This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Laban (Old Testament figure), 6:564

Labaume, Eugène

  • Relation Circonstanciée de la Campagne de Russie, 10:214–10:215, 10:215n

La Bedoyere, Charles Angelique

  • execution of, 9:391–9:392

La Bergerie (J. Armstrong’s Hudson River estate), 5:8n

Labernardière, Mr.

  • French public official, 7:489

Labigarre. See Delabigarre, Peter

Labouchere, John Peter

  • identified, 15:478–15:479n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:478
  • letter from accounted for, 15:459n

Labouchère, Pierre César

  • as banker, 2:9, 2:245, 3:54, 3:105–3:106
  • family of, 15:478

La Brousse, Mr. de

  • Traité de la Culture du Figuier, suivi d’observations & d’expériences sur la meilleure maniere de cultiver, 2:82, 2:83n, 11:165

Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne de La Ville-Sur-Illon, comte de

  • analyzes bones for Institut de France, 1:101n, 1:250n
  • and Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle, 7:626
  • Histoire naturelle de l’homme, 1:250n
  • identified, 1:250n
  • letter from accounted for, 9:400n
  • letter from, 1:248–1:250
  • letter to, 8:321–8:323
  • mentioned, 3:221n, 5:601, 14:387, 17:98
  • rumored immigration to U.S. of, 9:359, 9:360n
  • sends greetings to TJ, 1:629, 20:446
  • and Société Linnéenne de Paris, 19:610
  • TJ forwards letter from, 1:249, 1:417
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:321, 8:325
  • TJ sends greetings to, 20:282
  • and TJ’s health, 20:99

Lacey, David R.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 19:189

Lachryma Christi (wine), 13:28

Lackington, George

  • bookseller, 17:418, 17:420n, 18:459

Lackington, James

  • bookseller, 17:418, 17:420n

Lackington, Hughes & Company (London firm)

  • book catalogues of, 17:419, 17:419, 17:419
  • and books for TJ, 17:42–17:43, 17:196, 17:196n, 17:417–17:418, 17:419, 17:562, 17:562n, 18:71, 18:251
  • and books for University of Virginia, 17:418
  • identified, 17:197n
  • invoice from, 17:196–17:197, 17:563, 18:71, 18:203, 18:251
  • receipt from, 17:562n

Laclotte, Jean Hyacinthe, 2:445n, 5:86n

Lacon: or Many Things in Few Words; addressed to Those Who Think (C. C. Colton), 18:65, 18:119–18:120

Lacretelle, Jean Charles Dominique

  • Histoire de France, pendant Le Dix-Huitième Siècle, 15:26, 19:506
  • lectures of, 11:634

La Croix, Mr.

  • Abridgment of Universal History, 8:629, 8:632n

Lacroix, Irenée Amelot De, Baron de Vanden Boègard

  • identified, 4:375–4:376n
  • letters from accounted for, 4:376n
  • letters to, 4:375–4:376
  • seeks military appointment, 4:375–4:376, 4:376

Lacroix, Sylvestre François

  • Complément des élémens d’algèbre, 4:79, 4:80n
  • Cours de Mathematiques à l’usage de l’École Centrale des Quatres-Nations, 4:71–4:72, 4:72n, 4:79, 5:14, 5:36, 8:640, 8:670, 8:685, 8:686, 9:60
  • Traité élémentaire de trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique et d’application de l’algèbre à la géométrie, 4:79, 4:80n
  • writings of, 4:370, 14:168, 20:469

Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (early Christian author), 7:25, 16:189, 16:196, 16:258

Lacy, Benjamin

  • and Limestone Survey lawsuit, 18:373, 19:64, 20:171n

Lacy, David R.

  • and University of Virginia, 20:195

Lacy, Stephen H.

  • and P. Piernet’s estate, 3:466–3:467, 3:467–3:468, 3:472n, 3:652–3:653, 4:42, 4:43n, 4:81–4:82, 4:166n, 5:99, 5:116–5:118, 5:217, 5:333–5:334
  • and P. Piernet’s will, 5:332

Ladd, Thomas

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304, 1:305, 1:306–1:307, 1:329–1:330, 1:331, 1:362–1:363, 1:364–1:365, 1:591, 1:608, 2:123, 2:368, 2:396–2:397, 2:403, 2:407, 2:425, 2:447, 2:448, 2:464–2:465, 2:465–2:466, 2:674–2:675, 3:44–3:45, 3:45, 3:84, 3:85–3:86
  • identified, 1:307n
  • letters from, 1:329–1:330, 2:674–2:675
  • letters from accounted for, 3:45n
  • letters to, 1:306–1:307, 2:464–2:465, 3:45

Ladvocat, Jean Baptiste

  • Dictionnaire Historique et Bibliographique Portatif, 1:580, 10:234, 10:237n, 12:582

Lady Monroe (brig), 15:63, 15:119, 15:120, 15:262, 15:300, 15:362, 15:362n

“The Lady of the Wreck; or, Castle Blarneygig: a poem” (G. Colman), 7:60, 7:62n

lady-slipper, 1:436–1:437n

Laertius. See Diogenes Laertius

Laet, Joannes de

  • Nieuwe wereldt, ofte Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, 2:503n, 2:503n, 2:511

“Lætitia Lookabout” (pseudonym)

  • A Sketch of the Rights of Boys and Girls, 18:228, 18:229n

La Fare, Charles Auguste, 7:665

Lafayette, Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de (Lafayette’s wife)

  • dowry of, 2:10, 2:12, 2:13
  • mentioned, 2:16, 12:300n

Lafayette, Françoise Émilie Destutt de Tracy (Lafayette’s daughter-in-law), 2:17, 9:664n, 10:509n, 18:428, 19:230

Lafayette, George Washington (Lafayette’s son)

  • family of, 9:69, 17:254, 17:255
  • inheritance of, 2:14
  • as legislator, 9:68, 9:69n, 18:427, 18:428
  • marriage of, 2:16, 2:17, 9:664n, 10:509n
  • mentioned, 3:447
  • sends greetings to TJ, 3:106, 4:359, 17:255

Lafayette, Gilbert Motier de (1380-1462) , 2:12–2:13

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de

  • J. Adams on, 6:287
  • aids L. Pio, 14:259–14:260
  • and American Revolution, 2:10–2:11, 3:314, 3:315n, 4:434, 8:266, 11:283, 12:247, 15:277, 19:101, 19:118, 19:122, 19:130, 19:131n
  • attempts to emancipate African slaves, 2:11
  • and C. G. G. Botta, 20:369, 20:370, 20:498
  • and Bureaux de Pusy family, 4:155, 5:71, 5:72n
  • bust of, at Monticello, 15:li, 15:383
  • and chestnuts, 4:322
  • and I. A. Coles, 1:269–1:270, 1:528
  • correspondence with S. Bernard, 18:300
  • correspondence with TJ, 17:278, 19:230, 20:289
  • description of his finances, 2:10–2:26, 3:213, 3:214n, 3:446, 3:447n, 12:248
  • and Destutt de Tracy, 1:270, 8:266, 9:484, 9:663–9:664, 10:289, 10:291, 10:323–10:324, 10:603, 11:283, 12:248, 13:414, 14:108, 16:137, 16:420, 16:485, 18:428–18:429, 19:101, 20:288, 20:369–20:370
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s commentary on Montesquieu, 4:54, 4:202, 4:446, 9:377, 10:61–10:62, 10:62n, 10:62, 10:80, 10:81, 10:154, 10:290, 12:248, 14:108
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:484
  • as electoral candidate, 12:38–12:39, 12:246, 12:248n, 13:568
  • and events in Europe, 16:135–16:136, 16:493, 17:253–17:254, 18:426, 18:426–18:427, 18:427, 19:489, 20:285, 20:368–20:369
  • and events in France, 7:536–7:541, 9:67–9:68, 9:376–9:377, 10:323, 10:324, 11:281–11:282, 12:245–12:247, 14:108, 16:135–16:137, 16:493, 17:254, 18:426, 18:427, 20:368–20:369
  • and events in U.S., 19:101–19:102, 20:285–20:286, 20:368
  • family of, 1:629, 5:212, 5:215n, 7:349, 7:537, 7:542, 9:69, 9:484, 9:664n, 10:323, 10:392, 10:507, 10:509n, 10:549–10:550, 12:248, 16:137, 17:254, 17:369, 18:428, 19:230, 20:369–20:370, 20:370, 20:370n
  • as farmer, 9:484, 9:667
  • finances of, 1:376, 1:628, 2:8–2:9, 2:10–2:18, 2:243–2:245, 2:287–2:288, 2:310, 2:418, 3:54–3:55, 3:212, 3:213, 3:445–3:446, 7:15, 7:349, 20:482
  • on freedom, 10:324
  • and French Revolution, 8:262, 17:363, 17:366, 17:366, 17:370–17:371, 17:371
  • friendship with F. Wright, 18:429, 19:609, 20:286–20:287, 20:370
  • and A. Gallatin, 10:323, 18:429–18:430
  • and J. Garnett’s family, 20:514
  • and Greek independence, 18:427–18:428
  • and R. H. Harrison’s Revolutionary War service, 18:134, 18:135n, 18:160–18:161
  • health of, 10:392, 12:38, 17:254, 19:102
  • identified, 1:270–1:271n
  • and Indian vocabularies, 9:373n, 12:294, 12:295–12:296n
  • introduces R. A. Barba, 17:255, 17:540, 17:541, 17:559, 17:559n
  • introduces S. Bernard, 10:391–10:392, 11:139–11:140, 11:180
  • introduces F. S. Constancio, 19:229, 19:230, 19:230
  • introduces J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:359
  • introduces M. L. Descaves, 11:282
  • introduces E. de Vendel, 16:521, 16:521n
  • introduces G. Flower, 9:679, 10:299, 10:559, 10:560, 10:560, 10:592, 11:124
  • introduces E. Grouchy, 9:13, 12:105–12:106
  • introduces M. A. Jullien, 7:215, 12:229
  • introduces J. Lakanal, 9:300, 10:276, 18:580
  • introduces Montlezun, 10:396
  • introduces E. Vail, 18:299–18:300, 18:302n
  • and M. A. Jullien’s proposed biography of T. Kosciuszko, 14:50, 16:87
  • and T. Kosciuszko monument, 17:415n
  • land of, in La., 1:270n, 1:529, 1:628, 2:8, 2:9, 2:15, 2:16, 2:17–2:18, 2:33–2:34, 2:72–2:73, 2:243, 2:244, 2:245, 2:418, 3:54, 3:105–3:106, 3:212–3:213, 3:248, 3:314, 3:445, 4:29–4:31, 4:359, 4:649–4:650, 5:68–5:69, 5:69n, 5:212–5:214, 5:215n, 7:541, 9:301n, 12:248
  • on Latin American revolutions, 4:359, 7:14–7:15
  • and J. B. Lefevre, 2:74, 2:75n
  • as legislator, 9:68, 9:69n, 9:376–9:377, 14:260, 17:254, 17:255n, 18:428
  • letter from to an Unidentified Correspondent, 7:542–7:544
  • letters from, 1:269–1:271, 1:528–1:530, 1:627–1:629, 2:7–2:9, 2:242–2:246, 2:287–2:288, 2:310, 3:54–3:55, 3:105–3:106, 3:211–3:214, 3:444–3:447, 4:155, 4:358–4:359, 4:649–4:650, 5:68–5:69, 5:212–5:215, 7:215, 7:536–7:542, 9:13–9:14, 9:67–9:69, 9:300–9:301, 9:376–9:377, 9:484, 9:679, 10:323–10:324, 10:391–10:392, 11:281–11:283, 12:245–12:249, 16:135–16:137, 17:253–17:255, 18:425–18:431, 19:230–19:231, 19:609, 20:367–20:370
  • letters from accounted for, 18:302n, 19:609n
  • letters from TJ forwarded to, 14:107, 14:202, 17:65
  • letters from mentioned, 2:512, 9:304, 11:528, 11:581, 13:254
  • letters to, 3:313–3:315, 4:29–4:31, 4:36, 7:13–7:16, 8:261–8:268, 8:478–8:479, 10:62–10:64, 11:353–11:355, 13:413–13:415, 14:108, 16:493–16:494, 17:50, 17:114–17:115, 17:219, 19:101–19:102, 20:285–20:287
  • letters to mentioned, 4:33
  • T. Lyman introduced to, 11:294, 11:294n, 11:355, 11:357, 11:360
  • and J. Madison, 18:429
  • medallion of, 18:162
  • memoir of, 8:478
  • mentioned, 3:114, 3:512, 3:538, 5:189, 9:96, 9:201, 10:253, 12:105, 12:230, 16:27, 17:265, 17:347
  • and merino sheep, 2:39, 7:404
  • on neutral powers, 2:242
  • and D. Parker (of Paris), 10:323
  • plans to visit U.S., 18:300
  • plans to write TJ, 4:325, 7:505
  • and P. Poinsot’s consular ambitions, 16:52
  • and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 12:299, 12:300n, 12:355n, 13:140, 13:141n, 13:414, 13:435, 14:108, 14:111, 14:199, 16:494
  • portraits of, 8:239, 10:398, 18:162
  • proposed biography of, 8:478–8:479, 19:427
  • recommends L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:342
  • recommends F. De Masson, 8:250, 8:251n
  • retirement of, 9:69, 9:300, 9:301n, 9:377, 10:323
  • and B. Rivadavia, 12:621
  • sends dogs, 1:376, 1:457, 6:511
  • sends greetings to TJ, 3:198
  • sends merino sheep, 1:529, 1:537–1:538, 1:629
  • sends works to TJ, 16:137, 19:609, 20:286
  • and W. Short, 5:215n, 19:230
  • and slavery in U.S., 16:493–16:494, 17:254–17:255, 18:425–18:426
  • and South American independence, 9:391, 11:354–11:355, 12:247–12:248, 16:493, 18:425, 20:369
  • speeches of, 16:137, 17:254, 17:255n
  • Madame de Staël Holstein on, 5:450, 11:117, 11:118n
  • and Madame de Tessé, 1:528, 1:593–1:594, 1:627, 7:35, 7:536
  • G. Ticknor carries letter to, 9:560, 11:281
  • TJ forwards letter of , 8:482
  • TJ introduces T. P. Barton to, 17:98, 17:114–17:115, 17:115
  • TJ introduces L. H. Girardin to, 8:478–8:479
  • TJ introduces W. B. Lawrence to, 17:219, 17:219–17:220
  • TJ introduces Mr. Wilson to, 17:50
  • TJ on, 3:504, 11:174, 14:108, 17:219–17:220, 17:340, 19:101
  • TJ sends greetings to, 3:443, 3:444n
  • and TJ’s health, 14:31, 16:135, 16:493, 20:285, 20:287, 20:370
  • toasts honoring, 17:289
  • travels of, 2:11, 2:13, 2:16
  • and U.S. peace commission, 7:542–7:543
  • visits U.S., 20:482
  • works sent to, 13:568n

Lafayette, Oscar Thomas Gilbert du Motier de (Lafayette’s grandson)

  • birth of, 9:69

Laffitte, Jacques

  • election of, 12:39

Laffitte, Jacques, & Compagnie (Paris firm). See Jacques Laffitte & Compagnie (Paris firm)

Lafitau, Joseph François

  • Mœurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, 5:122–5:123, 5:125n, 5:182, 6:324

Lafite, Château (wine), 9:513

Lafões, João Carlos de Bragança de Sousa Ligne Tavares Mascarenhas da Silva, duque de, 12:153

Lafolie, Charles Jean

  • Mémoires Historiques relatifs a la fonte et a l’élévation de la Statue Équestre de Henri IV sur le terre-plein du Pont-Neuf a Paris, 15:393n

Lafon, Bartholemew

  • “Plan of the City and Environs of New Orleans,”, 2:525, 3:486, 3:488n

La Fontaine, Jean de

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665
  • fables of, 14:614, 14:615n, 19:147, 19:149n
  • on Plato, 7:454

La Forest. See Mathurin, Antoine René Charles, comte de La Forest

La Gasca y Segura, Mariano

  • seeks professorship in U.S., 15:156–15:157n

Lagrange. See Bouillon-Lagrange, Edme Jean Baptiste

La Grange (Lafayette’s French estate), 1:270n, 1:529, 2:15, 2:17, 7:540, 7:541, 9:69, 10:323, 18:302n

Lagrange, Joseph Louis

  • praised, 7:661
  • referenced, 20:581
  • Théorie des Fonctions Analytiques, 13:314n, 20:292

La Grange, Nicolas de

  • edits and translates Lucrece, [De la Nature des Choses] Traduction Nouvelle, avec des Notes (Lucretius), 14:511
  • translates Oeuvres de Séneque le philosophe (Seneca), 10:233, 10:236–10:237n, 12:534, 14:511

La Grange et de Fourilles, Adélaïde Blaise François Le Lièvre, marquis de, 1:372

La Harpe, Benard de

  • “Journal historique Concernant l’Etablissement des françois à la Louisianne” , 9:445–9:446, 9:447n, 9:516, 9:518, 9:518n, 9:658, 9:658–9:659n, 9:710, 12:156, 12:157n, 12:294–12:295, 12:295, 12:296n, 12:331–12:332, 12:371
  • Journal Historique de l’Établissement des Français a la Louisiane (ed. A. L. Boimare), 9:659n

La Harpe, Frédéric César de

  • as educator, 16:60
  • tutor of Alexander I, 7:506, 8:671n, 9:110–9:111

La Harpe, Jean François de

  • J. Adams reads, 11:268
  • Correspondance Littéraire, 10:589
  • criticism of, 10:13
  • Lycée ou Cours De Littérature Ancienne Et Moderne, 7:26
  • writings of, 6:302, 7:481, 10:306

Lahay (Lahy), Michael

  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 17:623, 17:629n

Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d’Arce, baron de

  • New Voyages to North-America, 10:486

Laibach, Congress of, 17:253, 17:253, 17:255n

Lakanal, Joseph

  • identified, 9:268n
  • introduced by Lafayette, 9:300, 10:276, 18:580
  • introduced by A. Thoüin, 9:267–9:268
  • letter from, 10:107–10:109
  • letter to, 10:276–10:277
  • moves to Ky., 9:267–9:268, 9:300, 10:107, 10:276
  • as president of Orleans College, 18:580
  • proposed book of, 10:107–10:108, 10:276–10:277

Lake Champlain

  • fort on, 11:568, 11:569n
  • natural history of, 7:357
  • proposed canal to, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281
  • Vt. militia crosses, 8:112, 8:112n

Lake Erie

  • O. H. Perry’s naval victory on, 6:524, 6:524n, 6:531, 6:546n, 7:11, 7:14, 7:56, 7:57n, 7:88, 7:89n, 8:259, 8:263
  • proposed canal to, 3:459–3:460, 3:597–3:598, 4:160, 4:161n, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:339, 11:357–11:358, 11:358n, 11:360, 11:364–11:365, 11:376–11:377, 11:415, 11:434–11:435, 11:448
  • steamboats on, 12:401, 12:402n
  • survey on, 3:437
  • and War of 1812, 7:531, 18:311, 20:488, 20:566

Lake George, N.Y.

  • W. Short on, 8:687

Lake Ontario

  • proposed canal to, 3:459–3:460
  • and War of 1812, 7:10, 7:14, 7:531

Lake Superior

  • copper mines along, 12:411, 12:453–12:454, 12:454n

Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Le Français de

  • J. Adams on, 9:527, 10:7
  • Astronomie, 4:244, 4:244n, 7:626, 10:235
  • as educator, 16:325
  • Histoire des Mathématiques, 6:381, 7:250, 7:626, 10:235, 12:344
  • and W. Lambert’s calculations, 4:253, 4:260, 5:249
  • mentioned, 7:480, 18:356
  • praised, 7:661
  • Tables de Logarithmes pour les Nombres et Pour les Sinus, 13:342–13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:394, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474–13:475n, 13:476, 13:477n, 13:524, 13:561, 13:561, 14:215, 15:133, 15:160
  • TJ on, 15:232

Lallemand, François Antoine, baron, 1:372

La Luzerne, Anne César, chevalier de, 10:115, 10:117n, 17:330, 17:344, 17:376n, 17:377n

La Luzerne, César Henri, comte de

  • as government minister, 17:357, 17:364, 17:364, 17:364, 17:368–17:369, 17:369, 17:377n

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de

  • Encyclopédie Méthodique: Botanique, 17:546, 17:546–17:547n
  • Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres, 12:33, 14:168
  • praised, 7:661
  • works of, 11:192, 12:33

La Marck, Marie Françoise Augustine Ursule Le Danois de Cernay, comtesse de, 2:10

lamb, 14:383, 14:632

Lamb, George

  • translates The Poems of Caius Valerius Catullus (G. V. Catullus), 17:535

Lamb, John Fergusson

  • identified, 18:105n
  • letter from, 18:105
  • and medical education at University of Virginia, 18:105

Lambarde, William

  • Archaionomia, 7:126, 7:127
  • Eirenarcha: or Of the office of the Iustices of peace, 3:546

Lambert, John

  • letters to, 4:164
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n, 11:182

Lambert, William

  • Abstracts of Calculations, to ascertain the Longitude of the Capitol, in the City of Washington, 12:86, 13:314, 13:314n, 18:505
  • and American Philosophical Society, 5:251, 5:311, 7:436, 7:437n, 7:486
  • astronomical calculations, 2:54, 2:55n, 4:634–4:637, 5:311, 18:505, 18:505–18:510, 18:528, 18:539, 19:628
  • calculates latitude and longitude of U.S. Capitol, 4:275, 4:651–4:660, 12:86, 18:287, 18:314, 18:505, 18:508, 18:528, 18:539, 18:539–18:545, 19:628
  • calculates Monticello’s longitude, 4:235–4:236, 4:239, 4:246, 4:247–4:266, 4:276, 4:368, 4:369, 4:402–4:406, 4:407, 8:455, 8:456n
  • clerk of the House of Representatives, 1:275, 1:359n, 1:512
  • congratulates TJ, 1:54–1:55, 1:237–1:238
  • and domestic manufactures, 1:560–1:562
  • on House of Representatives, 1:274–1:275, 1:534–1:535
  • identified, 1:54–1:55n
  • and latitude calculations, 3:367n
  • letters from, 1:54–1:55, 1:274–1:276, 1:356–1:359, 1:489–1:498, 1:534–1:535, 1:539–1:540, 1:560–1:562, 2:54–2:55, 2:60–2:68, 2:337–2:338, 2:398–2:399, 2:566, 3:285, 4:235–4:236, 4:275–4:276, 4:402–4:406, 4:407–4:408, 4:634–4:637, 4:651–4:660, 5:245–5:251, 7:436–7:437, 12:86, 14:559, 18:287, 18:505, 18:528–18:529, 18:539, 19:33, 19:208–19:209, 19:210–19:211, 19:628–19:629
  • letters from accounted for, 2:68n
  • letters to, 1:237–1:238, 1:511–1:512, 2:541, 4:368–4:369, 18:314, 18:515, 19:197–19:201
  • letters to accounted for, 2:54–2:55n, 14:559n
  • lunar calculations, 1:539–1:540, 1:540–1:554, 2:54, 2:60–2:68, 5:245–5:251, 18:505, 18:505–18:510, 18:528, 18:539, 18:539–18:545
  • and Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a Report of William Lambert, on the subject of the Longitude of the Capitol of the United States. January 9, 1822, 18:287, 18:314, 18:508, 18:543–18:544, 19:211, 19:211n
  • ode for Fourth of July by, 2:399, 2:400–2:401
  • and prime meridian, 1:275–1:276, 1:356–1:358, 1:359n, 1:489–1:498, 1:511–1:512, 1:534–1:535, 2:54, 2:55n, 2:337–2:338, 2:398–2:399, 2:541, 2:566, 3:285, 3:367n, 18:314, 19:211, 19:628–19:629
  • proposes reformation of Gregorian calendar, 7:436–7:437, 7:486
  • as State Department clerk, 14:559
  • Table for Computing the Moon’s Motion, with Explanations, 1:540–1:554, 1:571–1:572, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n
  • Table of Logarithms, 19:33, 19:33–19:36
  • and TJ’s method of calculating longitude and latitude, 19:197–19:201, 19:208–19:209, 19:210–19:211
  • To the Critical Reviewers of Boston, 3:285
  • and University of Virginia, 18:287, 18:505, 18:510, 18:515, 18:528–18:529, 18:539, 19:33
  • and western exploration, 19:211

Lamberti, Thomas

  • letter from, 14:271
  • plans trip to New Orleans, 14:271
  • requests loan from TJ, 14:271

Lambrecht, Mr.

