:14
  • mentioned, 8:558
  • translates Discours de L’Empereur Julien, contre les Chrétiens (Julian), 12:583, 13:295
  • translates Ocellus Lucanus en Grec et en François, 7:75, 7:78n, 7:148, 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14, 12:112, 12:444, 16:190n, 16:190n, 16:190n, 16:196, 19:527n, 20:620n
  • translates Timée de Locres en Grec et en François (Timaeus of Locri), 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14, 12:112, 16:190n, 16:196

Boyer, Jean Pierre

  • president of Haiti, 16:135, 20:476, 20:478n

Boyle, Caleb, 6:291n

Boyle, John J., 1:14–1:15, 1:25

Boyle, Robert

  • religious beliefs of, 16:601

Boyle, T. (of New York City)

  • publisher, 8:450n

Boylston, Nicholas

  • bequest to Harvard University, 4:473

Boyton, Charles

  • fellow at Trinity College (Dublin), 20:633

Bracken, Miss (John Bracken’s daughter)

  • health of, 4:81

Bracken, Henry

  • The Traveller’s Pocket-Farrier, 8:388, 8:672

Bracken, John

  • and C. Bellini estate, 3:375–3:376, 3:381n, 4:34, 4:68–4:69, 4:69n, 4:80, 4:185, 4:214, 7:694, 9:113, 9:122–9:123, 9:123, 9:136, 9:290–9:291, 9:292n, 9:490, 9:491–9:492, 9:530, 10:249, 10:249n, 11:580
  • and College of William and Mary, 5:469, 5:469n, 5:579n, 6:606
  • identified, 4:69n
  • letters from, 4:80–4:81, 4:214
  • letters to, 4:68–4:69, 4:185, 9:122–9:123

Brackenridge, Henry Marie

  • identified, 6:329n
  • on Indian antiquities, 6:322–6:329, 6:516, 6:518
  • letters from, 6:322–6:330, 7:383–7:385, 15:372
  • letters to, 6:518, 7:242–7:243
  • proposes to visit Monticello, 7:384–7:385
  • as secretary of U.S. diplomatic mission to South America, 15:372
  • TJ forwards letter of to American Philosophical Society, 6:516, 6:518
  • Views of Louisiana, 4:7–4:8, 4:8n, 7:242, 7:383–7:384, 7:385n
  • Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American government, in the years 1817 and 1818, in the frigate Congress, 15:296, 15:297n, 15:314–15:315, 15:315n, 15:372

Bracton (Bratton), Henry de

  • in law curriculum, 7:688
  • Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliæ, 1:383, 3:546, 7:125–7:127, 7:257, 7:627, 16:640, 16:641, 18:335, 18:336n
  • TJ advocates translation of work of, 7:125, 7:127
  • works of referenced, 17:322

Bradbury, John

  • botanical expedition of, 1:163, 1:435–1:437, 2:533, 2:534n, 4:8, 4:146–4:147, 4:535–4:536, 4:563, 5:252, 5:253n, 9:337–9:338
  • identified, 4:536n
  • letter of introduction from W. Roscoe, 1:163
  • letters from, 4:535–4:536, 9:337–9:339
  • letters to, 4:563–4:564, 9:521
  • proposes garden at Saint Louis, 1:436–1:437n
  • seeks appointment, 9:338, 9:521, 9:521–9:522
  • TJ on, 2:533
  • visits Monticello, 1:164n, 1:435–1:436
  • and Washington botanical garden, 4:535, 4:563, 4:564n
  • work of published, 9:338, 9:339n, 9:521

Bradbury, John Leigh, 1:164n

Braddick, Jane. See Peticolas, Jane Pitford Braddick

Braddock, Edward

  • razor of, 13:76
  • 1755 defeat of, 10:269

Bradford, Hiram

  • militia service of, 7:161

Bradford, James

  • accused of forgery and theft, 18:77n
  • described, 18:77n

Bradford, Samuel Fisher

  • and Bradford & Inskeep, 2:680, 2:681n, 3:321, 3:322n, 6:427n, 7:289–7:290n
  • identified, 7:289–7:290n
  • as publisher, 19:546–19:547, 19:569

Bradford, William

  • as attorney general, 19:73, 19:74n

Bradford & Anderson (New Orleans firm)

  • letters from accounted for, 2:683

Bradford & Inskeep (Philadelphia firm)

  • account with TJ, 7:290
  • and R. de Bécourt’s book, 5:467n
  • and history of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 6:417, 7:289, 7:289n, 7:290, 7:517–7:518, 7:555, 7:555n, 7:556, 10:444–10:445, 11:43–11:44n
  • identified, 7:289–7:290n
  • letters from, 7:289–7:290
  • letters to, 7:556
  • and J. Pinkerton’s atlas, 3:296n
  • and Port Folio, 7:318, 10:19
  • TJ pays, 7:554, 7:556, 7:646, 8:469

Bradley, Abraham

  • as assistant postmaster general, 9:508
  • identified, 1:480n
  • letters from, 1:480, 1:514
  • letters to, 1:505–1:506
  • and Milton post office, 1:480, 1:505–1:506, 1:514

Bradley, Absalom

  • and Bedford Co. land, 5:475, 5:476n

Bradley, James

  • and Barboursville plantation, 11:227
  • visits Monticello, 11:227

Bradley, John W.

  • and Bedford Co. land, 5:476, 5:480–5:481n
  • survey, 5:475

Bradley, Judith (Julia) Webb

  • family of, 6:47–6:48, 6:48n
  • poverty of, 6:12–6:13
  • TJ declines to aid, 6:47–6:48, 20:403

Bradley, Mary (Absalom Bradley’s wife)

  • and Bedford Co. land, 5:475–5:476, 5:480–5:481n
  • survey, 5:475

Bradley, Richard, 12:379

Bradley, Richard (d. 1732)

  • The Experimental Husbandman and Gardener, 2:82
  • A General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening, 2:82
  • The Gentleman and Farmer’s Guide for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle, 2:82, 2:83n
  • Ten practical discourses concerning Earth and Water, Fire and Air, 2:82

Bradley, Stephen R.

  • as U.S. senator, 10:96, 10:96n

Bradley, Zenas, 6:47, 6:48, 6:48n

Bradwardine, Thomas, 7:667

Brady, Nicholas

  • Extracts from the New Version of the Psalms of David, Fitted to the Tunes used in Churches, 20:529–20:530, 20:530n
  • as translator of Psalms, 6:550, 6:551, 6:552n

Bragança, João Carlos de. See Lafões, João Carlos de Bragança de Sousa Ligne Tavares Mascarenhas da Silva, duque de

Braganza (ship), 17:441

Bragg, Joseph, 3:472n

Brahan, John

  • identified, 1:603–604n
  • letters from, 1:602–1:604
  • and M. Lewis’s death, 1:602–1:603

Braidwood, John

  • and education of the deaf, 9:361, 9:397, 9:656n

Bramble (schooner), 7:115n

Bramham, Horace Witherall

  • and Fourth of July celebration, 19:690, 19:693
  • identified, 19:691–19:692n
  • letter from, 19:690–19:692
  • letter to, 19:693
  • as physician, 17:413

Bramham, James W.

  • and Henderson lands, 1:440, 1:460

Bramham, Ludlow

  • hires out slaves to Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86

Bramham, Nimrod

  • account with TJ, 5:5, 5:6n
  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:335
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:328, 13:161, 15:98, 16:476, 17:621, 20:195
  • and W. Duane, 3:507, 3:509n, 3:540
  • identified, 5:528n
  • letters to, 5:526–5:528
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • petition to James Monroe
  • and Rivanna Company, 5:522, 5:526–5:528, 5:556, 5:638–5:639, 6:595, 6:597–6:598, 6:634, 11:64, 11:76, 11:91, 11:99, 11:101–11:102, 11:259–11:260, 11:260n, 11:557–11:558, 11:558n, 12:604, 14:408, 14:414n, 15:268
  • Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n
  • and University of Virginia, 17:625, 17:630, 17:637, 17:639, 19:51, 19:55, 20:197, 20:200, 20:211, 20:211, 20:220, 20:221, 20:223
  • vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
  • welcomes TJ, 1:47n

Bramham & Bibb (Charlottesville firm)

  • TJ purchases tools from, 18:49, 19:11
  • TJ’s debt to, 6:54n, 19:494
  • and University of Virginia, 20:204, 20:206, 20:226, 20:228, 20:229, 20:232

Bramham & Jones (Charlottesville firm)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:91, 15:97, 15:100, 16:303–16:304, 16:310, 16:314, 16:314, 16:476, 16:479, 17:624, 17:625, 17:636, 19:186
  • debt assigned to, 10:387, 10:388n, 12:614, 12:614n, 12:656
  • letter from accounted for, 10:388n, 12:614n
  • receipt from, 9:489n
  • TJ purchases goods from, 15:452, 16:6, 16:10
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425

bran, 3:541

Branagan, Thomas

  • identified, 8:451n
  • letters from, 8:450–8:451, 12:7, 12:474–12:475
  • opposition to slavery by, 8:450, 8:451n
  • The Penitential Tyrant, 8:450, 8:451n
  • The Pleasures of Contemplation, 12:7, 12:474–12:475
  • A Preliminary Essay, on the Oppression of the Exiled Sons of Africa, 8:450, 8:451n
  • The Pride of Britannia Humbled, 8:450–8:451
  • Rights of God, written for the Benefit of Man, 12:474

Branch, Christopher

  • identified, 20:61n
  • introduced to TJ, 20:60, 20:61n
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:651

Brand, Mr.

  • letter to, 8:528–8:529
  • TJ buys lime from, 8:528, 8:528n

Brand, Chiles M.

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344

Brand, Christoffel Joseph

  • Dissertatio Politico-Juridica de Jure Coloniarum, 17:112, 20:430, 20:430n
  • identified, 17:112n
  • letter from, 17:112

Brand, Elizabeth Bryan (Chiles M. Brand’s wife)

  • and University of Virginia, 20:194, 20:210, 20:211, 20:211

Brand, Fanny (Frances) Whitlock (Joseph Brand’s wife)

  • and cider for TJ, 8:12, 8:12n, 9:262, 9:262n, 12:503
  • identified, 9:262n
  • letter from, 12:503
  • letter to, 9:262

Brand, Joseph (d. 1814)

  • and Henderson lands, 1:459, 5:424n, 5:427, 8:528–8:529
  • letters from accounted for, 6:653
  • TJ pays, 2:116, 5:425
  • TJ purchases lime from, 8:528n
  • TJ’s debt to, 8:528–8:529, 12:644, 16:649, 19:495, 19:673, 19:673n

Brand, Joseph (d. 1826)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:632, 19:47, 19:189

Brand, William, 2:118, 2:255

Brande, William Thomas

  • A Manual of Chemistry, 18:64, 18:156, 20:636

Brander, Mr., 18:582


  • apple, 16:11, 20:41, 20:135
  • French, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 2:221, 2:222, 2:223, 2:339, 4:182, 4:209, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:211, 11:293+, 16:12, 16:542, 17:142, 18:42, 18:457, 18:547, 18:561, 18:600, 19:641–19:642, 19:642n, 20:135
  • made from porter, 9:3
  • at Monticello, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30–8:31, 15:312
  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • offered to TJ, 7:78
  • production of in Va., 4:419, 6:487
  • subsidy for production of, 9:426
  • TJ orders, 19:13, 19:641–19:642
  • as wine additive, 2:221, 2:222, 2:223, 2:339, 3:240, 11:293+, 11:293+, 11:296, 11:300, 11:345, 17:189, 17:199, 18:465, 19:307, 19:455, 19:528, 19:640–19:641, 20:41, 20:41, 20:135

Brandywine, Battle of (1777), 8:494, 20:9

Brannan, Benjamin, 20:9, 20:10n

Brannan, John

  • edits Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the War with Great Britain in the years 1812, 13, 14, & 15, 20:8–20:9, 20:9n, 20:10n, 20:36–20:37
  • family of, 20:9
  • identified, 20:9–20:10n
  • letter from, 20:8–20:10
  • letter to, 20:36–20:37

Brantz, Lewis See also Mayer & Brantz (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 1:50n
  • letters from, 19:295–19:296, 19:469
  • letter to, 19:502
  • recommends F. R. Hassler, 19:295–19:296, 19:309, 19:309n, 19:469, 19:502, 19:504

Le Braque (ship), 14:610, 16:370n

Brasidas (Spartan general), 16:615

Brassica napus rapifera. See rutabaga (Swedish turnip)

Brassica sempervirens. See kale: sprout

Brattle Street Church (Boston)

  • J. Adams on, 8:49
  • ministers of, 8:49, 8:50n

Bratton’s Tavern (Bath Co.), 13:230, 13:231

Brawnix, Liddy. See Broadnax, Lydia (Liddy Brawnix)

Braxton, Carter

  • buys lots in Westham, 8:171n
  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329

Brazer, John

  • opposes B. Waterhouse, 6:97, 6:100n
  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n

Brazer, John (1789–1846)

  • identified, 14:537n
  • letter from, 14:536–14:537, 15:135–15:137
  • letter to, 14:629–14:631, 15:231–15:232
  • and publication of TJ’s letter, 15:135–15:137, 15:231–15:232
  • reviews An Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language (J. Pickering), 14:536–14:537, 14:629–14:631, 15:135
  • reviews The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation (T. Chalmers), 15:137, 15:137n


