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This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Sabbaton, P. A.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:481

Sabine, Sir Edward, 20:50

Sabine River, 3:328, 19:431

Saboureux de La Bonnetrie, Charles François

  • Traduction d’Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs à l’Agriculture et à la Médecine Vétérinaire, avec des Notes, 2:82, 11:164, 12:112

Sacchetti, Franco

  • Delle Novelle di Franco Sacchetti Citadino Fiorentino (ed. G. Poggiali), 13:39, 13:41n

Sacchi, Defendente

  • edits Collezione dei Classici Metafisici, 20:369
  • Oriele: o Lettere di due Amanti, 20:369, 20:370n

Sac Indians, 2:57

Sackets Harbor, N.Y.

  • British threat to, 8:18, 8:18n, 8:44
  • W. Short visits, 19:148

Sackville, John Frederick, 3d Duke of Dorset. See Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3d Duke of

saddlebags, 19:559n

saddles, 1:3, 2:118, 2:121, 13:518

Sagard, Gabriel

  • and Indian languages, 16:119, 16:119, 16:119, 16:120n


  • TJ grows, 7:116

sainfoin, 2:272, 5:560, 11:170–11:171, 11:171–11:172, 11:302, 11:336, 11:337, 11:353, 11:378, 11:577, 11:580–11:581n, 13:75, 15:326–15:327, 15:578, 15:578–15:579n, 15:601, 15:602n

Saint Augustine, W. Fla., 3:281–3:282

Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 8:551, 9:175, 9:257

St. Bris (wine), 9:513

St. Clair, Arthur

  • finances of, 20:587
  • military service of, 7:692, 7:693n, 19:427, 20:587
  • as president of Confederation Congress, 9:115, 9:119n

Saint Croix (Danish West Indies)

  • W. S. Jacobs on, 14:99

Saint Davids, Upper Canada

  • burned by U.S. forces, 8:217

St. Denis, Louis Juchereau de

  • and French Louisiana, 9:445, 9:518, 9:518n

Saint Domingue. See Haiti, Republic of

Sainte Croix, Guillaume Emmanuel Joseph Guilhem de Clermont Lodève, baron de

  • and authenticity of Homer’s works, 9:86

Sainte Geneviève Church (Paris; later the Panthéon), 4:474

Sainte Marie, Batture. See Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over

Saint Évremond. See Marguetel de Saint Denis, Charles de, Seigneur de Saint Évremond

St. George wine. See Agiorgitiko (St. George) (wine)

Saint Helena (island)

  • Napoleon’s exile on, 10:655, 11:498, 11:500n, 13:158n, 15:574–15:575n, 20:98

Saint Hilaire, Louis Vincent Joseph Le Blond, comte de, 1:371, 1:372

St. Jean, Maria

  • and batture controversy, 3:235, 3:237n, 3:484

St. John, Oliver

  • English chief justice, 6:302

St. John Baker, Anthony, 5:267n

Saint John’s College (Annapolis), 13:451, 13:454n, 18:153, 18:155n

Saint-John’s-wort, 4:139

Saint-Lambert, Jean François de, 1:121, 1:122n

Saint Lawrence River

  • as geographical boundary, 12:385
  • and navigation rights, 20:299n, 20:303, 20:304n
  • natural history of, 7:357
  • and War of 1812, 7:14

St. Leon: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century (W. Godwin), 6:464n

Saint Louis

  • construction in, 13:95, 13:524
  • maps of, 3:418, 3:616

Saint Louis County Agricultural Society

  • identified, 20:338n
  • TJ elected honorary member of, 20:337, 20:508–20:509

St. Louis Missouri Fur Company

  • failure of, 10:445

St. Lucar. See Sanlúcar (wine)

Saint Marks, W. Fla., 14:23, 14:92

St. Mary, Church of (Baltimore), 1:450, 1:450–1:451n

St. Mary’s, Ga., 1:509, 1:510

Saint Mary’s Church (Philadelphia), 20:118–20:119n

Saint Mary’s College (Baltimore), 1:450, 1:450–1:451n, 12:478, 13:451, 13:452, 13:455n

Saint Matthew’s Church (New York City), 17:593, 17:593–17:594n

Saint-Maur, Nicolas François Dupré

  • mortality tables of, 6:225n, 12:361n

Saint-Mémin, Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de

  • career of, 7:xliv–7:xlv
  • engraving of J. Breckinridge, 14:lii–14:liii, 14:250 (illus.)
  • engraving of P. Carr, 7:xliv–7:xlv, 7:434 (illus.)
  • engraving of P. Gibson, 5:xlix, 5:358 (illus.)
  • portrait of TJ by, 18:23n

St. Michaels (brig), 11:661

Saint Patrick’s Church (Washington, D.C.), 20:270, 20:348, 20:390

Saint Paul Island (South Indian Ocean), 5:202–5:203

Saint Paul’s Cathedral (London), 4:474, 15:553, 15:553–15:554n

Saint Peter’s Basilica (Rome), 4:474, 9:432

Saint Petersburg

  • conveyance to and from, 3:434, 3:616–3:617, 3:627
  • U.S. consul at, 1:38–1:39, 1:61n, 1:65, 13:118–13:119, 13:145

Saint Philip’s Church (Charleston, S.C.), 20:16

St. Pierre. See Castel, Charles Irénée, abbé de Saint-Pierre

Saint-Pierre, Jacques Bernardin Henri de

  • Études de la Nature, 7:26, 7:27n

Saint-Priest, François Emmanuel Guignard, comte de

  • as government minister, 17:357, 17:364, 17:368

Saint Réal, Abbé de. See Vichard, César

Saint Sophia Cathedral (Kiev), 4:474

Saint-Sulpice, Raymond Gaspard de Bonardi, comte de, 1:372

Saint Thomas (Danish West Indies)

  • U.S. consulship at, 13:122–13:123, 13:123n, 14:98–14:99

Salaberry, Charles de, 6:645–6:646n

Saladin (Muslim sultan), 7:66

salad oil, 1:31, 1:161, 2:335, 2:392, 2:438, 3:421, 3:434, 3:545

sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride)

  • for copper utensils, 1:467, 1:467, 3:183, 3:200
  • medicinal use of, 13:73, 13:73n, 13:73n

Salcedo, Manuel María de, 2:443n

Salcedo, Nemesio

  • and Louisiana Territory, 9:658, 9:658n

Salem Mercury (Mass. newspaper), 11:273n

Salem Register (Mass. newspaper), 1:50n

Salimbeni, Madame

  • and L. Leroy, 12:478

Salkeld, William

  • Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench: with some special cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 3:546


  • J. Adams on, 11:269
  • Conspiracy of Catiline, 14:257
  • Crispi Opera Omnia (trans. T. Gordon), 1:580, 6:93, 12:534, 19:505
  • History of the Jugurthine War, 14:257
  • mentioned, 6:402, 14:614
  • Oeuvres de Sallust (trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
  • orations of, 2:153
  • Sallust on the Gods and the World; and the Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus (trans. T. Taylor), 17:536
  • study of, 7:661
  • TJ on, 7:373, 7:447
  • TJ quotes, 6:402, 6:407n
  • TJ recommends works of, 18:251
  • tyrants condemned in works of, 6:53
  • works of, 14:510, 14:551, 16:209, 16:330, 16:441, 16:516, 18:399

Sallust on the Gods and the World; and the Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus (Sallust; trans. T. Taylor), 17:536

Sally (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Sally (TJ’s slave)

  • medical care of, 7:387, 10:106, 10:107

Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1773). See Hemings, Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1773)

Sally (Sal) (TJ’s slave; b. 1777)

  • and child rearing, 13:605
  • death of child of, 15:427
  • family of, 13:567, 13:567n, 14:476, 19:333
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255
  • spinner, 4:379
  • valuation of, 19:333

Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1788). See Hubbard, Sarah (Sally) (TJ’s slave; b. 1788)

Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1792)

  • given to T. J. Randolph, 6:36
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1797). See Hubbard, Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1812). See Goodman, Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

Sally (ship), 1:84, 3:63, 3:245n

Salm-Kyrbourg, Friedrich Fürst von

  • as military leader, 17:348, 17:348, 17:377n

salmon, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605

Salmon, William (of Bedford Co.)

  • deputy sheriff, 8:256n
  • TJ pays taxes to, 9:50, 9:51, 9:51–9:52n

Salmon, William (of Goochland Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Salmonds. See Sammons, James

Salmons. See Sammons, James

salsify, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38, 5:489, 5:490, 5:658

salsify, Missouri (wild salsify), 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166

sal soda (sodium carbonate), 14:466


  • alleged mountain of, 5:640–5:641, 5:642n, 5:682, 5:682–5:683n, 6:39, 8:5, 10:305, 10:307n, 17:39n
  • consumed by sheep, 1:478, 2:379
  • furnaces, 4:8
  • given to slaves, 6:487, 7:124, 7:180
  • imported, 10:215
  • manufacturing, 5:77, 5:77n, 12:375–12:376, 12:377–12:379, 12:486, 13:6, 13:6n, 13:35
  • medicinal use of, 4:102, 4:381, 6:343, 6:347, 6:349n, 14:466
  • mentioned, 6:187, 6:195, 8:109, 14:245n
  • for militia, 7:649
  • price of, 7:124, 7:180, 8:63, 8:105, 8:109
  • publications on, 20:371
  • sent to TJ, 15:134–15:135
  • shipment of, 13:10
  • stored at Washington, 4:27
  • TJ acquires, 1:77, 3:301, 6:343, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 7:180, 8:67, 8:68, 8:72, 8:95, 8:95n, 8:132, 8:132, 8:174, 8:184, 15:479+, 16:6, 16:11, 16:12, 16:12, 16:13, 16:470, 17:4, 17:9, 18:47, 19:15, 19:496
  • for University of Virginia, 17:650, 17:654, 19:62
  • U.S. tax on, 3:560, 3:566, 4:529, 4:529n, 19:574

saltpeter, 1:367, 1:506, 3:155, 5:38–5:39n, 5:511, 5:553–5:554, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 9:509, 11:625, 11:630, 16:13, 16:399n, 18:50

saltwort. See Russian thistle (saltwort)

Salvador, Estanislao Sánchez

  • Spanish minister of war, 20:106n

Salvage, Benjamin F.

  • letters from, 3:649
  • seeks employment, 3:649

Salvandy, Narcisse Achille de

  • La Coalition et La France, 15:51–15:52, 15:52n

Sam (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:309, 16:315, 17:626, 17:632, 19:50, 19:53, 19:239

Sam (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Samatan, Amable, 9:573n+, 12:499

Samatan, Emile, 9:573n+

Samatan, Eulalie Cathalan. See Cathalan, Eulalie Marthe (Stephen Cathalan’s daughter)

Samatan, Louis, 9:573n+

Sammons, James

  • letters from accounted for, 2:314n
  • paid for masonry work, 2:313–2:314, 2:314n, 3:301, 3:301, 3:643
  • stonemason, 4:4
  • TJ pays, 4:557n, 5:92n, 5:121, 5:298

Sample, Mr., 5:118

Sample, Margaret

  • signs petition, 18:146

Sampson (ship), 1:80, 1:81n, 1:210

Sampson (slave)

  • hired from Daingerfields, 3:112

Sampson, Mr.

  • and W. Short’s land, 4:268

Sampson, Richard

  • Albemarle Co. land of, 12:596
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:332, 20:194
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 10:581, 10:581–10:582, 10:582n, 10:582, 11:243, 11:244n, 12:58, 12:58, 13:275

Sampson, Richmond

  • and colony in Africa, 17:423n

Sampson, W. H., 14:151

Sampson, William

  • Address of the American Society for the encouragement of Domestic Manufactures, 10:645–10:646, 10:652–10:653, 10:653n, 11:23–11:24, 11:24–11:25n, 11:136, 11:136n
  • and American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures, 10:652–10:653, 10:653n, 11:136, 11:136n
  • and books for TJ, 10:556–10:557, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625
  • and Essay on the Necessity of Improving Our National Forces (W. T. W. Tone), 14:415–14:416, 14:491, 14:531, 14:584
  • friendship with T. J. O’Flaherty, 20:437n
  • identified, 10:557n
  • letters from, 10:556–10:557, 10:564–10:565, 10:652–10:653, 11:111–11:112, 14:415–14:416, 14:531
  • letters from accounted for, 1:78n
  • letters to, 10:625, 11:23–11:25, 14:491–14:492, 14:584
  • Memoirs, 8:388, 8:672
  • publishes letter from TJ, 11:111
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:539, 3:557

Samson (Old Testament figure), 7:582, 16:618, 16:620, 19:305, 19:306n

Samuel (J. Chamberlain’s slave), 4:15

Samuel (Hebrew prophet), 2:583, 2:584, 6:542

Samuel & James Leitch (Charlottesville firm)

  • agent for TJ, 3:200
  • letters from, 3:242, 6:40
  • letters from accounted for, 4:400n
  • letters to, 4:400, 6:341
  • and nails, 3:242
  • procures groceries for TJ, 6:40, 6:341
  • TJ’s account with, 4:400, 5:409, 6:337, 6:338n, 6:431, 6:431, 6:431n

Sancho (Sanco) (TJ’s slave; b. 1797). See Davis, Sancho (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

Sanchuniathon (Phoenician author), 6:298, 7:76

San Concordio, Bartolomeo da

  • Ammaestramenti degli Antichi, 13:39, 13:41n

sand, 5:382, 8:253n, 8:402, 12:239, 12:266, 12:629, 12:629, 12:630, 14:87, 14:161n, 14:163, 14:187, 14:390, 16:198, 17:131, 18:321, 18:494, 18:545–18:546, 19:432, 19:433, 19:435n, 20:219

Sander, Nicholas

  • J. Adams on, 11:268

Sanders, Daniel Clarke, 11:6, 11:6n

Sanders, David , 5:339

Sanders, Lewis

  • and agricultural improvement, 12:255n

Sanderson, John

  • academy of, 12:508, 16:510–16:511
  • Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, 16:li, 16:213–16:214, 16:214n, 16:228, 16:424, 16:503, 16:511, 17:307, 17:310, 17:321, 18:246–18:247, 18:274, 19:93–19:94, 19:95n
  • identified, 16:214n
  • letters from, 16:213–16:214, 16:424
  • letter to, 16:228
  • TJ inquires about, 16:503, 16:510–16:511

Sanderson, Joseph McClellan

  • Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, 13:477–13:478, 13:478n
  • endorses letter, 16:228n
  • identified, 13:478n
  • letter from, 13:477–13:478

Sanderson & Ward (Baltimore firm)

  • as print sellers, 13:478n

Sandidge (Sandridge), Joseph

  • hires slaves to Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86, 16:479
  • and University of Virginia, 17:633, 19:53

S. & M. Allen & Company (Richmond firm), 16:516

sandpaper, 12:454, 17:7, 19:10

Sandridge, Reubin (Reuben)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:307, 16:317, 17:622, 17:623, 19:48, 19:189, 19:189

Sandy (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:625, 17:639, 19:46

Sandy (TJ’s slave; b. 1807)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • proposed sale of, 13:437, 13:437n

Sandy (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 12:303
  • at Poplar Forest, 11:178, 11:179n
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 6:308, 6:310n, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255

The Sandy Foundation Shaken (W. Penn), 18:532

San Felipe, Universidad de (Santiago, Chile), 20:597

Sanford, Capt., 1:509

Sanford, B.

  • and J. & S. Gleason’s steam kitchens and stoves, 20:85

Sanford, Clark

  • essay on Peruvian bark (cinchona) , 4:18n, 5:670n

Sanford, Ezekiel

  • edits The Works of the British Poets, with Lives of the Authors, 19:546–19:547, 19:547n

Sanford, Nathan

  • as U.S. senator, 16:555

San Francisco, 1:446

Sangrado, Dr.

  • fictional character, 4:162, 4:163n, 7:223, 7:225n

Sangster, Thomas , 5:534

Sangster’s (Songster’s) Ordinary (Fairfax Co.), 1:52n, 1:52n, 8:290

San Ildefonso, Treaty of (1800), 9:478–9:479, 9:488n

San Lorenzo, Treaty of (1795), 13:150–13:151, 15:382n

Sanlúcar (wine), 9:513

San Martín, José Francisco de

  • Chilean independence leader, 20:595

Sanskrit language

  • study of, 7:480
  • works on, 4:99
  • writings in, 8:3

Santa Vibiana (ship), 10:128

Santee canal, 2:507

Sanxay, James

  • Lexicon Aristophanicum, Græco-Anglicum, 14:221–14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:351, 14:423, 14:467–14:468, 14:505

Sapieha, Anna, 13:115

sapotes, 20:605


  • mentioned, 6:403

Sarah (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Sarah Maria (brig), 4:173n

Saratoga, N.Y.

  • British surrender at, 13:115, 15:408
  • J. Trumbull’s painting of British surrender at, 10:616n


  • minerals from, sent to TJ, 2:297, 2:299, 2:391, 3:524, 4:4, 6:84, 6:163
  • Nice returned to, 12:277
  • royal museum in, 2:297
  • relations with U.S., 17:336
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • Victor Emmanuel I, 2:391n, 13:316

Sargeant, Ezra

  • and Edinburgh Review, 4:367, 4:367n, 4:485, 7:367, 10:453n
  • identified, 4:478n
  • letters from, 4:485, 4:565
  • letters to, 4:477–4:478, 4:521–4:522, 4:581, 5:151
  • printer, 5:372n
  • prints batture pamphlet, 4:xliii, 4:477–4:478, 4:485, 4:520 , 4:521–4:522, 4:565, 4:565n, 4:574, 4:575, 4:581, 4:582, 5:219, 5:219, 5:224n, 7:95
  • TJ pays, 4:580, 4:581, 5:132, 5:151, 5:298

Sargent, John

  • Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn, B.D., 19:508

Sargent, Leonard

  • identified, 8:60n
  • letter from, 8:59–8:60
  • requests catalogue of TJ’s books, 8:59–8:60

Sarjeant, Henry

  • and water-raising machine, 8:196n

Sarpi, Paolo

  • J. Adams on, 15:298, 15:299n

Sartori, Charles, 3:646

Sartori, John Baptiste, 2:109, 2:110n

sassafras, 4:102

Sasserno, Joseph Victor Adolphus

  • consulship for, 9:472, 9:473n, 9:570, 9:573, 9:574n, 11:246–11:247, 11:406, 11:406–11:407, 11:653–11:654, 11:655, 11:657n, 11:657–11:658, 12:104, 12:104n, 12:226, 12:276–12:277, 12:373–12:374, 12:459, 12:459n, 12:500, 12:502–12:503, 12:568, 12:580, 12:586, 13:9, 13:240–13:241, 13:245–13:246, 13:301–13:302, 13:308, 13:316–13:317, 13:444, 14:134, 14:150, 14:388, 15:77
  • identified, 11:655n
  • letter from, to S. Cathalan, 11:655
  • letters from, 13:245–13:246, 13:316–13:317, 14:134–14:136, 15:76–15:78
  • letters to, 12:502–12:503, 12:586–12:587, 14:338–14:339
  • on Nice, 14:134
  • and wine, 11:246, 11:405, 11:653, 12:580, 12:586–12:587, 13:240, 13:241, 13:246, 13:308, 13:316, 14:327, 14:329, 14:338–14:339, 14:626, 15:63, 15:76–15:77, 15:118, 15:119, 15:119, 15:186, 15:195

Sasserno, Victor

  • death of, 9:210, 9:323, 9:421, 9:470, 9:471, 9:472, 12:502–12:503, 13:301
  • desires consular appointment, 8:572, 8:572n
  • family of, 9:471, 9:569, 9:570, 9:573, 11:657, 11:658n, 12:276, 13:301–13:302
  • sends wine to TJ, 8:571, 9:421, 9:573n, 11:246
  • TJ on, 12:502
  • TJ visits, 14:338

Satires (Horace), 14:257, 14:551, 16:443

The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis (Juvenal; trans. W. Gifford), 19:507

Satterwhite, Rachel

  • letters from accounted for, 1:68n
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 1:68n

Saturn (planet), 15:580

Satyricon (Petronius), 19:620, 19:621n

satyrs, 12:443

saucers, 4:477

Saucy Jack (brig), 10:411, 10:475, 11:131, 11:131, 11:171

Sauganash. See Caldwell, Billy (Sauganash)

Saul, king of Israel, 2:583, 14:419

Saul, Joseph

  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 2:255
  • sends greetings to TJ, 8:140

Saunders, A. D.

  • invention of, 10:184, 10:279
  • letter from, 10:184–10:185
  • letter to, 10:279–10:280

Saunders, Anna Hayes Johnson

  • friendship with E. W. R. Coolidge, 19:532

Saunders, James W.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:324, 11:330

Saunders, Joseph, 1:66

Saunders, Robert

  • and C. Bellini estate, 9:123, 9:123, 9:136, 9:290–9:292, 9:297, 9:490, 9:491–9:492, 9:530, 12:581, 12:586
  • and College of William and Mary, 12:45
  • and funding for University of Virginia, 18:107–18:108
  • identified, 9:123–9:124n
  • letters from, 9:136, 9:490
  • letters to, 9:123–9:124, 9:290–9:292, 9:530

Saunders, Robert Hyde

  • identified, 11:342n
  • letter from, 11:341–11:342
  • letter to, 11:469–11:470
  • and lightning rods, 11:341–11:342, 11:469–11:470
  • property of, 11:341, 11:342n

Saunders, Sally Bland Goode Lyle, 16:416n

Saunders, Samuel H.

  • An Easy First Book for Children; or The First Part of the Rhyming Spelling Book, 2:306–2:308
  • letters from, 2:306–2:308

Saunders, Tarlton

  • family of, 16:416n
  • identified, 16:514n
  • letter forwarded to, 16:526
  • letters from, 17:102, 17:111, 17:492–17:493, 20:107–20:108
  • letters to, 16:512–16:514, 17:145, 20:94, 20:112
  • purchases TJ’s flour, 8:477, 8:492
  • and TJ’s debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company, 16:415, 16:512–16:514, 17:102, 17:103, 17:111, 17:145, 17:146, 17:226, 17:226n, 17:226n, 17:227n, 17:227n, 17:492, 17:493n, 20:94, 20:107–20:108, 20:112

Saunders, William

  • identified, 5:395n
  • overseer for C. Clark, 5:395

Saunderson, Nicholas

  • blindness of, 11:359
  • The Elements of Algebra, 14:193
  • The Method of Fluxions, 1:576

Saurin, Bernard Joseph, 3:9, 3:13, 3:17, 3:89n

Saurin, Jacques

  • Discours historiques, critiques, théologiques et moraux, 2:322n

Sauternes (wine), 9:209, 9:513

Sauvages de Lacroix, François Boissier de

  • and nosology, 11:367

Savage, James

  • identified, 8:156n
  • letter from, 8:156–8:157
  • letter to, 8:252
  • and State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, 8:156, 8:157n, 8:252

Savage, John, 16:646, 16:647n

Savage, William Henry

  • as U.S. agent at Jamaica, 2:544, 3:615n, 5:37, 5:38n

The Savage Beauty, A Satirical Allegorical Novel (P. W. Sproat), 18:570, 18:585

Savary, Anne Jean Marie René, duc de Rovigo

  • French minister of police, 4:271

Savery, Thomas

  • steam engine of, 9:302, 9:304n, 12:518

Savi, Paolo

  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 17:89

Savil, Elisha

  • as J. Adams’s physician, 6:501

savory (herb)

  • summer, 15:429
  • winter, 15:429

Savu (Sunda Islands), 5:202–5:203


  • in Albemarle Co., 18:574–18:575
  • compared to hemp brake, 6:452
  • horse-drawn, 2:553, 2:556
  • at Monticello, 3:293, 3:520–3:521, 4:50, 4:51, 5:130n, 5:133, 5:311, 6:xliii–6:xliv, 6:85, 6:88, 6:125, 6:203, 6:214, 6:331, 6:386 (illus.) , 6:452, 8:367–8:368, 8:393, 14:588, 15:290, 18:330
  • J. M. Perry’s, 14:173
  • at Poplar Forest, 14:588, 15:111n, 15:111n, 15:113, 15:114, 15:115
  • E. Ross’s, 7:32
  • and water level, 10:449
  • work done for TJ at, 7:461, 8:612, 8:695–8:696, 10:356, 15:607, 17:182


  • crosscut, 5:133, 16:14, 18:50, 19:12, 19:15, 19:16n
  • handsaws, 12:li, 14:541, 16:14, 18:48, 18:50, 19:15, 19:16n
  • patented by A. Stewart, 9:592–9:593, 9:593n
  • C. W. Peale’s sawing machine, 7:84–7:85, 11:158, 11:159n
  • whip, 19:12

Sawyer, Herbert

  • and HMS Guerriere, 7:465, 7:467n

sawyers (beetles), 11:39, 12:619

Saxe, Maurice, comte de

  • epitaph for, 20:361
  • as military commander, 2:44–2:45, 2:46n

The Saxon and English Languages Reciprocally Illustrative of Each Other (S. Henshall), 17:419, 17:563


  • and Congress of Vienna, 9:90, 9:138
  • relations with U.S., 17:336

Say, Horace Emile

  • American travels of, 7:417, 7:421n, 7:598, 8:303

Say, Jean Baptiste

  • Catéchisme d’Économie Politique, 10:196, 10:196n
  • Catechism of Political Economy (trans. J. Richter), 10:196, 10:196n, 10:239
  • considers immigrating to U.S., 7:417–7:418, 7:598–7:599, 8:167–8:168, 8:183, 8:303–8:304, 8:307, 8:317, 8:320, 11:355–11:356
  • economic theories of, 4:439, 4:440, 4:448, 5:577, 6:53, 8:294, 13:573
  • identified, 7:420n
  • letters from, 7:416–7:421, 7:598–7:600
  • letters to, 8:303–8:308, 11:355–11:356
  • T. Lyman introduced to, 11:356, 11:357
  • recommends D. B. Warden, 7:506
  • and H. E. Say’s travels in U.S., 7:417, 8:303
  • spinning factory of, 7:416, 8:167, 8:167, 8:304
  • G. Ticknor carries letter for, 9:560
  • Traité d’Économie Politique, 6:596, 7:5–7:6, 7:176, 7:416–7:417, 7:420n, 7:598, 7:599, 7:628, 8:169n, 8:303, 8:308, 8:361, 8:362n, 8:630, 8:632n, 9:396, 9:396n, 9:497–9:498, 9:498n, 9:517, 9:517n, 9:631, 10:195–10:196, 10:239, 10:294, 10:331n, 10:659, 10:660n, 11:356, 11:356n, 19:506
  • works of, 9:543, 9:664, 15:306, 20:288

Say, Thomas

  • as scientist, 13:249, 13:249–13:250n, 13:253, 13:280
  • travels of, 12:368


  • infects TJ’s sheep, 3:176–3:177, 3:442, 5:80, 5:448
  • remedies for, 3:453, 5:181, 5:182n

scale (surveying instrument), 16:70

scale (weighing instrument), 20:611, 20:637

“a Scale of the Progress of Temperance and Intemperance. Liquors, with their Effects, in their usual Order” (B. Rush), 18:291, 18:292n


  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:223

Scaliger, Joseph Justus

  • and edition of Pompeius Festus, 17:536

Scamozzi, Vincent

  • as architect, 17:325
  • Œuvres d’Architecture, 17:133

Scapula, Johann

  • as grammarian, 19:407, 19:420
  • Lexicon Græco-Latinum, 12:206, 12:206n, 14:193, 14:221, 14:240, 14:265, 14:266, 14:286

Scarborough, Richard Lumley, 2d Earl of, 8:276

scarlet clover, 2:271, 2:272

scarlet fever, 6:74

Scarpa, Antonio

  • as anatomist, 20:616

Scarron, Paul, 6:623, 6:627n

Scarronides: or, Virgile Travestie (C. Cotton), 2:466

Schaefer, Gottfried Heinrich

  • edits Ἡροδότου Ἁλικαρνησσῆος Ἱστοριῶν (Herodotus), 11:414–11:415
  • edits Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae (Plutarch), 17:536, 17:537n, 18:73n, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:565, 18:619
  • edits Thucydidis De Bello Peloponnesiaco (Thucydides), 17:536, 17:537n, 18:73n, 18:358, 18:376n, 18:376, 18:439, 18:619
  • edits Xenophontis Opera (Xenophon), 17:536, 17:537n, 18:73n, 18:358, 18:376n, 18:376, 18:439, 18:619

Schaeffer, Frederick Christian

  • An Address, pronounced at the laying of the Corner Stone of St. Matthew’s Church, New-York, October 22, 1821, 17:593, 17:593–17:594n, 17:612
  • identified, 15:310n
  • letters from, 15:310, 17:593–17:594
  • letters to, 15:322, 17:612
  • sends Report to the Managers of the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in New-York; by Their Committee on Idleness and Sources of Employment, 15:310, 15:310n, 15:322, 17:593

Schaeffer, Frederick G.

  • as editor of Federal Republican and Baltimore Telegraph, 17:393, 17:395n

Schaer, Rodolph (Rodolf Schär)

  • identified, 14:168–14:169n
  • letter from, 14:167–14:169
  • letter to, 14:200
  • offers books, minerals, and scientific instruments to University of Virginia, 14:167–14:168, 14:200

Schaffer, Louisa

  • signs petition, 18:146

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm

  • pharmacist and chemist, 9:633

Scheffer, Charles Arnold

  • works of, 12:452n, 13:55

Schenk, Cornelius

  • and P. Derieux’s debts, 9:253n

Scheuchzer, Johann J.

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:316–9:317n

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von

  • popularity of, 9:84


  • calcareous, 9:667
  • mentioned, 16:198

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von

  • and authenticity of Homer’s works, 9:86–9:87

Schlegel, Friedrich von

  • and authenticity of Homer’s works, 9:86–9:87
  • translates Shakespeare, 9:84

Schnebly, Jacob, 1:27

Schneider, Johann Gottlob

  • edits Scriptorum Rei Rusticae Veterum Latinorum, 12:112
  • edits Xenophontis quae exstant Opera, Graece & Latine, ex editionibus Schneideri et Zeunii (Xenophon), 14:222, 14:240, 15:258, 16:56, 16:58

Schoharie County, N.Y.

  • and agriculture, 10:662
  • commerce and manufacturing in, 10:662–10:663
  • courts in, 10:662, 10:663, 10:663
  • and education, 10:662, 10:663
  • history of, 10:662
  • judges of, 10:663
  • population of, 10:661
  • proposed institute for, 10:660–10:661, 10:661, 10:662–10:663
  • religion and morality in, 10:662
  • sheriff of, 10:663

Scholfield, Arthur

  • and E. Herrick’s spinning machine, 4:572n

Σχόλια εἰς Πλάτωνα: Scholia in Platonem (Plato; ed. D. Ruhnken), 15:26

Σχόλια τῶν πάνυ δοκίμων εἰς ἑπτὰ τραγῳδίας τοῦ Εὐριπίδου, συλλεγέντα ἐκ διαφόρων παλαιῶν βίβλων καὶ συναρμολογηθέντα παρὰ Ἀρσενίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου μονεμβασίας. Scholia In Septem Evripidis Tragœdias ex antiquis exemplaribus ab Arsenio archiepo monebasie collecta, & nunc primu in lucem edita (Euripides; ed. A. Apostolios), 14:193, 14:265, 14:286

Scholl, Catherine (Frederick Scholl’s wife), 19:455

Scholl, Frederick, 19:455

Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1809) , 2:9n

The school boy’s introduction to the geography and statistics of the state of New-York: designed for the use of common schools, under the patronage of the Legislature (H. G. Spafford), 18:253

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe

  • identified, 18:125–18:126n
  • letter from, 18:125–18:126
  • letter to, 18:193–18:194
  • A Memoir, on the Geological Position of a Fossil Tree, discovered in the Secondary Rocks of the River Des Plaines, 18:125, 18:193

The School Exercise, containing a Course of Lessons, in which the various branches of education are introduced as Subjects for Reading in Schools (C. Mead), 16:346, 18:238

schools and colleges See also Albemarle Academy; Central College; Charlottesville Academy; South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina); United States Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.); Virginia, University of; William and Mary, College of

  • Académie de Rouen, 20:369, 20:499
  • and admission of African-Americans, 14:264
  • African Free School (Boston), 17:290
  • in Albemarle Co., 1:82n, 3:501, 3:540n, 4:493, 6:73, 6:130, 6:131, 8:92–8:93, 8:624, 8:646, 9:396–9:397, 9:713, 15:383n, 16:391
  • Alleghany College, 20:435–20:436, 20:504
  • Allen’s Academy (Hyde Park, N.Y.), 19:596
  • American, 2:565
  • Andover Theological Seminary, 9:255, 9:257n, 9:379, 9:379, 9:382, 9:382, 18:445, 18:445n, 18:564, 18:656, 18:657
  • Ann Smith Academy (Lexington), 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 3:155, 3:201, 19:274n
  • Asbury College (Baltimore), 13:452, 13:455n, 14:103
  • Baltimore College, 13:451–13:453, 13:454–13:455n, 16:207, 16:219, 16:271, 16:289–16:290, 16:359, 17:71–17:72, 17:105, 17:408, 17:432, 19:276, 19:276n, 20:345–20:346, 20:365
  • and botanical gardens, 16:159–16:160, 16:296, 16:296
  • Bowdoin College, 5:165n, 7:65, 15:532, 15:535–15:536n
  • at Bremo (J. H. Cocke’s Fluvanna Co. estate), 16:149, 16:150
  • British, 2:565, 20:64
  • British influence over U.S., 18:173
  • Brown University, 18:131n
  • Cambridge University, 2:565, 4:427, 7:659, 7:686, 7:688n, 12:238, 12:573, 12:647, 15:388–15:389, 18:333, 19:608, 20:273, 20:292, 20:292, 20:469, 20:562, 20:582
  • F. Carr’s Albemarle Co. school, 12:435, 12:436
  • P. Carr’s Albemarle Co. school, 3:501, 3:540n, 20:395
  • Charlottesville Female Academy, 14:261, 16:25–16:26, 16:26, 20:596, 20:626
  • classical, 13:457, 15:387
  • Clermont Seminary (Pa.), 20:85
  • College of New Jersey (later Princeton University), 10:449, 10:545, 10:546n, 13:396, 13:450–13:451, 13:454n, 16:587, 16:588n, 16:609
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons (later part of Columbia University), 15:370–15:371, 15:371n
  • Columbia College (later Columbia University), 9:297–9:298, 9:298n, 20:186, 20:260
  • Columbian College (later George Washington University), 20:84
  • Congress donates books to, 16:22, 18:524, 18:524–18:525
  • Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons, 9:656n
  • Cumberland College (Nashville, Tenn.), 13:451
  • Dartmouth College, 10:205n, 10:383, 10:383n, 10:556n, 12:188, 12:189n, 12:344, 16:531
  • C. de Montcarel’s Richmond school, 13:418–13:419, 13:419, 13:420–13:421n
  • M. Derieux’s Petersburg school, 6:270, 6:334–6:335
  • Dickinson College, 6:598–6:599, 8:609, 8:609, 12:25, 12:134–12:135, 14:126, 14:127, 15:436, 18:235, 18:236n
  • East Tennessee College, 2:266–2:267, 2:268n, 2:365–2:366
  • École Militaire (Paris), 17:388, 17:551
  • École Normale Supérieure (Paris), 17:551
  • École Polytechnique (Paris), 17:388, 17:551
  • École Spéciale Impériale Militaire, 17:426
  • Edgehill School, 3:635n
  • elementary, 12:10–12:15, 12:15, 12:85, 12:114–12:117, 12:126, 12:201, 12:285, 12:287, 12:289, 12:318, 12:357–12:361, 12:381–12:382, 12:449, 12:467, 12:501n, 14:132, 16:302n, 16:428–16:430, 16:431, 16:554, 19:569, 19:578, 20:144, 20:279, 20:385
  • in Emmitsburg, Md., 20:596
  • Eton College (England), 12:238
  • C. Everette’s Albemarle Co. school, 6:426
  • Frederick Academy (Md.), 2:173, 2:174n, 13:450–13:451, 13:454n
  • French language, 17:393, 17:417
  • Fryeburg Academy (Me.), 9:264–9:266, 9:267n, 9:375
  • General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church (New York City), 18:368, 18:370, 18:371
  • in Geneva, Switzerland, 9:419, 9:620, 10:161, 10:312, 11:443–11:444, 12:85
  • Georgetown College (later Georgetown University), 4:289, 11:390, 11:391n, 12:252, 12:281–12:282, 12:435, 12:435, 12:463, 12:464–12:465, 12:590–12:591, 16:381, 20:84, 20:594
  • L. H. Girardin’s academy (Richmond), 1:520, 1:557, 1:633, 1:634–1:635, 2:27, 2:95, 2:110, 2:116, 2:134, 2:171, 2:172, 2:295, 2:438, 2:564
  • L. H. Girardin’s Albemarle Co. school, 6:73, 6:73, 6:130
  • Hampden-Sydney College, 9:379n, 11:134n, 12:132n, 12:437n, 13:590, 15:401n, 16:208, 16:454, 16:468, 16:469, 16:625, 17:395, 17:557, 18:109, 18:111n, 18:129–18:130, 18:158, 18:159, 19:268, 19:273, 19:274n, 19:315, 19:323n, 19:324, 19:369, 20:86–20:87, 20:87, 20:90, 20:460, 20:643
  • Hampton Academy, 14:550
  • Harrow School (England), 12:238
  • Harvard University, 4:196, 4:473, 8:283, 8:283n, 8:378, 8:378n, 9:255, 9:257n, 9:379, 9:381, 9:382, 9:383, 13:138, 13:238, 14:32, 14:536, 15:142, 15:142n, 15:302, 15:304n, 15:324–15:325n, 15:345, 15:345n, 16:55, 16:170, 16:587, 16:588n, 16:609, 17:557, 17:563, 17:565, 17:565n, 17:565, 17:566, 18:4–18:5, 18:6–18:7, 18:11, 18:518, 18:564, 18:655, 18:656, 18:659, 19:268, 19:301, 19:302–19:303, 19:569, 19:610, 19:610n, 20:15, 20:42, 20:43, 20:146, 20:146, 20:292, 20:376–20:378, 20:419, 20:534, 20:544–20:545n, 20:558
  • in Hingham (Mass.), 6:279
  • influence of clergy on, 8:609–8:610, 12:151, 14:101–14:102, 14:103, 14:104n, 16:106–16:107, 16:207, 16:207–16:208, 16:208, 16:430, 16:628, 19:540, 19:582–19:583, 19:583n, 19:681, 20:315, 20:355, 20:369, 20:379–20:380
  • Jefferson College (later merged into Washington and Jefferson College) (Washington Co., Pa.), 1:4–1:6, 4:372, 20:522–20:523, 20:523n, 20:565
  • King’s College (later part of the University of Aberdeen), 13:138, 13:139n
  • laws and regulations governing, 18:232, 18:233, 19:625, 20:101, 20:158, 20:182, 20:185–20:186, 20:185–20:186, 20:245–20:246, 20:260, 20:273, 20:376–20:378
  • law school at Needham, 19:436, 19:488
  • and lecture halls, 19:565, 19:569–19:570
  • literary and fraternal societies at, 14:306, 14:307n, 14:433–14:434, 18:131n, 18:238, 20:522–20:523, 20:565
  • Lycée de Pau (Pau, France), 12:508
  • in Lynchburg, 6:64, 6:130–6:131, 6:451, 6:451, 8:585, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:59, 11:112–11:113, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292
  • Manchester Academy (Va.), 2:134n
  • M. Maury’s Albemarle Co. school, 6:426
  • medical, 18:19–18:20, 18:660, 19:569, 20:613–20:614
  • military, 1:206, 1:207n, 8:344–8:345, 10:609, 12:23
  • Mount Saint Mary’s College (later Mount Saint Mary’s University) (Emmitsburg, Md.), 20:83, 20:83n
  • National Institution for the Deaf-Mute (Bordeaux, France), 9:654–9:655, 9:655
  • national technology school proposed, 9:297–9:298, 9:298n, 9:339, 9:344, 9:378, 10:544, 10:586, 10:586n, 11:6
  • national university proposed, 9:600
  • naval, 17:438–17:439, 17:490
  • New Bern Academy (N.C.), 20:105
  • of New England, 9:331, 10:449
  • New London Academy, 9:608, 9:712–9:713, 9:714n, 10:59n, 10:72–10:73, 10:183, 10:184n, 10:356n, 11:280, 12:435, 12:436, 12:465, 12:529, 12:591, 12:612, 13:17, 13:18, 13:175, 13:292, 13:321, 13:457, 13:483, 16:468, 16:469, 17:218, 17:232
  • New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 9:656n, 14:312, 15:600
  • northern seminaries, 16:65, 16:90, 18:154, 18:188, 18:444–18:445
  • J. Ogilvie’s Albemarle Co. school, 3:632n
  • Orleans College, 18:580
  • and Pestalozzi educational system, 3:39–3:40, 11:263–11:264, 11:266n
  • in Petersburg, 6:269, 6:332, 6:334–6:335
  • Petersburg Academy, 12:42n, 18:649
  • in Philadelphia, 12:508, 16:511, 20:596
  • for the poor, 16:276–16:279, 16:279n
  • in Prince George’s Co., Md., 20:594
  • Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, 20:4–20:5, 20:5n, 20:109, 20:109n
  • Randolph Academy (Clarksburg), 16:468, 16:469n
  • Rappahannock Academy (Caroline Co.), 17:607, 19:441, 19:443
  • in Richmond, 10:664, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:59, 11:112–11:113, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292, 17:417, 20:532
  • J. Robertson’s Albemarle Co. school, 6:73, 6:131, 8:624
  • Royal Military Academy (Woolwich, England), 20:292
  • Rumford Academy (King William Co.), 20:460, 20:460n
  • Saint John’s College (Annapolis), 13:451, 13:454n, 18:153, 18:155n
  • Saint Mary’s College (Baltimore), 1:450, 1:450–1:451n, 12:478, 13:451, 13:452, 13:455n
  • secondary, 16:302n, 20:279
  • sectarian, 17:408
  • Spring Hill School (Mich. Terr.), 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 2:55–2:57, 2:58n, 3:369–3:370
  • Staunton Academy, 14:183–14:184, 14:188, 14:210, 14:210, 14:268, 14:280, 14:281, 16:208
  • Stephensburg Academy (Frederick Co.), 1:566–1:567, 2:147, 2:148n
  • student misbehavior at, 18:227–18:229, 18:230–18:232, 18:232–18:233, 18:233–18:234
  • and tariffs on books, 17:291, 17:291n, 17:520–17:521, 18:4–18:5, 18:6–18:7, 18:19, 18:21n, 18:78, 18:172, 19:559, 19:684
  • technical, 7:639–7:640, 7:687
  • textbooks for, 8:294, 8:482, 8:482n, 8:640, 8:670, 10:294, 10:336, 10:338, 12:507, 14:51, 14:100, 14:132–14:133, 14:143, 14:200, 14:203, 18:238, 18:358, 20:6, 20:288, 20:308n
  • TJ sends works to, 13:476
  • and TJ’s plans for a university, 1:592, 7:636–7:641, 9:396–9:397, 12:467
  • Transylvania University (Lexington, Ky.), 12:404, 14:126, 14:589–14:590, 15:29, 15:41, 15:122–15:123, 15:149–15:150, 15:150n, 15:155, 15:234, 15:344–15:345, 17:25, 17:26n, 17:520–17:521, 17:523, 17:544, 17:655, 17:656, 18:11, 18:78, 18:478, 18:656, 19:18, 19:386, 20:283
  • Trinity College (Dublin), 12:4, 12:238, 12:648, 14:517, 14:519, 14:550–14:551, 17:501, 18:659–18:660, 20:562, 20:633, 20:634
  • Union College (Schenectady, N.Y.), 15:275, 15:275, 17:545
  • Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 9:379n
  • Universidad de San Felipe (Santiago, Chile), 20:597
  • Università di Bologna, 2:565, 19:565
  • Université de France, 19:596
  • Université de Paris (the Sorbonne), 9:175, 9:176n, 9:346, 19:303
  • University of Alabama, 17:452n, 18:469, 18:470n
  • University of Berlin, 4:354n
  • University of Bonn, 20:512
  • University of Edinburgh, 2:565, 4:427, 9:644, 12:201, 12:238, 12:307, 14:618, 15:388–15:389, 16:207–16:208, 16:208, 16:528, 19:608, 20:42, 20:292, 20:292, 20:473
  • University of Georgia, 5:297, 5:297–5:298n, 15:321, 17:523, 17:544, 17:545n, 17:655, 18:11, 18:78
  • University of Glasgow, 2:172, 2:174n, 13:453, 19:608, 20:632–20:633
  • University of Göttingen, 9:86, 9:88n, 9:186, 9:195, 9:403–9:404, 9:561n
  • University of Maryland, 18:218, 18:218
  • University of Medicine at Montpellier, 4:189, 4:190n
  • University of North Carolina, 9:714n, 16:339, 16:339, 16:339–16:340n, 17:520–17:521, 17:523, 17:544, 17:580, 17:581n, 17:590, 17:600, 17:655, 18:11, 18:78
  • University of Oxford, 2:565, 7:659, 7:666n, 12:238, 12:573, 12:647, 14:219, 15:388–15:389, 16:531n, 18:333, 19:303, 19:456, 19:608, 20:273, 20:292, 20:292, 20:562, 20:633, 20:633
  • University of Pavia, 2:565
  • University of Pennsylvania, 6:468, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323, 8:324, 8:327, 8:445–8:447, 8:449n, 8:564, 8:564n, 8:565n, 10:204, 10:545–10:546, 12:25, 12:27, 12:32, 12:134–12:135, 12:135–12:136, 12:152, 12:193, 12:195, 12:199, 12:200, 12:200, 12:237–12:238, 12:348n, 12:387, 12:389, 12:389–12:390n, 12:434, 12:435–12:436, 12:455, 12:490, 12:545, 12:620, 12:647–12:648, 13:45, 13:102, 13:105n, 13:174, 13:174n, 13:226, 13:233, 13:249, 13:255, 13:255n, 13:269, 13:270, 13:429, 13:430n, 13:518, 14:4, 14:5n, 14:80, 14:81, 14:125, 14:159, 15:74, 15:142n, 15:307, 15:341, 16:400, 18:363, 18:512, 18:635, 19:623, 20:473, 20:616
  • University of Vermont, 8:111
  • Vilnius University, 19:346n
  • J. Waddell’s Albemarle Co. school, 6:426
  • Washington Academy (later Washington and Lee University), 1:367, 1:367–1:368n, 9:507n, 12:233, 12:539, 13:590
  • Washington College (Chestertown, Md.), 13:454n
  • Washington College (later Washington and Lee University), 9:506, 9:507n, 9:712, 9:714n, 11:134n, 12:132n, 12:284, 12:382, 12:437n, 12:539, 12:540n, 13:180–13:181, 13:222, 14:106, 14:107n, 15:401n, 16:208, 16:468, 16:625, 17:395, 18:109, 18:111n, 18:158, 18:159, 18:238, 18:251, 18:251–18:252, 19:268, 19:269n, 19:274n, 20:460, 20:460n
  • Westminster School (London), 12:238
  • Westtown School (West Chester, Pa.), 9:540, 9:541n
  • Willson’s school at Milton, Va., 8:624
  • Winchester College (England), 12:238
  • for women, 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 14:103, 14:208, 14:261, 16:25–16:26, 16:26, 17:488, 17:488n, 20:596
  • Yale University, 9:379, 9:381, 9:382, 9:383, 15:323, 15:324, 16:23, 16:43, 18:658, 18:659, 18:659, 19:268