  • and Lafayette, 7:537

Lameth, Alexandre Théodore Victor

  • and French Constitution of 1791, 17:370
  • and French Revolution, 8:504, 8:508n

Lameth, Charles Malo François, 8:504, 8:508n

Lamétherie, Jean Claude de

  • as geologist, 2:551, 2:552n
  • Théorie de La Terre, 8:429, 8:429, 8:429–8:430n
  • writings of, 14:168

Lamoignon, Chrétine François de

  • as keeper of the seals, 17:358, 17:378n

La Motte, François Claude Adam. See Delamotte, François Claude Adam

La Motte, Jeanne de Saint Remy de Valois, comtesse de

  • Vie de Jeanne de St. Remy de Valois, ci-devant Comtesse de La Motte (included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ; see also Book of Kings), 8:33, 8:34n, 8:240
  • works on, 8:309, 8:310n

lampblack, 16:8, 17:7, 18:50, 19:15

Lampredi, Giovanni Maria, 7:688


  • alabaster, 1:190, 1:309, 20:126
  • at Bell Rock lighthouse, 4:362–4:363
  • W. Lewis’s, 12:378, 12:380n, 13:5
  • used in lighthouses, 18:185, 18:216
  • safety, 11:501
  • as scientific equipment, 20:611, 20:611, 20:612, 20:612, 20:637, 20:638
  • spirit, 20:612, 20:613n

Lancaster, Joseph

  • The British System of Education, 9:443n, 9:502, 9:503n, 9:529
  • educational system of, 10:45, 10:336, 10:338, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 12:39, 12:402n, 16:29n, 16:60, 16:325, 17:388, 18:142, 20:375
  • Improvements in Education, 1:662, 1:662n, 9:530n

Lancaster Schuylkill Bridge, 16:34, 16:34–16:35n

Lance, William

  • identified, 4:106n
  • letters from, 4:105–4:107
  • letter to, 4:175+
  • letters to accounted for, 4:107n
  • An Oration, delivered on the Fourth of July, 1816, In St. Michael’s Church, S. C. by appointment of the ’76 Association, 11:530n
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 4:105, 4:106n, 4:175+

Lancelot, Claude

  • as grammarian, 19:407, 19:409n, 20:546, 20:548n
  • Le Jardin des Racines Greques, 10:234
  • A New Method Of learning with Facility the Latin Tongue (trans. T. Nugent), 17:536, 17:537n
  • A New Method Of learning with greater Facility the Greek Tongue (trans. T. Nugent), 17:536, 17:537n, 20:527, 20:527n
  • The Primitives of the Greek Tongue (trans. T. Nugent), 10:358, 12:313, 12:356, 17:536, 17:537n

land conveyances. See indentures

Landon, Charles Paul

  • Description de Paris et de ses Édifices, 12:107
  • edits Annales du Musée et de l’école moderne des beaux-arts, 12:107


  • French publisher, 13:343n

Landrum, Mr.

  • and J. Monroe’s Highland estate, 19:397

Landsdown, Lord. See Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3d Marquess of

Lane, Mr. (boatman), 20:252, 20:382

Lane, John

  • death of, 17:609n
  • visits J. W. Eppes, 12:7

Lane, Ralph, 11:293+, 11:293n+

Lane, Sally (Sarah) Eppes (John Wayles Eppes’s sister; John Lane’s wife)

  • business affairs of, 17:608, 17:609n
  • visits J. W. Eppes, 12:7

Lane, Samuel

  • assaulted by J. Dougherty, 14:544–14:545
  • as commissioner of public buildings, 12:196, 12:278, 12:278, 12:520, 12:641, 14:545, 15:320–15:321n

Lane & Smiths (Baltimore firm), 20:633

Lane’s Ordinary (Fairfax Co.), 1:52n, 8:290

Langdon, John

  • biography of proposed, 15:546–15:547
  • correspondence with TJ, 15:496, 15:497, 15:510–15:511, 15:546
  • correspondence with S. Ringgold, 19:331, 19:332n
  • death of, 15:235
  • family of, 20:631
  • as governor of N.H., 2:348
  • identified, 2:231–2:232n
  • letters from, 2:230–2:232
  • letters to, 2:274–2:277, 7:365
  • as member of Continental Congress, 6:184n
  • and political situation, 2:230–2:231, 2:274–2:277
  • TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:365
  • TJ on, 13:25
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624

Lange, Abraham

  • Augusta Co. innkeeper, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232, 13:519
  • identified, 13:519–13:520n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:599n
  • letters to, 13:519–13:520, 13:599
  • letter to accounted for, 13:520n
  • and seeds for TJ, 13:519, 13:599

Langhorne, Frances Steptoe, 12:237n

Langhorne, John

  • Letters Supposed to have passed between M. De St. Evremond and Mr. Waller, 19:506, 19:509n
  • translates Lives (Plutarch), 1:580

Langhorne, William

  • translates Lives (Plutarch), 1:580

Langland, William

  • The Vision of Pierce Plowman, 1:390, 1:397n, 9:633, 9:633n

Langley, Batty

  • Pomona: or, The Fruit-Garden Illustrated, 2:82, 11:165

Langon (wine), 9:513

language See also Anglo-Saxon (Old English) language; English language; French language; German language; Greek language; Italian language; Latin language; Spanish language

  • Arabic, 8:3, 8:5
  • books on
  • books on French, 2:27n, 5:557
  • books on Spanish, 2:32n
  • bound pamphlets on, 13:456, 13:457n
  • Catalan, 12:47
  • Chinese, 1:518, 1:518n, 7:480, 13:124, 13:124n, 13:142
  • collegiate education in, 12:3–12:4, 12:76, 12:76, 12:85, 12:120, 12:124, 12:150, 12:201, 12:204, 12:467, 13:301, 14:150, 14:345–14:346, 14:347–14:348, 14:517, 14:519, 14:589–14:590, 16:628, 16:629n, 19:558–19:559, 19:570, 20:154, 20:457, 20:512
  • Coptic, 8:3
  • Danish, 13:237
  • Erse, 16:85n
  • French training of T. J. Randolph, 1:520, 1:557
  • Gaelic, 7:560, 7:561n, 8:3
  • Hebrew, 7:715, 8:5, 9:652, 13:570, 13:570n, 14:269, 17:466
  • Indian (American), 1:205, 1:269, 1:520–1:521, 1:555–1:557, 1:599n, 1:651–1:652, 3:596, 3:596, 3:596–3:597, 3:616, 7:181, 7:182n, 7:243, 7:281, 9:65, 9:65–9:66, 9:372–9:373, 9:373n, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 11:126–11:127, 11:454, 12:171, 12:172, 12:236, 12:250, 12:250–12:251, 12:294, 12:295n, 12:295–12:296n, 12:331, 12:385–12:386, 12:386n, 12:636n, 12:637, 13:90, 13:90, 13:90, 14:132n, 16:79, 16:79–16:85, 16:107–16:109, 16:109–16:110, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:132–16:133, 16:133, 16:261–16:262, 16:459, 18:198, 18:225, 18:356, 19:348, 20:514n
  • Irish, 16:85n
  • neology, 7:209, 7:514, 9:632–9:633, 13:96, 16:194–16:195, 16:571
  • Persian, 8:6, 11:351, 11:351n, 11:441
  • philosophy of, 15:223–15:224
  • and phonics, 2:306–2:307, 2:308n
  • Portuguese, 13:238
  • Punic, 7:560, 7:561n
  • Russian, 1:556, 7:480
  • Sanskrit, 7:480, 8:3
  • sign, 1:662, 1:662n
  • study of, 5:359+, 7:357, 7:480, 7:481n, 7:658, 7:660–7:661, 7:666, 7:686, 8:3, 10:370–10:372, 10:516, 10:542, 12:15–12:16, 12:249–12:250, 12:259, 12:291–12:292, 16:29n, 16:65, 16:65, 16:77, 16:325, 18:9, 18:225, 20:87, 20:292, 20:292
  • Swedish, 13:237, 16:109, 16:109–16:110
  • TJ on study of, 4:162–4:163, 7:243, 7:447, 7:637, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 8:13, 8:341, 9:372–9:373, 9:626
  • TJ on translation, 9:353, 9:354n
  • translations by TJ, 3:11–3:15, 3:21–3:23, 3:652, 10:594
  • translations by D. B. Warden, 1:142
  • Welsh, 16:85n

Lania (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303

L. Annæi Flori Epitome Rerum Romanarum (L. A. Florus; ed. J. G. Graevius), 14:511

Lannes, Jean, Duc de Montebello, 1:371, 1:372

Lannes, Louise Antoinette, Duchesse de Montebello

  • and D. B. Warden, 7:490, 7:491n

Lansdowne, George Granville, Baron

  • correspondence of, 17:460n

Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3d Marquess of

  • British politician, 7:541, 15:469, 15:470n

Lansdowne, William Petty, 2d Earl of Shelburne and 1st Marquess of

  • family of, 15:469, 15:470n, 15:470n
  • on taxation, 7:299

lanterns, 1:303, 12:378, 12:380n, 13:5, 18:185, 18:216

Lantier, Étienne François

  • Voyages d’Antenor en Grèce et en Asie, avec des notions sur l’Égypte, 20:115n, 20:282

Lanusse, Paul, 6:436

Lapa, Manoel de Almeida e Vasconcellos, Visconde da

  • Portuguese official, 19:356

La Pérouse, Jean François de Galalup, comte de

  • Voyage de La Pérouse autour du Monde, 1:445–1:449

Lapie, Pierre

  • Carte réduite de la Mer Méditerranée et de la mer Noire, 1:247–1:248, 15:579, 15:579n

Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de

  • Americans correspond with, 4:196
  • Analyse du Traite de Mécanique Céleste de P. S. Laplace (J. B. Biot), 13:314n
  • as astronomer, 9:85, 12:442, 12:619, 14:153
  • error of detected, 4:634
  • Exposition du Systême du Monde, 1:348, 1:349n, 1:357, 1:491, 13:342, 13:359, 13:494, 13:525, 20:500, 20:520, 20:530
  • mentioned, 14:323, 20:292, 20:581
  • praised, 7:661
  • Traité de Mécanique Céleste, 12:566n, 13:342, 13:359, 13:494, 13:525, 14:45, 17:410, 20:469
  • A Treatise of Celestial Mechanics (trans. H. H. Harte) , 20:633
  • J. Wood’s book sent to, 2:171
  • works of, 20:582

Laporte, Alexander

  • letter from accounted for, 14:273n

Laporte, Arnaud de

  • as government minister, 17:364

Laporte, E.

  • letter from accounted for, 18:257n

Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband) See also Laporte’s boardinghouse (Charlottesville)

  • family of, 14:210, 14:274, 14:294, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438, 15:239, 15:239n, 15:243, 15:484, 17:119–17:120, 17:231–17:232
  • finances of, 16:77, 16:78n, 16:190n, 18:256
  • health of, 15:484
  • and J. B. Herard, 15:266
  • identified, 14:273n
  • letters from, 14:383, 14:528, 14:571–14:572, 15:270, 15:484
  • letters to, 14:272–14:273, 14:382–14:383, 15:280
  • patents of, 17:119–17:120, 17:149–17:150, 17:232n
  • T. M. Randolph as security for, 17:156
  • requests loan of carriage, 15:484
  • tavern of, 13:230, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232, 14:425, 15:141, 15:142n
  • TJ as security for, 15:270, 15:280, 15:379n, 15:397, 15:397n, 17:156, 17:176
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425, 15:426, 16:366n, 16:376n
  • travels of, 17:119–17:120
  • and University of Virginia, 16:475, 16:479
  • visits Monticello, 15:141

Laporte, Victoire (Peter Laporte’s wife)

  • identified, 17:120n
  • letters from, 17:119–17:120, 17:231–17:232, 18:256–18:257
  • letters from accounted for, 17:120n, 17:232n, 18:257n
  • letter to, 17:149–17:150
  • requests assistance from TJ, 18:256–18:257
  • seeks information on husband, 17:119–17:120, 17:149–17:150, 17:231–17:232
  • TJ provides credit for, 17:176, 17:212n, 17:232

Laportea canadensis. See nettle, wood

La Porte Du Theil, François Jean Gabriel de

  • translates Théatre d’Æschyle (Aeschylus), 15:26, 15:490, 15:491n

Laporte’s boardinghouse (Charlottesville) See also Laporte, Peter

  • advertisement for, 14:425, 15:109, 15:109n
  • bedding for, 14:383n, 14:425, 14:528, 15:378
  • boarders at, 14:210, 14:268, 14:274, 14:294, 14:383n, 14:472, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:640, 15:12, 15:270, 15:280, 16:24
  • charges for boarding at, 14:272, 14:294, 14:383n, 14:425, 14:439, 15:270, 15:280, 15:378, 15:379n, 16:24
  • closing of, 16:77, 16:190n
  • fare served at, 14:382, 14:383n, 14:383, 14:425, 14:425
  • French language spoken at, 14:210, 14:274, 14:294, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438–14:439, 14:512, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:571, 15:141, 15:241, 15:243
  • location of, 16:26n
  • misbehavior of boarders, 15:140–15:141, 15:500n
  • opening of, 14:210, 14:261, 14:272–14:273, 14:294, 14:383n, 14:383n, 14:425

Laporte’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232, 14:425


  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • price of, 17:26
  • as scab remedy, 5:182n
  • sent to TJ, 12:324, 13:566, 15:311, 16:470–16:471

La Révellière Lépeaux, Louis Marie de, 10:44

Large, Daniel

  • and hydrostatic engines, 7:232

La Rivière. See Le Mercier de La Rivière, Paul Pierre

La Roche, Martin Lefèbvre de (abbé), 3:9, 3:17, 3:87, 3:89n, 3:330

La Rochefoucauld, Alexandrine Charlotte Sophie de Rohan-Chabot, duchesse de. See Castellane, Alexandrine Charlotte Sophie de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de

La Rochefoucauld, François de

  • J. Adams on, 6:228, 6:287, 6:296
  • criticized, 7:220
  • on marriage, 7:403, 7:405n
  • maxims of, 9:433, 9:434n, 19:505

La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de

  • friendship with J. L. Guillemard, 9:134, 9:135n
  • friendship with J. de Lespinasse, 14:30
  • reports to Louis XVI, 17:366, 17:378n

La Romana, José Caro, marquês, 2:247, 2:248n

La Rouërie, Armand Charles Tuffin, marquis de, 2:74

La Rue, Charles de

  • edits Opera. Interpretatione et Notis (Virgil; Delphin edition), 8:660, 9:274, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 13:33, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47

Lasalle, Philippe de, 2:591

La Salle, René Robert Cavelier de

  • and settlement of La., 9:445, 9:479, 10:627, 11:460n
  • travels of, 20:164

Las Cases, Emmanuel Auguste Dieudonné Marin Joseph, comte de (A. Le Sage)

  • Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique et Géographique, 3:552, 3:552n, 3:578
  • Genealogical, chronological, historical, and geographical atlas, 4:325–4:326, 4:326n, 5:7, 5:83, 5:114, 5:211, 5:436, 7:90
  • Memorial de Sainte Helene. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena, 19:546, 19:547n, 19:569, 19:584, 19:669, 20:329, 20:348, 20:349, 20:349n, 20:481
  • Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, ou Journal ou se trouve consigné, jour par jour, ce qu’a dit et fait Napoléon durant dix-huit mois, 19:517, 19:517n, 19:546, 20:155
  • work of sent to M. J. Randolph, 5:7, 5:436, 7:90

La Serna de Santander, Carlos Antonio

  • Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. C. de la Serna Santander, 8:559, 8:561, 8:562n
  • owns Bollandist manuscript, 8:559, 8:561

Last Day. A Poem In Three Books (Young), 6:297

Lasteyrie du Saillant, Louis, marquis de (Lafayette’s son-in-law), 2:17

Lasteyrie du Saillant, Virginie, marquise de (Lafayette’s daughter)

  • family of, 17:254, 17:255n, 18:428, 19:230, 19:231n
  • sends greetings to TJ, 4:359

Lasteyrie-Dusaillant, Charles Philibert, comte De

  • agricultural report of, 2:83
  • Du Cotonnier et de sa Culture, 1:37, 2:83, 11:164
  • Du Pastel, de l’indigotier, 3:461–3:462, 10:471
  • identified, 3:115n
  • introduces G. Flower, 9:667, 10:299, 10:559, 10:560, 10:592, 11:124
  • letters from, 3:114–3:115, 3:461–3:462, 9:667–9:669
  • as lithographer, 9:667
  • sends books on arts and sciences, 3:114, 3:115n, 3:461–3:462
  • sends greetings to TJ, 1:141
  • Traité sur les Bêtes-à-Laine d’Espagne, 2:83, 11:164
  • A Treatise on the Culture, Preparation, History and Analysis of Pastel, or Woad (trans. H. A. S. Dearborn), 3:462n, 10:471

Lastri, Marco Antonio

  • Corso di agricoltura, 11:164

Latham, William

  • identified, 17:97n
  • letter from, to W. Maury, 17:97
  • and J. Maury’s consulship, 17:96, 17:97, 17:509
  • as J. Maury’s partner, 5:253, 5:253n, 17:96

Latimer, George

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Latimer (Latemer), W. G.

  • and University of Virginia, 19:54

Latin America

  • religion in, 16:590
  • revolutions in, 4:359, 7:14–7:15, 7:29, 12:247–12:248, 16:528–16:529
  • TJ on liberation of, 7:14–7:15, 7:29–7:30, 10:373–10:375
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506, 4:508

Latin and English Dictionary abridged (R. Ainsworth), 1:35, 17:221

Latin language

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 16:426, 16:502, 19:443, 20:414
  • of G. Buchanan, 2:215
  • collegiate education in, 12:3–12:4, 12:33, 12:120, 12:120, 12:509, 13:195, 13:195–13:196, 13:214, 13:215–13:216, 13:218, 13:233, 13:278, 13:402, 14:132, 14:551, 14:589, 17:376n, 19:42, 19:44n, 20:458
  • dictionaries, 6:387, 8:660, 9:274, 9:274, 9:276, 9:277n, 10:235, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:358, 12:439, 14:193, 14:221, 14:240, 14:258, 14:265, 14:266, 14:286, 15:450, 15:452n, 17:211, 17:221
  • documents in, by
    • T. de Bry, 7:614–7:615
    • T. J. O’Flaherty, 19:443–19:444
    • S. G. Tucker, 1:617–1:619
  • elementary education in, 13:195–13:196, 13:215, 17:231, 17:541, 19:590
  • and etymology, 16:224, 16:257
  • E. Everett on, 20:546–20:547
  • glossaries, 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
  • letters in, from
    • F. Glass, 18:552–18:554
  • pronunciation of, 14:153
  • and Randolph family, 19:454n
  • study of, 3:327–3:328, 3:372, 3:501, 4:131, 4:372, 4:648, 6:65, 7:447, 7:658, 7:659, 7:660–7:661, 7:662–7:663, 7:666, 7:685–7:686, 8:13, 8:200, 8:446–8:447, 8:449n, 8:482, 8:482, 8:513, 8:514, 9:251, 9:607, 9:626, 10:358, 10:358, 10:664, 11:112, 11:233, 11:261, 11:409, 11:625, 11:626–11:627, 13:237, 13:537, 14:251, 14:257–14:258, 14:276, 14:280, 14:294, 14:323, 14:351, 14:425, 14:438, 14:516, 14:519, 14:566n, 15:242n, 16:29n, 16:280, 16:329, 16:329–16:330, 18:79n, 18:161, 18:399, 18:556, 18:659, 20:279, 20:364
  • thesauri, 17:535
  • TJ on, 7:447, 9:607–9:608, 11:252, 12:206, 14:629–14:631, 18:79n
  • TJ quotes proverb in, 19:112n
  • TJ studies, 17:309–17:310
  • verses in requested, 9:264–9:266, 9:374–9:375
  • works in, 16:208–16:209, 16:219, 16:236–16:237, 16:258, 16:290, 16:290n, 16:330, 16:393, 16:530, 18:32, 18:242n, 18:278, 18:552–18:553, 18:554n, 18:583–18:584, 19:478, 19:669, 19:696, 20:323


  • and calculation of longitude, 15:288, 18:505, 19:199, 19:208
  • calculations for Monticello, 9:70, 9:415, 11:40, 12:618
  • calculations for Natural Bridge, 9:26n, 9:36, 9:36n
  • calculations for Peaks of Otter, 9:18, 9:36, 9:36, 9:36–9:37n, 9:173, 13:385, 13:385n
  • calculations for Poplar Forest, 3:361–3:367, 3:563+, 9:245–9:246, 10:514–10:515
  • calculations for U.S. Capitol, 18:287, 18:540, 18:543–18:544, 18:545, 19:35–19:36
  • calculations for Willis’s Mountain, 10:xlvii–10:xlviii, 10:571–10:572
  • W. King’s method of calculating, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85, 13:119–13:120
  • logarithms for calculating, 19:35–19:36
  • and maps of Va., 16:99, 16:100
  • of Norwich, Vt., 9:241
  • and political boundary lines, 15:276n, 19:23, 19:66–19:67, 19:67, 19:68n
  • TJ’s method for calculating, 19:200–19:201
  • and western exploration, 19:197, 19:198, 19:211

Latour, Chatêau (wine), 9:513

Latour, Géraud Calixte Jean Baptiste Arsène Lacarrière

  • Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814–15, 9:129n
  • identified, 9:103n
  • letter from, 9:103
  • letter to, 9:128–9:129
  • Proposals, for Publishing by Subscription, The History of the War in Louisiana & West Florida, 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129
  • witnesses deed, 3:478n

La Tour-du-Pin Gouvernet, Jean Frédéric, comte de

  • as government minister, 17:368

La Tour-Maubourg, Anastasie, comtesse de (Lafayette’s daughter)

  • family of, 18:428, 18:428
  • inheritance of, 2:17
  • marriage contract with, 2:16
  • sends greetings to TJ, 4:359