  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:351, 15:351–15:352, 16:166, 16:410, 16:411, 16:432–16:433, 16:434
  • internal conflict in, 10:328
  • minerals from, 17:295, 17:477, 17:485, 17:489, 17:497, 17:504
  • monarchy in, 8:503, 8:508n, 10:374, 11:355, 11:355n, 17:295, 17:296n, 19:148–19:149, 19:149n
  • relations with Portugal, 11:355, 11:384, 11:384n, 16:218, 16:218, 16:432–16:433, 16:434, 19:148–19:149, 19:149n, 19:356
  • TJ on, 19:205
  • U.S. consul at, 1:26, 1:155
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Brazilian (brig), 15:21n


  • in American workers’ diet, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
  • and chemistry, 15:322, 15:322n
  • corn ground for, 14:213, 18:318, 18:318
  • eaten with cheese, 13:278
  • for militia, 7:649
  • at Poplar Forest, 9:505, 14:636, 15:23n
  • price of, 12:39, 17:331
  • rye, 11:271
  • scarcity of, 10:379, 10:539, 10:597, 10:666, 14:585, 14:602, 17:357–17:358, 18:241, 18:402, 18:601n
  • for slaves, 16:647–16:648
  • in students’ diet, 14:382, 14:383n

breadfruit tree, 18:257

Breck, Samuel, 2:200, 2:200n, 2:475

Breck, Samuel (17711862)

  • Sketch of the Internal Improvements already made by Pennsylvania, 13:174, 13:174n

Breckinridge, Emma Walker Gilmer, 12:392n, 15:138n

Breckinridge (Breckenridge), James

  • appointed to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:34, 14:35, 14:89, 15:82, 15:434, 20:549
  • engraving of, 14:lii–14:liii, 14:250 (illus.)
  • health of, 15:246, 16:285
  • identified, 13:304n
  • invited to visit Monticello, 14:89, 14:520–14:521
  • land of, 13:221
  • letter from, to John H. Cocke, 17:90–17:94
  • letters from, 15:245–15:246, 16:285, 17:475, 17:611, 18:312, 19:402, 19:512
  • letters to, 13:303–13:304, 14:89, 14:518–14:521, 15:295–15:296, 16:611–16:613, 17:421–17:422, 17:527–17:529, 18:28, 18:332–18:334, 19:383, 19:452, 19:538–19:539
  • letter to accounted for, 17:611n
  • as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:45, 14:56, 14:89, 14:176, 14:518–14:521, 14:652, 15:245–15:246, 15:295–15:296, 15:415, 15:430, 15:431n, 15:432, 15:433n, 15:482, 15:486, 15:508, 15:605, 15:606n, 16:285, 16:396, 16:460–16:461, 16:468–16:469, 16:561, 16:579, 16:586, 16:613, 17:71, 17:77, 17:84, 17:85n, 17:85n, 17:90–17:94, 17:108, 17:391, 17:421–17:422, 17:428n, 17:475, 17:527–17:529, 17:611, 18:312, 18:328, 18:332, 19:39, 19:292, 19:383, 19:395, 19:402, 19:451, 19:452, 19:512, 19:538–19:539, 19:604, 20:189, 20:589
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • and plat for TJ, 17:611, 17:611n
  • recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:537n
  • recommends J. Warrell, 2:93
  • TJ sends architectural drawings to, 13:303
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:182, 13:183, 13:183, 13:223
  • as Va. legislator, 15:245–15:246, 15:400, 15:400n, 15:415, 15:415, 15:416n, 16:285, 16:430, 16:468–16:469, 16:565–16:566, 16:587, 16:587–16:588, 16:593, 16:611–16:613, 16:613, 16:624, 16:629, 16:635, 17:32, 17:33, 17:34n, 17:157, 18:220, 19:512, 19:538, 20:312, 20:519, 20:557, 20:558n, 20:589
  • visits Warm Springs, 13:242–13:243, 13:303

Breckinridge, John

  • family of, 13:543, 13:599
  • and Kentucky Resolutions, 17:592, 18:34, 18:35n
  • proposed biography of, 8:486–8:487, 8:487n, 8:529, 17:591
  • TJ on, 8:529, 18:34, 18:34

Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell

  • identified, 8:487n
  • and Kentucky Resolutions, 17:592, 18:33
  • letters from, 8:486–8:487, 8:554–8:555, 17:591–17:593
  • letters to, 8:529, 8:606, 18:33–18:35
  • and proposed biography of J. Breckinridge, 8:486–8:487, 17:591
  • recommends J. G. Baxter’s textile machines, 8:554–8:555
  • TJ forwards letter through, 8:606

Breedin, Berriman (Beriman) B.

  • family of, 18:596
  • identified, 18:597n
  • letter from, 18:596–18:597
  • letter to, 19:21
  • seeks information on University of Virginia, 18:596–18:597, 19:21

Breislak, Scipione

  • Introduzione alla Geologia, 12:335, 12:444

Bremo (J. H. Cocke’s Fluvanna Co. estate), 1:136n, 9:500–9:501, 9:501–9:502n, 11:274n, 12:526, 13:129–13:130, 13:473, 14:190, 14:233, 16:149, 16:150, 16:244, 16:254

Bremo (TJ’s horse)

  • and carriage accident, 11:622
  • purchased from J. H. Cocke, 7:300, 7:300n, 7:301, 7:513–7:514, 7:608, 8:41, 8:42n, 8:47, 8:66

Brent, Daniel

  • and P. Cardelli’s busts, 17:489, 17:504
  • on elections in France, 13:568
  • forwards letters to and from TJ, 8:495–8:496, 11:421–11:422, 11:458, 11:462, 11:667, 12:374n, 12:387, 12:468n, 12:485, 13:41, 13:46, 13:434, 13:434n, 13:467–13:468, 13:568, 14:499–14:500, 16:57–16:58n, 16:485n, 16:487n, 16:491n, 16:492n, 16:494n, 16:496n, 16:497n, 16:499n, 16:500n, 16:501n, 16:637, 17:27, 17:283n, 18:430n, 18:456n, 18:548n, 19:112, 19:138, 20:289
  • and goods for TJ, 17:477, 17:485, 17:489, 17:497, 17:504
  • identified, 8:495–8:496n
  • letters from, 8:495–8:496, 11:458, 11:667–11:668, 12:387–12:388, 12:485–12:486, 13:46, 13:467–13:468, 13:568, 14:499–14:500, 15:58–15:59, 16:637–16:638, 17:477, 17:504, 18:303–18:304, 18:548n, 19:138
  • letters to, 11:421–11:422, 11:462, 13:41, 13:434, 15:67–15:68, 17:27, 17:489, 18:292–18:293, 19:112, 20:289
  • letters to accounted for, 11:580n, 12:388n, 12:486n, 13:568n, 14:500n, 16:638n, 18:456n
  • as State Department clerk, 1:15n, 3:260, 8:495–8:496, 12:459n, 15:58, 15:67, 16:531n, 17:27, 18:292–18:293, 19:138, 19:632n
  • and works for TJ, 18:292–18:293, 18:303

Brent, Richard

  • letters to, 4:164
  • and J. Monroe’s conversation with TJ, 2:42, 2:44–2:46
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 8:47

Brent, Robert

  • chairs meeting of Washington Republicans, 1:11–1:12
  • identified, 1:12n
  • introduces W. P. Rathbone, 8:675–8:676
  • letters from, 1:11–1:12, 8:675–8:676
  • letters from accounted for, 1:12n
  • as mayor of Washington, 1:657
  • and merino sheep, 1:481
  • as paymaster general, 3:450

Brent, Thomas, 18:614

Brent, William (brother of Daniel Brent)

  • letter misaddressed to, 11:458

Brent, William (of Stafford Co.)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 11:636, 11:636–11:637, 12:318, 13:163n, 16:304
  • letter from accounted for, 12:318n
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:382

Brent, William Leigh

  • identified, 1:29n
  • letters from, 1:26–1:29
  • and Md. legislature, 2:196n
  • and meeting of Washington Co. Republicans, 1:26–1:28

Brerewood, Edward

  • on Indians, 6:137, 6:138

Breteuil, Louis Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de

  • as government minister, 17:357, 17:364

Breton de la Martinière, Jean Baptiste Joseph

  • translates Bibliothèque géographique et instructive des Jeunes Gens, ou Recueil de voyages intéressants pour l’instruction et l’amusement de la jeunesse (J. H. Campe), 12:534

Breuil, Mr., 6:45, 6:152, 6:152, 7:349

Breve Descripcion de la Fiebre Amarilla Padecida en Cadiz y Pueblos Comarcanos en 1800 (J. M. Aréjula), 10:130, 10:146n


  • books on, 4:562, 6:507, 6:510, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:259, 7:285, 7:292, 8:410, 8:411, 8:412n, 8:439, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:50n, 17:178, 17:178
  • as business enterprise, 8:412–8:413, 9:279
  • and chemistry, 15:322
  • at Monticello, 6:507, 6:507n, 8:12, 8:185, 8:186, 8:438–8:439, 8:565, 9:4, 10:340, 10:462, 11:189, 11:216, 13:616–13:617, 15:527, 17:178
  • at Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:527
  • process of, 8:410–8:411, 17:159
  • TJ on, 8:438–8:439, 17:178
  • use of corn in, 8:410, 8:439, 8:565
  • use of hops in, 8:565, 10:340
  • use of malt in, 6:517–6:518, 8:12, 8:35, 8:410, 8:565, 10:462
  • use of wheat in, 8:439

Brewster, David

  • as editor of Edinburgh Encyclopædia, 20:582

Brézillac, Jean François de

  • translates Cours de Mathématique (C. Wolff), 7:250, 7:253n

Brice, Ann

  • signs petition, 18:146

Brice, Nicholas

  • as trustee of Baltimore College, 17:71–17:72, 17:73n


  • for University of Virginia, 14:86–14:87, 14:163, 14:187, 14:195, 14:216, 14:216n, 14:216–14:217, 14:238, 14:241, 14:303–14:304, 14:390, 14:479, 14:516, 14:641, 17:655n, 19:237, 19:446–19:447, 20:384

Bridault, Jean Pierre

  • Mœurs et coutumes des Romains, 12:583, 13:295

Bridgeland, Alexander

  • letter to accounted for, 10:539n
  • TJ pays
  • TJ purchases beef from, 10:539n, 18:403

Bridgen, Edward, 6:227

Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3d Duke of

  • canal of, 15:493, 15:494n

Bridgman, Richard Whalley

  • An Analytical Digested Index of the Reported Cases in the Several Courts of Equity, and the high Court of Parliament, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:100, 13:107, 16:642n, 18:334, 18:335

Briefe an Hernn Hofrath Heyne von Professor Wolf (F. A. Wolf), 9:88n

A Brief History of the Influenza, Which prevailed in New-York in 1807 (S. Ricketson), 1:257, 1:257n, 1:294–1:295

Brief Remarks on the Present and Former War with France (C. Caines), 3:522n

A Brief View of the Policy and Resources of the United States (R. Hare), 3:198–3:199, 3:200n

brier, sun, 1:56

Briggs, Anna. See Bentley, Anna Briggs.

Briggs, Hannah (Isaac Briggs’s wife)

  • consults J. Bringhurst, 10:4
  • letter to, from I. Briggs, 16:385–16:389
  • property of, 9:475
  • sends message to TJ, 10:4

Briggs, Isaac

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 16:385–16:389
  • An Address delivered before the Oneida Society for the Promotion of American Manufactures, 12:194
  • and American Board of Agriculture, 11:338, 11:339n
  • communications to TJ as president, 9:508, 9:510n
  • cotton manufacturer, 9:475
  • as engineer, 16:48, 19:405
  • and Erie Canal, 11:339, 11:357, 11:358n, 11:364–11:365, 11:376–11:377, 12:194
  • family of, 9:475, 9:540–9:541, 9:541n, 9:680, 9:682, 10:4, 11:358n, 11:376, 16:385–16:389
  • identified, 9:476–9:477n
  • introduces H. Bőÿe, 19:405
  • letters from, 9:474–9:477, 9:606–9:607, 10:18–10:19, 11:339–11:340, 11:357–11:358, 11:376–11:377, 12:194, 19:405
  • letters to, 9:515–9:516, 9:680–9:682, 11:364–11:365
  • map praised by, 11:429, 11:430n
  • petitions Congress, 9:474–9:476, 9:477n, 9:477, 9:507–9:510, 9:515, 9:606–9:607, 10:4, 10:18, 16:387
  • proposed as surveyor of Va., 9:627–9:628, 9:680–9:681, 10:4, 10:18, 11:365
  • recommended by J. Bringhurst, 10:4
  • recommends T. Moore, 11:358, 11:360, 11:376–11:377
  • religion of, 17:382
  • seeks employment, 10:18, 10:19n, 11:339–11:340, 19:405
  • Statements and Remarks, addressed to Thomas Newton … on the subject of Agriculture, Ma[n]ufactures, and Commerce, 9:476, 9:476n, 9:515
  • surveyor of federal lands, 1:215n, 1:650, 4:476, 4:477n, 5:449, 9:474–9:476, 9:477n, 9:477, 9:507–9:510, 9:515, 9:628, 10:18, 10:19n, 11:364–11:365
  • TJ’s compensation to, 9:509–9:510
  • visits Monticello, 16:385–16:389
  • visits Montpellier, 16:389n

Briggs, John, 16:456

Briggs, Mary Brooke

  • expresses gratitude, 10:19
  • family of, 9:540, 9:541n, 9:680, 9:682
  • identified, 9:541n
  • letter from, 9:540–9:541, 10:19
  • letter to, 9:682
  • mentioned, 11:339–11:340, 11:340n, 16:386
  • praises TJ, 9:540–9:541, 9:606, 9:682
  • TJ gives portrait to, 16:387–16:388, 16:388–16:389n

Bright, Michael, 1:213–1:214n

Brigode, Célestine Louise Henriette de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg, baroness de (Lafayette’s granddaughter), 16:137, 18:428

Brigode, Marie Charlotte Gabrielle Louise de (Lafayette’s great-granddaughter), 20:370n

Brigode, Romain Joseph, baron de, 16:137, 17:254, 17:255n, 18:428

Briley (TJ’s slave; b. 1805). See Bryley (Briley) (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

Brilliant (schooner), 12:436, 12:522, 12:523, 12:528, 12:535

Brindley, James

  • as engineer, 15:494n

Bringhurst, Joseph

  • identified, 10:4–10:5n
  • letter from, 10:4–10:5
  • recommends I. Briggs, 10:4

briquet phosphorique, 1:376–1:377, 1:377n

briquet pneumatique, 1:376–1:377, 1:377n, 2:145, 2:147n

Briscoe, William

  • recommended by R. H. Harrison, 18:139

Briscoe & Partridge (Baltimore firm), 12:409

Brisson, Mathurin Jacques

  • and scientific classification, 7:208, 11:367

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre

  • J. Adams on, 6:228
  • toasts honoring, 17:289

Brister, Elizabeth

  • signs petition, 18:146

Bristol County, R.I.