Schrader, Dame

  • letters from accounted for, 5:352n

Schraff (Scharff), Robert

  • and University of Virginia, 17:621

Schramm, Johann Michael, 5:273n

Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel

  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 17:89

Schrevel, Cornelius

  • edits Q. Curtii Rufi, Historia Alexandri Magni (Q. Curtius Rufus), 14:510
  • edits D. Junii Juvenalis et auli Persii Flacci Satyræ (Juvenal; Persius), 9:455, 10:234
  • Lexicon Manuale Græco-Latinum et Latino-Græcum, 8:660, 10:358

Schultz, Christian (“X.Y.Z Cosmopolite”)

  • Defense of Theism, 18:89–18:95
  • identified, 18:88–18:89n
  • letter from, 18:88–18:89, 20:48–20:49
  • occupations of, 18:90–18:91
  • Positive Facts, Versus Envious Assertions: being an Impartial Review and Refutation of All the Charges preferred against Governor De Witt Clinton (written as “A Candid Virginian”), 20:48–20:49, 20:49n
  • on religion, 18:88, 18:89–18:95

Schulze, Gottlob Ernst

  • philosophy professor, 9:86, 9:88n
  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 17:89

Schuring, Jan

  • as publisher, 13:40

Schütz, Christian Gottfried

  • edits Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (Aeschylus), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:414, 14:510, 15:491n

Schuyler, Peter Philip

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:540

Schuyler, Philip

  • family of, 5:42, 5:43
  • as general, 13:114
  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:333n

Schuylkill Navigation Company, 15:493, 15:494n, 15:494n

Schuylkill Permanent Bridge, 14:247

Schuylkill River

  • navigation of, 15:493, 15:493, 18:518

Schwarzenberg, Karl Philipp (Austrian ambassador and general), 1:117, 1:121n, 6:637n

Schweighaeuser, Johannes

  • edits Ἀππιανοῦ Ἀλεξανδρέως Ῥωμαϊκῶν Ἱστοριῶν τὰ Σωζόμενα Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum quæ supersunt (Appian), 12:583, 13:295, 14:510
  • edits Herodoti Musae sive Historiarum Libri IX (Herodotus), 9:195, 9:455, 10:213, 11:414–11:415, 11:632, 12:203, 12:583, 13:295, 14:510, 17:106
  • edits Πολυβίου Μεγαλοπολίτου Ἱστοριῶν τὰ σωζόμενα. Polybii Megalopolitani Historiarum Quidquid Superest (Polybius), 14:510

sciatica, 8:442, 19:438

science See also specific disciplines

  • advancement of in N.Y., 8:347–8:348, 10:546
  • and classical languages, 14:629, 14:630–14:631, 16:530
  • classification of, 20:618–20:619
  • and divine revelation, 13:546–13:548, 13:548, 14:316
  • experimental psychology, 9:635–9:637, 9:638n
  • knowledge of in U.S., 8:519, 10:287–10:288n, 19:597
  • and religion, 14:234–14:237, 15:525–15:526
  • TJ on, 17:432, 18:558
  • TJ’s knowledge of, 10:542

Scientific Dialogues, intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People (J. Joyce)

  • bound by J. Milligan, 1:36, 12:153, 12:439
  • recommended to Albemarle Library Society, 19:508
  • reprint of, 4:401, 4:560
  • TJ cites, 1:482, 1:483n
  • TJ loans, 2:51
  • TJ recommends, 1:581, 7:626, 12:534, 18:399
  • TJ requests, 1:332–1:333, 1:384, 2:101, 2:264, 3:122, 4:201, 4:288–4:289, 9:274, 9:275n, 15:391n

scientific instruments See also surveying

  • adopters, 20:612
  • alembics, 20:612, 20:638
  • alidades, 9:222
  • apparatus for hydrogen, 20:611, 20:638
  • artificial horizon, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:369, 9:76–9:77, 9:77n, 9:125–9:126, 9:205–9:206, 9:222, 9:222, 9:222, 9:275
  • astronomical, 3:480, 14:229, 19:570
  • balances, hydrostatic, 14:167
  • ballistic pendulum, 11:51, 11:52n, 11:52–11:54
  • barometers, 9:239–9:243, 9:313–9:315, 9:642–9:643, 9:689, 11:51, 11:51–11:52, 13:348, 16:97, 16:97, 16:97, 16:99
  • barometers, mountain, 9:224, 9:225n, 12:341–12:342, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492
  • bell jars, 20:638, 20:638
  • bellows, 20:611
  • bladders, 20:611
  • blowpipes, 20:611, 20:611, 20:612, 20:637
  • boilers, 20:636
  • bottles, 20:611, 20:612, 20:637, 20:638
  • calorimotors, 14:186–14:187n, 20:638
  • capstans, 14:167
  • capsules, 20:611
  • chafing dishes, 20:637
  • chronometers, 9:223, 9:223, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224
  • circumferentors, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:344 (illus.) , 9:622, 9:622n, 9:643, 9:685–9:686
  • cisterns, 20:611, 20:637
  • cobwebs used with, 9:223, 9:225n
  • cocks, 20:611, 20:611
  • compasses, beam, 9:225
  • compasses, proportional , 9:225
  • condensers, 20:637
  • crucibles and ladles, 20:611, 20:611, 20:638
  • cryophorus, 20:612, 20:613n, 20:637
  • cylinders, 20:611, 20:638
  • deflagrators, 20:636n, 20:638
  • dynameters, 9:225
  • electricity machines, 14:167
  • electrometers, 20:636n
  • equatorials, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:369, 9:680–9:681, 9:691–9:692, 15:288
  • eudiometers, 20:612, 20:638
  • evaporating dishes, 20:611, 20:638
  • flasks, 20:612, 20:638, 20:639n
  • funnels, 20:612, 20:612
  • furnaces, 20:611, 20:637
  • galvanic apparatus, 20:611, 20:638
  • gasholders, 20:611
  • gasometers, 20:611
  • hydrometers, 20:612, 20:637
  • hygrometers, 20:612
  • jars, 20:612, 20:612, 20:638
  • lamps, 20:611, 20:611, 20:612, 20:612, 20:613n, 20:637, 20:638
  • levers, 14:167, 16:29
  • in lost trunk, 1:153, 1:347, 1:347
  • lunettes, 5:507, 7:53
  • magnets, 9:224, 19:358, 20:611
  • measures, 20:612
  • metallic rods, 20:611
  • meterological, 5:xlviii
  • micrometers, 7:139, 7:139n, 9:224, 9:225n
  • microscopes, 9:108, 12:446, 14:167, 18:590, 19:419n
  • mirrors, 13:5–13:6, 18:590, 18:591–18:592, 18:593–18:594, 18:613, 18:613, 20:611, 20:637
  • mortars and pestles, 20:611, 20:612, 20:637
  • muffles, 20:611, 20:612n
  • navigational, 3:448
  • octants, 9:206, 9:207n, 9:223, 9:225n
  • palm glasses, 20:636, 20:639n
  • pantographs, 14:lii, 14:167
  • pedometers, 19:107, 19:108n
  • pendulums, 4:147–4:148, 4:149n, 4:223–4:225, 4:226, 4:227, 4:228, 4:409–4:410, 6:82–6:83, 8:367, 8:463, 9:126, 9:204–9:205
  • physiognotraces, 14:lii
  • planes (inclined), 14:167
  • plane tables, 9:222
  • protractors, 4:341
  • pulleys, 14:167
  • pulse glasses, 20:612, 20:613n
  • pumps, air, 14:127, 14:167, 20:636
  • pumps, pneumatic fire, 20:612
  • pyrometers, 20:636
  • quadrants, 13:348
  • receivers, 20:612, 20:638, 20:638
  • reflecting circles, 9:222, 9:222, 9:689, 9:691, 9:691–9:692
  • refrigeratories, 20:611, 20:612n
  • retorts, 20:611, 20:612, 20:612, 20:637–20:638, 20:638
  • scale of chemical equivalents
  • scales and weights, 9:223, 20:611, 20:637
  • screws, 14:167
  • separators, 20:612
  • sextants, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:37n, 9:76, 9:125, 9:156, 9:206, 9:207n, 9:415, 9:508, 9:508, 9:622, 9:643, 9:643, 9:689, 10:289, 10:324, 11:50, 11:112, 13:385, 14:561, 14:595, 15:464n
  • sieves, 20:611, 20:612
  • siphons, 20:612
  • spirit lamps
  • stills, 20:611, 20:638
  • specula, 9:76, 9:77n
  • spirit levels, 9:76, 9:205, 9:205, 9:222, 9:222, 9:222, 9:224, 9:225, 11:55
  • sundials, 4:96–4:98, 10:xlvii, 10:240 (illus.), 10:350, 10:350 (illus.), 10:350, 10:351n (illus.), 11:174, 11:176, 11:432
  • syringes, 20:611, 20:614
  • telescopes, 3:480, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:238n, 4:676, 5:507, 5:508n, 7:139, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:688, 11:50, 11:625, 13:323, 13:596, 14:6, 14:7, 14:167, 14:270, 14:500, 15:288, 16:li–16:lii, 16:348 (illus.) , 18:586–18:595, 18:596n, 18:613, 19:6
  • test-glasses, 20:612
  • theodolites, 4:369, 9:xliii, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:82, 9:153, 9:157, 9:168, 9:171n, 9:221, 9:222, 9:222, 9:315, 9:344 (illus.) , 9:344 (illus.) , 9:622, 9:643, 9:688–9:689, 11:544, 13:385, 16:99
  • thermometers, 8:214, 8:304, 9:224, 9:224, 9:239–9:243, 9:689, 10:xlvii, 10:240 (illus.) , 10:320, 11:34, 12:343–12:344, 12:352, 12:353, 12:353, 12:491–12:492, 12:574–12:575, 12:618, 12:619, 14:313, 14:550n, 14:594, 14:596, 14:597n, 14:633n, 15:343–15:344, 16:97, 16:97, 16:251, 16:400n, 16:554, 20:454n, 20:612, 20:636
  • transit instruments, 9:223, 15:287
  • troughs, 20:611, 20:638
  • tubes, 20:611, 20:611, 20:612, 20:612, 20:612, 20:636, 20:637, 20:637–20:638, 20:638, 20:639n
  • for University of Virginia, 14:167, 14:200, 15:275, 15:304, 15:305, 15:319, 15:321, 19:565, 19:569, 19:570, 20:385–20:386, 20:451, 20:464, 20:468, 20:473, 20:519, 20:573–20:574, 20:607–20:608, 20:609–20:610, 20:611–20:612, 20:635, 20:636–20:639
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:126, 9:220–9:221, 9:221n, 9:221–9:225, 9:275, 15:304, 15:305, 15:319, 15:320, 15:321, 15:321n, 15:367
  • vials, 20:612
  • water hammers, 20:612
  • wedges, 14:167
  • wheels and axles, 14:167
  • works on, 20:513n

Scilla (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Scilla (TJ’s slave; b. 1794). See Gillette, Scilla (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

Scipio (ship), 18:442

Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius, 6:641–6:642n, 7:24, 8:276, 20:270, 20:438

scissors, 20:611

Sciurus. See squirrels

scotch broom (plant), 6:7, 6:7, 6:7n, 14:387–14:388, 14:451, 15:15, 16:200

Scotchtown (Bath Co.)

  • tavern at, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232


  • and Acts of Union (1707), 17:314
  • agriculture in, 12:255
  • conditions in, 4:360–4:361
  • constitution of, 2:215
  • M. Cosway on, 18:536
  • emigration from, 1:238, 2:201–2:202, 2:289, 2:289, 2:290
  • plants from, 4:535, 4:557
  • Unitarianism in, 20:336
  • University of Edinburgh, 2:565
  • works on schools and universities in, 20:101, 20:158, 20:182, 20:186, 20:245–20:246, 20:260, 20:329, 20:348–20:349, 20:481, 20:589

Scott, Mr.

  • and plank for TJ, 5:663

Scott, Mr. (Samuel Scott’s son), 2:323

Scott, Alexander, 1:23n, 1:516, 6:415n

Scott, Andrew

  • letters from accounted for, 3:245n

Scott, Beverly Roy

  • identified, 5:408n
  • seeks naval appointment, 5:408, 5:408–5:409
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:243

Scott, Charles

  • biography of proposed, 19:427
  • death of, 7:10, 7:87
  • governor of Ky., 6:177n

Scott, Charles A.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:325, 11:332, 15:98, 16:303
  • as commissioner in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:268, 15:269n, 15:347, 15:348, 15:348, 15:416
  • identified, 3:371n
  • letters to, 3:371
  • mentioned, 3:214n
  • mill of, 3:371, 3:420–3:421
  • purchases land from R. Jefferson, 8:400
  • Slate River ferry of, 5:658, 6:213, 6:213

Scott, Daniel (fl. 1753), 3:432

Scott, Daniel (d. 1851)

  • identified, 3:214n
  • letters from, 3:224–3:225
  • letters to, 3:214
  • sells corn to TJ, 3:214, 3:224–3:225, 3:225n

Scott, James

  • finds stolen papers, 1:269, 1:284
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380

Scott, Jane

  • signs petition, 18:146

Scott, John (17821861)

  • and Missouri question, 15:564, 15:565n

Scott, John (17841821)

  • Sketches of Manners, Scenery, &c. in the French Provinces, Switzerland, and Italy, 17:536

Scott, John (of Albemarle Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:330
  • marriage of, 19:645n

Scott, John (of Spotsylvania Co.), 16:170

Scott, John C.

  • and J. Dougherty, 1:320, 1:321n, 2:432

Scott, John Washington, 1:504n

Scott, Joseph

  • and anecdote about P. Henry, 10:384
  • and batture controversy, 2:395, 2:396n
  • death of, 3:249
  • identified, 2:364n
  • letters from accounted for, 2:405n
  • letters to, 2:363–2:364
  • TJ recommends Yancey to, 2:363

Scott, Joseph T.

  • The New and Universal Gazetteer: or, Modern Geographical Dictionary, 1:581

Scott, Luther

  • as U.S. Army officer, 10:433

Scott, Martha

  • signs petition, 18:146

Scott, Robert G.

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 14:13
  • identified, 12:290n
  • letter to, from J. C. Cabell, 12:288–12:290
  • as member of Va. Council of State, 15:435n, 15:435n, 20:550n
  • as Va. legislator, 12:285, 12:286–12:287, 12:288n, 12:288–12:290, 12:381, 12:383n, 12:388n, 12:413, 12:414n, 12:432, 12:449, 12:489n

Scott, Samuel

  • Bill of Complaint in Scott v. Jefferson and Harrison, 4:680–4:684, 5:35n
  • family of, 5:243, 5:408, 5:408n, 5:408
  • identified, 4:683n
  • intemperance alleged, 5:39, 5:239, 5:243
  • letters from accounted for, 2:232, 2:232–2:233n
  • litigiousness alleged, 5:239, 5:243, 5:361
  • TJ’s land dispute with, 2:96–2:97, 2:148–2:149, 2:232, 2:233n, 2:303, 2:303, 2:322–2:323, 2:324n, 2:326, 2:327, 2:327–2:328, 3:640, 4:308–4:309, 4:549, 4:583–4:585, 4:647, 4:677–4:678, 4:679, 4:680–4:684, 5:39–5:40, 5:40–5:41, 5:48–5:50, 5:50n, 5:61–5:62, 5:62–5:63, 5:87, 5:89–5:90, 5:90–5:91, 5:161–5:162, 5:210–5:211, 5:239, 5:242–5:243, 5:245, 5:263, 5:287, 5:338, 5:339, 5:339–5:340, 5:341, 5:342–5:343, 5:361, 6:332, 6:332n, 6:351, 8:285, 8:328, 8:333, 8:351, 8:417, 8:418n

Scott, Susan Bolling (John Scott’s wife)

  • marriage of, 19:645n

Scott, Thomas

  • on biblical book of Daniel, 7:36–7:37
  • Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, 2:321, 2:321–2:322n, 2:337, 2:349, 7:36–7:37, 7:195
  • Theological works, 2:321

Scott, Sir Walter

  • The Antiquary, 11:630, 11:630n
  • edits The Works of Jonathan Swift (J. Swift), 19:505
  • family of, 19:608
  • poetry of, 4:201, 4:201–4:202n, 4:561
  • Tales of My Landlord, 16:517n
  • works of, 19:507

Scott, William

  • convicted of forgery
  • petition of pardon for, to J. Monroe

Scott, Winfield

  • as American military commander, 7:524–7:525, 7:525n, 8:263–8:264, 8:443, 10:94n, 10:187
  • on French political situation, 9:388, 9:390–9:391, 9:391–9:392
  • identified, 9:392–9:393n
  • letter from, to J. Monroe, 9:390–9:393
  • meets Lafayette, 9:69
  • on U.S. relations with Spain, 9:391, 9:444

The Scottish Chiefs (J. Porter), 7:65, 8:626, 8:626n

Scott v. Jefferson and Harrison See also Scott, Samuel: TJ’s land dispute with

  • case dismissed, 8:328, 8:333
  • court costs in, 6:338n, 8:328, 8:333, 8:351, 8:351, 8:417, 8:418n
  • S. Scott’s bill of complaint in, 4:680–4:684, 5:35n
  • TJ prepares for chancery case, 5:xlvii–5:xlviii, 5:32–5:33, 5:34–5:35, 5:35n, 5:48–5:50, 5:61–5:62, 5:63–5:64, 5:90–5:91, 5:161–5:162, 5:230–5:236, 5:264, 5:282–5:284, 5:287, 5:287–5:288, 5:337, 5:337, 5:338, 5:339, 5:339–5:340, 5:342–5:343, 5:358 (illus.) , 5:361
  • TJ’s Answer to Bill of Complaint, 5:230–5:236
  • TJ’s Notes on Evidence, 5:229

Scotus. See Duns Scotus, John

screws, 14:167, 15:206, 16:7, 17:7, 17:8, 18:44, 19:13, 19:277, 19:375, 19:520, 19:522

Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et Maritimo Fasciculus (F. Stypmann, R. Kuricke, J. Loccenius, and J. G. Heineccius), 8:387, 8:387–8:388n

Scriptorum Rei Rusticae Veterum Latinorum (ed. J. G. Schneider), 12:112

A Scriptural View of the Character, Causes, and Ends of the Present War (A. McLeod), 8:228, 8:228, 8:340–8:341, 8:344, 8:344, 11:159

A Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians (H. Gaston), 19:400, 19:401n

The Scripture Doctrine of Materialism (“A Layman” [T. Cooper]), 20:315, 20:316n, 20:351, 20:352n, 20:379

sculpture See also Jefferson, Thomas: Portraits

  • P. Cardelli’s busts, 14:liii–14:liv, 14:246, 14:250 (illus.) , 14:522, 15:27–15:28, 16:323, 17:136, 17:159–17:160, 17:489, 17:504, 18:163, 18:196 (illus.), 18:212, 18:299, 18:301, 18:301n, 18:310, 18:320, 18:327, 18:332
  • W. J. Coffee’s terra-cotta busts, 12:li, 12:lii, 12:348 (illus.), 12:348 (illus.), 12:571–12:572, 12:572, 12:586, 12:625, 12:626n, 13:49, 13:49n, 13:344, 15:318, 15:318, 15:334, 15:474
  • of C. Columbus, 16:343
  • display of, 17:227
  • Indian, 16:155, 16:177–16:181
  • of A. Jackson, 15:li, 15:346 (illus.) , 15:362, 15:363, 15:363n, 15:383
  • at the Louvre, 14:444
  • at Monticello, 3:563+, 15:li–15:lii, 15:383, 15:383n, 16:l, 16:60, 16:323, 16:500, 20:155, 20:156
  • professional education in, 7:639, 7:687
  • G. Raggi sells, 20:253
  • of W. Roscoe, 16:l, 16:60, 16:348 (illus.) , 16:500, 17:46, 17:47
  • study of, 16:29n
  • for U.S. Capitol, 12:520, 12:641, 12:641, 12:642, 14:246
  • use of gypsum in, 12:541–12:542
  • of A. Vespucci, 16:343
  • of G. Washington, 8:161, 8:162n, 8:577–8:578, 9:128, 9:332–9:333, 9:333n, 9:350, 9:384–9:386, 9:387n+, 9:671, 10:412–10:413, 10:414–10:415, 10:415n, 10:476, 11:171, 15:561, 16:343, 19:499–19:501, 19:502n, 20:23, 20:71, 20:156, 20:187–20:188, 20:428, 20:492

scuppernong (wine), 11:50, 11:156, 11:175, 11:218, 11:219, 11:237, 11:238, 11:292, 11:293+, 11:293n+, 11:295–11:296, 11:300, 11:302, 11:345, 13:126–13:127, 13:173, 13:277, 13:283, 13:287, 13:577, 14:76, 14:141, 14:520, 14:561, 16:281, 16:324, 16:328, 16:366, 16:375, 16:597, 17:3, 17:189, 17:199, 17:202, 17:580, 17:600, 18:17, 18:378, 18:465, 19:115–19:116, 19:116n, 19:228, 19:572, 19:611, 19:640, 19:641, 20:41, 20:135, 20:188, 20:531, 20:549, 20:563


  • treatments for, 5:30, 5:550–5:551

scurvy grass, 5:550–5:551

Scutellaria lateriflora. See skullcap

scythe, 7:83

Sea, Mr.

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:510, 4:511, 4:512n, 5:95–5:96, 5:96n

Sea Lion (schooner), 11:397n

Seabrook, John

  • identified, 8:198n
  • letter from, 8:196–8:198
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 8:196–8:198

Seabrook, Richard, 1:440, 1:454, 1:454, 1:459, 1:460, 5:422

Seabury, Edward

  • as customs clerk at New York, 10:235n, 15:26n, 17:448n

Sealy, James, 16:568

Seaman, Walter, 12:142n

Seaman, William, 19:556

Séances des Écoles Normales, recueillies par des Sténographes et revues par les Professeurs, 1:37

A Search of Truth in the Science of the Human Mind (F. Beasley), 20:318, 20:319n

Sears, Mr. (in Paris), 7:490

Sears, David

  • visits French empress, 7:490

Sears, Miriam Mason (David Sears’s wife)

  • visits French empress, 7:490

The Seasons (J. Thomson), 12:534, 16:203n

Seaton, William Winston

  • and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences , 11:144n
  • editor of Washington National Intelligencer, 2:671n, 9:641, 13:469, 13:469n, 14:525n
  • identified, 6:506n

Seawall, Mr.

  • as J. Barnes’s deputy, 20:496

Seawell, Henry

  • as U.S. arbitrator, 20:486n

Sebastian, king of Portugal

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:377

Sebrell, Nicholas, 1:616

The Second Annual Report of the American Society for colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States, 14:577–14:578, 15:57

The Second Crisis of America (A. C. Mitchell), 8:564, 8:564n, 8:608, 8:608n

Second Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses (T. Law), 7:342, 7:342n, 7:412, 7:468n

Second Voyage Dans L’Intérieur De L’Afrique, Par Le Cap De Bonne-Espérance, Dans Les Années 1783, 84 et 85 (F. Le Vaillant), 7:389

Secretary’s Ford (Albemarle Co.)

  • and Rivanna Company, 3:141, 3:144, 3:192, 3:286, 11:76, 11:78, 11:90, 11:93n, 11:550, 11:551, 12:596, 12:597, 14:362, 14:363–14:364, 14:408, 14:417
  • road at, 10:581–10:582, 10:582, 10:583, 10:667, 10:667, 11:119, 11:243, 11:243, 11:244n, 11:244n, 11:244, 11:245, 12:58, 12:58, 13:275
  • TJ’s property at, 16:104

The Secret History of the Court And Reign of Charles The Second. By A Member Of His Privy Council, 7:389

“The Secret History of the Line” (W. Byrd [16741744]), 10:470, 10:470n, 11:21–11:22, 11:125–11:126, 11:206, 11:239, 11:426, 11:450–11:451, 11:477, 11:524, 11:524n, 11:574, 11:574n, 12:168–12:169, 12:169n, 12:236, 12:257, 12:294, 12:371–12:372, 12:390–12:391, 12:392

Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation, by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 14:293, 18:524n, 18:525, 18:624, 19:470, 19:472n

Sedgwick, Theodore

  • Federalist legislator, 6:194, 6:254
  • as judge, 8:376n

sedition law, 1:278, 7:236–7:237


  • anemone, double, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • artichoke, 20:605
  • artichoke roots, 11:179
  • asparagus, 16:634, 16:634n, 17:34, 17:48
  • auricula, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • avocado, 20:605
  • barley, 4:562, 5:384, 15:156
  • bean, 6:44–6:45, 7:326, 13:519, 13:599, 20:605
  • beet, 20:605
  • black cotton, 1:258, 1:259–1:260n
  • brought from the West by M. Lewis, 6:152
  • burnet, 4:487, 4:515, 4:522, 4:526, 4:530
  • cabbage, 2:90, 5:384, 6:7, 6:44, 6:86, 8:258, 8:272, 11:221, 16:626, 16:627, 16:639, 20:605
  • canary seed, 2:271
  • cantaloupe, 3:473, 3:501, 3:503n, 20:605
  • carnation, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • carrot, 20:605
  • cauliflower, 2:90
  • cherimoya, 20:605
  • chickpea, 20:605
  • chicory (succory), 11:308–11:309, 11:310n, 13:303, 13:361, 13:438
  • clover, 3:180, 3:184, 3:194, 3:448, 3:456, 4:518, 4:525, 4:525, 4:526, 4:548, 4:557, 5:324, 8:367, 8:459–8:460, 8:520, 8:535, 9:494, 12:304, 12:614n, 14:256, 14:628
  • E. W. R. Coolidge’s, 12:635n
  • cork, 5:438, 5:560
  • corn, 2:334, 17:109–17:110, 17:112, 17:134, 20:605
  • cotton, 1:666, 12:547, 12:551
  • cowslip, 20:494
  • cucumber, 6:214
  • distributed by M. J. Randolph, 9:533, 9:608
  • distribution of, 16:160
  • drills for planting, 16:607
  • eggplant, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • Egyptian grass, 1:555, 2:301, 2:302
  • for Elgin Botanic Garden, 9:369–9:370, 10:239–10:240, 12:477, 12:481
  • flax, 2:371, 8:460, 10:548n, 15:327
  • gorse (whin), 14:299
  • grape, 11:293+, 11:293+, 11:293+
  • grass, 6:26, 6:66, 6:67, 6:81, 6:128, 12:255
  • green cottonseed, 1:82, 1:258, 1:259–1:260n
  • gum arabic tree, 7:16, 7:16n
  • hemp, 2:371, 15:326, 15:476, 16:613–16:614
  • holly, 10:293
  • kale, 5:384, 6:44, 6:86, 20:573
  • kale, sea, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 13:325, 15:137, 15:152, 15:398, 17:34, 17:48, 17:49, 17:71
  • kale, sprout, 4:562, 6:7, 6:44, 6:86, 8:272, 9:532, 11:151, 11:174–11:175, 13:111
  • lentil, 13:278, 20:605
  • lettuce, 4:527, 5:31, 8:258, 8:272, 20:605
  • locust, yellow, 19:17, 19:65
  • mamey, 20:605
  • from B. McMahon, 3:439, 3:440n
  • melon, 10:317, 10:346, 14:312, 17:175
  • mignonette, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • millet, 2:335, 19:564, 19:606, 19:635
  • oat, 2:93, 5:384, 12:302, 13:75
  • oat-grass, 3:460–3:461
  • onion, 20:605
  • orchard grass, 10:517, 11:336
  • parsley, 20:605
  • parsnip, 1:157
  • pea, 6:45, 6:514, 7:288, 13:278, 13:545, 13:566, 13:581, 13:604, 20:605
  • peach stones, 11:221
  • pepper, 5:364–5:365, 6:66–6:67, 6:67, 6:81, 6:127, 6:187, 6:195, 6:196, 6:615, 7:326, 20:605
  • for Poplar Forest garden, 15:172
  • potato, 18:405
  • primrose, 20:494
  • pumpkin, 7:263, 7:282, 7:307–7:308, 16:294, 16:341, 16:634, 16:634n, 17:34, 17:48, 20:605
  • radish, 20:605
  • and reproduction, 12:442
  • from J. Ronaldson, 5:369–5:370, 6:7n
  • rutabaga, 2:481, 2:543, 13:75, 13:111, 14:180, 14:231, 14:243, 14:249–14:250, 14:460, 14:461
  • rye, 3:65, 8:74, 13:75
  • sainfoin, 11:170–11:171, 11:171–11:172, 11:302, 11:336, 11:337, 11:353, 11:378, 11:577, 11:580–11:581n, 13:75, 15:326–15:327, 15:601, 15:602n
  • sapote, 20:605
  • scotch broom, 6:7, 14:387–14:388, 14:451, 15:15
  • sent by TJ, 2:302, 3:454, 3:454, 3:454, 3:502–3:503, 3:544–3:545, 4:498, 4:523, 5:490, 5:553, 5:653, 5:658, 6:44–6:45, 6:196, 6:615, 7:31, 7:90, 7:332, 8:615, 8:615–8:616, 8:640, 9:532–9:533, 9:533, 10:239–10:240, 10:287, 10:517, 11:151, 11:183, 12:477, 12:481, 12:516, 12:528, 13:111, 13:303, 14:92, 14:99, 14:325, 14:499, 15:398, 17:277, 19:21, 19:22n
  • sent to M. J. Randolph, 7:16, 11:639, 20:494
  • sent to Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 14:445
  • sent to TJ, 1:141, 1:327+, 2:162, 2:270, 2:271–2:272, 2:301–2:302, 2:310, 2:506, 2:536, 2:543, 2:669, 3:41, 3:65, 3:98–3:99, 3:419, 3:583, 3:604, 3:604, 3:614, 3:629, 4:34, 4:84, 4:85n, 4:363, 4:497–4:498, 4:534, 4:559, 4:565–4:566, 4:569, 4:621, 6:26, 6:45, 6:66–6:67, 6:81, 6:152, 6:195, 6:196, 6:615, 7:16, 7:54–7:55, 7:90, 7:90, 7:263, 7:282, 7:307–7:308, 7:326, 7:349, 7:634, 8:74, 8:420, 8:590, 8:615, 8:615, 9:102, 9:229–9:230, 9:262–9:263, 9:333, 9:369–9:370, 9:404, 10:89, 10:212, 10:239–10:240, 10:263, 10:317, 10:346, 11:170–11:171, 11:263, 12:477, 12:482, 13:77–13:78, 13:85, 13:94, 13:131, 13:140, 13:141, 13:165, 13:278, 13:307, 13:315, 14:175, 14:202, 14:243, 14:249, 14:256, 14:312, 14:325, 14:460, 14:461, 14:499, 15:117, 15:156, 15:157, 15:326–15:327, 15:341, 15:348, 15:369, 15:476, 15:485, 15:501, 15:547, 15:554, 16:4, 16:24, 16:24–16:25n, 16:41, 16:41, 16:46–16:47, 16:113, 16:634, 16:639, 17:48, 17:79–17:80, 17:175, 17:225, 17:243, 17:277, 18:364, 18:491–18:492, 18:530, 18:561, 19:17, 19:21, 19:22n, 19:65, 19:352, 19:564, 19:606, 19:609, 19:635, 20:600, 20:605
  • sesame, 1:84, 1:105, 1:198, 1:211–1:212, 1:436–1:437n, 1:555, 1:667, 2:301, 3:225, 3:368, 3:454, 3:454, 3:502, 3:545, 3:636–3:637, 4:7, 4:39–4:40, 6:382, 6:514, 14:18
  • Spanish broom, 9:533
  • squash, 14:312, 20:166
  • sweet acacia, 1:555, 2:301, 2:302
  • sweet potato, 8:680
  • timothy, 3:454, 3:456, 3:460–3:461, 4:77, 4:156, 4:156, 4:157n, 4:194, 4:236
  • tobacco, 4:358+, 7:31, 13:438
  • tomato, 7:332, 20:573, 20:605
  • turnip, 1:327+, 4:363, 5:384, 6:514, 10:89, 10:212, 10:263, 20:605
  • watermelon, 14:202
  • wheat, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174n, 13:75, 13:75, 13:77, 13:77, 13:77, 13:77–13:78, 13:94, 15:156, 15:327, 15:476, 18:637, 18:637, 19:21–19:22, 19:22n
  • wintermelon, 2:302
  • yellow cotton, 14:256, 14:628

seed stand

  • in TJ’s closet, 1:327+, 1:390, 1:400n
  • vials for, 1:190, 1:191n, 1:245, 1:308, 1:309n

Seelah (Celer; horse), 5:497, 5:497n, 5:498n, 17:587n

Ségur, Louis Philippe, comte de

  • Abrégé de l’Histoire Universelle, ancienne et moderne, a l’Usage de la Jeunesse, 12:534–12:535n, 19:505, 20:115n, 20:282
  • History of the Principal Events of the Reign of Frederic William II, 19:506
  • Tableau Historique et Politique de l’Europe, depuis 1786 jusqu’en 1796, 10:234, 10:237n

Ségur, Philippe Henri, marquis de

  • retirement of, 17:344

Seixas, Gershom Mendes

  • death of, 10:367n

Séjournant, Nicolas de

  • Nouveau Dictionnaire Espagnol-François et Latin, 12:535n

Selby, John (ship captain), 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274, 10:411, 10:416

Selby, Skeffington

  • identified, 3:426–3:427n
  • letters from, 3:426–3:427
  • letters to, 3:457–3:458
  • and T. Nelson’s bonds, 3:426, 3:457–3:458

Selden, Cary

  • as Va. claims agent, 17:123, 17:124, 17:124n, 17:124, 17:160, 17:384, 17:385n

Selden, John

  • English jurist, 6:302

Selden, Miles (d. 1811)

  • considered for appointment by TJ, 1:25
  • and P. Mazzei’s property, 5:598, 6:115+

Selden, Samuel

  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:193

Selden, William

  • as member of Va. Council of State, 20:550n
  • as Va. legislator, 16:593, 16:593–16:594n

Select American Biography (W. Barton), 7:398–7:400, 7:446–7:447, 7:511

Select Essays of Dio Chrysostom (ed. and trans. G. Wakefield), 12:183

Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematics (T. Simpson), 5:417, 7:458, 7:458n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n

Selecti ex Luciano Dialogi Quidam (Lucian; ed. J. Stock), 14:551

A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers (ed. W. Austin), 12:514, 13:33, 13:47, 19:331, 19:332n

Selections of a Father for the Use of His Children. In Prose and Verse (I. Gomez), 15:495, 15:495n, 15:496n, 15:526

Select Pieces in Prose and Verse (W. Carver), 19:322n

Selkirk, Alexander, 10:169

Selkirk, William

  • and University of Virginia, 16:312

Selkirk, Dunbar Douglas, 4th Earl of

  • family of, 15:470n

Sellers, Coleman

  • and fire engines, 11:374, 20:463

Sellers, Nathan

  • and corn sieve, 7:79–7:80
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:xlix–5:l, 5:559n

Selma, Fernando

  • engraver, 7:563

Seminole Indians, 5:651–5:652, 6:67–6:68, 6:112, 6:113n, 13:286n, 14:28, 14:92, 14:92n, 14:111n, 14:279, 15:233

Semple, James

  • and College of William and Mary, 5:469, 12:135, 20:590
  • and faculty position for J. Meigs, 5:373–5:374
  • health of, 20:590
  • identified, 5:374n
  • letters from, 5:469–5:470
  • letters to, 5:373–5:374
  • on University of Virginia, 18:286

Sempronius (fictional character)

  • TJ compared to, 7:312, 7:312n+

Senate, U.S. See also Congress, U.S.; Otis, Samuel Allyne

  • and Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 18:99
  • J. Adams on, 6:624
  • and Anglo-American trade bill, 12:591, 12:592n
  • and appointment of foreigners, 3:443, 9:358, 9:358n, 9:446
  • and appointments, 8:45, 8:141, 8:153, 8:206n, 11:146n, 12:485, 13:289, 16:407, 16:433, 16:434n, 16:446, 17:458, 17:458, 18:513, 19:3, 19:336, 19:699
  • and Bank of U.S., 4:113, 4:113n, 4:128–4:130
  • and bankruptcy, 15:514–15:515, 15:515n, 16:522
  • and batture controversy, 3:203–3:204
  • bribery case of 1795, 12:398–12:399
  • certifies elections, 6:185n
  • chamber of, 1:473, 1:475n, 1:595, 3:534, 3:535, 3:556, 10:510, 10:615, 11:480
  • and Cherokee Indians, 7:164, 7:200, 7:200n
  • clerical salaries in, 8:115
  • clerk of, 1:535
  • Committee of Finance, 18:171–18:173
  • Committee on Military Affairs, 8:67n, 8:443n
  • debates in, 18:301, 20:363
  • and declaration of war, 5:142n, 5:220
  • doorkeeper election, 4:124, 4:163, 4:164n, 4:171, 11:182, 11:182n, 11:214
  • elections to, 16:40, 18:627n, 19:580–19:581, 20:255, 20:255n
  • and Embargo Act (1807), 19:563
  • and Embargo Act (1812), 4:586–4:587, 4:588n
  • and O. Evans’s patent machinery, 6:454, 6:454n
  • and Gallatin-Smith feud, 2:430
  • and A. Gallatin’s nomination, 6:105n, 6:202–6:203, 6:241, 6:241, 6:313
  • and inauguration of J. Monroe, 11:14–11:15, 11:15n
  • journals of, 8:631, 12:398, 12:400, 17:609, 18:166, 18:181, 18:524, 19:462
  • and judicial review, 18:80, 18:82n, 18:83n, 20:119n
  • members of, 18:660, 19:297, 20:479, 20:480n
  • mentioned, 2:570, 6:563, 8:20n, 8:175, 8:406–8:407, 9:700, 12:368, 12:497, 12:640n, 16:16, 18:387, 18:425, 20:305
  • messages from TJ, 1:643n, 20:404, 20:405n, 20:579, 20:580n, 20:608
  • and Missouri question, 15:364, 15:364n, 15:409, 15:409n, 15:434, 15:434n, 15:443–15:444, 15:444, 15:444n, 15:460n, 16:490
  • and Monroe-Pinkney Treaty (1806), 18:620
  • and national debt, 8:110, 8:111n
  • and office of postmaster general, 7:197n
  • orders W. Duane’s prosecution, 2:412n
  • petitions to, 10:636n
  • popular election of, 18:204–18:205
  • Public Lands Committee, 10:636n
  • and public works, 2:213–2:214, 2:589, 2:613–2:614, 11:122, 11:123n, 11:410–11:411, 12:252
  • and purchase of TJ’s library, 7:679–7:680, 7:680, 8:26, 8:36, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n
  • and ratification of treaties, 19:338n
  • ratifies Treaty of Ghent (1814), 8:268, 8:269n, 8:269, 18:652
  • rejects W. Short’s nomination, 1:38
  • reports to, 16:484n, 18:170, 18:171–18:173
  • resolution concerning Jackson, 2:70n
  • and J. Russell’s nomination, 6:240, 6:241, 6:241, 6:242, 6:242n
  • S. Smith’s reelection to, 1:515–1:516
  • supports R. Fulton’s torpedo, 2:250, 2:251n, 2:301
  • and tariffs, 17:523n, 17:656, 18:6–18:7, 18:21n, 18:225, 20:591
  • and term limits, 6:68, 6:432, 6:518, 14:145–14:146n, 18:204
  • and trade licenses, 5:636, 5:637n
  • treaty powers of, 6:433n, 9:548–9:550, 9:550–9:551n, 9:551–9:552n, 10:518, 15:18, 16:616
  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:341–15:342, 15:342n
  • and weights and measures, 12:90, 12:92n, 12:155
  • women on floor of, 18:301

