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This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Iardella, Francisco

  • as sculptor, 10:511, 11:xlv–11:xlvi

Iberville, Mr. d’ See Le Moyne, Pierre, sieur d’Iberville

ice cream

  • vanilla, 14:li, 14:250 (illus.) , 17:230


  • mentioned, 15:334
  • at Monticello, 2:177, 8:392, 14:lii, 14:234n, 14:250 (illus.) , 14:270, 16:444, 16:444n
  • at President’s House, 1:155
  • on Rivanna River, 16:444, 16:444n
  • in TJ’s Notes of a Tour into the Southern Parts of France, &c.

Icenhower, Samuel

  • letters from accounted for, 3:655

Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or Natural History of the Fishes Inhabiting the River Ohio and its tributary streams (C. S. Rafinesque), 16:567, 16:569n, 17:87

I. C. Moses & Company (Charleston firm), 17:381

Icones anatomicae (L. M. A. Caldani and F. Caldani), 20:616, 20:616n

Iconum anatomicarum explicatio (L. M. A. Caldani and F. Caldani), 20:616, 20:616n

Ideen über die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der vornehmsten Völker der alten Welt (A. H. L. Heeren), 9:698

Idéologues, 3:xlvi


  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:209, 13:214, 13:215n, 13:403, 16:296n, 20:458
  • study of, 7:638, 7:640, 7:667, 7:686, 12:124, 12:333, 17:494, 20:288

The Idler, 7:665, 19:508

Ἱεροκλέους Φιλοσόφου Ἀστεῖα. Facéties. D’Hiéroclès Le Philosophe (Hierocles; ed. A. Coray), 9:88n

Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 7:26, 9:175, 9:176n, 11:363, 16:394

Iliad (Homer)

  • cited, 5:595, 5:596n, 8:298, 8:299n, 10:306
  • in collegiate education, 14:551, 16:330
  • C. G. Heyne’s edition of, 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 11:414, 11:537, 12:439, 14:510, 17:106
  • The Iliad of Homer (trans. A. Pope), 5:595, 5:596n, 8:121, 8:298, 8:299n, 10:284, 10:286n, 10:417, 12:534, 19:506
  • The Iliad of Homer (trans. A. Pope/J. Macpherson), 2:51
  • miniature edition of, 10:260, 10:260n
  • Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς καὶ εἰς Αὐτὴν Σχόλια τῶν Παλαιῶν. Homeri Ilias, Et Veterum in Eam Scholia (ed. Didymus Chalcenterus), 9:455
  • TJ orders, 12:583, 13:293
  • TJ quotes, 14:154, 16:633n

Illinois Territory

  • appointments in, 1:25, 1:25, 1:627
  • immigration to, 7:93, 7:93–7:94, 11:609, 11:609n, 12:19
  • map of, 12:147, 12:147n, 12:174
  • and War of 1812, 8:329n

Illustrations of Prophecy (J. L. Towers), 4:483, 4:485n, 7:36, 7:38n, 7:98, 7:99n, 19:623, 19:625n

Illustrations of Sterne (J. Ferriar), 7:665

Imlay, Gilbert

  • A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, 8:200


  • from China, 12:553–12:554
  • W. H. Crawford on, 10:254, 10:255n
  • from France, 10:107, 10:276, 10:490–10:491
  • from Germany, 12:19
  • from Great Britain, 12:19–12:20
  • from Italy, 10:414
  • from The Netherlands, 10:305
  • W. Short on, 10:254–10:255
  • from Switzerland, 12:144, 14:228, 14:325
  • TJ on, 10:20, 10:249, 10:254, 10:255n, 12:19–12:20

Imogene (ship), 9:57, 9:269

An Impartial History of the late Revolution in France, 8:388, 8:672, 8:673n

impatiens, 5:358

Imperial (ship), 17:534, 18:51, 18:120, 18:120, 18:194

Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili di Firenze

  • identified, 15:329n
  • members of, 19:345n
  • TJ’s membership diploma, 15:328–15:330

Importance, et Avantages d’une Morale Publique et Privée (Gazzera), 1:522, 1:523n


  • of American seamen, 1:85–1:86, 5:7n, 5:259n, 5:453, 5:453n, 5:637n, 5:662n, 5:678, 6:14–6:15, 6:131n, 6:205, 6:205, 6:358n, 6:376n, 6:491, 7:464–7:466, 7:542–7:543, 8:112, 8:113n, 8:218, 8:220–8:221, 8:293, 8:380–8:381, 9:88, 9:411, 18:620
  • of boats, 7:123, 7:135, 7:156
  • laws regarding, 7:374n
  • and Monroe-Pinkney Treaty, 1:170n, 15:18, 15:19n
  • and Napoleonic Wars, 9:16
  • and Northern Europe, 7:350
  • TJ on, 5:304, 5:304n, 6:141–6:144, 6:205, 6:205, 6:538–6:539, 7:51–7:52, 7:87, 7:96, 7:167, 8:26, 8:107, 8:107, 8:108, 8:259, 8:260, 8:261, 8:267, 8:300, 8:320, 8:351, 8:357, 8:372, 8:540, 8:569, 8:598–8:599, 8:654, 9:335, 9:411

Improvements in Education (J. Lancaster), 1:662, 1:662n, 9:530n

Inaugural Address, delivered in the Chapel of the University at Cambridge, December 11, 1816 (J. Gorham), 11:386, 11:386n

An Inaugural Dissertation on the Malignant Fever, which prevailed in the city of New-York … in the year 1791 (J. S. Addoms), 10:133–10:134, 10:147n

An Inaugural Oration delivered at Burlington, August 1, 1811 (J. Chamberlain), 7:357, 7:357n, 7:447, 8:111


  • J. Madison’s presidential, 1:8–1:10
  • J. Monroe’s presidential, 11:14–11:15, 11:15n, 11:122

Inca Indians, 16:176, 18:95–18:96, 19:703n

Inchbald, Elizabeth

  • Animal Magnetism, 16:xlix

Inchbald, Elizabeth

  • The British Theatre, 7:665
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665

indentures, 1:156, 1:459–1:463, 2:237–2:238, 2:238–2:239n, 3:186–3:188, 3:192–3:194, 3:368–3:369, 3:411–3:413, 4:287–4:288, 4:316–4:319, 5:61–5:62, 5:62n, 6:35–6:36, 8:394–8:397, 8:397–8:399, 10:104–10:105, 11:99–11:101, 11:101n, 11:465–11:467, 12:562–12:563, 13:163–13:164

Independence (brig), 9:460n

Independence Day. See Fourth of July

Independence Hall. See Pennsylvania State House (Philadelphia; later Independence Hall)