  • convention of, letter to, 1:88–1:89

Britain Independent of Commerce; or, Proofs, Deducted from an Investigation into the True Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Spence), 1:35

Britannia Romana: or the Roman Antiquities of Britain (J. Horsley), 8:581, 9:109

British Board of Agriculture, 1:252, 1:252n, 2:83, 12:571, 16:151n

The British Cicero (T. Browne), 19:505

The British System of Education (J. Lancaster), 9:443n, 9:502, 9:503n, 9:529

The British Theatre (E. Inchbald), 7:665

Britton (E. Wingate, ed.), 1:383, 3:546

Britton, Anderson

  • operates ferry, 8:170

broadcloth, 4:40, 19:574

Broadhead, Achilles. See Brodhead (Broadhead), Achilles

Broadhead, William

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Broadnax, Lydia (Liddy Brawnix)

  • and bequest of G. Wythe, 14:370–14:371
  • identified, 14:371n
  • letter from, 14:370–14:371

Broadnax (Brodnax), William F., 16:457

Broadnax (Brodnax), William H., 17:33

broccoli, 14:385n

Brochant de Villiers, André Jean François Marie

  • Traité Élémentaire de Minéralogie suivant les Principes du Professeur Werner, 2:551, 2:552n, 14:168

Brock, Isaac , 5:355, 5:396, 5:445, 5:446n, 8:215, 8:219

Brockbank, John

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:223–9:224, 9:224

Brockenbrough, Mr., 14:280

Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer

  • advises C. Branch, 20:60
  • agreement with J. Dinsmore and J. Neilson, 19:446, 19:447, 19:447–19:448, 19:450, 19:452, 20:628
  • agreement with A. B. Thorn and N. Chamberlain, 19:433–19:435, 19:450, 19:452
  • and bricks for TJ, 20:529, 20:552
  • and cement, 17:148, 17:303, 17:303n
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 15:98, 16:303–16:304, 16:304, 16:475, 16:475–16:476, 16:476, 17:620, 17:620, 17:630, 17:631, 20:195, 20:195–20:196
  • contract of, with W. J. Coffee, 18:530, 19:487, 19:488n, 19:513–19:514, 19:514–19:517, 19:520, 19:520n, 19:520–19:522, 19:523
  • Contract with Giacomo Raggi for Carving Bases for Rotunda Columns, 20:128, 20:139–20:140, 20:141, 20:149
  • and designs for county jails, 20:45, 20:46n, 20:77, 20:80
  • on destruction of Va. State Penitentiary, 20:91
  • Estimate by Arthur S. Brockenbrough and Thomas Jefferson of Jail Costs, 20:12–20:13
  • identified, 14:142–14:143n
  • introduces F. C. Whiston, 17:208
  • letter from, to A. Garrett, 14:141–14:143
  • letter from, to J. Oldham, 18:122–18:123
  • letter from, to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 17:648–17:649, 19:513–19:514, 20:185
  • letter to, from J. C. Cabell, 20:80
  • letters from, 14:174, 14:382, 14:390–14:391, 14:492, 14:502, 14:532–14:533, 14:605, 14:640–14:641, 15:12–15:13, 15:125–15:126, 15:559, 16:18–16:19, 16:39, 16:46, 16:356–16:357, 16:398, 16:550, 17:62–17:63, 17:208–17:209, 17:404, 17:510–17:511, 17:575–17:576, 17:604, 18:29, 18:211, 18:271, 18:356–18:357, 18:520, 18:529, 18:534, 19:153–19:154, 19:228–19:229, 19:237, 19:310–19:311, 19:446–19:447, 20:69–20:70, 20:91, 20:152–20:153, 20:248, 20:307, 20:328, 20:384, 20:432–20:433, 20:502, 20:553, 20:628–20:629
  • letters from accounted for, 15:22n, 15:202n, 15:386n, 15:559n, 17:524n
  • letters to, 14:303–14:304, 14:350, 14:385, 14:479–14:480, 14:480+, 14:487, 14:495–14:496, 14:532, 14:564–14:565, 14:575–14:576, 14:617, 14:641–14:642, 15:3–15:4, 16:254–16:255, 16:359–16:360, 17:60–17:61, 17:148, 17:575, 17:578, 18:29, 18:215, 19:70, 19:163–19:164, 19:224, 19:291, 19:450, 19:520, 19:546, 19:552, 19:566–19:567, 19:675, 19:686, 20:90, 20:91, 20:128, 20:141, 20:149, 20:308–20:309, 20:312, 20:380, 20:406, 20:529, 20:552, 20:630
  • letters to, from J. H. Cocke, 15:129–15:130, 16:254–16:255
  • letters to, from J. Hollins, 15:8, 15:542
  • letters to accounted for, 15:202n, 16:255n, 18:117n, 19:70n
  • Memorandum on Expenses of Dormitory Gutters, 15:5
  • memorandum to, 19:432–19:433
  • and nails for TJ, 19:102, 19:102–19:103n
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia, 20:173, 20:174–20:177
  • receipt from, 19:102–19:103
  • receipt to, 17:597
  • recommended to TJ, 14:76–14:77, 14:128–14:129, 14:172, 14:174
  • and references for T. W. Maury, 20:502
  • supervises improvements to Capitol Square, 14:142, 14:174
  • TJ on, 19:347–19:348, 20:439
  • and TJ’s account with J. Gorman, 20:122, 20:122
  • and TJ’s health, 20:69, 20:77
  • and University of Virginia, 19:49, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:53, 19:56, 19:56, 19:58, 19:183, 19:188, 20:555
  • as University of Virginia proctor, 11:467n, 11:467n, 14:110, 14:124, 14:141–14:142, 14:174, 14:176, 14:189–14:190, 14:233, 14:261, 14:261, 14:263, 14:264, 14:265n, 14:303–14:304, 14:350, 14:382, 14:385, 14:390, 14:437, 14:446, 14:479–14:480, 14:480+, 14:487, 14:492, 14:492–14:493, 14:495–14:496, 14:497, 14:497–14:498, 14:498, 14:502, 14:508n, 14:512, 14:516, 14:520, 14:521, 14:532, 14:532–14:533, 14:564–14:565, 14:575–14:576, 14:592, 14:605, 14:617, 14:640–14:641, 14:641–14:642, 15:3–15:4, 15:5, 15:7–15:8, 15:8n, 15:8, 15:9, 15:12–15:13, 15:57, 15:81, 15:81, 15:81, 15:83, 15:83, 15:83, 15:97, 15:97, 15:97, 15:98, 15:98, 15:99–15:100, 15:100, 15:101, 15:101, 15:102–15:104, 15:117, 15:118n, 15:125, 15:131, 15:200, 15:201n, 15:251–15:252, 15:352n, 15:353–15:354, 15:354, 15:355n, 15:402, 15:542, 15:542, 15:545n, 15:559, 16:18–16:19, 16:39, 16:46, 16:112, 16:114, 16:243–16:244, 16:244, 16:254, 16:254–16:255, 16:268, 16:269, 16:282, 16:299, 16:299, 16:300, 16:301, 16:304, 16:306, 16:306, 16:308, 16:311–16:312, 16:314, 16:316, 16:318–16:321, 16:334, 16:335–16:336, 16:336, 16:336, 16:336–16:337, 16:337n, 16:354, 16:356–16:357, 16:359–16:360, 16:377–16:378, 16:398, 16:405, 16:431, 16:438, 16:471, 16:475, 16:476, 16:476, 16:479, 16:480, 16:480, 16:481, 16:481, 16:550, 16:559, 16:560, 17:17, 17:60–17:61, 17:62–17:63, 17:77n, 17:91, 17:93, 17:108, 17:148, 17:150, 17:200, 17:247, 17:292, 17:293, 17:404, 17:421, 17:450–17:451, 17:510–17:511, 17:524n, 17:527, 17:531, 17:567–17:568, 17:571–17:572, 17:575, 17:575–17:576, 17:576–17:577, 17:577, 17:578, 17:597, 17:597n, 17:604, 17:615, 17:616, 17:616, 17:621, 17:621, 17:622, 17:623, 17:623, 17:634, 17:634, 17:639, 17:639, 17:646, 17:648, 17:649–17:651, 17:651–17:655, 18:29, 18:29, 18:55n, 18:115–18:116, 18:117, 18:117n, 18:122–18:123, 18:211, 18:215, 18:261, 18:263, 18:271, 18:285, 18:356–18:357, 18:374, 18:440, 18:474, 18:494, 18:520, 18:529, 18:530, 18:534, 18:535, 18:549, 18:569, 18:630, 18:630, 19:23–19:24, 19:39, 19:39, 19:41, 19:44, 19:44n, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:46, 19:62–19:63, 19:63, 19:70, 19:100, 19:102, 19:153–19:154, 19:163–19:164, 19:176, 19:176–19:178, 19:178n, 19:179, 19:179–19:180, 19:180, 19:184, 19:184, 19:187, 19:189, 19:190, 19:191, 19:191n, 19:224, 19:227, 19:227, 19:228–19:229, 19:232, 19:237, 19:238–19:240, 19:240n, 19:241n, 19:255, 19:256n, 19:256, 19:257, 19:257–19:258, 19:259n, 19:268, 19:269n, 19:273, 19:274, 19:274n, 19:277, 19:291, 19:292, 19:310–19:311, 19:328, 19:340, 19:347–19:348, 19:348n, 19:367, 19:367–19:368, 19:371, 19:395, 19:395n, 19:396n, 19:396n, 19:398, 19:403–19:404, 19:409, 19:432–19:433, 19:433–19:434, 19:435n, 19:446–19:447, 19:447–19:448, 19:450, 19:451, 19:452, 19:476, 19:477, 19:478, 19:480, 19:483, 19:487, 19:487, 19:491, 19:512, 19:513–19:514, 19:514–19:516, 19:518, 19:520, 19:520–19:522, 19:538, 19:544n, 19:545, 19:546, 19:547, 19:548, 19:552, 19:552–19:553, 19:566–19:567, 19:568, 19:570, 19:611, 19:675, 19:686, 20:liv, 20:4, 20:4n, 20:14n, 20:14–20:15, 20:69–20:70, 20:79, 20:90, 20:91, 20:91, 20:141, 20:149, 20:152–20:153, 20:178, 20:179–20:180, 20:185, 20:192, 20:194–20:198, 20:200, 20:201, 20:209–20:217, 20:218–20:235, 20:236, 20:236, 20:248, 20:299, 20:307, 20:308–20:309, 20:312, 20:314, 20:324, 20:328, 20:328–20:329, 20:380, 20:384, 20:392, 20:394n, 20:406, 20:432, 20:439–20:440, 20:552, 20:553, 20:553–20:554, 20:554–20:557, 20:565, 20:585, 20:628–20:629, 20:630
  • visits Philadelphia, 20:432, 20:439–20:440, 20:463

Brockenbrough, John

  • and Bank of Virginia, 10:295n, 12:364n, 12:411–12:413, 17:416, 17:440, 17:440
  • and cisterns, 19:632, 19:642–19:643, 19:675
  • as J. Harvie’s agent, 4:499, 4:532–4:533, 4:555, 4:557, 4:594, 5:671, 6:20, 8:96, 8:100, 8:127–8:128, 9:449
  • identified, 4:533n
  • letters from, 4:532–4:533, 12:243–12:244, 17:440, 19:632–19:633, 19:675
  • letters to, 4:555, 12:279, 17:416, 19:642–19:643
  • W. C. Nicholas on, 14:76
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587–14:588n
  • and payment to G. Raggi, 20:253
  • recommends A. S. Brockenbrough, 14:129
  • recommends C. Carter, 14:164n
  • recommends D. Hickey, 14:160, 14:161n
  • as Richmond Common Council member, 12:243, 12:279
  • Richmond home of, 14:76, 14:77n, 14:161n, 14:164n, 14:174, 19:632, 19:632–19:633n, 19:675
  • and TJ’s Bank of Virginia loan, 4:555
  • and University of Virginia, 13:559, 17:416, 17:440, 17:636

Brockenbrough, Lucy (Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s wife)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:310, 16:316, 17:630

Brockenbrough, Thomas

  • certifies document, 19:313n
  • and University of Virginia, 15:101

Brockenbrough, William

  • described, 18:532n
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 14:13
  • gives legal opinion, 18:531–18:532
  • and W. F. Jones, 6:126
  • as judge, 19:461n
  • W. C. Nicholas on, 14:76
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223

Brockenbrough, William Henry, 20:69, 20:70n

Brockenbrough & Harvie (Richmond firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 15:101, 16:319, 17:632, 17:633, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:57, 19:62, 19:183, 19:188, 19:515, 20:194, 20:195, 20:197, 20:199, 20:204, 20:205, 20:209, 20:209, 20:212, 20:213, 20:218, 20:219, 20:219, 20:219, 20:226, 20:227, 20:229, 20:231, 20:556

Brocklesby, Richard

  • physician, 7:74

Brockman, James

  • and University of Virginia, 20:234, 20:556

Brockman, John

  • and University of Virginia, 20:229, 20:234

Brockman, Nancy Simms

  • and University of Virginia, 20:202, 20:222, 20:225

Brodeau, Ann, 1:466, 1:479, 5:80, 5:80n, 5:148, 5:148n

Brodhead (Broadhead), Achilles

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:328, 13:161, 17:631
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and University of Virginia, 17:639

Brodie, Francis, 1:75, 1:75n

Brodie, James

  • and New York City customhouse, 19:499n

Brodnax, William E., 1:66

Brodnax, William Henry, 14:14, 16:551, 16:624–16:625, 16:625n

Broglie, Achille Léonce Victor Charles, duc de

  • and Chambre des Députés, 12:39
  • marriage of, 9:327, 9:328n, 9:377, 10:375
  • Opinion de M. de Broglie Sur la Loi d’amnistie portée par les Ministres de Sa Majesté à la Chambre des Pairs le 9 janvier 1816, 9:377, 9:377n
  • sends greetings to TJ, 11:117
  • sends work to TJ, 13:511

Broglie, Albertine Ida Gustavine de Staël Holstein, duchesse de

  • marriage of, 9:327, 9:328n, 9:377, 10:375, 11:283
  • sends greetings to TJ, 11:117

Broglie, Charles Louis Victor

  • family of, 9:377

Broglie, Victor François, duc de

  • family of, 9:327, 9:328n, 9:377, 11:283
  • as government minister, 17:357, 17:364
  • as military leader, 17:363

Bromwell, Jacob, 14:538–14:540

Bronaugh, James C.