Seneca Indians, 2:59, 2:175, 16:119, 16:119

Seneca’s Morals (Seneca; trans. R. L’Estrange), 19:505

Seneca snakeroot (Polygala senega), 9:40, 9:40n

Seneca the Elder (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

  • M. Annaei Senecae Rhetoris Opera, 10:233

Seneca the Younger (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

  • J. Adams on, 11:269
  • De Consolatione ad Helviam, 10:276, 10:277n
  • mentioned, 6:299, 6:542, 7:447
  • A New Translation of the Morals of Seneca (trans. Bennet), 1:576
  • Oeuvres de Séneque le philosophe (trans. N. de La Grange), 10:233, 10:236–10:237n, 12:534, 14:511
  • Seneca’s Morals (trans. R. L’Estrange), 19:505
  • TJ on, 15:163
  • TJ quotes, 18:25, 18:25n
  • writings of, 7:627, 18:93–18:94


  • and Société Coloniale Philanthropique de la Sénégambie, 11:255, 11:256n, 11:457, 11:501
  • and wine, 13:16, 13:443

Sentelet, Jean Ferdinand, 10:230

Senter, Isaac , 5:64, 5:67n

Senter, Nathaniel Greene Montague

  • identified, 5:67n
  • letters from, 5:64–5:68, 5:398–5:399, 5:407–5:408
  • letters to, 5:218, 5:429–5:430
  • and New Orleans charitable society, 5:65, 5:218
  • seeks military appointment, 5:398–5:399, 5:399n, 5:407, 5:430
  • “Travels in the Western Country” , 5:407, 5:407n
  • travel writings of, 5:64–5:65, 5:68n, 5:218, 5:407–5:408, 5:429

A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (L. Sterne), 4:85n

Sentinel of the Valley (Woodstock, Va., newspaper)

  • publishes TJ’s letters, 10:221

separator (scientific instrument), 20:612

Seppia, Giuseppe del

  • family of, 9:673

Seppia, Luigi del

  • witnesses will, 9:673

Septuaginta Interpretum (ed. J. E. Grabe), 12:582, 13:293, 13:295, 17:411, 17:411–17:412n, 17:412n, 17:482–17:483, 17:483n, 17:486, 18:18, 18:18n

Serapis , HMS

  • medal commemorating capture of, 9:54

Sergeant, John

  • as U.S. representative from Pa., 15:238n

Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson, 6:254, 7:217

A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy (T. Chalmers), 19:508

A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Jared Sparks (W. E. Channing), 14:612–14:613, 16:599–16:600, 16:601, 16:643

A Sermon delivered in Boston before The American Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. Oct. 26, 1815 (E. Pearson), 9:255, 9:255, 9:257n, 9:379, 9:382

A Sermon delivered January 1, 1817, at the Ordination of the Reverend Henry Ware (H. Ware), 19:361, 19:363n

A Sermon, Preached at Boston, before his Excellency Christopher Gore (E. Parish), 3:75n, 3:156

A Sermon, preached in Brooklyn, Connecticut, at the Installation of Rev. Samuel Joseph May, November 5, 1823 (J. Walker), 20:558–20:559, 20:559n


  • clergyman tried for comments made during, 1:277, 1:278n
  • pamphlet of bound for TJ, 8:630
  • preached in Charlottesville, 9:48, 9:112
  • recommended by TJ, 7:627
  • sent to E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:528
  • sent to TJ, 1:138, 2:411–2:412, 3:75n, 3:156, 3:431, 3:456–3:457, 4:230, 4:231n, 7:198–7:199, 7:199n, 8:228, 8:228, 10:366, 11:159, 11:159n, 12:356, 12:576
  • TJ recommends, 12:534

Sermons (L. Bourdaloue), 7:627, 12:534

Sermons (J. B. Massillon), 7:627, 12:534

Sermons by The late Rev. Mr. Sterne (L. Sterne), 8:388, 12:534

Sermons, chiefly on particular occasions (A. Alison), 12:534

Sermons on Particular Occasions (J. Freeman), 10:528

Sermons on the Christian Doctrine (R. Price), 12:313, 12:356

Sermons on those Doctrines of the Gospel, and on those Constituent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the subject of controversy (A. Bancroft), 20:408–20:409, 20:409n, 20:449–20:450

Serres, Olivier de

  • mentioned, 11:162
  • Le Théâtre d’Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs, 1:35, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:445, 17:447

Serrier, Michel Raymond

  • as physician, 13:443

Sérurier, Louis Barbé Charles

  • as French minister to U.S., 4:54, 4:55n, 6:637, 7:98–7:99, 7:99n, 10:69
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie’s passage, 5:432–5:433, 6:102

servants, indentured

  • opinions on, 11:305

Servetus, Michael (Miguel Serveto)

  • execution of, 15:539–15:540, 15:603, 16:619, 18:563
  • mentioned, 20:333
  • F. A. Van der Kemp’s work on, 4:614, 10:121, 10:122n, 11:138, 11:139n

Servilia (wife of Marcus Junius Brutus [the Elder]), 17:73n, 17:73n

sesame (benne; benni)

  • J. Bradbury on, 1:436–1:437n
  • cultivation of, 11:345
  • and C. Harris, 1:84, 1:211–1:212
  • and J. Milledge, 1:667, 3:636–3:637, 4:39–4:40
  • oil, 1:84n, 1:212, 3:636–3:637, 4:7, 4:39–4:40
  • seeds of requested from TJ, 14:18
  • H. G. Spafford requests from TJ, 1:105, 1:198
  • TJ cultivates, 4:7, 6:382, 6:514
  • TJ receives seeds of, 1:555, 2:301, 2:302, 3:225
  • TJ sends seeds of, 3:454, 3:454, 3:502, 3:545
  • and J. W. Wallace, 3:368

Sesamum indicum. See sesame (benne; benni)

Sesostris (legendary king of ancient Egypt), 19:439

Sessford, John

  • identified, 17:206n
  • letter from accounted for, 17:206
  • A Statistical Table of Washington City, and District of Columbia, 17:206

Sète. See Cette (Sète), France

Sevelinges, Charles Louis de

  • translates Histoire de la Guerre de L’Indépendance des États-Unis d’Amérique (C. G. G. Botta), 20:498

Seventh Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Board of Public Works, to the General Assembly of Virginia, 20:253–20:254

Seventy-Six Association (Charleston, S.C.)

  • identified, 4:107n
  • letters from, 4:105–4:107, 6:88–6:90, 8:315–8:316, 11:528–11:530, 13:157–13:159
  • letters to, 4:175+, 6:124–6:125, 11:582
  • letters to accounted for, 4:107n
  • orations, 4:105–4:107, 4:175+, 6:88, 6:90n, 6:124–6:125, 8:315, 11:528–11:529, 11:529n, 11:530n, 11:582, 13:157, 14:572, 15:53, 17:448, 17:479, 20:16, 20:16n
  • toasts of sent to TJ, 7:459, 7:459n, 13:130n

Seven Years’ War. See French and Indian War

Several Discourses preached at the Temple Church (T. Sherlock), 12:534

Sevier, George Washington, 19:123n

Sevier, John

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:118, 19:119, 19:119, 19:121, 19:121, 19:121, 19:123n

Seville, Spain

  • yellow fever in, 10:128, 10:129

Sewall, Jonathan, 6:258

Sewall, Samuel, 8:376n

Sewall, Stephen

  • as judge, 12:494

Sewall, Thomas

  • “Experiments and Observations on Cutaneous Absorption” , 15:501, 15:502n
  • “Extract of an Inaugural Dissertation on the Functions and Diseases of the Pancreas” , 15:501, 15:502n
  • identified, 14:312n
  • introduced to TJ, 14:312
  • letter from, 15:501–15:502
  • letter to, 15:528
  • plans to visit Monticello, 14:312, 15:501, 15:528
  • requests letter of introduction from TJ, 15:502, 15:528
  • and seeds for TJ, 15:501


  • in astronomy, 19:35
  • for surveying, 9:508, 9:508, 9:622, 9:643, 9:643, 9:689, 10:289, 10:324, 11:50, 11:112, 14:561, 14:595, 15:464n, 19:198, 19:200, 19:200
  • TJ uses, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:37n, 9:156, 9:415, 13:385
  • uses of, 9:76, 9:125, 9:206, 9:207n

Seybert, Adam

  • congressional Joint Library Committee member, 8:14
  • and T. Cooper’s mineral collection, 12:238
  • and domestic manufactures, 1:170–1:172
  • A. von Humboldt sends regards to, 1:453n
  • identified, 1:172n
  • letters from, 1:170–1:172
  • Statistical Annals, 13:603, 17:81, 17:209, 17:212n, 17:229, 18:524

Seymour, Dr.

  • and tobacco treatments, 5:669

Seymour, Henry

  • and Lafayette’s La. lands, 5:68–5:69, 5:69n

Shaaff (Shoaff), John Thomas

  • physician of J. Madison, 6:241

Shackelford, Benjamin

  • correspondence with W. P. Newby, 8:357n
  • Culpeper C.H. tavern keeper, 1:52n, 5:572n
  • forwards correspondence for TJ, 5:571–5:572, 5:573, 7:157n, 8:357
  • identified, 5:572n
  • letters from, 5:571–5:572, 8:357
  • letters to accounted for, 5:572n, 8:204n

Shackelford, Lyne

  • estate of, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 3:250, 3:270, 3:283–3:284, 3:367–3:368, 3:529, 4:9, 4:9n

Shackelford, Richard

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • rents land from W. Short, 4:197

Shackleford, Zachariah

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:330, 13:162
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Shackleford, Richard

  • and University of Virginia, 16:479


  • compared to carp, 4:629
  • compared to paddlefish, 3:92
  • given to TJ, 11:344, 19:544, 19:552, 19:573
  • mentioned, 6:132, 6:132, 6:134, 14:161, 17:221, 18:301
  • observations on, 11:39
  • sent from Poplar Forest, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:311
  • TJ orders, 18:522, 18:530, 20:22
  • TJ purchases, 2:109, 5:155, 5:164, 7:321, 7:332, 7:333n, 7:448, 7:448, 11:337, 11:337n, 13:99, 14:321, 14:542, 14:573, 15:591–15:592, 17:211, 17:223, 17:223–17:224, 18:487, 18:491, 18:504, 18:512, 20:120
  • TJ sends to M. Wills, 4:668
  • white, 1:369
  • works on, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605

Shadwell (TJ’s estate)

  • account for lease to C. Peyton, 5:419, 5:421, 5:423
  • acreage of, 4:387
  • border of, 3:572–3:573n
  • cemetery at, 11:566
  • as collateral for loan, 19:286, 19:313n
  • cotton mill at, 20:401n
  • dispute over lease of, 2:85–2:86, 2:150–2:151, 2:198–2:199, 2:200, 2:212–2:213, 2:239–2:240, 2:240, 2:277–2:281, 2:281, 2:282, 2:286, 2:286–2:287, 2:294
  • fire at, 9:690
  • flour from, 14:211
  • overseers at, 1:137–1:138n
  • raspberries at, 11:624
  • rent due on, 2:421–2:422, 2:422n
  • sale of, 19:286
  • TJ conveys part of to T. J. Randolph, 6:35–6:36, 6:416, 18:350n
  • TJ inherits, 11:72, 17:309, 17:309

Shadwell mills See also Shoemaker, Isaac; Shoemaker, Jonathan; Thomas M. Randolph & Company

  • accident at, 16:572, 17:60
  • builders at, 1:192n, 13:476n, 14:360, 16:418
  • canal at, 10:347–10:348, 10:614, 11:102, 11:348–11:350, 12:243, 12:543, 12:593–12:594, 12:595, 12:596–12:597, 12:598, 12:599, 12:601, 12:601, 12:601–12:602, 12:603, 12:604, 14:357–14:358, 14:359–14:366, 14:381, 14:405–14:406, 14:407–14:409, 14:410–14:411, 14:417, 14:422, 14:485, 14:501, 14:541, 14:554, 15:11, 15:44, 15:216–15:221, 15:228 (illus.) , 17:429, 19:26
  • J. B. Chandler seeks work at, 4:495, 4:590
  • counting room, 18:465
  • dam at, 3:204–3:205, 3:218, 3:300, 3:300, 8:236, 8:241, 11:102, 11:104, 12:594, 12:597, 12:597–12:598, 12:599, 12:601, 12:602–12:603, 12:603, 14:407–14:408, 14:410–14:411, 14:417, 14:422, 14:541, 14:554, 14:585, 15:11, 15:216–15:221, 18:368, 18:522, 18:525, 18:610, 18:632, 18:641n, 18:642, 18:643, 19:4, 19:5, 19:5, 19:6, 19:20–19:21, 19:26, 19:150, 19:383n, 20:72n, 20:103
  • J. Eliason wishes to rent, 6:91, 6:118, 6:123, 6:149–6:150, 6:166
  • O. Evans’s machinery installed at, 6:384–6:385
  • flour from, 2:269, 2:292, 2:300, 4:548–4:549, 8:207, 8:582, 9:99, 9:547, 9:547–9:548n, 9:665, 10:181–10:182, 10:183, 10:396, 10:435, 10:472, 10:474–10:475, 10:478, 11:290, 11:459, 12:139, 12:476, 13:13–13:14, 13:18, 13:120, 13:141, 13:355–13:356, 14:50, 14:213, 14:244, 14:272, 14:275, 14:415, 14:468, 14:469, 15:109, 15:243–15:244, 15:332, 16:270, 16:416, 17:60, 17:68, 17:111, 17:181, 17:199, 17:211, 17:515, 17:531, 17:542, 17:552, 19:65, 19:79, 19:85, 19:91, 19:110, 19:110, 19:132, 20:145, 20:252, 20:314, 20:382–20:383, 20:412
  • flour mill at, 6:xliii, 6:386 (illus.) , 8:624, 8:625n, 9:498–9:499, 9:546–9:547, 10:167, 10:348, 12:542, 12:543, 12:547–12:548, 13:116, 13:277, 14:356, 14:359, 14:360–14:365, 14:394, 14:399, 14:405, 14:554, 14:585, 14:585, 14:602, 15:11, 16:444, 16:594, 17:259, 17:579, 18:19, 18:117, 18:187, 18:609, 19:38, 19:86
  • flour sieve at, 18:464
  • fodder from, 18:273
  • J. Fray and W. Wright as prospective renters of, 18:636, 18:637n
  • goods shipped to, 17:113, 17:224, 20:407
  • improvements to, 2:670, 3:293, 3:359, 3:521, 3:527, 4:50, 4:51, 4:144, 4:144–4:145, 4:145–4:146, 4:200–4:201, 4:661–4:662, 6:634, 11:72–11:75, 13:116, 13:120, 16:418, 16:432
  • interim millers at during War of 1812, 6:428n, 6:620
  • land reserved for use of, 6:35
  • lease of, 1:488n, 3:464–3:465, 3:581, 3:614, 6:149–6:150, 8:205n, 10:167, 10:168, 10:396, 10:472, 10:474–10:475, 11:185–11:186, 14:392, 18:640, 19:4–19:6, 19:18–19:19, 19:19, 19:20–19:21, 19:24, 19:25–19:26
  • location of, 4:6n
  • McKinney recommended for, 2:383
  • managed by J. McKinney, 4:183, 4:183n, 4:233, 4:374n, 5:120–5:121, 8:204–8:205, 8:205n
  • manufacturing mill at, 11:348–11:350, 14:360–14:361, 14:364, 15:228, 15:228, 19:5
  • mentioned, 1:579, 18:411, 20:69
  • mill wheels at, 4:51, 18:640
  • mismanagement at, 1:108–1:110, 1:139n, 1:139–1:140, 1:282–1:283, 2:292, 3:51–3:52, 3:111, 3:156–3:157, 3:184, 3:644, 17:259
  • and T. E. Randolph, 8:204–8:205, 8:205n, 8:625n, 9:99, 9:133, 9:312–9:313, 9:313n, 9:415, 9:498–9:499, 9:546–9:547, 9:547, 9:547–9:548n, 9:567–9:568, 9:665, 10:118, 10:167, 10:168, 10:181–10:182, 10:183, 10:396, 10:472, 10:474–10:475, 10:478, 11:168–11:169, 11:185–11:186, 11:194–11:195, 11:210–11:211, 11:213, 11:459, 13:13–13:14, 13:116, 14:468, 14:468–14:469, 14:473, 15:433, 15:552, 15:552n, 17:491, 17:515, 18:578, 18:621, 18:631, 18:640, 19:4–19:6, 19:18–19:19, 19:19, 19:20–19:21, 19:24, 19:25–19:26, 19:85, 19:110
  • and T. M. Randolph, 4:6, 4:6n, 4:183, 4:183n, 4:374n, 4:548, 5:120–5:121, 5:228, 5:499, 5:517, 5:530, 5:570–5:571, 5:575, 5:591n, 5:671, 6:91, 6:118, 6:123, 6:149–6:150, 6:166, 6:430, 6:620, 8:204–8:205, 8:205n, 8:205n, 8:625n, 9:99, 9:133, 9:312–9:313, 9:313n, 9:498–9:499, 9:546–9:547, 9:547, 9:547–9:548n, 9:567–9:568, 10:167, 10:168, 14:392–14:394, 14:398, 18:640
  • rent for, 1:407, 1:408, 1:421–1:422, 1:451–1:452, 4:183, 4:233, 5:400–5:402, 5:671, 8:204–8:205, 8:205n, 8:207, 8:284, 8:624, 8:625n, 9:99, 9:133, 9:272–9:273, 9:499, 9:665, 10:167, 10:168, 10:181–10:182, 10:183, 10:396, 10:472, 10:475, 11:168–11:169, 11:185–11:186, 11:194–11:195, 11:210–11:211, 11:213, 11:380, 11:459, 12:29, 12:139, 12:476, 12:644, 12:645, 13:322, 14:316, 14:317, 14:468, 14:469, 14:472, 14:473, 14:571, 15:433, 15:471, 15:518, 15:544, 15:544, 15:544–15:545, 17:505, 17:505n, 18:623, 18:631, 18:640, 19:4, 19:5, 19:6, 19:18–19:19, 19:19, 19:19, 19:20–19:21, 19:85, 19:494, 19:496
  • repairs to, 5:307n, 6:620, 11:169, 12:547, 12:563, 14:361, 14:365, 15:331, 15:334, 15:607, 15:607n, 16:29, 17:390, 17:428, 17:429n, 17:429, 18:330, 18:464–18:465, 18:621, 18:631, 18:640, 19:4–19:6, 19:25
  • and Rivanna Company, 3:161, 3:191, 3:192, 3:216–3:218, 3:287, 3:421–3:422, 3:527, 5:517, 5:529, 6:596, 6:629, 6:629, 6:634–6:635, 10:347–10:348, 10:369, 10:369, 11:64, 11:69, 11:99, 11:100–11:101, 11:101–11:102, 11:550–11:554, 11:555, 11:556–11:558, 12:593, 12:594–12:595, 12:596, 12:596–12:597, 14:356, 14:357–14:358, 14:359–14:366, 14:381, 14:392–14:394, 14:396, 14:397–14:399, 14:400–14:401, 14:405–14:406, 14:417, 14:485, 14:501, 14:541, 15:227, 15:228n, 15:268–15:269, 15:347, 15:348
  • road at, 12:48, 13:276n
  • sale of, 6:xliii
  • taxes on, 8:393
  • TJ’s drawing of mills and canal at, 15:228 (illus.)
  • TJ’s insurance for, 1:218–1:219, 1:417, 1:417n, 1:625–1:626, 1:659–1:660, 2:29, 13:34
  • TJ visits, 8:240, 17:389, 17:505
  • and toll mill, 1:626, 1:626, 5:120–5:121, 6:430, 10:597, 12:543, 12:547, 14:360, 14:361, 14:363–14:364, 14:365, 14:395, 14:585, 15:11, 15:228
  • W. Tompkin’s drawing and measurements of, 14:418–14:419
  • waterwheel at, 12:543, 19:4, 19:4, 19:4

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earl of

  • works of, 8:49


  • books on, 8:469, 8:469n, 20:639–20:640
  • civil status of, 11:411, 11:412n, 11:415–11:416
  • pens made by, 18:271–18:272, 18:293n

Shakespeare, William

  • As You Like It referenced, 18:91, 18:95n
  • E. Capell’s edition of, 19:506
  • characters of, 11:624n, 11:628
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:664
  • The Comedy of Errors referenced, 6:517, 6:517n
  • Hamlet referenced, 5:581, 5:582n, 6:98, 6:100n, 6:128, 6:129n, 7:258, 7:259n, 7:711, 7:712n, 10:588, 10:589n, 13:499, 13:500n, 16:619, 20:536, 20:545n
  • Henry IV referenced, 19:587
  • S. Johnson’s edition of, 9:88n
  • Julius Caesar referenced, 19:303, 19:303n
  • King Lear referenced, 6:14, 6:16n
  • Macbeth referenced, 7:478, 7:481n, 10:5, 10:8n, 18:300, 18:302n, 20:355, 20:356n
  • Measure for Measure referenced, 6:517, 6:517n
  • The Merchant of Venice referenced by TJ, 8:525, 8:527n
  • and neology, 9:633
  • Othello referenced, 7:403, 7:405n, 7:557, 7:560n, 9:101, 9:101n, 11:483, 11:484n, 18:233, 18:234n
  • Richard III referenced, 14:45, 14:546
  • Romeo and Juliet referenced, 5:484, 5:484n, 6:227, 6:228n, 9:596, 9:597n, 18:13, 18:14n
  • The Tempest referenced, 19:629
  • The Tempest referenced by TJ, 6:591, 6:593n, 19:541
  • TJ recommends, 7:629, 12:532, 12:534
  • translated by F. von Schlegel, 9:84
  • Twelfth Night referenced, 19:621
  • works of, 1:412, 1:412n, 14:185

Shakspeare’s Genius Justified: being Restorations and Illustrations of Seven Hundred Passages in Shakspeare’s Plays (Z. Jackson), 17:536, 17:537n

shale, 18:288, 18:288, 18:288–18:289, 18:289–18:290, 18:290, 18:310–18:311, 18:318–18:319n

Shaler, William

  • as consul general at Algiers, 10:217, 10:218n, 11:122, 11:123n, 11:534n, 12:473, 14:599, 15:66, 15:196, 16:116
  • forwards papers to TJ, 7:505–7:506
  • and trunk for TJ, 7:505, 8:36, 8:245, 8:420

Shannon, George

  • as explorer, 18:575, 18:575
  • as Ky. legislator, 18:576n
  • Speech of George Shannon, Esq. On the resolution for the removal of Judge Clark from office on account of his decision in the Bourbon Circuit Court against the constitutionality of the Endorsement and Replevin Laws, 18:575, 18:576n
  • wounded, 18:575

Shannon , HMS (frigate), 6:251n, 9:331n, 18:57, 18:60n, 18:334n

Shannon, John R.

  • identified, 19:306n
  • letter from, 19:304–19:307
  • and North American unity, 19:304–19:306

Shark (schooner), 19:300

Sharp, Mr.

  • corn crop of, 9:151
  • sells oxen to TJ, 6:306n

Sharp, Granville, 3:268, 3:269n

Sharp, Leander J., 8:448

Sharpe, Robert

  • TJ buys land from, 4:387, 16:644–16:645, 16:645n

Shattuck, George Cheyne

  • identified, 1:51n
  • letters to, 1:50–1:51
  • Three Dissertations on Boylston Prize Questions for the Years 1806 and 1807, 1:50–1:51, 1:51n

Shaw, Mr. (stonemason), 8:592

Shaw, George

  • and classification of animals, 7:152

Shaw, John (1750–1824)

  • edits Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor (Apollonius Rhodius), 10:234

Shaw, John (17731823)

  • and J. M. Baker, 12:473, 12:474n
  • commands American squadron in Mediterranean, 10:119, 10:216, 11:509, 11:662

Shaw, Joseph

  • as classics tutor, 14:126

Shaw, Joshua

  • as artist, 16:416n

Shaw, Lemuel

  • and education, 18:243, 18:244n
  • identified, 18:243–18:244n
  • letter to, 18:243–18:244

Shaw, Thomas

  • Travels, or Observations relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant, 6:380, 6:380, 6:380–6:381, 6:381

Shaw, William Smith

  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 20:295n, 20:384n
  • conveys letters to and from TJ, 13:529, 13:530n, 13:615
  • identified, 13:530n
  • introduces G. Ticknor, 8:148, 8:149n
  • letter to, from E. T. Channing, 13:529–13:530
  • mentioned, 13:588

shawls, 15:452

Shawnee Indians, 4:485n, 8:151, 8:552, 12:296n

Shaw’s Tavern (Bath Co.), 13:230, 13:231, 13:232

Shays’s Rebellion, 6:254, 6:256n, 6:287, 12:377, 12:426

Sheafe, Edmund Quincy (ship captain), 14:85

Sheaff, Henry

  • health of, 9:98, 9:130
  • identified, 8:662n
  • letter from, 9:98
  • letters to, 8:662, 9:77, 9:130
  • and wine for TJ, 2:221, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:130

Sheaff, J.

  • as proxy for H. Sheaff, 9:98

Sheaffe, Sir Roger Hale

  • British general, 8:219

Shearman (Sherman), Martin, 1:616

Shecut, John Linnaeus Edward Whitridge

  • address cover from, 7:xliv, 7:434 (illus.)
  • and Antiquarian Society of Charleston, 6:179, 6:180n, 6:251, 6:376–6:377, 6:483
  • critique of Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina, 6:377
  • desires secretaryship, 8:24, 8:24–8:25, 8:25n
  • An Essay on the Prevailing, or Yellow-Fever, of 1817, 12:253–12:254, 12:292–12:293
  • family of, 7:566–7:567
  • Flora Carolinæensis, 6:252, 6:252n, 6:378, 6:615, 7:566
  • identified, 6:179–6:180n
  • letters from, 6:179–6:180, 6:376–6:378, 7:565–7:568, 8:24–8:25, 12:253–12:254
  • letters to, 6:251–6:252, 7:700–7:701, 12:292–12:293
  • medical theories of, 7:565–7:567, 7:700, 8:24, 8:24–8:25
  • seeks TJ’s publication subsidy, 7:565–7:567, 7:700–7:701
  • TJ sends bird pepper to, 6:252, 6:377, 6:615, 7:567, 7:568n

Shedden, Matilda Cecilia

  • Abridgement of the Logographic Emblematical French Spelling Book, or French Pronunciation Made Easy, 20:182
  • family of, 20:182
  • identified, 20:183n

sheep See also merino sheep

  • Barbary, 2:252, 2:379, 2:380, 2:457, 2:492, 3:190, 3:637, 4:637, 4:638n, 6:6
  • on Belmont estate, 3:170
  • broadtail, 1:465–1:466, 1:477, 4:638n, 11:347, 11:348n, 11:430–11:431, 11:431n
  • Cape, 1:477, 1:599
  • Chew’s breed, 2:380
  • and chicory (succory) cultivation, 13:438
  • Churro, 1:18, 1:19n
  • C. Clark’s, 5:395
  • and dogs, 4:161, 4:170, 4:346–4:349, 6:6, 6:31–6:32, 6:369–6:370, 6:511, 7:13, 8:272
  • J. Dougherty acquires for TJ, 1:153, 1:464, 1:465–1:466, 1:467, 1:476–1:477, 1:486
  • Essay on Sheep (Livingston), 1:667, 1:668n, 3:63, 3:64n
  • fodder for, 2:271, 2:543, 8:71, 8:158, 11:171–11:172, 14:180, 15:70, 17:40
  • Green mountain, 1:667
  • D. Humphreys’s, 2:431, 2:431, 5:496, 6:504
  • Iceland ram, 1:320, 1:596, 1:666, 3:637
  • lamb, 14:383, 17:207, 20:30, 20:30
  • at Lego, 12:304
  • mentioned, 10:664n
  • mutton, 4:362, 8:307, 11:240
  • in Pa., 1:18, 1:69n
  • C. W. Peale considers raising, 7:81
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:306, 4:381, 5:31, 6:6, 8:71, 8:74, 8:185, 8:520, 13:386, 17:39, 19:550, 19:551
  • price of, 8:307
  • profitability of raising, 9:616
  • raised in Ga., 4:40
  • raised in S.C., 2:218, 4:40, 19:81
  • raised in Va., 1:238–1:239, 1:240n, 4:346, 4:428
  • rams, 6:215, 10:398, 15:159
  • as rent, 12:302
  • scab in TJ’s, 3:176–3:177, 3:442, 3:453, 4:61, 4:62, 5:448
  • shears for, 6:347, 18:47
  • skin of Rocky Mountain, 1:327–1:328, 1:510
  • Spanish, 1:16, 1:320, 3:176–3:177, 5:198–5:199, 6:6–6:7, 6:31, 6:31, 11:430–11:431
  • O. Sprigg’s breed, 2:380
  • TJ’s advice sought on, 2:202
  • transportation of, 17:40, 17:48
  • at Tufton, 12:304

Sheffey, Daniel

  • as attorney, 11:538, 11:538–11:539, 11:539n
  • criticizes J. Adams, 5:4
  • and O. Evans’s petition to Congress, 7:113n
  • identified, 17:466n
  • introduces J. Horwitz, 17:466
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 11:668, 12:605n, 14:514, 15:416, 15:416–15:417n
  • letter from, 17:466
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 4:475, 4:476n
  • as Va. legislator, 19:273, 19:369

Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of, 3:79

Shekell (Sheckle, Sheckles, Shekel), Cephus (Cephas, Sephus)

  • letters of introduction for, 3:651
  • rents Henderson lands, 5:419, 5:426, 5:426

Shelby, Isaac

  • as commander of Ky. militia, 6:370, 8:263
  • declines appointment as secretary of war, 11:146, 11:146n
  • as governor of Ky., 5:644, 5:644n
  • and legacy of W. Campbell, 19:118, 19:118–19:123, 19:130, 19:140, 19:192, 19:627
  • Revolutionary War service of, 6:370, 6:371n, 19:119, 19:123n, 19:123–19:124n

Shelden, Daniel

  • as U.S. Treasury clerk, 8:437, 8:438n

Sheldon, Daniel

  • forwards works to TJ, 20:99, 20:446
  • as interim chargé d’affaires in France, 20:437, 20:437–20:438n
  • as secretary of U.S. legation in Paris, 13:445, 13:568, 14:228, 14:229n

Sheldon, Elisha

  • and G. Washington, 18:137–18:138


  • in Va., 14:562

shells, 14:168, 16:155, 17:388, 18:278, 19:358

Shelton, Joseph

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 15:97, 20:200
  • as Va. legislator, 17:157

Shelton, Maurice

  • translates Wotton’s Short View of George Hickes’s Grammatico-Critical and Archeological Treasure Of the Ancient Northern-Languages (W. Wotton), 16:364, 17:197

Shelton, Nelson T.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:330

Shelton, Samuel

  • business partnership of, 5:93n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Shelton, Thomas

  • Tachy-Graphy. The Most exact and compendious methode of Short and swift writing that hath ever yet been published by any, 16:287

Shelton, William A.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:330
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Shenandoah River

  • navigation of, 4:288, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412–14:413

Shenandoah Valley

  • “Cohees” as nickname for residents of, 8:232
  • settlement of, 8:643

Shepherd (TJ’s slave; b. 1782)

  • illness of, 14:555, 14:585
  • as laborer, 15:11
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Shepherd (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:385, 4:386, 5:462, 6:308, 8:62, 8:255, 13:387

Shepherd, Mary

  • signs petition, 18:146

Shepherd, William

  • Paris, in Eighteen Hundred And Two, and Eighteen Hundred And Fourteen, 8:628, 8:629n, 8:672, 9:122

Shepherd & Pollard (Richmond firm), 19:461n

shepherd dogs. See dogs

shepherd’s purse (plant), 14:161

Sheppard, William

  • A Grand Abridgment of the Common and Statute Law of England, 7:147, 7:148

Shepperd, J. P.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:310

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 7:660, 18:37, 18:38n

Sheridan, Thomas

  • A Course of Lectures on Elocution, 1:576, 7:629
  • A General Dictionary of the English Language, 16:194
  • writings of, 18:473

Sherlock, Thomas

  • Several Discourses preached at the Temple Church, 12:534

Sherman, Mr. See Shearman (Sherman), Martin

Sherman, Henry H.

  • as bookbinder, 17:209, 17:229
  • family of, 17:209
  • letter from, 17:209
  • letter to, 17:229

Sherman, Roger

  • anecdote of, 17:506
  • and Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence (J. Sanderson), 18:246–18:247, 18:274
  • and Declaration of Independence, 13:331, 13:390, 14:290–14:291, 18:274, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:124
  • TJ on, 18:274

sherry (wine), 8:571, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:313, 9:324, 9:513

Sherwin, Henry

  • Mathematical Tables, 4:148, 4:149n

Sheys, James (Jacobus) Bryant

  • identified, 14:29n
  • and A. Jackson’s W. Fla. campaign, 14:28, 14:29n
  • letter from, 14:28–14:29

Shields, William C.

  • publisher of Daily Compiler and Richmond Commercial Register, 7:450n

Shifflet, Mr.

  • boats of transport goods, 9:547

Shiflett, Joel

  • as juror, 5:279, 5:279
  • and University of Virginia, 19:51
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Shiloh (Old Testament figure), 17:166n

Shiner, D.

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Shippen, William

  • as educator, 15:307

Shirman, William

  • letters from, 7:331
  • letters to, 7:297, 7:448–7:449
  • and stonework at Monticello, 7:297, 7:331, 7:448–7:449
  • and stonework at Poplar Forest, 7:297, 7:331

shirting (textile), 6:348, 9:303, 9:303, 9:566, 9:597, 12:538, 15:229, 15:247, 16:13, 17:5, 17:5, 17:11, 18:47, 18:51, 18:51, 18:147n, 19:14, 19:486n

Shoaff, Dr. See Shaaff (Shoaff), John Thomas

Shoemaker, Isaac

  • and debt to S. Lukens, 4:571, 4:619
  • extorts money from father, 4:619
  • identified, 1:139n
  • letters to, 1:138–1:139
  • and mismanagement of Shadwell Mill, 1:108–1:109, 1:110n, 1:138–1:139, 1:139–1:140, 1:282, 2:292, 3:51–3:52, 3:156–3:157, 3:464–3:465, 3:644, 5:483–5:484
  • and postal route, 1:353
  • rent due from, 8:204
  • as Shadwell mill tenant, 19:18, 19:20, 19:24, 19:26
  • TJ’s account with, 3:300–3:302, 3:317–3:318, 3:640–3:642, 3:642–3:643
  • E. Trist on, 4:573, 4:574n

Shoemaker, James

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120, 19:120

Shoemaker, Jonathan

  • asks TJ to endorse bill, 2:95
  • identified, 1:109–1:110n
  • letters from, 1:139–1:140, 1:256, 1:407, 1:451–1:452, 2:269, 2:300, 2:393
  • letters from accounted for, 2:670n
  • letters to, 1:108–1:110, 1:282–1:283, 1:364, 1:421–1:422, 2:95, 2:199, 2:342–2:343, 2:660–2:661, 2:670
  • mentioned, 5:527
  • and mismanagement of Shadwell Mill, 1:108–1:109, 1:139–1:140, 1:282–1:283, 3:51–3:52, 3:111, 3:156–3:157, 3:184, 3:464–3:465, 3:528, 3:531, 3:614, 3:644, 5:483–5:484
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • rent due from, 1:353, 1:353, 1:364, 1:408, 1:421–1:422, 1:422, 1:451–1:452, 8:204
  • seeks abatement in rent, 1:407, 1:421–1:422
  • sells mill near Washington, 1:256, 5:484
  • as Shadwell mill tenant, 11:551–11:552, 11:554n, 11:555, 11:556–11:557, 14:357, 14:392, 14:398, 14:405, 18:640, 19:18, 19:20, 19:24, 19:26
  • ships flour to Richmond, 2:269, 2:292, 2:300, 3:111–3:112, 3:135, 3:154, 3:181, 3:301, 3:302, 3:318, 3:371, 3:612
  • son extorts money from, 4:619
  • TJ’s account with, 2:199, 2:300, 2:313–2:314, 2:342–2:343, 2:393, 2:660–2:661, 3:300–3:302, 3:317–3:318, 3:373, 3:640–3:642, 3:642–3:643, 4:495, 5:120
  • E. Trist on, 4:573, 4:574n

Shoemaker, Lukens, 2:393


  • brushes for, 12:362, 18:50, 19:13, 19:14
  • improvements in, 18:196
  • materials for
  • mentioned, 14:271, 15:95
  • moccasins, 16:38
  • sabots, 7:332
  • shoemaker’s knife, 19:10, 19:11, 19:16n
  • for slaves, 3:202, 20:122, 20:210
  • TJ’s, 8:234, 8:241–8:242, 10:555n, 12:31, 12:31n, 18:51, 20:154