Independent Chronicle (Boston newspaper), 1:50n, 1:671, 1:673n, 9:403

The Independent Whig: or, a Defence of Primitive Christianity, and of our Ecclesiastical Establishment, against the exorbitant claims and encroachments of fanatical and disaffected clergymen, 11:269–11:270, 11:270n


  • ancient philosophers of, 10:504, 11:383
  • and British military, 7:68n, 7:533–7:534
  • Christianity in, 13:482, 13:482n
  • cloth manufactured in, 14:256
  • deities of, 16:590
  • and N. G. M. Senter’s travel writings, 5:64–5:65, 5:66, 5:218, 5:407–5:408n
  • and sepoy system, 7:534
  • trade with, 1:449, 12:554
  • transportation to, 19:439
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Indiam Occidentalem (T. de Bry), 5:123–5:124, 5:125n, 5:182


  • federal land offices, 19:152, 19:153n
  • senator from, 11:6
  • state papers of, 18:325

Indiana Territory See also Harrison, William Henry

  • appointments in, 5:445, 5:445–5:446n
  • chancery court in, 2:522
  • governor of, 1:405, 1:406n, 2:73
  • immigration to, 7:93
  • Indian agent for, 1:574–1:575
  • Legislative Council, 1:96
  • and War of 1812, 8:329n

Indian Camp (W. Short’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • boundary dispute, 6:522–6:523, 6:524, 6:524, 6:575, 6:604, 6:604–6:605, 6:636, 7:70–7:71, 7:136, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:197–7:198, 7:271, 7:487, 7:510, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655, 8:50–8:51, 8:107, 8:129, 8:332, 8:382, 8:428–8:429, 8:556, 8:567–8:568, 8:588, 8:598, 8:687–8:688, 9:289–9:290, 9:319, 9:357, 9:362, 9:388, 9:488, 9:519, 9:519, 9:519–9:520, 9:648, 9:649n, 9:661, 9:662, 9:693
  • sale of to D. Higginbotham, 6:86, 6:87–6:88n, 6:204, 6:274, 6:522, 6:523n, 7:212–7:213, 8:568, 8:568n, 8:688, 9:488, 10:9, 10:11n, 10:21, 10:253, 10:315, 10:465n, 11:245, 11:457, 11:500–11:501, 12:102–12:103, 12:186–12:187, 12:301
  • W. Short on management of, 3:198, 3:272–3:273, 3:275, 4:268, 4:273–4:274
  • survey of, 5:399–5:402, 5:407n, 7:487, 7:510, 7:511n, 8:568n, 9:488, 9:661, 9:662
  • taxes on, 10:464, 10:529
  • TJ superintends for W. Short, 1:234, 1:235n, 4:59–4:60, 4:197–4:198
  • TJ tries to sell for W. Short, 3:621–3:622, 3:644, 4:5–4:6, 4:59–4:60, 4:268, 4:675, 5:239–5:240, 5:264–5:265, 5:362–5:364, 5:399–5:402, 5:443–5:444, 5:506, 5:567, 5:568–5:570, 5:571–5:572, 5:573, 5:596, 5:622–5:623, 5:623–5:624n, 5:624–5:625, 7:157–7:158n