La Tour-Maubourg, Célestine de (Lafayette’s granddaughter) , 17:254, 17:255n

La Tour-Maubourg, Charles, comte de (Lafayette’s son-in-law), 2:17

La Tour-Maubourg, Marie Charles César de Fay, comte de

  • and French Constitution of 1791, 17:370, 17:378n

Latreille, Pierre André, 14:387

La Trémoïlle, Marie Geneviève de Durfort, duchesse de, 2:10, 2:15

Latrobe, Benjamin

  • J. Bruce introduced to, 11:613

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry

  • and alterations to U.S. Capitol’s design, 8:595–8:596, 8:596n
  • and Annapolis naval depot, 12:519
  • Anniversary Oration, 3:624, 3:625n
  • and J. Barlow’s letter, 5:576, 5:577n
  • and E. F. Bond’s application, 5:525, 5:526n
  • and builders’ prices, 12:159, 12:196, 12:278, 12:519–12:520, 13:612
  • and capitals (architectural), 1:473, 1:475n, 1:595, 10:xlvii, 10:350, 10:350 (illus.) , 10:350, 10:351n, 10:510–10:511, 10:511 (illus.) , 11:xlv–11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.) , 11:481, 11:481n, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:572, 12:143
  • and carving for TJ, 4:66, 4:459, 5:206–5:207
  • and Central College craftsmen, 11:535, 11:571, 11:571, 11:602, 11:610–11:611
  • and Central College design, 11:315, 11:431–11:432, 11:453, 11:479–11:480, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:563, 11:564–11:565, 11:586–11:587, 11:610–11:612, 11:649–11:650, 12:72–12:73, 12:94, 12:143, 12:638, 13:57–13:58
  • and Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 16:33
  • and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, 11:144n, 11:144n
  • on conflict with TJ, 8:592–8:593
  • death of, 19:90
  • designs houses in Philadelphia, 4:63–4:64
  • designs Richmond penitentiary, 17:326
  • drawings by, 2:39, 2:40n, 2:106, 3:535–3:536, 3:537n, 3:581–3:582, 3:590–3:591, 8:594 (illus.) , 8:595 (illus.) , 12:72–12:73, 12:94, 12:143
  • edits J. Bruce’s work, 11:612–11:613, 11:614n
  • and expenses at U.S. Capitol, 5:205, 5:207n, 5:238, 5:239n
  • family of, 11:613, 11:614n, 12:72, 12:94, 12:519
  • to find work for J. Dougherty, 1:199
  • furnishes President’s House, 1:43n
  • health of, 10:510, 12:519, 12:639
  • identified, 1:474–1:475n
  • letters from, 1:473–1:475, 3:534–3:538, 3:624–3:625, 4:63–4:67, 5:205–5:207, 8:591–8:596, 10:510–10:511, 11:453, 11:479–11:481, 11:563–11:565, 11:571–11:572, 11:610–11:615, 12:72–12:73, 12:143, 12:196, 12:278, 12:519–12:521, 12:638–12:639
  • letters to, 1:595–1:596, 3:555–3:557, 4:459, 5:238–5:239, 8:479–8:480, 10:350–10:351, 11:431–11:432, 11:534–11:536, 11:586–11:588, 11:602, 11:649–11:650, 12:94, 12:159, 13:57–13:58
  • letter to, from W. Thackara, 12:278–12:279
  • mentioned, 6:216, 12:166
  • and J. Monroe, 12:520, 12:638–12:639, 12:639
  • Opinion on a Project for Removing the Obstructions to a Ship Navigation to Georgetown, Col., 12:521
  • oversees work at Washington Navy Yard, 4:64, 5:206
  • and payment for Italian sculptors, 1:78n, 1:113, 1:114n
  • A Private Letter to the Individual Members of Congress, 3:537n
  • and proposed marine hospital, 5:178, 5:179n, 5:206
  • proposed visit to Monticello, 1:366, 1:474, 1:595–1:596, 11:535, 11:565
  • as reference, 14:652
  • relocates to Washington, 8:591
  • resigns from work on U.S. Capitol, 12:196, 12:278, 12:638, 12:639, 12:643n, 13:58
  • seeks office, 7:165–7:166
  • and steamboats, 7:56–7:57, 8:591, 11:565, 11:565n
  • students of, 7:165–7:166, 7:166n
  • TJ recommends carpenters to, 8:479–8:480, 8:592
  • and TJ’s sundial, 10:xlvii, 10:350, 10:350 (illus.) , 10:350, 10:510, 11:432
  • and window glass for TJ, 2:80, 2:188, 2:346, 2:362, 5:298
  • works on Baltimore Merchants’ Exchange, 12:196
  • works on U.S. Capitol, 1:65, 1:92, 1:474n, 3:534–3:537, 3:555–3:556, 4:64–4:66, 4:67n, 5:205–5:206, 5:238, 5:359+, 8:479–8:480, 8:591–8:596, 10:510–10:511, 11:480–11:481, 12:143, 12:520–12:521, 12:638, 12:639–12:643, 19:226

Latrobe, Henry Sellon Boneval

  • as assistant clerk, 1:65n
  • death of, 12:72, 12:94

Latrobe, Mary Elizabeth Hazlehurst (Benjamin Henry Latrobe’s wife)

  • greetings from, 5:207, 8:596

Lattimer, Nancy

  • signs petition, 18:146

Lattimore, Hannah

  • signs petition, 18:146

Latting, Jacob

  • claims of against Spain, 12:142
  • identified, 12:142n
  • letter from, 12:142

Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, 5:387, 5:389, 6:145, 6:228

Lauffeld, Battle of (1747)

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Launay, Bernard René Jourdan de

  • execution of, 17:365, 17:366

“Launcelot Light” (pseudonym)

  • A Sketch of the Rights of Boys and Girls, 18:228, 18:229n

Laurence, Mr. (sloop captain), 11:204

Laurence, John

  • and University of Virginia, 20:204, 20:226, 20:230

Laurens, Henry

  • diplomatic service of, 17:329
  • family of, 7:28
  • relationship with B. Franklin, 13:466

Laurent, Simon, 3:235, 3:237n, 3:484

Laurentii Vallæ de linguae Latinae Elegantia (L. Valla), 17:535

Laurie, Robert

  • A New Juvenile Atlas, and familiar introduction to the use of maps, 8:76, 8:77n, 8:78n

Laurie & Whittle (London firm)

  • map engravers, 7:70n

Laval, John

  • account with TJ, 14:384, 14:423, 14:467–14:468, 14:472, 15:425, 15:440, 15:463, 15:490, 16:40n, 17:403, 17:443, 17:526, 17:535, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:447, 18:529, 19:696, 20:481, 20:520
  • and books for TJ, 11:283–11:284, 14:221–14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:276, 14:351, 14:384, 14:423, 14:467–14:468, 14:505, 14:552, 15:440, 15:490, 15:503–15:504, 15:594, 15:607, 16:25, 16:40, 17:403, 17:443, 17:526, 17:535, 17:535–17:537, 18:73, 18:123, 18:197, 18:202, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:447, 18:487, 19:517, 19:546, 19:569, 19:584, 19:669, 19:696, 19:696n, 20:64, 20:100, 20:101, 20:158–20:159, 20:182, 20:186, 20:329, 20:330n, 20:348–20:349, 20:349n, 20:481, 20:500, 20:520, 20:530
  • and N. G. Dufief’s business, 11:241, 11:247, 11:283–11:284, 13:513, 14:221–14:222, 14:467–14:468, 14:505, 18:376
  • identified, 11:284n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:504n
  • letters from, 11:283–11:284, 13:513, 14:240–14:241, 14:351, 14:467–14:468, 14:552, 15:440, 15:503–15:504, 15:607–15:608, 16:40, 17:443, 17:535, 18:123–18:124, 18:202, 18:375–18:376, 18:447, 18:529, 19:546–19:547, 19:584, 19:696, 20:158–20:159, 20:329–20:330, 20:481, 20:520
  • letters to, 14:221–14:222, 14:266, 14:276, 14:384, 14:423, 14:505, 15:463, 15:481, 15:490–15:491, 15:594, 16:25, 17:403, 17:526, 18:73, 18:197, 18:358, 18:439, 18:440, 18:487, 19:517, 19:569, 19:669, 20:101, 20:182, 20:348–20:349, 20:500, 20:530
  • letters to accounted for, 14:552n, 19:696n, 20:330n
  • payment made for TJ, 20:159, 20:329
  • as publisher, 19:546–19:547, 19:569
  • TJ pays, 15:481, 18:487, 18:487, 18:491, 19:696n, 20:500
  • TJ’s correspondence with, 18:440

Lavalette, Antoine Marie Chamans, comte de

  • escapes from prison, 12:95

La Vallière, Françoise Louise de la Baume Le Blanc de

  • print of, 11:403

La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de Caussade, duc de

  • as government minister, 17:357, 17:364
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504


  • alternative names for, 10:215, 10:218n
  • grown in France, 10:216
  • qualities of, 10:216, 10:217
  • sent by S. Cathalan, 10:215, 10:216, 11:406, 11:531, 13:565, 13:585

Lavergné, Celestino , 5:85n

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent

  • theories of, 10:68–10:69, 12:518, 18:625, 18:626n
  • Traité Élémentaire de Chimie, 7:626, 10:234, 20:469

law See also Virginia: laws of

  • agrarian, 4:168
  • books on, 1:158, 1:416, 2:28, 2:51, 2:103, 2:104n, 2:420, 2:521, 2:676, 2:676, 2:677, 3:173–3:176n, 3:236–3:237n, 3:546–3:547, 5:176, 5:176n, 5:245, 6:45, 6:122, 6:372, 6:374, 6:412–6:413, 6:445, 6:477, 6:479, 6:598, 7:125–7:127, 7:146–7:148, 7:228, 7:249, 7:249–7:250, 7:257–7:258, 7:292, 7:292n, 7:627–7:628, 7:683, 8:40, 8:151, 8:152n, 8:175, 8:179, 8:231, 8:235, 8:244, 8:285, 8:301, 8:328, 8:348–8:349, 8:388, 8:399, 8:630, 8:630, 8:630, 8:672, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:107, 9:107n, 9:129, 10:235, 10:390, 10:404, 10:404n, 10:417, 10:417, 10:428–10:429, 10:438, 10:452, 10:457, 10:486, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:569, 10:572, 10:617, 10:625, 11:352, 12:291, 12:291, 12:291, 12:337, 12:337, 12:364, 12:364, 12:400, 13:33, 13:47, 13:53, 13:53, 13:100, 13:107, 13:368–13:369, 13:369n, 14:78, 14:133, 14:146, 14:147n, 14:165, 14:166, 14:219, 14:222, 14:240, 14:445, 15:340, 15:391, 16:45, 16:162, 16:168–16:169, 16:211–16:212, 16:239, 16:240, 16:240, 16:241, 16:241, 16:260–16:261, 16:286, 16:364, 16:486, 16:499, 16:504n, 16:615, 16:640–16:642, 17:197, 17:210, 17:233, 17:402, 17:402n, 17:419, 17:419, 17:450, 17:450n, 17:538, 17:563, 18:239, 18:329, 18:330n, 18:334, 18:334–18:335, 18:335, 18:362, 18:367, 18:374, 18:381, 18:418n, 18:418n, 18:418n, 18:442–18:443, 18:446, 18:446n, 18:463, 18:467, 18:468n, 18:473, 18:473, 18:475, 18:488, 18:559, 18:580, 19:116, 19:402, 19:436, 19:437, 19:453, 19:459–19:460, 19:460–19:461n, 19:488–19:489, 19:672, 19:684, 19:687, 20:115n, 20:118, 20:118–20:119, 20:165–20:166, 20:261, 20:282, 20:288, 20:308n, 20:312, 20:314, 20:373n, 20:410, 20:411, 20:422
  • bound pamphlets on, 8:630, 13:456
  • British, 5:135–5:136, 7:125–7:127, 7:146–7:148, 7:190–7:191, 7:257, 7:688, 10:101, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625, 11:369–11:370, 11:433, 16:640–16:642, 18:531, 19:97–19:98, 19:100n, 19:420
  • British sympathies of attorneys, 7:57–7:58, 7:248–7:249
  • chancery, 16:641
  • civil, 2:357, 2:521, 2:522, 2:526, 2:527, 2:678, 2:679, 3:31, 4:477, 7:688, 8:483–8:484, 10:302
  • collegiate education in, 7:480, 7:663, 7:668, 12:4, 12:26, 12:27, 12:76, 12:124, 12:333, 13:195, 13:195, 13:214, 13:214, 13:298–13:299, 13:403, 14:459, 16:628, 16:629n, 17:101, 17:328, 17:328, 19:570, 19:583, 19:633
  • common, 1:381–1:382, 2:357, 2:521, 2:522, 2:527, 2:532, 3:117, 3:144, 3:165, 4:293, 4:296–4:297n, 4:297–4:298, 4:300–4:301, 5:58–5:59, 5:135–5:136, 7:125–7:127, 7:146–7:148, 7:190–7:191, 7:217, 10:190–10:191, 11:369–11:370, 11:433, 14:219, 18:467, 18:468n, 20:473
  • compilations proposed, 7:257–7:258
  • and constitutions, 20:534–20:544
  • criminal, 1:382, 1:384n, 7:374–7:378
  • of distribution, 10:190–10:191, 10:192n
  • doom book, 7:125
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 4:330–4:332
  • ecclesiastical, 16:642, 19:165
  • endorsement, property, and replevin, 9:277–9:278, 9:278n, 9:279–9:280, 10:190–10:191, 10:302, 18:364, 18:365–18:366n, 18:550, 18:576n
  • estate, 19:413–19:414, 19:649–19:650
  • feudal, 3:174–3:175n, 7:688
  • French, 2:676, 2:678, 3:47–3:48, 3:71, 3:73n, 3:130–3:132, 3:159–3:160, 3:203, 3:226–3:227, 3:236–3:237n, 4:477, 4:643n, 5:45–5:47, 5:576, 5:576–5:577n, 7:688
  • on gambling, 18:460, 18:580–18:581
  • Gentoo Code, 7:219, 7:221n
  • of Great Britain, 1:382, 1:424, 4:293, 4:294, 4:296–4:297n, 4:297–4:298, 4:299–4:300, 4:302n, 5:137n, 8:525, 8:526, 8:527n, 16:196, 16:603
  • and habeas corpus, 20:280
  • insolvency, 14:237
  • international, 16:296n, 16:642, 19:165, 19:406–19:407
  • Jewish, 3:124–3:125, 3:165
  • and judicial review, 1:380, 8:525–8:526, 16:287, 16:288, 16:288, 16:289n, 16:353–16:354, 16:483, 16:489, 18:364–18:365, 18:365–18:366n, 18:367, 18:367n, 18:378–18:379, 18:550–18:551, 18:576n, 18:576n, 20:119n
  • jurisprudence, 11:368–11:370, 11:432–11:434, 16:603
  • jus gentium principle, 10:627
  • and Latin writings, 14:630
  • Laws of Manu, 7:219, 7:221n
  • legal profession, 7:273, 12:465, 13:50, 16:557, 16:603, 20:414
  • legal writing, 12:16
  • Magna Carta, 7:67, 7:125, 7:126, 16:619
  • marital, 8:374, 8:376n
  • maritime, 7:688, 7:688n, 16:642, 19:165, 20:299n, 20:304n
  • martial, 1:571, 3:120–3:121, 10:422–10:423, 10:423n, 18:384
  • medical, 17:236
  • natural, 3:138–3:139, 3:142, 3:144, 10:557–10:558, 10:594, 12:441, 14:43, 16:296n
  • and perjury, 10:428–10:430, 10:497–10:499
  • professional education in, 7:639, 7:640, 7:688
  • and punishment of criminals, 12:484, 12:517, 14:78, 16:499, 20:164–20:165
  • T. M. Randolph on careers in, 17:304–17:305
  • Roman, 2:676, 3:47–3:48, 3:130–3:131, 3:133, 3:151n, 3:174n, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:236n, 3:237n, 3:546, 4:502, 4:643n, 16:641, 19:165
  • Salic, 9:317
  • Spanish, 2:471, 2:678, 3:71, 3:160–3:161, 3:175n, 4:477, 4:643n, 18:239
  • study of, 3:276, 7:688, 8:341, 8:341, 8:342, 11:11, 14:550, 16:162, 16:495, 17:275–17:276, 17:493, 18:230n, 18:303, 18:475, 18:488, 18:488–18:489, 18:580, 19:116, 19:164–19:165, 19:166n, 19:436, 19:608n, 19:645n, 20:146, 20:261, 20:261, 20:499, 20:632
  • TJ on attorneys, 7:129, 7:248–7:249, 19:650
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 7:626, 7:627–7:628, 7:628, 16:65, 16:640–16:642, 17:494, 18:334–18:335, 19:488–19:489, 20:410
  • TJ provides legal advice, 9:27–9:28, 9:42–9:43n, 9:44, 9:72–9:73, 9:93–9:94, 9:120–9:121, 10:190–10:191, 11:146–11:147, 11:478, 11:479, 11:485, 11:486, 11:514–11:520, 11:520n, 11:538, 11:538–11:539, 11:542, 14:246, 14:251, 14:254, 14:255, 14:646, 17:269–17:270, 19:649–19:650
  • TJ provides training in, 1:245, 1:389, 1:416, 2:28, 2:51, 2:77n, 2:259, 2:420
  • TJ refuses to intervene in case, 10:406–10:407
  • TJ studies, 17:310, 17:311
  • TJ’s legal commonplace book, 7:125, 7:130n, 7:151n, 7:190–7:191
  • and tyranny, 14:201
  • University of Virginia professorship of, 20:290, 20:297, 20:303, 20:322, 20:322, 20:322–20:323, 20:340–20:341, 20:363, 20:458, 20:468, 20:473–20:474
  • usury, 15:260, 15:261, 15:350–15:351, 15:352n, 16:445, 16:491
  • in utopian societies, 19:378–19:380
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:503
  • and the West, 3:423–3:424

Law, Edmund

  • and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences , 11:144n
  • health of, 19:431

Law, Edward, 1st Earl of Ellenborough

  • and alleged remarks on TJ by C. J. Fox, 3:261n, 3:261–3:262, 4:234
  • family of, 3:261n, 3:262n

Law, Elizabeth Parke Custis (Thomas Law’s wife), 3:209n

Law, John (d. 1729)

  • Mississippi scheme of, 6:586, 6:593n, 9:407

Law, John (d. 1822), 19:431, 19:431n

Law, Jonathan

  • identified, 1:95n
  • letters from, 1:95
  • letters to, 1:126–1:127
  • and meeting of Conn. Republicans, 1:95, 1:126–1:127

Law, Thomas

  • Additional Facts, Remarks, and Arguments. Illustrative of the Advantage to the People of the United States, of a National Circulating Medium, 19:202, 19:202n, 19:225
  • amanuensis for, 19:202, 19:225
  • on Anglo-American relations, 4:234
  • on banks and banking, 6:578, 6:592, 6:594, 6:649, 6:649, 7:468, 8:475
  • on British economy, 7:468
  • and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, 11:143, 11:148–11:149
  • on education, 7:342
  • on European political economy, 7:467–7:468
  • family of, 19:431, 19:431n
  • and Federalist criticism of TJ, 4:234
  • Homo’s Letters on a National Currency, addressed to the People of the United States, 11:61, 11:62n
  • identified, 3:209n
  • on interest-bearing treasury notes, 6:534, 6:578, 6:592, 6:594, 6:649, 7:468
  • introduces J. J. Chapman, 19:431
  • introduces C. D. Crommelin and J. van Lennep, 16:564
  • introduces F. Hall, 10:594
  • letter from to J. Wagner, 3:261–3:262
  • letters from, 3:209, 3:261, 3:552, 4:234–4:235, 6:534, 6:649, 7:342, 7:467–7:469, 8:231–8:232, 8:475, 10:594, 11:61–11:62, 11:143–11:144, 11:165–11:166, 16:564–16:565, 19:431
  • letters to, 3:298–3:299, 3:578–3:579, 6:594, 7:412–7:416, 11:148–11:149, 19:225
  • and National Institution for the Promotion of Industry, 16:564
  • and New York Unitarians, 16:170
  • and promotion of domestic interests, 19:431
  • Second Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses, 7:342, 7:342n, 7:412, 7:468n
  • sends letter to TJ, 8:231
  • sends prospectus to TJ, 3:552, 3:552n, 3:578–3:579
  • sends respects to TJ, 7:308–7:309
  • sends works to TJ, 11:61, 11:165–11:166, 19:202, 19:225
  • taxation policy of, 4:234, 4:235n
  • Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses, 3:209, 3:261, 3:298, 3:578, 3:579n, 7:467, 7:468n

Law Academy of Philadelphia, 17:141

Lawfeld. See Lauffeld, Battle of

Lawler, James

  • wheat of, 11:537n

Lawler, Matthew

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Law of Nations. See Le Droit des Gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle, appliqué à la conduite & aux affaires des nations & des souverains (E. von Vattel)

The Law of Nature (Volney), 8:668, 8:669n, 18:75, 18:126, 18:167, 18:176

Law of Orleans. See A Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans (L. Kerr and L. Moreau Lislet)

Law, or, A Discourse Thereof, In foure Bookes (H. Finch), 7:147–7:148

Lawrance, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:479

Lawrence, Abraham R.

  • and New York City customhouse, 19:499n

Lawrence, David (sloop captain), 11:216

Lawrence, Esther R. Gracie (William Beach Lawrence’s wife)

  • travels of, 17:202–17:203, 17:203n

Lawrence, James

  • biography of proposed, 19:427
  • quoted, 18:57, 18:60n
  • TJ quotes, 9:330, 9:331n, 18:333, 18:334n

Lawrence, John

  • and University of Virginia, 19:47, 19:52n, 20:556

Lawrence, Sir William

  • Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man, 17:535, 17:537n

Lawrence, William Beach

  • identified, 16:555n
  • introduced to TJ, 16:555
  • letter from, 17:202–17:203
  • letter to, 17:219–17:220
  • seeks letters of introduction from TJ, 17:202–17:203, 17:219–17:220
  • TJ introduces to Lafayette, 17:219
  • visits Monticello, 16:555, 17:202–17:203

Laws of Harvard College, 20:377, 20:378n

The Laws of Las Siete Partidas (trans. L. Moreau Lislet and H. Carleton), 3:53n, 3:160–3:161, 3:168, 18:239

Laws of the College of South-Carolina, 19:450, 19:450–19:451n, 19:539

Laws of the State of New-York, respecting Navigable Communications between The Great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, 11:281n

The laws of the United States of America (Z. Swift), 2:521

Laws of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815 (J. B. Colvin), 8:151, 8:152n, 8:179, 12:400

Lawson, Alexander

  • engraving by, 9:352n, 10:200 (illus.) , 10:201n
  • identified, 10:201n

Lawson, Robert

  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:193, 15:194

Lawson, Sarah

  • boardinghouse of, 3:552

Lawur, Peter

  • letters from accounted for, 1:677

laxatives, 7:387

Lay, Amos

  • Map of the Northern Part of the State of New York, 5:263n, 5:306n, 5:581

Lazaria (Maria) (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303

Lazzerini, Bartolommeo

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

Lea, Isaac See also H. C. Carey & I. Lea (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 18:481–18:482n

Leach, William Elford

  • as reference for C. S. Rafinesque, 17:89, 17:89
  • as zoologist, 16:568


  • architectural ornaments of, 18:494, 18:494, 18:630, 19:liii, 19:277, 19:477, 19:488, 19:513, 19:514–19:515, 19:520, 19:520–19:522, 19:523, 19:567, 20:219
  • bar, 18:43, 19:13
  • as building material, 15:96, 15:100, 19:185, 19:189, 19:191n, 20:555
  • from Great Britain, 13:381
  • manufacture of, 2:376
  • mines, 12:544n
  • in N.Y., 8:209n
  • sheet, 19:185, 19:189, 19:191n
  • for shot, 8:96, 8:113n+, 8:120, 8:121, 8:121, 12:544
  • for sundials, 11:176
  • tubing, 20:638
  • white, 1:55n, 1:77, 5:33, 6:111, 15:101, 17:6, 17:7, 18:44, 18:174, 19:15, 19:277, 19:277, 19:277

Leake, Josiah

  • as subscription agent, 15:452–15:453n, 16:363

Leake, Mask, 16:646

Leake, Samuel

  • identified, 16:647n
  • land claim of, 16:646–16:647, 17:30
  • letter from, 16:646–16:647
  • letter to, 17:30

Leake, Walter, 2:211

Leake, William Martin

  • Researches in Greece, 9:197n

Leamy, John

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Leander (British warship), 1:228n

Lear, Benjamin Lincoln

  • education of, 6:158–6:159, 6:208
  • identified, 17:500n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:315n, 17:443, 17:485, 17:497, 17:497n, 17:498–17:500, 17:501n, 17:510, 17:513, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550, 20:52
  • letter from, 17:498–17:501
  • letter to, 17:513–17:514
  • visits Monticello, 20:52

Lear, Frances Dandridge Henley (Tobias Lear’s wife)

  • mentioned, 6:208, 6:208
  • sends greetings to TJ, 6:159
  • TJ sends greetings to, 6:209

Lear, Tobias

  • as consul at Algiers, 6:159–6:160n, 6:164, 11:661, 11:663n, 20:578–20:579
  • death of, 10:496, 10:496n
  • identified, 6:159n
  • letters from, 6:157–6:160
  • letters to, 6:208–6:209
  • and proposed visit to TJ, 6:158, 6:208
  • son’s education, 6:158–6:159, 6:208

A learned commendation of the politique lawes of England (J. Fortescue), 17:419


  • buckskin clothing, 20:452
  • for chairs, 16:573
  • hides, 15:451
  • map drawn on, 8:238, 16:36
  • shaving machines, 11:240
  • for shoes, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:348, 8:234, 18:410
  • tanning, 8:411, 9:29, 9:30n, 16:460, 16:589, 18:410
  • TJ buys, 9:254, 9:604, 18:49, 18:318n
  • for University of Virginia, 15:97, 15:100, 20:210, 20:212

Leavenworth, Mark, 3:542, 3:543n

Leavitt, Dudley

  • identified, 7:407–7:408n
  • letters from, 7:407–7:408
  • Table for Determining the Moon’s Quarters, 7:407, 7:408–7:409