Short, William

  • advocates unrestricted commerce, 1:119–1:120, 1:359–1:360, 3:274, 3:275n
  • J. Armstrong carries letters of, 1:115, 1:120
  • awaits instructions, 1:117, 1:331
  • on Baltimore, 14:614
  • on banks, 7:223
  • J. Barnes’s visit with, 7:469–7:470, 7:471–7:472, 7:472n
  • on books, 13:396–13:397, 13:488, 14:614–14:615
  • and bust of Condorcet, 15:149, 15:150n
  • and Central College, 12:103, 12:187
  • as chargé d’affaires, 7:137–7:138, 7:139n
  • compensation for diplomatic service, 15:557n
  • conveys news to and from French acquaintances, 1:173, 1:537
  • and T. Cooper, 14:322–14:323, 14:323–14:324, 14:324n, 17:584
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 6:87, 6:155–6:156, 6:204, 6:274, 6:605–6:606, 6:606, 7:139, 7:224–7:225, 7:287, 7:301, 7:403, 8:53, 14:454n, 14:613–14:614, 15:253–15:254, 15:491–15:492, 16:166–16:167, 16:368, 16:372, 17:603, 18:13, 19:148
  • correspondence with I. A. Coles, 19:603n
  • correspondence with G. Harrison, 8:490n
  • correspondence with TJ, 1:234, 20:352n
  • criticizes A. J. Dallas, 9:321–9:322
  • and F. C. A. Delamotte, 9:319–9:320, 9:358, 9:648, 9:693, 10:9–10:10, 10:21–10:22, 12:187, 14:512, 15:148
  • and diplomatic outfit, 1:61, 1:85, 1:118, 1:232–1:233, 1:235n, 5:362–5:364
  • on education, 7:223
  • on E. L. Elwyn, 20:631
  • and Epicurus, 15:149, 15:163–15:164, 15:252–15:253
  • and European affairs, 8:557, 19:465–19:468, 19:468n, 19:489–19:490, 19:491, 19:542
  • family of, 17:584, 17:586n
  • and fever outbreaks, 20:242–20:243
  • finances of, 8:52, 8:53, 8:109–8:110, 18:14, 19:602
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:321–14:322, 14:454n, 14:488
  • forwards pamphlet to J. Adams, 3:198, 3:274
  • forwards publications to TJ, 5:473, 5:473n, 5:500n, 7:505
  • on France, 3:197, 4:269–4:271, 7:224, 7:224–7:225, 7:403–7:404, 8:330–8:331, 10:22, 12:56–12:57, 13:397, 13:397n, 19:601
  • and A. Gallatin, 4:61n
  • on Great Britain, 4:269–4:273, 7:224, 8:51, 19:601
  • and E. Grouchy, 10:531, 12:56–12:57, 12:102, 12:105, 12:113–12:114
  • and L. Harris, 16:62–16:63, 18:10
  • health of, 6:276–6:277, 8:330, 8:332, 8:688, 8:688–8:689, 15:149, 17:603, 19:84
  • hopes to visit TJ, 7:225, 8:688–8:689, 15:562–15:563, 16:63, 16:167–16:168, 19:468, 19:490, 19:602–19:603, 19:603n, 20:631–20:632
  • and J. G. Hyde de Neuville, 5:405
  • identified, 1:39n
  • introduces G. W. Ridgely, 17:210
  • on immigration, 10:254–10:255
  • on importation of slaves, 10:255
  • and Indian Camp, 1:234, 1:235n, 3:198, 3:272–3:273, 3:275, 3:438, 3:621–3:622, 3:644, 4:5–4:6, 4:59–4:60, 4:197–4:198, 4:268, 4:273–4:274, 4:675, 5:239–5:240, 5:264–5:265, 5:364n, 5:399–5:402, 5:407n, 5:443–5:444, 5:446, 5:506, 5:567, 5:568–5:570, 5:573, 5:596, 5:622–5:623, 5:623–5:624n, 5:624–5:625, 6:86, 6:87–6:88n, 6:204, 6:274, 6:522–6:523, 6:523n, 6:575, 6:604, 6:604–6:605, 7:70–7:71, 7:136, 7:157, 7:157n, 7:159, 7:166–7:168, 7:169n, 7:197–7:198, 7:212–7:213, 7:271, 7:405, 7:487, 7:510, 7:511n, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655, 8:50–8:51, 8:107, 8:129, 8:332, 8:382, 8:428–8:429, 8:556, 8:567–8:568, 8:588, 8:598, 8:687–8:688, 9:319, 9:357, 9:362, 9:388, 9:488, 9:519, 9:519, 9:519–9:520, 9:648, 9:649n, 9:661, 9:662, 9:693, 10:9, 10:11n, 10:21, 10:253, 10:315, 10:464, 10:465n, 10:529, 11:245, 11:457, 11:500–11:501, 12:102–12:103, 12:186–12:187, 12:301
  • and internal improvements, 15:492–15:493, 18:518, 19:84
  • investments of, 1:32n, 7:136–7:138, 13:488, 13:489n, 16:373, 18:13–18:14, 19:147
  • and Lafayette, 3:447, 5:215n, 19:230
  • lands of near Norfolk (Green Sea lands), 10:529, 13:37–13:38, 13:38–13:39n, 13:38–13:39n, 13:73–13:74, 13:74n
  • lands of near Saint Lawrence River, 17:585, 17:603, 18:13–18:14, 18:517, 19:147–19:148, 19:468, 20:58, 20:59
  • letter carried by servant of, 14:453
  • letter of credence for, 1:328, 1:343–1:344, 1:359, 1:658, 1:659n
  • letters from, 1:115–1:122, 1:229–1:235, 2:200, 2:475–2:479, 3:197–3:200, 3:272–3:275, 4:268–4:274, 6:274–6:277, 7:135–7:139, 7:223–7:225, 7:402–7:405, 8:50–8:53, 8:330–8:332, 8:556–8:557, 8:687–8:689, 9:319–9:322, 9:693–9:696, 10:9–10:11, 10:21–10:22, 10:253–10:255, 10:529–10:531, 11:500–11:503, 12:56–12:57, 12:113–12:114, 12:186–12:187, 13:37–13:39, 13:395–13:397, 13:487–13:489, 14:321–14:325, 14:453–14:454, 14:613–14:616, 15:148–15:150, 15:252–15:255, 15:491–15:494, 15:562–15:565, 16:61–16:64, 16:370–16:373, 17:583–17:587, 18:12–18:14, 18:516–18:519, 19:146–19:149, 19:233, 19:465–19:468, 19:601–19:603, 20:58–20:60, 20:242–20:245, 20:631–20:632
  • letters from accounted for, 1:329n, 3:107n, 3:438n, 3:623n, 4:60–4:61n, 4:199n, 4:676n, 5:402n, 5:447n, 5:506n, 5:624n, 6:87n, 6:88n+, 6:277n, 6:606n, 7:213n, 7:225n, 7:272n, 7:593n, 8:429n, 8:490–8:491n, 9:322n, 9:520n, 9:648–9:649n
  • letters to, 1:38–1:39, 3:106–3:107, 3:438, 3:621–3:623, 4:59–4:61, 4:197–4:199, 4:674–4:676, 5:362–5:364, 5:399–5:402, 5:446–5:447, 5:505–5:506, 5:622–5:624, 6:86–6:88, 6:155–6:156, 6:204–6:206, 6:604–6:606, 7:166–7:169, 7:212–7:213, 7:271–7:272, 7:366, 7:591–7:593, 8:107–8:111, 8:382–8:383, 8:428–8:429, 8:490–8:491, 8:567–8:568, 9:357–9:358, 9:519–9:520, 9:648–9:649, 9:661, 10:314–10:315, 10:464–10:465, 11:457–11:458, 12:102–12:103, 13:73–13:74, 13:383–13:384, 13:510–13:511, 14:488–14:489, 15:162–15:165, 15:538–15:541, 16:163–16:168, 17:602–17:604, 19:83–19:84, 19:272, 19:489–19:491, 20:142–20:143
  • letters to mentioned, 2:257, 2:257n, 2:268
  • on living abroad, 4:269–4:270
  • and J. Madison, 2:33, 2:200n, 2:477, 2:477, 6:275, 6:276, 7:223, 8:51–8:52, 8:331, 10:22, 10:22n, 16:63–16:64, 16:167, 16:372–16:373, 17:584–17:585
  • on marriage, 3:197, 3:200n, 7:403, 8:332
  • and medals for Revolutionary War service, 15:292
  • mentioned, 1:433, 3:620, 5:189, 11:454
  • on merchants, 15:254–15:255, 19:468
  • and merino sheep, 3:198
  • and Missouri question, 15:254, 15:492, 15:540, 15:563–15:565
  • and J. Monroe, 7:224, 8:50, 10:21–10:22, 11:502–11:503, 12:57, 16:63–16:64, 16:167, 16:372
  • J. Monroe on, 7:197
  • and J. Moreau’s proposed visit to Monticello, 4:674–4:675, 5:363, 6:87
  • on Napoleon, 8:51, 8:689, 19:601
  • on newspapers, 8:52, 9:321, 10:254, 20:244
  • nomination of, rejected, 1:38, 1:39n, 1:229–1:230, 1:231, 1:375, 1:659n
  • on N.Y., 20:59–20:60
  • and payments to TJ, 9:359, 9:514, 9:552
  • Philadelphia residence of, 9:605
  • plans to visit France, 8:53, 8:110, 8:490, 8:557
  • and P. de Polética, 14:324, 14:454, 14:454n, 14:488
  • on presidency, 9:695–9:696, 19:148, 19:602, 20:243–20:244
  • on prospect of war with Great Britain, 4:272–4:273
  • publication of correspondence with TJ, 13:383–13:384n, 13:487, 13:546, 13:557, 13:557n
  • purchases wallpaper for TJ, 18:lii
  • recess appointment to Saint Petersburg, 1:65
  • and religion, 18:517–18:518, 19:146–19:147, 19:465
  • on republicanism in U.S., 8:689
  • returns to U.S., 2:200, 2:200n, 2:288, 2:410, 2:475–2:476, 2:477, 3:89, 10:22, 10:22n
  • and revision of Va. constitution, 10:529–10:530
  • and W. C. Rives, 7:402, 7:591, 20:631
  • and sale of TJ’s library, 8:331–8:332
  • sends certificates to TJ, 2:477–2:478, 2:479n, 3:29–3:30, 3:89, 3:106, 3:197
  • sends greetings to Monticello, 14:232
  • and slavery, 20:244–20:245, 20:245n
  • tenants of, 3:622, 4:197–4:198, 4:675
  • Madame de Tessé on, 2:311, 4:323
  • and C. Thomson, 18:516
  • TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:366
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 3:198, 7:213, 8:568, 14:488, 14:613, 15:164, 15:540
  • TJ makes payment for, 7:708
  • TJ on, 3:504, 7:35
  • TJ rejects request from, 8:490
  • TJ represents, 15:557n, 18:482, 18:482–18:483
  • and TJ’s beliefs about Jesus, 15:491, 15:538–15:539, 15:562, 16:61–16:62, 16:163–16:166, 16:371–16:372, 17:586
  • TJ’s debt to, 7:166–7:168, 7:680, 8:331–8:332, 8:382, 8:426, 8:427, 8:428, 8:434, 8:451, 8:483, 8:556, 9:320, 9:322n, 9:357
  • and TJ’s health, 13:383–13:384n, 13:395–13:396, 13:487, 13:488, 13:510–13:511, 14:512, 14:615, 15:148–15:149, 15:162–15:163, 15:541, 16:64, 17:583–17:584, 17:602–17:603, 18:10, 18:12, 18:516, 19:233, 19:272, 19:465, 19:490, 19:603, 19:603n, 20:245, 20:631
  • on TJ’s influence over J. Madison, 6:275, 7:223
  • travels of, 8:50, 8:556, 8:687, 14:613, 14:614–14:615, 15:149, 16:370–16:371, 16:373, 17:585–17:586, 18:13, 18:14, 18:517, 19:83, 19:146, 19:147–19:148, 19:466, 19:468, 20:58–20:59, 20:142, 20:631–20:632
  • and University of Virginia, 13:396, 13:487–13:488, 13:511, 14:322–14:324, 14:453–14:454, 14:454n, 14:488–14:489, 14:614, 15:149–15:150, 15:491, 15:563, 16:167, 17:584, 17:603, 17:603, 18:516–18:517, 19:83–19:84, 19:146–19:147, 19:465, 19:490, 19:602, 19:603, 20:142, 20:243
  • urges TJ to write memoir, 9:695, 10:10–10:11, 10:254, 15:254, 15:493
  • on visitors to Philadelphia, 9:693–9:695
  • and visits to Monticello, 8:331, 8:332n, 13:488, 13:489n, 18:14, 20:59, 20:142, 20:142, 20:242
  • D. B. Warden sends publications through, 8:36, 8:291, 8:420
  • on war in Spain and Portugal, 4:271
  • on War of 1812, 6:275, 6:276, 7:223–7:224, 8:51–8:52, 8:52–8:53, 8:330, 8:331, 9:320–9:321, 16:373, 18:13
  • and watch chain and seal, 6:338, 6:339n, 6:467
  • will of, 20:244
  • and Wistar parties, 18:12, 18:12–18:13

Short Account of the Origin of Steam Boats (W. Thornton), 8:195

A Short and Easie Method with Deists (C. Leslie), 3:590, 3:590n

Shorter, John (Jack)

  • accompanies TJ to Monticello, 1:59, 1:60n
  • assistance provided to, 14:26, 14:26n
  • delivers letters, 1:85, 1:153
  • family of, 14:26
  • health of, 14:26
  • as hosteler, 1:3, 1:60n
  • identified, 14:26n
  • TJ pays, 1:41–1:42

A Short History of the Nature and Consequences of Excise Laws (J. T. Callender), 9:217, 9:218n

A Short Introduction to English Grammar (R. Lowth), 12:534, 19:507

A Short Introduction To Moral Philosophy (F. Hutcheson), 7:458, 7:458n, 7:627

A Short Statement of some important facts, relative to the late election of a Mathematical Professor in the University of Edinburgh (D. Stewart), 15:140, 16:208


  • case, 18:311, 18:311n, 20:383
  • grapeshot, 20:383
  • purchased by TJ, 9:301, 16:6, 16:13, 16:13, 18:41

shot manufacturing, 5:107, 5:108, 8:96, 8:96n, 8:97–8:98, 8:113+, 8:119–8:120, 8:120–8:121, 8:257, 8:281–8:282, 8:308–8:309, 8:347, 9:610, 10:454, 10:520, 10:555, 11:177n, 11:642, 12:340, 12:525, 12:525–12:526, 12:544

Shotwell, William See also Shotwell & Kinder (New York firm)

  • identified, 7:73n

Shotwell & Kinder (New York firm)

  • identified, 7:73n
  • letters from, 7:72–7:73
  • letters to, 7:191–7:192
  • and Taurino cloth, 7:72–7:73, 7:73n, 7:191

shovels, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548, 15:86, 20:85

Shuckburgh-Evelyn, Sir George Augustus William

  • mathematician, 9:642

Shuey, Adam

  • and University of Virginia, 16:476

Shuey, George

  • and University of Virginia, 17:638, 17:641n

Shuey, Jacob

  • and University of Virginia, 17:633, 17:641n

Shulze, John Andrew

  • as governor of Pa., 20:586–20:587, 20:588n
  • as Pa. gubernatorial candidate, 20:111, 20:129n

Siau, Pierre

  • and P. Poinsot’s land grant, 11:472


  • frozen mammoth found in, 2:507, 5:572

Sibley, John

  • and B. de La Harpe manuscript, 9:658n

Siblong, Col. See le Blanc (Siblong) de Villeneufve, Paul Louis

Sicard, Roch Ambroise Cucurron

  • and education of the deaf, 10:39, 16:60
  • Théorie des Signes, 1:662, 1:662n, 17:536


  • wine from, 9:513, 11:293+

Sickels, Garret, 6:526n

Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount

  • British prime minister, 3:79, 3:298, 4:670, 4:671n, 10:282
  • and peace negotiations, 8:380–8:381

Sidney (S. H. Smith’s Washington estate), 3:76, 3:76n

Sidney, Algernon

  • British patriot, 2:385, 2:387n, 4:470, 6:296
  • Discourses concerning Government, 19:505, 20:150
  • read by J. Adams, 4:474, 20:150
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503

“Sidney, Algernon” (pseudonym of Spencer Roane). See Roane, Spencer: and Cohens v. Virginia

Siècle de Louis XIV (Voltaire), 1:580, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:447

Siegfried, Carl Ludwig (Charles Lewis)

  • identified, 3:61n
  • letters from, 3:60–3:61
  • seeks appointment, 3:60–3:61

Siegfried, Charlotte Frazer (Carl Ludwig Siegfried’s wife), 3:60

Sierra Leone Company, 3:319, 3:320n, 18:609n

Las Siete Partidas (Alfonso X), 3:53n, 3:175n, 3:546

Las siete partidas del sabio rey Don Alonso el Nono (G. López), 3:175n, 3:176n


  • as scientific equipment, 20:611, 20:612

Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph

  • as member of Estates General, 17:369
  • Qu’est-ce que le Tiers-État?, 17:360


  • for slaves, 8:71
  • used to spread fertilizer, 10:534
  • wire, 18:42, 18:174, 19:11

Sigaud de Lafond, Joseph Aignan

  • writings of, 14:168

Sigler, John

  • militia service of, 7:161

Silhouette, Étienne de

  • Mémoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majesté Britannique, 19:463, 19:463–19:464n


  • from Peale’s Museum, 17:liv, 17:392 (illus.)

Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius Asconius

  • Punica, 20:449n, 20:465
  • quoted, 20:270


  • French, 17:142
  • C. J. Randolph purchases, 19:10
  • M. J. Randolph purchases, 19:12
  • substitutes for, 5:439, 5:560
  • tapes, 18:471
  • taxes on, 19:574
  • TJ orders, 6:345, 6:345, 9:565, 16:6, 16:6, 16:8, 16:8, 16:9, 17:5, 17:5, 17:6, 17:10, 18:42, 18:43, 18:43, 18:44, 18:44, 18:47, 18:47, 18:47, 19:11, 19:15, 19:16

silk manufacturing

  • in Europe, 1:341, 1:342n, 1:355, 1:412–1:413, 1:424, 1:425n, 1:472, 5:473
  • in U.S., 4:85, 5:439, 12:257, 19:81, 19:82n, 19:129, 19:615

silk plant, 3:343, 3:343n

silk tree, 1:631, 2:104n, 18:166

Silkworm (brig), 10:58n, 10:91

Silliman, Benjamin

  • and American Geological Society, 14:648, 15:56
  • and American Journal of Science, 12:626, 12:627n, 13:82, 13:82, 13:83n, 13:310, 13:327, 15:357, 17:65
  • as geologist, 15:324n
  • identified, 12:626–12:627n
  • letter from, 14:648
  • letter from accounted for, 12:627n
  • “Letter from Robert Hare … to B. Silliman … on some improved forms of the Galvanic Deflagrator …” , 20:636n
  • letters to, 12:626–12:627, 15:56
  • as university professor, 14:126

Silsbee, Nathaniel

  • as character reference, 13:4


  • alembics, 20:638
  • askos, 17:lii
  • coffeepots, 8:393
  • crucibles, 20:638
  • cups, 8:235, 8:237n, 8:393, 12:54, 12:54
  • as currency, 8:16, 14:66, 17:330–17:331, 18:365n, 19:665
  • eyeglass frames, 8:192n
  • for firearms, 12:454
  • foil, 20:612
  • mines, 16:15
  • plated, 8:485, 8:486, 14:587n
  • smiths, 11:413, 11:548–11:549, 11:604–11:605
  • used for Revolutionary War medals, 15:292
  • watches, 8:393, 8:485, 10:578
  • wire, 20:612

silver bells, 11:175, 11:175n

Silver, William (master of schooner Jachin )

  • carries goods, 4:215, 4:220

silver nitrate. See lunar caustic (silver nitrate)

silver ore

  • found at Jefferson Co., Va. (now W. Va.), 3:647–3:648
  • in N.Y., 8:209n
  • Sardinian specimen, 2:299

Silvestre, Augustin François

  • agricultural report of, 2:83
  • cottonseed sent by TJ, 1:258, 1:596
  • identified, 1:259n
  • letter from to Provenchere mentioned, 2:128–2:129, 2:129n
  • letterhead of, 1:xlviii, 1:380 (illus.)
  • letters from, 1:258–1:260, 1:611–1:613, 15:145–15:146
  • Mémoires de la Société d’agriculture, 1:258, 1:259n, 1:611–1:612, 1:629, 1:630n, 15:145
  • Notice Biographique sur M. Dupont (Pierre-Samuel), 15:146n
  • Notice Biographique sur M. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 15:146n
  • Rapport sur les Travaux de la Société d’Agriculture du Département de la Seine, 1:612, 1:613n

Simcoe, John Graves

  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:191

Simeon (New Testament figure), 10:504, 16:588, 20:363, 20:376

Simes, Ann F.

  • signs petition, 18:146

Simes, Mary F.

  • signs petition, 18:146

“A Simile” (Pindar), 1:538n

Simington (schooner), 9:660n

Simington, Robert

  • identified, 11:447n
  • letter to, 11:447
  • sends books to TJ, 11:274, 11:447

Simmons, Anthony

  • as silversmith, 17:lii

Simmons, Joshua

  • letters from, 4:77
  • seeks loan from TJ, 4:77

Simmons, William

  • War Department accountant, 3:324, 3:450

Simms, Charles

  • as collector at Alexandria, 4:215, 4:219, 4:220, 4:487, 4:529, 5:561, 5:671, 9:570, 9:573n, 10:75, 10:112–10:113, 10:193, 10:218, 10:219n, 10:229–10:230, 11:406, 11:407n, 12:346, 12:566, 13:14, 13:16n, 13:171, 13:253, 13:254n, 13:345, 13:443, 13:445n, 14:256, 15:117, 15:117n
  • and goods for TJ, 10:112–10:113, 10:127, 12:515, 13:345
  • identified, 4:221n
  • letters from, 4:487, 10:75
  • letters to, 4:220–4:221, 10:112–10:113, 10:127, 10:229–10:230, 12:515, 13:171, 13:345
  • mayor of Alexandria, 7:644, 7:644n, 7:648

Simms, William Douglass

  • as deputy collector at Alexandria, 10:113n, 10:193–10:194, 10:219n, 11:406, 11:407n, 11:531, 13:253, 13:253, 13:277, 13:277n, 15:117, 15:135, 15:157, 15:157n
  • forwards wine to TJ, 10:193–10:194, 10:229, 13:253, 13:253, 15:117
  • identified, 10:194n
  • letter from accounted for, 12:515n
  • letters from, 10:193–10:194, 13:253–13:254, 15:117
  • letter to, 15:135

Simnel (Symnel), Lambert

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:377

Simolin, Ivan Matveevich

  • and J. Ledyard’s expedition, 6:420, 17:341

Simon, Theodor

  • translates Janua Linguarum Reserata (J. A. Komenský), 8:482, 8:482n

Simond, Louis

  • Switzerland, 19:439

Simon de Nantua, ou le Marchand Forain (L. P. de Jussieu), 15:26, 15:465

Simonds, Jonas, 2:304

Simons, Edward Peter

  • identified, 13:158–13:159n
  • letter from, 13:157–13:159
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 13:157

Simonson, Jane

  • signs petition, 18:146

Simple Discours (P. L. Courier), 17:255, 17:255n

Simplicius of Cilicia

  • Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (ed. H. Wolf), 14:510, 18:279
  • writings of, 6:317

The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre (P. Birkman), 19:595–19:596, 19:596n, 19:632

Simpson, James

  • petition of, 13:504–13:505, 13:505–13:506n, 13:533, 13:614
  • as U.S. consul at Gibraltar and Tangier, 13:504–13:505, 13:533, 13:533n

Simpson, Robert

  • identified, 20:337–20:338n
  • letter from, 20:337–20:338
  • letter to, 20:508–20:509
  • and Saint Louis County Agricultural Society, 20:337, 20:508–20:509

Simpson, Thomas

  • The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions, 5:416, 5:442, 5:443n, 5:501, 6:157, 7:286, 9:192
  • Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematics, 5:417, 7:458, 7:458n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n
  • A treatise of algebra, 1:576
  • works of, 16:381, 19:617

Sims, William M.

  • TJ pays, 19:69, 19:85, 19:85n, 19:91

Simson, Robert

  • The Elements of Euclid, 1:576, 1:650, 7:250, 7:253n, 13:476, 14:102

Sinbad (fictional character), 12:652

Sinclair, Mr., 16:634n

Sinclair, Sir John

  • The Code of Agriculture, 11:381–11:382, 11:382, 11:382n, 15:465, 16:151, 16:151, 16:169, 16:187, 17:232, 17:251, 19:508
  • The Code of Health and Longevity, 9:143, 9:144n, 9:144n+, 10:280
  • An Essay on Longevity, 4:140, 4:142n
  • and flax specimen, 10:501, 10:547
  • friendship with G. Logan, 9:709, 10:501
  • identified, 9:144n
  • letters from, 9:143–9:144, 11:381–11:382
  • letter to, 10:280–10:283
  • and melon seeds, 10:317
  • “Mildew in Wheat” , 9:144n+
  • and Orders in Council, 7:41, 7:44n
  • and peace negotiations, 8:381
  • and peace with Great Britain, 10:501
  • plow of, 10:501, 10:547
  • sends prospectus to TJ, 9:143, 9:144n, 10:280, 11:382
  • sends wool to TJ, 10:547
  • The Statistical Account of Scotland, 14:562–14:563n
  • TJ on, 10:280, 10:282–10:283
  • and TJ’s moldboard plow, 12:571
  • writings of, 18:473

Sinclair, Robert

  • and agriculture, 18:560
  • identified, 18:560n
  • letter from accounted for, 18:560n
  • letter to, 18:560

Sine Qua Non (ship), 8:452, 8:452, 8:452n

The Sine Qua Non: A Map of the United States (J. Melish), 8:75–8:76, 8:77n, 8:78n, 8:133

Singellton, William

  • identified, 11:529n
  • letter from, 11:528–11:530
  • letter to, 11:582
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:528–11:529, 11:582

Singleton, Rebecca Coles (Isaac A. Coles’s sister), 8:21, 8:21n

Sinton, William, 5:570n

siphons, 20:612

Siren . See Syren (sloop)

Siro (brig), 13:241, 13:241, 13:241n, 13:443

Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de

  • J. Adams reads, 11:268, 11:313
  • Histoire des Républiques Italiennes du moyen âge, 10:234, 11:308, 11:308n, 11:313, 11:409, 15:258, 16:58
  • writings of, 15:75, 16:421

Situation de l’Angleterre en 1811 (Montgaillard), 4:672, 4:672n

Six Brothers (ship), 18:491–18:492

A Six Months Tour through the North of England (A. Young), 6:280

Sixteen Introductory Lectures (B. Rush), 3:277, 3:279n, 3:304, 4:87

60th Royal American Regiment, 1:290

A Six Weeks Tour, through the Southern Counties of England and Wales (A. Young), 6:280

S. J. Thompson & Company (Baltimore firm), 16:52

Skelton, Bathurst

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304–1:305, 1:362, 1:363, 1:591, 1:608, 2:129, 2:130n, 2:141, 2:142, 2:396, 2:397, 2:397, 2:403, 2:407, 2:424, 2:425, 2:433, 2:434, 2:447, 2:464–2:465, 2:465–2:466, 3:84–3:86, 7:99, 7:99n, 7:174
  • and lottery for W. Byrd (1728–77), 12:487
  • TJ marries widow of, 17:311

Skelton, Elizabeth Lomax (Reuben Skelton’s wife), 2:84, 2:85n, 2:122–2:123, 2:447

Skelton, James

  • buys lot in Westham, 8:171n
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 2:447, 3:84–3:85

Skelton, John, 1:305n, 2:397, 3:44, 3:85

Skelton, Lucy. See Gilliam, Lucy Skelton

Skelton, Martha Wayles. See Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton (TJ’s wife)

Skelton, Meriwether, 2:425, 2:425, 3:85, 12:487

Skelton, Reuben

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:305n, 1:644, 2:33, 2:83–2:84, 2:85, 2:122–2:123, 2:141, 2:142, 2:256, 2:396, 2:447, 3:84–3:86

Skelton, Sally, 1:305n

Skelton family, 1:305n, 1:364

Sketches & Propositions (H. Banks), 3:296

Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana (A. Stoddard), 3:291, 3:291–3:292n, 5:683n, 6:39

“Sketches of Louisiana” (H. Steel), 12:627, 12:628n

Sketches of Manners, Scenery, &c. in the French Provinces, Switzerland, and Italy (J. Scott), 17:536

Sketches of the History of Man (H. H. Kames), 19:506

Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry (W. Wirt)

  • and bill of attainder against J. Philips, 10:438n
  • and D. Carr (174373), 9:219–9:220, 9:220n, 9:407, 10:406, 10:434
  • and T. Cooper, 12:44
  • criticism of, 13:274–13:275, 13:275n
  • draft chapters of sent to TJ, 10:315–10:316, 10:337, 10:346–10:347, 10:365–10:366, 10:384, 10:408, 10:419–10:420, 10:431, 10:437–10:438, 10:487–10:488
  • opinions on, 13:lii
  • and origin of American Revolution, 12:493, 12:496, 12:496–12:497, 12:517–12:518, 12:531n, 12:549n, 13:48, 14:288, 14:289, 14:373
  • preface to, 13:24
  • published by J. Webster, 10:346–10:347, 10:347, 10:347n
  • and E. Randolph’s manuscript on Va. history, 8:620n
  • sent to TJ, 12:l, 12:322, 12:348 (illus.)
  • TJ on, 4:596, 10:365–10:366, 10:523–10:524, 12:l
  • TJ provides information for, 2:155–2:156, 2:314, 4:599, 4:600, 4:604n, 4:605, 7:551, 8:140, 8:619–8:621, 8:621, 10:365–10:366, 10:406, 10:421–10:423, 10:423n, 10:434, 17:311, 17:312, 17:312

Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene (W. Johnson), 19:96–19:97, 19:100n, 19:215–19:216, 19:216, 19:222n, 19:298, 19:428, 19:532n, 19:697

Sketches of the Naval History of the United States (T. Clark), 6:146, 6:165, 6:167, 6:167–6:168n, 6:206–6:207, 6:289

Sketches of the Principles of Government (N. Chipman), 7:628, 9:436, 12:514, 13:33, 13:47, 19:506

Sketches on Rotations of Crops, and other Rural Matters (J. B. Bordley), 2:82

A Sketch for the Improvement of the Political, Commercial, and Local Interests of Britain (J. J. Oddy and W. Playfair), 3:274, 3:275n

Sketch of a Plan and Method of Education (J. Neef), 4:661

“A Sketch of the Creek Country, in the years 1798 and 1799” (B. Hawkins), 9:121, 9:383–9:384, 9:384n, 9:453, 14:132n

A Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States of America (P. de Polética), 3:190n

Sketch of the Internal Improvements already made by Pennsylvania (S. Breck), 13:174, 13:174n

Sketch of the Life of Samuel Dexter, LL. D. (J. Story), 10:75, 10:75n, 10:173

“Sketch of the Life of Servetus” (F. A. Van der Kemp), 10:121, 10:122n, 11:138, 11:139n

A Sketch of the Rights of Boys and Girls (“Launcelot Light” and “Lætitia Lookabout”), 18:228, 18:229n

A Sketch of the Saxon Heptarchy (C. Caines), 3:522n

Skidmore, Thomas

  • identified, 18:596n
  • letter from, 18:586–18:596
  • letter to, 18:613
  • proposed telescope of, 18:586–18:595, 18:613

Skidmore’s Ferry

  • on route to Natural Bridge, 9:35

skillets, 19:11

Skinner, Elizabeth Glenn Davies

  • visits D. Porter, 15:360

Skinner, John Stuart

  • and American Farmer, 11:293n+, 14:537, 15:359–15:361, 15:418n, 15:578, 18:437, 18:465, 20:53, 20:494, 20:495n
  • as Baltimore postmaster, 16:523
  • disparages Louis XVIII, 10:484n
  • health of, 16:325n
  • identified, 15:361n
  • introduced to TJ, 16:348
  • letter from accounted for, 18:466n
  • letters from, 15:359–15:361, 15:578–15:579
  • letters to, 15:417–15:418, 15:601–15:602, 16:324–16:325
  • letter to accounted for, 20:477n
  • and parmesan cheese, 15:360, 15:361n, 15:417–15:418, 15:418n
  • as publisher, 15:465
  • and sainfoin, 15:578, 15:578–15:579n, 15:601
  • and scuppernong wine, 11:293n+, 16:324
  • sends works to TJ, 15:360, 15:361n
  • visits Monticello, 11:293n+, 16:324, 16:325n, 16:348, 16:348n

Skinner, Richard

  • as governor of Vt., 17:173n

Skipwith, Anne Wayles (TJ’s sister-in-law; Henry Skipwith’s wife)

  • family of, 1:339n
  • and J. Wayles’s estate, 19:203, 19:204n

Skipwith, Fulwar

  • commercial agent at Paris, 2:339n
  • as consul general at Paris, 1:26, 8:600, 8:600n, 8:607, 13:431–13:432
  • and dispute with I. C. Barnet, 5:464n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s will, 12:314–12:315n
  • as La. state senator, 8:295–8:296

Skipwith, George N.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331, 12:472, 12:551

Skipwith, Henry (TJ’s brother-in-law)

  • acquires land through marriage, 6:130
  • attends dinners honoring TJ, 1:608+, 1:615+
  • and J. Banister’s estate, 3:183, 3:210–3:211
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304, 1:305, 1:306, 1:331, 1:339, 1:362, 1:363, 1:364–1:365, 2:369, 2:674–2:675, 3:44, 3:86
  • and O. Hanbury’s executors, 3:195
  • identified, 1:339n
  • letters from, 1:339, 3:183
  • letters to, 1:364–1:365, 2:335–2:336, 3:210–3:211
  • and W. Short’s land, 4:268, 4:274n
  • TJ sends millet seed to, 2:335
  • and trusteeship of P. Ludwell’s daughters, 7:329
  • as J. Wayles’s executor, 2:142n, 2:369, 2:540, 5:210, 5:287

Skipwith, William

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

skullcap (herb)

  • and rabies, 15:281, 15:281n

Slagle, Martha

  • signs petition, 18:146

slate, 13:92, 13:92, 13:97–13:98, 13:99, 13:117, 15:93, 19:16

Slate Mills (Culpeper, now Rappahannock Co., Va.), 3:184

Slate River, 14:403, 14:412

Slaughter, Mr. See Slaydyen, Arther

Slaughter, Mrs.

  • and University of Virginia, 20:202, 20:221, 20:223

Slaughter, Elizabeth Towles (Philip Slaughter’s wife), 18:605

Slaughter, John

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:325, 11:330, 15:97, 17:620
  • identified, 12:49n
  • letter to, 12:48–12:50
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 12:48, 12:57–12:58, 13:275
  • and University of Virginia, 16:480, 17:627

Slaughter, Joseph

  • and C. L. Bankhead, 5:56–5:57
  • considered by TJ for employment, 8:496, 8:501
  • employs A. Hepburn, 15:617
  • identified, 5:57n
  • leases Bedford Co. land, 2:237, 2:238n
  • letters from, 5:339
  • letters to, 5:56–5:57, 5:338, 6:488–6:489
  • mentioned, 3:392
  • surveys Bedford Co. land for TJ, 3:188n, 4:318n
  • surveys Poplar Forest curtilage, 5:482–5:483, 5:489, 8:70
  • surveys TJ’s Tomahawk plantation, 6:488, 6:488–6:489n
  • TJ buys horse from, 10:539n
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:62, 5:338, 5:339
  • witnesses documents, 5:488n

Slaughter, Philip

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:560, 14:13
  • work sent to, 18:605
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223

slavery See also Missouri question; slaves

  • abolition of, 18:57, 19:82n, 19:129, 19:598, 19:711, 19:711n
  • J. Adams on, 16:590
  • books on, 1:33, 1:33n, 3:522n, 3:522n, 8:442, 8:450, 8:451n, 17:12, 17:14n
  • and colonization, 3:267–3:269, 3:318–3:320, 11:7–11:8, 11:8–11:12, 11:60–11:61, 11:501, 14:11, 14:577–14:578, 16:490, 16:497, 17:423, 17:423n, 18:609n, 20:440–20:441n, 20:475–20:477
  • dangers of, 4:337, 4:338n, 10:76–10:79, 10:79n, 19:82n
  • and Declaration of Independence, 20:38–20:39n
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 4:328, 4:444
  • effects on society of, 10:41–10:42, 11:9–11:10, 17:305, 19:82n
  • and elections, 19:533–19:535, 19:623–19:624
  • and emancipation proposals, 7:503–7:504, 7:604, 7:702–7:704, 8:454–8:455, 10:76–10:79, 10:79n, 10:159n, 11:7–11:8, 11:8–11:12, 11:60–11:61, 16:461n, 16:469, 16:490, 16:497, 16:525–16:526n, 17:310, 20:475–20:477, 20:477–20:478n
  • and free-labor stores, 12:554
  • Lafayette on, 17:254–17:255, 18:425–18:426
  • and manumission, 17:310, 17:375n
  • R. Mills on, 18:609n
  • and miscegenation, 8:310–8:311, 8:374–8:375
  • in North Africa, 13:504, 13:504, 13:505, 13:506n, 13:614, 13:614n
  • opposition to, 8:364, 8:365n, 8:450, 8:451n, 10:76–10:79, 14:378–14:379, 15:75–15:76, 15:176, 15:177n, 15:177–15:178, 15:380n, 16:111n, 17:11–17:14, 17:166n, 18:572n
  • C. Peyton on, 15:116, 15:116–15:117
  • and southern political power, 17:213, 19:623–19:624
  • and Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 16:158
  • Madame de Staël Holstein on, 9:326
  • TJ on, 2:382, 3:647+, 4:157, 7:603–7:605, 7:651–7:652, 7:703, 8:311, 8:442, 8:454–8:455, 10:76, 10:79n, 10:159n, 10:368, 11:60–11:61, 15:116–15:117, 16:291, 16:361–16:362, 16:489–16:490, 16:493–16:494, 16:496, 17:310, 17:319, 18:426, 18:609n, 20:143
  • TJ’s policies concerning, 2:158, 8:384n, 17:375n
  • W. Short on, 20:244–20:245, 20:245n

slaves See also African Americans; slavery; specific entries for enslaved individuals; specific entries for Virginia plantations

  • accused of murder, 14:494, 14:596
  • accused of theft, 13:518, 13:581
  • advertisements for, 17:8
  • alleged plot by, 17:304, 17:305–17:306n, 19:221–19:222, 19:222–19:223n
  • E. Bacon’s, 14:509, 16:152, 18:435, 19:484
  • of Bankheads, 8:395
  • barbecue held by, 20:30
  • J. Barbour’s, 13:25
  • J. Barnes’s, 14:69, 14:70
  • beaten, 13:518
  • behavior of, 11:626, 11:626n, 12:227, 12:349, 12:483, 15:116, 15:147, 18:194, 18:215–18:216
  • C. Bellini’s, 9:113, 9:291, 9:293, 9:490, 9:491, 9:491, 9:491
  • as blacksmiths, 17:650, 18:30, 18:641n, 18:641, 18:642, 18:643
  • blankets and beds for, 4:99, 4:382–4:383, 5:33, 5:34, 5:460–5:463, 6:308–6:309, 6:310, 7:71, 8:68, 8:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186, 8:186, 13:386, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • bread for, 16:647–16:648, 18:402
  • and brewing, 6:507n, 8:438–8:439, 8:439n, 8:565, 9:4, 9:4n, 10:340, 10:462, 11:189, 11:189n, 11:216, 11:216n, 15:527, 15:527n
  • J. C. Cabell’s, 8:317–8:318, 13:334
  • Y. Carden’s, 16:152
  • as carpenters, 15:60, 15:61, 15:143, 15:154, 15:172, 15:174, 15:174, 15:209–15:210, 15:247, 15:257–15:258, 15:264–15:265, 15:331, 16:128, 17:613, 18:36, 18:64, 19:277
  • J. Chamberlain’s, 4:15
  • and child labor, 5:31, 5:187, 5:446, 8:634, 8:635
  • and child rearing, 13:582, 13:605, 16:66
  • and Christmas, 8:132, 13:518, 18:79n
  • G. Churchman favors bettering condition of, 2:382
  • cisterns repaired by, 17:429, 19:642–19:643
  • clothing for, 4:343, 4:515, 5:307, 5:446, 5:470, 6:308, 6:309, 6:310, 7:191, 8:68, 8:158, 8:185, 8:368, 8:380, 8:570, 9:303, 9:303, 9:562, 12:301, 15:95, 15:134, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:247, 15:248n, 15:282, 15:312, 15:313, 15:450–15:451, 16:90, 17:234, 17:654, 18:194, 18:225, 19:62, 19:486, 19:615, 20:122, 20:210, 20:210, 20:211, 20:211, 20:211, 20:211
  • clothing of, 1:420, 1:666–1:667, 7:187, 16:357
  • E. Coles’s plan for emancipation of, 7:503–7:504, 7:603–7:605, 7:702–7:704
  • at College of William and Mary, 9:490
  • as cooks, 13:557
  • corn for, 6:181–6:182, 6:366, 6:605, 8:72, 8:158, 8:610, 8:611, 11:547, 20:396
  • cost of hire, 8:307, 19:659
  • J. B. Couch’s, 1:346–1:348
  • court trials of, 19:222, 19:262, 19:262–19:263n
  • crop rations for, 18:317–18:318
  • deaths of, 3:180–3:181, 13:567, 13:605, 13:605, 14:476, 14:477n, 14:494, 14:567n, 19:449, 19:484
  • and dogs, 4:349n
  • as drivers, 11:559
  • dwellings of, 1:388, 4:380, 5:489, 8:70, 8:71, 8:173–8:174, 8:185, 8:185–8:186, 8:265, 13:387, 15:87, 15:282, 19:398
  • enumeration of, 3:202, 8:392, 8:485
  • of J. W. Eppes, 1:156n, 1:321, 1:321n, 10:600, 10:673, 11:14, 11:174, 11:292, 16:90, 18:22, 20:251, 20:251–20:252
  • and J. W. Eppes’s loan to TJ, 16:23–16:24, 16:66, 16:90–16:91, 16:149, 16:210
  • errands by, 11:337, 11:365, 11:617, 12:54, 12:54, 12:261, 12:292, 12:297, 12:298, 14:372, 14:554, 14:637, 15:366n, 15:431, 15:432n, 16:233, 16:245, 16:349, 16:356, 17:4, 17:285, 17:412, 17:413, 17:517, 17:574, 18:46, 19:584, 20:166n
  • escapes of, 3:269n, 18:li–18:lii, 18:196 (illus.), 19:262n
  • families of, 3:180–3:181, 3:610–3:611n
  • first arrival in Va. of, 17:375n
  • flour for, 6:487, 8:610
  • food for, 15:70, 16:90, 17:207, 17:218, 17:612–17:613
  • and food preparation, 8:697
  • fugitive, 2:443n, 3:319, 3:411–3:413, 3:612–3:613, 3:613n, 4:620, 5:5, 6:331, 11:438–11:439, 11:439n, 11:522, 15:116, 15:130, 15:147, 15:158, 15:162, 15:391, 15:427, 17:198, 17:207
  • as gardeners, 11:179, 13:545, 13:581, 15:172, 17:612–17:613
  • German Coast insurrection, 3:326, 3:326n, 3:344n
  • as gifts, 6:36
  • hats for, 7:71, 7:124
  • health of, 1:354, 1:416, 7:387, 8:636, 9:40, 9:238, 9:238n, 9:494, 9:505, 9:567, 10:105–10:107, 10:355, 12:7, 13:582, 13:605, 14:218, 14:443, 14:476, 14:477n, 14:494, 14:554, 14:555, 14:565–14:567, 14:574, 14:585, 14:596, 15:61, 15:282, 15:427–15:428, 15:608, 16:525, 16:542, 16:546, 16:559, 17:39, 18:64, 19:484
  • hired by TJ, 1:48n, 2:41, 2:661, 3:36–3:37, 3:55, 3:111–3:112, 3:250, 3:270, 3:283, 3:302, 3:529, 4:81, 4:142, 4:183, 4:217–4:218, 4:556, 6:306n, 6:314
  • hogs for, 8:72, 13:386, 13:566
  • holidays for, 8:158, 8:158n
  • and horses, 15:609
  • A. von Humboldt on, 1:265, 1:267n, 1:267n
  • T. Humphreys’s plan for emancipation of, 11:7–11:8, 11:8–11:12, 11:60–11:61
  • importation of, 1:624n, 10:255, 10:255n
  • incarceration of, 2:284, 15:158, 15:174, 19:690n, 20:75–20:76
  • G. Jefferson’s, 19:412
  • of R. Jefferson, 8:400, 8:400
  • T. Kosciuszko’s plan to emancipate and educate, 2:260, 2:261n, 13:154, 13:156, 14:130, 14:228, 14:426, 14:482, 15:180
  • in Ky., 3:92, 3:242–3:243
  • and labor-saving devices, 7:83
  • Lafayette’s attempt to emancipate, 2:11
  • and lease of Lego and Tufton, 12:301, 12:302, 12:303, 12:304n
  • letter of credit for, 17:40
  • letters from, 13:liii, 13:393–13:394, 13:400 (illus.), 15:lii, 15:60–15:61, 15:143, 15:172, 15:209–15:210, 15:257–15:258, 15:264–15:265, 15:346 (illus.) , 17:612–17:613, 18:35–18:36
  • letters to, 15:206, 15:247, 18:64
  • J. Madison’s, 10:403n, 10:443
  • make plows, 15:551
  • management of, 3:276, 8:173–8:174, 8:174, 12:227, 13:582, 15:130, 15:147, 20:30, 20:30, 20:30n
  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:510, 4:511, 5:96, 7:518
  • master’s duty to, 4:157, 15:116
  • medical treatment for, 3:196, 3:270, 3:283–3:284, 3:367–3:368, 4:9, 4:9, 4:381, 9:505, 9:567, 10:105–10:107, 11:497, 13:567, 14:218, 14:494, 14:596, 15:438–15:439, 16:248n, 18:501, 18:501
  • E. Meeks’s, 16:152
  • and military service, 7:533, 7:534n
  • J. Mitchell’s, 2:262
  • at Monticello, 1:399, 8:234, 8:241, 10:403n, 10:600, 10:610, 10:647, 12:192n, 12:197, 12:227, 12:349, 12:483, 14:261, 16:69, 18:li–18:lii, 18:195, 19:659, 20:396, 20:402n
  • and music
  • W. C. Nicholas’s, 14:587n
  • offered to University of Virginia, 13:221, 13:223–13:224n
  • order goods for TJ, 15:450
  • patriotism of, 7:533
  • C. Peyton’s, 12:542, 13:430, 15:116, 15:116–15:117, 15:283
  • J. Peyton sells, 3:186, 3:186
  • pork for, 8:184–8:185, 12:324, 18:85
  • potential insurrection of, 19:431
  • pots for, 8:70–8:71, 8:186
  • price of, 15:463, 18:106
  • prisoners of war compared to, 4:361–4:362
  • E. Randolph’s, 4:231–4:232n
  • T. E. Randolph’s, 13:116
  • T. M. Randolph’s, 8:609, 8:609n, 14:361, 14:391, 14:394, 14:394, 14:396, 14:398–14:399, 15:46, 20:366n
  • representation of under U.S. Constitution, 10:368, 10:369n
  • requested by J. Dougherty, 1:321
  • and Revolutionary War compensation claims, 20:493, 20:494n
  • sales of, 16:66, 16:513, 17:476, 17:476n, 18:106, 18:272, 19:448–19:449, 20:6, 20:62, 20:486–20:487n
  • salt for, 6:487, 7:124, 7:180
  • sifters for, 8:71
  • and skilled trades, 1:388, 10:355
  • spinning by, 6:214, 6:215, 6:282, 6:285–6:286, 6:363, 6:366, 12:538, 15:428
  • supplies for, 3:647+, 4:28, 5:489, 7:180, 7:181n
  • Tangier Island refuge for, 8:318, 8:318n
  • tavern charges for, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:20, 9:20, 9:21
  • taxes on, 7:708, 7:708, 8:63n, 8:255, 8:256, 8:392, 8:485, 9:51–9:52n, 9:430, 11:44, 12:301, 12:415, 14:114n, 16:242n, 16:461n, 17:23, 19:338, 20:173n, 20:329, 20:393, 20:476–20:477
  • C. Terrell’s, 20:532
  • and textile manufacturing, 5:268–5:269, 5:663, 7:240–7:241, 8:634, 8:635
  • TJ attempts to buy, 4:397
  • TJ buys, 2:403, 2:424–2:425, 2:464
  • TJ hires out, 20:412
  • TJ lists, 4:xliv, 4:384–4:386, 4:386–4:388, 8:60–8:62, 8:62n, 8:72, 8:72n, 8:255, 12:303
  • TJ on natural increase of, 19:497, 20:475, 20:476–20:477
  • TJ orders flogging of, 4:620
  • TJ plans to sell, 19:494, 19:496
  • TJ refuses attendance of while riding, 19:607
  • TJ’s Bill to Prevent the Importation of Slaves, 17:319
  • TJ’s debts to, 15:425, 15:425
  • TJ sells, 2:217, 3:411–3:413, 3:513, 3:648, 4:620, 9:215–9:216, 11:546, 11:547, 11:573, 13:430, 13:437n, 15:138, 15:162, 15:283, 16:349, 16:350, 19:263n, 19:496n, 20:412
  • trained in French cooking, 1:162, 1:188, 1:189n
  • transport goods, 12:324, 15:27, 15:46, 15:154, 18:610
  • travels of, 7:71, 8:610, 9:494, 10:300, 10:300n, 10:517, 10:517–10:518, 10:536, 10:570, 10:597, 11:178, 11:207, 11:207, 12:192, 12:197, 12:227, 12:349, 12:538, 14:476–14:477, 14:541, 14:555, 14:635–14:636, 15:261, 15:282–15:283, 16:349, 16:470–16:471, 17:40, 17:48, 19:551
  • treatment of, 19:333n
  • vaccinated, 9:717–9:718, 9:718n
  • valuation of, 3:529, 11:194, 18:22, 19:332–19:333, 19:333n, 20:475–20:476, 20:485, 20:486–20:487n
  • valued for childbearing, 13:582
  • and Va. law, 1:622, 1:624n, 17:323, 17:327–17:328, 19:262, 19:263n
  • and War of 1812 claims commission, 20:486n
  • J. Wayles buys, 2:433
  • W. Wood’s, 15:455
  • work at Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86, 15:89, 15:90, 15:91, 15:94, 15:94, 15:94, 15:94, 15:95, 15:95, 15:95, 15:100, 16:306, 16:307, 16:309, 16:311, 16:319, 16:356–16:357, 16:360, 16:479, 16:550, 17:642, 17:650, 19:62, 19:62, 19:179, 19:189, 19:396n, 19:404, 19:544n, 20:201, 20:209, 20:210, 20:214, 20:217, 20:393, 20:555
  • and work plans for Poplar Forest, 4:379–4:382, 5:31, 5:489–5:490, 5:545, 5:593, 8:610, 11:179, 11:475, 15:306
  • wrestle, 9:567
  • J. Yancey’s, 16:546, 18:70

slave trade

  • abolition of commemorated, 17:289, 17:289–17:290
  • and Curaçao, 18:32
  • and Europe, 20:343n
  • and Great Britain, 3:513–3:514, 11:61n, 15:380n
  • suppression of, 20:299n, 20:304n
  • U.S. abolition of, 6:512, 15:531, 15:535n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506
  • works on, 3:522n, 3:522n, 10:265, 10:265–10:266n