Indian hemp, 4:667–4:668, 5:22

Indians, American

  • J. Adams on, 4:475–4:476, 5:70, 5:182–5:185, 5:389–5:390, 5:584–5:585, 5:595, 6:183
  • agents for, 8:537, 12:370, 12:385–12:386
  • Algonquian, 12:236, 12:385, 16:109n, 16:261, 16:261, 16:262
  • Alligewi, 16:153–16:156, 16:171–16:176, 16:177–16:181, 16:355, 16:396
  • Anahuac, 16:154
  • ancestry of, 11:49n, 13:100
  • Arikara, 6:323
  • artifacts of, 18:278
  • artifacts of, at Monticello, 1:397n, 10:397, 10:398–10:399, 10:609, 10:644, 16:36, 16:36, 16:38, 17:409, 17:432
  • artifacts of, in museums, 9:264, 16:155, 16:177, 16:180, 18:206
  • Assiniboin, 16:133
  • Aztec, 16:16
  • battle depicted by, 8:238
  • and Bible Societies, 7:586
  • Black Pawnee (Paniouassas), 17:38, 17:39n
  • blankets, 1:510
  • as British allies, 5:320–5:321, 5:336, 7:7–7:8, 7:11, 7:14, 7:15–7:16n, 7:20, 7:30–7:31, 7:51–7:52, 7:87–7:88, 7:91, 8:17, 8:385n, 20:303
  • burial mounds, enclosures, and fortifications of, 6:322–6:329, 6:516, 6:518, 13:81–13:82, 13:82, 13:82–13:83, 13:83n, 13:83n, 13:83n, 14:236, 15:580, 15:583n, 15:619, 15:620–15:621n, 16:15, 16:155, 16:156, 16:171–16:176, 16:177, 16:178, 16:178, 16:179, 16:179, 16:180, 20:513n, 20:513–20:514n, 20:601
  • and captivity narratives, 19:169, 19:555
  • cattle raised by, 1:110
  • Cherokee, 1:6–1:7, 1:7–1:8n, 1:110, 1:653, 5:124, 5:125n, 6:419, 7:161, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:163–7:164, 7:199–7:200, 7:200n, 12:296n, 12:370, 12:371n, 12:385, 13:127, 14:136, 14:137, 14:137, 18:645–18:646, 19:575–19:576, 19:576n, 19:626
  • Chickasaw, 1:6–1:7, 1:26, 6:423, 6:423, 7:200n, 12:331, 12:371n, 14:136–14:137, 14:137n, 16:38, 18:644, 18:644, 18:646
  • Chippewa, 2:57, 2:58n, 16:131
  • Choctaw, 12:296n, 12:331, 12:371n, 14:137, 16:36, 16:38, 16:85n, 18:644, 18:646, 19:576n, 20:601
  • citizenship for, 10:328–10:329
  • clothing of, 16:155
  • colonial defense against, 13:481
  • Comanche, 13:227
  • council houses, palaces, and temples of, 16:176
  • Creek, 1:110, 6:389, 7:91, 7:93n, 7:160–7:161, 7:162n, 7:347, 8:222–8:223, 8:329n, 9:67n, 9:383–9:384, 9:384n, 9:453, 9:548–9:549, 9:550–9:551n, 9:551n, 12:331, 12:371n, 12:385, 14:111n, 14:132n, 14:137, 16:36, 17:405
  • currency of, 1:334, 1:334n, 1:369
  • Delaware, 11:126, 12:296n, 12:385, 12:386n, 13:89, 16:85n, 16:108, 16:108, 16:109, 16:132–16:133, 16:261, 16:261, 16:415n, 17:547, 17:573
  • depredations against, 12:402n
  • dialects of, 1:205, 1:520–1:521, 1:555–1:556, 1:651–1:652, 12:236, 12:385–12:386
  • education of, 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 3:369–3:370, 3:543, 3:543n, 16:628, 16:629n, 18:32, 18:237n, 18:237n, 18:275, 18:646, 18:659
  • of Fla., 16:108–16:109, 16:176
  • foods of, 20:605
  • Fox, 2:57
  • hair of, described, 1:478
  • and B. Hawkins, 10:214, 14:132n
  • historical manuscript concerning, 7:520, 7:520–7:521n, 7:595–7:596, 9:65, 9:67n, 12:236, 12:636n, 12:637
  • history of, 8:175, 14:480–14:481
  • Houmas, 1:509
  • hunt in circles, 6:138
  • Huron, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:131, 16:133, 16:261
  • Inca, 16:176
  • Indiana Territory agent for, 1:574–1:575
  • intoxication among, 6:188
  • Iroquois, 6:324, 7:181, 7:281, 7:521n, 8:630, 12:236, 12:385, 16:108–16:109, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:131–16:132, 16:133, 16:261–16:262
  • Jetan, 13:227, 13:228n
  • Kaskaskia, 6:324
  • Kickapoo, 6:323–6:324, 8:222, 19:169
  • kill surveyor, 2:87
  • land claims in Orleans Territory, 1:637
  • land purchased from, 18:296, 19:382
  • languages, 1:205, 1:269, 1:520–1:521, 1:555–1:557, 1:599n, 1:651–1:652, 3:596, 3:596, 3:596–3:597, 3:616, 7:181, 7:182n, 7:243, 7:281, 9:65, 9:65–9:66, 9:372–9:373, 9:373n, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 11:126–11:127, 11:454, 12:250, 12:250–12:251, 12:294, 12:295–12:296n, 12:331, 12:385–12:386, 12:386n, 12:463n, 13:90, 13:90, 13:90, 14:132n, 16:79, 16:79–16:85, 16:107–16:109, 16:109–16:110, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:132–16:133, 16:133, 16:261–16:262, 16:459, 18:198, 18:225, 18:356, 19:348, 19:348–19:349n, 19:419, 20:514n
  • Lenni Lenape, 9:65, 13:89, 14:132n, 16:108–16:109, 16:131–16:132, 16:133, 16:154, 16:155, 16:181
  • M. Lewis’s vocabularies of, 9:705, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 12:171, 12:172, 12:294, 12:331, 12:637
  • literacy of, 7:281
  • and Lord Dunmore’s War, 19:341–19:342
  • Mandan, 1:520–1:521, 4:8, 4:536, 4:550–4:551, 6:323
  • maps by, 8:238, 10:397, 16:36
  • Mascouten, 6:323–6:324
  • Mattaponi, 16:79, 16:84n, 16:261
  • Mexican, 20:601–20:602
  • Miami, 1:652, 1:652n, 16:415n
  • Mingo, 2:204–2:205n, 2:340, 16:154, 16:181, 19:343n
  • missionaries to, 10:158–10:159, 18:644–18:647
  • and Missouri question, 15:443–15:444
  • and Missouri Territory, 10:446, 10:446
  • modesty of, 4:181
  • Mohawk, 16:108, 16:109–16:110, 16:120
  • Mohican, 7:289, 7:521n
  • mummified remains of, 14:236, 16:155
  • and music, 16:36
  • Nanticoke, 12:385, 12:386n
  • Natchez, 16:154, 16:176
  • Naudowessie, 16:85n, 16:133
  • Neponset, 5:184–5:185, 5:186n
  • of Northwest Coast described, 1:446
  • Nottoway, 16:79, 16:79–16:85, 16:107–16:108, 16:109–16:110, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:131–16:132, 16:133, 16:261, 16:262
  • Olmec, 6:328
  • Oneida, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:120
  • Onondaga, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:108, 16:109–16:110, 16:118, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:120
  • opinions on, 19:564
  • origin of, 6:137–6:138, 6:323, 12:177, 16:154
  • orthography of tribal names, 8:151–8:152, 8:179
  • Osage, 1:520, 3:501, 13:227, 16:109
  • Ottawa, 4:181, 4:182n, 4:537, 4:538n
  • Pamunkey, 16:79, 16:84n, 16:261
  • Pawnee, 1:521, 1:556
  • and poetry, 16:36
  • Potawatomi, 8:151, 16:415n
  • Powhatan, 16:79, 16:84n, 16:85n, 16:108
  • Punkapog, 5:184–5:185, 5:186n
  • plans for civilizing, 1:110–1:111, 7:281, 11:393, 11:394n, 13:423, 13:424n, 16:412n, 18:236–18:237, 18:249, 18:250n, 18:258–18:260, 18:267–18:268, 18:269, 18:646–18:647
  • and post road, 1:351
  • preservation of artifacts of, 6:251
  • recommended readings for, 1:110
  • removal of, 13:7n
  • J. Rhea on, 14:111n
  • Sac, 2:57
  • sculpture by, 16:155, 16:177–16:181
  • sculpture of, for TJ, 1:473–1:474, 1:475n
  • Seminole, 5:651–5:652, 6:67–6:68, 6:112, 6:113n, 13:286n, 14:28, 14:92, 14:92n, 14:111n, 14:279, 15:233
  • Seneca, 2:59, 2:175, 16:119, 16:119
  • Shawnee, 4:485n, 8:151, 8:552, 12:296n
  • South American, 9:57, 9:272
  • speeches by, 2:59, 2:175, 2:340, 7:373–7:374, 7:374n, 13:40, 16:36
  • H. P. Taylor’s Interrogatories on, 20:162, 20:164, 20:164
  • in Tenn., 1:653
  • threat posed by, on frontier, 2:359, 2:360, 2:360
  • TJ on, 2:59, 2:60n, 2:301, 4:429, 5:122–5:124, 5:367, 7:7–7:8, 7:30–7:31, 7:51, 7:87–7:88, 7:91, 7:281, 9:121, 9:358, 10:155, 13:194, 13:213, 13:423, 14:480–14:481, 16:36, 16:615
  • TJ’s policies concerning, 2:158, 6:512, 9:66
  • TJ’s vocabularies of, 1:269, 1:555–1:556, 7:243, 7:244n, 9:372–9:373, 9:373n, 9:705, 12:172, 12:236, 12:251n, 12:294, 12:295n, 12:331, 12:385–12:386, 12:463n, 12:636n, 12:637, 14:132n, 16:79
  • Toltec, 6:328
  • tools used by, 14:236
  • trade with, 9:356, 11:125, 16:412n
  • and trade with Canada, 4:552–4:553, 5:74–5:75
  • training school for, 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 1:662n, 2:55–2:57, 2:58n
  • treaties with, 1:6–1:7, 1:7–1:8n, 8:17, 10:446, 10:446n, 13:7n, 14:112n, 14:137, 14:137n, 16:414, 16:415n, 18:32, 18:33n, 19:575–19:576, 19:576n, 19:626
  • Tuscarora, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:85n, 16:108, 16:109, 16:118, 16:118, 16:118, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:131–16:132, 16:261, 17:127, 17:128n
  • and U.S. War Department, 18:259, 18:260n, 18:269
  • in Va., 14:562, 16:84–16:85n, 16:108, 16:108, 16:109, 16:132, 16:261, 17:605–17:606
  • and War of 1812, 5:637n, 6:358n, 6:389, 6:577, 6:577n, 7:7–7:8, 7:14, 7:15–7:16n, 7:20, 7:30–7:31, 7:51–7:52, 7:160–7:161, 7:162n, 7:531, 8:17, 8:112, 8:217, 8:218, 8:219, 8:221–8:224, 8:227n, 8:228n, 8:329n, 9:66
  • Wea, 16:415n
  • Wichita, 17:38, 17:39n
  • works on, 13:89–13:90, 14:132, 16:154, 16:156–16:157n, 18:441, 19:169, 19:170n, 19:427, 19:427, 20:50, 20:513n, 20:513–20:514n
  • Wyandot, 14:296–14:297, 14:480–14:481, 16:85n, 16:119, 16:119, 16:131, 16:133, 16:179, 16:261