Le Baron, Francis

  • appointment of, 6:28n

Leblanc, Guillaume

  • translates Dionis Nicæi, rerum Romanarum a pompeio magno, ad Alexandrum Mamææ filium Epitom (Cassius Dio; ed. J. Xiphilinus), 10:233

le Blanc (Siblong) de Villeneufve, Paul Louis

  • La Fête du Petit Blé; ou, L’Heroisme du Poucha-Houmma, 1:202, 1:203n, 1:509

LeBourdais, Mr., 1:557

Le Bourgeois, Mr., 2:244

Le Breton, John

  • British army officer, 8:221

Le Breton Deschapelles, Louis Césaire

  • and batture controversy, 10:668–10:669
  • identified, 10:669n
  • letter from, 10:668–10:669

Le Breton D’orgenoy, Francis Joseph. See D’orgenoy, Francis Joseph Le Breton

Le Brun, Charles

  • identified, 18:96–18:97n
  • letter from, 18:95–18:97
  • letter to, 18:156
  • recommended by T. Kosciuszko, 18:95, 18:97n
  • translates B. Barère’s La Libertád de los Mares, ó el Gobiérno Inglés descubiérto, 18:95–18:96, 18:156
  • translates A. Pope’s Essay on Man, 18:96

Lebrun, Ponce Denis Écouchard, 7:665

Lechevalier, Jean Baptiste

  • as librarian, 10:311, 11:632
  • Voyage de La Troade, Fait dans les années 1785 et 1786, 11:632, 12:112

Leclerc, Georges Louis, 5:452n

Leclerc, Jean (Johannes Clericus)

  • edits Æschinis Socratici Dialogi Tres Græce et Latine, ad quos accessit quarti Latinum Fragmentum (Aeschines Socraticus), 10:233
  • edits Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (Livy), 5:501, 5:594, 5:594–5:595n, 5:625, 6:157, 7:286, 10:233, 11:414, 12:576, 14:510, 17:106
  • and Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Exstant (Hesiod), 9:196

Leçons d’Anatomie Comparée (G. Cuvier), 8:429, 8:429n

Leçons d’Histoire (Volney), 1:580

Le Conte, John Eatton, 10:287, 10:288n

Le Coulteux, Mr., 2:13

A Lecture, introductory to a Course of Lectures, now delivering in the University of Maryland (D. Hoffman), 20:372, 20:373n

A Lecture, introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Cause, Seat and Cure of Diseases (J. Crawford), 4:336, 4:338n, 4:394

Lectures on History, and General Policy (J. Priestley), 19:505

Lectures on Mechanics (Helsham), 1:581

Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy (G. Adams), 1:581, 14:375, 14:378n, 19:505

Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man (W. Lawrence), 17:535, 17:537n

Lectures on Political Principles (D. Williams), 3:38, 3:40n, 3:87, 3:189, 3:334

Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (H. Blair), 1:576, 7:629, 7:662, 12:576, 16:5, 16:381, 16:458, 19:505

Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory (J. Q. Adams), 4:390, 4:391n, 4:428, 4:430n, 4:435, 4:473, 4:483, 12:576

Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics (J. Ferguson) , 1:581, 6:380, 9:638n, 19:506

Lectures on the adulteration of food and culinary poisons (J. Cutbush), 20:6, 20:37

Lédenon, France

  • wine from, 10:170, 10:170, 10:338, 11:246, 11:404, 11:404, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:531, 11:653, 12:374, 12:515, 12:566, 12:580, 13:10, 13:302, 14:327, 14:328, 14:328, 14:328, 14:329, 15:120, 15:262, 16:117, 16:117, 16:117, 16:425, 16:510, 17:139, 17:140, 18:457, 19:641–19:642

Ledlie, Elizabeth

  • signs petition, 18:146

Le Duc, Marie Pierre

  • as notary, 7:366n

Ledyard, Isaac

  • and J. Ledyard (1751–89), 12:281

Ledyard, John (1751–89)

  • biography of, 12:188, 12:280–12:281, 16:272, 16:273n
  • A Journal of Captain Cook’s last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North-West Passage, between Asia & America, 12:188, 12:189n, 16:272, 17:341
  • and western exploration, 6:417, 6:420, 9:650, 12:280–12:281, 17:341–17:342, 19:197, 19:201n

Ledyard, John (of Connecticut)

  • letters from, 2:419, 2:423–2:424
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 2:419, 2:423–2:424

Lee, Arthur

  • and cession of Northwest Territory, 4:567
  • as diplomat, 17:329
  • The Farmer’s and Monitor’s Letters, 6:440
  • as member of Confederation Congess, 17:333, 17:333
  • relationship with B. Franklin, 8:23, 13:466
  • as writer, 6:440

Lee, Arthur (1779–1828)

  • as Va. legislator, 19:284

Lee, Charles, 12:427

Lee, Charles (1731–82)

  • accused of desertion, 18:138

Lee, David B.

  • flying machine of, 18:344–18:345, 18:346, 18:347–18:348, 18:349n, 18:359
  • identified, 18:348–18:349n
  • letter from, 18:344–18:349
  • letter to, 18:359–18:360
  • petitions Congress, 18:345, 18:349n
  • rivalry with J. Bennett, 18:345–18:346, 18:349n

Lee, Edmund Jennings, 1:516

Lee, Eliza Collins

  • given portrait of J. Madison, 12:li

Lee, Francis Lightfoot

  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:367, 17:312
  • as Va. legislator, 17:313, 17:314

Lee, Henry (1756–1818)

  • and American Revolution, 13:115, 19:122, 19:130
  • criticism of, 19:215, 19:216, 19:428
  • as defense witness, 1:277, 1:278–1:279n
  • funeral oration for G. Washington, 19:441n
  • and P. Henry, 4:604
  • introduces I. McPherson, 6:353, 6:354n
  • medal voted for, 2:104–2:105, 2:106n, 2:125–2:126, 2:224, 2:253
  • Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States, 6:122, 8:178, 8:179n, 19:96–19:97, 19:97, 19:100n
  • and TJ’s remark on G. Washington, 10:423n

Lee, Henry (1787–1837)

  • and father’s medal, 2:104–2:105, 2:106n, 2:224, 2:253

Lee, Henry (of Winchester)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 16:303

Lee, James

  • as trustee for J. Paradise and L. L. Paradise, 9:283, 9:284, 9:284

Lee, James (of England)

  • patents machine, 10:548n

Lee, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 17:632, 19:47

Lee, Rachel Fanny Antonina

  • An Essay on Government, 1:123–1:124, 3:116, 3:117n

Lee, Richard Bland

  • and assumption of Revolutionary War debts, 12:424
  • and W. Bentley, 2:170n
  • as commissioner of public buildings, 8:596n, 12:641
  • given portrait of J. Madison, 12:li
  • identified, 14:581–14:582n
  • letter from, 14:581–14:582
  • letter to, 14:603–14:604
  • An Oration, delivered July 5, 1819, In the Chamber of the House of Representatives, 14:581–14:582, 14:603

Lee, Richard Evers

  • identified, 6:364n
  • introduced to TJ, 6:364

Lee, Richard Henry

  • and G. R. Clark’s 1779 expedition, 4:378
  • on Declaration of Independence, 20:124
  • family of, 10:421, 10:423n
  • and P. Henry, 4:378
  • as member of Continental Congress, 4:600, 4:601, 4:602, 6:440, 6:612, 6:612, 6:613, 8:620, 8:626, 8:626n, 8:643–8:644, 10:421, 11:202, 13:331, 17:316, 17:317, 20:138, 20:138n
  • oratorial skills of, 2:156
  • and J. Otis, 13:618–13:619
  • recommends W. Kendall, 18:138
  • reputed speech of, 8:626, 8:626n, 8:643–8:644, 14:138, 16:441, 16:472–16:473
  • and Stamp Act Resolutions, 8:642
  • TJ on, 7:411, 7:411, 8:642, 16:472–16:473
  • and J. Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence, 13:329, 13:330n
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:367, 9:369n, 17:312
  • as Va. legislator, 17:313, 17:314

Lee, Thomas Ludwell

  • biography of proposed, 8:619
  • and revision of Va. laws, 1:381–1:382, 3:570, 5:136, 7:549, 17:322, 17:322, 17:323
  • and Stamp Act Resolutions, 8:642

Lee, Thomas Sim

  • death of, 15:235

Lee, Tom (Shackelford estate’s slave), 3:36, 3:37n, 3:529

Lee, William (173995)

  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 11:59, 11:59n

Lee, William (17721840)

  • assists J. Ronaldson in Paris, 2:163
  • and J. M. Baker, 12:93, 12:473, 12:473–12:474
  • and bust of G. Washington, 8:161
  • and commercial agent for Le Havre, 9:363n
  • consul at Bordeaux, 1:118, 1:121n, 3:166, 3:178, 3:442, 3:599, 4:189, 4:529–4:530, 4:530n, 7:428n, 7:428n, 7:491n, 8:37, 8:571, 9:388, 9:389–9:390n, 9:421, 9:570, 9:573n, 9:655, 9:656n, 10:215, 10:489, 10:632, 12:567
  • Les États-Unis et L’Angleterre, 8:150–8:151, 8:151n, 10:342, 10:489
  • family of, 8:151
  • forwards letters to TJ, 2:672, 10:39
  • on France, 10:490
  • and F. Gard, 10:39, 10:489
  • identified, 2:672n
  • and immigration, 10:489–10:491
  • introduces J. Achard, 15:448, 15:484
  • introduces C. Lowell, 12:102
  • introduces J. A. Pénières-Delors, 10:491
  • letters from, 2:672, 8:150–8:151, 10:39–10:40, 10:489–10:491, 11:449–11:450, 11:506–11:507, 12:102, 12:260, 12:354, 15:448
  • letters to, 10:342–10:343, 10:670–10:671, 11:413, 11:471–11:472, 11:602, 12:185–12:186, 12:339, 15:484
  • and manufacturing in U.S., 10:489
  • plans visit to Monticello, 10:491, 10:516
  • recommends A. and C. de Montcarel, 13:419, 13:441
  • and Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française, 10:632, 10:635, 10:670–10:671
  • and C. Stewart’s apprenticeship, 12:185, 12:186, 12:257, 12:260, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:396
  • as War Department accountant, 10:496n
  • weaving enterprise of, 11:413, 11:449–11:450, 11:463–11:464, 11:470, 11:471–11:472, 11:506–11:507, 11:602, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354

Lee, William Raymond

  • forwards items to TJ, 4:4, 4:215, 4:220, 6:163
  • identified, 4:220n
  • letters to, 4:220
  • and G. H. Ward, 12:379, 13:5

Leedes, Edward

  • edits De Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum (L. Küster), 10:358

Leeds, Francis Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen, 5th Duke of, 1:516, 10:116, 10:117n, 17:339

Lee family

  • and Port Folio, 7:318
  • TJ on, 7:548

Leesburg, Va.

  • convention of Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia held in, 20:5, 20:5n
  • Republican mechanics of, address TJ, 1:89–1:90

Leeson, Thomas

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:385, 15:386n, 16:310
  • letter from, 15:385–15:386

Lefevre, Jean Baptiste

  • land warrant issued to, 2:74, 2:75n, 2:94

Leforest, A., 2:154

Leftwich, Jabez , 5:339

Leftwich, Joel

  • military service of, 7:227
  • as sheriff, 12:29n, 14:114n
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:339

Leftwich’s Mill (Bedford Co.)

  • on route to Natural Bridge, 9:35

Legaré, Hugh Swinton

  • An Oration, delivered on the Fourth of July, 1823; before the ’76 Association, 20:16, 20:16n

Legare, John Berwick

  • identified, 13:158n
  • letter from, 13:157–13:159
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 13:157

Legaux, Pierre

  • and Alexander grape, 4:524, 4:525n

Legendre, Adrien Marie

  • Éléments de Géométrie, 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:561, 14:215, 19:617, 20:469

Le Gendre, Louis, 3:235, 3:237n

Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ Ecclesiasticæ & Civilies (D. Wilkins), 7:126, 7:127, 16:364, 17:197

Leghorn (Livorno), Italy. See Appleton, Thomas

Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliæ (H. de Bracton), 1:383, 3:546, 7:125–7:127, 7:257, 7:627, 16:640, 16:641, 18:335, 18:336n

The Legislatorial Trial of Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of England, Consort of George the Fourth, for the alleged Crime of Adultery with Bartolomeo Bergami (E. Barron), 17:536

Lego (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • acreage of, 4:387
  • hogs at, 5:545
  • lease of, 1:488n, 3:522, 12:301–12:305, 13:355, 15:545
  • livestock at, 12:303–12:304
  • and W. McClure’s weaving establishment, 4:143
  • overseers at, 1:137–1:138n, 3:180, 3:181n, 3:196, 3:642, 4:101, 9:604n, 10:387, 10:388n, 12:167n, 13:476n
  • sale of proposed, 15:614, 15:614n, 16:110
  • slaves at, 3:37, 3:180–3:181, 3:196, 6:181, 12:303, 14:476, 14:477n, 14:494, 14:555
  • surveys of, 2:107–2:108, 2:109n, 3:570–3:573, 5:362
  • and TJ’s lease dispute with E. Alexander, 2:85–2:86, 2:150–2:151, 2:199, 2:200, 2:212–2:213, 2:239–2:240, 2:240, 2:277–2:281, 2:282, 2:286, 2:286–2:287, 2:294
  • tobacco grown at, 2:86, 2:200, 2:239, 2:240
  • wheat grown at, 2:239, 2:240, 3:191, 9:152, 16:444

Legrand, Jacques Guillaume

  • Description de Paris et de ses Édifices, 12:107

Le Havre, France

  • consul at, 10:9–10:10, 10:21, 10:22n

Lehré, Thomas

  • appointed loans commissioner, 6:113n, 14:301
  • and appointment as federal marshal, 6:28, 6:29, 6:29n, 6:63–6:64, 6:64, 6:113
  • and celebration of Revolutionary War victory, 6:250
  • desires TJ’s opinion on foreign affairs, 7:459, 13:130
  • on J. W. Eppes’s election, 6:80
  • and Fourth of July celebration, 20:15, 20:16
  • and P. Freneau, 6:611, 6:636
  • on Great Britain, 6:80
  • identified, 5:244n
  • introduces J. Bellinger, 6:317
  • letters from, 5:243–5:244, 5:284–5:286, 5:329–5:330, 5:332, 5:355–5:356, 5:393–5:394, 5:680–5:681, 6:28–6:29, 6:80, 6:113, 6:250–6:251, 6:317, 6:611, 6:636, 7:459, 13:129, 13:130, 14:300–14:302, 20:15–20:16
  • letters to, 5:303–5:304, 6:63–6:64, 7:524–7:525, 13:142–13:143, 20:64–20:65
  • and opinion of TJ in S.C., 20:15–20:16, 20:64
  • on Republicans, 5:244
  • and S.C. politics, 5:243–5:244, 5:284–5:285, 5:285–5:286n, 5:303–5:304, 5:329, 5:329–5:330n, 5:332, 5:393, 5:680–5:681, 5:681n, 6:317, 7:459, 13:129, 13:130, 13:142–13:143
  • seeks federal appointment, 14:300–14:301
  • supports TJ and J. Madison for president, 6:28
  • on War of 1812, 6:250–6:251, 6:636

Leib, Michael

  • appointed postmaster of Philadelphia, 7:196, 7:197n
  • and A. Gallatin, 1:598, 1:599n
  • identified, 4:174n
  • introduces J. Ronaldson, 18:521
  • letters from, 4:173–4:175
  • letters to, 4:164
  • recommends A. Macaulay, 2:304
  • sends respects to TJ, 7:308–7:309
  • supports W. Duane, 4:174, 4:174n
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n, 4:173, 6:241

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:480, 7:667
  • philosophy of, 7:557, 9:651, 11:268, 11:270n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:506
  • works of, 11:383

Leigh, Benjamin Watkins

  • aide to J. Barbour, 7:632, 7:633n
  • as attorney, 19:92–19:93, 20:146

Leigh, Sir Egerton (1733–1781)

  • family of, 7:28

Leigh, Sir Egerton (1762–1818)

  • health of, 7:68–7:69, 7:143
  • identified, 7:69n
  • introduced by D. Ramsay, 7:28, 7:68, 7:143, 7:143
  • letters from, 7:68–7:69
  • letters to, 7:143
  • proposed visit to Monticello, 7:68–7:69, 7:143

Leiper, Elizabeth Coultas Gray (Thomas Leiper’s wife), 18:360

“Leiper, George G.” (pseudonym)

  • letters from, 18:341, 18:342
  • TJ’s loan to, 18:341, 18:342, 18:343, 18:350, 18:352, 18:352, 18:353, 18:357, 18:360–18:361, 18:363
  • visits Monticello, 18:341, 18:352, 18:360

Leiper, George Gray (Thomas Leiper’s son), 18:352, 18:363, 19:623

Leiper, Samuel McKean, 19:623

Leiper, Thomas

  • and agriculture, 19:591, 19:606–19:607, 19:624, 19:635, 19:636
  • on Alexander I, 7:104, 7:298, 9:217–9:218
  • criticizes Great Britain, 7:36–7:37, 7:298–7:299
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:203
  • and W. Duane, 3:450–3:451, 3:452n, 3:506, 3:507, 3:585
  • and election of 1800, 18:247–18:248
  • family of, 18:363, 19:623, 19:635
  • finances of, 19:622–19:623, 19:635–19:636, 20:586
  • and “George G. Leiper”, 18:341, 18:343n, 18:350, 18:352, 18:352, 18:353, 18:357, 18:360–18:361, 18:363
  • identified, 7:37n
  • and internal improvements, 19:622, 19:624
  • letters from, 7:36–7:38, 7:104–7:105, 7:297–7:300, 9:216–9:218, 18:352–18:353, 18:363, 19:591–19:592, 19:606–19:607, 19:621–19:625, 20:585–20:588
  • letters to, 7:96–7:99, 8:531–8:534, 12:558–12:559, 17:578–17:579, 18:352, 18:360–18:361, 19:635–19:637
  • on Napoleon, 7:37, 7:298, 7:298, 7:298, 7:299, 9:216–9:217, 9:217
  • and politics, 19:623–19:624, 19:635, 20:585–20:587
  • and portraits of Napoleon, 19:623, 19:625n, 19:636
  • on prophecy, 7:36–7:37
  • purchases TJ’s tobacco, 4:593
  • quarry of, 18:360, 19:623
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • and religion, 19:623, 19:636
  • and Second Bank of U.S., 12:558
  • sends works to TJ, 19:591, 19:606, 19:635
  • and taxes, 9:217
  • TJ introduces F. Watson to, 17:578–17:579
  • TJ reports on politics and international affairs to, 8:531–8:534
  • and TJ’s letter to G. Logan, 7:36–7:37, 7:96–7:99, 7:104–7:105
  • and F. Watson, 18:352, 18:363

Leiper, William Jones, 19:623

Leipzig, Battle of (Battle of the Nations) (1813), 6:637n, 7:158n, 14:415, 14:416n

Leitch, A.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:310

Leitch, James See also Samuel & James Leitch (Charlottesville firm)

  • accepts draft, 2:234n
  • account with TJ, 1:64, 1:65n, 8:48, 9:565–9:566, 9:597, 9:656, 11:426n, 12:644, 12:644, 13:165, 13:528n, 14:472, 15:450, 16:363, 16:624, 17:8, 17:8, 17:8, 17:9, 17:36, 17:37n, 17:47n, 17:285, 18:44, 18:623n, 19:8, 19:8, 19:8, 19:11, 19:12, 19:13, 19:14, 19:14, 19:15, 19:69
  • agent for TJ, 3:83, 4:77, 5:394, 6:431, 9:267, 9:269, 11:452, 16:270, 16:274, 17:68, 17:83
  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:427, 7:535, 7:570, 7:571
  • C. L. Bankhead’s debt to, 8:394
  • and Central College, 11:322, 11:329, 11:565, 12:274, 12:292, 12:301, 12:646, 15:91, 15:91, 15:93, 15:93, 15:94, 15:95, 15:100, 15:101
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 13:161, 13:164, 13:164n, 15:97, 16:476, 17:620, 20:195
  • and Charlottesville Female Academy, 16:26n
  • and currency for TJ, 12:45+
  • extracts from daybook of, 15:449–15:453, 16:5–16:14, 16:191n, 16:289n, 16:363n, 16:470n, 17:4–17:11, 17:234n, 17:291n+, 18:40–18:51, 18:174n, 18:225n, 18:280n, 18:319n, 19:8–19:16
  • and gunpowder sales, 3:583
  • identified, 1:65n
  • introduces Mr. Logan, 10:673
  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • letters from, 1:64–1:65, 1:458, 2:40, 2:77, 5:394, 6:431, 8:48, 9:656, 10:673, 11:470–11:471, 12:186, 12:274, 12:502, 12:555, 12:646
  • letters from accounted for, 19:16n, 20:576n
  • letters to, 1:302–1:303, 4:182, 4:358, 4:477, 4:496, 4:647, 4:686–4:687, 5:119, 5:133, 5:394, 8:380, 8:570, 12:45+, 12:454, 13:32+, 13:64–13:65, 13:92, 13:166–13:167, 14:379–14:380, 15:71, 15:134, 15:144, 15:315, 15:453, 15:475, 15:479+, 15:485, 16:191, 16:289, 16:363, 16:470, 17:234, 17:291+, 18:174, 18:225, 18:280, 18:319, 18:368
  • letters to accounted for, 5:394n, 12:626n, 20:576n
  • and loan to J. Gorman, 20:123, 20:123n
  • makes payments for TJ, 12:lii, 12:614n, 12:614n, 13:169, 14:295, 14:295n, 14:549n, 15:451, 18:41, 18:368, 18:435n, 18:647–18:648, 18:648n, 19:8, 19:8, 19:11, 19:14, 20:383n
  • mentioned, 20:30
  • and nails from TJ, 2:77
  • and packages for TJ, 13:327, 13:327n, 14:97, 16:126–16:127, 16:131, 16:140, 16:326, 16:366, 16:375, 16:376, 16:389, 17:110–17:111, 17:147, 17:224, 18:118, 18:298
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • provides postal services, 16:382
  • requests payment from TJ, 2:40, 2:52–2:53, 2:77, 2:80
  • returns papers to TJ, 12:502, 12:555
  • sells knives, 14:20
  • store of, 14:8, 14:8–14:9, 14:10n, 16:363, 18:604n, 18:642, 18:647
  • and timothy seed, 4:156, 4:194
  • TJ orders clothes from, 4:496, 8:380, 8:570, 9:566, 9:566, 12:45+, 18:225
  • TJ orders goods from, 1:302–1:303, 4:182, 4:209, 4:210, 4:211, 4:358, 4:477, 4:647, 4:686, 5:119, 5:133, 5:394, 9:565–9:566, 9:597, 9:656, 12:454, 13:32+, 13:64–13:65, 13:92, 14:636, 15:71, 15:134, 15:144, 15:315, 15:449–15:453, 15:475, 15:479+, 15:485, 16:5–16:14, 16:191, 16:289, 16:470, 17:4–17:11, 17:234, 17:291+, 18:40–18:51, 18:174, 18:225n, 18:280, 18:319, 18:643, 19:8–19:16
  • TJ pays, 12:541, 12:541n, 12:613, 12:614, 12:633, 12:656, 13:141, 13:142n, 13:356, 13:393, 13:475, 13:476n, 14:42, 14:220, 14:244, 14:244, 14:296, 14:309, 14:318, 14:318, 14:319, 14:354, 14:380, 14:415, 14:473, 14:473, 14:473, 14:474, 14:474, 14:549, 14:549n, 14:571, 15:450, 15:483, 15:483n, 15:513, 16:363, 16:366, 17:46, 17:47n, 17:531, 17:532n, 18:623, 19:38n, 20:382, 20:383n, 20:405, 20:576
  • TJ’s debt to, 13:142n, 13:166–13:167, 13:415n, 13:595n, 14:295, 14:295n, 14:316, 14:379–14:380, 15:425, 15:453, 16:363, 16:649, 16:649, 19:495, 19:496n
  • trades nails for goods, 1:64, 1:303, 1:458
  • and University of Virginia, 15:96, 15:96, 15:97, 15:101, 15:103, 16:303, 16:303, 16:303, 16:304, 16:310, 16:319, 16:475, 16:476, 16:478, 16:478, 16:480, 16:481, 17:627, 17:631, 17:632, 17:637, 17:642, 17:650, 19:46, 19:185, 20:197, 20:199, 20:215, 20:216, 20:219, 20:220
  • vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
  • and weaver, 11:463–11:464, 11:470, 11:602, 12:185, 12:186, 12:274, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:396
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280
  • works sent to, 14:215

Leitch, Samuel (d. 1841) See also Samuel & James Leitch (Charlottesville firm)

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:95, 16:308, 16:309, 16:314, 16:316
  • and Central College subscription, 13:162
  • identified, 3:242n
  • letter from accounted for, 9:719
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Leitch, Samuel (1790–1870)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 16:307, 16:309, 17:636, 19:51

Leitch, Samuel & James (Charlottesville firm). See Samuel & James Leitch (Charlottesville firm)

Leitch, William

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:329, 13:162, 15:98

Leith, Dr.