  • and charges against I. A. Coles, 7:609–7:610n, 7:610n, 7:610–7:611n
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:539

Brongniart, Alexandre

  • and Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, 9:325, 9:326n

Brooke, Francis Taliaferro

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:398–13:399, 14:13
  • family of, 20:415
  • identified, 12:170–12:171n
  • letters from, 12:208–12:209
  • letter to, 12:170–12:171
  • mentioned, 12:287
  • as reference for W. Hawkesworth, 20:415
  • and Y. Smith, 14:40
  • and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:99n, 12:170, 12:208, 12:233, 12:458
  • as Va. Court of Appeals judge, 15:350, 19:461n

Brooke, George, 1:503

Brooke, John T.

  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:382

Brooke, Mary Brooke Briggs. See Briggs, Mary Brooke

Brooke, Sir Robert

  • La Graunde Abridgement, 7:126, 18:335

Brooke, Robert

  • surveyor, 9:686–9:687, 9:692n

Brooke, Samuel

  • as printer, 17:419

Brooks, Absalom H.

  • and Buckingham Co. courthouse, 18:523, 18:549, 18:549, 18:569, 18:571
  • identified, 17:386n
  • letters from, 18:569, 18:576–18:577
  • letter to, 18:570–18:571
  • and Monticello’s North Pavilion, 18:549, 18:569
  • as tinsmith, 13:380–13:381, 14:440, 17:386, 18:569, 18:570–18:571, 18:576–18:577
  • TJ’s account with, 17:386
  • transports goods, 19:102
  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 16:314, 16:317, 16:319, 17:403, 17:403n, 17:634, 17:638, 17:650, 17:654, 18:549, 18:569, 18:576, 19:54, 19:62, 19:238, 19:239, 20:220

Brooks, James Gordon

  • Address to the Members of Solomon’s Lodge, No. 6, on the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, June 24th, A.D. 1823, A.L. 5823, 20:91–20:92
  • identified, 20:92n
  • letter from, 20:91–20:92

Brooks, John

  • Revolutionary War service of, 19:530–19:531
  • toasts honoring, 17:290

Brooks, Robert

  • and University of Virginia, 16:314, 16:315, 17:623

Brooks, Samuel

  • letter from accounted for, 10:19–10:20n
  • and Port Folio, 10:19

Broome, John

  • identified, 1:80n
  • letters from, 1:79–1:80
  • letters from accounted for, 1:80n
  • letters to accounted for, 1:125n
  • and N.Y. state legislature, 1:79–1:80, 1:125n


  • household, 6:345, 12:362, 17:11, 19:14
  • stable, 1:3

broom, Spanish (plant), 9:533

Brosius, Francis Xavier

  • edits The Elements of Natural or Experimental Philosophy (T. Cavallo), 18:303, 20:444, 20:445n, 20:469–20:470

“Brother Jonathan”

  • as nickname for Americans, 19:305, 19:306n

Brotier, Gabriel

  • edits Supplementa Librorum VII, VIII, IX et X Annalium C. Corn. Taciti (Tacitus), 12:583, 20:115n, 20:281

Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vaux

  • and British commercial policy, 10:646
  • quoted, 11:23, 11:24–11:25n
  • The Speech of Henry Brougham, Esq. before the House of Commons, 1:35

Broussais, François Joseph Victor

  • On Irritation and Insanity (trans. T. Cooper), 20:352n

Brown, Dr., 16:542

Brown, Mr.

  • paid for cutting stone, 5:576n

Brown, Mr. (brick mason), 14:113

Brown, Mr. (legal author)

  • writings of, 7:688

Brown, Mr. (manufacturer)

  • and shot manufactory, 8:309

Brown, Mr. (of Richmond)

  • letter from, 17:217
  • TJ invites to visit Monticello, 17:217

Brown, Abraham, 5:12

Brown, Andrew, 6:255

Brown, Benjamin

  • and Henderson case, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:480, 8:692
  • identified, 1:320n
  • letters from, 1:320, 3:294, 5:315–5:316
  • letters to, 1:333, 3:328–3:329
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • TJ purchases land from, 4:386, 8:398
  • and TJ’s insurance, 1:320, 1:333, 3:294, 3:328–3:329, 4:114–4:115, 5:298, 5:315–5:316, 5:316n, 6:351, 6:361, 13:34, 15:596–15:597
  • vouches for O. Norris, 3:465

Brown, Betty (TJ’s slave; b. 1759)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386, 16:647

Brown, Brightberry

  • identified, 12:49n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:348
  • letter from, 12:51
  • letter to, 12:48–12:50
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 12:48, 12:51, 12:57–12:58, 13:275

Brown, Catherine Percy (Samuel Brown’s wife), 6:128

Brown, Charles (17831879)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:328, 13:161, 19:46
  • identified, 15:355n
  • as justice of the peace, 15:354
  • and University of Virginia, 20:203, 20:221, 20:221, 20:224, 20:224

Brown, Charles (of Richmond)

  • delivers insurance bill to TJ, 3:294n, 3:328–3:329

Brown, Charles (ship captain), 10:193, 10:218

Brown, Charles Brockden, 3:632, 3:633n

Brown, Daniel

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:543n

Brown, Daniel (of Lynchburg)

  • delivers letter, 15:609

Brown, Elijah

  • barroom of, 19:559n
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:326, 11:328, 13:162
  • and leather for TJ, 16:460, 18:410
  • and University of Virginia, 20:203, 20:225, 20:228

Brown, Elizabeth

  • signs petition, 18:146

Brown, Ethan Allen

  • as governor of Ohio, 16:574, 16:617–16:618
  • identified, 16:574–16:575n
  • letter from, 16:574–16:575
  • letter to, 16:617–16:618

Brown, Harriot

  • described, 1:74n
  • money for, 1:73
  • at Monticello, 1:210, 1:509

Brown, J. (ship captain), 13:492

Brown, Jacob Jennings

  • at Battle of Chippewa, 7:524–7:525, 7:525n, 8:263–8:264
  • circular sent to, 11:595
  • identified, 15:392–15:393n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:392, 15:393
  • landholdings of, 10:531, 10:531n
  • as major general, 8:217, 8:264, 8:267n, 8:443, 10:186, 10:187, 11:494, 15:121, 19:427
  • and J. Monroe’s presidential tour, 11:568
  • Niagara campaign of, 7:502n, 8:44, 8:45n, 8:263–8:264, 15:393
  • and translation of C. G. G. Botta’s history of American Revolution, 16:42
  • visits Monticello, 15:lii, 15:392, 15:404, 15:407, 16:42
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:404, 15:407

Brown, James (1766–1835)

  • and batture controversy, 2:440n, 2:441n, 2:443n, 2:528, 2:528n, 2:681–2:682, 3:476, 3:485
  • as U.S. minister to France, 20:567
  • as U.S. senator, 6:241, 6:242n, 10:102

Brown, James (17801859)

  • as character reference, 13:420n
  • and gunpowder, 5:599n, 7:189
  • identified, 17:397n
  • letters from, 19:584–19:585, 20:253–20:254
  • letter from accounted for, 19:503n
  • letters to, 19:503, 19:519
  • sends work to TJ, 20:253–20:254
  • as Va. Literary Fund accountant, 17:384–17:385, 17:385n, 17:397, 17:617, 17:645, 17:647, 18:160n, 18:178, 18:199n, 19:44, 19:44n, 19:242n, 19:503, 19:503n, 19:519, 19:573, 19:573n, 19:584–19:585, 20:180, 20:275

Brown, James (of Charlottesville)

  • and advertisement for workmen for University of Virginia, 14:97–14:98
  • as clerk to J. Leitch, 13:595n, 17:285
  • identified, 14:98n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:595n
  • letters from, 14:97–14:98, 16:624, 17:285
  • TJ’s debt to, 16:624, 16:648, 17:16
  • and University of Virginia, 16:303, 16:313
  • witnesses document, 13:164, 13:164n

Brown, James, Sr. (of Richmond)

  • endorses note for W. C. Nicholas, 14:587n

Brown, James P., 18:20

Brown, John

  • Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 1:36, 1:630n

Brown, John (1757–1837)

  • friendship with TJ, 18:608
  • identified, 16:391–16:392n
  • letter to, 16:391–16:392
  • TJ introduces W. Maury to, 16:391, 16:392–16:393, 17:25
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625

Brown, John (1762–1826)

  • and accommodations for J. W. Baker and F. W. Eppes, 14:188
  • identified, 14:21–14:22n
  • letter from, 14:21–14:22
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • Opinion of in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:211–15:222
  • recommends D. Cosby, 14:21, 14:136
  • Va. superior court judge, 8:93n, 11:71, 11:72, 12:592, 13:284, 14:400–14:401, 14:401n, 14:436, 14:514, 14:540, 15:59, 15:60n, 15:153, 15:226, 15:228n, 15:269, 15:269n, 15:347, 15:416, 15:416n

Brown, John (millwright)

  • identified, 6:85n
  • letters to, 6:85
  • and sawmill construction, 6:70–6:71, 6:85, 6:125

Brown, John (physician)

  • medical theories of, 7:565, 7:567n, 8:669

Brown, Joseph

  • steam engine of, 18:660

Brown, Josiah

  • Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error (ed. Tomlins), 3:151, 3:151n, 3:316, 3:546, 3:546, 3:546

Brown, Lewis

  • letters from, 5:653
  • letters to, 6:3–6:4
  • sells horse to TJ, 5:653, 5:653n, 5:663, 6:3–6:4, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:515n

Brown, Margaretta Mason (Samuel Brown’s sister-in-law)

  • educator, 7:188, 7:188n

Brown, Martha

  • signs petition, 18:146

Brown, Mather

  • and portrait of J. Adams, 11:252

Brown, Matthew

  • and brickwork for Central College, 12:240, 12:241, 12:244, 12:266, 12:266, 12:269, 12:307, 12:317, 12:362–12:363, 12:415, 13:64, 13:531–13:532, 13:532n, 13:604–13:605, 14:173, 14:304, 14:479, 15:86, 15:87, 15:87, 15:90, 15:90, 15:93, 15:94, 15:95
  • identified, 12:244n
  • letters from, 12:244, 12:269
  • letters from accounted for, 12:363n, 16:651
  • letters to, 12:362–12:363
  • letter to accounted for, 16:651
  • visits Monticello, 12:415
  • visits Poplar Forest, 12:241

Brown, Noah

  • and steamboats, 12:401

Brown, Richard

  • militia service of, 7:161

Brown, Robert

  • A Treatise on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 11:165, 11:228

Brown, Samuel

  • and American filibustering expeditions, 6:188–6:189, 6:293
  • cotton crop of, 17:96
  • and daughter’s death, 7:186, 7:325
  • and Embargo Act (1813), 7:345
  • family of, 6:128, 6:129n, 7:186, 7:188, 7:188n, 18:20, 18:20
  • and fraud, 6:189
  • and Henderson case, 6:81, 6:128, 6:189, 6:614, 7:186, 7:186, 7:325, 7:345
  • identified, 5:365n
  • and S. K. Jennings’s medical invention, 6:615, 7:187–7:188, 7:325, 7:326n, 7:345
  • letters from, 5:364–5:365, 6:127–6:129, 6:187–6:190, 7:186–7:188, 7:345–7:346, 18:19–18:21
  • letters from accounted for, 7:269, 7:269n, 7:346n
  • letters to, 6:66–6:67, 6:81–6:82, 6:292–6:294, 6:614–6:615, 7:325–7:326, 16:392, 17:520–17:522
  • and memoir on saltpeter, 5:553–5:554, 5:554n
  • on Napoleon, 7:187, 7:345
  • and Osage orange, 7:321, 7:321n, 7:326
  • as professor, 15:149–15:150
  • proposed visit of, 7:188, 7:326, 18:20
  • proposes to move to Ky., 7:188, 7:326
  • and seeds for TJ, 5:364–5:365, 6:26, 6:66–6:67, 6:81, 6:127, 6:128, 6:187, 6:188, 6:292–6:293, 6:615, 7:326
  • and tariffs on books, 17:520–17:521, 17:581n, 18:19
  • TJ introduces W. Maury to, 16:392, 16:392–16:393, 17:25
  • TJ recommends J. Corrêa da Serra to, 7:326
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • and University of Virginia