Indian Speeches Delivered by Farmer’s Brother and Red Jacket, Two Seneca Chiefs, 2:59, 2:175


  • export tax on, 8:608
  • grown in Europe, 4:85
  • wild, 3:461–3:462

Indigofera tinctoria. See indigo: wild

Indostan. See India

Indridge (TJ’s slave; b. 1797). See Hern, Indridge (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

Industry (schooner), 15:413

Ine (Ina, Ini), king of the West Saxons, 7:125, 7:147

Infantado, Duke of. See Pedro Alcántara de Toledo y Salm-Salm (Duke of Infantado)

Inferno (Dante), 9:467, 9:468n

Ingalls, William

  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n

Ingersoll, Mr. (editor), 14:445

Ingersoll, Mr. (of Philadelphia)

  • as attorney, 20:118

Ingersoll, Charles Jared

  • address to constituents of, 6:375, 6:375–6:376n
  • A Discourse concerning the Influence of America on the Mind, 20:441n
  • education of, 10:443n
  • family of, 10:443
  • identified, 5:106n
  • letters from, 5:225–5:226, 13:124
  • letters from accounted for, 7:248n
  • letters to, 5:106, 7:247–7:248, 13:142
  • Mr. Ingersoll’s Speech on the Loan Bill, Tuesday, 15 February, 1814, 7:247–7:248, 7:248n
  • An Oration delivered at Mr. Harvey’s, Spring Garden, before a Very Numerous Meeting of Democratic Citizens, July 4, 1812, 5:225–5:226
  • sends works to TJ, 5:225, 13:124, 13:142
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625, 5:106
  • as U.S. representative from Pa., 7:113n, 7:247–7:248, 7:248n, 7:468, 7:468–7:469n
  • A View of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy, of the United States of America, 5:106

Ingersoll, Edward

  • Bill for a Magazine Subscription, 15:429–15:430
  • edits Analectic Magazine, 15:429, 15:430n, 15:481
  • identified, 15:429–15:430n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:481n
  • letter to, 15:481
  • TJ pays, 15:481
  • TJ’s account with, 15:425

Ingersoll, Jared

  • on batture controversy, 2:455, 2:456n, 2:658, 3:235, 3:271, 3:483, 5:3, 5:4n
  • family of, 5:106n
  • and Missouri question, 15:238n
  • Philadelphia attorney, 2:320
  • signer of U.S. Constitution, 16:252n

Ingersoll, Jonathan, 14:648n

Ingham, Samuel D., 5:559n

Inginac, Joseph Balthazar, 20:478n

Ingle, Henry, 1:41, 1:42

Ingles, Joseph L., 5:623n

Ingraham, Nathaniel G. (ca. 1761–1827)

  • identified, 4:491n
  • letters from, 4:489–4:492
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 4:489–4:492

Ingraham, Nathaniel G. (d. 1824)

  • consul at Tampico, 20:604

Ingraham, Phoenix & Nexsen (New York firm)

  • bankruptcy, 4:489–4:492, 5:41–5:42, 5:42n
  • identified, 4:492n

Ingraham’s tract (TJ’s Albemarle Co. property), 4:386, 16:104, 20:147

Ingram, Ira

  • letter from, 10:192–10:193
  • solicits book subscriptions, 10:192–10:193


  • damaged by cold, 17:609

ink-powder, 17:11


  • for polygraph, 14:591, 14:624, 16:505
  • stone, 5:38, 5:39n, 5:109–5:110, 5:111

Innes, Harry

  • conveys wartime intelligence to TJ, 6:370
  • as federal judge, 5:644
  • identified, 6:370–6:371n
  • letters from, 6:369–6:371
  • letters to, 6:511–6:512
  • and shepherd dogs, 6:369–6:370, 6:511–6:512

Innes, James, 5:359+

Innocent III, pope, 7:66

Innocent XII, pope

  • and Spanish Inquisition, 7:220

An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council (A. Baring), 1:35

An Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors on the Human Body (B. Rush), 18:292n

An Inquiry into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth (W. H. Sumner), 19:643, 19:644n

An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (J. Taylor [of Caroline]), 6:504, 6:505n, 6:567, 6:613, 6:613, 6:622, 7:146, 7:217, 7:221n, 10:86–10:89, 10:210, 10:211–10:212, 10:212n, 16:482, 16:637+, 17:554

An Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies (R. Bland), 8:643, 8:645n

An Inquiry into the Use of the Omentum (J. Rush), 1:185, 1:558–1:559

An Inquiry into the Various Systems of Political Economy (C. Ganilh), 6:53, 6:54n

insanity. See mental illness

insects See also beekeeping; Hessian fly

  • bees, 14:303, 19:liv, 19:645
  • effect of on agriculture, 10:526, 14:180, 17:198, 18:106, 19:645n
  • entomology, 11:190–11:191
  • fireflies, 11:39, 12:618
  • and flight, 18:347
  • houseflies, 11:39
  • grasshoppers, 8:6, 12:619
  • maggots, 14:250, 15:141
  • mud daubers, 19:liv, 19:645
  • sawyers (beetles), 11:39, 12:619
  • ticks, 12:618
  • in Va., 14:562
  • wasps, 19:liv, 19:645
  • and weather, 12:618–12:619
  • weevils, 8:643, 8:645n, 15:282, 20:524
  • works on, 8:6, 8:423n, 8:645n, 14:168