  • and cheese-making, 15:418n

Leith threshing machine, 5:444–5:445, 5:445n

Leland, John

  • A View Of the Principal Deistical Writers, 6:302

Leland, Thomas

  • translates All the Orations of Demosthenes (Demosthenes), 19:505

Lemaire, Étienne

  • death of, 12:176, 12:273
  • identified, 1:56n
  • and kitchen inventory of President’s House, 1:43n, 1:155, 1:155, 1:156n
  • letters from, 1:59–1:60, 1:71–1:72, 1:188–1:189, 1:222
  • letters to, 1:55–1:56, 1:161–1:162
  • maître d’hôtel, 1:42
  • offered employment by W. Short, 7:469
  • offers to run errands in Philadelphia, 1:60, 1:71
  • sends oil and syrup to TJ, 1:161, 1:188, 1:188, 1:222, 1:245, 1:257
  • TJ pays, 1:41, 1:293–1:294
  • TJ praises, 1:55–1:56, 1:71

Le Maire, Jacques, 1:450

Lemaire, Santiago, 3:478n, 5:85n

Le Mercier de La Rivière, Paul Pierre

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Le Mierre, Antoine Marin

  • La Veuve du Malabar, 7:77, 7:78n

Le Monnier, Pierre Charles

  • translates Institutions Astronomiques, 7:626


  • acid, 7:594, 7:602, 8:613, 8:627, 8:641
  • juice, 20:189

Lemosy, Auguste

  • and J. David, 9:199

Le Moyne, Jean Baptiste, sieur de Bienville

  • French colonial governor of La., 9:479, 9:480n

Le Moyne, Pierre, sieur d’Iberville

  • French colonial governor of La., 9:479, 9:480n

Lemprière, John

  • A Classical Dictionary, 14:276, 14:351
  • Universal Biography, 12:534

Leney, William Satchwell

  • engraver, 6:125, 9:405n, 9:459, 9:461, 9:461n, 10:493, 10:493n

L’Enfant, Peter (Pierre) Charles

  • and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:430

Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nicolas

  • Tablettes Chronologiques de L’Histoire Universelle, 10:234, 19:510

Lenni Lenape Indians

  • clothing and implements of, 16:155
  • history of, 16:107–16:109, 16:131–16:132, 16:133
  • language of, 16:108–16:109
  • mentioned, 16:154
  • and Moravian missionaries, 9:65
  • works on, 13:89, 14:132n, 16:181

Lenoir, Étienne

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:223

Lenox, Peter

  • identified, 5:178–5:179n
  • letters from, 5:177–5:179
  • seeks position at Washington, 5:177–5:178, 8:592, 8:592
  • TJ pays, 1:41

Lenthall, John

  • clerk of works at U.S. Capitol, 1:92, 5:205
  • death of, 1:65n


  • sent to TJ, 13:278, 20:605

Lentz, John, 6:83n

Leo X, pope, 7:74, 9:432, 14:78

“Leolin.” See Austin, James Trecothick

Leonard, David Augustus

  • identified, 7:94n
  • letters from, 7:93–7:94, 7:105–7:106
  • letters to, 7:141–7:142
  • and westward relocation, 7:93–7:94, 7:105, 7:141–7:142

Leonard, George

  • and University of Virginia, 16:307, 17:625

Leonard, Jonathan

  • letter from accounted for, 10:79n

Leonard, Uriah

  • as blacksmith at University of Virginia, 17:650, 19:48, 19:63, 19:238, 20:197, 20:197, 20:209, 20:209, 20:214, 20:215, 20:215, 20:216, 20:219, 20:220, 20:227, 20:232
  • and University of Virginia, 19:47, 19:48, 19:48, 19:49, 19:54, 19:56, 19:186, 19:187, 19:189, 19:190, 20:555

Leonardo da Vinci

  • and portrait of A. Vespucci, 7:613

Leoni, Giacomo

  • The Architecture of A. Palladio, 14:480+, 17:133, 17:133–17:134, 19:552, 20:237, 20:237, 20:238

Leonidas, king of Sparta, 12:518, 20:24

León y Gama, Antonio de

  • Descripción histórica y cronológica de los piedras, 1:521, 1:521n, 1:556

Leopard, HMS

  • and Chesapeake incident, 2:261n, 16:465–16:466, 17:518–17:519

Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor

  • and Declaration of Pillnitz, 7:299–7:300n
  • permits P. Mazzei’s immigration to U.S., 9:115
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:507

Léoville (wine), 9:513

Le Page du Pratz, Antoine Simon

  • The History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, 17:536

Le Peletier de Rosanbo, Antoinette de Lamoignon de Malesherbes, madame de, 14:203–14:204

Lepidium officinale. See water cress

Lepidium sativum. See garden cress

Lepidus, Junia (Marcus Aemilius Lepidus’s wife), 17:73n


  • Encyclopédie Méthodique: Jurisprudence, 3:130, 3:174n, 3:175n, 3:546

Leray de Chaumont, Jacques Donatien, 2:13

Le Ray de Chaumont, James

  • An Address, delivered at the meeting at the Agricultural Society of Jefferson County, December 29, 1817, 13:71, 13:72n, 13:172n
  • and agricultural societies, 13:71, 13:172
  • carries TJ’s letters, 5:449
  • identified, 13:71–13:72n
  • introduces M. A. Jullien, 12:229, 12:232n
  • letter from, 13:172
  • letter to, 13:71–13:72
  • and Lafayette, 3:446
  • and D. B. Warden, 7:506n, 7:506n
  • wealth of, 17:585, 17:603, 19:468

LeRoy, Herman See also LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); LeRoy, Bayard & McEvers (New York firm)

  • and mortgage to T. M. Randolph, 20:366, 20:366n

Leroy, Lewis (d. 1843)

  • family of, 12:478
  • identified, 12:480n
  • letter from, 12:477–12:480
  • recommendations for, 12:478
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 12:477–12:478

Leroy, Lewis, Jr.

  • education of, 12:478

Leroy, Louis

  • Les politiqves d’Aristote, 3:546

LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm)

  • identified, 9:580n
  • letters from, 10:302–10:303, 11:366–11:367, 11:419, 13:88, 14:73, 14:432, 15:481+, 17:117, 18:494–18:495, 18:537, 20:29, 20:57–20:58
  • letters to, 10:319, 11:293, 11:381, 13:43–13:44, 14:53–14:54, 14:354, 15:471–15:472, 17:21, 18:458, 18:526–18:527, 20:20, 20:46, 20:300–20:301
  • and TJ’s debt to P. Mazzei’s estate, 12:74
  • and TJ’s debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst, 10:302–10:303, 10:319, 11:290–11:291, 11:293, 11:304, 11:362, 11:366, 11:379, 11:380n, 11:380, 11:381n, 11:381, 11:395, 11:419, 11:419n, 12:613, 12:613, 13:42–13:43, 13:43–13:44, 13:88, 14:53–14:54, 14:73, 14:316, 14:354, 14:354, 14:415, 14:432, 14:473, 14:474, 14:483–14:484, 15:426, 15:471–15:472, 15:481+, 15:518, 15:538, 15:541, 15:590, 16:640n, 16:648, 16:649, 17:16, 17:21, 17:36, 17:46, 17:47, 17:117, 18:458, 18:458, 18:484, 18:494–18:495, 18:526–18:527, 18:537, 19:494, 20:20, 20:29, 20:46, 20:47, 20:54, 20:57, 20:143, 20:300–20:301, 20:301, 20:302, 20:302
  • and TJ’s lines of credit in Europe, 13:31, 13:79

LeRoy, Bayard & McEvers (New York firm)

  • identified, 9:580n
  • letters from, 9:579–9:580, 9:662–9:663, 9:679–9:680
  • letter to, 9:644
  • and TJ’s debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst, 9:579–9:580, 9:580–9:581, 9:644, 9:662–9:663, 9:679–9:680, 10:303

Le Sage, A. See Las Cases, Emmanuel Auguste Dieudonné Marin Joseph, Comte de (A. Le Sage)

Le Sage, Alain René

  • Le Diable Boiteux, 7:665
  • Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, 4:163n, 7:665, 9:598, 9:600n, 10:573, 12:534, 14:258, 19:508, 19:509n

Lescallier, Daniel

  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 5:7–5:8
  • The Enchanted Throne, An Indian Story translated from the Persian Language, 11:351, 11:351n, 11:441
  • identified, 1:184n
  • introduces Quinette de Rochemont, 11:351, 11:352n
  • letters from, 1:184, 11:351–11:352
  • letter to, 11:441
  • and A. M. Rochon, 5:301
  • sends publication to TJ, 1:184, 11:351, 11:351n
  • Le Trône Enchanté, Conte Indien traduit du Persan, 11:351n
  • Vocabulaire des Termes de Marine Anglais et Français, 1:36, 1:184n

Leschot, Louis A.

  • Charlottesville house of, 19:634
  • friendship with H. Roi, 19:375
  • identified, 11:365–11:366n
  • letters to, 11:365–11:366, 13:527–13:528
  • payment to, 11:539, 11:539n, 13:528n
  • and stoves for University of Virginia, 14:214, 14:229
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 13:528
  • TJ’s debt to, 12:644, 16:648
  • as watchmaker, 10:578–10:579, 11:198–11:199, 11:199n, 11:365, 11:374, 11:374n, 11:413, 11:413n, 11:507–11:508, 12:137–12:138, 12:396, 13:156, 13:527, 13:537, 15:305, 15:320

Leschot, Sophie Montandon (Louis A. Leschot’s wife)

  • TJ invites to Monticello, 13:528
  • TJ sends greetings to, 11:365

Leslie, Charles

  • A Short and Easie Method with Deists, 3:590, 3:590n

Leslie, Charles Robert

  • as portrait painter, 20:50

Leslie, Sir John

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 12:193, 12:201, 12:227, 13:510, 15:303
  • defended in A Short Statement of some important facts, relative to the late election of a Mathematical Professor in the University of Edinburgh (D. Stewart), 15:140
  • inquires about TJ’s family, 8:38, 8:244
  • introduction to sought, 13:485, 13:510
  • as professor at University of Edinburgh, 16:207–16:208, 16:208, 16:208
  • as scientist, 14:313
  • sends greetings to T. M. Randolph, 8:244
  • solicits article from D. B. Warden, 8:420

Le Souef, Jeremiah

  • as vice consul at London, 17:562n, 17:562n, 18:79

Lespinasse, Jeanne Julie Éléonore de

  • J. Adams on, 10:306, 14:30–14:31
  • Lettres de Mademoiselle de Lespinasse, 14:30, 14:31

Lesseps, Mathieu Maximilien Prosper, comte de

  • identified, 15:146n
  • recommended to TJ, 15:145

Lessi, Bernardo

  • and C. Bellini estate, 7:693–7:694, 9:113

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

  • popularity of, 9:84

Lesslie, John

  • and TJ’s flour, 4:12, 4:58, 10:671

Lessons to a Young Prince, by an Old Statesman (D. Williams), 15:337, 15:338n

L’Estrange, Sir Roger

  • translates Seneca’s Morals (Seneca), 19:505

Lesueur, Charles Alexandre

  • French naturalist, 12:516, 12:516n, 14:442–14:443, 14:489, 14:569

Le Tellier, François Michel, marquis de Louvois

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Le Tellier, John

  • identified, 2:316n
  • and Jefferson Cups, 2:xlii, 2:315–2:316, 2:316n, 2:474, 3:83, 3:154, 3:168, 3:177
  • letters from, 2:474, 11:604–11:605
  • letters to, 2:315–2:316, 11:548–11:549
  • and silversmith for Charlottesville, 11:548–11:549, 11:604–11:605

Létombe, Philippe André Joseph de, 1:256+, 5:266

Le Tourneur, Étienne François Louis Honoré, 10:44

Le Trosne, Guillaume François

  • French economist, 9:630

Letter, Addressed to the Most Reverend Leonard Neale, Arch Bishop of Baltimore (J. F. Oliveira Fernandes), 11:28, 11:28n, 11:28n, 11:63, 11:63–11:64n

A Letter concerning Toleration (J. Locke), 19:505

Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams (A. Hamilton), 19:367n

A Letter, from Germany, to the Princess Royal of England; on the English and German languages (H. Croft), 16:193–16:194

Letter from the Secretary of State Accompanied with a List of the Names of Persons who have Invented any New and Useful Art, Machine, Manufacture or Composition of Matter, 6:282, 6:282n

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting A List of Persons who Have Made Any New and Useful Invention, and for which Patents Have Been Obtained, from thirty-first December, 1813, to the first January, 1815, 8:408, 8:408n

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a List of the Names of Patentees, their Places of Residence, and the Nature of their Inventions or Improvements, 6:362

Letter from the Secretary of State, Transmitting a List of the Names of Persons to whom Patents have been Issued, 6:282, 6:282n

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting A List of the Names of Persons to whom Patents have been Issued … from January 1, 1812, to January 1, 1813, 8:195, 8:196n, 8:253

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting A List of the Names of Persons to whom Patents have been Issued … from January 1st, 1813, to January 1st, 1814, 8:195, 8:196n, 8:253

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting A List of the Names of Persons to whom Patents have been Granted, … from the 1st of January, 1815, to the 1st of January, 1816, 9:592, 9:593n

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting A List of the Names of Persons to whom Patents have been Issued, … from January 1st, 1816, to January 1st, 1817, 11:135, 11:136n

Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of Persons to whom Patents have been issued … For one year, prior to the 1st January, 1822, 18:292–18:293, 18:303, 18:304n

A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government (R. Walsh), 3:190n, 3:199, 3:200n

letter press (copying device), 17:45, 17:45n, 18:449, 19:32, 19:32n, 19:91–19:92, 19:256

letter press (furniture), 3:xlvii, 3:358 (illus.)

Letters addressed to the people of Virginia (S. Kercheval writing as “H. Tompkinson”), 10:162–10:163, 10:323, 10:367, 10:434

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (J. Dickinson), 8:643, 8:645n

Letters From Paris (W. C. Somerville), 19:630

Letters from Paris, Written During the Period of the late Accession and Abdication of Napoleon (T. B. Robertson), 14:583–14:584, 15:184

Letters from Washington, on the Constitution and Laws; with Sketches of some of the prominent public characters of the United States (G. Watterston), 16:168–16:169

Letters of Abbe Salemankis to a Friend in Ireland (“Salemankis”), 2:263, 2:296

Letters of Paul and Amicus, 19:612–19:613, 19:613n, 19:629

The Letters of the British Spy (W. Wirt), 4:471, 4:472n, 4:560, 8:140, 8:671, 8:672n, 19:505, 19:509n

Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton (G. Lyttelton), 19:505

Letters Of the Right Honourable Lady M—y W—y M—e: Written, during her Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa (M. W. Montagu), 19:506

Letters on England (J. E. White), 15:126

Letters on Political Liberty (D. Williams), 3:189, 3:190n, 3:207

Letters on Several Subjects (“T. Fitzosborne” [W. Melmoth]), 19:506

Letters on the Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church (J. Sparks), 16:272, 16:394, 18:37–18:38, 18:564, 19:75, 19:75n

Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New-York (“Hibernicus” [D. Clinton]), 19:171, 19:171n, 19:224–19:225

Letters on The Subject of The Catholics (S. Smith), 2:161, 2:161n

Letters Supposed to have passed between M. De St. Evremond and Mr. Waller (J. Langhorne), 19:506, 19:509n

Letters to A Young Lady on a Course of English Poetry (J. Aikin), 7:664

Letters to Friends (Cicero), 1:386, 1:386n, 17:490, 17:490–17:491n

Letters to the Directors of the Banks of Philadelphia, on the Pernicious Consequences of the Prevailing System of Reducing the Amount of Bills Discounted (M. Carey), 19:591, 19:592n

Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its neighbourhood (J. Priestley), 1:119, 1:121–1:122n, 7:224, 7:225n

Letters to The Jews; inviting them to an Amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity (J. Priestley), 9:651–9:652, 9:652n

Letters written by the late right honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. (Lord Chesterfield), 19:505

Letters Written from the Mountain (J. J. Rousseau), 7:665

A Letter to a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina (G. Tucker), 5:458, 5:458n

A Letter to Harrison G. Otis, Esquire (J. Q. Adams), 4:435n

Letter to Henri Gregoire (J. Barlow), 1:588, 1:590n

Letter to James Monroe, Esq. President of the United States, on the State of the Country: with a plan for improving the condition of society (J. Melish), 15:359, 15:359n, 15:384

A Letter to the Honorable John Randolph (“Numa”), 2:264, 2:290

A Letter to The Reverend Mr. Cary (G. B. English), 7:435n

Lettre a M. Jean Baptiste Say (P. S. Du Pont de Nemours), 9:231–9:232, 9:234n, 9:304–9:305, 9:306

Lettre Intéressante adressee à S. A. R. le Prince Régent d’Angleterre (Orvault), 15:574, 15:574–15:575n, 15:598–15:599

Lettre Intéressante adressée à son excellence, le comte Bathurst, ministre des colonies Britanniques (Orvault), 15:574, 15:574–15:575n, 15:598–15:599

Lettres a Eugénie (Holbach), 15:26

Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus (Cicero; trans. N. H. Mongault; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511

Lettres de Cicéron a M. Brutus, et de M. Brutus a Ciceron (Brutus; Cicero; trans. A. F. Prévost; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258

Lettres de Ciceron, Qu’on nomme vulgairement Familières (Cicero; trans. A. F. Prévost; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:354, 9:355n, 9:420, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258

Lettres de La Marquise du Deffand, 17:536

Lettres de Mademoiselle de Lespinasse (J. de Lespinasse), 14:30, 14:31

Lettres de Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français, Suivies du Panégyrique de Trajan (Pliny the Younger; trans. L. de Sacy), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

Lettres d’un Bourgeois de New-Heaven (Condorcet), 5:595, 5:595–5:596n

Lettres D’Un Voyageur Anglois Sur La France, La Suisse Et L’Allemagne (J. Moore), 7:389

Lettres Patentes du Roy

  • J. Armstrong sends, 5:8, 5:8n, 5:8–5:9n

Lettres sur la Vieillesse (J. H. Meister), 3:137, 3:137n, 3:393

Lettsom, John Coakley

  • collaboration with B. Waterhouse, 6:39n, 19:362
  • introduces W. Thornton, 16:530, 16:531n
  • memoirs of, 18:655


  • cultivation of, 8:305
  • impact of drought on, 4:38
  • mentioned, 6:187
  • seeds, 4:527, 5:31, 5:490, 8:258, 8:272, 20:605
  • tennis ball, 5:307, 5:307n

Letty (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Leturcq, François Charles Michel

  • family of, 16:325

Leuba, Claude Victoire Herard

  • family of, 15:265–15:266
  • identified, 15:268n
  • letter from, 15:265–15:268
  • letter to, 15:276
  • seeks recommendation from TJ, 15:265–15:266, 15:276

Leunclavius, Johannes

  • Ivris Græco-romani tam canonici qvam civilis, 3:546

Leusden, Johannes

  • works of, 18:242n

Le Vaillant, François

  • Second Voyage Dans L’Intérieur De L’Afrique, Par Le Cap De Bonne-Espérance, Dans Les Années 1783, 84 et 85, 7:389

levers, 14:167, 16:29

Levi, David

  • Dissertations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament, 9:651–9:652, 9:652n

Levi, Nathan

  • as U.S. consul at Saint Thomas, 13:123n, 14:98, 14:99

Leviathan, HMS, 16:15

Levy, J. B. (ship captain), 13:530, 13:557

Levy, Uriah Phillips

  • commissions statue of TJ, 20:399, 20:402n

Lewis (H. Chisholm’s slave), 18:472, 20:30, 20:30

Lewis (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Lewis (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1760)

  • health of, 18:501
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386, 16:648

Lewis (TJ’s slave; b. 1788)

  • given to T. J. Randolph, 6:36
  • mentioned, 16:264n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Lewis (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:627

Lewis, Capt.

  • master of schooner Liberty, 1:307, 2:349

Lewis, Mr.

  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 17:496

Lewis, Ann Marks (TJ’s niece)

  • finances of, 3:90–3:91, 6:358
  • identified, 3:91n
  • letters from, 3:90–3:91
  • property dispute with C. Peyton, 11:520n
  • sends greetings to TJ, 6:358

Lewis, Charles (George Washington’s grandnephew)

  • impressed into British navy, 6:145n

Lewis, Charles (Meriwether Lewis’s uncle)

  • and Poplar Forest land, 19:203
  • Revolutionary War service of, 6:418–6:419

Lewis, Charles (TJ’s uncle)

  • family of, 1:168n
  • mentioned, 13:435
  • Revolutionary War regiment of, 7:280, 7:356

Lewis, Charles (d. 1806) (TJ’s nephew)

  • dispute with C. Peyton, 11:478, 11:478n, 11:479n, 11:485, 11:486, 11:514–11:520, 11:520n, 11:520–11:521n, 11:538, 11:538–11:539, 11:542, 13:284

Lewis, Charles Lilburne (TJ’s brother-in-law)

  • dispute with C. Peyton, 7:535, 11:478, 11:478n, 11:479, 11:479n, 11:485, 11:486, 11:514–11:520, 11:520n, 11:520–11:521n, 11:538, 11:538–11:539, 11:542, 13:284
  • family of, 1:167, 1:168n, 1:415n, 8:647, 11:520n, 11:538, 11:538n
  • finances of, 3:90–3:91, 3:242–3:243, 6:358
  • identified, 3:92–3:93n
  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:477, 6:479, 6:480, 6:481–6:482n
  • on Ky. life, 3:92
  • letters from, 3:91–3:93, 6:358
  • requests money from TJ, 6:358

Lewis, David Jackson

  • attests document, 11:243n
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:67
  • identified, 5:281n
  • letters to accounted for, 5:281n
  • and J. M. Perry, 16:550, 16:559
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and warrant for restitution of land, 5:280–5:281, 6:215, 6:216n, 6:554, 6:555

Lewis, Edwin

  • complaints against H. Toulmin, 16:461, 16:462–16:464, 16:464–16:465n
  • identified, 16:462n
  • letter from, 16:461–16:462
  • letter from, to H. Toulmin, 16:462–16:465

Lewis, Fielding (Meriwether Lewis’s granduncle), 6:418

Lewis, Figures, 16:462

Lewis, Francis

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:331

Lewis, Henry, 1:27

Lewis, Howell

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:329
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425

Lewis, Isham (TJ’s nephew)

  • identified, 1:168n
  • letters from, 1:167–1:168
  • letters of introduction for, from TJ, 1:215, 1:216
  • letters to, 1:181–1:182
  • and murder of slave, 1:168n
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 1:167–1:168
  • TJ offers to teach surveying to, 1:181–1:182

Lewis, James

  • account of, 4:9
  • and deposition in Henderson case, 5:179, 5:180, 5:192–5:198, 6:153, 6:198, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:200, 6:200, 6:479
  • and deposition in Jefferson v. Michie, 7:597, 9:3
  • desires appointment as Indian agent, 8:32
  • and Henderson lands, 1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 5:139–5:141, 6:197, 6:197, 6:197, 6:478, 6:479, 6:572, 6:574n, 7:673, 7:673, 7:673, 7:674, 7:674, 11:209
  • identified, 5:197n
  • letters from accounted for, 5:198n
  • letters to accounted for, 5:180n
  • tends to ill slave, 3:283, 3:367–3:368, 3:529
  • and TJ’s land dispute with D. Michie, 5:139–5:141, 5:261, 7:597, 7:673, 7:673, 7:673, 7:674, 7:674

Lewis, Jane Woodson (Robert Lewis’s wife), 3:179

Lewis, Jesse

  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • petition to James Monroe

Lewis, Jesse Pitman

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:91, 15:95, 15:96, 15:96, 15:97, 15:100, 16:303, 16:312, 16:320, 17:625, 17:628, 17:630, 19:55, 20:202, 20:222, 20:225, 20:555
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:330, 16:304, 17:620
  • house of, burns, 14:270n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:368
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 5:378–5:380

Lewis, John

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Lewis, John (of Albemarle Co.)