Slaydyen, Arther

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:511, 5:18n, 5:73

Slaydyen, Lucy

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:18n, 5:73

Sledd, John, 16:456

Sledd, Sarah, 16:456

Sloan, James

  • financial reverses of, 8:43, 8:104
  • political views of, 8:43, 8:104, 8:104n
  • supports relocation of U.S. capital, 8:104, 8:104n

Sloan, James (ca. 17861819)

  • identified, 13:75n
  • letters from, 13:75, 13:125
  • letters to, 13:96–13:97, 13:146–13:147
  • Rambles in Italy; in the Years 1816.…17. By an American, 13:75, 13:75n, 13:96–13:97, 13:476
  • seeks letter of recommendation, 13:125, 13:146–13:147

Sloan, John

  • as newspaper editor, 12:32n

Sloan & Wise (Chambersburg firm)

  • identified, 12:32n
  • letter from, 12:31–12:32
  • letter to, 12:47
  • publishes false TJ quotes, 12:31–12:32, 12:47

Sloo, Thomas

  • as land-claims commissioner, 7:93–7:94, 7:94n

Slop von Cadenberg, Joseph Anton

  • Observationes siderum habitae Pisis in specula academica, 6:75, 6:84, 6:84n

Small, Abraham

  • The American Speaker, 7:331–7:332, 7:332n, 7:373–7:374, 7:374n, 7:378n, 7:630
  • and book prospectus, 3:296–3:297n
  • and domestic manufactures, 1:170–1:172
  • identified, 7:332n
  • letters from, 1:170–1:172, 7:331–7:332
  • letters to, 7:373–7:374
  • as publisher, 1:18, 1:19n, 1:172n, 13:89, 13:89, 13:90, 14:166, 14:183, 16:236
  • seeks TJ’s advice, 7:331–7:332

Small, William

  • TJ’s mentor, 4:369, 8:200, 17:310, 17:375n

Small, William (ship captain), 11:653


  • and Continental army, 18:138
  • origins of, 10:127
  • and pockmarks, 20:400
  • vaccinations, 1:300n, 2:88, 3:183n, 4:495, 9:78, 9:256, 9:717–9:718, 9:718n, 12:564, 12:564–12:565n, 12:577, 14:461, 14:462–14:463n, 18:566–18:568, 20:454
  • variolations, 20:402n

Smart, Mr. (of Ky.), 16:172

Smart, Thomas, 3:151, 3:151n, 3:316, 3:546, 3:546, 3:546

Smilie (Smiley), John, 1:361

Smith, Dr.

  • and letter for J. L. Henderson, 7:345

Smith, Dr.

  • gives map to TJ, 9:689

Smith, Maj. (of South Carolina), 20:640

Smith, Mr.

  • delivers letter, 14:5n

Smith, Mr. (of Albemarle Co.)

  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:244, 11:245, 11:245

Smith, Mr. (author)

  • work of on distilling, 8:388

Smith, Mr. (at Hunter’s Ordinary)

  • family of, 12:634–12:635

Smith, Mr. (in Paris), 7:490

Smith, Mr. (of Richmond)

  • considered for appointment by TJ, 1:25

Smith, Mr. (of Staunton)

  • house of, 13:380–13:381

Smith, Mr. (of Virginia)

  • C. Peyton bargains with, 13:430

Smith, Mr. (Va. legislator), 16:515

Smith, Abiel

  • toasts honoring, 17:290

Smith, Abigail Adams (John Adams’s daughter; William Stephens Smith’s wife)

  • A. Adams on, 6:517
  • and J. Adams’s health, 19:206, 19:206n
  • correspondence with J. Q. Adams, 19:206n
  • death of, 6:387–6:388, 6:388n
  • health of, 4:390, 4:391n, 4:486, 6:388, 6:516–6:517
  • recognizes TJ’s handwriting, 4:473

Smith, Adam

  • on bank in Hamburg, 6:649, 6:649n
  • economic theories of, 4:439, 4:440, 4:448, 5:577, 6:582–6:586, 8:168, 8:294, 13:573n, 13:573, 15:278–15:279, 15:306
  • and education, 13:515
  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 13:177, 13:177n, 19:506
  • The Wealth of Nations, 2:592, 4:448, 5:52–5:53, 5:56n, 6:53, 6:497, 6:498n, 6:582–6:586, 6:593n, 6:593, 7:6, 7:6n, 7:176, 9:631, 10:331n, 19:506
  • works of, 9:517, 9:543, 14:82–14:83, 20:288

Smith, Andrew

  • as Boston Glass Manufactory agent, 16:192–16:193, 16:370, 17:130–17:131, 17:148, 17:150
  • and cement, 17:130–17:131, 17:131–17:132, 17:148, 17:150, 17:303, 17:303, 17:303n, 17:385, 18:214
  • and glass for TJ, 14:439, 14:447, 14:472, 14:476, 14:493–14:494, 14:505–14:506, 14:533, 18:609, 18:621, 20:496, 20:503
  • identified, 14:439–14:440n
  • as iron manufactory agent, 16:370
  • letters from, 14:439–14:440, 14:493–14:494, 14:533–14:534, 16:192–16:193, 16:370, 17:130–17:131, 17:385
  • letters to, 14:505–14:506, 16:244–16:245, 16:359, 17:150, 17:303
  • and Smith & Riddle, 11:112n, 11:137n, 14:439, 14:493, 14:533, 14:535, 16:192–16:193, 16:244, 16:359, 16:366, 16:370
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425, 17:130
  • and University of Virginia, 19:189, 20:195

Smith, Ann

  • academy in Lexington, Va., 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 3:155, 3:201

Smith, Bernard

  • identified, 3:511n
  • letters from, 3:510–3:511
  • letters to, 3:615
  • oration by, 3:510–3:511, 3:615

Smith, C. H.

  • as artist, 11:115n

Smith, Caroline (John Adams’s granddaughter)

  • J. Adams on, 4:475
  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 6:627n
  • and mother’s death, 6:387, 6:388n

Smith, Cary Ann Nicholas (John Spear Smith’s wife; Wilson Cary Nicholas’s daughter)

  • family of, 11:627n

Smith, Charles (ship captain), 11:170

Smith, Clement

  • as bank cashier, 9:587, 10:94, 10:94, 10:638–10:639

Smith, Daniel

  • surveyor, 9:690, 9:690, 9:692n, 14:136, 15:621, 15:622n, 15:622n, 15:622–15:623n, 16:49

Smith, David

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 16:310, 16:314

Smith, F.

  • and aid for M. M. Russell, 20:50–20:51

Smith, Francis

  • letters from, 6:378
  • letters to, 6:413
  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:428, 6:135, 6:378, 6:413

Smith, Franklin Gillette

  • identified, 13:416n
  • letter from, 13:416
  • printing press design of, 13:416, 13:417–13:418

Smith, George S.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Smith, Gilbert H. (captain of Sampson ), 1:210

Smith, Henry, 3:230

Smith, J. H.

  • letters from, 4:661
  • seeks TJ’s opinion on education, 4:661

Smith, James (of Baltimore)

  • identified, 12:564n
  • letter from, 12:564–12:565
  • letter to, 12:577
  • and proposed National Vaccine Institution, 12:564, 12:564–12:565n, 12:577

Smith, James (of New York)

  • letter from, 11:234–11:236
  • and New-York Historical Society, 11:234–11:235

Smith, James (of Ohio)

  • and Christianity, 19:133–19:134, 19:213–19:214
  • identified, 19:134–19:135n
  • James Smith’s Vindication, for resisting the ecclesiastical power and authority of their episcopal dignity, Michael Ellis & David Young, 19:133, 19:134n, 19:213
  • letter from, 19:133–19:135
  • letter to, 19:213–19:214
  • and Unitarianism, 19:133–19:134, 19:214

Smith, James (of Pennsylvania)

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329, 14:292, 19:471

Smith, James E.

  • accused of corruption, 4:174n

Smith, James Edward

  • as botanist, 1:164n, 1:437n, 3:263–3:264, 5:276, 9:337, 9:338n
  • English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, 10:287, 10:288n

Smith, John (ca. 1580–1631)

  • The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles, 5:508–5:509, 15:452–15:453n, 16:381n, 17:572, 17:572n, 19:507
  • and Indian languages, 16:108, 16:109n, 16:132
  • map drawn by, 17:309
  • The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America, 16:380–16:381, 16:507, 17:572, 17:572n

Smith, John (1750–1836)

  • and Chinese pigs, 4:109
  • family of, 7:204
  • identified, 1:586n
  • letters to, 1:585–1:586
  • R. Mills introduced to, 2:437, 2:438n
  • and oat-grass, 1:585–1:586
  • and Winchester newspaper, 2:120

Smith, John (1752–1816)

  • letters to, 4:164
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n

Smith, John (John Adams’s grandson)

  • J. Adams on, 4:475
  • and mother’s death, 6:387

Smith, John (of Albemarle Co.)

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and University of Virginia, 16:313

Smith, John (chief clerk of War Department)

  • and batture controversy, 2:426
  • and commission for H. A. S. Dearborn, 1:78, 1:280, 1:301
  • letters from accounted for, 1:571n
  • and Spring Hill School, 1:660

Smith, John (of England)

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378, 7:378

Smith, John (senator from Ohio), 1:643n

Smith, John (of Tennessee)

  • and lead mines, 4:8

Smith, John Augustine

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531
  • T. Cooper on, 12:490
  • and Juvenile Library Company of Richmond, 19:323n
  • and medical professorship at University of Virginia, 14:601
  • mentioned, 12:74n
  • as physician, 17:596
  • as president of College of William and Mary, 8:317, 9:396, 9:396n, 9:396n, 9:435–9:436, 10:294, 12:25–12:27, 12:545, 12:647, 18:286, 18:286n, 20:590, 20:591n
  • and University of Virginia, 19:416
  • and writings of J. B. Say, 10:294, 10:659

Smith, John C.

  • as governor of Conn., 8:444n

Smith, John H.

  • Chesterfield Co. landholder, 8:146n

Smith, John Hill

  • and festivities for A. Jackson, 9:145, 9:147n
  • identified, 9:146n
  • letter from, 9:145–9:147

Smith, John K.

  • and Lafayette’s land patents, 5:212–5:213, 5:215n

Smith, John M., 5:652

Smith, John Rhea

  • and American Philosophical Society, 1:572n, 4:167n

Smith, John Spear

  • family of, 11:627n, 16:608–16:609
  • as secretary of legation to Russia, 1:360–1:361, 1:378, 1:379, 1:385–1:386, 1:402, 2:466, 3:115–3:116

Smith, John Witherspoon

  • certifies documents, 2:443n, 2:444n, 5:85–5:86n, 5:86n, 5:86–5:87n

Smith, Jonathan

  • cashier of Bank of Pennsylvania, 4:18n, 4:488, 4:489n, 5:374, 5:381n, 6:546, 7:381, 7:381n
  • letters to accounted for, 1:408n, 3:284n, 4:18n, 5:381n

Smith, Jonathan Bayard Harrison, 3:76, 3:76n

Smith, Jordan

  • Chesterfield Co. landholder, 8:146n

Smith, Joseph (of Augusta Co.), 14:587n, 14:588n

Smith, Joseph Allen

  • and astronomical observations, 6:75, 6:84n

Smith, Joseph Emerson

  • and Bunker Hill Association, 2:504–2:505, 2:666
  • identified, 2:505n
  • letters from, 2:504–2:505
  • letters to, 2:666

Smith, Julia Harrison, 1:390, 1:397n, 1:434

Smith, Larkin

  • collector at Norfolk, 4:363, 4:364n
  • and garden seeds for TJ, 4:534, 4:559, 4:569
  • identified, 1:88n
  • letters from, 1:87–1:88, 1:108, 4:534
  • letters to, 1:136–1:137, 4:569
  • sends foreign intelligence, 1:108
  • thanks TJ, 1:87–1:88, 1:136–1:137
  • TJ on, 4:569

Smith, Louisa Catharine (John Adams’s niece)

  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 6:627n, 14:311n, 14:448n, 14:546n, 14:563n, 15:181n, 15:235n, 15:273n, 15:338n, 15:410n, 15:470n, 15:589n, 16:520n, 18:454n, 18:546n, 19:206n, 19:366n, 19:440n, 20:151n, 20:295n

Smith, Lucy Franklin Read Jones

  • identified, 6:127n
  • letters from, 6:126–6:127
  • letters to, 6:161–6:162
  • and son W. F. Jones, 6:126, 6:161–6:162

Smith, Margaret (Robert Smith’s wife), 1:340

Smith, Margaret Bayard (Samuel Harrison Smith’s wife)

  • and E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:262–10:263
  • describes TJ’s study, 2:xli
  • The Diversions of Sidney, 1:10n
  • on J. Dougherty, 1:3–1:4n
  • and geranium from TJ, 1:29, 1:29+
  • greetings sent to, 1:410, 6:399, 6:444, 7:681, 8:476, 17:115, 20:69, 20:69, 20:367
  • on growth of religious zeal, 10:262
  • identified, 1:10n
  • invited to visit Monticello, 6:399
  • letters from, 1:29+, 10:261–10:263
  • letters to, 1:29, 10:300–10:301
  • on J. Madison’s inauguration, 1:8–1:10
  • Monticello visit described by, 1:386–1:401, 10:261–10:262
  • preference for rural life, 6:399, 6:461
  • sends greetings to TJ, 1:435, 3:76, 3:272, 6:428, 6:462, 8:524, 17:99, 20:57
  • TJ gives seeds to, 2:302n
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 10:262, 10:262, 10:300–10:301
  • visits Monticello, 1:386–1:401, 1:410, 1:434–1:435, 2:670, 19:366, 19:366–19:367n, 19:410–19:411, 19:412n
  • visits New York City, 10:262
  • A Winter in Washington: or, Memoirs of the Seymour Family, 1:10n, 1:397n

Smith, Margaret Spear (wife of Samuel Smith [of Maryland]), 18:416, 18:422

Smith, Mary

  • and University of Virginia, 19:53

Smith, Mary Mansfield. See Nicholas, Mary Mansfield Smith

Smith, Munson

  • postmaster at Schaghticoke, N.Y., 4:588, 4:673

Smith, Peter

  • magnolia tree of, 7:122

Smith, Peter F.

  • Chesterfield Co. landholder, 8:146n
  • buys TJ’s tobacco, 10:37

Smith, P. F.

  • buys TJ’s tobacco, 9:569

Smith, Ralph, 12:461, 12:462n

Smith, Richard

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Smith, Richard (of Washington)

  • as cashier of office of discount and deposit, 11:539
  • and mortgage of J. Monroe’s Highland estate, 19:395n

Smith, Robert (d. 1768)

  • A Compleat System of Opticks, 20:583

Smith, Robert (1757–1842) See also Smith family (of Baltimore)

  • and batture controversy, 2:427, 2:429, 2:439, 2:444n, 2:449, 2:450n, 2:452, 2:511, 2:568, 3:109, 3:248n, 3:316, 3:424
  • congratulates TJ, 1:345
  • declines mission to Russia, 3:519
  • dismissed as secretary of state, 3:567–3:568, 3:568, 3:574, 3:575n, 3:595, 3:600, 3:606, 3:608, 3:622–3:623, 3:638, 3:639n, 5:646–5:647, 5:684
  • and D. M. Erskine, 1:168, 1:170n, 1:409, 2:540n
  • identified, 1:340n
  • investigated by congressional committee, 1:361, 1:361–1:362n
  • and F. J. Jackson, 2:34–2:35n
  • and H. Lee’s medal, 2:104, 2:253
  • letters from, 1:345, 2:439, 2:449, 3:147, 3:260, 3:608
  • letters to, 1:340, 2:429, 3:109–3:110, 3:475–3:476, 3:595
  • opposes A. Gallatin, 1:340n, 1:598, 1:599n, 2:146, 2:177, 2:224, 2:225n, 2:235, 2:272, 2:430
  • as president of Maryland Agricultural Society, 18:436–18:437, 19:479
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • Robert Smith’s Address to the People of the United States, 1:340n, 3:110n, 3:595, 3:608n, 4:21, 4:31, 4:109
  • secretary of state, 1:20, 1:38, 1:113, 1:155, 1:232, 1:335, 1:402, 1:464, 1:518, 1:518n, 1:626, 1:632, 1:643, 2:173, 2:174n, 2:419n, 2:463, 2:471n, 2:540n, 2:544, 2:665n, 3:61n, 3:260, 3:442, 3:475–3:476, 3:476–3:478, 3:543n, 3:602, 3:608, 3:615, 4:33n, 9:570, 9:574
  • secretary of the navy, 1:340, 1:649–1:650, 3:602, 3:604n
  • and W. Short’s diplomatic expenses, 1:232–1:233
  • TJ on, 2:272
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • and TJ’s statement on the batture case, 3:109–3:110, 3:118, 3:147, 3:152
  • TJ thanks, 1:340
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:260

Smith, Robert (of Philadelphia)

  • and J. & S. Gleason’s steam kitchens and stoves, 20:85

Smith, Robert (printer)

  • and case shot, 18:311
  • and election of 1800, 18:247–18:248, 18:311, 19:304, 19:351–19:352, 19:545, 20:431, 20:487–20:488, 20:566–20:567
  • and election of 1824, 20:566–20:567
  • letters from, 18:247–18:248, 18:311, 19:304, 19:351–19:352, 19:545–19:546, 20:431, 20:487–20:488, 20:566–20:567
  • regarded as drunk by TJ, 18:248n
  • requests money from TJ, 18:248, 18:311, 19:304, 19:351–19:352, 19:545, 20:431, 20:487, 20:567

Smith, Robert I.

  • as agent for Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia firm), 18:329

Smith, Robert Nelson

  • carries package to TJ, 4:493, 4:499
  • identified, 4:500n
  • letter of introduction for, from T. W. Maury, 4:499

Smith, S., & Buchanan (Baltimore firm). See S. Smith & Buchanan (Baltimore firm)

Smith, Samuel (historian)

  • The History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New-Jersey, 1:581

Smith, Samuel (of Maryland) See also Smith family (of Baltimore)

  • as candidate for Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 16:158, 16:159n, 16:184, 16:184, 16:186
  • as chairman of House Ways and Means Committee, 16:221, 18:386–18:387, 18:481, 19:336–19:338
  • on character of G. Hebb, 18:480–18:481
  • and consular appointment, 8:597, 8:597n, 8:598, 8:617
  • H. Dearborn on, 3:553
  • and election of 1824, 19:562–19:563, 19:574
  • family of, 5:659n, 12:149, 12:149n, 16:158
  • finances of, 16:158, 16:186, 18:387
  • health of, 16:187n, 16:221
  • identified, 1:361n
  • introduces E. Bond, 5:524, 5:526n
  • and letter of introduction for son, 1:360–1:361, 1:377–1:378, 1:379, 1:385–1:386, 1:402
  • letters from, 1:360–1:362, 4:171, 8:598, 16:158–16:159, 16:221–16:222, 18:386–18:388, 18:400, 18:480–18:481, 19:336–19:338, 19:561–19:563
  • letters to, 1:377–1:378, 1:402, 4:164, 8:617, 16:186–16:187, 18:452–18:453, 18:519, 19:573–19:575
  • as major general, 7:656n
  • mentioned, 2:466, 9:671
  • and J. Monroe, 16:158, 18:386, 18:387
  • and “A Native of Virginia”, 18:400, 18:452–18:453
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s estate, 18:415, 18:415, 18:415–18:416, 18:416, 18:418n, 18:419, 18:420, 18:420, 18:421–18:422
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • and reelection to Senate, 1:515–1:516
  • and sesame seed for TJ, 4:40
  • and R. Smith’s dismissal, 5:647, 5:648n
  • seeks diplomatic appointment, 16:158, 16:186, 16:222, 18:387, 18:453, 18:481, 18:519
  • as U.S. representative, 16:251
  • as U.S. senator, 1:232, 4:163, 4:164n, 4:171, 6:202, 6:241, 7:310–7:311, 7:312n, 19:336–19:338
  • and U.S. Treasury Department, 19:561–19:562, 19:573–19:574
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:251, 3:260

Smith, Samuel (of Pennsylvania)

  • identified, 1:335n
  • letters from accounted for, 1:335n
  • letters to, 1:335–1:336
  • and Miss. Territory appointment, 5:493, 5:494n
  • and pardon of Lowrys, 1:335, 1:335n, 1:340, 1:345

Smith, Samuel (of Tennessee), 7:161

Smith, Samuel Harrison

  • and appointments, 6:399, 6:461
  • on British destruction in Washington, 8:13–8:14
  • as commissioner of the revenue, 6:365, 6:365n, 6:396, 6:399, 6:461, 7:679–7:680, 7:681, 7:681–7:683, 7:692–7:693, 7:699–7:700
  • editor of National Intelligencer, 1:349–1:350, 2:470, 2:471n, 6:505, 17:549
  • family of, 1:10n, 20:69
  • greetings sent to, 20:69
  • identified, 1:30n
  • introduces T. P. Barton, 17:98, 17:115
  • letters from, 1:72, 1:434–1:435, 3:76, 3:272, 6:428–6:429, 6:461–6:462, 8:13–8:15, 8:26, 8:36, 8:39–8:40, 8:214, 8:270, 8:333, 8:369, 8:524, 17:98–17:99, 20:55–20:57, 20:358–20:359
  • letters from accounted for, 1:12n
  • letters to, 1:30, 1:410, 2:670–2:671, 6:399, 6:444, 7:xlv–7:xlvi, 7:434 (illus.) , 7:681, 7:681–7:684, 8:22, 8:55–8:57, 8:213, 8:288–8:289, 8:476, 17:115–17:116, 20:68–20:69, 20:367
  • on Napoleon, 8:524
  • and naval expansion, 6:429n, 6:444, 6:462
  • on New Orleans, 8:270
  • Oration pronounced by Samuel H. Smith, Esquire, 6:428, 6:429n, 6:444
  • on peace with Great Britain, 8:270
  • and politics, 17:98–17:99, 17:115, 20:358–20:359, 20:367
  • portrait of, 8:xlv, 8:272 (illus.)
  • and presidential election of 1824, 20:55–20:56, 20:68
  • prints circular for TJ, 1:30, 6:648
  • as publisher, 12:438
  • Remarks on Education, 1:30n
  • reports on weather, 8:214
  • retires from printing business, 3:76
  • and sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 7:xlv–7:xlvi, 7:679–7:680, 7:681, 7:681–7:683, 7:692–7:693, 7:699–7:700, 8:xlv, 8:14, 8:16, 8:22, 8:26, 8:36, 8:39–8:40, 8:54, 8:55–8:57, 8:59, 8:83, 8:213, 8:214, 8:270, 8:288–8:289, 8:369, 8:373, 8:428, 8:476, 8:524
  • seeks to publish TJ letter, 20:358–20:359, 20:367
  • sends papers to TJ, 3:272
  • supports internal improvements, 6:429n, 6:462
  • tax proposed by, 9:217
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 3:76, 6:399, 8:476, 8:524
  • TJ’s account with, 2:670, 2:671n, 6:399, 6:461–6:462, 6:560, 6:648, 6:648n
  • and TJ’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 4:397, 4:401n, 4:430
  • transmits A. Fothergill pamphlet, 1:72
  • and transportation of TJ’s library, 8:270, 8:287, 8:287–8:288, 8:289, 8:333, 8:339
  • visits Monticello, 1:386–1:401, 1:410, 1:434–1:435, 10:261–10:262

Smith, Silas H.

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Smith, Susan Harrison, 1:390, 1:397n, 1:434

Smith, Sydney

  • Letters on The Subject of The Catholics, 2:161, 2:161n

Smith, Thomas

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529

Smith, Thomas (ca. 1792–1865)

  • as editor, 16:356n
  • identified, 8:509n
  • introduced to TJ, 8:509
  • visits Monticello, 8:509

Smith, Thomas (of Fredericksburg)

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:169–14:170, 14:195

Smith, Thomas (of Tennessee)

  • militia service of, 7:161

Smith, Thomas Loughton

  • identified, 11:529–11:530n
  • letter from, 11:528–11:530
  • letter to, 11:582
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:528–11:529, 11:582

Smith, Thomas Peters, 2:375, 2:377n

Smith, William (1711–87)

  • translates Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime (“Longinus”), 14:200, 16:224, 16:257
  • translates The History of the Peloponnesian War, Translated from the Greek of Thucydides (Thucydides), 1:580, 19:505
  • translates Xenophon’s History of the Affairs of Greece (Xenophon), 19:505

Smith, William (1728–93)

  • The History of the Province of New-York, 1:581, 19:507

Smith, William (John Adams’s grandson)

  • J. Adams on, 4:475

Smith, William (English politician)

  • and bill for relief of antitrinitarians, 6:500, 6:502n

Smith, William (of New York)

  • on conspiracy to kill TJ, 1:425–1:427
  • letters from, 1:425–1:428

Smith, William Loughton

  • and assumption of Revolutionary War debts, 12:423
  • citizenship of, 8:526, 8:528n, 15:18, 15:19n
  • W. Duane on, 5:635, 5:636–5:637n

Smith, William P.

  • as justice of the peace, 15:38n
  • as surety for J. Preston, 17:257n

Smith, William Penn

  • identified, 18:68n
  • letter from, 18:68
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 18:68

Smith, William Stephens

  • as farmer, 4:390, 4:391n
  • military talents of, 4:390, 4:486
  • removed from office, 1:578, 1:578n
  • as secretary of legation in London, 17:339
  • and wife’s death, 6:387

Smith, Yeamans, 14:40

Smith & Neil (firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 19:50

Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm) See also Smith, Andrew

  • buys TJ’s flour, 9:708, 10:37, 14:211
  • and glass for TJ, 11:112, 11:137, 14:273–14:274, 14:317, 14:434, 14:435, 14:439, 14:455, 14:493, 14:533, 16:192–16:193, 16:359, 16:366, 16:370
  • and glass for University of Virginia, 14:434, 14:533
  • identified, 11:112n
  • imports tarras, 18:290
  • insolvency of, 14:435, 14:439, 14:475, 14:493, 14:494, 14:533, 14:534–14:535, 14:535–14:536
  • letter from, 11:137
  • letters to, 11:112, 14:273–14:274, 14:435
  • and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 10:296, 10:297n, 10:567, 10:568, 10:599, 10:639, 10:641, 10:641–10:642
  • TJ’s debt to, 16:244

Smithers (Smuthers; Smythers), Michael

  • and lost trunk, 1:348

Smith family (of Baltimore)

  • anti-administration activities of, 3:542, 3:550, 3:550n, 3:553

Smiths & Morrison (New Orleans firm)

  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 5:314, 5:350, 5:383

Smith T, John

  • and Burr conspiracy, 5:4, 5:4n

Smollett, Tobias George

  • Continuation of the Complete History of England, 15:569, 15:572n
  • The Expedition of Humphry Clinker, 19:608n
  • writings of, 7:664, 19:508

Smyth, Alexander

  • and Cohens v. Virginia, 17:31, 17:32n
  • family of, 19:150n
  • military appointments, 5:610, 5:610n
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:410, 5:411n, 5:493, 5:532–5:545, 5:684, 5:685n, 6:172, 6:527
  • as soldier, 19:150n
  • TJ on, 5:610
  • visits Monticello, 19:150n

Smyth, David William

  • A Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada, 5:581, 5:582, 5:582n
  • Map of Upper Canada, 5:581, 5:582, 5:582n

Smyth, George Washington

  • identified, 20:633n
  • letter from, 20:632–20:633
  • recommendations of, 20:634–20:635
  • seeks position, 20:632–20:633

Smyth, James Carmichael

  • An Account of the Experiment made … on board the Union Hospital Ship, 10:136, 10:147n

Smyth, John B.

  • as clerk for W. Duane, 9:439, 9:439n, 10:652n, 11:13
  • letter from, 9:439


  • black, 16:15–16:16
  • cobra, 16:15–16:16
  • copperhead, 16:15–16:16
  • A Memoir concerning … Various Species of Serpents (B. S. Barton), 8:422, 8:422–8:423n
  • rattlesnake, 1:660, 2:36, 4:536, 11:631, 16:15–16:16
  • remedy for bite, 1:57, 1:58n
  • sea serpents, 18:356

snap beans, 3:501–3:502, 5:658, 6:44–6:45, 6:487, 15:567n

Snead, Nicholas

  • and University of Virginia, 19:49, 19:54, 19:55

Snoddy, John , 5:81n

Snodgrass, James

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120, 19:120, 19:123n

Snow, Mr. (ship captain), 18:39

Snow, David

  • captain of brig Polly , 10:532, 10:532, 10:576

Snow, Gideon, 5:514

snowberry, 4:524, 4:525n, 5:382, 7:35, 11:174, 11:220

Snowden (R. Jefferson’s Buckingham Co. estate)

  • fire at, 9:489, 9:489–9:490n, 9:489–9:490n
  • harvest at, 8:564
  • R. Jefferson inherits, 17:309
  • TJ plans visit to, 6:132, 6:214, 6:285, 6:366, 6:487

Snowden, Samuel

  • and abolition of slave trade, 17:289

Snowden & Wagner (Philadelphia firm), 16:343, 16:343–16:344

snuff (prepared tobacco), 1:147–1:152, 14:611, 19:622, 19:623

Snyder, Simon

  • death of, 15:235
  • as governor of Pa., 1:213–1:214n, 3:563, 3:564n, 3:601, 4:160, 8:665, 9:482, 9:482n, 10:543–10:544n
  • potential Republican vice-presidential nominee, 9:563

soap, 3:202, 4:102, 12:324, 13:566, 13:581, 15:311, 15:313, 15:322, 16:470–16:471

soapstone, 5:38, 5:38–5:39n, 5:39n, 5:109–5:110, 5:167–5:168

Sociedad de los Caballeros Comuneros, 20:119, 20:119n

Società Italiana delle scienze, 6:468, 6:469n

Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française

  • identified, 10:633n
  • letter from, 10:631–10:634
  • minutes of a meeting of, 10:635–10:637
  • seeks land grant, 10:491, 10:632, 10:635, 10:636–10:637n, 10:670, 12:19
  • social contract of, 10:631–10:632, 10:635, 10:670–10:671

Société d’agriculture du département de la Seine

  • books by, 1:35, 1:258, 1:259n
  • and cottonseed from TJ, 1:258, 1:259–1:260n, 1:596
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:256+
  • members of, 4:319–4:320, 8:680
  • Mémoires, 1:35, 1:37, 1:258, 1:259n, 1:611–1:612, 1:629, 1:630n, 2:83, 2:83, 2:536, 15:145
  • and moldboard plows, 1:252, 1:252n, 2:111, 2:312, 2:332, 7:492, 8:680
  • sends plow to TJ, 1:21n, 2:111, 2:312, 2:332

Société de Géographie, 18:177, 18:177n

Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale , 5:612, 8:421

Société Hollandoise des Sciences

  • program of, 10:364, 10:364n, 10:394

Société Linnéenne de Paris

  • and annual celebration in New York City, 19:566, 19:592, 19:668, 19:668n, 19:694
  • loss of members, 19:610
  • Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Paris, 18:64n
  • TJ’s membership in, 18:62, 18:177

Société Philomathique de Paris

  • members of, 9:326n

Société Royale d’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand

  • H. Clay’s membership in, 19:161n
  • and floral exhibition honoring TJ, 19:159, 19:161n
  • identified, 19:161n
  • minutes of, 19:161n
  • TJ’s membership in, 19:159, 19:161n

Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 3:269n

Society for the Prevention of Pauperism (N.Y.), 15:310, 15:310n, 15:322, 17:593

Society for the Promotion of Universal and Permanent Peace, 12:108

Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the State of New-York

  • and H. G. Spafford, 8:283, 8:283n
  • and Taurino cloth, 7:73n
  • I. H. Tiffany on, 10:661

Society of Antiquaries of London

  • transactions of, 5:513, 5:514–5:515n

Society of Artists of the United States See also Columbian Society of Artists

  • constitution of, 2:437, 2:438n, 4:356
  • exhibition of, 3:625n, 5:114, 7:401, 7:443–7:444
  • identified, 4:357–4:358n
  • B. H. Latrobe speaks to, 3:624
  • and TJ, 2:438n, 4:355–4:358, 4:398–4:400, 4:407, 4:459–4:460, 4:644, 5:114, 5:166–5:167

Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce

  • transactions of, 5:513–5:514, 5:514–5:515n

Society of Friends. See Quakers

Society of Teachers of the City of New-York for Benevolent and Literary Purposes, 14:27

Society of the Cincinnati

  • and Central College, 12:170, 12:208, 12:233, 12:263, 12:284, 12:458
  • eagles (badges) for, 12:430
  • and French Revolutionary War veterans, 12:430
  • identified, 12:208–12:209n
  • and F. W. von Steuben, 12:419, 12:430, 12:431n
  • Va. members of, 12:98, 12:99n
  • and G. Washington, 12:419–12:420, 12:429–12:430, 12:430, 12:431n

Society of United Irishmen, 1:141n, 1:465n


  • anecdote about, 11:491n
  • daemon of, 6:550, 6:551–6:552n, 7:77, 16:166
  • death of, 10:360
  • mentioned, 6:299, 7:24, 11:293n+, 12:163, 18:656
  • TJ on, 7:454, 13:29, 15:163, 16:164
  • writings about, 10:360
  • Xenophon’s Memoirs of Socrates (Xenophon; trans. S. Fielding), 19:505

Socrates and Jesus Compared (J. Priestley), 6:204, 6:317, 6:318, 6:367

Il Sogno di Scipione (P. Metastasio), 11:229–11:230, 11:231–11:232n

Sokolnicki, Michel, 2:39n

Sol (Mexico City newspaper), 20:602, 20:605n

A Solemn Review of the Custom of War (N. Worcester), 9:105n, 9:410, 9:411n

A Solemn Warning To All Dwellers Upon the Earth (N. Hughes), 4:483, 4:484n, 5:12

Soler, Juan Pablo, 2:480n

Solís y Rivadeneira, Antonio de

  • Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y Progresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España, 11:179, 11:193, 11:395
  • on Native American mounds, 6:326, 6:326–6:327

Solomon (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • travels to Poplar Forest, 7:71

Solomon (TJ’s slave; b. 1814)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 8:62, 8:255

Solomon, king of Israel, 2:584, 6:520, 6:542, 6:563, 6:567n, 6:623, 7:23, 7:574, 15:580, 15:580, 15:582, 15:583n, 17:505, 18:60n


  • J. Adams on, 17:505
  • mentioned, 10:671, 15:171–15:172, 18:238
  • quoted by Destutt de Tracy, 4:608, 4:611n
  • quoted by P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:613, 9:616n, 9:702, 9:702n
  • referenced by TJ, 12:154, 12:157n
  • TJ quotes, 4:604, 4:605n

Sombreuil, Charles François de Virot, marquis de

  • governor of Hôtel des Invalides, 17:365, 17:378n

Some Causes of Popular Poverty (C. C. Blatchly), 12:7n

Some Cursory Observations on the Ordinary Construction of Wheel-Carriages (H. G. Spafford), 8:209, 8:211, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:273, 8:280, 8:470, 8:471n

Some Memorandums, by which it is attempted to be shewn that An Improved Model may be adopted in the Construction of Ships (F. Tudor), 5:491, 5:491n

“Somers” (pseudonym of Peyton Randolph [d. 1828]). See Randolph, Peyton (d. 1828): and Cohens v. Virginia

Somers, Charles M., 3:96

Someruelos, Salvador de Muro y Salazar, marqués de, 3:265

Somerville, John Southey, Lord

  • Observations on the influence of soil and climate upon wool (Bakewell), 1:479, 1:480n

Somerville, William Clarke

  • conveys letter, 15:477n
  • identified, 19:630–19:631n
  • letter from accounted for, 19:631n
  • Letters From Paris, 19:630
  • letter to, 19:630–19:631

Sömmerring, Samuel Thomas von

  • as anatomist, 20:616

Sommers, John Withingham

  • identified, 13:158n
  • letter from, 13:157–13:159
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 13:157

Sommerville, John, 18:210–18:211n

Somner, William

  • glossary of, in Historiæ Anglicanæ Scriptores X (R. Twysden), 7:127
  • Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, 6:406, 6:407n, 10:358, 10:465, 16:363, 17:196

Somnium Scipionis (Cicero), 7:627, 11:232n

Songster’s Ordinary. See Sangster’s (Songster’s) Ordinary (Fairfax Co.)

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert

  • edits Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere (G. L. L. Buffon), 14:387, 14:388n, 14:451
  • Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, 7:389

Sonthonax, Léger Félicité, 1:515, 1:517n


  • Antigone, 14:551
  • authenticity of works of, 9:87
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:659, 7:662
  • Electra, 14:551
  • Αἱ τοῦ Σοφοκλέους τραγῳδίαι ἑπτά. Sophoclis Tragoediæ Septem (ed. T. Johnson), 10:234, 10:237n, 14:510, 17:106
  • Oedipus at Colonus, 14:551
  • Oedipus Tyrannus, 14:551
  • Philoctetes, 14:551
  • Σοφοκλέους Τραγωδίαι Ζ. Sophoclis Tragoediæ VII. Unà cum omnibus græcis Scholiis ad calcem adnexis, 18:279
  • Trachiniae, 14:551
  • The Tragedies of Sophocles (trans. R. Potter), 15:159, 15:159n, 15:504, 15:594, 19:506
  • The Tragedies of Sophocles, from the Greek (trans. T. Francklin), 15:43, 15:43, 15:65
  • works of, 13:596, 13:608, 14:258, 16:275, 16:330

Σοφοκλέους Τραγωδίαι Ζ. Sophoclis Tragoediæ VII. Unà cum omnibus græcis Scholiis ad calcem adnexis (Sophocles), 18:279

Sorbonne. See Paris, Université de (the Sorbonne)

sorghum, 1:436–1:437n, 15:327, 15:327n

Sorghum vulgare (bicolor)

  • grain grown by T. M. Randolph, 1:436–1:437n

Sorini, Dr.