Inside Out; or, An Interior View of the New-York State Prison (”One Who Knows” [W. A. Coffey]), 20:106–20:107, 20:107n, 20:107n, 20:133–20:134, 20:273

Insinger, Albrecht

  • identified, 15:459n
  • introduced to J. Madison, 15:459n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:459
  • letter from accounted for, 15:459n

Insinger & Company (Amsterdam firm), 15:459

Inskeep, Abraham H., 6:417, 6:427n

Inskeep, John

  • and Bradford & Inskeep, 6:427n, 7:289–7:290n
  • identified, 7:289–7:290n

Institut de France

  • academies of, 11:633, 11:634n
  • and Acta Sanctorum (J. de Bolland and others), 8:558, 8:682
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:319–4:320, 4:350, 4:353, 6:252
  • and Destutt de Tracy, 16:421
  • Discours sur les Progrès des Sciences, Lettres et Arts (ed. J. L. Kesteloot), 13:147, 13:394, 13:394–13:395n, 13:428, 13:596
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 3:516, 3:517n, 3:517n
  • fossils analyzed by, 1:100–1:101, 1:103–1:104, 1:187, 1:248–1:249, 1:250n
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:256+
  • members of, 1:201n, 1:250n, 1:259n, 1:262n, 3:472n, 3:517n, 4:319–4:320, 5:101n, 5:301, 5:433, 9:267, 9:268n, 9:300, 9:630, 19:346n, 19:610n, 20:99
  • Notice des travaux de la Classe des Beaux-Arts de l’Institut Royal de France, 7:350, 7:350n
  • and R. M. Patterson, 2:162
  • and Société de Géographie, 18:177
  • TJ and C. Wistar give fossils to, 1:100–1:101, 1:248, 1:510–1:511, 12:150
  • TJ on, 7:608
  • and weights, measures, and coinage, 4:227
  • and work on ancient vases, 1:452, 1:453n, 1:482

Institut des Pays-Bas, 19:159

An Institute of The Laws of England (T. Wood), 7:148, 7:148

The Institutes of Justinian. With Notes (T. Cooper), 5:275–5:276, 5:277n, 5:588, 6:598, 7:125, 8:472, 8:672, 11:369, 11:369, 11:370n, 11:433–11:434, 16:641

Institutes of Natural Philosophy, Theoretical and Practical (W. Enfield), 11:30, 11:30n

Institutes of the Laws of England (E. Coke), 1:382, 7:125, 7:126, 7:126, 7:127, 7:127, 7:127, 7:129, 7:130, 10:417, 16:640–16:641, 18:334, 18:335, 18:381, 18:580

Institution au droit maritime (Boucher), 3:72, 3:73n, 3:546

Institutiones Grammaticæ Anglo-Saxonicæ, et Mœso-Gothicæ (G. Hickes), 10:358, 16:363, 17:196

Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae (J. J. Brucker), 10:357

Institution Nationale des Sourdes-Muettes, 10:39, 10:40n

Institutions Astronomiques (trans. P. C. Le Monnier), 7:626

Institutions Commerciales (Boucher), 3:629–3:630, 3:638

Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens (J. M. Gérard de Rayneval), 7:627, 8:285, 8:328, 16:642, 20:115n, 20:282

Institutio Oratoria (Quintilian), 14:511

Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin (A. A. Cadet-de-Vaux), 2:82, 2:83n

Instruction sur les bêtes à laine et particulièrement sur la race des mérinos (A. H. Tessier), 3:321, 3:322n, 7:52–7:53

Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb (J. Watson), 17:535

Instruction pour les Voyageurs et pour les Employés dans les Colonies, sur la manière de recueillir, de conserver et d’envoyer les Objets d’Histoire Naturelle. Rédigée sur l’invitation de Son Excellence le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, par l’Administration du Muséum Royal d’Histoire Naturelle, 13:85–86, 13:87n, 13:137

Istruzioni elementari di agricoltura (A. Fabbroni), 11:164

insurance See also Mutual Assurance Society

  • companies, 8:109, 19:598

The Intellectual Flambeau (“Discipulus Libertatis atque Humanitatis” [J. Torrey]), 9:641, 9:642n

Intelligence (brig), 15:63

Intercepted Letters; or, the Twopenny Post Bag (T. Moore), 6:644, 6:645n, 7:34, 7:60, 7:62n


  • rate limits in Va., 9:696n, 10:11n, 10:666, 10:666n, 11:378, 11:379n, 11:385, 13:370, 13:370n, 15:260, 15:261, 15:351, 15:352n
  • TJ on, 12:192, 14:224, 15:623
  • TJ’s calculations of, 5:490, 11:378–11:379, 12:578, 12:584, 12:584, 12:585, 15:610, 15:611, 17:294n
  • and usury, 15:260, 15:261, 15:350–15:351, 15:352n, 16:445, 16:491
  • works on, 16:435, 16:436n, 16:445, 16:491, 19:7

An Interesting Companion for a Leisure Hour (D. Fraser), 7:656, 7:657n, 10:185, 10:187n

Internal Improvement of South-Carolina, Particularly Adapted to the Low Country (R. Mills), 18:608, 18:609n, 19:22

An Introduction to Algebra (J. Bonnycastle), 10:357, 10:386, 15:450, 15:452n

An Introduction to Chemistry, with Practical Questions designed for beginners in the science (J. R. Cotting), 16:558n

An Introduction to Latin Syntax (J. Mair), 8:482, 8:482n, 14:257, 20:364

An Introduction to Mensuration, and Practical Geometry (J. Bonnycastle), 15:450, 15:452n

An Introduction to Natural Philosophy (W. Nicholson), 1:581, 18:399

An Introduction to the Elements of Algebra (J. Farrar), 13:382, 13:382–13:383n, 13:476

An Introduction to the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, adapted to the use of beginners (P. K. Rogers), 20:443–20:445, 20:445n, 20:469–20:470, 20:581

An Introduction to the True Astronomy (J. Keill), 19:67, 19:68n

An Introductory Discourse, delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York (D. Clinton), 8:347, 8:348n

The Introductory lecture of Thomas Cooper, Esq., professor of chemistry at Carlisle College, Pennsylvania (T. Cooper), 5:223, 6:598, 7:124–7:125, 7:130n

Introductory Lecture, on Chemistry, Delivered at the College of South-Carolina, in Columbia, January, 1820 (T. Cooper), 15:553, 15:554n