  • land grant to, 11:560–11:561

Lewis, John (of Charleston)

  • as merchant, 13:530–13:531n

Lewis, John (Col.)

  • land claims of, 11:560–11:561

Lewis, John (George Washington’s grandnephew)

  • impressed into British navy, 6:145n

Lewis, John (Meriwether Lewis’s granduncle), 6:418

Lewis, Joseph Saunders

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Lewis, Joshua, 2:443n

Lewis, Lawrence

  • estate of, 11:389, 11:391n

Lewis, Lillburne (TJ’s nephew)

  • family of, 3:90–3:91
  • and murder of slave, 1:168n

Lewis, Lucy B. See Griffin, Lucy B. Lewis (TJ’s niece)

Lewis, Lucy Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Charles Lilburne Lewis’s wife)

  • death of, 3:90
  • family of, 1:168n, 1:415n, 3:90–3:91, 6:611n, 11:520n, 11:538, 11:538n
  • and property conveyances, 11:479n, 11:479n

Lewis, Lucy Meriwether, 2:120, 2:241, 2:340

Lewis, Martha Amanda Carr. See Monroe, Martha Amanda Carr Lewis (TJ’s niece; Daniel Monroe’s wife)

Lewis, Mary Walker (Nicholas Lewis’s wife)

  • and apples for TJ, 7:78
  • family of, 20:306
  • gives apples to TJ, 5:357
  • health of, 18:255, 18:654, 20:306
  • identified, 2:291–2:292n
  • letters from, 2:291–2:292, 5:357
  • letters to, 4:38, 7:78, 18:255, 20:306
  • letters to accounted for, 2:38n
  • property of, 8:394, 8:423
  • M. J. Randolph plans visit to, 20:306
  • seeks appointment for Wood, 4:186–4:187
  • sells victuals to TJ, 2:37–2:38, 2:291, 2:292n, 4:210
  • TJ gives wine to, 18:255, 20:306
  • TJ makes payment for, 7:708, 12:614n
  • TJ pays, 6:338n, 7:45, 7:45n
  • TJ sends figs to, 4:38
  • and vegetables for TJ, 18:255

Lewis, Meriwether

  • and artifact collection of W. Clark, 1:510
  • death of, 1:436n, 1:602–1:603, 1:606–1:608, 1:632, 1:668, 2:30, 2:35, 2:42, 2:42, 2:44, 2:120–2:121, 2:121, 2:191–2:192, 2:208, 6:423–6:424, 7:63, 7:64n, 10:444
  • education of, 6:419, 6:421–6:422, 6:424n, 6:426, 6:426
  • executor of, 2:123, 2:336, 2:567, 3:110, 3:166
  • family of, 6:418–6:419
  • health of, 6:423–6:424
  • as hunter, 6:419, 6:426
  • identified, 1:436n
  • and Indian dialects, 1:520, 1:556, 12:171, 12:172, 12:294, 12:331, 12:637
  • land warrant granted to, 2:121, 2:122n, 6:424n
  • letters to, 1:435–1:437
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:603, 1:607, 1:630n, 1:668–1:669, 2:30, 2:31, 2:34, 2:72, 2:123, 2:140, 6:417–6:418, 6:422–6:424, 7:31, 7:34–7:35, 7:244–7:245, 8:449n, 9:605n, 9:680–9:681, 9:704–9:706, 10:256–10:257, 11:43, 11:43–11:44n, 11:220, 12:171–12:172, 12:235–12:236, 13:344, 15:288, 19:197–19:198
  • makes payment for TJ, 6:506, 6:506n
  • military career of, 6:419, 6:426
  • and J. Neelly, 2:30–2:31, 2:34, 2:73n, 2:121, 2:191–2:192, 6:423–6:424
  • papers of, 2:31, 2:34, 2:35n, 2:72, 2:121, 2:122, 2:123–2:124, 2:127, 2:140, 3:181–3:182, 9:704–9:706, 10:40, 10:125, 10:164, 10:256–10:257, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 10:445, 11:454, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:171–12:172, 12:235–12:236, 12:295, 12:331, 12:463n, 12:636, 12:636n, 12:637, 12:638n
  • J. Pernier’s claim against estate of, 2:34, 2:192, 2:208–2:209, 2:364, 2:672, 2:673n, 3:49, 3:110
  • personal belongings of, 2:34, 2:121, 2:123–2:124, 2:191–2:192, 2:192, 2:208, 2:241, 2:340
  • plants discovered by, 2:90–2:91, 2:140, 4:523–4:524
  • prepares for Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:101n, 1:194n, 6:421–6:422
  • and publication of journals, 1:249, 1:412n, 1:436, 1:443, 1:668–1:669, 3:33, 3:150, 3:166–3:167, 3:181–3:182, 4:147, 6:417, 6:427, 6:429, 6:430, 6:430, 6:531–6:532, 7:63–7:64, 7:244–7:245, 7:244–7:245, 7:245n, 9:309, 9:310n, 9:467, 9:605, 9:704–9:706, 10:377
  • seeds brought by from the West, 1:192n, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 6:152
  • and stone block for TJ, 4:66
  • TJ introduces J. Bradbury to, 1:435–1:436
  • TJ on, 2:336, 2:340, 6:417–6:418
  • TJ’s biography of, 6:357, 6:418–6:424, 6:427, 6:429, 6:430, 6:531, 6:532, 7:63, 7:318, 7:319n, 10:257, 10:257n, 10:377, 12:188, 12:281, 16:272, 17:307, 17:342, 17:377n
  • TJ’s claim against estate of, 2:294, 2:294n, 2:294
  • TJ sends greetings to, 1:511
  • TJ’s instructions for Lewis and Clark Expedition to, 6:422, 9:309, 9:310n, 10:377
  • as TJ’s private secretary, 6:421, 6:425, 6:426
  • will of, 2:123–2:124, 2:140

Lewis, Morgan

  • and feud with D. Clinton, 5:635, 5:637n
  • governor of N.Y., 9:236
  • health of, 6:242
  • as quartermaster, 6:527, 7:531

Lewis, N.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:621

Lewis, Nancy, 20:161, 20:161

Lewis, Nicholas

  • family of, 4:186–4:187
  • land of bought, 3:622
  • as M. Lewis’s guardian, 6:419
  • manages TJ’s affairs, 5:88, 6:535, 6:535n
  • mentioned, 6:397
  • and Poplar Forest land, 19:203

Lewis, Nicholas Hunter

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:329, 13:161, 16:304, 17:576, 20:195
  • crops of, 14:359
  • identified, 10:369n
  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • letters from, 10:369, 10:601, 14:368, 14:368–14:369, 14:372, 14:373, 14:381, 14:476
  • letters to, 10:369, 10:601, 14:355–14:356, 14:372, 14:380, 14:380–14:381, 14:478–14:479, 14:480
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 13:275
  • and Rivanna Company, 10:369, 10:369, 10:601, 10:601, 12:605, 14:355–14:356, 14:356, 14:368, 14:368–14:369, 14:372, 14:372, 14:373, 14:380, 14:380–14:381, 14:381, 14:417, 14:476, 14:478–14:479, 14:480
  • and Shadwell mills, 17:515
  • and University of Virginia, 16:309, 16:312, 16:316, 16:317, 20:197, 20:201, 20:215, 20:217, 20:221, 20:223
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Lewis, Nicholas Meriwether

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:570
  • seeks appointment for Wood, 4:187
  • TJ receives land from, 4:386

Lewis, Randolph (TJ’s nephew)

  • family of, 3:90–3:91
  • moves to Ky., 1:168n

Lewis, Reuben

  • and University of Virginia, 19:53

Lewis, Robert (of Goochland Co.), 3:179, 3:211

Lewis, Robert (Meriwether Lewis’s grandfather), 6:418

Lewis, Robert H.

  • letter from accounted for, 14:654
  • letter to accounted for, 14:654

Lewis, Robert (surveyor)

  • survey of J. Monroe’s land, 8:588, 8:589n, 8:598
  • survey of W. Short’s Indian Camp property, 7:487, 7:511n

Lewis, Samuel

  • draftsman, 9:589, 12:636

Lewis, Thomas C.

  • and Henderson case, 7:186, 7:345, 7:346n

Lewis, Thomas Fielding

  • sells horse to TJ, 16:624, 16:624n, 16:648
  • TJ’s debt to, 17:285

Lewis, William (ca. 17811815)

  • on J. Barron, 17:516, 17:518–17:519, 17:519n
  • identified, 17:519n
  • letter from, to C. W. Goldsborough, 17:517n, 17:517–17:518, 17:518, 17:519n

Lewis, William (Meriwether Lewis’s father), 6:418

Lewis, William (of Philadelphia)

  • and batture controversy, 2:444–2:445n, 2:455, 2:456n, 2:658, 3:235, 3:271, 3:483

Lewis, William D.

  • accuses L. Harris of corruption, 16:31, 16:62
  • family of, 16:31
  • lawsuit against, 16:31–16:32, 16:32n, 16:62, 16:63, 18:9

Lewis, William J.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636
  • as Va. legislator, 11:8

Lewis, William W. (ship captain)

  • and merino sheep, 2:233, 2:360, 2:361, 2:453–2:454, 2:454n, 2:481, 2:496n
  • and wine for TJ, 12:381n, 12:386n, 12:566, 13:9

Lewis, Winslow

  • patents held by, 12:378, 12:380n, 13:5

Lewis, Zachary, 16:229, 16:230

Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • animals observed during, 9:704–9:705
  • astronomical observations of, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:444, 10:445, 12:172, 12:463n, 12:636n, 12:637, 15:288, 19:197–19:198
  • J. Banks on, 10:287–10:288n
  • and chronometer, 3:83n
  • curiosities from at Monticello, 8:238, 13:27
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 5:612–5:613, 5:614n
  • fossils obtained during, 8:449n
  • funding for, 19:197, 19:201n
  • P. Gass’s account of, 6:122, 12:652
  • history of, 2:332, 3:166–3:167, 3:181–3:182, 3:309, 3:582, 3:649–3:650, 6:46, 6:357, 6:417–6:426, 7:517–7:518, 10:60, 10:444, 10:445
  • and Indian vocabularies, 9:705, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 11:398n, 11:454, 12:171, 12:172, 12:294, 12:331, 12:463n, 12:637
  • journals of, 1:603, 1:607, 1:630n, 1:668–1:669, 2:30, 2:31, 2:34, 2:72, 2:123, 2:140, 3:181–3:182, 9:704–9:706, 9:706n, 10:164, 10:256–10:257, 10:377, 10:377, 11:43, 11:43–11:44n, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:171–12:172, 12:173, 12:235–12:236, 12:463n, 12:636, 12:636–12:638
  • land warrants awarded in consequence of, 2:121, 2:122n
  • latitude and longitude observations of, 9:680–9:681, 9:705, 10:256–10:257, 12:295, 12:331, 19:197–19:198
  • maps of, 9:705, 10:377, 10:377, 10:400, 10:444, 10:445, 10:445, 10:445, 12:171, 12:172, 12:463n, 12:636, 12:637
  • J. Ordway’s journal, 12:636, 12:637, 12:637–12:638n, 12:638n
  • plants from, 2:90–2:91, 2:140, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 7:34–7:35, 7:55, 9:704–9:705, 10:445, 10:445, 11:174–11:175, 11:220
  • publication of journals, 1:249, 1:412n, 1:436, 1:443, 1:630n, 1:668–1:669, 2:30–2:31, 2:72, 2:140, 4:568, 6:427, 6:429, 6:430, 6:430, 6:531–6:532, 7:31, 7:63–7:64, 7:64n, 7:289, 7:289n, 7:290, 7:517–7:518, 7:555, 7:556, 9:309, 9:310n, 9:467, 9:605, 9:704–9:706, 10:377, 10:444–10:445, 12:171, 12:636, 12:637, 12:638n
  • route of, 4:550–4:551, 6:421, 9:650, 13:344, 19:197, 19:198
  • seeds from, 1:192n, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 6:152
  • N. G. M. Senter on, 5:65–5:66
  • G. Shannon as member of, 18:575
  • and stone block for TJ, 1:473, 1:475n, 4:66

Lewis Ludlam & Company (Richmond firm), 19:152

Lewis’s Ferry (Albemarle Co.), 11:119, 11:139, 11:243, 12:58, 13:275

Lewiston, N.Y.

  • burnt by British forces, 8:217

Lexicon Aristophanicum, Græco-Anglicum (J. Sanxay), 14:221–14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:351, 14:423, 14:467–14:468, 14:505

Lexicon Græco-Latinum (H. Estienne; J. Scapula), 12:206, 12:206n, 14:193, 14:221, 14:240, 14:265, 14:266, 14:286

Lexicon Græco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum (G. Pasor), 12:52

Lexicon Ivridicvm Ivris Cæsarei simvl, et canonici, fevdalis item, civilis, criminalis, theoretici, ac practici (J. Calvin), 3:546

Lexicon Manuale Græco-Latinum et Latino-Græcum (C. Schrevel), 8:660, 10:358

Λεξικὸν περὶ τῶν παρὰ Πλάτωνι Λέξεων … Lexicon Vocum Platonicarum (Timaeus; ed. D. Ruhnken), 9:276, 9:277n, 15:26

Lexington, Battle of (1775), 14:289

Lexington, Ky. See also Transylvania University (Lexington, Ky.)

  • Athenaeum, 16:182n
  • medical school in, 18:20
  • Museum of Natural and Antiquarian History, 16:177, 16:180, 16:182n, 18:206

Lexington, Va.

  • academy in, 11:668
  • Ann Smith Academy, 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 3:155, 3:201, 11:134n
  • as potential location for state university, 9:399, 9:506, 12:433, 12:458, 12:539, 13:180, 13:180, 13:180–13:181, 13:181, 13:181, 13:182, 13:183, 13:183, 13:187, 13:187–13:188, 13:189–13:190, 13:190, 13:190, 13:201, 13:202n, 13:210, 13:221–13:222, 13:223n, 13:223–13:224n, 13:226, 13:401, 13:401, 13:473, 13:490–13:491, 13:497, 13:498, 13:535–13:536
  • mail service to, 3:56, 3:104
  • Washington Academy, 1:367, 1:367–1:368n, 9:507n, 9:712, 9:714n
  • Washington College, 9:506, 9:507n, 20:460, 20:460n

Lexington Athenaeum (Lexington, Ky.), 16:182n

Lexington Medical Society (Lexington, Ky.), 17:88, 19:386, 19:387n

Leyburn, Mrs. (John Leyburn’s wife). See Ocheltree, Mrs. (later John Leyburn’s wife)

Leyburn, John

  • identified, 18:103n
  • letter to, 18:102–18:103
  • as sheriff, 11:589, 11:590n, 12:38n
  • and survey of Natural Bridge, 18:102–18:103, 18:181–18:182

L’Hospital, Guillaume François Antoine de

  • Analyse des Infiniment Petits, Pour l’intelligence des lignes courbes, 15:588, 15:589n


  • J. Adams on, 19:366, 19:366–19:367n, 19:410–19:411
  • W. Duane sued for, 4:174, 4:174–4:175n
  • E. Gerry’s message on, 5:6, 5:7n
  • proposed punishment for, 4:122
  • prosecutions during TJ’s presidency, 1:276–1:278, 1:349–1:350, 7:206, 7:207n, 7:236–7:237, 18:467, 18:468n

La Libertád de los Mares, ó el Gobiérno Inglés descubiérto (B. Barère; trans. C. Le Brun), 18:95–18:96, 18:156

Liberty (schooner), 1:307, 2:349

Liberty (ship), 14:325

Liberty, Va.

  • painting of, by E. Beyer, 9:xliii, 9:344 (illus.)
  • on route to Natural Bridge, 9:35
  • taverns in, 9:21, 9:27

Liberty Hall Academy. See Washington Academy (later Washington and Lee University)

Liblong, Col. See le Blanc (Siblong) de Villeneufve, Paul Louis

libraries See also Library of Congress; Virginia, University of: Books and Library

  • Albemarle Library Society, 19:453, 19:453–19:454, 19:505–19:508, 19:509n, 19:551–19:552, 19:554, 19:634, 20:109, 20:109n, 20:274
  • at Alexandria, Egypt, 6:278, 6:542, 6:542
  • in Baltimore, 15:578
  • Bibliothèque du Panthéon (Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève), Paris, 10:311
  • Bibliothèque Nationale (Bibliothèque Royale), Paris, 10:311
  • Dickinson Library Company, 19:327–19:328, 19:328n, 19:371–19:372
  • in Europe, 19:677
  • formed by S. R. Demaree in Ky., 1:455–1:457
  • free, 9:641, 9:642n, 18:74, 18:167–18:168, 18:176
  • at Fryeburg Academy (Me.), 9:264
  • German, 16:226
  • Italian, 16:226, 16:226
  • Juvenile Library Company of Richmond, 19:322–19:323, 19:323n, 19:343, 19:560–19:561, 19:561n
  • Library Company of Philadelphia, 20:158, 20:159n
  • in New York, 13:521
  • in Philadelphia, 18:189, 18:224
  • public, 14:194
  • in Richmond, 11:395–11:396, 11:396n
  • for sailors, 17:300–17:301, 17:301n, 17:301, 17:302n
  • TJ on, 1:205–1:206, 19:560
  • TJ’s personal, 1:35–1:38, 1:390, 1:400
  • at University of Göttingen, 9:195, 9:403
  • Westwardmill Library Society, 1:66–1:67, 1:205–1:206, 1:508

Library, University of Virginia. See Virginia, University of: Books and Library; Virginia, University of: Construction and Grounds: Rotunda (library)

Library Company of Philadelphia, 20:158, 20:159n

Library of Congress See also Jefferson, Thomas: Books & Library

  • acquisition of works by, 16:239
  • appropriations for, 13:520, 13:521n
  • auditor’s report on purchase of TJ’s library , 9:494–9:495
  • book list prepared to guide purchases for, 2:81–2:83
  • Catalogue of the Library of the United States (G. Watterston), 8:475n, 8:629, 9:xliv–9:xlv, 9:70, 9:80, 9:80n, 9:237, 9:238n, 9:318, 9:344 (illus.) , 9:396n, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 9:435, 9:438n, 9:469, 9:531–9:532, 12:96, 16:239, 16:241, 20:620n
  • classification of, 8:473–8:475, 9:xliv–9:xlv
  • collection of state laws in, 14:144
  • congressional opposition to purchase of, 7:680
  • destroyed by British troops, 7:xlv–7:xlvi, 7:692–7:693, 7:698, 7:699–7:700, 8:214, 8:216, 8:292, 8:300, 8:301, 8:523, 9:150, 12:147n, 12:398, 12:640
  • documents owned by, 13:24
  • librarian of, 7:698, 8:444–8:445, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 9:544, 16:143–16:144, 20:346–20:347, 20:347n, 20:364, 20:365, 20:461
  • and library committees of Congress, 7:679, 7:680, 7:681, 7:683, 8:14, 8:14, 8:16, 8:22, 8:26, 8:36, 8:39–8:40, 8:54, 8:54, 8:55–8:56, 8:56–8:57, 8:106, 8:213, 8:214, 8:268, 8:268, 8:270, 8:287, 8:288–8:289, 8:309, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 10:390, 16:239
  • location of, 8:444–8:445, 8:445n, 8:629, 13:520, 13:521n
  • manuscripts of Va. laws acquired by, 8:440n, 8:440n, 9:318, 16:211–16:212, 16:239, 16:241, 16:260, 16:286n
  • payment for TJ’s library, 8:xlv, 8:55, 8:270, 8:279–8:280, 8:288, 8:288, 8:289, 8:302, 8:302n, 8:331–8:332, 8:382, 8:426, 8:426–8:427, 8:428, 8:437–8:438, 8:440–8:441, 8:451, 8:471, 8:483, 8:501, 9:108–9:109
  • portrait of TJ displayed in, 11:135
  • proposed donation to, 14:63–14:64
  • and publication of congressional proceedings, 12:399, 12:400
  • resolution authorizing contracting for TJ’s library, 8:14, 8:36, 8:39
  • satirical letter lampooning TJ’s sale of library to, 8:3–8:7
  • significance of, 7:680–7:681, 8:476, 8:524
  • TJ on, 1:592
  • TJ prepares books for transportation, 7:680, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:56–8:57, 8:142, 8:287, 8:287–8:288, 8:288–8:289, 8:289–8:290, 8:309, 8:359, 8:366, 8:369, 8:373–8:374, 8:376, 8:376–8:377, 8:385, 8:386n, 8:386–8:388, 8:431, 8:439
  • TJ replaces books sold to, 7:680, 8:523, 8:538, 8:539, 8:549, 8:550, 8:578–8:580, 8:580–8:581, 8:583–8:584, 8:586–8:587, 8:589, 8:590n, 9:xlv, 9:195–9:196, 9:353, 9:454–9:456, 9:500, 9:559–9:560, 9:561–9:562n, 9:697, 10:236n, 14:452
  • TJ’s catalogue of books sold to, 7:682–7:683, 7:684n, 7:698, 8:xlv, 8:14, 8:22, 8:26, 8:33, 8:54, 8:54, 8:55–8:56, 8:56, 8:59–8:60, 8:83, 8:83, 8:106, 8:213, 8:270, 8:284, 8:287, 8:288, 8:288, 8:289, 8:290, 8:302, 8:309, 8:330, 8:333, 8:359, 8:373, 8:376, 8:385, 8:386–8:387, 8:418, 8:426–8:427, 8:428, 8:444, 8:473–8:475, 8:566, 8:629, 10:182, 10:390, 12:157n
  • TJ sells personal library to, 7:xlv–7:xlvi, 7:434 (illus.) , 7:681–7:683, 7:698, 8:xlv, 8:xlv, 8:xlvi, 8:xlvi–8:xlvii, 8:3, 8:7n, 8:14, 8:16, 8:18, 8:22, 8:26, 8:33, 8:36, 8:39–8:40, 8:40–8:41, 8:41n, 8:49, 8:54, 8:55–8:57, 8:57, 8:83, 8:83, 8:85, 8:94, 8:106, 8:136, 8:160–8:161, 8:213, 8:214, 8:214, 8:224–8:225, 8:270, 8:279–8:280, 8:284, 8:285, 8:287, 8:292, 8:301, 8:320, 8:329–8:330, 8:331–8:332, 8:349, 8:350, 8:379, 8:418, 8:434, 8:444–8:445, 8:538, 8:538–8:539, 9:149, 9:299, 9:302, 9:322n, 10:390, 10:394, 10:443, 10:457, 11:5, 11:201, 11:279n, 12:91, 12:92n, 12:96, 12:146, 12:147n, 12:156, 12:193, 12:294, 12:576, 14:285, 15:183, 15:376, 16:143, 16:508, 17:307, 17:561, 18:295, 18:312, 18:468, 19:410, 19:412n, 19:509n, 19:510, 20:354, 20:391
  • TJ’s notes retrieved from, 9:69–9:70, 9:79, 9:107
  • TJ sends catalogue to Congress for consideration, 7:681, 7:681–7:683, 7:692–7:693, 7:699–7:700
  • TJ’s inventory of, 8:426–8:427, 8:428
  • transportation of TJ’s books to Washington, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:xlvi, 8:49, 8:55, 8:142, 8:268, 8:268–8:269n, 8:270, 8:270n, 8:287, 8:287–8:288, 8:289, 8:289–8:290, 8:290n, 8:309, 8:333, 8:339, 8:373–8:374, 8:379, 8:416–8:417, 8:427, 8:453, 8:471, 8:476, 8:566, 8:629, 8:629n
  • works given to, 9:149, 9:149n, 9:150, 9:510, 11:70
  • works owned by, 9:689, 9:690, 9:690–9:691, 16:272, 16:427, 20:422

Les Licteurs Rapportent à Brutus les Corps de Ses Fils (J. L. David), 17:73, 17:74n, 17:105

Liebault, Jean

  • Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme, 2:82, 4:139, 4:142n

Lieper, Thomas. See Leiper, Thomas

Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with sketches of the lives and characters of Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, John Randolph, and several other eminent American statesmen (J. D. Hammond), 8:243n

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (L. Sterne), 6:616, 10:13, 10:15n, 14:60

Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth (W. Roscoe), 1:163, 1:164n, 1:164n, 1:435, 7:664, 14:78, 19:508