Brown, Thomas (b. 1766)

  • An Account of the People called Shakers, 7:555, 7:555n, 7:633, 8:469, 8:469n
  • The Ethereal Physician: or Medical Electricity Revived, 13:346–13:347, 13:347n, 13:378
  • identified, 13:347n
  • letter from, 13:346–13:347
  • letter to, 13:378

Brown, Thomas (1780–1840)

  • identified, 19:153n
  • recommended by N. Johnson, 19:152, 19:153

Brown, Thomas (surgeon), 14:461, 14:462n

Brown, William (of Albemarle Co., 1st listed)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:328, 13:162

Brown, William (of Albemarle Co., 2nd listed)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328

Brown, William (of Lynchburg) See also Brown & Robertson (Lynchburg firm); William Brown & Company (Lynchburg firm)

  • death of, 4:514
  • identified, 4:94n

Brown, William (of New Orleans)

  • absconds with public funds, 1:210n, 1:509n, 2:136, 2:177–2:178, 2:265, 2:266n, 2:284, 2:356–2:357, 3:158
  • appointment of, 2:284, 2:285n, 2:356, 2:357n
  • assists E. Trist, 1:73, 1:74n, 1:85
  • and campeachy chairs for TJ, 14:liv
  • collector at New Orleans, 1:80, 1:81n, 1:510, 2:34, 2:35n, 2:122
  • described, 1:74n
  • identified, 1:210–1:211n
  • letters to, 1:210–1:211, 1:509
  • letters to mentioned, 1:408n
  • TJ on, 2:356

Brown, William (ship captain), 6:163

Brown, William (of Warren)

  • and fish for TJ, 6:134, 6:134, 6:215
  • tavern of, 14:541

Brown, William, & Company. See William Brown & Company (Lynchburg firm)

Brown, William Burnet

  • family of, 7:520, 7:595–7:596, 7:596n
  • gives historical manuscript to TJ, 7:520, 7:521n, 7:595

Brown & Hollins (Baltimore firm), 5:314, 5:345n, 5:350, 5:356–5:357, 5:383

Brown & Rives (Richmond firm), 3:629, 3:635–3:636

Brown & Robertson (Lynchburg firm) See also Brown, William (of Lynchburg); Robertson, Archibald

  • fish for TJ sent to, 2:423, 5:164, 6:336
  • identified, 4:94–4:95n
  • letters from, 4:101, 6:450–6:451
  • letters from accounted for, 4:514n
  • letters to, 4:94–4:95
  • TJ’s account with, 4:94, 4:101, 4:549, 5:51, 5:470–5:471, 5:475, 6:372+, 6:450–6:451, 6:543

Browne, Arthur

  • A Compendious View of the Civil Law, and of the Law of the Admiralty, 16:642
  • and Trinity College (Dublin), 18:659–18:660, 18:662n

Browne, Beverly B.

  • identified, 19:72n
  • seeks appointment, 19:71–19:72

Browne, Marmaduke, 18:660

Browne, Thomas

  • The British Cicero, 19:505

Browne, William

  • and College of William and Mary, 12:180, 12:195
  • as Va. legislator, 19:285n

Brownell, Thomas Church

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531

Brownfield, John

  • and University of Virginia, 20:204, 20:226, 20:230

Browning, Jonathan

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Brownlee, James

  • identified, 13:435n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:435n
  • letter to, 13:435
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 13:435

Brown University

  • United Brothers’ Society, 18:131n

Bruce, Mr.

  • tobacco crop of, 4:522

Bruce, Archibald

  • as mineralogist, 5:514, 15:370

Bruce, Charles

  • Address to the Public, 19:647, 19:647–19:649
  • biography of, 19:646–19:647
  • character references for, 19:648–19:649
  • family of, 19:646
  • identified, 19:647n
  • letter from, 19:646–19:647
  • on South Carolinians, 19:647

Bruce, James

  • and Taylor v. Bruce, 15:350

Bruce, James (173094)

  • on pepper, 6:127
  • Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773, 6:127, 6:129n+, 11:612–11:613, 11:614n, 11:650

Bruce, Richard

  • and corn for TJ, 7:72n
  • family of, 19:646
  • identified, 19:384–19:385n
  • letter from, 19:384–19:385
  • letter to, 19:391
  • praise for TJ, 19:384, 19:384, 19:391
  • on Va. judiciary, 19:384

Bruce, William

  • on political revolutions, 3:280n

Brucker, Johann Jakob

  • Historia Critica Philosophiæ, 6:548, 6:548, 6:551n, 7:148
  • Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae, 10:357

Bruckner, John

  • A Philosophical Survey of the Animal Creation, 19:508

Bruen, Mr.

  • delivers letter to TJ, 8:653n

Bruff, James, 3:324

Bruff, Mary (Thomas Bruff’s wife)

  • petitions Congress, 9:611n
  • widowed, 9:610, 9:611

Bruff, Susan Maria

  • appeals to TJ, 9:610–9:611, 9:682–9:683, 9:683
  • identified, 9:611n
  • letter from, 9:610–9:611
  • letter to, 9:682–9:683
  • TJ’s letter to forwarded by J. Monroe, 9:683, 9:710

Bruff, Thomas

  • death of, 9:610, 9:682–9:683, 9:683
  • as dentist, 5:108n, 9:683
  • identified, 5:108n
  • letters from accounted for, 5:107n
  • letters to, 5:108
  • patent of for improved shot manufacture, 8:97–8:98, 8:98n, 9:610
  • Pressed Shot Factory, 5:107–5:108n
  • proposal for shot factory, 5:107, 5:108, 9:611n

Bruhier d’Ablaincourt, Jacques Jean

  • The Uncertainty of the Signs of Death, 19:505

Bruin, Peter Bryan, 1:25

Brumley, Reuben (ship captain), 10:171n, 11:531

Brunacci, Francesco

  • family of, 9:294

Brunacci, Luigi

  • clerk in Florence, 9:294, 9:294

Brunck, Richard François Philippe

  • edits Aristophanis Comœdiæ (Aristophanes), 8:581, 14:240, 14:266, 14:351, 14:510, 17:106
  • edits Ἠθικὴ Ποίησις: Sive Gnomici Poetæ Græci, 6:279, 6:280n, 12:583, 13:295

Brunet, Jacques Charles

  • edits Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, 13:343n, 13:394, 13:413, 13:413, 13:474, 13:474, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561–13:562
  • Manuel du Libraire et de l’Amateur de Livres, 14:240, 14:387, 14:451, 15:24, 16:57, 20:346

Brunett, John B.

  • and package for TJ, 13:315, 13:349

Bruni, Mr., 12:478

Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of

  • as military leader, 17:347, 17:347, 17:348, 19:465–19:466, 19:466, 19:468n
  • 1792 manifesto of, 7:298, 7:299n

Brunswick County

  • Westwardmill Library Society, 1:66–1:67, 1:205–1:206, 1:508

Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Louis Ernest, duke of

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Brunt, Jonathan

  • identified, 1:403n
  • letters from, 1:402–1:403, 4:168
  • The Little Medly: containing short remarks on the … New Testament, 1:403, 1:403n
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 4:168
  • visits Monticello, 1:402


  • clamp, 16:14
  • glue, 12:454, 19:277
  • horse, 17:4, 17:10
  • paint, 17:10
  • scrub, 17:11, 19:15
  • shoe, 12:362, 18:50, 19:13, 19:14

Brutus, Lucius Junius

  • family of, 17:73, 17:105, 17:105, 17:105–17:106n
  • Les Licteurs Rapportent à Brutus les Corps de Ses Fils, 17:73, 17:74n, 17:105

Brutus, Marcus Junius (the Elder)

  • family of, 17:73n, 17:73n, 17:73n, 17:105, 17:105–17:106n

Brutus, Marcus Junius (the Younger)

  • J. Adams on, 11:269, 15:298
  • family of, 17:73n, 17:73n, 17:105–17:106n
  • Lettres de Cicéron a M. Brutus, et de M. Brutus a Ciceron (Cicero; trans. A. F. Prévost; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258
  • referenced, 7:495, 7:551n, 8:122n, 12:410, 15:272, 15:272, 15:273

Bry, Henry

  • identified, 17:187n
  • introduced to TJ, 17:187
  • letters from, 17:546–17:547, 18:210
  • and roses, 17:546, 18:210
  • travels of, 17:546
  • visits Monticello, 17:187, 17:187n, 17:546, 18:210

Bry, Henry M.

  • and U.S. Military Academy, 17:546, 17:546n

Bry, Jean de

  • engraving of C. Columbus by, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:434 (illus.) , 8:8

Bry, Theodor de

  • Americae Pars Quinta, part five of The Great or American Voyages, Parts I to XI, in Latin, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:522–7:523, 7:562, 7:563–7:564, 7:564, 7:612, 7:612, 7:612–7:613, 7:614–7:615, 7:615n, 7:616, 8:8, 8:236, 8:237n
  • Indiam Occidentalem, 2:511, 2:512n, 5:123–5:124, 5:125n, 5:182
  • TJ on, 2:511, 5:123–5:124, 7:616

Bryant, Jacob

  • works of, 11:363, 11:363, 11:527

Bryant, John Jay See also Allen & Bryant (N.J. firm)

  • identified, 15:403n

Bryant, Lemuel

  • and J. Adams, 11:268–11:269, 13:138

Bryant, Lewis

  • identified, 5:28–5:29n
  • letters from, 5:28–5:29
  • seeks plastering work, 5:28

Bryce, Archibald

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Brydges, James, 1st Duke of Chandos

  • work dedicated to, 19:67, 19:68n

Brydone, Patrick

  • A Tour through Sicily and Malta, 7:567–7:568n

Bryley (Briley) (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255

Brzozowski, Tadeusz, 10:14, 10:15n, 11:363, 11:364n

Buat. See Du Buat, Pierre Louis Georges

Buccarella, Antonio Maria

  • voyage to Northwest Coast, 1:446

Buccarella, Port of, 1:448

Buchan, David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of

  • An account of the life, writings, and inventions of John Napier, of Merchiston, 5:416, 7:252, 7:253n, 7:255, 9:228–9:229, 9:229n
  • displays correspondence with TJ, 9:366+
  • donates work to Massachusetts Historical Society, 9:366+
  • Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the poet Thomson: Biographical, Critical, and Political, 2:172, 2:174n
  • friendship with A. Bigelow, 14:58
  • identified
  • letter from, 9:366+
  • and model of Swedish stove, 1:122n, 3:609
  • portrait of, 9:366+, 9:366n+
  • quotes TJ, 4:150, 4:153n
  • TJ’s correspondence with published, 19:245, 19:245–19:246n
  • and G. Washington, 9:366+

Buchanan, Claudius

  • “Goodwill” recommends his works, 5:98n
  • Two Discourses preached before the University of Cambridge, 4:230, 4:231n

Buchanan, George

  • De Jure Regni Apud Scotos, 2:172, 2:174n, 2:215
  • Rerum Scoticarum Historia, 1:580
  • as translator of Psalms, 6:551, 6:552n

Buchanan, James

  • as director of public buildings in Richmond, 18:200, 18:201n
  • family of, 18:200
  • and TJ’s Richmond lot, 6:366, 6:371
  • and Va. state capitol, 17:325, 17:376n

Buchanan, James A.

  • family of, 12:149
  • and letter of introduction for son, 8:421, 8:422n, 8:436
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461, 17:462n
  • and Second Bank of U.S., 14:614, 14:615–14:616n

Buchanan, John

  • and Va. Capitol Square, 18:193n, 18:200

Buchanan, Joseph

  • The Philosophy of Human Nature, 11:364, 11:382, 12:9
  • proposes biographical work, 8:486, 8:487n
  • publishes Kentucky Palladium, 8:486, 8:487n

Buchanan, William B.

  • plans trip to Europe, 8:421
  • recommended to TJ by J. Hollins, 8:421
  • TJ’s letter of introduction for, 8:432, 8:436

Buck, Mr.

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 7:518

Buck (John Peyton’s shoemaker), 2:132, 2:132, 2:133n

Buck, Tom (slave), 3:36–3:37, 3:37n, 3:196, 3:250, 3:283–3:284, 3:367–3:368, 3:529, 4:9, 4:9n, 4:9, 4:9n

Bucke, Charles

  • On the Beauties, Harmonies, and Sublimities of Nature, 17:535

buckhorn plantain, 5:550

Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of

  • correspondence of, with F. Bacon, 9:110, 9:111n

Buckingham, George Villiers, 2d Duke of

  • The Rehearsal, 19:634, 19:634n

Buckingham County, Va.