  • family of, 9:674

Sorini, Carolina Volpe

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:674

sorrel, 5:550–5:551, 10:532

The Sorrows of Werter: A German Story (J. W. von Goethe), 9:84, 9:88n

Soto, Hernando de

  • Spanish explorer, 16:154, 16:156n, 16:181, 16:181, 16:181, 20:164

Souche, Mr.

  • and askos, 17:lii

Σουίδας. Suidæ Lexicon (ed. L. Küster) , 8:581, 9:108

Soule, Micah (ship captain), 15:11n

Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu

  • as French minister of war, 8:138, 8:139n
  • rejoins Napoleon, 8:452
  • yellow fever among troops of, 10:135–10:136

Southall, Mary Anne Garrett (Valentine Wood Southall’s wife)

  • death of, 20:406, 20:406n
  • death of child of, 19:235, 19:236n

Southall, Turner

  • as director of public buildings in Richmond, 18:201n

Southall, Valentine Wood

  • as attorney, 17:476n, 19:559
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:36–12:37, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:54, 12:54, 12:61, 12:62, 12:67, 12:70
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:330, 13:162, 15:97, 15:97, 20:199
  • family of, 19:236n, 20:406n
  • delivers letter, 17:70–17:71
  • and Greek independence, 20:527
  • identified, 11:173n
  • letters from, 11:172–11:173, 11:453, 12:36–12:37, 12:45, 12:140, 12:198, 14:543
  • letter to, 12:40–12:41
  • mentioned, 19:398
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • orders in favor of, 17:430, 17:439, 19:154
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:172–11:173
  • requests letters of introduction, 12:198
  • as revenue collector, 9:511n, 10:476–10:477, 10:602
  • as secretary of Central College Board of Visitors, 11:316, 11:318n, 11:319, 11:565
  • and TJ’s bank loan, 14:543
  • TJ’s debt to, 11:380, 11:421, 11:421n, 11:451, 11:453, 11:464–11:465, 11:593, 11:605, 12:139, 12:140, 12:614, 12:644, 12:656
  • travels of, 12:198, 17:157
  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 16:310, 20:199, 20:218, 20:218
  • visits Monticello, 11:327n
  • witnesses documents, 15:33n, 15:35, 19:605n

Southall, William Garrett

  • death of, 19:235–19:236, 19:236n, 20:406, 20:406n

South America See also United Provinces of South America

  • J. Adams on, 12:405
  • and African Americans, 16:525n
  • clergy of, 10:375
  • constitutions in, 7:476, 20:535
  • W. Duane tours, 3:xlvi
  • immigrants to, 11:255, 11:457–11:458
  • and European powers, 9:89, 9:444–9:445, 12:247–12:248, 13:286, 13:415, 13:586–13:587, 19:656–19:657, 19:706–19:707, 19:710, 20:352–20:354, 20:369, 20:535
  • Indian antiquities of, 6:322–6:328
  • as market for U.S. goods, 9:426, 9:476n, 9:515
  • and mineralogy, 16:528
  • minerals of, 17:388
  • and Monroe Doctrine, 20:256, 20:258n, 20:342–20:343, 20:343n, 20:352–20:354, 20:354n, 20:355, 20:437
  • J. Monroe on, 20:105
  • natural history of, 16:529–16:530
  • people and climate of, 13:235
  • piracy in, 16:157n, 16:218
  • plants of, 17:388
  • religion in, 19:703, 19:703n
  • republics in, 8:503, 8:503, 8:508n, 9:231, 9:271, 9:327, 9:391, 9:611–9:612, 9:615–9:616n, 9:699, 9:702, 10:161, 10:285, 10:328, 11:135, 11:384, 11:384n, 11:410, 11:412n, 12:247–12:248, 12:251–12:252, 12:621, 13:130, 13:151, 13:151n, 13:158n, 13:235, 13:300n, 13:310–13:311, 13:415, 15:296, 15:568, 15:569n, 16:218, 16:218, 16:486–16:487, 16:528–16:529, 16:631, 18:425, 19:111, 19:305, 19:598, 20:369, 20:595, 20:597
  • schools in, 17:388, 20:597
  • sugar from, 9:57, 9:269, 9:272, 9:286, 9:318, 9:324
  • TJ on commerce with, 9:444–9:445
  • TJ on independence movement in, 10:373–10:375, 11:354–11:355, 11:434, 13:48–13:49, 13:286, 13:310–13:311, 15:314–15:315, 16:486–16:487, 16:493, 16:563–16:564, 16:577, 17:418, 18:294, 19:111, 20:624–20:625
  • TJ on political organization of, 9:445, 9:699, 10:374–10:375, 18:573, 19:541, 19:656
  • and U.S., 16:157, 16:166–16:167, 16:412n, 16:486–16:487, 16:528–16:530, 16:531n, 18:394n, 19:336, 19:638, 19:639, 19:657, 19:706–19:707, 20:343n, 20:352, 20:354n
  • U.S. commission to, 13:150, 13:235, 13:236n, 15:296, 15:372
  • works on, 15:296, 15:314–15:315, 15:315n, 15:372, 16:529–16:530, 20:603–20:604

Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3d Earl of, 20:183

Southard, Samuel Lewis

  • as secretary of the navy, 20:306

South Carolina

  • Agricultural Society of, 15:601, 15:602n, 19:129
  • alleged slave insurrection in, 19:82n, 19:221–19:222, 19:222–19:223n
  • Board of Public Works, 18:608, 19:22
  • canals in, 16:255, 18:341, 19:22
  • clergy in, 20:315, 20:355, 20:379
  • colleges in, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n, 8:609–8:610, 8:610n
  • and Confederation Congress, 17:336
  • cotton grown in, 10:547, 19:129
  • currency, 8:79
  • detention of free Blacks entering, 20:94n
  • and domestic manufacturing, 4:343
  • education in, 19:700n
  • elderly residents of, 19:647
  • and election of 1824, 19:533
  • Federalists in, 5:285, 5:393, 5:681, 13:318–13:319
  • governor of, 18:228, 18:232, 18:232, 18:234n, 20:355, 20:355–20:356n, 20:356, 20:357
  • grapes grown in, 17:405–17:406, 19:81, 19:129
  • internal improvements in, 18:608, 18:609n, 19:22
  • learned societies in, 6:179, 6:180n, 6:251, 6:376–6:377, 6:378n, 6:483, 6:561
  • legislature, 6:179, 15:565–15:566, 15:603, 16:105, 16:105, 16:215–16:216, 16:328, 16:443, 19:246, 19:246, 19:246n, 19:450, 19:540, 19:582, 19:633, 20:81, 20:315, 20:315, 20:317n, 20:351–20:352, 20:355, 20:355–20:356n, 20:356–20:358, 20:379–20:380, 20:420
  • mammoth bones found in, 2:507
  • medical education in, 18:229n
  • mountains in, 5:101
  • olive trees grown in, 10:217, 10:218n, 19:81, 19:129, 19:129n
  • opinion of TJ in, 20:15–20:16, 20:64
  • plan to increase white population of, 19:81–19:82, 19:82n, 19:129
  • plants in, 8:21
  • politics in, 20:93
  • presidential caucus in, 18:132, 18:132n, 18:133
  • public opinion in, 19:646
  • religion in, 19:80, 19:582–19:583, 19:633, 19:681
  • Republicans in, 5:303, 5:329, 5:332, 5:355, 5:393, 6:317, 6:611, 6:636, 13:318–13:319
  • and Revolutionary War, 14:572n, 19:648–19:649
  • silk manufacturing in, 19:81, 19:82n, 19:129
  • sheep raising in, 2:218, 4:40, 19:81
  • and support for War of 1812, 5:329–5:330n, 5:546–5:547, 5:547n
  • treasury of, 16:50
  • and U.S. foreign affairs, 4:342–4:343, 4:472

South Carolina Academy of Arts

  • identified, 17:228n
  • TJ as honorary member of , 17:227, 17:228, 17:264

South-Carolina Association, 20:93, 20:94n

South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina)

  • alumni of, 20:356, 20:358n
  • and J. W. Baker, 16:188, 16:215–16:216, 16:232, 16:328–16:329, 16:382, 16:443, 16:552, 18:228, 18:230n, 18:273n
  • catalogue of, 1:112
  • and classical schools, 15:387
  • cost of education at, 16:66, 16:78, 16:105, 16:148, 17:237
  • curriculum of, 16:381, 16:443, 16:457–16:458, 17:493–17:494, 18:302–18:303
  • and F. W. Eppes, 16:65–16:66, 16:66, 16:77–16:78, 16:90, 16:187–16:188, 16:211, 16:215–16:216, 16:232, 16:328, 16:329–16:330, 16:349, 16:365, 16:374, 16:381–16:382, 16:457–16:458, 16:553, 16:554, 17:104, 17:230, 17:230n, 17:237, 17:251, 17:493–17:494, 17:547–17:548, 17:560, 17:590, 18:21, 18:302–18:303
  • faculty applicants, 20:437n, 20:622
  • faculty at, 8:352–8:353, 8:353, 8:609–8:610, 14:102, 15:291, 15:321–15:322, 15:341, 15:386, 15:387, 15:442, 15:516, 15:565–15:566, 15:603, 16:50, 16:50, 16:65, 16:76, 16:77, 16:78, 16:78, 16:105, 16:105–16:106, 16:148, 16:148, 16:187, 16:215–16:216, 16:222, 16:346–16:347, 16:374, 16:381–16:382, 16:443, 17:35, 17:101, 17:237, 17:238n, 17:238n, 18:227, 18:228, 18:230n, 18:230–18:232, 18:232–18:233, 18:233–18:234
  • influence of clergy at, 8:609–8:610, 14:101, 14:103, 15:553, 18:230n, 19:80, 19:81, 19:158, 19:246, 19:582–19:583, 19:681, 20:315, 20:355, 20:379–20:380
  • laws and regulations governing, 18:232, 18:233, 19:158, 19:246, 19:450, 19:450–19:451n, 19:539
  • library, 17:237
  • medical school at, 19:246
  • president of, 8:353, 8:354n, 12:643, 16:106, 16:148, 16:374, 16:381, 16:443, 16:552, 16:552n, 17:35, 17:36, 18:21, 18:233, 19:442, 19:443, 19:445, 19:633, 20:355–20:356n, 20:357, 20:357, 20:420, 20:438
  • rhetoric class at, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n
  • and S.C. legislature, 19:246, 19:246, 19:246n, 19:450, 19:540, 19:633, 20:315, 20:317n, 20:351–20:352, 20:355, 20:355–20:356n, 20:356–20:358, 20:379–20:380, 20:420
  • student conduct at, 18:227–18:229, 18:230n, 18:232–18:233, 18:233–18:234, 18:273n, 18:275, 19:127, 19:158
  • student dissatisfaction at, 17:104, 17:105n, 18:21, 20:315
  • students at, 19:682, 19:682, 20:357, 20:379–20:380
  • and tariffs on books, 17:520–17:521, 17:523, 17:544, 17:655, 18:11, 18:78
  • trustees of, 14:103, 15:553, 16:50, 16:50, 16:105, 16:215–16:216, 16:222, 16:374, 17:237, 17:251, 18:228, 18:228, 18:232, 18:232, 19:158, 19:450, 19:582, 19:681–19:682, 20:315, 20:355, 20:379, 20:420
  • and University of Virginia, 19:682n

South End Church (Boston), 12:404

Southey, Robert

  • The Life of Nelson, 8:22, 8:23n, 8:671
  • The Life of Wesley, 16:589–16:590, 16:591n
  • and Quarterly Review, 20:378
  • Wat Tyler, 11:384, 11:384n

Southgate, J. & W. (Norfolk firm). See J. & W. Southgate (Norfolk firm)

South Sea bubble, 9:329, 9:331n, 9:353, 9:407, 9:561n

Southwark, England

  • public meeting at, 10:574, 10:575n

Southwest Mountains

  • altitude of, 9:316
  • described, 11:628
  • and grape cultivation, 4:177
  • Monticello mountain part of, 15:404–15:405
  • and Rivanna River, 11:83, 11:90, 11:550, 15:214, 15:289
  • soil of, 16:198
  • view from Monticello, 15:405

Southwest Mountain tract (Albemarle Co.)

  • dispute over ownership, 2:101–2:102, 2:103n, 2:114, 2:137–2:139, 2:206–2:208, 2:227, 2:228–2:229, 2:347, 2:362–2:363
  • J. Harvie pays TJ for, 4:555n, 8:96–8:97

Southwick, Solomon

  • Address, delivered by appointment; in the Episcopal Church, at the opening of the Apprentices’ Library, in the City of Albany, January 1, 1821, 17:161–17:162, 17:162n, 17:183
  • and Albany Register, 5:319n, 5:354n
  • and Albany National Democrat, 20:247
  • and Erie Canal, 20:247–20:248
  • identified, 17:162n
  • letters from, 17:161–17:162, 20:247–20:248
  • letter to, 17:183
  • The Pleasures of Poverty, 20:247

Sowerby, James

  • English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants, 10:287, 10:288n

spades, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548, 6:346, 15:86, 15:86, 16:29, 18:49, 20:85

Spafford, Elizabeth Clark Hewitt (Horatio G. Spafford’s wife)

  • health of, 8:271
  • reports weather conditions, 8:106
  • sends greetings to TJ, 7:314
  • travels of, 7:275

Spafford, Horatio Gates

  • and boat and ship building, 9:555
  • apologizes to TJ, 7:264
  • collects minerals, ores, and fossils, 8:209, 8:209n
  • copyrights of, 7:273
  • desires to publish TJ letter, 10:544, 10:595
  • as editor of American Magazine, 8:470, 8:470, 8:470–8:471n, 8:488, 9:183, 9:184n, 9:297–9:298, 9:298n, 9:339, 9:340n, 9:344, 9:344n, 9:378, 10:544, 10:545, 10:545n, 10:586, 10:586n, 10:595, 11:5–11:6, 11:6n, 11:278, 11:279n, 11:659, 11:659n, 12:51
  • education of, 6:449
  • essay on philosophical science by, 10:544, 10:545n
  • family of, 7:273, 7:275, 7:314, 8:271
  • as farmer, 13:75–13:76, 13:111
  • and franking privilege, 6:449, 6:450n
  • A Gazetteer of the State of New-York, 2:144n, 6:352, 6:352–6:353n, 6:400, 6:400n, 6:449, 6:450, 6:450, 6:450n, 6:450n, 7:57, 7:169, 7:169n, 7:248, 7:264, 7:273, 8:209n, 8:416, 10:544, 10:544, 15:106–15:107, 18:253
  • General Geography, and Rudiments of Useful Knowledge, 1:105, 1:106n, 1:196–1:199, 2:143, 2:144n, 6:352
  • health of, 15:106, 18:253
  • identified, 1:106n
  • inventions of, 7:274–7:275, 7:275, 7:275, 7:313–7:314, 7:322, 8:209, 8:209n, 8:211, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:274n, 8:280–8:281, 8:281 (illus.) , 8:350, 8:367, 8:369n, 8:414–8:416, 8:463, 8:470, 8:471n, 8:488, 11:6, 11:496
  • and iron and steel production, 9:339–9:340, 9:340n, 19:194–19:195, 19:195, 19:196n
  • on lawyers, 7:273
  • letters from, 1:105–1:106, 2:143–2:145, 3:112–3:114, 6:352–6:353, 6:449–6:450, 7:57–7:58, 7:169, 7:264, 7:273–7:276, 7:313–7:314, 7:668–7:669, 8:106–8:107, 8:208–8:209, 8:211, 8:271, 8:273–8:274, 8:282–8:283, 8:413–8:416, 8:470–8:471, 9:183–9:184, 9:194, 9:297–9:298, 9:339–9:340, 10:544–10:545, 10:586, 11:5–11:6, 11:254, 11:266, 11:495–11:496, 13:75–13:76, 14:203, 15:106–15:107, 18:253–18:254, 19:194–19:196
  • letters to, 1:196–1:199, 6:400, 7:248–7:249, 7:322–7:323, 8:143, 8:280–8:281, 8:350, 8:488, 9:276, 9:343–9:344, 10:595, 13:111, 14:284–14:286, 18:294–18:295
  • and J. Madison, 6:450, 6:450n, 7:275, 7:313, 7:314n, 7:668–7:669, 7:669n, 8:106, 9:184, 9:194, 9:274, 9:276, 9:297, 9:298n, 9:344, 11:6, 11:62, 11:121, 19:196n
  • The Mother-In-Law: or Memoirs of Madam de Morville, 10:545, 10:545n, 11:254, 11:254n, 11:266
  • moves to Pa., 11:495–11:496, 13:75–13:76, 15:106, 18:253
  • national technology school proposed by, 9:297–9:298, 9:298n, 9:339, 9:344, 9:344n, 9:378, 10:544, 10:586, 10:586n, 11:6
  • and patents and patent system, 7:274–7:275, 8:209, 8:209n, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:274n, 8:350, 9:339–9:340, 9:340n, 10:544, 10:545, 10:586, 10:586n, 11:6, 19:195–19:196
  • A Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveller, along the line of the Canals, and the Interior Commerce of the State of New-York, 18:254n
  • proposed biography of TJ by, 14:203, 14:284–14:285, 18:254, 18:254n
  • and proposed geographical department, 6:449
  • proposed history of N.Y. by, 6:352, 18:254, 18:254n
  • proposed spelling book by, 18:253–18:254, 18:254n, 18:294–18:295
  • proposed U.S. gazetteer by, 2:144n, 6:449, 6:450, 6:450n
  • proposed Va. gazetteer by, 9:344n, 10:544, 10:595, 11:5
  • proposes biography of Count Rumford, 8:283
  • Quaker beliefs of, 7:669n
  • on religion in America, 10:586
  • requests memento from TJ, 8:211
  • The school boy’s introduction to the geography and statistics of the state of New-York: designed for the use of common schools, under the patronage of the Legislature, 18:253
  • and seeds, 13:75–13:76, 13:111
  • seeks appointment, 7:273–7:274, 7:313, 7:668–7:669, 9:184, 9:194, 9:274, 9:276, 10:545, 15:106–15:107
  • seeks financial assistance, 2:144–2:145n
  • seeks government patronage, 6:449, 6:449
  • and Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the State of New-York, 8:283, 8:283n
  • Some Cursory Observations on the Ordinary Construction of Wheel-Carriages, 8:209, 8:211, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:273, 8:280, 8:470, 8:471n
  • and term limits, 7:273, 7:322
  • on TJ, 14:203
  • TJ abridges letter to, 9:344n, 9:378, 9:378–9:379, 9:381n, 9:381–9:383
  • TJ regrets canceled visit of, 8:143
  • TJ sends engraving to, 8:281
  • visits springs, 18:253
  • visits Washington, 7:275, 7:313, 7:313–7:314, 8:106, 8:106, 9:339
  • and War of 1812, 7:57–7:58, 7:273–7:274, 8:271, 8:283
  • and S. Williams, 8:282–8:283
  • wishes to visit TJ, 6:352, 6:352, 6:400, 7:274, 7:275, 7:275, 7:313, 7:313–7:314, 7:322, 8:106, 8:211, 19:196

Spain See also Bonaparte, Joseph; Charles IV, king of Spain; Ferdinand VII, king of Spain; Onís y González Vara López y Gómez, Luis de; Stoughton, Thomas: Spanish consul at N.Y.; Vives, Francisco Dionisio

  • J. Adams on, 19:439, 20:383
  • and Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 14:340, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:503, 14:581n, 15:105, 15:106n, 15:568, 15:572–15:573n, 15:594–15:595, 15:615, 16:250, 16:493, 16:616, 17:41n, 18:98–18:99, 18:309n, 19:589, 20:373
  • affairs in, 17:253, 17:489, 19:334, 20:105, 20:106n, 20:137
  • American property seized in, 2:162, 2:162n, 2:342
  • aristocracy in, 7:327, 7:391–7:392
  • barilla from, 14:466
  • barley from, 15:528n
  • census in, 9:440, 9:441n
  • claims against, 12:142
  • clergy of, 4:282–4:283, 7:390, 19:707, 20:99, 20:106n, 20:137
  • climate of, 2:165–2:166, 19:301, 19:302
  • colonies of, 4:359, 7:50–7:51, 7:327–7:328, 7:392–7:394, 7:398n, 8:503, 8:503, 8:508n, 9:89, 9:150, 9:426, 9:444–9:445, 9:516, 9:611–9:612, 9:615–9:616n, 9:699, 10:161, 10:285, 10:328, 10:373–10:375, 11:354–11:355, 11:410, 11:412n, 11:434, 12:247–12:248, 12:251–12:252, 12:271, 12:405, 13:48–13:49, 13:151, 13:151n, 13:300n, 14:503, 15:568, 15:569n, 16:486–16:487, 16:493, 16:528–16:529, 16:563–16:564, 17:418, 18:277, 18:277–18:278n, 18:294, 19:111, 19:490, 19:601, 19:657, 20:152n, 20:257n, 20:376n
  • commercial policies of, 16:158, 16:221
  • conspiracy to overthrow regime in, 18:614n
  • constitution of, 1:470–1:471, 1:577, 4:282, 7:291, 7:292n, 7:304, 7:326–7:327, 7:390–7:391, 7:398n, 7:451n, 7:476, 8:263, 8:340n, 9:701–9:702, 9:702n, 16:159n, 16:213, 16:213n, 17:191–17:192, 17:253, 18:99, 18:101n, 19:587–19:588, 19:707, 20:150, 20:151n, 20:355
  • Cortes of, 5:19–5:20, 5:21n, 7:390–7:394, 7:450, 9:701, 10:44, 16:159n, 16:186, 16:250, 17:191, 18:98–18:99, 18:99, 18:101n, 18:401, 19:356, 19:467, 19:542, 19:707, 20:65, 20:106n, 20:131, 20:150, 20:151n, 20:152n, 20:423
  • and Cuba, 19:543, 19:657, 19:686, 19:703, 19:709–19:710
  • documents on U.S. relations with
  • edicts of, 3:175–3:176n
  • education in, 7:391, 9:701–9:702
  • and E. Fla., 4:284n, 4:665n, 9:516, 15:105, 15:106n, 17:125, 17:126, 18:98–18:100
  • electoral policy in, 7:327, 7:328n, 7:391–7:392, 10:44
  • expedition against the Bahamas, 4:286, 4:286n
  • exploration of Northwest Coast, 1:447, 1:448
  • and France, 17:348, 18:99, 19:335n, 19:356, 20:373
  • freedom of the press in, 7:391
  • and Holy Alliance, 19:356, 19:357n
  • ideology in, 20:368
  • Inquisition in, 7:220, 7:390–7:391, 8:490, 8:491n
  • invaded by France (1823), 19:457, 19:465–19:468, 19:468n, 19:489, 19:540–19:541, 19:542–19:543, 19:543n, 19:587–19:588, 19:610, 19:635, 19:638–19:639, 19:656–19:658, 19:707–19:708, 19:710, 20:17, 20:99, 20:106n, 20:131, 20:152, 20:258n, 20:285, 20:285, 20:288, 20:298n, 20:298n, 20:355, 20:585–20:586
  • and Isthmus of Panama, 12:169
  • and La., 3:281–3:282, 3:282–3:283, 9:478–9:480, 9:487–9:488n, 9:488n, 9:516, 9:518, 9:658n, 12:156, 12:249, 12:294–12:295, 12:331, 15:563, 18:99
  • laws of, 2:471, 2:678, 3:52–3:53, 3:71, 3:160–3:161, 3:175n, 4:282, 4:477, 4:643n
  • libraries of, 19:677
  • literature of, 16:534, 19:676–19:677, 20:42
  • merino sheep and wool from, 1:16, 1:320, 2:3–2:4, 2:31–2:32, 2:165–2:166, 2:246, 2:480, 2:480n, 2:481, 2:667, 3:342–3:343, 3:343n, 5:198–5:199, 13:67
  • and Muslim population, 17:328
  • Napoleonic policy in, 9:68
  • news of, 15:485
  • and partition of Poland, 9:345
  • politics in, 8:138, 8:339, 8:340n, 8:630, 12:245, 16:408, 18:614, 18:614n, 20:335–20:336, 20:545n
  • and Portugal, 20:152n
  • and raising of horses and sheep, 1:478
  • Real Jardín Botánico, 15:156, 15:156–15:157n, 15:157n, 15:157n
  • relations with Algiers, 9:17, 17:340–17:341
  • relations with Austria, 9:347
  • relations with Great Britain, 2:275, 2:602, 4:337, 4:587, 7:20, 18:99, 20:152n, 20:447
  • relations with Prussia, 9:347
  • religion in, 7:327, 7:390–7:391, 16:590
  • resists Napoleonic rule, 1:108, 1:160, 1:344, 2:7, 2:166, 2:233, 2:242, 2:246–2:247, 2:274, 2:275, 2:379–2:380, 4:56–4:57, 4:271, 6:359–6:360, 7:23n, 7:327, 9:346, 16:383
  • revolution in, 16:135, 16:137n, 16:158, 16:159n, 16:212–16:213, 16:213n, 19:590n, 19:677, 20:65, 20:99, 20:131, 20:282, 20:352–20:353
  • and revolutions in Europe, 17:142, 17:177, 17:180, 17:201
  • rumored assassinations in, 18:401
  • and standards of weights, measures, and coinage, 4:222–4:223
  • status of Florida and Cuba, 1:154, 14:503
  • Supreme Junta, 2:33, 2:35n, 2:246–2:247, 4:284n
  • and tariffs on books, 18:173
  • taxes in, 4:111, 17:468
  • TJ on, 1:20, 7:50–7:51, 7:326–7:328, 7:390, 7:391, 7:392, 7:450, 8:540, 9:444–9:446, 9:701–9:702, 10:373, 13:315n, 16:493, 19:489–19:490, 20:65
  • and Treaty of Paris (1803) , 3:256
  • and Treaty of Paris (1763), 18:296, 18:297n
  • and Treaty of Paris (1783), 18:297
  • and U.S., 1:632–1:633, 2:248, 7:50–7:51, 8:156–8:157n, 8:339, 8:540, 9:388–9:389, 9:390n, 9:391, 9:444–9:446, 9:516, 9:517n, 11:122, 11:219n, 11:410, 11:412n, 12:142, 12:251–12:252, 12:271, 12:459, 12:460n, 13:130, 13:150–13:151, 13:286n, 13:286, 13:415, 13:424, 13:586–13:587, 13:609, 13:610–13:611, 13:612n, 14:23–14:24, 14:30, 14:111–14:112n, 14:112n, 14:503, 15:381, 15:382n, 15:568, 15:615–15:617, 16:158, 16:186, 16:187n, 16:250, 16:250, 16:412, 16:412n, 16:446, 16:487, 16:493, 17:336, 17:609, 18:430n, 18:468n, 18:481, 19:490, 20:70, 20:152n
  • U.S. consuls to, 8:601
  • and U.S. land claims, 1:635–1:636, 1:639, 1:641, 7:42–7:43, 9:585, 15:594–15:595
  • U.S. minister to, 3:96, 13:237, 16:239, 19:336, 19:336, 19:338n, 19:638
  • U.S. treaty with (1802), 15:568, 15:568–15:569n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501, 4:502, 4:505–4:506, 4:507, 4:508
  • and W. Fla., 3:265, 3:282, 3:326, 3:327, 3:344, 3:601–3:603, 3:603–3:604n, 4:284n, 9:388–9:389, 18:295
  • wine from, 18:561
  • works on, 13:369, 14:166, 15:340, 17:188, 17:189n
  • yellow fever in, 10:128–10:131, 10:134–10:136, 10:136, 10:137, 15:326, 15:327n

Spalding, Lyman

  • Bill of Mortality for Portsmouth, 3:373–3:374
  • A History of the Introduction and Use of Scutellaria Lateriflora, (Scullcap,) as a Remedy for Preventing and Curing Hydrophobia, 15:281, 15:281n
  • identified, 3:374n
  • letters from, 3:373–3:374, 12:573
  • letters from accounted for, 3:374n
  • letter to, 15:281
  • and national pharmacopoeia, 12:573

Spanish language

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 15:448, 16:426
  • collegiate education in, 12:3, 12:120, 13:195, 13:214, 13:402, 20:458
  • dictionaries of, 10:235, 11:335, 12:535n, 13:369, 14:166, 15:340
  • document in, by
    • J. A. Miralla, 20:32–20:35
  • grammars of, 8:630, 20:595
  • letters in, from
    • V. de Foronda, 1:470–1:471, 1:604–1:606, 4:282–4:284, 5:19–5:21, 6:80–6:81
    • J. Yznardy, 1:410–1:411, 4:111–4:112
  • and Randolph family, 16:388, 19:703, 19:704n
  • study of, 10:672, 10:672, 11:233, 11:261, 12:252, 12:282, 13:237, 13:238, 13:238, 13:239, 13:537, 14:151, 14:251, 14:438, 14:566n, 15:239, 16:29n, 20:596
  • TJ on study of, 4:162–4:163, 9:608, 11:14, 11:18–11:19, 11:112, 11:175, 11:252, 13:196, 13:216
  • works in, 1:556, 11:179, 11:193, 11:395, 12:622, 12:635n, 16:630, 17:138, 17:445, 17:447, 18:95–18:96, 20:32, 20:32–20:35

Spanish moss, 18:210

Spargella, John Baptiste

  • and engravings for TJ, 8:209–8:210, 8:254
  • identified, 8:210n
  • letter from, 8:209–8:210
  • letter to, 8:254

Spark, Thomas

  • edits Ζωσίμου κόμητος καὶ ἀποφισκοσυνηγόρου Ἱστορίας νέας βίβλοι ἕξ. Zosimi Comitis & Exadvocati Fisci, Historiæ Novæ Libri Sex, Notis Illustrati (Zosimus), 10:233

Spark , USS (brig), 11:509, 11:534n

Sparks, Jared

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 16:215
  • and African colonization, 20:440, 20:440–20:441n, 20:474–20:477
  • as chaplain of U.S. House of Representatives, 18:37–18:38, 18:518, 18:564, 18:657
  • as editor of North American Review and Miscellaneous Journal, 20:327, 20:440, 20:440–20:441n, 20:474, 20:477
  • identified, 12:189n
  • introduced to TJ, 16:161, 16:170
  • and J. Ledyard (1751–89), 12:188–12:189, 12:280–12:281, 16:272, 16:273n
  • letters from, 12:188–12:189, 16:215, 16:272–16:273, 20:440–20:441
  • Letters on the Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 16:272, 16:394, 18:37–18:38, 18:564, 19:75, 19:75n
  • letters to, 12:280–12:281, 16:215+, 16:394, 20:474–20:478
  • and papers of G. Washington, 19:532n
  • portrait of, 16:xlix, 16:348 (illus.)
  • on TJ, 16:215
  • TJ invites to dine, 16:215+
  • travels of, 16:161, 16:170
  • as Unitarian minister, 16:599, 18:564, 18:657
  • and University of Virginia, 16:215
  • visits Monticello, 16:215+, 16:215, 16:215, 16:273n


  • TJ on, 16:615–16:616, 20:276

Spartan (brig), 15:11n

Spartan (schooner), 15:299, 18:203, 18:222, 18:250, 18:251n

spears, 16:155

Species Plantarum (K. L. Willdenow), 8:429, 8:430n

Specimen of Printing Type, from the Letter Foundry of James Ronaldson, successor to Binny & Ronaldson, 18:520, 18:521, 18:559

The Spectator, 7:665, 12:534, 15:508n, 19:507

specula, 9:76, 9:77n

Spedding, James

  • and water-raising machine, 8:196n

Speece, Mr.

  • and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:210–12:211

The Speeches of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan (H. Grattan [d. 1820]; ed. H. Grattan [d. 1859]), 19:506

Speech of George Shannon, Esq. On the resolution for the removal of Judge Clark from office on account of his decision in the Bourbon Circuit Court against the constitutionality of the Endorsement and Replevin Laws, 18:575, 18:576n

Speech of Gideon Granger, Esq. delivered before a Convention of the People of Ontario County, N.Y. Jan. 8, 1817, on the subject of a Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson’s River (G. Granger), 11:219n, 11:259

The Speech of Henry Brougham, Esq. before the House of Commons (H. P. Brougham), 1:35

Speech of His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (E. Gerry)

  • sent to TJ, 5:6, 5:7n

Speech of John A. Graham, LL. D. before the Court of General Sessions (J. A. Graham), 19:402, 19:403n, 19:437

Speech of Julien Poydras, Esq. the Delegate of the Territory of Orleans, in support of the right of the public to the Batture (J. L. Poydras), 2:516, 2:518n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:483

Speech of Mr. Livingston, of Louisiana, on the subject of Internal Improvement. Delivered in the House of Representatives U. S. February 9, 1824 (E. Livingston), 20:620, 20:620–20:621n

The Speech of Samuel Chew, Esq (S. Chew), 4:152–4:153, 4:153n

Speech of W. G. D. Worthington, Esq. a Member of the General Assembly of Maryland … on Brent’s Resolutions (W. G. D. Worthington), 2:196, 2:251

Speed, Dr.

  • recommended to TJ, 14:151, 14:199, 14:438

A Spelling Book of the English Language; or The American Tutor’s Assistant (E. F. Marshall), 15:401, 15:401n, 15:402n

Spelman, Edward

  • translates Cyrus’s Expedition into Persia, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks (The Anabasis) (Xenophon), 1:580, 19:505
  • translates Opera Omni Graece et Latine (Dionysius of Halicarnassus), 1:580

Spelman, Sir Henry

  • Glossarium Archaiologicum, 7:127

Spelman, Sir John

  • Ælfredi Magni Anglorum Regis (trans. O. Walker), 16:364, 17:196, 17:197
  • Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus, 16:364

Spence, Joseph

  • Polymetis: or, An Enquiry concerning the Agreement Between the Works of the Roman Poets, And the Remains of the Antient Artists, 14:444

Spence, William

  • Britain Independent of Commerce: or, Proofs, Deducted from an Investigation into the True Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1:35

Spencer (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Spencer, Lieut., 2:534n

Spencer, Mr.

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:541

Spencer, Ambrose

  • identified, 10:569n
  • introduces W. Case, 19:416
  • introduces J. B. Stuart, 10:568–10:569
  • letter from, 10:568–10:569

Spencer, Charles

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 19:48, 20:209, 20:209, 20:209, 20:226, 20:556

Spenser, Edmund

  • English poet, 9:633
  • quoted, 16:464, 16:465n

Spenser, Robert

  • and South Carolina College, 20:379–20:380, 20:380n

spermaceti oil, 1:31

Speyer, John

  • forwards letters to TJ, 5:451, 5:454, 6:281
  • identified, 5:454n
  • letters from, 5:454
  • U.S. consul, 6:147, 6:148n, 6:240, 6:281

Sphaerics (Theodosius of Bithynia), 18:650, 18:650

sphere (astronomical instrument), 14:229

Sphinx, 12:443

Sphynx (brig), 9:672n, 10:57

spices See also salt

  • allspice, 1:45, 6:348, 16:10, 16:191, 16:191n
  • cinnamon, 1:31, 1:44, 1:368, 2:109, 15:71, 16:191, 16:191n
  • cloves, 1:44, 2:109, 4:211, 15:71, 16:10
  • ginger root, 4:211, 4:212n, 15:71, 16:191, 16:191n
  • imported, 9:476n, 12:553
  • mace, 1:368, 2:109, 4:211, 15:71, 16:191
  • nutmeg, 1:44, 1:368, 2:109, 6:343, 6:348, 15:71, 15:451, 16:10, 16:191, 16:191n, 18:49, 19:14
  • pepper, 15:451, 16:289, 16:289n, 16:470
  • pepper, bird, 6:xliii, 6:66–6:67, 6:67, 6:81, 6:127–6:128, 6:187–6:188, 6:195–6:196, 6:252, 6:292, 6:377, 6:386 (illus.) , 6:615, 7:326, 7:567, 7:568n
  • pepper, black, 1:31, 1:45, 1:368, 2:109, 4:211, 4:211, 6:345, 6:348, 14:420
  • tabasco, 6:252
  • vanilla, 1:161, 1:188, 1:188, 1:188, 1:190, 1:190, 14:li, 14:250 (illus.) , 14:442n, 14:489–14:490, 15:441, 17:230

Spiers, Alexander, John Bowman, & Company (Glasgow firm). See Wilson, Thomas

Spiers & Company (Glasgow firm). See Wilson, Thomas


  • at Poplar Forest, 5:489
  • seed, 5:384, 5:658

Spinks (Sprinks), Alexander See also Alexander Spinks (Sprinks) & Company

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 17:640, 19:46, 19:62, 19:186

spinning machines See also machines; manufacturing; textiles

  • of B. Allison, 8:547, 10:32, 10:33n
  • of J. G. Baxter, 8:554
  • billys, 4:426
  • in cotton factories, 9:534
  • W. Cranch buys, 5:21–5:22, 5:22, 5:181, 5:182n
  • described, 4:169, 4:417–4:418, 4:424–4:425, 4:425–4:426, 4:512–4:513, 4:558, 4:571–4:572, 4:592, 4:673, 5:151–5:154, 5:187, 5:207–5:208, 5:209, 5:241–5:242, 5:312, 5:560, 6:9, 7:558, 8:634–8:635
  • jennies, 1:313, 1:524–1:525, 1:591, 1:661, 4:143, 4:417, 4:418n, 4:426, 4:428, 4:637, 4:667, 5:202, 5:384, 5:446, 5:562–5:563, 6:107, 6:132, 6:134, 6:140, 6:203, 6:214, 6:214, 6:285, 6:285–6:286, 6:366, 6:487, 6:559, 6:559, 7:240, 7:325, 7:570, 7:593, 8:535, 8:605, 8:368, 8:464, 8:634–8:635, 10:32
  • at Poplar Forest, 6:106, 6:107, 6:203, 15:229, 15:247, 15:257, 15:265
  • sent to TJ, 5:23, 5:24, 5:145, 5:181, 5:182n, 5:211
  • TJ on, 5:562–5:563, 7:13–7:14, 7:54, 7:88, 7:92, 7:406, 8:535, 8:605
  • TJ orders, 4:514, 4:544, 4:579–4:580, 4:588, 4:589, 4:591, 4:637, 4:666–4:667, 5:80, 5:92, 5:131–5:132, 5:134, 5:141, 5:142–5:143, 5:148, 5:175, 5:201–5:202, 5:220, 5:316, 6:559
  • wheels, 4:362, 4:380, 4:417, 4:425

Spinoza, Baruch

  • writings of, 8:4, 19:525

Spiraea ulmaria (meadowsweet), 12:611n

spirit level

  • instructions for use of, 9:205
  • made by F. R. Hassler, 9:205
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:222, 9:222, 9:222, 9:224, 9:225
  • use of, 9:76, 11:55

spirit of hartshorn. See ammonia (spirit of hartshorn)

Spirit of Laws. See Esprit des Lois (Montesquieu)

Spirit of ’Seventy-Six (Richmond newspaper), 1:93

spirits (alcohol), 6:347, 6:501, 7:180, 11:293, 11:293+, 11:293+, 12:8, 14:44, 14:156, 14:419, 14:420, 15:313, 16:337n, 16:337n, 18:378, 18:443, 19:640, 19:646, 20:189, 20:320, 20:612, 20:612, 20:613n

Spiritual Homilies (Macarius the Egyptian), 12:446–12:447

Spitzenburg apple, 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455

Spooner, Alden B.

  • as Va. legislator, 18:83

Spooner, George Wilson

  • as agent of A. S. Brockenbrough, 14:605, 14:605n
  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:103, 15:125, 15:200–15:201, 15:201n, 15:209, 15:559, 16:304, 16:310, 16:319, 16:477, 16:477, 17:63n, 17:620, 17:622, 17:626, 17:631, 17:636, 17:638, 17:649, 17:653, 19:48, 19:50, 19:56, 19:63, 19:177, 19:177, 19:183, 19:188, 19:238, 19:310, 20:196, 20:200, 20:205, 20:214, 20:215, 20:219, 20:220, 20:221, 20:227, 20:231
  • identified, 15:201n
  • letters from, 15:200–15:202, 15:209
  • letter to accounted for, 15:209n

spoons, 4:231–4:232n, 20:612

Spotswood, George W.

  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 20:584

spotted fever. See typhus

Sprague, Joseph

  • and meeting of Essex Co. Republicans, 1:86n

Sprague, Joseph E.

  • identified, 20:39n
  • letter from, 20:38–20:39
  • sends work by T. Pickering, 20:38

Sprague, William Buell, 16:580n

Spreafico, Amant

  • and consulship for J. V. A. Sasserno, 9:472, 9:570, 9:573, 11:406–11:407, 11:657n, 11:657–11:658, 13:301
  • letters from, to S. Cathalan, 9:471–9:473, 9:573–9:574, 11:656–11:657, 11:657–11:658
  • and Sasserno family, 9:470, 9:471, 9:472, 13:301–13:302
  • and wine for TJ, 9:470, 9:471–9:472, 9:570, 11:404, 11:653, 11:653–11:654, 11:656, 11:656, 13:246, 13:246n, 14:328, 14:328, 14:338, 14:338, 14:339, 15:76

Sprigg, Osborn

  • identified, 3:651n
  • letters from, 3:651
  • recommends C. Shekell, 3:651
  • sheep of, 2:380

Sprigg, William, 2:443n

Spring (J. Thomson), 12:160, 12:164n, 19:302, 19:303n

Spring, Samuel

  • Two Sermons, Addressed to the Second Congregational Society in Newburyport, 1:138

Springfield Farm (R. Lindsay’s Albemarle Co. estate), 14:46, 14:47

Spring Hill School (Indian training school, Mich. Terr.), 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 2:55–2:57, 2:58n, 3:369–3:370, 3:543, 3:543n

springs See also Warm Springs (Bath Co.); Hot Springs (Bath Co.)