The Life and Power of True Godliness; described in a Series of Discourses (A. McLeod), 11:159, 11:159n

The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth (E. Herbert), 7:629, 7:631n

The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the service of the United States (J. Reid and J. H. Eaton), 12:9, 12:10n

The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (L. F. Philostratus; trans. E. Berwick), 17:535

The Life of Catharine II, Empress of all the Russias (W. Tooke), 1:580

The Life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin (M. L. Weems), 8:633–8:634, 8:638, 8:639n

The Life of Gen. Francis Marion (P. Horry and M. L. Weems), 8:633, 8:634n, 8:638, 14:524

Life of Geoffrey Chaucer (W. Godwin), 7:664

Life of George Washington (J. Marshall)

  • accuracy of, 7:494–7:495, 7:546–7:547, 7:549–7:550, 7:550–7:551n, 8:619, 8:620n, 9:219, 9:549, 19:298, 19:299n
  • cited for historical precedents, 9:550–9:551n
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:664
  • and committees of correspondence, 14:373, 14:377n
  • and T. Kosciuszko, 16:27
  • mentioned, 6:258, 6:258, 6:258, 7:216–7:217, 9:368, 12:416, 12:419, 18:180
  • recommended to Albemarle Library Society, 19:507
  • and Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta), 13:523, 13:523n
  • TJ on, 1:589, 1:590n, 3:564, 3:565n, 6:440, 8:657, 8:659n, 10:276, 12:417–12:419, 12:427, 12:429–12:431, 12:431, 13:28, 17:307, 17:312, 17:375n, 19:97, 19:100n, 19:217, 19:428, 19:529
  • TJ purchases, 8:472, 8:672

The Life of George Washington (D. Ramsay), 1:35

The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts (W. Tudor), 13:575, 13:576n, 13:618–13:619, 19:318, 19:318n, 19:373, 19:374n

The Life of John Knox (T. McCrie), 19:506

Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici, called the Magnificent (W. Roscoe), 1:164n, 1:435, 7:664, 19:508

The Life of Mary, Queen of Scots (G. Chalmers), 19:508

The Life of M. Turgot (Condorcet), 11:527, 11:527n

The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: containing historical sketches, and anecdotes illustrative of his public and private character (“An American”), 15:402–15:403, 15:403n

The Life of Nelson (R. Southey), 8:22, 8:23n, 8:671

The Life of Petrarch (S. Dobson), 7:664

The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. (J. Boswell), 11:495n, 19:506

The Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins (W. Wynne), 7:366, 7:366n, 8:387, 8:387n

The Life of Thomas Jefferson (H. S. Randall), 15:407–15:408, 15:408n

The Life of Thomas Jefferson (G. Tucker), 20:402n

The Life of Thomas Paine (J. Cheetham), 20:321, 20:321n

The Life of Thuanus, with Some Account of his Writings, and a Translation of the Preface to his History (J. Collinson), 17:535

The Life of Wesley (R. Southey), 16:589–16:590, 16:591n

Liggan (Liggon; Ligon), Willis

  • identified, 19:95n
  • mentioned, 18:621
  • receipt from, 19:95
  • TJ loans money to, 19:95


  • G. Crane’s essay on, 13:549–13:554

Lightfoot, John

  • English theologian, 6:618

Lightfoot, Philip, 12:553


  • as internal improvements, 19:84
  • proposed improvements to, 18:184–18:186, 18:216

lightning rods, 11:341–11:342, 11:342n, 11:469–11:470

Light of Nature Pursued (A. Tucker), 6:302, 10:382, 10:573

Ligon, James

  • as clerk for P. Gibson, 8:182, 8:441n, 8:492, 8:608–8:609, 9:569n, 9:708, 10:37–10:38, 10:480, 10:669–10:670, 10:671, 11:605, 12:260
  • as clerk for Gibson & Jefferson, 4:13n, 4:58n, 4:234n, 4:467, 4:530, 5:161, 5:316, 5:587
  • letters from, 8:182, 8:608–8:609, 9:708, 10:480, 10:671–10:672, 11:605, 12:260
  • letter to, 10:669–10:670
  • witnesses document, 4:277–4:278n

lilac, 1:61, 3:354, 9:533, 11:39, 12:618

Lilburn (TJ’s slave; b. 1809). See Hern, Lilburn (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

Lilium canadense. See Canada lily

Lilium superbum. See Allegheny lily

Lille Belt, HMS

  • encounter with USS President, 3:638, 3:639n

Lilly (E. Bacon’s slave), 16:152

Lilly (TJ’s slave; b. 1791). See Hern, Lilly (TJ’s slave; b. 1791)

Lilly, Gabriel

  • Monticello overseer, 2:279, 2:281n, 4:543, 5:425, 14:396
  • superintendent of TJ’s nailery, 2:281n


  • Allegheny, 1:660, 2:36, 4:523
  • Atamasco, 4:523
  • belladonna, 3:633, 4:523, 5:412
  • blackberry, 10:517
  • bugle, 5:412
  • Canada, 2:103, 2:104n
  • crown imperial, 2:140, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:346, 5:412, 10:537
  • flag, 5:358, 10:517
  • TJ requests from M. J. Randolph, 10:517
  • TJ requests of B. McMahon, 3:545

Lily, William

  • admonition by, 11:525, 11:526n

lima beans, 1:631, 1:657, 3:502, 5:658, 9:608–9:609

lime (mineral)

  • and Mr. Brand, 8:528, 8:528n
  • and J. Brand, 5:427, 8:528n
  • as building material, 8:253n, 8:402, 9:466, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 11:113, 11:349, 12:239, 12:262, 12:266, 14:87, 14:161n, 14:163, 14:462, 14:595, 18:287, 18:288, 18:310–18:311, 19:185, 19:239, 19:404, 19:404, 19:432, 19:433, 19:435n, 20:221, 20:226, 20:228, 20:228, 20:229, 20:230, 20:231, 20:233, 20:235, 20:235, 20:554
  • in N.Y., 8:209n
  • at Poplar Forest, 2:150, 5:381–5:382, 5:403, 5:663
  • for privies, 20:11
  • requested from TJ, 2:201
  • and salt manufacture, 12:378
  • toll on, 5:379
  • used as fertilizer, 10:533, 10:533, 10:534, 19:607n


  • juice, 20:189
  • tree, 1:631–1:632


  • in Va., 11:535, 14:428–14:429, 15:586, 15:586, 16:645, 16:645n

Limestone Survey (Albemarle Co.)

  • lawsuit over ownership of, 10:302, 12:81, 14:428–14:430, 15:156, 18:373, 19:63–19:64, 20:170, 20:171n, 20:241, 20:258, 20:259n
  • taxes on, 8:392, 8:393n, 8:485, 14:429, 15:156
  • TJ sells, 16:644–16:645, 17:23
  • TJ’s shares in, 3:432–3:433, 3:433n, 3:458, 10:302n, 14:314, 14:428–14:430

Limozin, André

  • commercial agent in Le Havre, 9:362–9:363, 9:363n

Lincoln, Benjamin

  • and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 11:273n
  • family of, 12:497

Lincoln, Daniel Waldo

  • An Oration, Pronounced at Boston, on the Fourth Day of July, 1810, before the “Bunker-Hill Association,”, 2:504, 2:505n, 2:666

Lincoln, Enoch

  • and Missouri question, 15:530, 15:535n

Lincoln, Levi

  • as deacon, 19:361
  • family of, 2:666, 2:666n, 17:275, 18:73
  • identified, 1:49–1:50n
  • letters to, 1:49–1:50, 4:100
  • and J. Madison, 3:245, 3:246n
  • and publication of TJ’s letter, 15:137
  • as potential Supreme Court justice, 3:118, 3:124, 3:126, 3:151, 3:165, 3:178, 3:182, 4:100
  • TJ on, 17:298
  • TJ pays, 1:41, 1:49
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and Yazoo land scheme, 3:127, 3:129n

Lind, James

  • An Essay on diseases incidental to Europeans in hot Climates, 3:38, 3:40n, 10:136, 10:147n

linden, American. See basswood (American linden)

Lindsay, Col., 11:429

Lindsay, Mr. (canal-lock builder), 14:360

Lindsay, Mr. (letter bearer), 2:40

Lindsay (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Lindsay (TJ’s slave; b. 1816)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 12:303

Lindsay, Eliza

  • signs petition, 18:146

Lindsay, Elizabeth

  • signs petition, 18:146

Lindsay, George G.

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Lindsay, James

  • and J. Brand’s estate, 19:673, 19:673n
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:330, 13:161, 15:96, 16:303, 17:630
  • identified, 19:673n
  • letter from accounted for, 19:673n
  • letter to, 19:673

Lindsay, Mary

  • signs petition, 18:146

Lindsay, Reuben

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:330, 15:398–15:399, 16:476
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:96, 14:118
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:20
  • friend of TJ, 4:671
  • hair described as white, 5:253
  • home of on route to Montpellier (Madison family estate), 1:562–1:563
  • identified, 8:397n
  • on W. McGehee, 3:35–3:36
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349
  • and W. Short’s land, 4:60
  • TJ visits, 8:664
  • as trustee of Bankheads, 8:394–8:397, 8:397–8:399
  • and University of Virginia, 15:13n, 17:607

Lindsay, Robert

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 16:308, 16:475, 19:189, 20:230, 20:235

Lindsey, Theophilus

  • correspondence with J. Priestley, 6:146, 6:233, 6:278, 6:300, 6:317–6:318, 6:367–6:368, 8:553, 8:553–8:554n, 8:658
  • Memoirs of the Late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, M.A. (T. Belsham), 6:145, 6:146, 6:146, 6:180, 6:192, 6:193, 6:204, 6:219, 6:226, 6:227, 6:228, 6:277, 6:278, 6:280, 6:367, 9:175, 9:176n, 9:595, 9:596n, 10:381, 11:230
  • mentioned, 6:145–6:146, 6:146, 6:227, 6:227, 6:227, 6:237, 6:300, 6:302, 8:551

Lindsey’s Hotel (Washington), 1:359n

linen, 3:202, 3:280n, 3:309, 3:309n, 4:27, 4:102, 4:138, 4:231–4:232n, 5:187, 5:439, 5:470, 6:344, 6:347, 8:460, 8:554, 9:597, 11:11, 16:7, 16:12, 17:9, 18:43, 18:225, 19:11, 19:14, 19:14, 19:486, 19:615

Lingan, James McCubbin, 1:75

Linguæ Latinæ Liber Dictionarius Quadripartitus (A. Littleton), 6:387

Linguarum Totius Orbis Vocabularia comparativa (ed. P. S. Pallas), 9:373n, 12:249–12:250, 12:294, 12:296n

linguistics. See philology

Lining, John

  • “A Description of the American Yellow Fever, in a Letter from Dr. John Lining” , 10:131, 10:146n

Link, Daniel

  • and University of Virginia, 19:190, 20:197, 20:200, 20:214, 20:216

Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné)

  • and botany, 13:248, 16:160, 19:668n
  • Caroli a Linné … System Vegetabilium (ed. J. A. Murray), 8:429, 8:430n
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:667
  • A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals (trans. Turton), 1:581, 7:626
  • and Indian hemp, 4:667
  • mentioned, 5:601
  • and mineralogy, 2:489, 2:490n
  • and nosology, 11:367
  • and scientific classification, 7:152, 7:208, 7:208–7:209, 7:210–7:211, 11:367, 19:668n
  • and Société Linnéenne de Paris, 18:62, 19:566, 19:592, 19:668n, 19:694
  • Systema Naturæ, 4:536, 6:408, 6:409, 7:210, 11:367, 13:248, 13:249n

Linnean Society of London, 1:163, 1:164n, 1:521n, 9:522

Linnean Society of Philadelphia, 1:663, 2:70

linseed oil, 1:55n, 1:77, 1:97, 5:33, 5:379, 15:473, 16:376, 16:389, 16:416, 18:174

Linville, Sarah

  • signs petition, 18:146

lion’s foot

  • as snakebite remedy, 1:58n

Lipop, Joseph

  • identified, 6:43n
  • seeks advice from TJ, 6:43

Lips, Joest

  • works of, 11:452, 17:73n

Lipscomb, Abner Smith, 16:462–16:463

Liriodendron. See tulip poplar

Lisbon See also Jefferson, George (TJ’s cousin): and consulship at Lisbon

  • earthquake in, 4:189, 4:190n, 7:557, 7:560n
  • and P. Gibson, 3:435–3:436, 3:441–3:442, 3:443
  • sheep shipped from, 2:431, 2:481
  • U.S. consulship at, 1:114, 3:441–3:442, 3:523–3:524, 3:542, 4:185, 4:212, 4:218–4:219, 5:313, 5:313n, 5:313–5:314, 5:314n, 5:319, 5:456, 5:504, 6:164

Lislet, Louis Moreau. See Moreau Lislet, Louis

Lister, Martin

  • edits Apicii Coelii de Opsoniis et Condimentis, Sive Arte Coquinaria, 15:26

List of Post Offices in the United States, 1:514, 1:514n

Liston, Robert, 1:256+, 5:266, 6:33, 6:34n, 17:347


  • in Mexico, 20:375
  • as qualification for voting, 7:327, 7:328n, 19:587
  • in U.S., 20:375
  • of working class, 13:521

Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (England), 16:97

Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York

  • and D. Clinton, 8:347, 8:348n, 8:409
  • members of, 8:603
  • and tariffs on books, 17:656
  • TJ elected a member of, 8:409, 8:409n, 8:456–8:457, 8:603, 8:675

Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina

  • and J. Madison, 6:377
  • Shecut’s critique of, 6:377
  • TJ elected honorary member of, 6:377, 6:377, 6:483, 6:561

Literary Fund

  • and aid for Va. academies and colleges, 19:274n, 19:292, 19:315, 19:324, 19:340–19:341n, 20:464, 20:465n
  • and annuity for University of Virginia, 15:83, 15:89, 15:91, 15:91, 15:101, 15:101, 15:295, 15:430, 15:431n, 15:461, 15:462, 15:482, 15:486, 15:509, 15:509, 15:509, 15:520, 15:520, 15:523–15:524, 15:602, 16:64, 16:76–16:77, 16:220, 16:220, 16:295, 16:298–16:299, 16:299, 16:301, 16:320, 16:321n, 16:337–16:338, 16:374, 16:397, 16:431, 16:431, 16:475, 16:475, 16:544, 16:550, 16:560, 17:33, 17:75, 17:75, 17:76, 17:184, 17:246, 17:293, 17:294, 17:294, 17:294, 17:436, 17:494, 17:514–17:515, 17:525, 17:525, 17:528, 17:528, 17:571, 17:613, 17:616, 17:617, 17:617, 17:642, 17:646–17:647, 18:29, 18:29, 18:86, 18:101, 18:101, 18:110, 18:113, 18:113–18:114, 18:127–18:128, 18:199, 18:208, 18:475, 19:41, 19:41, 19:42, 19:60, 19:257, 19:310, 19:324, 19:404, 19:417, 19:478, 19:512–19:513, 19:538, 19:539, 19:553, 19:653, 20:179, 20:191, 20:298, 20:340n, 20:385, 20:387, 20:392, 20:393, 20:393, 20:459, 20:464, 20:468, 20:552, 20:552
  • and education of the poor, 16:629n, 18:119n, 18:160n, 18:248, 18:262, 18:263–18:264
  • and estate of T. Reed, 9:277, 9:279
  • funds of, 15:80–15:81, 15:82n, 15:295, 15:336, 16:302n, 16:429, 16:431, 16:544, 16:551, 16:565, 16:593, 16:612, 17:32, 17:33–17:34n, 17:34n, 17:157–17:158, 18:110, 18:119, 18:129, 18:158, 18:159, 18:178, 18:207–18:208, 18:220, 18:222n, 18:263–18:264, 18:265n, 20:387, 20:387, 20:464, 20:465n
  • and General Assembly, 15:358, 15:399–15:400, 15:400n, 15:401n, 15:416n, 16:458, 16:468, 16:469n, 17:32, 17:33–17:34n, 17:34n, 18:29, 18:119, 18:119n, 18:222n, 19:274n
  • and governor of Va., 19:167
  • and loans for University of Virginia, 15:415, 15:430–15:431, 15:431n, 15:432, 15:461–15:462, 15:482, 15:486–15:487, 15:508–15:509, 15:516, 15:520, 15:520, 15:521, 15:523–15:524, 15:536–15:537, 15:537n, 15:560, 15:560n, 15:561, 15:602, 16:64–16:65, 16:65, 16:76–16:77, 16:185, 16:189, 16:220, 16:271, 16:295, 16:298–16:299, 16:299, 16:300, 16:301, 16:320, 16:321n, 16:338, 16:347, 16:354, 16:360, 16:374, 16:396–16:398, 16:431, 16:431, 16:442, 16:545, 16:565, 16:593, 16:612, 16:624, 16:625n, 17:21n, 17:75, 17:75, 17:75, 17:76, 17:76, 17:84, 17:85n, 17:100, 17:103–17:104, 17:104, 17:106–17:107, 17:141–17:142, 17:184, 17:185, 17:240–17:241, 17:246, 17:247, 17:292, 17:292n, 17:293, 17:293, 17:293, 17:293, 17:294, 17:294, 17:294, 17:294n, 17:294n, 17:304, 17:383, 17:384–17:385, 17:389–17:390, 17:391–17:392, 17:397, 17:397–17:398n, 17:398n, 17:416, 17:422, 17:425, 17:428, 17:432, 17:436, 17:440, 17:440, 17:494, 17:514–17:515, 17:525, 17:550–17:551, 17:613, 17:614–17:615, 17:616, 17:616, 17:617, 17:617, 17:643, 17:644–17:645, 17:647, 17:647, 18:10, 18:29, 18:86, 18:108, 18:111n, 18:113–18:114, 18:118–18:119, 18:119, 18:119n, 18:127–18:128, 18:128–18:129, 18:178, 18:188, 18:192, 18:199, 18:199n, 18:200, 18:207–18:208, 18:208–18:209, 18:215, 18:220, 18:248, 18:249n, 18:261, 18:262, 18:265n, 18:265n, 19:40–19:44, 19:46, 19:53, 19:179, 19:181, 19:183, 19:187n, 19:188, 19:191n, 19:253–19:255, 19:274, 19:315, 19:324, 19:326, 19:328, 19:339–19:340, 19:340–19:341n, 19:350, 19:351n, 19:353–19:354, 19:368, 19:368–19:369, 19:370, 19:371, 19:383, 19:392, 19:393, 19:395, 19:395n, 19:398, 19:402, 19:409, 19:415, 19:415, 19:417, 19:503, 19:503n, 19:517–19:518, 19:519, 19:519n, 19:550, 19:553, 19:561, 19:570, 19:573, 19:578, 19:584–19:585, 19:593, 19:594–19:595, 19:604–19:605, 19:653, 19:670, 20:10, 20:113, 20:179, 20:180, 20:190–20:191, 20:191, 20:195, 20:299–20:300, 20:305, 20:313n, 20:385, 20:385, 20:451, 20:465n, 20:555
  • and loan to James River Company, 20:305
  • and loan to T. J. Randolph, 18:349, 18:350n, 18:389, 18:402, 18:434
  • and primary education, 15:446, 15:447, 16:232, 16:431, 18:74–18:75, 19:254, 19:292, 19:293, 19:293–19:294n, 19:314–19:315, 19:324, 19:325–19:326, 19:339, 19:339, 19:340–19:341n, 19:353–19:355
  • reports of, 15:366, 15:366–15:367n, 15:399, 15:400n, 16:337–16:338, 16:544, 16:551, 16:565, 18:158, 18:160n, 19:241, 19:242n, 19:243, 19:244n
  • resolutions of the president and directors, 15:432–15:433, 15:482, 15:486–15:487, 15:536–15:537, 15:560, 16:185, 17:397–17:398, 18:119, 18:119n, 18:199, 18:199n
  • support for, 18:108, 18:109
  • University of Virginia Board of Visitors reports to, 15:57, 15:81–15:82, 15:82–15:85, 15:85–15:87, 15:88–15:92, 15:93–15:95, 15:96–15:99, 15:99–15:101, 15:102–15:104, 15:251–15:252, 15:252n, 16:268, 16:269, 16:271, 16:295, 16:297, 16:298, 16:298–16:302, 16:303–16:318, 16:405, 16:417, 16:417n, 16:428, 16:432, 16:474, 16:475–16:482, 17:614, 17:614–17:619, 17:619n, 17:620–17:629, 17:630–17:641, 17:642–17:643, 17:643–17:644, 17:644–17:645, 17:646–17:647, 17:648–17:649, 17:649–17:651, 17:651–17:655, 18:10–18:11, 18:113–18:114, 18:190, 19:39, 19:40–19:45, 19:46–19:52, 19:53–19:59, 19:60, 19:61, 19:62–19:63, 19:164, 19:174, 19:255, 19:256–19:258, 19:258n, 19:269, 19:273–19:274, 19:274n, 19:284, 19:292, 19:314, 19:316n, 19:416n, 20:190, 20:190–20:193, 20:194–20:198, 20:199–20:208, 20:209–20:217, 20:218–20:235, 20:275, 20:293, 20:294, 20:305, 20:384–20:385
  • and U.S. debt to Va., 17:103–17:104, 17:106–17:107, 17:123, 17:123–17:124, 17:124, 17:141–17:142, 17:160, 17:384, 17:385n, 17:398n, 18:158, 18:178, 18:178, 18:178n, 18:192, 18:199, 18:221, 20:387

The Literary Magazine, and American Register

  • bound for TJ, 13:368, 14:165, 15:340

Literary miscellanies; including a dissertation on anecdotes (I. D’Israeli), 7:389

Literary Subaltern (Providence, R.I., newspaper)

  • prints spurious TJ letter, 19:615

Lithgow, Alexander

  • as federal deputy clerk, 5:240n
  • tried for embezzlement, 18:328, 18:329n, 18:332

Littell, Eliakim See also Littell & Henry (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 15:373–15:374n

Littell & Henry (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 15:373–15:374n
  • letters from, 15:373–15:374, 17:508–17:509
  • letter to, 17:530–17:531
  • Proposals, by Littell & Henry, 74 South Second Street, Philadelphia, for Publishing by Subscription, a new edition of Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 17:508, 17:508–17:509n, 17:530–17:531
  • as publishers, 15:373, 15:374n, 15:375n

Little, Peter

  • and J. D. Vaughan, 10:566

Little, William (16921734)

  • as boundary commissioner, 9:178, 11:22, 11:22, 11:23n, 11:125

Little, William (of Boston)

  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n

Little Bear (Chippewa chief), 2:58n

Little Belt. See Lille Belt, HMS

Littlebury, Isaac

  • translates Herodotus, 1:580, 17:536

Little Dick (TJ’s slave; b. 1781). See Dick (TJ’s slave; b. 1781)

Littlejohn, John

  • chairs committee of Republican mechanics, 1:90n

The Little Medly: containing short remarks on the … New Testament (J. Brunt), 1:403, 1:403n

Littlepage, Mr., 2:397, 2:433

Littlepage, James

  • and contested election, 7:494, 7:546, 10:365–10:366, 10:366n

Littleton, Mr. See Lyttelton, George, Baron Lyttelton

Littleton, Adam

  • Linguæ Latinæ Liber Dictionarius Quadripartitus, 6:387

Littleton, Edward, 13:77

Littleton, Thomas

  • Anciennes loix des François, 3:130–3:131, 3:175n, 3:546

Littleton, Sir Thomas. See The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or a Commentary upon Littleton (E. Coke); A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke’s First Institute of the Laws of England (J. H. Thomas)

Little Turtle (Miami Indian), 16:615

Little William (schooner), 11:302

Livandais, Mr. See Livaudais, Jacques M.