  • clerk of, 18:523
  • Flood’s Ordinary, 4:90, 6:76, 6:76, 6:88, 6:129, 6:486, 6:486n, 6:487, 6:530, 9:19–9:20, 10:491, 12:138, 16:263, 16:263–16:264, 16:275, 16:276, 17:153
  • Gibson’s Ordinary, 6:487, 6:487–6:488n, 6:595, 6:595n, 10:492n, 10:518, 12:634
  • jail, 6:331, 20:75
  • mills in, 3:371n, 6:621, 7:32
  • murder reported in, 17:154, 17:154–17:155n
  • new courthouse in, 17:279–17:280, 17:296–17:298, 17:298n, 18:l, 18:84, 18:84, 18:523, 18:549–18:550, 18:569, 18:571
  • Patterson’s Ordinary, 17:190
  • post road through, 3:104n, 3:148
  • The Raleigh (ordinary), 16:276, 16:276n
  • TJ travels through, 4:346n, 4:515
  • and Va. House of Delegates, 17:157, 17:158n
  • yellow fever in, 17:603

Buckingham County Court, Va., 18:523, 20:252n

Buckingham County Superior Court of Law, Va., 8:664, 8:664, 8:676–8:677, 8:697, 8:697n, 9:30, 9:33n, 9:489, 9:683–9:684, 18:523

Buckingham Court House, Va., 3:148, 9:18, 9:489, 16:211, 16:276

Buckingham Road (Va.), 3:103, 3:104n

Buck Island (Albemarle Co.)

  • slate from, 13:92, 13:92n
  • TJ pays taxes on, 9:99n

Buckley & Abbott (New York firm)

  • and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 10:567, 10:584, 10:639, 10:641, 11:350

Buckminster, Joseph Stevens

  • minister of Brattle Street Church, 8:49, 8:50n

Buckmountain Baptist Church (Albemarle Co.)

  • letters from, 1:63–1:64
  • letters to, 1:126

Buckner, Colin

  • and Bear Creek land, 4:318n, 5:62
  • buys land, 14:59
  • identified, 4:413n
  • and inventory of military stores, 5:81, 5:104–5:105
  • letter of introduction for, from TJ, 4:460–4:461
  • letters from, 4:413–4:414, 5:81
  • letters to, 4:460
  • letter to accounted for, 16:651
  • seeks letter of introduction, 4:413–4:414, 4:460

Buckner, Walker C.

  • finances of, 18:555–18:556
  • identified, 18:556n
  • letter from, 18:555–18:556
  • and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, 18:556
  • requests loan from TJ, 18:555, 18:556

Buckner, William Horace, 18:555–18:556

Bucks County, Pa., 1:68–1:69n

buckwheat, 3:348, 3:351n, 4:179, 12:354, 15:353

Bud (brig), 19:78

Budaeus (Budeus). See Budé, Guillaume

Budé, Guillaume, 7:23, 7:147

Buder, Christian Gottlieb

  • Bibliotheca Historica, 8:559, 8:562n

Buenos Aires

  • privateers from, 16:157n
  • U.S. consul at, 17:458, 17:460n
  • U.S. minister plenipotentiary at, 19:336, 19:338n

buffalo. See bison, American (buffalo)

Buffalo, N.Y.

  • burnt by British forces, 8:217
  • encampment near, 5:544n
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:532–5:545

Buffalo (steamboat), 13:254

Buffalo River, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412

Buffalo tract (Bedford Co.), 5:348–5:349, 8:255

Buffier, Claude

  • Traité des premières veritez, et de la source de nos jugemens, 10:357

Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de

  • J. Adams on, 8:552, 9:527, 10:7
  • and classification of animals, 7:152, 7:152, 7:209, 7:210, 11:367
  • Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 1:581
  • Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, 6:225n, 7:626, 12:361n, 12:534, 12:590, 14:232, 14:387, 14:451, 19:508
  • mentioned, 1:250n, 5:452n, 7:34, 7:480, 10:13
  • and mortality tables, 6:221–6:222, 6:225n, 12:358, 12:361n
  • and natural history, 4:500, 11:367, 18:399
  • theories of, 15:337, 15:338n, 19:564, 19:578
  • and F. A. Van der Kemp, 4:614, 5:459–5:460, 12:335

Buffum, Arnold

  • identified, 5:496n
  • letters from, 5:495–5:497
  • and merino sheep, 5:495–5:496

Buford, Abraham

  • in Revolutionary War, 8:494, 8:495n

Bugbee, Abner S.

  • as educator, 18:219
  • identified, 18:220n
  • letter from, 18:219–18:220
  • as mapmaker, 18:219
  • seeks professorship, 18:219

bugle lily, 5:412

Bugniet, Pierre Gabriel

  • as architect, 17:326, 17:376n

The Builder’s Universal Price Book (J. Evans), 12:159, 14:87, 14:652

building materials

  • artificial stone, 11:389, 11:391n
  • beech, 8:239
  • black gum, 15:110, 15:114
  • bricks, 5:468, 8:86–8:87, 8:90n, 8:90, 8:252, 9:466, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 11:223–11:224, 11:225, 11:534–11:535, 11:558–11:559, 11:602, 11:603, 11:610, 11:648, 12:12n, 12:40–12:41, 12:55, 12:119, 12:239, 12:240, 12:244, 12:266–12:267, 12:298, 12:317–12:318, 12:318n, 12:360, 12:520, 12:520, 13:64, 13:112, 13:203n, 13:524, 13:531–13:532, 13:532n, 13:534, 13:534, 13:534, 13:534, 14:86–14:88, 14:163, 14:164n, 14:195, 14:214, 14:216, 14:216n, 14:216, 14:217n, 14:238, 14:238, 14:241, 14:304, 14:390, 14:479, 14:516, 14:520, 14:641, 15:3, 15:86, 15:87, 15:87, 15:87, 15:125, 15:224, 16:19, 16:19n, 16:156, 16:428, 17:63, 17:76, 17:76, 17:131, 17:261, 17:279, 17:280, 17:293, 17:294, 17:294n, 17:296–17:297, 17:297, 17:298n, 17:525, 17:649, 17:655n, 18:276, 18:287, 18:380–18:381, 18:387, 18:472, 18:472, 18:472–18:473, 18:523, 18:534, 19:lv, 19:237, 19:240, 19:324, 19:395, 19:395–19:396n, 19:432, 19:433n, 19:433–19:434, 19:446–19:447, 19:447, 19:488, 19:544n, 19:632, 19:642, 19:675, 19:675, 19:688–19:689, 20:12, 20:13, 20:76, 20:77, 20:78, 20:79, 20:153, 20:237, 20:328, 20:384, 20:398, 20:488–20:490, 20:529, 20:552, 20:553, 20:554, 20:611
  • carpentry tools, 1:135–1:136, 3:119–3:120, 3:171
  • cement, 8:130, 8:166, 8:168n, 8:252, 8:402, 9:466, 9:468n, 10:164–10:165, 10:165n, 10:257, 11:113, 11:114n, 13:343–13:344, 13:362, 15:20, 15:45, 15:586, 18:287–18:288, 18:288–18:289, 18:318, 18:341, 18:341–18:342, 18:359, 18:382, 18:411, 19:32, 19:38, 19:432, 19:433
  • cement, Roman, 13:410, 14:298–14:299, 14:573, 14:593, 17:130–17:131, 17:131–17:132, 17:148, 17:150, 17:303, 17:303, 17:303n, 17:385, 17:650–17:651, 18:214, 18:222, 18:235, 18:244, 18:342, 18:382, 18:586, 18:597, 19:632, 19:642–19:643, 19:675
  • cherry, 8:239
  • chestnut, 14:131, 16:379
  • chimneypieces, 17:122, 17:262
  • composition, 18:470, 19:liii, 19:277, 19:278n, 19:375, 19:487–19:488, 19:513, 19:515, 19:522
  • copper, 15:60
  • cordwood, 8:595
  • corkwood, 9:556, 20:337
  • dogwood, 4:145, 4:145
  • door and window frames, 3:119–3:120, 3:613, 6:162, 14:649, 15:129, 15:130n, 15:200, 17:63, 17:63, 20:91
  • hair, 14:595, 19:404, 19:404
  • hardware, 15:101, 16:319, 16:319, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:62, 19:185, 19:189, 19:239, 20:555
  • hickory, 15:111n, 15:113
  • iron, 16:7, 16:8, 16:9, 16:9, 16:9, 16:10, 16:12, 16:13, 16:14, 16:270, 16:274, 16:274, 16:326, 17:9, 17:10, 17:63, 17:651, 18:40, 18:41, 18:41, 18:41, 18:44, 18:44, 18:45, 18:45, 18:47, 18:48, 18:49, 18:51, 18:647–18:648, 19:8, 19:13, 19:15, 19:185, 19:189, 19:432, 19:690n, 20:10, 20:11, 20:12, 20:12, 20:13, 20:13, 20:76, 20:78, 20:79, 20:216, 20:555
  • ironmongery, 8:86–8:87, 13:95–13:96, 13:524, 14:40, 14:172n, 15:313, 17:63, 20:78, 20:79
  • lath, 12:262, 12:520, 12:641, 19:404, 19:675
  • lead, 13:381, 15:96, 15:100, 15:101, 17:6, 17:7, 18:43, 18:44, 18:174, 19:liii, 19:13, 19:185, 19:189, 19:277, 19:277, 19:277, 19:277, 19:477, 19:488, 19:514–19:515, 19:520, 19:520–19:522, 19:523, 20:555
  • lime (mineral), 8:253n, 8:402, 9:466, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 11:113, 11:349, 12:239, 12:262, 12:266, 14:87, 14:161n, 14:163, 14:462, 14:595, 18:287, 18:288, 18:310–18:311, 19:185, 19:404, 19:404, 19:432, 19:433, 19:435n, 20:226, 20:228, 20:228, 20:229, 20:230, 20:231, 20:233, 20:235, 20:235, 20:554
  • locust wood, 4:50, 4:145, 19:433n
  • logs, 14:131, 14:580, 14:642, 15:545, 16:19, 16:429, 18:525, 18:632, 19:688
  • lumber, 8:613, 9:429–9:430, 10:219n, 10:356, 10:571, 11:207, 12:12n, 12:357, 12:360, 13:524, 14:129, 14:446, 14:480, 14:492, 14:541, 15:392, 16:318, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:459, 17:576, 17:649, 17:649, 17:651–17:652, 17:652, 17:652, 17:652–17:653, 17:653, 17:653, 17:653, 17:654, 17:654, 18:55, 18:116, 18:122, 18:211, 18:574, 18:606, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:63, 19:63, 19:185, 19:189, 19:446, 19:447, 20:176, 20:177n, 20:179, 20:217, 20:217, 20:220, 20:554, 20:628
  • mahogany, 4:229, 8:239, 11:307, 11:548
  • marble, 4:215, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487, 11:480–11:481, 11:481, 11:481, 11:481n, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:563, 11:572, 11:612, 11:614n, 12:196, 12:641, 12:642, 14:152, 14:557, 14:575, 14:597, 14:617, 15:21, 15:81, 15:326, 16:19, 16:113, 16:237, 16:238, 16:243, 16:282, 16:282, 16:283, 16:336, 16:377–16:378, 16:437, 17:109, 17:121, 17:122, 17:186–17:187, 17:261, 17:262, 17:655, 19:259, 19:282, 19:478, 19:488, 20:139, 20:149, 20:189, 20:238, 20:242
  • marble, Carrara, 8:161, 9:127, 9:384–9:385, 9:670, 9:671, 10:413–10:414, 15:10, 15:21, 15:476, 16:4, 16:113–16:114, 16:237, 16:283, 16:283, 16:437, 17:120–17:121, 17:263n, 17:263n, 17:473–17:474, 17:524, 19:77–19:78, 20:10, 20:126, 20:139, 20:140n, 20:189, 20:488–20:490
  • molasses, 8:253n, 8:402
  • mortar, 11:389, 14:242–14:243, 20:12
  • nails, 12:262, 12:362, 12:362, 13:381, 13:399, 15:101, 15:101, 15:449, 15:450, 15:450, 15:451, 15:452, 15:452, 16:7, 16:7, 16:8, 16:8, 16:8, 16:8, 16:8, 16:9, 16:9, 16:10, 16:10, 16:11, 16:11, 16:12, 16:13, 16:14, 16:14, 16:319, 17:4, 17:5, 17:6, 17:7, 17:7, 17:8, 17:8, 17:9, 17:9, 17:9, 17:9, 17:10, 17:10, 17:11, 17:650, 17:654, 18:41, 18:42, 18:42, 18:43, 18:43, 18:44, 18:45, 18:45, 18:46, 18:46, 18:47, 18:47, 18:50, 18:50, 18:211, 18:280, 18:319, 18:522, 18:569, 19:62, 19:102, 19:102–19:103n, 19:185, 19:189, 19:310, 19:404, 20:13, 20:209, 20:216, 20:555
  • oak, 4:51, 4:137, 4:144, 4:144–4:145, 4:145, 4:230, 15:110, 15:110, 15:110, 15:110, 15:111n, 15:111n, 15:111n, 15:111n, 15:111n, 15:113, 15:113, 15:113, 15:114, 15:114, 15:114, 15:114, 20:12
  • paint, 1:55n, 1:97, 11:142, 11:197–11:198, 17:654, 18:211, 19:185, 20:553, 20:555
  • pales, 16:459
  • pine, 4:50, 4:51, 4:144, 4:144–4:145, 4:145, 4:145, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:55, 13:399, 14:131, 14:360, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5, 15:111n, 15:114, 15:143, 15:172, 17:297, 20:12
  • plank, 1:192, 2:168–2:169, 2:424, 2:434, 4:50, 4:145, 4:420–4:421, 4:465, 4:498, 5:485, 5:488, 5:663, 6:257, 6:257, 7:461, 8:81, 9:505, 9:555–9:556, 9:556, 9:557, 11:225, 12:483, 12:594, 14:40, 14:40, 14:131, 14:172, 14:360, 14:361, 14:363, 14:365, 14:441, 14:541, 14:593, 15:4, 15:93, 15:110, 15:110, 15:113, 15:113, 15:113, 15:143, 15:174, 15:209, 16:459, 17:280, 17:515, 18:55n, 18:116, 18:356–18:357, 18:574, 18:574, 18:575, 18:606, 19:4, 19:189, 19:432, 20:12, 20:78, 20:179
  • plaster, 8:252, 11:389, 12:262, 12:520, 12:641, 14:184, 14:462, 14:595, 18:214, 18:215, 18:222, 18:244, 18:258, 18:309, 19:675, 20:13
  • poplar, 4:144, 4:144, 13:387, 15:143, 16:459
  • putty, 19:522
  • rails, 16:459
  • rope, 19:185, 19:189, 20:555
  • sand, 8:253n, 8:402, 12:239, 12:266, 14:87, 14:161n, 14:163, 14:187, 14:390, 17:131, 19:432, 19:433, 19:435n, 20:219
  • screws, 16:7, 17:7, 17:8, 18:44, 19:13, 19:277, 19:375, 19:520, 19:522
  • shingles, 11:225, 13:399, 15:4, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5, 16:379, 16:431, 17:297, 18:36, 18:549, 18:569, 18:570, 18:576–18:577, 20:209
  • slate, 13:92, 13:92, 13:97–13:98, 13:99, 13:117, 15:93, 17:279, 19:16
  • soil, 16:156
  • steel, 16:6, 16:7, 16:11, 16:14, 17:11, 18:41, 18:41, 18:49, 19:12, 19:13
  • stone, 1:626, 1:626, 1:626, 1:626, 11:349–11:350, 12:119, 12:520, 12:520, 12:563, 12:640, 14:350, 14:382, 14:512, 14:516, 14:520, 14:521, 14:532–14:533, 14:575, 14:580, 14:605, 14:640–14:641, 15:586, 16:156, 16:319, 16:319, 16:550, 17:63n, 17:280, 17:297, 17:650–17:651, 18:271, 18:356, 18:525, 18:610, 19:239, 19:240–19:241, 19:435n, 19:488, 19:659, 20:12, 20:12, 20:12, 20:13, 20:78, 20:122, 20:189, 20:216, 20:553, 20:555
  • stucco, 1:195–1:196, 14:242–14:243, 14:462
  • tar paper, 9:555, 9:556
  • tarras, 13:343–13:344, 13:344n, 13:362, 15:586, 15:587n, 18:290, 18:291n
  • templates, 3:119
  • tile, 17:280
  • timber, 4:51, 4:144, 4:144–4:145, 4:145–4:146, 6:162, 6:257, 8:86–8:87, 8:305, 9:555–9:556, 9:556, 10:189, 10:389, 11:80, 11:81, 11:169, 11:179, 11:213, 11:603, 12:641, 13:96, 14:40, 14:360, 14:406, 14:580, 14:585, 14:641, 15:5, 15:87, 16:36, 16:418, 16:432, 18:55, 18:64, 18:351, 18:464, 19:5, 20:78, 20:79, 20:103
  • tin, 13:380–13:381, 14:li, 14:71, 14:440–14:441, 14:568, 14:624, 15:96, 15:100, 16:18–16:19, 16:96, 16:270, 16:274, 16:274, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:326, 16:356–16:357, 16:431, 17:63, 17:200, 17:202, 17:297, 17:386, 17:403, 17:577, 17:650, 17:654, 18:174, 18:211, 18:474, 18:484, 18:491, 18:520, 18:523, 18:526, 18:529, 18:549, 18:569, 18:570–18:571, 18:575, 18:576–18:577, 18:609, 18:621, 19:62, 19:185, 19:310, 20:12, 20:12–20:13, 20:22, 20:36, 20:44, 20:55, 20:78, 20:82, 20:106, 20:496, 20:503, 20:507, 20:516, 20:531, 20:555
  • whiting, 19:277
  • whitewash, 14:184
  • window glass, 3:67, 3:135, 3:518, 3:520, 3:556, 3:557n, 3:575, 3:588, 3:612, 6:343, 6:344, 7:710, 7:712, 7:717, 8:21, 8:142–8:143, 8:234–8:235, 11:112, 11:137, 11:225, 11:307, 12:641–12:642, 14:273–14:274, 14:430, 14:430–14:431n, 14:434–14:435, 14:435, 14:439, 14:440n, 14:443, 14:447, 14:455, 14:472, 14:475–14:476, 14:476, 14:493–14:494, 14:505–14:506, 14:533, 14:566, 14:648–14:649, 15:96, 15:96, 15:100, 15:101, 16:19, 16:192–16:193, 16:319, 16:370, 17:130–17:131, 17:148, 17:303, 18:609, 18:621, 19:32, 19:38, 19:78, 20:76, 20:78, 20:185, 20:496, 20:503, 20:553, 20:556
  • window weights, 17:650, 17:651n, 17:654, 18:211
  • zinc, 13:381