  • falling, 13:242
  • routes to, 13:311n
  • salt, 3:333
  • sweet, 3:295, 13:243
  • temperature of as climate indicator, 11:39–11:40, 12:575, 12:618
  • therapeutic, 1:192, 1:451, 3:162, 4:107, 8:563, 8:628, 8:688–8:689, 10:183, 10:256, 10:313, 11:666, 17:344, 18:253, 18:572
  • in Va., 14:562
  • visitors to, 9:120–9:121, 11:625, 11:631n, 20:110
  • warm, 1:192
  • white sulphur, 13:243

Sproat, Peter W.

  • identified, 18:570n
  • letter from, 18:570
  • letter to, 18:585
  • The Savage Beauty, A Satirical Allegorical Novel, 18:570, 18:585

Sprouce, Henry

  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 17:620, 17:624, 17:632, 17:633, 17:635, 19:47, 19:52n

Sproull (Sproule, Sprowl), John

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:535


  • in Va., 11:624

Spruel, George E.

  • and scuppernong wine, 19:115

Spruill, William, 14:561

spurs, 19:471

Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar

  • and anatomical engravings, 20:616
  • A View of the Elementary Principles of Education, 17:535

Squanci, Natale

  • and death record of P. Mazzei, 9:673n

squash (vegetable), 1:170, 5:658, 6:487, 9:262–9:263, 20:166

Squire (R. Jefferson’s slave), 2:60, 5:653, 6:282, 6:285, 6:363, 6:363, 8:257, 8:258, 8:258, 8:272, 8:272, 8:400, 8:636

squirrels, 4:536, 10:321

S. Smith & Buchanan (Baltimore firm), 1:361–1:362n, 5:646n, 14:615n, 14:619, 15:330, 16:186, 16:186–16:187n

Stabili, Francesco

  • religious beliefs of, 13:481


  • brooms, 1:3
  • insurance for, 1:317–1:318
  • padlocks for, 1:303

Stabler, Deborah, 16:388

Stack, Gerard E.

  • and Charlottesville Academy, 14:46, 14:84, 14:90, 14:192, 14:210, 14:210, 14:219, 14:223, 14:257–14:258, 14:258–14:259, 14:261, 14:267, 14:268, 14:272, 14:274, 14:280–14:281, 14:294, 14:326, 14:425, 14:438–14:439, 14:472, 14:512, 14:516–14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:606–14:607, 14:642, 14:643–14:644, 15:142n, 15:239, 15:241–15:242, 15:242n, 15:378, 15:379n, 15:398, 15:398n, 15:499, 15:499–15:500n, 15:510, 16:26n, 16:65, 16:65, 16:66, 16:77, 16:78n, 16:90, 16:148, 16:187, 16:190n, 16:242, 16:400n, 17:560
  • as classical tutor, 12:134, 12:195, 12:199, 12:238, 12:648, 14:5–14:6, 14:229, 14:267
  • health of, 16:77
  • identified, 14:223–14:224n
  • letters from, 14:223–14:224, 14:606–14:607, 15:230–15:231, 15:239, 15:488, 15:546, 16:242
  • letters to, 14:643–14:644, 15:241–15:242, 15:489
  • letter to accounted for, 15:546n
  • recommendations of, 15:239n, 15:241–15:242, 15:243, 15:488, 15:489, 15:490, 17:liii
  • school of, in Richmond, 17:417
  • and seal for University of Virginia, 15:301
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 15:230–15:231, 15:241, 15:546

Stackelberg, Berndt Robert Gustaf

  • identified, 19:89n
  • letter from, 19:109–19:110
  • letter to, 19:89
  • as reference for A. Runnels, 18:635, 19:89, 19:109, 19:128, 19:129, 19:313, 19:314n

Stadler, John

  • attempts to secure land grant, 2:87, 2:88n, 2:133

Stadler, Joseph Constantine

  • print by, 11:xlvii–11:xlviii, 11:232 (illus.)

Staël Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, baronne de

  • on acquisition of language, 7:660
  • An Appeal to the Nations of Europe against the Continental System, 6:513, 6:514n
  • Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution, 19:506
  • Considérations sur les principaux événemens de La Révolution Françoise, 11:116–11:117, 11:118n, 13:397, 13:397n, 13:476, 13:488, 13:511, 14:637
  • conveyance of TJ’s letter to, 8:583, 9:429, 10:376n, 10:379
  • Corinne ou l’Italie, 1:35, 1:35
  • correspondence of, 5:454, 6:147–6:148, 6:240, 6:281
  • death of, 11:540, 11:541n
  • De l’Allemagne, 9:84, 9:88n
  • and European affairs, 5:449–5:451, 6:140–6:145, 9:326, 9:326, 10:375
  • family of, 9:327, 9:377, 10:375, 11:117, 11:282–11:283
  • on France, 11:116–11:117
  • health of, 11:282–11:283
  • identified, 5:452–5:453n
  • and independence of Spanish colonies, 10:373–10:375
  • and Lafayette, 7:541, 11:117, 11:118n
  • letter from accounted for, 9:328n
  • letters from, 5:449–5:453, 9:326–9:328, 11:116–11:118
  • letters to, 6:140–6:145, 8:576–8:577, 10:373–10:376
  • T. Lyman introduced to, 11:294n
  • mentioned, 10:97
  • on Napoleon, 19:76
  • as purported author of Manuscrit venu de St. Hélène, d’une manière inconnue (J. F. Lullin de Châteauvieux), 12:92n
  • returns to France, 8:577
  • on slavery, 9:326
  • on U.S., 11:116–11:117
  • and War of 1812, 9:326, 9:328n

Staël Holstein, Auguste Louis, baron de

  • and Lafayette, 12:39
  • proposed U.S. visit of, 9:327, 10:375, 11:117
  • sends work to TJ, 13:511

Stahl, George Ernst

  • physician and chemist, 9:633

Stake, John

  • Revolutionary War service of, 4:623, 4:624n

Stake, John S.

  • identified, 4:624n
  • letters from, 4:623–4:624
  • seeks military appointment, 4:623

Stam, Jacob Frederick , 5:512–5:513

Stamford. See Stanford, Sir William

Stamp Act (1765)

  • promulgation of, 12:493, 12:496, 12:518
  • resolutions opposing, 4:599–4:600, 7:493, 7:494–7:495, 7:496–7:497, 7:544–7:545, 7:546–7:547, 7:549, 7:550–7:551n, 8:619, 8:620n, 8:621, 8:621–8:622, 8:622–8:623n, 8:641–8:642, 8:645n, 10:269, 10:271n, 14:376, 16:230, 17:311

Stamp Act Crisis

  • authorship of the Virginia Resolves, 8:619, 8:642
  • memorials and petitions in response to, 8:641–8:642, 8:642, 8:645n, 8:645–8:646n, 10:269, 10:271n, 16:229–16:230
  • Rhode Island Resolves, 8:619, 8:621–8:623
  • Stamp Act Congress, 19:392n, 19:470, 19:472n

Stanard, B. (militia officer), 7:600

Stanard, John, 5:539

Standard of Union (New York newspaper), 6:339, 6:340n, 6:340n, 6:400, 6:401n

Standish, Myles , 5:512

Stanerd (Stannard), Mr., 14:13, 14:40

Stanford, Sir William

  • Les Plees del Coron, 3:546

Stanhope, Charles, 3d Earl

  • fireproofing method of, 5:308–5:309n
  • and weights and measures, 12:91

Stanhope, George

  • translates Of Wisdom (P. Charron), 12:534, 19:505

Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield. See Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of

Stanislaw II, king of Poland

  • and P. Mazzei, 9:115, 9:669, 9:673n, 9:673

Stanley, Curtis

  • death of, 15:508n

Stanley, Elias

  • death of, 15:508n
  • as Greensboro, Vt., postmaster, 15:507, 15:508n

Stanley, Eunice Huntington

  • identified, 15:507n
  • letter from, 15:504–15:508
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 15:504–15:507

Stanley, Thomas

  • The History of Philosophy, 1:580, 15:166n, 19:505

Stanley, Timothy

  • aid sought for, 15:504–15:507
  • identified, 15:507–15:508n
  • as Vt. legislator, 15:505, 15:508n

Stannard (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:718

Stansbury, Abraham Ogier

  • and education of the deaf, 16:61
  • identified, 8:191n
  • letter from, 8:187–8:192
  • religious beliefs of, 8:187–8:191
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 8:187, 8:190–8:191

Stansbury, Tobias

  • U.S. general, 8:155

Staphorst, N. & J. & R. van (Amsterdam firm). See N. & J. & R. van Staphorst (Amsterdam firm)


  • TJ infected with, 13:73n, 13:228–13:229, 13:250, 13:277, 13:278, 13:279, 13:279–13:280, 13:280, 13:283, 13:302, 13:303, 13:303, 13:309, 13:310, 13:321, 13:324, 13:393, 13:415, 13:468, 13:507, 14:230–14:231, 14:319, 14:459–14:460, 14:466, 14:502–14:503, 17:602–17:603, 18:12

Staples, John

  • identified, 5:93–5:94n
  • letters to, 5:93–5:94, 7:154, 7:346–7:347
  • makes castings for TJ, 5:93, 5:94n, 7:346–7:347, 7:517
  • as patent agent, 7:154, 7:155
  • and plow moldboards for TJ, 7:552n

Staples Mill, 5:93n

Stapleton, Thomas

  • translates The History of the Church of Englande (Bede), 16:364, 17:196

Staps, Frederick, 2:7, 2:9n

Star (brig), 9:572

Star (Raleigh newspaper)

  • letter from editors of, accounted for, 1:677
  • prints TJ’s correspondence, 1:125n
  • and scuppernong grape, 11:293+, 11:293+, 11:293+, 11:293n+

A Star in the West; or, A Humble Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem (E. Boudinot), 11:49, 11:49n, 11:230

star jasmine, 1:631–1:632

Stark, Mr.

  • mentioned, 6:343

Stark, Bolling

  • TJ on, 10:366

Stark, Edwin

  • identified, 10:448–10:449n
  • letters from, 10:500, 11:195–11:196, 11:204–11:205
  • letters to, 10:448–10:449, 11:137
  • and package for TJ, 10:409, 10:444, 10:448, 10:500, 10:540
  • and wine for TJ, 11:137, 11:144, 11:195, 11:204

Stark, John

  • death of, 18:423
  • finances of, 20:587
  • health of, 18:423
  • Revolutionary War officer, 7:87, 18:453, 18:454

Stark, Robert Bolling

  • identified, 13:248–13:249n
  • letter from, 13:248–13:249
  • letter to, 13:311–13:312
  • recommends botanical work to TJ, 13:248, 13:311–13:312

Starke, Mrs. (boardinghouse keeper in Richmond), 1:670

Starke, James

  • and 1810 census, 3:202

Starke, William A.

  • and G. Washington, 18:137

star madreporite, 2:299

Starr, Isaac H., 10:4

“The Star-Spangled Banner” (F. S. Key), 20:598n

Staszic, Stanislaw, 3:62n

State Department, U.S. See also Adams, John Quincy; Brent, Daniel; Graham, John (1774–1820); Smith, Robert (1757–1842)

  • and batture controversy, 2:427, 2:429, 2:435, 2:439, 2:439–2:446, 2:449, 2:449–2:451, 2:452, 2:516, 2:568, 3:482, 3:483–3:488, 4:595, 5:84–5:85, 5:85–5:87n
  • books owned by, 3:638, 20:119
  • building superintendent for, 13:289, 13:307
  • Chronology of Territorial Claims in Louisiana (Thomas Jefferson), 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 3:292, 3:297, 3:327, 3:328n, 9:487, 9:488n, 9:518
  • clerical salaries at, 8:115
  • clerks at, 1:15n, 3:260, 8:495–8:496, 10:482, 12:465–12:466, 14:559, 20:482, 20:483n
  • and consular appointments, 12:459, 12:459n, 12:500, 14:618–14:619, 15:104–15:105, 19:313, 19:314n, 20:598
  • forwards letters, 2:256, 2:536, 2:544, 3:424, 3:615, 3:627, 4:19, 4:99, 4:462, 4:668, 7:222, 8:361, 8:363, 8:488, 8:495–8:496, 8:584, 8:589, 10:250, 10:250, 10:379, 10:380n, 10:391, 11:421–11:422, 11:458, 11:462, 11:486, 11:585, 11:642–11:643, 11:667, 12:268–12:269, 12:387, 12:468–12:469, 12:485, 12:609, 13:41, 13:46, 13:434, 13:434n, 13:467–13:468, 14:499–14:500, 16:637, 17:27, 17:140n, 17:199n, 17:419n, 17:419–17:420n, 18:430n, 18:456, 18:456n, 18:457n, 18:457n, 18:466n
  • and La. boundaries, 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 9:445–9:446, 9:487, 9:488n, 9:516, 9:518, 9:658, 9:658–9:659n
  • and B. de La Harpe manuscript, 12:156, 12:295, 12:371
  • letter of credence for W. Short, 1:328, 1:343–1:344, 1:359, 1:658, 1:659n
  • and Marseille consulate, 18:547, 18:600
  • papers of, 7:701, 7:702, 8:630, 13:118, 14:279, 15:58, 15:67, 18:282, 18:312, 19:631–19:632n, 19:664, 20:373, 20:404, 20:482, 20:482–20:483n
  • and patents, 2:665n, 8:408, 8:408n, 9:592, 9:593n, 16:578n, 19:195
  • and presidential succession, 11:145–11:146
  • receives books for TJ, 4:586
  • receives packet for TJ, 1:408, 10:391
  • and W. Fla. border, 18:295

The Statement and Substance of a Memorial, &c. of John Nicholas; presented to the Virginia Legislature, 1819–20 (J. Nicholas), 15:195n

Statement of Facts in the Batture Case (Thomas Jefferson), 3:270–3:271, 3:290, 3:481–3:483, 3:483–3:488, 3:489–3:499

Statement of Improvements in the Theory and Practice of the Science of Medicine (T. Ewell), 14:600–14:601, 14:616, 14:618

A Statement of the Accounts of the United States (R. Morris), 9:237, 9:238n, 9:531, 9:544

statement on the batture case (Thomas Jefferson) See also The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi (Thomas Jefferson)

  • composition of, 2:657, 3:47, 3:47–3:49, 3:498n, 4:xliii–4:xliv, 4:291
  • copies of returned to TJ, 2:532, 2:675–2:677, 3:68–3:69, 3:70–3:73, 3:123–3:125, 3:130–3:135, 3:152–3:153, 3:290, 3:317, 4:466, 4:482, 4:492–4:493, 4:567–4:568
  • map for, 4:xliv
  • publication of encouraged, 3:326, 4:311, 4:393–4:394
  • sent to congressmen, 3:203–3:204, 3:254
  • sent to TJ’s attorneys, 2:545, 2:659–2:660, 3:42–3:43, 3:152–3:153, 3:201, 3:203
  • sent to TJ’s cabinet members, 2:568–2:569, 2:678–2:679, 3:30–3:32, 3:109–3:110, 3:147, 3:176n
  • TJ publishes, 4:367–4:368, 4:431, 4:477–4:478, 4:485, 4:520 , 4:521–4:522

Statements and Remarks, addressed to Thomas Newton … on the subject of Agriculture, Ma[n]ufactures, and Commerce (I. Briggs), 9:476, 9:476n, 9:515

Staten Island, N.Y.

  • yellow fever in, 10:137, 10:150, 10:151n

State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States

  • given to U.S. colleges and universities, 18:524n, 18:524, 18:624
  • loaned to TJ, 17:549, 17:609, 17:609–17:610n, 18:165, 18:166, 18:181
  • and presidential messages to Congress, 8:156, 8:157n, 20:373, 20:404–20:405
  • prospectus for, 7:644, 7:645–7:646n, 7:701–7:702
  • publication of, 7:646n, 12:400
  • sent to TJ, 8:156, 8:252

Statham, William D. See Dabney, William (alias William D. Statham; boatman)

Statical Essays: containing Vegetable Staticks (S. Hales), 2:82, 11:164


  • collegiate education in, 13:208, 13:214, 13:214n, 20:458
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639


  • blank books, 17:568, 17:569n, 20:216, 20:308n
  • blossom paper, 10:458, 10:458n
  • letter paper, 1:332, 1:347, 1:347, 1:384, 1:489, 6:343, 6:346, 6:346, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:514, 8:628, 8:672, 8:673n, 14:566n, 15:134, 15:451, 16:12, 17:11, 18:142, 18:545–18:546, 19:10
  • made from mulberry bark, 2:404n
  • of J. B. Moussier, 1:380 (illus.)
  • sale of, 16:504n, 20:308n
  • of A. F. Silvestre, 1:380 (illus.)
  • for University of Virginia, 19:185, 19:239, 20:216, 20:555

The Statistical Account of Scotland (J. Sinclair), 14:562–14:563n

Statistical Annals (A. Seybert), 13:603, 17:81, 17:209, 17:212n, 17:229, 18:524

The Statistical Breviary (W. Playfair), 9:60

Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America (D. B. Warden), 13:42

A Statistical Table of Washington City, and District of Columbia (J. Sessford), 17:206

A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States (T. Pitkin), 13:603

Statistique élémentaire de la France (J. Peuchet), 4:325–4:326, 4:326n, 5:436, 7:90

Statutes and Laws of the University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 20:377–20:378, 20:378n

The Statutes at Large (English, 1706), 3:546

The Statutes at Large (W. W. Hening)

  • publication of, 1:158–1:159n, 1:333–1:334, 1:489, 1:619–1:620, 3:168, 3:169n, 5:254n, 5:278, 6:413, 7:190, 7:292, 7:292n, 8:175, 8:231, 8:330, 8:348–8:349, 8:349, 8:349n, 8:399, 10:404, 10:404n, 16:211–16:212, 16:241, 16:260, 16:261, 18:374, 18:388, 18:468, 19:492, 20:184
  • sent to TJ, 6:413, 10:404, 10:457, 16:45, 16:211, 16:240, 16:260, 16:286, 19:492
  • sources for, 7:228, 8:329–8:330, 8:348–8:349, 8:379, 8:399–8:400, 8:418–8:419, 8:424–8:425, 8:439–8:440, 8:474, 8:475n, 9:107, 9:237, 9:318, 16:239, 16:240, 16:241, 16:241, 16:260, 16:260–16:261, 16:286, 18:374, 18:388–18:389, 18:468, 19:492, 19:493n, 20:184
  • TJ cites, 5:135, 5:137n, 5:253, 5:254n
  • TJ endorses, 2:30, 2:50
  • TJ orders, 6:122, 6:374, 10:390

Staughton, William

  • edits The Works of Virgil (Virgil), 12:439

Staunton, Va.

  • chancery court at, 11:71, 11:72, 11:554n, 11:668, 12:592, 12:598–12:599, 12:602, 12:604, 12:605n, 13:284, 13:384, 14:400–14:401, 14:436, 14:476, 14:478, 14:493, 14:501
  • construction methods in, 13:380–13:381, 14:440–14:441
  • convention of western counties held in, 10:220, 10:294, 10:295n, 10:367
  • during Revolutionary War, 8:431, 8:431n, 13:274
  • potential location for state capital, 9:399, 9:506, 18:109, 18:286, 18:328
  • as potential location for state university, 9:399, 9:506, 10:660, 11:134n, 11:257, 11:258, 12:432–12:433, 12:458, 13:80, 13:180, 13:180, 13:181, 13:181, 13:182, 13:183, 13:183, 13:186, 13:187–13:188, 13:189–13:190, 13:190, 13:190, 13:201, 13:210, 13:226, 13:401, 13:401–13:402, 13:491, 13:535–13:536, 13:584n
  • schools in, 14:183–14:184, 14:188, 14:210, 14:210, 14:268, 14:280, 14:281, 15:271, 16:208
  • and suffrage in Va., 18:150, 18:151
  • TJ visits, 13:166, 13:226, 13:228n, 13:230–13:231, 13:232, 13:233–13:234, 13:250
  • watchmakers in, 10:596, 10:596n, 10:607

Staunton River, 14:403, 14:403, 14:412


  • Ætna, 13:254
  • Buffalo, 13:254
  • Cincinnati, 13:254
  • and circular inclined plane, 1:646–1:649
  • Constitution, 13:254
  • Eagle, 13:255
  • Enterprise , 9:89, 9:89n
  • Franklin, 13:255
  • General Jackson, 13:254
  • George Madison, 13:254
  • Governor Shelby, 13:254
  • in Great Britain, 19:143
  • Harriet, 13:254
  • Hope, 19:143, 19:143n
  • invention of, 12:518
  • James Monroe, 13:255
  • Kentucky, 13:254
  • list of N.Y., 4:199–4:200, 4:235
  • Louisiana, 13:255
  • models of, 14:308
  • Napoleon, 13:255
  • North American travel on, 19:147–19:148, 19:148, 19:598, 20:40, 20:631
  • Ohio, 13:255
  • Orleans, 13:254
  • paddles for, 11:497–11:499, 13:33
  • Pike, 13:255
  • report on, 7:68, 7:68n
  • A. M. Rochon on history of, 11:255, 11:457
  • Thames , 9:134, 9:135n
  • for transatlantic travel, 12:401–12:402
  • and U.S. government, 19:298
  • for U.S. river navigation, 7:56–7:57, 7:113n, 8:591, 10:610, 10:674, 10:675, 10:675, 11:32, 11:65–11:66, 11:111, 11:435, 11:448, 11:565, 11:565n, 13:254–13:255, 14:166–14:167, 15:149
  • in Va., 9:234n, 9:234n, 11:539, 13:77, 13:616, 14:37, 14:129, 16:281, 16:468, 19:228
  • Vesta, 13:254
  • Vesuvius, 13:254
  • Walk-in-the-Water , 12:401, 12:402n
  • Washington , 11:523, 13:254

steam engines, 1:648–1:649, 7:113n, 7:558, 8:81, 8:82n, 9:138–9:139, 9:140, 9:141–9:143, 9:302–9:303, 9:462–9:463, 10:562, 10:674, 10:675, 11:6, 11:56, 12:401, 12:518, 13:96, 13:154–13:155, 13:178–13:179, 14:308, 18:660

Stearns, John, 12:573n, 16:531

Stedman, Ebenezer

  • identified, 2:352n
  • letters from, 2:352
  • sends opposition material to TJ, 2:352

Steed, Robert E.

  • grocer, 9:324, 9:324


  • blistered, 6:344, 6:345, 6:348, 9:339, 16:6, 16:7, 17:8, 18:44, 18:49, 19:12
  • cast, 9:339–9:340, 9:340n, 19:194–19:195, 19:195, 19:196n
  • and construction of TJ’s canal, 11:73
  • engraving on, 7:559
  • eyeglass frames, 8:192n
  • and fire, 13:550, 13:550
  • German, 6:344, 6:346, 9:339, 13:92, 15:451, 16:7, 16:11, 16:14, 17:11, 18:41, 18:41, 19:13
  • purchased by TJ, 7:180, 15:312, 16:6, 16:7, 16:11, 16:14, 18:41, 18:41, 18:49
  • tempering of, 8:546–8:547
  • tools, 16:179, 18:51

Steel, Hugh

  • identified, 12:628n
  • letter from, 12:627–12:628
  • letter to, 13:67
  • “Sketches of Louisiana” , 12:627, 12:628n
  • on western country, 12:627–12:628, 12:628–12:631, 13:67, 13:68

Steele, Mr. (brick mason), 12:240

Steele, John (17581827)

  • account with TJ, 20:432
  • as collector at Philadelphia, 9:569, 9:573n, 10:68, 10:157, 10:215, 10:218n, 11:118–11:119, 11:119n, 11:128, 11:531, 11:531, 13:277, 13:277n, 14:239, 15:503, 20:427, 20:431, 20:432, 20:459
  • forwards seeds, 2:506, 14:325, 14:499
  • identified, 2:506–2:507n
  • letters from, 2:506–2:507, 10:57, 10:109, 10:494, 13:242, 14:499, 15:413–15:414, 15:503, 20:431–20:432, 20:471
  • letters to, 10:68, 10:159, 10:521, 13:166, 13:346, 14:325, 15:384, 15:482–15:483, 20:459
  • letter to, from J. Dodge, 15:186–15:187
  • and packages for TJ, 10:57, 10:68, 10:109, 10:157, 10:159, 10:494, 10:521, 13:11, 13:166, 13:242, 13:346, 14:175, 14:325, 14:499, 15:186, 15:384, 15:413–15:414, 15:442
  • TJ pays, 10:157, 10:159, 10:521, 13:346, 15:482, 15:503, 20:459, 20:461, 20:465, 20:471, 20:531
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • and TJ’s plan for militia, 7:678

Steele, John (17641815)

  • as comptroller of Treasury, 15:557n

Steell, Mr.

  • TJ invites to dine, 16:215+
  • visits Monticello, 16:215+, 16:215

Steenbergen, William

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473n

Steevens, George

  • and edition of W. Shakespeare, 1:412n

Stella (horse), 17:587n

Stelle, Pontius D.

  • caters dinner for workmen, 5:205, 5:207n, 5:239n

Stendhal. See Beyle, Marie Henri (Stendhal)

stenography, 16:226, 16:287

Stephani (Stepani). See Estienne, Henri (Stepani; Stephani)

Stephen (hired hand)

  • as T. M. Randolph’s employee, 8:173, 8:173, 8:257–8:258, 8:272

Stephen (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 8:185
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Stephen, James, 3:79, 3:79n

Stephens, Alexander

  • The History of the Wars which arose out of the French Revolution, 7:664

Stephens, Lewis F.

  • and E. Henderson’s deposition, 9:52–9:54, 9:63, 9:443
  • identified, 9:54n

Stephensburg, Va. See Stephens City, Va.

Stephensburg Academy (Frederick Co.)

  • request for donation to, 1:566–1:567, 2:147, 2:148n

Stephens City, Va.

  • variant names of, 10:163n

Stephenson, Clotworthy

  • claim on U.S. by, 1:601, 1:649–1:650
  • identified, 1:601n
  • letters from, 1:601
  • letters to, 1:649–1:650

Stephenson, Samuel Martin

  • and fiorin grass, 3:339–3:340, 4:187, 4:364, 5:553, 5:553n
  • “The History of the Linen Manufacture,”, 3:280n, 3:309, 3:309n
  • identified, 4:187–4:188n
  • letters from, 4:187–4:188

Steptoe, George

  • illness of, 14:552–14:553, 14:566

Steptoe, James

  • clerk of Bedford Co., 3:188, 3:374, 4:318n, 5:32, 5:32–5:33, 5:229, 5:361, 5:361n, 5:488n, 15:38n, 15:225, 15:225n, 15:261n, 19:287, 19:313n, 19:423
  • health of, 15:428
  • identified, 2:6–2:7n
  • invited to dinner, 4:86, 19:614
  • and Ivy Creek tract, 2:6, 5:34–5:35
  • letters from, 14:552–14:553, 14:637
  • letters to, 2:6–2:7, 2:79–2:80, 5:342–5:343, 19:614
  • letter to from J. C. Steptoe, 5:62–5:63
  • and G. Steptoe’s illness, 14:552
  • TJ introduces T. M. Randolph to, 2:79–2:80
  • and TJ’s health, 14:637
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:62–5:63, 5:63n, 5:342–5:343

Steptoe, James Callaway

  • identified, 5:63n
  • letter from, to J. Steptoe, 5:62–5:63
  • letter from, to J. Yancey, 17:543
  • and TJ’s debt to W. and R. Mitchell, 17:543, 17:588, 17:589n
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:62–5:63, 5:63n

Steptoe, William

  • account with TJ, 7:387–7:388, 9:40, 9:51
  • identified, 7:388n
  • letter from, 14:554
  • letters to, 9:26, 9:238, 16:444
  • lumber for, 8:695
  • as physician, 4:381, 7:387, 9:40, 9:238, 9:505, 14:554, 14:565–14:567, 18:405, 18:405
  • TJ invites to dine, 9:26, 16:444

Sterett, Andrew

  • commander of USS Enterprise , 20:579

Sterling, Micah

  • identified, 14:275n
  • and Jefferson County Agricultural Society (New York), 14:274–14:275, 14:275n, 14:441
  • letter from, 14:274–14:275
  • letter to, 14:441

Stern, Elisabeth (of Germantown, Pa.), 10:152

Stern, Francis

  • letter from accounted for, 19:715

Sterne, Laurence

  • allusions to, 4:85
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665
  • The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, 6:616, 10:13, 10:15n, 14:60
  • A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 4:85n
  • Sermons by The late Rev. Mr. Sterne, 8:388, 12:534
  • spurious work attributed to, quoted, 19:622, 19:624, 19:624n, 19:625n
  • TJ recommends sermons of, 7:627
  • works of, 18:251

Sternhold, Thomas

  • as translator of Psalms, 6:550, 6:552n

Stetson, Benjamin

  • purchases TJ’s tobacco, 8:492

Steuart, Mr. See Stewart, Dugald

Steuart, James

  • British economist, 14:82–14:83

Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von

  • biography of, 9:183, 9:298, 12:589
  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:190, 15:191
  • and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:419, 12:430, 12:431n
  • TJ on, 10:267n, 12:419

Stevens, Alexander Hodgdon

  • forwards works to TJ, 6:45, 6:372, 6:445, 7:90
  • identified, 6:373n
  • letters from, 6:372–6:373
  • letters to, 6:445
  • and national pharmacopoeia, 12:573n

Stevens, Edward

  • Revolutionary War papers of, 4:468
  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:190, 15:190, 15:193, 15:194, 15:197
  • as Va. legislator, 7:549

Stevens, John

  • agent of V. Murray, 9:215n, 13:538
  • visits Monticello, 9:215n, 13:538n

Stevens, John (ca. 16621726)

  • translates The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, Commonly call’d, The West-Indies (A. de Herrera y Tordesillas), 17:536

Stevens, John (ca. 17491838)

  • identified, 13:367n
  • letter from, 13:366–13:367
  • letter to, 13:418
  • and railroads, 13:367n
  • sends work to TJ, 13:366, 13:418

Stevens, W.

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Stevens, William

  • TJ pays, 7:459, 7:460n

Stevenson, Mr., 1:79

Stevenson, Andrew

  • as attorney, 13:360
  • gubernatorial prospects of, 8:47
  • identified, 15:38–15:39n
  • letter from, 15:204–15:205
  • letter to, 15:245
  • and J. Madison, 16:446, 16:446n
  • and meeting of Richmond citizens, 1:611n
  • TJ deeds Bedford Co. land to, 15:30–15:31, 15:36–15:38, 15:38n, 15:173, 15:196–15:197, 15:225, 15:226n, 15:246, 15:261, 15:261n, 15:282, 15:291
  • and TJ’s endorsement of notes for W. C. Nicholas, 15:204, 15:245
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 19:531, 19:532n
  • as Va. legislator, 16:635

Stevenson, Elizabeth Goodwin (George P. Stevenson’s wife)

  • books recommended by, 11:627n
  • plans visit to Monticello, 5:404
  • sends greetings to TJ, 8:452

Stevenson, George Pitt

  • bankruptcy of, 11:540, 11:541n, 11:606, 12:149
  • books recommended by, 11:627n
  • correspondence of, 11:461
  • death of, 14:475, 14:497
  • family of, 8:477, 12:148–12:149
  • forwards letters for TJ, 9:454n, 9:456n, 9:469
  • and gypsum for TJ, 2:205, 2:205n, 2:226
  • identified, 5:659n
  • letters from, 5:659, 8:452, 8:659–8:660, 9:469, 12:104–12:105, 12:195
  • letters to, 8:476–8:477, 12:149–12:150
  • letter to accounted for, 9:454n
  • merchant, 9:412, 9:415, 12:104–12:105, 12:148–12:149
  • plans visit to Monticello, 5:404
  • and recommendations for D. C. Terrell, 9:413, 9:481
  • seeks appointment, 12:104–12:105, 12:148–12:149, 12:149, 12:195
  • sends news to TJ, 5:659, 8:452, 8:659–8:660

Stevenson, Hetty Smith. See Carr, Hetty Smith Stevenson (Peter Carr’s wife)

Stevenson, John B.

  • identified, 11:151–11:152n
  • introduced to TJ, 11:151

Stewardson, William

  • as stonemason, 13:476n

Stewart, Adam

  • saws of, 9:592–9:593, 9:593n

Stewart, Alexander

  • identified, 5:38n
  • recommended by C. Price, 5:36–5:37
  • seeks consular appointment, 5:36–5:37, 5:81

Stewart, Alvan

  • delivers letter, 10:378
  • identified, 10:378n
  • introduced to TJ, 10:378
  • visits Monticello, 10:378

Stewart, Billy (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Stewart, Charles (17781869)

  • as U.S. Navy commodore , 13:11, 15:10

Stewart, Charles (ca. 17911835)

  • apprenticeship of, 12:185, 12:186, 12:257–12:258, 12:260, 12:274, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365–12:366, 12:396, 12:396
  • health of, 12:185, 12:354, 12:365
  • identified, 9:566n
  • prepares accounts for J. Leitch, 9:565–9:566, 9:597, 9:656
  • TJ recommends, 12:185
  • witnesses document, 15:354

Stewart, Dugald

  • and Central College–University of Virginia faculty, 12:193, 12:201, 12:227, 15:303, 15:388, 20:292
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662, 7:667
  • criticizes D. Hartley, 3:277–3:278
  • Dissertation First: exhibiting a general view of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy, since the revival of letters in Europe, 12:312, 12:313, 12:356, 12:402–12:403
  • and education, 13:515
  • Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1:576, 7:627, 8:118, 8:472, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:543, 15:410, 17:246, 19:505
  • A General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy, Since the Revival of Letters in Europe. In Two Dissertations, 12:355
  • health of, 15:587–15:588
  • identified, 13:512n
  • introduced to J. Adams, 15:410, 15:410–15:411n
  • letter to, 13:511–13:512
  • and materialism, 16:196
  • Philosophical Essays, 19:506
  • A Short Statement of some important facts, relative to the late election of a Mathematical Professor in the University of Edinburgh, 15:140, 16:208
  • TJ introduces W. C. Preston to, 13:485, 13:510, 13:511–13:512, 13:512n
  • TJ on, 12:345, 15:469
  • TJ’s relationship with, 15:469, 15:470n
  • writings of, 16:188

Stewart, James, 14:540n

Stewart, John

  • described as a pedestrian, 4:689
  • letters from accounted for, 4:689

Stewart, Matthew

  • as mathematician, 13:339, 13:341n

Stewart, Thomas C., 18:644

Stewart, William

  • as blacksmith, 1:419, 1:419n, 12:185

Stewart, William (of Baltimore)

  • receives payment, 13:43, 13:60

Sthreshly, Amelia Magruder (Robert B. Sthreshly’s wife), 10:326, 11:151, 19:584

Sthreshly, Robert B.

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:570
  • identified, 6:554n
  • introduced by TJ, 10:326–10:327
  • introduces L. S. Towles, 11:151, 19:584
  • letter from to E. Bacon, 6:554
  • letters from, 11:151, 19:584
  • property of, 8:394, 8:398, 9:554, 9:554n, 10:326, 11:151
  • proposed move to Saint Louis of, 10:326
  • sells corn to TJ, 6:554, 6:554n, 7:290, 7:291n
  • and W. Short’s land, 4:59–4:60, 4:61n, 4:675
  • TJ purchases guitar from, 9:xliv, 9:554n
  • visits Monticello, 4:675

stibnite (antimony sulfide), 6:230

Stiles, Ezra

  • and B. Franklin, 13:591–13:592n
  • as librarian, 18:659
  • president of Yale College, 18:659


  • R. Gillespie invents, 7:509
  • as scientific equipment, 20:611, 20:638

Stimson, Mr.

  • and agriculture, 19:591

Stith, Judith Randolph, 3:433n

Stith, Mary

  • family of, 14:314, 14:429
  • identified, 3:433n
  • letters from, 3:458
  • letters to, 3:432–3:433
  • and Limestone Survey tract, 3:432–3:433, 3:433n, 3:458, 8:393n, 14:314, 14:428–14:429
  • TJ’s childhood friend, 3:433, 3:458, 14:429

Stith, Richard

  • as Campbell Co. surveyor, 5:49, 5:63, 5:87, 5:87n, 5:88, 5:88n, 5:162, 5:229, 5:229, 5:230–5:231, 5:231–5:234, 5:235–5:236n, 5:287–5:288, 5:340, 5:361, 5:361n, 12:220
  • identified, 5:162n
  • and Ivy Creek tract, 1:670–1:671, 2:6, 2:97, 2:97n, 2:232, 2:232n, 2:322, 2:327, 4:308, 4:682, 5:32, 5:33, 5:33n, 5:34–5:35, 5:35n, 5:39–5:40, 5:40–5:41, 5:41n, 5:89, 5:89–5:90n, 5:90–5:91, 5:128–5:129, 5:161–5:162, 5:210, 5:287, 5:287–5:288
  • Receipt for John Wayles’s Land Purchase, 5:162–5:163
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:342–5:343

Stith, William

  • buys lot in Westham, 8:171n
  • The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia, 5:508–5:509, 10:365, 19:507, 20:183
  • and Limestone Survey, 3:432, 3:433, 14:314, 14:429
  • and Poplar Forest patent, 19:203

Stith tract (Bedford Co.), 1:670–1:671

Stock, Joseph

  • edits Selecti ex Luciano Dialogi Quidam (Lucian), 14:551

Stockdale, John

  • publisher of TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 1:588, 9:336n, 17:338, 17:377n

stockings, 3:202, 6:344, 6:346, 6:349n, 10:555n, 11:450, 11:450, 12:257–12:258, 15:452, 16:9, 16:11, 19:206, 20:liii, 20:398

Stodart, William, 16:327n

Stoddard, Amos

  • identified, 3:291n
  • letters to, 3:291–3:292
  • Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana, 3:291, 3:291–3:292n, 5:683n, 6:39

Stoddart, Mr.

  • harpsichord strings purchased from, 16:326

Stoddert. See Stoddard, Amos

Stoici Philosophi Encheiridion item (Epictetus; trans. E. Carter), 1:576, 15:43, 15:65, 15:159, 16:115, 19:505

Stokes, Joshua M.

  • letter from, 14:501–14:502
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:501–14:502, 14:575

Stone, David

  • as U.S. senator, 6:241

Stone, Henry

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:476

Stone, James

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:314, 16:476, 16:476, 17:621, 17:636, 19:53

Stone, John (ship captain), 10:118, 10:171n, 10:343, 10:358, 11:531

Stone, Thomas

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329

Stone, Thomas (wagoner)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:475, 16:476, 16:476

Stone, William

  • and facsimile of Declaration of Independence, 15:liii

Stone, William J.

  • and Fluvanna Co. land, 3:179, 3:211, 5:15–5:16, 5:97
  • identified, 3:179n
  • letters from, 3:179, 5:15–5:16
  • letters to, 3:211, 5:97

Stone House Tavern (Charlottesville), 12:45, 12:45n, 12:61, 12:65, 12:68, 12:71

stoneware, 17:47, 17:83, 17:95, 17:110, 17:113, 19:38

Storer, Dorothy Hanson (Richard H. Harrison’s daughter)

  • and R. H. Harrison’s Revolutionary War pension, 18:134, 18:135n, 18:136–18:142

Storia Antica del Messico (F. S. Clavigero), 1:196, 1:198n, 7:664, 10:127–10:128, 10:145n

Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta), 2:161–2:162, 2:529, 2:536, 3:41, 3:41n, 3:98, 7:616, 7:617n, 8:626, 8:626n, 8:657, 9:207, 9:343, 10:234, 10:235, 10:276–10:277, 10:646, 11:313, 11:364, 11:452, 12:534, 13:24, 13:26, 13:28, 13:523, 13:523n, 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:590, 16:91, 16:93–16:94, 16:204, 16:209, 16:218, 16:472–16:473, 16:496–16:497, 16:516, 17:57, 17:58n, 17:375n, 20:369

Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia (E. C. Davila), 10:234, 10:237n

Storia Universale (Diodorus Siculus), 14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:276, 14:351

Storm, Garrit

  • identified, 9:504n
  • letter from, 9:503–9:504
  • letter to, 9:531
  • seeks information about A. Quarrier, 9:503–9:504, 9:531

Storrow, Samuel Appleton

  • visits Monticello and Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:404

Storrs, Hiram

  • identified, 11:561n
  • and land claims, 11:560–11:561
  • letter from, 11:560–11:561

Story, Horace Cullen

  • identified, 18:331n
  • letter from, 18:331
  • letter to, 18:362
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 18:331, 18:362

Story, Isaac, 16:419n

Story, Joseph

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531
  • and Harvard University, 20:377
  • identified, 10:75–10:76n
  • letter from, 10:75–10:76
  • letter to, 10:173
  • and repeal of Embargo Act, 2:533, 2:534n, 2:537, 3:28
  • Sketch of the Life of Samuel Dexter, LL. D., 10:75, 10:75n, 10:173
  • and Supreme Court appointment, 3:126, 3:166, 3:178
  • as Supreme Court justice, 18:467
  • and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 5:163
  • on TJ, 13:6

Stoughton, Thomas

  • Spanish consul at N.Y., 1:578, 1:578n, 1:604

Stout, Isaiah, 1:462, 1:572n, 13:169, 13:169n, 15:557, 18:318

Stout, John

  • identified, 1:572n
  • letters from, 1:572
  • TJ loans books to, 1:572
  • witnesses conveyance, 1:462


  • at Barboursville, 11:225
  • brick, 6:56
  • J. Coskery’s, 18:321–18:322, 18:357–18:358
  • Franklin, 18:321
  • in jails, 19:690n, 20:12, 20:13
  • J. & S. Gleason’s steam, 20:83, 20:84–20:85
  • in lighthouses, 18:185
  • at Monticello, 20:lii
  • D. Pettibone’s, 13:408, 13:409n
  • Rittenhouse, 14:91, 14:319–14:320, 18:321
  • Russian, 6:56
  • stew, 1:122, 3:530
  • stone, 5:38, 5:38–5:39n, 5:109–5:110, 5:167–5:170, 5:588–5:590, 5:673–5:674, 5:674–5:675, 6:56, 7:361–7:363
  • Swedish, 1:122n, 3:609, 4:191–4:192, 4:215–4:216, 4:232–4:233, 4:560, 6:56
  • for University of Virginia, 14:91, 14:128, 14:214, 14:218–14:219, 14:229, 14:243–14:244, 14:319–14:320, 14:442n, 14:444, 14:489, 14:493, 15:29, 15:96, 15:100, 15:122, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:62, 19:570, 20:83

Stovin, George

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:376

Stow, Joshua

  • and Conn. legislature, 12:37
  • and Connecticut Society for the Encouragement of American Manufactures, 11:215
  • identified, 11:170n
  • letters from, 11:169–11:170, 12:37
  • letter to, 11:215

Strachan, John

  • and British outrages in U.S., 8:214–8:215, 8:216, 8:217, 8:217–8:219
  • identified, 8:226–8:227n
  • letter from, 8:214–8:228
  • and prisoners of war, 8:218–8:221
  • and sale of TJ’s library, 8:214, 8:224–8:225
  • and U.S. atrocities against southern Indians, 8:222–8:224
  • and U.S. atrocities in Canada, 8:214–8:215, 8:215–8:218, 8:219, 8:221, 8:222, 8:224, 8:225–8:226

Strahan, Mary Maury

  • and TJ’s health, 15:500

Strahan, William

  • translates Les Lois civiles dans leur ordre naturel (J. Domat), 3:160, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546

Strange, John

  • Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King’s Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 3:134, 3:135n, 3:152, 7:147–7:148, 7:148, 7:148

The Stranger (Kotzebue; trans. Papendick), 3:633n

Stratton, Joseph Dickinson

  • as deputy sheriff, 14:114n

straw, 2:371, 3:65, 3:171, 6:486–6:487, 8:69–8:70, 8:158, 8:367, 8:459, 10:416, 11:483, 12:302, 13:582, 15:61, 19:207, 19:226, 19:279


  • Alpine, 2:481, 2:482n, 2:543, 3:353, 4:34, 4:561, 4:562
  • Chili, 2:140, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523
  • as crop, 8:305, 11:39, 12:618, 18:343
  • Hudson, 2:140, 3:439, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 5:382, 9:563
  • P. Mazzei sends seeds, 3:377, 4:34
  • C. W. Peale cultivates, 4:139
  • at Poplar Forest, 5:31, 9:563
  • white, 3:353

straw wine, 9:209, 9:212n

Stribling Springs (Augusta Co.)