“Introductory Lecture on Mineralogy” (T. Cooper), 12:240, 12:240n

An Introductory Lecture on the Metaphysics & Philosophy of Languages; being the first number of A Philosophical and Practical Grammar of the English and French Languages (P. S. Chazotte), 15:68–15:69, 15:171–15:172, 15:223–15:224

Introduzione alla Geologia (S. Breislak), 12:335, 12:444

inventions See also machines; patents

  • American claims to, 18:345–18:346, 19:597
  • bell ringer, 10:344–10:345, 10:345 (illus.) , 10:345, 10:345, 10:352
  • clarification of liquids, 10:606, 10:606n, 11:5
  • cotton gin, 8:408
  • distilling, 2:458n, 7:509
  • diving apparatus, 10:15–10:16, 10:16, 10:16 (illus.) , 10:16–10:17, 10:68–10:69
  • duck-foot paddle, 11:497–11:499, 13:33, 13:254
  • O. Evans on patent protection for, 7:110–7:113
  • eyeglasses, 12:367–12:368, 12:481, 12:515–12:516
  • fireproof ceiling, 5:286, 5:291
  • fireproofing, 5:307–5:308
  • fruit picker, 8:548–8:549
  • gaslights, 10:177–10:179, 10:180 (illus.) , 10:181 (illus.) , 10:310, 10:310 (illus.) , 10:310–10:311, 19:598
  • impenetrable stucco, 1:195–1:196
  • invisible ink, 1:111n
  • manufacturing alkali, 2:283
  • matches, 1:376–1:377, 1:377n
  • mechanical, 10:184, 10:279
  • metallic pen, 1:106
  • movable type, 10:364n
  • odometer, 11:504, 11:506n, 16:232, 16:243, 17:190
  • perpetual-motion machine, 5:xlix–5:l, 5:108n, 5:358 (illus.) , 5:474, 5:506–5:507
  • for platting roads, 11:504–11:506, 11:581
  • refrigerator, 1:173n
  • of H. G. Spafford, 7:274–7:275, 7:275, 7:313–7:314, 7:322, 8:209, 8:209n, 8:211, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:274n, 8:280–8:281, 8:281 (illus.) , 8:350, 8:367, 8:369n, 8:414–8:416, 8:463, 8:470, 8:471n, 8:488, 11:6, 11:496
  • surveying, 16:70–16:71
  • textile machinery, 8:554–8:555, 8:605–8:606, 8:634–8:635
  • of W. Thornton, 8:253, 8:402–8:403, 8:404–8:405
  • TJ on American, 10:72, 10:645
  • water filtration system, 5:286, 5:291, 8:253, 8:402–8:403, 8:404 (illus.)
  • windmill pump, 8:80–8:81

Investigator (Charleston, S.C., newspaper)

  • prospectus of, 5:329, 5:330n

Involuntary, Unmerited, Perpetual, Absolute, Hereditary Slavery, Examined (D. Barrow), 8:365n

Ionian Islands

  • British control of, 20:25, 20:28n
  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52, 15:52n

Iphitos (Iphitus), king of Elis, 20:543, 20:545n

Iredell, James

  • as Supreme Court justice, 18:467


  • agitation in, 4:587, 8:551, 8:551n
  • agriculture in, 12:255
  • Belfast Literary Society, 4:159, 4:175
  • and British military, 7:31, 7:533
  • British policy toward, 7:39, 20:603
  • emigrants from, 16:255
  • fiorin grass from, 4:192–4:193
  • George III’s death rumored in, 4:172, 4:173n
  • history of, 12:581n, 13:317, 14:15–14:16, 14:138, 14:193–14:194
  • and introduction of potato to U.S., 1:197
  • mentioned, 19:305, 19:306n
  • oppression in, 18:145, 20:437n, 20:594
  • Orange Society of, 5:641, 5:642n
  • plants in, 3:280n, 3:294–3:295, 3:339–3:340, 5:657
  • and recruitment of faculty for University of Virginia, 20:341

Ireland, John

  • on education, 7:658

irises, 3:633, 5:358

Irish language, 16:85n

iron See also naileries: nail-rod and iron stock

  • for axles, 2:453, 8:350
  • bar, 14:580, 16:12, 16:289n, 17:9, 17:10, 18:40, 18:44, 18:44, 18:45, 18:51, 18:648n, 19:8, 19:13, 19:15, 19:195, 19:195, 19:690n, 20:76, 20:78, 20:79
  • bar (Swedish), 5:133, 6:343, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 8:313, 8:380, 11:11
  • bolts, 19:690n
  • and construction of TJ’s canal, 11:73
  • and discoloration of gypsum, 14:462
  • hoop, 8:313, 8:380
  • manufacture of, 2:376, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:163–7:164, 7:199–7:200, 7:200n, 9:339–9:340, 11:11, 16:370, 19:194–19:195, 19:195, 19:196n
  • mentioned, 6:344, 6:346, 8:109, 9:555, 12:51, 12:78, 14:308, 14:624, 14:642, 20:13, 20:636n
  • in N.Y., 8:209n
  • ore, 13:410, 19:195, 19:195
  • pig, 19:195
  • purchased by TJ, 7:180, 7:180, 8:313, 8:380, 8:519, 15:312, 15:450, 15:452, 15:479+, 16:7, 16:8, 16:9, 16:9, 16:10, 16:12, 16:13, 16:14, 17:7, 17:291n+, 18:41, 18:41, 18:41, 18:44, 18:44, 18:45, 18:45, 18:47, 18:48, 18:49, 18:51, 18:647–18:648, 19:496
  • for sawmill, 7:181n
  • sheet, 8:81, 15:4, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5n, 15:60, 15:72, 15:108, 15:134, 15:172, 15:174, 15:210, 16:9, 16:270, 16:274, 16:274, 16:326, 17:651, 19:185, 20:10, 20:12, 20:12, 20:13, 20:78
  • specimens sent to TJ, 2:299
  • and surface resistance, 10:562
  • tin-iron, 6:347, 6:348, 16:9
  • tire-iron, 8:313, 15:479+, 17:6, 17:291+
  • tools, 16:177, 16:178, 16:179, 16:179, 16:179, 16:180, 17:6, 17:7, 17:11n, 18:43
  • for University of Virginia, 19:185, 19:189, 19:239, 20:213, 20:215, 20:216, 20:219, 20:555
  • used for jails, 20:11, 20:13, 20:76, 20:78
  • used for jewelry, 16:180, 16:180
  • used for stoves, 20:83, 20:84
  • in Va., 11:65
  • for wagons, 18:641, 18:642, 18:643
  • wire, 5:439

iron salt, 18:405

ironweed, 16:173

Iroquois Indians, 6:324, 7:181, 7:281, 7:521n, 8:630, 12:236, 12:385, 16:108–16:109, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:131–16:132, 16:133, 16:261–16:262