Buisson d’Armandy, Aimé Nicéphore

  • identified, 20:448–20:449n
  • letter from, to D. B. Warden, 20:447–20:449
  • seeks appointment, 20:447, 20:447–20:448

Bukaty, Franciszek

  • Polish envoy in London, 13:54, 13:55n, 13:282n

Bulfinch, B. S.

  • letters from accounted for, 1:677

Bulfinch, Charles

  • letter from accounted for, 16:651

Buller, Francis

  • and Doulson v. Matthews, 4:302n

Bulletin de la Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale, 3:114, 3:115n, 8:421

Bulletin des Lois, 14:240

Bullington, Mr.

  • and T. M. Randolph’s will, 6:19

Bulloch, Archibald Stobo

  • identified, 14:254n
  • introduces son, 14:253–14:254, 14:435–14:436
  • letter from, 14:253–14:254
  • letter to, 14:435–14:436

Bulloch, Thomas Jefferson

  • identified, 14:254n
  • introduced to TJ, 14:253–14:254, 14:436

Bullock, Mr., 3:215

Bullock, David, 14:588n

Bullock, Eliza Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John H. Bullock’s wife), 1:440, 1:459, 1:460–1:461, 5:422, 5:423, 6:472, 6:609, 10:620, 10:622, 10:623n

Bullock, J.

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349

Bullock, James

  • witnesses a deed, 7:353

Bullock, James (of Lynchburg)

  • recommends D. White, 14:95n

Bullock, John

  • identified, 14:95n
  • recommends D. White, 14:94

Bullock, John H.

  • and Henderson lands, 1:461

Bullus, John, 1:535, 3:427, 3:557–3:558n, 5:457n

The Bulwark of Truth (D. Fraser), 5:160, 5:160n

Bumstead, Samuel Andrews

  • describes TJ, 18:603–18:604
  • identified, 18:604n
  • travels of, 18:604n
  • visits Monticello, 18:604n

Bunch, Thomas

  • and University of Virginia, 16:312, 16:314, 16:317

Buncombe County, N.C.

  • earthquake in, 4:573

Bunker Hill, Battle of (1775)

  • TJ references, 15:271, 18:367
  • J. Trumbull’s painting of, 10:615, 13:331, 13:332

Bunker Hill Association

  • letters from, 2:504–2:505
  • letters to, 2:666
  • sends oration to TJ, 2:504–2:505, 2:666

Bunker’s Hill (Albemarle Co.), 2:132, 2:133n, 3:522, 6:343, 6:348

Bunyan, John

  • J. Adams references, 6:623, 10:507
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress, 7:26

Burch, Samuel

  • and batture controversy, 3:26n

Burd, Edward

  • identified, 14:140n
  • recommends R. Ware, 14:139
  • as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n

Burder, George

  • The Welch Indians; or, A Collection of Papers, respecting a people whose ancestors emigrated from Wales to America, in the year 1170, with Prince Madoc, 17:127, 17:128n

Burdett, Francis, 3:32, 13:77

Bureaux de Pusy, Françoise Julienne Isle de France Poivre

  • family of, 5:163–5:164
  • forwards book to TJ, 5:402, 5:441
  • identified, 5:71–5:72n
  • letter of introduction for, from P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 4:124–4:125, 4:457n, 5:71
  • letter of introduction for, from Lafayette, 4:155, 5:71, 5:72n
  • letters from, 5:71–5:72, 5:402–5:403
  • letters to, 5:163–5:164, 5:441

Bureaux de Pusy, Jean Xavier

  • and Lafayette, 4:155
  • on national defense, 4:445–4:446, 4:457n
  • and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 12:300n

Bureaux de Pusy, Maurice

  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 4:124–4:125, 5:71
  • and Lafayette, 4:155, 5:71

Bureaux de Pusy, Sara

  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 4:124–4:125, 5:71
  • and Lafayette, 4:155, 5:71

Burfoot, John

  • as clerk of Va. Council of State, 15:435n
  • Va. auditor of public accounts, 14:124

Bürger, Gottfried August

  • popularity of, 9:84

Burger, Samuel

  • identified, 11:530n
  • letter from, 11:528–11:530
  • letter to, 11:582
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:528–11:529, 11:582

Burgess, Ebenezer, 14:264, 14:265n

Burgh, James

  • Political Disquisitions, 7:628, 19:506
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503

Burgoyne, John

  • as general, 13:114
  • medal commemorating surrender of, 9:54, 15:325
  • surrender of, 15:408
  • J. Trumbull’s painting of, 11:145, 11:166

burgundy (wine), 9:288, 9:288n, 9:348, 9:513, 10:21, 12:29, 12:30, 12:515, 13:121, 13:121, 18:465, 19:455, 19:479

burins, 20:40

Burk (Burke), Capt., 18:310, 18:320

Burk, John Daly

  • The History of Virginia, 1:288–1:289, 1:331, 1:457, 1:581, 1:619, 1:620n, 1:634n, 3:569, 7:547, 7:550n, 7:629, 8:121–8:122, 8:122n, 8:140–8:141, 8:200, 8:203, 8:266, 8:309, 8:334–8:337, 8:338n, 8:359–8:360, 8:384–8:385, 8:385–8:386n, 8:423, 8:431, 8:478, 8:478, 8:481, 8:482n, 8:482n, 9:137, 9:367, 9:369n, 9:407, 10:xlvi, 10:240 (illus.) , 10:278, 11:283, 11:283n, 12:531, 12:534, 14:284, 14:285, 16:91, 16:204–16:205, 16:205, 16:205, 16:206, 16:218–16:219, 16:261, 16:290, 16:615n, 17:315, 17:329, 19:507, 20:346, 20:364, 20:365
  • and TJ’s laws of Va., 1:370n, 1:381
  • and TJ’s newspaper collection, 1:381, 1:457, 1:469, 1:472–1:473, 3:190–3:191, 3:569–3:570, 4:467

Burke, Edmund

  • British politician, 4:339, 6:433n, 17:314–17:315
  • criticized, 7:74, 8:552
  • describes Marie Antoinette, 17:367, 17:378n
  • education of, 7:660
  • Reflections on the Revolution in France, 7:74, 7:78n, 17:367, 17:378n, 18:279, 18:279n
  • writings of, 12:334, 15:338n, 19:508

Burke, John

  • and firewood, 5:427
  • identified, 10:512n
  • letter from, 10:511–10:512
  • letter to, 10:538
  • and Virginia Argus, 10:511, 10:512n, 10:538

Burke, Martha Jefferson Trist, 3:635n, 17:liv

Burke, Richard M.

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:653

Burke, William

  • The Greek-English Derivative Dictionary, 12:52

Burkhard, Johann Gottlieb

  • Elementary or Fundamental Principles of The Philosophy of Natural History, 8:388, 8:672

Burks, John

  • witnesses land conveyance, 4:288

Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques

  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Burmann, Pieter

  • edits C. Velleii Paterculi Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae (Velleius Paterculus), 14:511
  • edits P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera (Ovid), 9:646n

burnet, 4:379, 4:379, 4:487, 4:515, 4:515, 4:522, 4:526, 4:530, 8:71

Burnet, Gilbert, 10:589

Burnet, William

  • family of, 7:520, 7:595–7:596, 7:596n
  • royal governor, 7:520, 7:521n, 7:596, 7:596n

Burney, Fanny, Madame d’Arblay

  • Cecilia, 7:65
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665

Burnham, Lyman

  • and University of Virginia, 19:50, 19:50, 19:52n

Burnham, Parker (ship captain), 10:58n, 10:91

Burnley, Mr.