  • tavern at, 13:230, 13:231

Strickland, Sir William, 1:21n, 4:33, 9:134

“Strictures on Mr. Cambreleng’s Work, entitled, ‘An examination of the New Tariff’” (M. Carey), 19:591, 19:592n

“Stringfellow, Laban” (pseudonym)

  • letter from, 12:650
  • poetry of, 12:650, 12:650–12:652

Strobel, Daniel

  • as U.S. consul at Bordeaux, 10:215, 11:652, 13:112

Strode, John

  • family of, 6:290
  • identified, 2:384n
  • letters from, 2:383–2:384, 6:229–6:230, 6:301
  • letters to, 6:292
  • poverty of, 6:229, 6:230n, 6:288, 6:290, 6:292, 6:336
  • and public appointment, 6:229, 6:230n, 6:288–6:289, 6:290, 6:292, 6:301, 6:301, 6:336
  • recommends J. McKinney, 2:383, 5:586
  • and Slate Mills, 3:184

Stroganov, Baron Grigory Alexandrovich

  • as Russian minister to Ottoman Empire, 17:474, 17:475n

strokes (illness), 9:98, 14:420

Strong (brig), 12:615, 14:62, 14:255, 14:464, 14:465n, 14:527, 14:564–14:565, 14:605, 15:8n

Strong, Caleb

  • as deacon, 19:361
  • death of, 15:235
  • as governor of Mass., 6:599, 6:599n, 6:625, 6:627n, 7:129, 8:358, 8:444n, 9:4, 9:150, 9:151n, 9:249, 9:250n, 9:256, 10:259

Stroud, James, 6:453, 6:454, 6:454n

Stroud, Samuel, 6:453, 6:454n

Struve, Burkhard Gotthelf

  • Bibliotheca Historica, 8:559, 8:562n

Stuart, Archibald

  • and accommodations for J. W. Baker and F. W. Eppes , 14:188
  • admires TJ, 19:533, 19:534
  • and brick masons for University of Virginia, 14:112–14:113, 14:113n, 14:136, 14:216, 17:55
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:97
  • and P. Derieux, 3:295, 3:481, 3:511, 3:575–3:576
  • family of, 15:158
  • health of, 20:170
  • identified, 2:93–2:94n
  • introduces B. Fuller, 15:271, 15:293
  • introduces A. Hodgson, 16:35, 16:35
  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:153, 6:182, 6:215, 6:216n, 6:554, 6:555, 6:573, 11:208–11:209, 11:210n
  • as judge, 12:75, 12:594, 15:211, 15:211n, 18:373n, 19:64n, 20:171n
  • and R. Kenney’s steamboat model, 14:308
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 15:336, 15:336n, 15:358, 15:358n
  • letters from, 2:93–2:94, 3:511, 4:194, 13:80, 13:274–13:275, 14:112–14:113, 14:308, 15:271, 15:358, 16:35, 17:55
  • letters from accounted for, 4:157n
  • letters to, 3:295, 3:481, 4:77–4:79, 4:156–4:157, 4:236–4:237, 13:67–13:68, 14:136–14:137, 14:216, 15:293, 15:336
  • recollections of P. Henry, 13:274–13:275, 13:275n
  • recommends D. Cosby, 14:112–14:113, 14:113n, 14:136
  • recommends J. Warrell, 2:93
  • sends butter to TJ, 4:194, 4:236, 17:55
  • sends oat seed to TJ, 1:585, 2:93
  • and timothy seed for TJ, 4:77, 4:156, 4:236
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • TJ’s cloth forwarded to, 7:460
  • and TJ’s health, 15:271
  • TJ sends sheep to, 13:67–13:68, 13:80
  • TJ visits, 13:226, 13:233
  • and University of Virginia, 14:112, 15:336, 15:358, 16:475
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 12:611, 13:80, 13:109, 13:182, 13:182, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223

Stuart, Sir Charles

  • as British ambassador to France, 20:437, 20:437–20:438n
  • and M. Ney’s clemency plea, 9:393n

Stuart, Eleanor Briscoe (Archibald Stuart’s wife)

  • and butter for TJ, 4:236, 17:55
  • TJ sends greetings to, 13:68, 15:293

Stuart, Frances, 10:610

Stuart, Gilbert

  • artistic career of, 4:xlvi, 18:660
  • friendship with J. Winthrop, 8:389
  • identified, 7:526–7:527n
  • B. H. Latrobe’s opinion of, 3:625
  • letters to, 7:525–7:527
  • letter to accounted for, 15:373n
  • “Medallion” profile of TJ by, 6:148, 6:149n, 7:525–7:526, 7:527n, 8:136, 8:137n, 8:195, 8:281, 9:592, 9:593n, 10:71, 10:71n, 10:71–10:72, 10:258, 10:258–10:259, 10:274, 11:135, 11:266, 11:267n, 11:342, 11:387, 14:503, 20:168n
  • portrait of J. Adams by, 4:xlvi, 4:370 (illus.)
  • portrait of J. Jay by, 9:461n
  • portrait of D. Madison by, 10:258, 10:259n
  • portrait of J. Madison by, 7:295, 8:9n, 8:389, 10:258
  • portrait of W. C. Nicholas by, 14:liv, 14:250 (illus.)
  • portrait of G. Washington by, 9:352n, 20:428–20:429, 20:464n
  • portraits of TJ by, 6:148, 6:149n, 7:296, 7:303, 7:341, 7:342n, 7:429, 7:497–7:498, 7:522, 7:525–7:526, 7:527n, 7:562, 8:8, 8:8n, 8:34, 8:389, 8:435, 9:351–9:352, 9:405, 10:38, 10:71, 10:71n, 10:159–10:160, 12:542, 13:345, 13:345n, 13:360, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:503, 14:504n, 15:338–15:339, 15:373, 15:439, 15:480, 15:480n, 15:488–15:489, 16:192, 16:389–16:390, 17:195, 17:195n, 17:402, 17:402n, 17:431, 20:155, 20:168
  • TJ on, 7:526, 8:435, 20:155

Stuart, James Francis Edward (“The Old Pretender”), 16:553, 16:554n

Stuart, John

  • as Indian agent, 18:296

Stuart, Josephus Bradner

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 10:607–10:612
  • on American people, 11:285–11:289
  • business ventures of, 12:401–12:402
  • delivers letters, 10:557n, 10:568, 10:569n, 10:569n, 10:625
  • identified, 10:611n
  • introduced to TJ, 10:568–10:569
  • letters from, 11:25–11:26, 11:242, 11:285–11:290, 12:401–12:402
  • letters to, 11:65, 11:345–11:347
  • and publication of B. Franklin’s papers, 11:289, 11:290n
  • sends news to TJ, 11:242
  • sends works to TJ, 12:401
  • and steamboats, 12:401–12:402
  • and TJ’s public service, 11:285–11:289, 11:345
  • travels of, 11:25, 12:401–12:402
  • on U.S. trade policy, 11:25, 11:65
  • visits Monticello, 10:568–10:569, 10:607–10:611, 11:25, 11:25, 11:375, 11:376n
  • and C. Wistar, 12:402

Stuart, Robert

  • journal of, 6:557, 6:558n, 6:603, 6:603n

Stuart, Thomas Jefferson

  • identified, 15:158n
  • letter from, 15:158
  • and marble, 15:158

stucco, 1:195–1:196, 14:242–14:243, 14:462

Stukeley, William

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:376

sturgeon, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605

Sturgis, Russell

  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n

Sturtevant, Earl

  • forwards inkstand to TJ, 5:38, 5:39n, 5:109, 5:111
  • identified, 5:39n
  • letters from, 5:38–5:39
  • letters to, 5:111

Sturz, Friedrich Wilhelm

  • edits works of Cassius Dio, 11:415, 12:583, 14:510, 15:258, 16:56, 17:106, 17:137, 17:138, 17:444, 18:466, 20:114, 20:281

Stuyvesant, Peter

  • as colonial governor of N.Y., 13:482n, 18:32

Styles, A.

  • witnesses document, 8:346

stylograph, 1:182n, 2:xlii, 2:380 (illus.) , 11:535

Stypmann, Franz

  • Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et Maritimo Fasciculus, 8:387, 8:387–8:388n

Styx (mythological river), 13:93, 15:379, 15:441


  • invented by D. Bushnell, 6:206, 6:207n, 6:314n, 7:513n, 7:621, 7:621n, 9:628n

subscriptions, for publications See also books; Jefferson, Thomas: Books & Library

  • art, 6:571, 6:571n, 12:283, 12:340, 16:416, 19:705, 20:40
  • atlases, 3:552, 3:552n, 3:578, 11:582, 11:582–11:583n
  • Bibles, 2:321, 2:321–2:322n, 2:337, 2:349, 5:654–5:655n, 5:662, 10:283–10:284, 18:241–18:242, 20:53, 20:100, 20:101
  • biographies, 5:372n, 5:492, 5:492n, 5:545, 15:368n, 15:402–15:403, 16:324, 19:473–19:475, 20:359, 20:360n, 20:371
  • Declaration of Independence, 5:631–5:632, 5:632–5:633n, 5:643, 5:644n, 10:240, 12:531, 13:21–13:22n
  • dictionaries, 3:97, 3:98n, 3:137, 3:393
  • educational, 10:482n
  • encyclopedias, 3:589, 3:609, 4:281, 4:336, 4:365, 4:371, 4:408, 4:409, 4:530–4:531, 4:557, 4:558–4:559
  • gardening, 2:131, 2:132n, 2:167
  • grammars, 20:501, 20:561
  • history, 3:50–3:51, 3:291, 3:291–3:292n, 6:373, 9:522, 14:120n, 15:452–15:453n, 16:94, 19:626, 20:9, 20:391
  • on interest, 16:435
  • journals, 1:671–1:672, 1:673n, 3:51n, 3:599, 4:663, 4:685, 5:18, 5:19n, 5:100, 6:77, 6:77n, 6:124, 7:344, 7:388–7:389, 7:389–7:390n, 8:488, 9:447, 9:525, 9:544, 10:19–10:20, 10:74, 10:432, 10:432, 10:471, 10:486, 11:215, 11:486, 11:541, 11:599–11:600, 11:659, 12:51, 12:403, 12:514, 12:552, 12:577, 12:616, 12:617n, 12:626, 12:627n, 12:655, 13:43, 13:60, 13:60n, 13:72, 13:588, 14:424, 15:340, 15:340, 15:340, 15:340, 15:357, 15:429, 15:481, 16:217, 16:219, 16:293, 16:294, 16:567, 17:402, 17:402n, 17:450, 18:197, 18:323, 18:326, 20:308, 20:327, 20:474, 20:570
  • legal, 14:34, 17:508, 17:508–17:509n, 17:530–17:531, 18:583, 19:460, 19:461n, 19:672, 19:684
  • manufacturing, 3:221–3:223, 3:238–3:239, 5:633, 5:633n, 5:661, 9:447–9:448, 9:597, 20:570n
  • maps, 11:615–11:616, 11:616–11:617n, 16:99, 16:101
  • medical, 1:597, 1:597n
  • newspapers, 1:48, 1:49, 1:50n, 1:85, 1:96, 1:107, 1:214, 1:303–1:304, 2:174, 2:175n, 2:670, 2:671n, 3:185, 3:227, 4:92, 4:127–4:128, 4:130–4:131, 4:177–178, 4:633, 6:339, 6:399, 6:400, 6:401n, 6:461–6:462, 6:505, 6:505n, 6:506, 6:560, 6:648, 8:435, 8:436n, 8:469, 8:566, 8:569–8:570, 8:676n, 9:439, 10:385, 10:385n, 10:511, 10:512n, 10:538, 10:538n, 10:600, 10:600n, 10:652n, 11:13, 11:425, 11:455, 11:456–11:457, 11:457n, 11:476, 11:523, 11:523n, 11:594, 11:594, 11:594–11:596, 11:594–11:596, 11:648, 11:649, 11:649, 12:6, 12:370, 13:469, 13:470, 13:471, 13:471n, 13:475, 13:475n, 13:477, 13:479, 13:486, 13:487n, 13:497, 13:497n, 13:506, 13:542, 13:571, 14:34, 15:481n, 16:251, 18:214, 18:498, 18:503n, 18:583, 19:250–19:252, 19:427–19:428, 19:671, 19:672, 19:681, 19:687, 20:57, 20:517
  • on Philadelphia, 18:628, 18:628, 19:68
  • plays, 1:412
  • poetry, 1:112, 1:113n, 1:225–1:226, 1:504n, 2:309, 2:336, 2:369, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 19:626–19:627, 19:627n, 20:419, 20:449, 20:449n, 20:465
  • political, 10:481n, 10:518
  • political economy, 20:129
  • political science, 4:25, 4:56, 4:57n, 5:227n, 6:55
  • religious, 3:431, 3:456–3:457, 12:474–12:475, 19:682
  • scientific, 5:466, 5:467n, 6:213, 19:29n, 19:547
  • unidentified, 5:146

subscriptions, nonpublication See also Central College: subscription for

  • for Albemarle Academy, 7:265, 7:337, 7:338, 7:339
  • for Albemarle Library Society, 19:453, 19:453, 19:552, 19:554, 19:607, 20:109, 20:274
  • for Charlottesville church, 20:525–20:526, 20:551, 20:551n
  • to equip volunteer troops, 5:344–5:345
  • for minister, 13:476n
  • to pay W. McClure’s debts, 4:169, 4:209, 4:618–4:619, 5:14–5:15, 5:17, 5:132, 5:161, 5:174–5:175, 5:298–5:299, 5:328–5:329, 5:574–5:575, 5:575, 5:587, 5:639–5:640, 5:671
  • for Presbyterian seminary at Hampden-Sidney College, 20:86–20:87, 20:87, 20:90
  • for proposed National Vaccine Institution, 12:565n
  • for proposed Va. vaccine dispensary, 18:567–18:568
  • to support business ventures, 5:107, 5:107–5:108n, 5:508n
  • A. Thweatt on, 12:42

The Substance of A Discourse … To the Class of the Medical School of Transylvania University (J. Fishback), 19:386, 19:387n

Substance of Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, and on the Revival of Greek Learning in Europe by the late Andrew Dalzel (A. Dalzel; ed. J. Dalzel), 17:535

Suburb Saint Mary. See Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over

Success , HMS (frigate), 6:363n

Succordy (slave), 4:231–4:232n

succory. See chicory (succory)

Suckey (TJ’s slave; b. 1771)

  • family of, 5:463n
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:386, 5:461, 6:309, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255

Suckey (TJ’s slave; b. 1796)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Sucky (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Sucky (TJ’s slave; b. 1806). See Gillette, Sucky (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus)

  • and Christianity, 16:600
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:661
  • Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (trans. “Henri Ophellot de La Pause” [J. B. C. Delisle de Sales]), 13:342, 13:358, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
  • The Lives of the First Twelve Cæsars (trans. A. Thomson), 1:580, 12:534, 19:505
  • Opera Omnia Quæ Extant (ed. A. Babelon), 14:511
  • reliability of, 7:24
  • writings of, 18:399

Suffrein, Mr.

  • family of, 2:15

Suffren (Suffrein, Souffrein) de Saint-Tropez, Pierre André de

  • as naval leader, 17:347


  • from beets, 7:54, 7:54n, 7:55
  • brown, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 4:209, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 6:341, 6:343, 6:346, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 6:448, 7:180, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30, 8:30–8:31, 15:144, 15:312, 15:315, 15:475, 18:46
  • cane, 2:556, 11:345, 13:611
  • Cuban, 14:503
  • export tax on, 8:608
  • European, 4:85
  • imported, 9:426, 9:476n, 12:554
  • loaf, 1:31, 1:31, 1:31, 1:31, 1:31, 1:44, 1:44, 1:44, 1:222, 2:221, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 6:343, 6:343, 6:343, 6:343, 6:343, 6:344, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 6:348, 6:448, 8:30–8:31, 9:301, 15:71, 15:449, 15:450, 19:10
  • manufactured in West Indies, 8:317
  • manufacture of, 3:522n
  • maple, 1:657
  • in medicine, 4:381
  • mentioned, 6:343, 6:343, 6:345, 11:293+, 16:337n
  • military use of, 5:552
  • in mixed drinks, 20:189
  • muscovado, 1:31, 1:31, 1:44
  • plantation, 2:136
  • at Poplar Forest, 5:33, 15:474
  • refined, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 6:311, 7:180, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30, 8:30, 8:30, 15:312, 15:315, 15:475
  • smuggling of, 1:439
  • South American, 9:57, 9:269, 9:272, 9:286, 9:318, 9:324
  • stored in Washington, 4:27
  • taxes on, 19:574
  • Texan, 14:503, 15:595
  • TJ orders, 7:434, 11:617, 15:71
  • as wine additive, 19:455, 19:640, 20:41

Sugarloaf Mountain (Md.), 16:200

Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw

  • A Practical Treatise of The Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates, 6:477


  • artistic depictions of, 16:75
  • and G. Du Jareau, 2:375n
  • and É. Lemaire, 12:176
  • and J. de Lespinasse, 14:30
  • and I. Lewis and L. Lewis, 1:168n
  • and M. Lewis, 1:436n, 1:602–1:603, 1:606–1:608, 1:632, 1:668, 2:30, 2:35, 2:42, 2:42, 2:44, 2:121, 2:191–2:192, 2:208, 2:209n
  • and J. Ogilvie, 3:632n
  • plants used to commit, 6:293
  • and E. S. Salvador, 20:106n
  • and E. Steadman, 2:352n
  • TJ on, 6:293, 19:607
  • and G. Valaperta, 10:389–10:390n
  • venesection, 6:293

Suidas. See Σουίδας. Suidæ Lexicon (ed. L. Küster)


  • medicinal uses of, 4:62, 4:102, 14:503
  • military uses of, 2:257, 2:261n, 9:509
  • TJ purchases, 18:50

sulla (plant), 15:601, 15:602n

Sulla (Roman statesman)

  • J. Adams on, 11:269

Sulla Peste di Costantinopoli del MDCCCIII (E. G. Valli), 10:136, 10:147n

Sullivan, Mr.

  • and W. Janes’s looms, 7:523

Sullivan, George

  • identified, 1:525n
  • letters from, 1:524–1:525
  • letters to, 1:591
  • recommends C. Artzt, 5:155
  • and spinning machine, 1:524–1:525, 1:591, 5:151

Sullivan, James

  • correspondence with T. Pickering, 6:259, 6:259n
  • family of, 11:32
  • The History of Land Titles in Massachusetts, 3:125
  • and Middlesex Canal, 10:674
  • as reference for B. Waterhouse, 18:445n

Sullivan, Jeremiah

  • identified, 14:597–14:598n
  • letter from, 14:597–14:598
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:597, 14:598, 14:617

Sullivan, John

  • Revolutionary War general, 6:207

Sullivan, John Langdon

  • identified, 10:675–10:676n
  • letter from, 10:673–10:676
  • letter to, 11:65–11:66
  • and Merrimack Boating Company, 10:674, 10:676n
  • and Middlesex Canal, 10:674
  • promotes inland navigation, 10:673–10:674, 10:675, 10:675, 11:32, 11:65–11:66, 11:111
  • and spinning machine, 1:524, 1:525, 1:525n
  • steam towboat of, 10:674, 10:675, 11:32, 11:65–11:66, 11:111

Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de

  • Memoires de Maximilien de Bethune, Duc de Sully, 7:664, 10:234, 12:534, 16:637+, 19:506
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501, 4:504, 4:504

Sully, Thomas

  • as artist, 20:127n
  • and books for TJ, 17:99, 17:135
  • and books for TJ’s family, 17:99–17:100, 17:135
  • and cups for TJ, 17:99, 17:100n, 17:135
  • drawing of Minerva, 14:444–14:445
  • drawing jokingly attributed to, 17:liv
  • identified, 4:356–4:357n
  • B. H. Latrobe praises, 3:625
  • letters from, 4:355–4:358, 4:398–4:400, 17:99–17:100
  • letters to, 4:407, 4:459–4:460, 17:94, 17:135
  • portrait of P. S. Du Ponceau by, 9:xlv, 9:344 (illus.)
  • portrait of B. Rush by, 4:xlv–4:xlvi, 7:296n
  • portrait of G. Ticknor by, 8:xlviii, 8:272 (illus.)
  • portraits of TJ by, 16:570, 16:604, 17:li, 17:lii, 17:45–17:46, 17:46n, 17:100n, 17:392 (illus.) , 17:392 (illus.)
  • and Society of Artists of the United States, 4:355–4:358, 4:398–4:400, 4:407, 4:459–4:460, 4:644, 4:646n
  • TJ forwards letters to, 17:94
  • visits Monticello, 17:li, 17:lii, 17:70, 17:94, 17:100n
  • visits University of Virginia, 17:li, 17:60, 17:61

“Sulphate of lime of Onondago, State of New-York” (D. B. Warden), 3:333n

sulphur. See sulfur

sumac (plant), 16:199

A Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation (B. Porteus), 3:590, 3:590n, 4:674, 4:674n, 5:98n, 6:15, 6:61

A Summary View of the Rights of British America (Thomas Jefferson), 1:486, 1:487n, 1:539, 1:569, 1:570n, 8:175, 8:231, 10:548, 13:40, 17:314–17:315, 17:375n

Summers, David

  • and University of Virginia, 16:479

Summers, George William

  • identified, 18:238–18:239n
  • and Jefferson Society of Washington College, 18:238, 18:251–18:252
  • letter from, 18:238–18:239
  • letter to, 18:251–18:252

Summers, Lewis

  • identified, 12:453n
  • introduced to TJ, 12:453
  • sends salt to TJ, 15:134–15:135
  • as Va. legislator, 12:449
  • visits Monticello, 12:453, 12:469–12:470

Sumner, William Hyslop

  • identified, 19:644n
  • An Inquiry into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth, 19:643, 19:644n
  • letter from, 19:643–19:644

Sumter (Sumpter), Thomas (17341832)

  • and seeds, 3:501, 9:532–9:533
  • TJ sends greetings to, 17:295

Sumter, Thomas (17681840)

  • identified, 17:295–17:296n
  • letter from accounted for, 17:296n
  • letter to, 17:295–17:296
  • and minerals for TJ, 17:295, 17:477, 17:485, 17:497


  • altitude of, 3:448
  • annular eclipse of 1811 observed, 4:188, 4:195, 4:196–4:197n, 4:235, 4:237–4:239, 4:246, 4:263, 4:368, 4:369, 4:403, 4:407
  • and astronomical calculations, 1:489–1:498, 2:61, 3:361–3:367, 18:505, 18:528, 18:539, 18:539–18:545, 19:208–19:209, 19:210–19:211, 19:628
  • and atmospheric conditions, 13:549–13:550, 13:550–13:552, 13:552–13:553
  • and calculation of latitude, 9:36, 9:70, 9:245–9:246, 9:415, 10:514–10:515, 10:571–10:572, 10:572n, 19:200–19:201
  • and calculation of longitude, 4:247–4:266, 4:275, 4:368, 4:402–4:406, 4:407, 19:36
  • and comets, 13:553–13:554
  • effect on climate, 19:301–19:302
  • scorches plants, 2:222, 2:293, 14:181
  • TJ’s biblical allusion to, 3:579, 3:579n, 12:442

sun brier, 1:56

sundials See also clocks

  • and corncob capital base, 1:473, 1:475n, 10:xlvii, 10:350, 10:350 (illus.) , 10:350, 10:351n (illus.) , 10:510
  • at Monticello, 10:xlvii, 10:240 (illus.) , 10:350, 10:350 (illus.) , 10:350, 10:351n (illus.) , 10:510, 11:432
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:96–4:98
  • sent to J. W. Eppes, 11:174
  • TJ’s Instructions for Setting, 11:176

Sundry Documents on the subject of a System of Public Education, for the State of Virginia, 12:73–12:74, 12:133, 12:134n, 12:288

Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond District, 1:415n, 6:362, 6:362n, 6:472–6:473, 6:474, 6:479, 6:480, 8:351, 8:692, 12:243, 17:492

Superior Court of Chancery for the Staunton District, 11:554n, 11:668, 12:592, 12:598–12:599, 12:602, 12:604, 12:605n, 14:400–14:401, 14:436, 14:476, 14:478, 14:493, 14:501, 14:513–14:514, 14:540–14:541, 15:59, 15:153, 15:162, 15:226–15:227, 15:268–15:269, 15:269n, 15:269n, 15:290, 16:646, 16:647n

Superior Court of Chancery for the Winchester District, 6:268, 10:557–10:558

Supplementa Librorum VII, VIII, IX et X Annalium C. Corn. Taciti (Tacitus; ed. G. Brotier), 12:583, 20:115n, 20:281

Supplement, containing the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and generally interesting nature (S. Pleasants), 12:502n

Supreme Court, U.S. See also judiciary, U.S.

  • appointments to, 1:49–1:50n, 18:139, 18:140, 18:140
  • and batture controversy, 2:441n, 2:454–2:455, 6:392, 6:392–6:393, 6:393, 6:394–6:395, 10:669, 10:669n
  • and Cohens v. Virginia, 16:484n, 16:593–16:594n, 16:637, 17:32n, 17:234n, 17:252, 17:402, 17:402–17:403n, 17:450, 17:450n, 17:549, 17:549n, 17:560–17:561, 18:54n, 18:81, 18:362, 18:367, 18:460, 19:663–19:664, 19:665, 19:667n, 19:672, 19:687, 19:701n, 20:63
  • criticized, 16:484n, 18:54, 18:54, 18:338, 19:217–19:219
  • decisions of referenced, 19:461n
  • establishment of, 4:302–4:303n
  • expenses of, 18:338
  • and Green v. Biddle, 18:208n
  • and R. Hackley’s land claims, 18:101n
  • and impeachment, 16:483, 16:484n, 16:603, 18:80–18:81, 20:119n
  • and jurisdiction of federal and state courts, 9:44, 9:46n, 9:72–9:73, 9:120–9:121, 13:610, 18:338–18:340, 19:531, 19:532n, 19:699, 19:700–19:701n
  • justices examine invention, 1:195–1:196
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:315n
  • and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:291–4:292
  • and McCulloch v. Maryland, 14:627n, 16:609, 16:610n, 17:549, 17:549n, 18:460, 19:687–19:688, 19:701n, 20:63
  • and Marbury v. Madison, 2:417, 2:473, 4:302n, 15:17, 19:664
  • and J. Marshall, 4:302n, 17:32n, 18:339
  • meetings described, 19:528
  • mentioned, 12:528
  • and Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 16:575n, 16:617, 17:398, 17:399n
  • procedures of, 10:229n, 16:483, 16:484n, 18:81, 18:338, 19:97–19:99, 19:100n, 19:218, 19:429–19:430, 19:531–19:532, 19:666, 19:670, 19:700
  • and prize cases, 2:376, 2:377n, 2:480
  • proposed checks on power of, 20:119n
  • replacement for W. Cushing, 3:118, 3:124, 3:126–3:127, 3:151, 3:165–3:166, 3:178, 3:182, 3:246, 4:100
  • and right of states to alter charters, 20:118, 20:118n, 20:165–20:166
  • structure and function of, 19:282, 19:297–19:298, 19:299n, 19:699–19:700
  • and term limits, 18:80, 18:80–18:81, 18:204, 18:204, 20:119n
  • TJ on, 3:124, 3:165, 3:182, 16:483, 16:617–16:618, 17:436, 18:34, 18:80–18:81, 18:361, 18:367, 18:460, 19:97–19:99, 19:429–19:430, 19:532n, 19:662–19:666
  • and United States v. Hudson and Goodwin, 18:467, 18:468n


  • study of, 7:639, 7:639, 7:640, 11:11, 12:647, 12:648, 15:123, 17:236, 20:458
  • TJ on study of, 19:249


  • works on, 14:168

Sur l’éducation nationale dans les États-Unis d’Amérique (P. S. Du Pont de Nemours), 1:592, 1:593n, 1:674, 4:125, 4:127n, 4:327, 5:616, 5:620, 6:484, 6:485, 7:9, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:223, 7:225n, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:429, 9:231, 9:234n, 9:306, 9:443n, 10:45–10:46, 10:328, 11:638–11:639, 11:639–11:640n, 12:100–12:101

Sur l’Utilité des Établissemens des Écoles Gratuites de Dessein en Faveur des Métiers (J. B. Descamps), 14:387, 14:451

The Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga (J. Trumbull), 11:145, 11:166

The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown (J. Trumbull), 11:145, 11:166, 14:464

surveying See also scientific instruments

  • and artificial horizon, 3:448, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:369
  • and Bear Creek lands, 4:279–4:280
  • and J. C. Borda’s circle, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:70, 9:76, 9:77n, 9:222, 9:680, 9:689, 9:691, 9:691–9:692, 10:571–10:572, 10:572n, 15:288, 19:198, 19:200
  • at Central College–University of Virginia, 11:544, 15:264
  • chain for, 4:341, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:315, 9:344 (illus.) , 9:508, 9:509, 9:643, 9:643, 9:689, 10:288, 12:210, 12:337, 18:104–18:105n, 19:198
  • chronometer for, 9:689, 9:691, 15:288
  • compass for, 2:152, 4:341, 9:222, 9:508, 9:509, 9:643, 10:289, 10:324–10:325, 12:337, 18:104, 18:105n, 18:182, 19:6n, 19:198
  • and defense of Chesapeake Bay, 9:623–9:624, 9:625, 9:629n
  • of Delaware River, 16:357
  • J. Deneale’s instrument and method of, 16:70–16:71, 16:89
  • and dividers, 16:70, 19:7, 19:7, 20:216
  • and due east and west lines, 18:648, 18:649–18:653, 19:22–19:23, 19:66–19:67, 19:67, 19:68n
  • and A. Ellicott, 5:100–5:101
  • fees for, 18:104, 18:104–18:105n, 18:182
  • and Henderson land, 5:421
  • improved instruments for, 19:6–19:7
  • instruments for sale, 16:504n
  • and Kentucky-Tennessee boundary, 15:623n
  • and Limestone Survey, 12:81
  • Maine-Canada border survey, 10:18, 10:19n
  • and measuring baselines, 9:222–9:223
  • meridians used for calculations in, 9:680–9:681, 15:287–15:288, 19:7
  • and Natural Bridge, 12:174–12:175, 12:310–12:311, 12:337–12:338, 12:394, 12:525, 12:525, 14:248, 16:163, 16:507, 17:555–17:556, 17:556n, 17:558, 17:581, 17:587, 18:102, 18:102–18:103, 18:103n, 18:181–18:182
  • and new map of Va., 9:400–9:401, 9:440–9:441, 9:566, 9:590–9:591, 9:592n, 9:621–9:622, 9:623, 9:642–9:643, 9:649, 9:680–9:681, 9:684–9:692, 10:18, 10:55–10:56, 10:196, 10:196n, 10:239, 10:288–10:289, 10:293, 10:324, 11:49–11:50, 11:112, 11:396, 11:409, 12:52, 13:348–13:349, 14:562n, 19:198–19:199
  • nonius for, 9:168, 9:171n, 9:171n, 9:686, 9:689, 9:689, 19:6, 19:7n
  • occupation of, 1:215, 1:216, 2:344
  • perambulator for, 9:280, 9:282n
  • plotting table, 14:278, 14:278–14:279n, 14:302, 16:357
  • poles for, 9:145
  • and Poplar Forest boundaries, 12:209–12:211, 12:214, 12:214–12:215, 12:216, 12:217–12:219, 12:219–12:221, 12:221, 12:222, 12:222–12:223, 12:224–12:226, 12:228, 12:261, 12:337, 12:349, 13:12
  • and Poplar Forest curtilage, 5:482, 5:489, 8:70
  • and protractor, 4:341, 16:70, 16:89
  • for roads, 9:338, 9:338–9:339n, 9:521, 9:521–9:522
  • and scale, 16:70
  • study of, 16:325, 16:609, 17:222
  • and sweep, 16:70
  • TJ provides instructions to L. H. Girardin on, 7:252–7:253, 16:89
  • TJ provides training in, 1:181–1:182, 1:215n, 1:650
  • and U.S. boundaries, 15:275, 15:276n
  • U.S. Coast Survey, 9:126, 9:220–9:221, 9:221n, 9:221–9:225, 10:18, 10:19n, 10:579, 12:492, 15:275, 19:295–19:296, 19:309
  • and Virginia–North Carolina boundary, 10:470, 10:470n, 15:621, 15:622–15:623n
  • of Washington, 5:101n

Surville, Clotilde de (Marguerite Éléonore Clotilde de Vallon-Chalys), 7:665

Susan (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Susanna (Suzanna) (Old Testament figure), 6:623

Susquehanna Canal

  • lottery, 4:391

Susquehanna River

  • acts to improve navigation on, 4:161n
  • grapes grown along, 2:223, 12:348
  • mammoth bones found in, 2:507
  • navigation on, 15:493

Suter, Mrs.

  • Washington boardinghouse of, 3:539

Suter, Johann Rudolf

  • Flora Helvetica, 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n

Sutherland, Alexander (ship captain), 15:72

Suttle, William

  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • and University of Virginia, 20:202, 20:223, 20:226
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Süverman, John Christoph

  • identified, 2:364–2:365n
  • letters from, 2:364–2:365, 2:672–2:673
  • letters to, 3:110
  • and J. Pernier, 2:364, 2:672–2:673, 3:49, 3:110

Suvorov, Aleksandr

  • Russian general, 6:468, 7:528

Suwarow (ship), 2:475

Suydam, John, 12:142n

Swain, Capt., 16:463

Swainson, William

  • as reference for C. S. Rafinesque, 17:88, 17:89
  • Zoological Illustrations, 16:568


  • migration of, 11:404, 18:356

Swan, William

  • as quartermaster general, 7:135

Swann, Samuel

  • as boundary commissioner, 11:22, 11:23n

Swan Tavern (Charlottesville), 16:xlix–16:l, 17:382

Swan Tavern (Richmond)

  • TJ lodges at, 1:591, 1:608+, 1:614n, 1:615

Swanwick (brig), 15:119

Swanwick, John

  • bankruptcy of, 1:129, 1:131n, 5:433

Swartwout, Samuel

  • and allegations against J. Wilkinson, 3:324
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:539–5:540


  • and Algiers, 17:340
  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52
  • election of king in, 3:105, 3:106n
  • government of, 3:8, 3:12, 3:16, 3:468, 15:573n
  • relations with Great Britain, 2:275
  • relations with U.S., 5:685, 17:336, 19:406, 19:408n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504, 4:507

Swedenborg, Emanuel

  • J. Adams on, 16:589–16:590
  • followers of, 11:363, 13:267n
  • mentioned, 18:58
  • and New Jerusalem Church, 5:595, 5:596n
  • and theology, 7:480, 16:16, 16:17n, 18:60n

Swedesboro, N.J.

  • yellow fever in, 10:137

Swedish language

  • and spelling of Indian words, 16:109–16:110
  • study of, 13:237
  • works in, 16:109

Swedish iron, 5:133, 11:11

Sweeney, George Wythe

  • murder trial of, 20:592, 20:593n

Sweeny, Andrew

  • buys TJ’s flour, 17:287

sweep (surveying instrument), 16:70

sweet acacia, 1:555, 1:631–1:632, 2:301, 2:302

sweet potatoes

  • seeds requested from TJ, 8:680, 8:682n

sweet-scented currants, 4:427, 4:523–4:524, 4:524n, 5:323–5:324, 5:382

Swett, Daniel

  • inspector at Newburyport, Mass., 9:653, 9:654n

Swett, Mehitable “Hitty” Varnum (Daniel Swett’s wife), 9:653, 9:654n

Swift, Jonathan

  • J. Adams on, 9:528, 10:425, 10:589
  • correspondence with Lord Bolingbroke, 6:267, 6:267n
  • mental decline of, 15:410
  • quoted, 7:476, 7:481n, 10:12, 10:14n, 10:424, 12:251, 18:444
  • religious beliefs of, 6:521
  • satirical writings of, 10:424–10:425, 10:425n
  • A Tale of a Tub, 9:203, 9:203n, 12:252n, 18:658
  • TJ references, 5:682, 5:683n, 12:468, 16:291
  • Travels into several Remote Nations of the World … by Lemuel Gulliver, 6:70n, 7:26, 9:535, 9:537n, 11:269
  • Verses on the Death of Dr. S—, D.S.P.D. occasioned By reading a Maxim in Rochefoulcault, 9:433, 9:434n, 19:366, 19:367n
  • The Works of Jonathan Swift (ed. W. Scott), 19:505

Swift, Joseph Gardner

  • and hydrostatic engine, 7:232
  • identified, 20:514–20:515n
  • letter from, 20:514–20:515
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:537
  • offers to sell books to University of Virginia, 20:514
  • U.S. general, 8:250, 13:58

Swift, William Roberdeau

  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 16:142
  • identified, 16:142n
  • letter from, 16:142

Swift, Zephaniah

  • The laws of the United States of America, 2:521

Swinburne, Henry, 14:185

Swiney, Mr., 6:486

Swink, George

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 5:378–5:380


  • J. Adams on, 19:439
  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52
  • constitution of, 7:476
  • democracy in, 3:8, 3:12, 3:15
  • education in, 11:263–11:264, 11:266n
  • emigrants from, 11:198–11:199, 11:305, 11:413, 11:413, 11:413n, 11:448–11:449, 11:449, 11:449, 11:506, 12:144, 13:156, 14:228, 14:325
  • financial system of, 2:584
  • trade of, 10:92
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:504
  • works on, 14:168

Switzerland (L. Simond), 19:439

swords, 19:119, 19:122, 19:122, 19:122, 19:123n

Swords, Edward

  • chancellor of U.S. consulate at Leghorn, 14:67n

Swords, T. & J. (New York publisher). See T. & J. Swords (New York publisher)

Sydenham, Thomas

  • medical theories of, 8:669, 18:559
  • and nosology, 7:152, 11:367

Sylla. See Sulla (Roman statesman)

Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the history and criticism of Spanish Literature (G. Ticknor), 19:676–19:677, 19:678n, 20:42

Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest-Trees (J. Evelyn), 2:82, 11:165

Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, besonders der Griechen (G. F. Creuzer), 9:698

Syme, John

  • cowardice of, 10:421
  • family of, 7:494

Syme & Pearson (Hanover, Va., firm), 2:433

Symmes, John Cleves

  • hollow-earth theory of, 15:581, 15:584n

Symphoricarpos albus. See snowberry

Synopsis Methodica Fungorum (C. H. Persoon), 13:342, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525

A Synopsis of the Four Evangelists (C. Thomson), 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:194, 9:194n, 9:340, 10:300, 11:115–11:116, 11:116n

A Synopsis of the Genera of American Plants (O. Rich), 8:601, 8:601–8:602n, 8:616

Synopsis, or, A Comprehensive View of Philosophical, Political & Theological Systems (J. M. Ray), 12:291, 12:337, 12:364

Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum (C. H. Persoon), 3:167, 3:181, 3:596, 4:146, 7:626, 8:284, 8:285n, 8:319, 8:422, 10:234, 13:342, 13:342, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525, 16:224, 16:257

Syntagma Epicuri Philosophiae (P. Gassendi), 9:341, 9:342n, 12:582, 13:295, 15:164


  • treatments for, 5:669

Syren (sloop)

  • carries dispatches, 1:183, 1:452
  • quarantined in France, 1:373, 1:374, 1:376


  • Napoleon fails to conquer, 2:274, 2:277n

syringes, 14:554, 20:611, 20:614


  • of punch, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 2:154
  • of vinegar, 1:161, 1:188, 1:188, 1:190, 1:190, 1:222, 1:257

Systema Naturæ (C. Linnaeus), 4:536, 4:667, 6:408, 6:409, 7:210, 11:367, 13:248, 13:249n

A Systematical View of the Laws of England (R. Wooddeson), 16:641, 18:334, 18:335

A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke’s First Institute of the Laws of England (J. H. Thomas), 17:419, 17:538, 17:563, 18:334–18:335, 18:335n, 18:335, 18:381, 18:446, 18:446n, 18:463, 18:475, 18:580, 18:580, 20:410, 20:411, 20:412n, 20:422

System der christlichen Dogmatik nach dem Lehrbegriffe der luterischen Kirche im Grundrisse (J. C. W. Augusti), 11:307

Systême de la Nature. Ou Des Loix du Monde Physique & du Monde Moral (Holbach), 9:650, 9:652n, 19:620, 19:621n

Systême Social ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique (Holbach), 12:583, 13:295

A System of Anatomy for the Use of Students of Medicine (C. Wistar), 8:447, 8:449n, 9:67

System of Nature; or, The Laws of the Moral and Physical World (Holbach), 9:652n

A System of Notation: Representing the Sounds of Alphabetical Characters (W. Pelham), 1:216–1:217, 11:177

A System of Practical Mathematics (J. Potter), 7:250, 7:253n, 9:107, 9:229n, 10:357, 10:386

A System of Pyrotechny (J. Cutbush), 19:29n

A System of Universal Science (A. E. B. Woodward), 6:411n, 20:618, 20:620n

A System of Practical Nosology (D. Hosack), 17:158–17:159, 17:159n, 17:180