Iroquois League

  • formation of, 9:65, 9:67n

Irujo, Carlos Fernando Martínez de. See Yrujo (Irujo), Carlos Fernando Martínez de

Irvin, Mr. See Erving, George William

Irvine, Capt., 11:280

Irvine, Mr.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:311, 17:620

Irvine, Alexander

  • as boundary commissioner, 11:22, 11:22, 11:23n, 11:23n

Irvine, Callender

  • identified, 10:410n
  • letter from, 10:409–10:410
  • and package for TJ, 10:408, 10:409
  • recommends A. Macaulay, 2:304
  • as superintendent of military stores, 5:81n

Irvine, David

  • and University of Virginia, 17:627, 17:632, 17:636

Irvine (Irving), George N.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:621, 17:625

Irvine (Irving), George W.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:622

Irvine, Robert

  • and Natural Bridge, 19:132, 19:132n

Irvine (Irving), William

  • and University of Virginia, 17:631, 17:639

Irvine, William (of Lynchburg), 5:339, 16:323

Irving (Ervine), Mr.

  • admired by V. J. R. Trist, 17:154

Irving, Anne Reed (Joseph Miller’s half-sister)

  • and T. Reed estate, 9:258, 9:261n

Irving, David

  • The Elements of English Composition, 7:662

Irving, Washington

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:532n
  • A History of New York, 3:625, 5:397, 5:397n

Irving, William

  • U.S. representative from N.Y., 7:276

Irwin, James, 1:290, 1:335

Irwin, Jared

  • recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:537n

Isaac (Old Testament figure), 8:405–8:406, 16:165, 20:155, 20:157n

Isaac (TJ’s slave; b. 1768)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386
  • and Shadwell milldam, 18:610
  • and TJ’s flour, 10:474
  • as wagoner, 18:351, 18:472

Isaac (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 8:62, 8:255

Isaac (slave)

  • with T. M. Randolph at Varina, 11:172

Isaacs, David

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:329, 13:161, 15:98, 16:304
  • identified, 7:321–7:322n
  • letters from, 7:321–7:322, 7:332–7:333, 7:441–7:442, 10:366–10:367, 12:414–12:415, 16:151, 17:498, 18:241, 18:258, 18:284, 18:315
  • merchant, 7:435, 7:441–7:442, 11:545n
  • sells TJ beef, 17:498, 18:241, 18:258, 18:284, 18:315
  • sells TJ fish, 7:321, 7:332, 7:333n
  • sells TJ tallow, 16:151, 17:498, 18:241
  • sends works to TJ, 10:366, 12:414–12:415
  • thanks TJ, 10:366
  • TJ’s account with, 7:442n, 15:325, 17:64, 18:241n, 19:38n, 19:38
  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:307, 16:313, 16:314, 16:479, 17:625, 17:625, 19:48

Isaacs, Isaac (ship captain), 15:477n

Isaacs & Lee (Charlottesville firm)

  • TJ pays, 17:498n

Isabel (H. Marks’s slave)

  • death of, 7:518

Isabel (TJ’s slave; b. 1758). See Hern, Isabel (TJ’s slave; David Hern’s wife [b. 1758])

Isabel (TJ’s slave; b. 1800)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Isabella I, queen of Aragon and Castile

  • and C. Columbus, 7:612, 7:612, 7:614, 7:616
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501

Isabella (TJ’s slave; b. 1819). See Fossett, Isabella (TJ’s slave; b. 1819)


  • Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:447

Isaiah (Hebrew prophet), 6:542

Isaiah (TJ’s slave; b. 1800)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Isatis tinctoria. See woad, blue

Isbell, William

  • and University of Virginia, 19:54

Iselin, Isaak

  • Über die Geschichte der Menschheit, 11:422, 11:423–11:425

Ishmael (Old Testament figure), 18:644

Ishmael (Ishmel; J. M. Perry’s slave)

  • hired by University of Virginia, 15:94, 17:642

Ishmael (Ishmel; J. Whilton’s slave), 15:95

isinglass, 12:454

Islam, 10:611, 17:325, 17:505, 18:59, 18:91, 19:321, 20:379

Isocrates (Athenian orator)

  • J. Adams reads, 6:277
  • Isocratis Opera Omnia Græcè et Latinè (ed. and trans. A. Auger), 9:456, 14:510
  • Isokratouz Logoi Kai Epiotolai: Isocratis Orationes et Epistolæ. Cum Latina Interpretatione Hieronymi Wolfii, Ab Ipso Postremùm Recognita (trans. H. Wolf), 18:279
  • Œuvres Complettes d’Isocrate (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:447
  • works of bound for TJ, 8:630

Isocratis Opera Omnia Græcè et Latinè (Isocrates; ed. and trans. A. Auger), 9:456, 14:510

Isokratouz Logoi Kai Epiotolai: Isocratis Orationes et Epistolæ. Cum Latina Interpretatione Hieronymi Wolfii, Ab Ipso Postremùm Recognita (Isocrates; trans. H. Wolf), 18:279


  • financial system in ancient, 2:583–2:585
  • and religion, 16:165

Israel (TJ’s slave; b. 1800). See Jefferson, Israel Gillette (TJ’s slave; b. 1800)

Istoria delle guerre civili di Francia (E. C. Davila), 8:235, 8:237n, 16:441, 16:473, 19:508

Ἱστοριῶν … Historiarum (Polybius; trans. I. Casaubon; ed. J. Gronovius), 8:581, 9:109

L’Italia avanti il dominio dei Romani (G. Micali), 10:234, 10:237n, 11:313

Italian language

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 13:555, 13:617, 14:589–14:590, 15:23, 15:448, 16:426
  • books on grammar of, 16:5
  • collegiate education in, 12:3, 12:120, 13:195, 13:214, 13:402, 15:40, 20:458
  • dictionaries, 9:394, 10:619, 10:642, 11:13, 11:31, 11:547, 11:592, 12:153, 12:439, 13:477
  • documents in, by
    • T. Appleton, G. Raggi, and M. Raggi, 14:65–14:67
    • G. B. Fancelli, 9:292–9:297, 12:550n
    • Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili di Firenze, 15:328–15:330
    • P. Mazzei, 3:382–3:383, 9:673–9:679
  • letters in, from
    • G. Andrei, 14:598–14:599
    • C. G. G. Botta, 9:343
    • G. Carmignani, 9:644–9:645, 11:249–11:250
    • G. B. Fancelli, 12:184–12:185
    • T. Lamberti, 14:271
    • P. Mazzei, 3:375–3:382, 5:359+, 7:693–7:697, 9:112–9:120
    • A. Pini, 13:508–13:509, 20:503–20:504
    • E. M. Pini, 12:264–12:266, 13:508–13:509, 20:503–20:504
    • G. Raggi, 14:592–14:593, 15:42–15:43, 16:237–16:239, 17:84
    • M. Raggi, 14:592–14:593, 15:42–15:43, 16:237–16:239, 16:282–16:285, 16:331–16:332, 16:377–16:379, 16:437–16:439
    • E. G. Valli, 9:707, 10:127–10:150
  • orthography of, 12:173
  • and Randolph family, 16:388
  • study of, 7:480, 7:661, 13:238, 13:238, 14:151, 14:251, 14:252n, 14:260, 14:438, 15:239, 19:454n, 20:596
  • TJ on study of, 4:163, 11:252, 13:196, 13:216
  • writings in, 8:6, 12:622, 14:277, 16:204, 16:209, 16:633n


  • Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17:88
  • J. Adams on, 19:439
  • agriculture in, 11:171–11:172, 18:217n
  • American property seized in, 2:342
  • T. Appleton on, 10:92, 10:414, 16:344, 16:344n, 16:383–16:384
  • and Austria, 17:253, 17:474, 20:568–20:569, 20:569n
  • Cisalpine Republic, 19:457
  • climate of, 11:34, 19:301, 19:302
  • commerce in, 10:414, 10:415n
  • conditions in southern, 9:671–9:672
  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52, 15:52n
  • earthquake in, 4:189, 4:190n
  • education in, 14:208, 15:74
  • emigration from, 10:414
  • history of, 12:372, 12:389, 12:514, 13:481, 16:58, 20:498
  • and Holy Alliance, 17:200–17:201, 17:253
  • ideology in, 20:368
  • and A. de Iturbide, 20:375, 20:376n, 20:601
  • M. A. Jullien’s mission to, 2:503, 2:504n
  • Lafayette on, 12:245
  • libraries in, 16:226, 16:226
  • literacy in, 9:669–9:670
  • literature of, 16:534
  • macaroni from, 2:154, 9:470, 17:140
  • marble from, 8:161, 9:127, 9:384–9:385, 9:670, 9:671, 10:413–10:414, 15:10, 15:21, 15:476, 16:4, 16:237, 16:238, 16:243, 17:75, 17:76, 17:84, 17:120–17:121, 17:186–17:187, 17:261, 17:262, 17:263n, 17:263n, 17:293, 17:473–17:474, 17:524, 17:655, 19:77–19:78, 19:259, 19:498, 19:684, 19:702, 19:702, 19:705, 20:488–20:490
  • Rambles in Italy; in the Years 1816.…17. By an American (J. Sloan), 13:75, 13:75n, 13:96–13:97, 13:476
  • and the Renaissance, 14:277–14:278, 16:55
  • and revolution in Naples, 16:383–16:384, 16:493, 17:44, 17:58, 17:122, 17:142, 17:143n, 17:177, 17:179, 17:180, 17:184, 17:187, 17:191, 17:253, 17:489
  • and revolution in Piedmont, 17:474, 17:489
  • and revolutions in Europe, 19:489
  • sale of foreign goods in, 10:91–10:92
  • scholarship in, 20:346
  • seeds from, 13:75, 15:476
  • stonecutters from, 11:570, 11:579, 11:602, 12:267–12:268, 12:578–12:579, 12:584, 12:615, 13:252, 13:618, 14:62–14:63, 14:64, 14:64–14:65n, 14:65–14:66, 14:255–14:256, 14:349, 14:464, 14:474–14:475, 14:495, 14:497, 14:511–14:512, 14:516, 14:520, 14:522, 14:527, 14:564–14:565, 14:605, 14:628, 15:3–15:4, 15:7–15:8, 15:8, 15:8n, 15:9, 15:9n, 15:9, 15:10n, 15:10, 15:10n, 15:20–15:21, 15:42, 15:81, 15:82n, 15:97, 15:97, 15:98, 15:99, 15:101n, 16:39, 16:237–16:238, 16:239n, 16:243–16:244, 16:254, 16:254–16:255, 16:282–16:283, 16:319, 16:331, 16:335–16:337, 17:121, 17:122, 17:294n, 17:618, 18:373, 18:455, 18:456
  • strawberries from, 2:481
  • TJ on, 17:122
  • TJ’s travels in, 15:418, 15:418n, 19:90, 19:91n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:503, 4:507
  • F. A. Van der Kemp studies history of, 11:231, 11:308
  • weakness of, 9:347
  • wheat crop in, 9:470
  • wine from, 1:387, 9:359, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:157, 10:249, 10:274–10:275, 10:299, 10:407, 10:407n, 10:411, 10:416, 10:475, 10:476, 12:578, 13:28, 13:490, 15:384
  • yellow fever in, 10:131, 10:136

“itch” (rash), 13:17, 13:73

Iturbide, Agustín de (later Agustín I, emperor of Mexico), 18:573–18:574, 18:574n, 19:3, 19:26, 19:27, 19:28n, 19:194n, 19:205, 19:543, 19:640n, 20:131, 20:375, 20:376n, 20:600–20:601, 20:604

Ivernois, François d’. See D’Ivernois, Sir Francis

Ives, Samuel (ship captain), 16:510

Ivory, James

  • as mathematician, 20:292

ivy (plant)

  • as advertisement, 18:95n

Ivy Creek (Campbell Co.)

  • S. Scott claims TJ’s land on, 2:96–2:97, 2:148–2:149, 2:232, 2:233n, 2:303, 2:303, 2:322–2:323, 2:324n, 2:325–2:326, 2:327, 2:327–2:328, 4:308–4:310, 4:549, 4:583–4:585, 4:647, 4:677–4:678, 4:679, 4:680–4:684, 5:39–5:40, 5:40–5:41
  • TJ sells lands on, 1:670–1:671, 2:5–2:6, 2:6, 2:50–2:51, 2:78–2:79, 2:148, 2:149n, 2:232, 2:323, 2:328, 2:330, 3:368–3:369, 3:374–3:375, 3:457, 3:461, 4:583, 4:584–4:585n, 4:677, 5:xlvii–5:xlviii, 5:31, 5:342–5:343, 6:332, 6:332n, 8:285, 14:59

ixia (plant), 16:200

Izard, Elizabeth Farley Shippen (George Izard’s wife)

  • family of, 9:319

Izard, George

  • as major general, 7:531, 8:44, 8:45n

Izard, Ralph

  • relationship with B. Franklin, 8:23, 13:466

Iznardi, Josef. See Yznardy, Josef

Izquierdo de Ribera y Lauzan, Eugenio, 3:96