  • agricultural report by, 11:385
  • orders goods for TJ, 6:345, 6:346, 6:347
  • as overseer, 12:272

Burnley, Nathaniel

  • J. Fossett plates saddle trees for, 4:245
  • letters from accounted for, 1:506n
  • TJ on, 1:505, 1:506

Burnley, Zacariah

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Burns, Robert

  • Scottish poet, 6:228n, 6:403
  • works of, 19:507

Burns, William

  • and certificate for A. Quarrier, 5:76–5:77, 5:108–5:109
  • letters to, 5:108–5:109

Burnside, Samuel McGregore

  • as corresponding secretary of American Antiquarian Society, 18:323
  • identified, 7:47–7:48n
  • letters from, 7:47–7:48, 7:595–7:596, 8:207–8:208
  • letters from accounted for, 7:521n
  • letters to, 7:115–7:116, 7:520–7:521
  • as recording secretary of American Antiquarian Society, 7:47, 7:115, 7:520, 7:521n, 7:595–7:596, 8:207–8:208

Burot, Madame, 1:622

Burot, Alexander

  • identified, 1:624n
  • letters from, 1:622–1:624

Burr, Aaron (1716–57), 6:623

Burr, Aaron (1756–1836)

  • J. Adams on, 4:474–4:475, 5:4, 5:13, 6:192, 6:623, 15:298
  • alleged conspiracy of, 1:350, 1:643, 1:643n, 2:75, 2:139, 2:249, 3:128, 3:129n, 3:429, 3:430, 3:441, 3:519, 3:543, 5:4n, 7:206, 7:207n, 7:235–7:236, 7:238–7:239, 9:474–9:475, 13:3, 16:209, 18:191, 19:427
  • and election of 1800, 3:306, 3:308n, 6:192, 6:193n, 6:625, 20:443n
  • family of, 13:243
  • and J. S. McLean, 1:209n
  • mentioned, 6:189, 8:154, 14:544, 15:582
  • TJ on, 7:648
  • treason trial of, 1:161n, 1:341n, 1:355n, 1:426, 1:427–1:428n, 2:417, 2:473, 3:78–3:79, 3:100–3:101, 3:325n, 3:325n, 3:344n, 3:430, 5:93n, 5:135, 5:143–5:144, 5:145n, 5:525, 7:148, 7:151n
  • Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, 1:35
  • as vice president, 15:325
  • western expeditions of, 1:62, 1:63n, 7:206, 7:236, 7:239
  • and J. Wilkinson, 4:412–4:413

Burr, David Judson

  • explosion at gunpowder mill of, 6:169, 6:186
  • gunpowder of, 5:599, 5:599n, 6:117, 6:147, 6:186, 6:186

Burrall, Charles

  • as Baltimore postmaster, 7:229, 7:230n, 7:231, 7:231–7:232n
  • criticized, 7:231
  • Federalist sympathies of, 7:244
  • identified, 7:230n
  • letters from, 7:229–7:230, 7:231–7:232, 7:262
  • letters to, 7:243
  • lives with TJ in Philadelphia, 7:230n, 7:244
  • thanks TJ, 7:262
  • TJ recommends to J. Madison, 7:243, 7:244, 7:262

Burrill, James, 3:230, 3:232n

Burroughs, Mr., 2:283

Burrows, William

  • captain of Jane Couts , 9:659, 9:660, 9:661n

Burtin, François Xavier de, 10:230

Burton, Mr. (of Bedford Co.), 2:237, 2:239n

Burton, Mr. (of Richmond)

  • and Byrd lottery, 20:515

Burton, Charles

  • and Byrd lottery, 20:515

Burton, Hutchins Gordon

  • and J. W. Eppes’s will, 20:251, 20:252n
  • health of, 18:17
  • identified, 11:51n
  • letters from, 11:50–11:51, 11:238, 17:580–17:581, 18:17
  • letters to, 11:156, 11:300, 17:520–17:522, 17:600
  • letter to, from C. Jones, 11:293+
  • and scuppernong wine, 10:673, 11:50, 11:156, 11:175, 11:237, 11:238, 11:292, 11:293+, 11:295–11:296, 11:300, 11:302, 13:126, 13:126, 13:173, 13:283, 13:287, 13:350, 16:281, 16:324, 16:328, 17:189, 17:199, 17:202, 17:580, 17:600, 18:17, 19:115–19:116, 19:572, 19:611, 19:640
  • and tariffs on books, 17:520–17:521, 17:580, 17:600
  • visits J. W. Eppes, 12:7

Burton, Jesse

  • as Va. legislator, 12:382, 12:383n

Burton, J. H., 18:406

Burton, John

  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380

Burton, John

  • sells corn to TJ, 18:405
  • TJ pays, 18:405

Burton, R.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:313

Burton, Reuben

  • as Va. legislator, 20:557, 20:558n

Burtsell, Peter

  • identified, 18:66n
  • letter from, 18:119–18:120
  • letter to, 18:65–18:66
  • publishes Lacon: or Many Things in Few Words; addressed to Those Who Think (C. C. Colton), 18:65, 18:119–18:120

Burwell (TJ’s slave; 1783–ca. 1862). See Colbert, Burwell (TJ’s slave; 1783–ca. 1862; Critta Colbert’s husband)

Burwell (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303

Burwell, Mr.

  • rooms with T. J. Randolph, 1:669, 1:670n

Burwell, Dudley

  • identified, 4:190n
  • letter of introduction for, from TJ, 4:190–4:191
  • letters to, 4:190

Burwell, Letitia McCreery (William Armistead Burwell’s wife)

  • asked to send horses, 6:307
  • enjoys book, 6:264
  • health of, 2:105, 3:162, 6:9, 6:264
  • misplaces ring, 4:90
  • sends letter for her husband to TJ, 3:163n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:254, 3:64, 3:64, 4:91

Burwell, N.

  • witnesses document, 5:570n

Burwell, Nathaniel

  • as agent for J. and L. L. Paradise, 9:285n

Burwell, Nathaniel (1779–1849)

  • and female education, 12:471, 12:532–12:533, 12:534–12:535
  • identified, 12:471n
  • letter from, 12:471
  • letter to, 12:532–12:533

Burwell, William Armistead

  • and batture controversy, 3:244, 3:255
  • and D. Burwell, 4:190, 4:190–4:191
  • and carding machine, 6:3, 6:9, 6:9–6:12
  • carriage of, 6:264
  • carries Destutt de Tracy letter, 3:443
  • and Central College subscription, 11:327n, 11:590–11:591, 12:460
  • conveys letter for TJ, 15:609, 15:613
  • convoy resolution of, 2:253, 2:254n
  • death of, 16:603, 16:614, 16:616, 16:616, 16:627, 16:628, 16:634, 20:361
  • and defense of Washington, 6:307
  • epitaph for, 20:344, 20:360–20:361, 20:410, 20:494
  • family of, 20:344
  • and feuds among Republicans, 2:224–2:225
  • forwards papers to TJ, 11:6, 11:56, 11:153
  • identified, 2:105–2:106n
  • and W. Lambert’s astronomical calculations, 2:54, 2:55n
  • and H. Lee’s medal, 2:104–2:105, 2:125–2:126, 2:224, 2:253
  • letters from, 2:104–2:106, 2:224–2:225, 3:162–3:163, 5:642–5:643, 6:9, 6:307, 11:6–11:7, 11:153, 12:460, 13:438–13:439, 15:107, 15:284, 15:321, 15:367, 15:609
  • letters from accounted for, 4:191n
  • letters to, 2:125–2:126, 2:253–2:254, 3:64, 4:90–4:91, 11:56, 11:590–11:592, 15:56, 15:134, 15:304
  • letters to accounted for, 12:298n
  • mentioned, 1:199, 1:670n, 3:251, 4:471
  • plans to visit TJ, 6:307
  • portmanteau of, 14:245n
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:433
  • and quarries in Franklin Co., 3:64, 3:162
  • and scientific instruments for University of Virginia, 15:304, 15:321
  • sends marble specimen to TJ, 15:284, 15:304
  • and spinning machine, 6:9
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 15:134
  • TJ invites to Poplar Forest, 15:56, 15:107
  • and TJ’s dispute with J. Harvie, 2:101–2:102, 2:103n
  • and TJ’s endorsement of notes for W. C. Nicholas, 15:56, 15:107
  • and H. B. Trist, 16:400n, 16:628
  • trunk of, 1:186, 1:204
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 5:22–5:23, 6:264, 6:264, 13:438–13:439, 13:439n, 15:304, 16:616, 16:634, 20:361
  • visits Monticello, 2:105, 5:663, 13:415, 13:439n
  • visits Poplar Forest, 12:198
  • on War of 1812, 5:642–5:643

Burwell, William McCreery

  • family of, 20:344

Burwell Bay

  • docks at, 15:586

Busby, Richard

  • anecdote of, 10:110–111, 10:185–186, 11:491

Büsching, Anton Friedrich

  • Neue Erdbeschreibung, 9:137, 9:138n

Bushby, Dr. See Busby, Richard

Bushnell, David

  • submarine inventor, 6:206, 6:207n, 6:314n, 7:513n, 7:621, 7:621n, 9:628n
  • torpedoes of, 7:512, 7:620–7:621

Bussard, Daniel, 16:246

Bussolari, Jacopo

  • F. A. Van der Kemp studies, 11:231, 11:232n, 11:308, 11:308n

Bustamante, Anastasio, 20:601

Busti, Elizabeth May

  • and portrait of C. Wistar, 13:40

Bute, John Stuart, 3d Earl of

  • anecdote of, 13:462

Butler, Mr., 2:475

Butler, Mr.

  • TJ buys wheels from, 10:539n, 18:405, 18:405

Butler, Anthony

  • patents auger, 4:315n

Butler, Charles

  • Notes on Lord Coke’s First Institute, or Commentary upon Littleton, 18:580

Butler, Frances, 18:518

Butler, Henry (ship captain), 11:397n

Butler, James R.

  • military service of, 20:587

Butler, John West

  • identified, 1:304n
  • letters from, 1:303–1:304
  • TJ buys plow horse from, 2:155

Butler, Joseph

  • The Analogy of Religion, 3:590, 3:590n, 16:381, 16:458
  • sermons of, 14:60

Butler, Pierce

  • death of, 18:518
  • and okra soup, 4:180
  • and party politics, 9:100–9:101, 9:101n
  • signer of U.S. Constitution, 16:251
  • wine preferences of, 9:209–9:210, 9:421, 9:470, 13:243

Butler, Richard

  • military service of, 20:587
  • as superintendent of Indian affairs, 12:295–12:296n

Butler, Samuel

  • J. Adams on, 9:528
  • Hudibras, 19:508

Butler, Samuel (ca. 1765–1826)

  • and Baltimore Niles’ Weekly Register, 10:385, 13:497, 13:497n
  • identified, 10:385n
  • letter from, 10:385, 13:497

Butler, Stephen

  • witnesses agreement, 5:487–5:488

Butler, Thomas, 18:518


  • in American workers’ diet, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
  • churning, 4:138, 7:82
  • and J. H. Craven, 2:371
  • medicinal use of, 14:230
  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • ordered from M. Lewis, 4:210
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:380, 4:381, 14:632–14:633, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230
  • pots, 19:8
  • price of, 8:307, 17:331
  • procured for TJ, 6:40
  • as rent, 12:302
  • sent to TJ, 4:194, 4:236, 8:132, 8:174, 8:184, 9:656, 12:324, 13:566, 15:311, 16:470–16:471, 17:55
  • J. Shoemaker sends, 2:269
  • in students’ diet, 14:382, 14:383n
  • TJ orders, 3:541
  • TJ purchases, 14:243, 19:12

Butterworth, John, 2:322n

Buttmann, Philipp

  • Greek Grammar, translated from the German of Philip Buttmann (trans. E. Everett), 19:363, 19:364n, 19:407–19:408, 19:419, 20:546

button molds, 15:451, 16:6, 17:234n, 19:16

buttons, 9:565, 10:555n, 10:609, 12:362, 15:475, 15:475, 15:475n, 15:475n, 16:6, 16:6, 16:6, 16:6, 16:6, 16:9, 16:11, 16:11, 16:11, 16:13, 16:13, 17:5, 17:5, 17:5, 18:42, 18:44, 18:46, 18:48, 18:48, 18:603, 19:10, 19:13, 19:15, 19:16

Buzon, Mr., 10:130

Bynkershoek, Cornelis van

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Byrd, Mr.

  • farm manager for J. Monroe, 9:388

Byrd, Mary Willing (second wife of William Byrd [1728–77])

  • and bounty land, 1:290, 1:335
  • and W. Byrd’s “History of the Dividing Line” , 12:257
  • correspondence of, 15:188, 15:195n
  • and husband’s estate, 9:545, 15:250–15:251

Byrd, William (1674–1744)

  • as boundary commissioner, 9:178, 9:178, 9:384, 9:689–9:690, 17:309
  • and founding of Richmond, 4:288n, 12:243
  • “The History of the Dividing Line” , 9:178, 9:179n, 9:384, 9:453, 10:470n, 11:21, 11:22, 11:127n, 11:206, 11:426, 11:477, 11:487, 11:524, 11:524n, 12:168–12:169, 12:236, 12:256–12:257, 12:294, 12:331, 12:371, 12:371–12:372, 12:390–12:392, 12:486, 12:504–12:505
  • “A Journey to the Land of Eden” , 12:372n
  • library of, 5:594–5:595n, 8:332n, 9:384, 11:477, 20:183
  • and medical advice, 15:182–15:183
  • “A Progress to the Mines” , 12:372n
  • “The Secret History of the Line” , 10:470, 10:470n, 11:21–11:22, 11:125–11:126, 11:206, 11:239, 11:426, 11:450–11:451, 11:477, 11:524, 11:524n, 11:574, 11:574n, 12:168–12:169, 12:169n, 12:236, 12:257, 12:294, 12:371–12:372, 12:390–12:391, 12:392
  • and Westham land, 8:169, 14:414

Byrd, William (1728–77)

  • and bounty land, 1:290
  • estate of, 15:250–15:251, 15:260
  • family of, 9:384, 11:477
  • lottery for, 9:545–9:546, 9:546n, 9:647, 10:61, 10:61n, 10:110, 12:452, 12:487, 20:515, 20:516n, 20:566
  • military service of, 10:269, 10:421
  • papers of, 10:268
  • and Richmond property dispute, 12:243–12:244
  • supposed land sale to J. Lyle, 6:304
  • TJ purchases lot from, 4:154, 5:75–5:76, 5:76n, 6:304–6:305, 6:366, 12:243, 12:279
  • and Westham land, 8:169, 8:171n

Byrne, Patrick

  • letters from accounted for, 1:214n
  • prints work, 2:377n
  • Report of the Whole Trial of Gen. Michael Bright and Others, 1:214n

Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron

  • The Giaour, A Fragment of a Turkish Tale, 20:107n
  • quoted, 20:107
  • works of, 18:343, 18:343n, 18:475, 19:507