Livaudais, Jacques M., 3:484, 5:85n

Lively, Charles

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • rents part of Indian Camp, 1:234, 1:235n, 4:198

Livermore, Arthur

  • friendship with S. Hale, 13:24–13:25
  • identified, 13:26n
  • letter to, from S. Hale, 13:24–13:26


  • banks in, 10:512, 10:513n
  • porcelain from, 16:60, 16:289n
  • promotion of literature and science in, 14:78, 16:499
  • tobacco market in, 15:260–15:261
  • U.S. consulship at, 17:96, 17:97, 17:288, 17:509

Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2d Earl of

  • as British foreign secretary, 4:587, 4:671
  • as British prime minister, 5:156n, 11:303n, 14:467n
  • correspondence published, 8:450n
  • and J. Henry’s mission, 4:541, 4:627, 8:543, 8:545n
  • parliamentary comments of, 4:539

Liverpool Botanic Garden, 1:163, 1:164n, 1:164n, 1:435, 4:146

Liverpool Royal Institution, 14:78, 16:499

Lives (Plutarch), 7:662, 9:235n, 12:157n, 12:534, 16:330, 16:621n, 17:105, 17:105–17:106n

Lives (Plutarch; trans. W. & J. Langhorne), 1:580

Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius; trans. R. D. Hicks), 7:24, 7:221n

The Lives of the First Twelve Cæsars (Suetonius; trans. A. Thomson), 1:580, 12:534, 19:505

The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (S. Johnson), 6:183, 7:664, 15:121, 19:234, 19:505

livestock See also cattle; horses; mules; pigs; sheep

  • draft animals, 3:170–3:171, 3:348, 3:349, 3:371n, 8:132, 12:563, 18:632
  • feed for, 7:263, 7:282, 11:207, 11:271–11:272, 14:181, 15:360, 16:395, 17:487, 18:69, 18:69
  • goats, 6:103
  • and manure, 19:606–19:607
  • for Monticello, 1:81n, 8:392, 11:240
  • of W. C. Nicholas, 14:587n
  • oxen, 4:373, 4:526, 6:306n, 8:10, 8:70, 8:72, 8:307, 12:304, 12:304, 12:563, 14:179, 14:238, 16:470, 18:610
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:306, 4:373, 4:381, 4:526, 8:10, 8:174, 8:185, 8:520, 10:597
  • taxes on, 8:256, 8:392

Livingston, Henry Brockholst

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531
  • letter from accounted for, 8:653n
  • witnesses stucco demonstration, 1:195n

Livingston, Edward See also Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over; Livingston v. D’orgenoy ; Livingston v. Jefferson ; The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi (Thomas Jefferson)

  • J. Adams on, 5:3
  • Address to the People of the United States, on the measures pursued by the Executive with respect to the Batture at New-Orleans, 2:455, 2:456n, 2:516, 2:518n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:133, 3:173n, 3:235, 3:236n, 3:271, 3:483, 5:45, 5:47n, 5:143–5:144
  • An Answer to Mr. Jefferson’s Justification of His Conduct in the Case of the New Orleans Batture, 4:292, 5:163, 6:627–6:628, 7:96, 7:96n, 7:175
  • bankruptcy of, 2:402
  • bill of complaint against TJ, 2:545, 2:546–2:550, 2:659, 3:117, 3:226, 3:227n, 11:70, 13:lii
  • canal of, 2:444n, 2:445–2:446n, 2:547, 2:548, 6:435–6:436
  • and capital punishment, 20:165n
  • and case of J. Robbins, 6:255, 6:255
  • W. C. C. Claiborne on, 2:434, 2:471–2:472, 2:682, 2:682, 3:25, 3:157–3:158, 8:64
  • and G. Du Jareau, 2:484
  • Examination of the title of the United States, 3:476, 3:483
  • A. Gallatin on, 2:528, 3:68, 3:70, 3:71–3:72
  • identified, 2:549–2:550n
  • letter from, 20:620–20:621
  • L. Moreau Lislet on, 3:174n, 3:175–3:176n
  • offers to aid Trist family, 4:572–4:573
  • opens canal on batture, 3:175n, 3:404, 3:406, 3:494–3:495, 3:496–3:497
  • portrait of, 4:xliv, 4:370 (illus.)
  • proclaims right to batture, 1:287n, 3:233, 3:234–3:235n, 3:248n, 3:484
  • relationship with TJ, 20:606–20:607, 20:620, 20:625, 20:626n
  • and riots at Batture Sainte Marie, 2:440–2:442n, 3:26n, 3:495
  • and J. Robbins case, 5:3, 5:4n
  • speeches of, 6:297
  • Speech of Mr. Livingston, of Louisiana, on the subject of Internal Improvement. Delivered in the House of Representatives U. S. February 9, 1824, 20:620, 20:620–20:621n
  • L. W. Tazewell on, 5:44–5:45, 5:45
  • TJ on, 3:203–3:204, 4:292, 5:134–5:135
  • and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case, 4:110
  • E. Trist on, 4:572–4:573, 5:111–5:113, 8:295
  • validity of land claim, 3:27n

Livingston, Eliza McEvers (John R. Livingston’s wife), 19:393n

Livingston, John Henry

  • A Dissertation on the Marriage of a Man with his Sister in Law, 12:334

Livingston, Louise (Edward Livingston’s wife)

  • offers to aid Trist family, 4:573

Livingston, Mary Stevens (Robert R. Livingston’s wife)

  • illustrates Essay on Sheep, 3:63, 3:64n

Livingston, Peter Robert, 19:556

Livingston, Robert R.

  • and appointments, 9:389n
  • death of, 6:55, 6:57n
  • and Declaration of Independence, 14:290–14:291, 18:274, 20:38n, 20:123–20:124
  • Essay on Sheep, 1:667, 1:668n, 2:39, 2:83, 3:63, 3:64n, 4:637, 5:181, 5:182n, 11:165
  • family of, 1:20n
  • identified, 4:638n
  • and inland navigation, 6:268–6:269n, 17:126
  • letters to, 4:637–4:638
  • as member of Continental Congress, 4:475, 4:476n, 6:440, 10:421, 14:374
  • and merino sheep, 1:529, 2:39, 4:637, 6:504
  • and partisan politics, 10:111–10:112, 10:185, 11:490
  • recommends F. A. Van der Kemp to TJ, 4:500, 4:501n
  • and steamboats, 7:112, 7:113n
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:637
  • and F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507, 4:614

Livingston, William

  • as member of Continental Congress, 4:600–4:601, 4:601–4:602, 6:612, 17:316, 17:316, 20:150

Livingston, William, Jr., 1:195n

Livingston family

  • as aristocrats, 7:67

Livingston v. D’orgenoy, 3:233, 3:234n, 3:246–3:248, 3:265, 3:484, 5:134–5:135, 5:137n, 5:144–5:145, 5:315, 5:315n, 6:388, 6:390, 6:392, 6:392, 6:394, 6:395, 10:669n

Livingston v. Jefferson See also Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over

  • background of, 4:291–4:292
  • dismissal reported to TJ, 4:303–4:304
  • J. Marshall’s opinion in, 4:297–4:303, 5:58, 5:59n, 5:176n
  • opinions published, 5:59n, 5:176, 5:176n, 5:219
  • TJ congratulated on dismissal of, 4:572
  • J. Tyler’s opinion in, 4:293–4:297, 5:58, 5:59n, 5:176n
  • U.S. Circuit Court dismisses, 4:304, 4:311, 4:367–4:368, 4:477, 4:520 , 4:631, 4:639, 5:240, 5:240–5:241n, 9:449, 9:449, 9:449–9:450n, 11:70

Livius, George Peter

  • papers of, 11:613

Livy (Titus Livius)

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:661, 14:551
  • P. Henry as reader of, 10:365, 10:384, 10:384n
  • Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live (ed. J. Freinsheim; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 11:632, 12:112, 12:203, 12:576, 14:510
  • lost works of, 6:278, 16:541
  • mentioned, 6:402, 8:234
  • The Roman History by Titus Livius; with the Entire Supplement of John Freinsheim (J. Freinsheim), 19:505
  • Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (ed. J. F. Gronovius) , 5:523, 5:524n, 5:549
  • Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (eds. J. Leclerc and J. Freinsheim), 5:501, 5:594, 5:594–5:595n, 5:625, 6:157, 7:286, 10:233, 11:414, 12:576, 14:510, 17:106
  • Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui extant (eds. J. Doujat and J. Freinsheim), 1:580, 5:549, 5:549n, 12:576
  • T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt (ed. G. A. Ruperti), 11:414
  • TJ on, 2:153, 6:53, 7:373, 12:576, 16:164
  • TJ quotes, 6:402, 6:407n, 8:355, 8:356n, 8:385n, 13:338–13:339, 13:339n
  • TJ recommends works of, 12:534, 18:251
  • works of, 14:258, 14:258, 16:330, 16:441, 16:473, 16:516, 18:399

Liza (slave), 4:15

Llorente, Juan Antonio

  • Histoire Critique de l’Inquisition d’Espagne, 13:562

Lloyd, Bartholomew

  • identified, 20:635n
  • professor at Trinity College (Dublin), 20:633
  • recommends G. W. Smyth, 20:634–20:635

Lloyd, James, 1:473, 2:70

Lloyd, Thomas, 1:214n

Lloyd’s Evening Post (London newspaper), 15:418n

Lobinhes, Dr., 2:11, 2:12

Lobstein, Johann Friedrich Daniel

  • identified, 18:628–18:629n
  • letter from, 18:628–18:629
  • letter to, 19:68
  • proposed book by, 15:290, 15:290n, 18:628, 18:629n, 19:68

Loccenius, Johannes

  • Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et Maritimo Fasciculus, 8:387, 8:387–8:388n

Locke, Jesse (of Campbell Co.), 5:49

Locke, John

  • J. Adams on, 7:74, 7:480, 9:434, 15:410
  • anecdote about, 11:490
  • defines mental illness, 14:302–14:303
  • An Essay concerning Human Understanding, 1:576, 7:627, 10:658, 17:246, 19:505, 20:261
  • and faculty of thought, 12:446, 20:619
  • in D. Fraser’s proposed book, 5:545
  • intellect of commended, 7:101
  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • A Letter concerning Toleration, 19:505
  • and materialism, 16:188, 16:196
  • mentioned, 6:238, 6:296, 6:296, 7:667, 9:396, 10:548, 10:671, 13:441, 14:631, 15:122n
  • and philosophy of language, 15:223
  • portraits of, 3:305, 10:398
  • religious beliefs of, 16:601, 20:19
  • TJ on, 15:469–15:470
  • Two Treatises of Government, 19:505, 20:124
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503, 4:506
  • and A. B. Woodward’s work, 1:254n
  • writings of, 16:188

Locke, Samuel, 6:501

Lockhart, John Gibson

  • as editor of Quarterly Review, 20:378n
  • Peter’s Letters to His Kinsfolk, 19:608, 19:608n, 19:625, 20:63–20:64


  • chains for, 12:304
  • door, 11:548, 11:588, 11:589, 15:172, 15:174, 19:690n, 20:13, 20:77, 20:78
  • padlocks, 1:302–1:303, 6:344, 6:344, 6:348, 15:451, 16:10, 17:4, 17:7, 17:8, 17:8, 18:42, 18:45, 18:48, 18:48, 18:49, 19:9
  • for presses, 18:164n
  • purchased by TJ, 9:105, 12:552, 12:633, 16:6
  • stock-lock, 6:346, 18:46

locks (canal), 3:286–3:288, 3:303, 3:421–3:422, 9:287, 9:287n, 9:328–9:329, 11:69, 11:70, 11:72–11:98, 11:100, 11:102, 11:104, 11:108, 11:108, 11:552, 11:552, 11:552, 11:563, 12:593, 12:594, 12:595, 12:596, 12:598, 12:599, 12:600, 12:601, 12:604, 12:645, 13:53, 14:355–14:356, 14:356, 14:357, 14:357, 14:359–14:366, 14:381, 14:392, 14:392–14:395, 14:397–14:399, 14:400, 14:402, 14:403, 14:405, 14:406, 14:407–14:408, 14:409, 14:410–14:411, 14:412–14:413, 14:417, 14:418–14:419, 14:485, 14:501, 14:541, 15:216–15:221, 15:227, 15:227, 15:268–15:269, 15:289, 15:289, 19:659, 20:14–20:15n, 20:29, 20:563

Lockyer, George (ship captain), 13:241, 13:241n, 13:443

locus in quo, pleading on. See Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over: pleadings in

locust (tree), 20:218

  • bristly, 3:354, 11:174, 11:219–11:220
  • common, 3:353, 11:39, 12:618
  • Kentucky (honey locust), 3:353, 3:354, 9:533, 10:238
  • yellow, 19:17, 19:65

Loder, Justus Christian

  • as anatomist, 20:616

Loesner, Christoph Friedrich

  • edits Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Exstant (Hesiod), 9:196, 9:455, 9:697, 10:212

Logan (schooner), 14:286, 15:286

Logan, Mr. (of Staunton)

  • introduced to TJ, 10:673
  • letter to, 11:130
  • as watchmaker, 10:596, 10:596n, 10:607, 10:673n, 11:130

Logan, Andrew

  • and Bank of U.S., 4:371–4:372, 4:373n
  • identified, 4:372–4:373n
  • letters from, 4:371–4:373
  • seeks TJ’s advice, 4:372

Logan, Deborah Norris (George Logan’s wife)

  • mentioned, 6:539, 7:44, 18:12
  • sends greetings to TJ, 8:671, 9:111, 9:709, 10:126, 10:501
  • TJ sends greetings to, 9:91, 10:70, 10:176, 10:265, 10:522, 10:548

Logan, George

  • and Alexander I’s education and character, 8:671, 9:110–9:111
  • on Christianity, 9:708–9:709, 10:467–10:468, 10:522
  • and Christian statesmen, 10:467–10:468, 10:522
  • and drill, 9:280, 10:32
  • emissary for TJ, 8:451n
  • family of, 9:709, 9:709n
  • and flax specimen, 10:501, 10:547
  • and foreign relations, 9:109–9:111
  • friendship with TJ, 10:125–10:126, 10:176–10:177, 10:486
  • identified, 6:513–6:514n
  • letters from, 6:512–6:514, 7:38–7:44, 8:380–8:381, 8:671, 9:109–9:111, 9:708–9:710, 10:125–10:126, 10:467–10:468, 10:501–10:502
  • letters to, 6:538–6:540, 9:90–9:91, 10:69–10:70, 10:176–10:177, 10:265–10:266, 10:521–10:522, 10:547–10:548
  • opposes War of 1812, 6:512, 6:513, 7:38, 7:43–7:44
  • and peace with Great Britain, 6:512–6:513, 6:538–6:539, 7:38–7:44, 8:380–8:381, 10:501
  • and J. Priestley’s correspondence, 8:671, 8:671n
  • proposed visit to Monticello of, 9:111
  • on religion, 10:467–10:468
  • sells plows, 2:312–2:313, 2:313n, 2:334
  • sends book to J. Madison, 6:513
  • sends works to TJ, 10:501, 10:501–10:502n, 10:547
  • sheep of, 1:16
  • TJ on, 7:96, 7:99n
  • TJ’s correspondence with published, 7:36, 7:37n, 7:96–7:97, 7:99n, 7:104–7:105, 7:105n, 7:299n, 7:312, 7:312n, 9:91n, 9:111n, 10:69–10:70, 10:125–10:126, 10:176–10:177, 10:645
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 9:708–9:709, 10:467, 10:521–10:522, 10:542n
  • unofficial peace missions of, 6:512, 6:513n, 6:538, 7:38

Logan, James (16741751)

  • on religion, 9:709n
  • translates Cato Major, or Discourse on Old Age (Cicero), 3:137, 3:137n, 19:505

Logan, James (ca. 172580) (Mingo Indian)

  • anecdotes of, 9:64–9:65, 9:121
  • mentioned, 16:615
  • places named for, 9:64
  • speech of, 2:204, 2:205n, 2:340, 7:373, 7:484, 7:484n, 7:521, 13:40, 19:341–19:342, 19:343n

Logan, William (1718–76)

  • library of, 18:659, 18:662n

Logan, William (1776–1854)

  • identified, 14:572n
  • letter from, 14:572
  • letter to, 15:53
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 14:572, 15:53

Logan County, Ky., 3:647

Loge, James

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636


  • collegiate education in, 17:237
  • study of, 7:480, 7:480, 7:659, 7:662–7:663, 7:667, 7:667, 7:686, 12:345, 12:403, 15:239, 16:537, 16:631

Logic (I. Kant), 17:536

Logick (I. Watts), 7:662, 7:667, 16:381, 16:458

Logique (Destutt de Tracy), 4:203–4:204, 4:209n, 9:441–9:442, 9:485, 10:658, 16:630

La logique, ou, Les premiers developpemens de l’art de penser (Condillac), 5:276, 5:277n

Logwood, Burwell

  • identified, 2:119n
  • letter from to A. L. Duncan, 2:119
  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 2:119, 2:255, 2:383, 2:482, 3:648

Logwood, Pruey Peyton, 2:117, 2:254, 3:648

Lohar (Lohor), John

  • and University of Virginia, 17:634

Loimologia: or, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665 (N. Hodges), 10:131, 10:146n

Les lois civiles dans leur ordre naturel (J. Domat; trans. W. Strahan), 3:160, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546

Loise, Paul (Osage interpreter)

  • letter from accounted for, 16:651

Loix de Platon (Plato; trans. J. N. Grou), 12:112

Loix et constitutions des colonies françoises de l’Amerique sous le vent (Moreau de Saint Méry), 3:160, 3:175n

Lolme, Jean Louis de

  • Constitution de L’Angleterre, 7:628

Lomax, Ann Corbin Tayloe (Thomas Lomax’s wife)

  • TJ sends greetings to, 9:647

Lomax, Charlotte Belson Thornton (John Tayloe Lomax’s wife)

  • TJ sends greetings to, 9:647

Lomax, Elizabeth, 1:305n

Lomax, John Tayloe

  • and estate of T. Lomax, 9:545–9:546, 9:647
  • identified, 9:546n
  • letters from, 9:545–9:546
  • letters to, 9:647
  • professor of law, 9:546n

Lomax, Judith

  • and J. Adams, 6:440, 6:441n
  • identified, 6:464n
  • letters from, 7:16
  • “Monticello”, 6:463–6:464
  • The Notes of an American Lyre, 6:464n, 7:260, 7:270
  • poetry of, 6:463, 6:464n
  • sends seeds to TJ, 7:16
  • visits Monticello, 6:440

Lomax, Lunsford

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 2:84, 2:256
  • and lottery for W. Byrd (172877), 9:545–9:546

Lomax, Thomas

  • estate of, 9:545–9:546, 9:647
  • exchanges seeds with TJ, 1:631, 1:657
  • and P. Henry, 4:603
  • identified, 1:631n
  • letters from, 1:631–1:632
  • letters to, 1:657
  • as P. Mazzei’s friend, 4:35, 7:89


  • and Congress of Vienna, 9:90
  • government of, 9:346

Lombardy poplars, 1:192n

Loménie de Brienne, Athanase Louis Marie de

  • as minister of war, 17:344

Loménie de Brienne, Étienne Charles

  • as government minister, 17:344, 17:348, 17:355, 17:378n

London See also Russell, Jonathan

  • as book market, 14:82, 14:452, 16:361, 16:363–16:364, 17:42–17:43
  • compared to Washington, 7:682
  • Courier, 3:577, 3:578n, 18:401
  • Episcopal societies of, 16:15
  • exchange rate at, 3:524, 3:558, 8:430, 8:438, 8:497, 8:499n, 8:500, 9:181–9:182, 18:583, 20:418
  • firms, 3:426
  • Geological Society of, 5:514, 5:514, 5:514–5:515n
  • Horticultural Society of, 5:514, 5:514–5:515n
  • Linnean Society of, 1:163, 1:164n, 1:521n
  • Lloyd’s Evening Post, 15:418n
  • London Vaccine Institution, 6:342, 6:343n
  • Monument to the Great Fire, 16:34
  • newspapers in, 5:370n, 5:384, 15:572n, 20:534–20:535
  • Royal Society of, 4:227, 4:228, 4:353, 5:513, 5:514–5:515n, 16:538
  • Royal Veterinary College of, 5:414, 5:416n
  • and second Anglo-Dutch war, 7:682, 7:684n
  • Society of Antiquaries of, 5:513, 5:514–5:515n
  • Times, 9:218, 9:218n, 19:335n
  • TJ contemplates destruction of, 8:312
  • TJ on, 20:143
  • TJ suggests burning of, 5:186, 5:293, 7:11
  • tunnels near, 6:574
  • U.S. agent at, 3:37–3:38
  • U.S. mission at, 14:41
  • yellow fever in, 10:131

London, John, 12:379

The London and Country Brewer (Ellis), 6:507

London: A Poem, In Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal (S. Johnson), 9:434, 9:434n

The London Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes and Prices, 12:52

Londonderry, Marquess of. See Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount

Long, Mr.

  • militia service of, 7:161

Long, Catherine

  • signs petition, 18:146

Long, Gabriel, 1:415, 1:416n

Long, George (ca. 1782–1843)

  • identified, 16:509n
  • and P. Johnson’s Rosalie, a Tale, 16:509, 16:509–16:510n
  • letter from accounted for, 16:509n
  • letter to, 16:509–16:510
  • and misaddressed letter to, 16:575–16:576, 16:606

Long, James

  • letters from, 1:464–1:465
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 1:464–1:465

Long, Stephen Harriman

  • Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819 and ’20 (E. James), 19:247, 19:248n
  • and hydrostatic engine, 7:232–7:233, 7:233n
  • identified, 19:223–19:224n
  • recommended by R. Walsh, 19:223, 19:247, 19:248n, 19:248
  • and Va. Board of Public Works, 19:223, 19:247, 19:248, 19:317

Long, William B. , 5:18n

Longcake, Mary

  • and estate of T. Reed, 9:258, 9:259, 9:261n

“Longinus” (Greek critic)

  • Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime (trans. W. Smith), 14:200, 16:224, 16:257
  • On the Sublime, 14:258, 14:551

Long Island of the Holston, Treaty of (1777), 19:576, 19:576n


  • calculations for U.S. Capitol, 12:86, 13:314, 13:314n, 18:287, 18:314, 18:314n, 18:505, 18:508, 18:528, 18:539, 18:539–18:545
  • B. Fuller’s method for calculation of, 15:271, 15:287–15:289, 15:293
  • W. King’s method of calculating, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85, 13:119–13:120
  • W. Lambert on calculating, 19:36, 19:628
  • and maps of Va., 16:99, 16:100
  • TJ on calculating, 19:197–19:201, 19:208–19:209, 19:210–19:211
  • and western exploration, 19:197–19:198, 19:211

Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown (London firm)

  • A General Catalogue of Valuable and Rare Old Books, in the Ancient and Modern Languages, and Various Classes of Literature, 8:580, 8:581n, 9:108, 9:108–9:109, 9:109n

Long’s Hotel (Washington)

  • R. Fulton lectures at, 2:250, 2:251n
  • inaugural ball at, 1:10n

Long’s Ordinary (Spotsylvania Co.), 1:416n

A Long Talk, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, on their anniversary, A.D. 1810: in Providence (J. Pitman), 4:306n, 4:395–4:396

Long Talk, spoken at Seekhonk, on the Fourth of July, 1812 (H. Humphrey), 9:307, 9:307–9:308n, 10:164

looking glasses. See mirrors

looming, phenomenon of, 8:298, 10:xlvii, 10:644, 16:37, 18:611n, 18:625, 18:625, 18:626n, 19:207, 19:207n, 20:401n

looms, 3:202, 4:143, 4:428, 5:560, 5:562–5:563, 5:563, 6:107, 6:140, 6:556, 7:402, 7:405–7:406, 7:406–7:407n, 7:438, 7:486, 7:492, 7:506–7:507, 7:507, 7:508, 7:523–7:524, 7:524n, 7:552–7:553, 7:553n, 7:568, 7:570, 7:572, 8:15, 8:135–8:136, 8:160, 8:161n, 8:195, 8:201, 8:202n, 8:249, 8:252–8:253, 8:402, 9:564–9:565, 9:601–9:602, 11:449–11:450, 11:507, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396, 12:396, 12:396–12:397, 16:13, 18:47, 18:51, 18:147n

Loony (Looney), Joseph

  • militia service of, 7:161

Loony (Looney), Peter

  • militia service of, 7:161

López, Gregorio

  • Las siete partidas del sabio rey Don Alonso el Nono, 3:53n, 3:175n, 3:176n

López de Sedano y Pérez del Tero, Juan José

  • edits Parnaso Español. Coleccion de Poesías Escogidas de los mas Célebres Poetas Castellanos, 17:138, 17:445

Lorenzana y Butrón, Francisco Antonio

  • edits Historia de Nueva-España (H. Cortés) , 8:236, 8:237n

Loring, Nathaniel Hall

  • An Address, delivered at the request of the Republican Committee of Arrangements, on the Anniversary of Independence, Fourth July, A.D. 1822. Charlestown, Mass., 18:547, 18:548n, 18:584
  • identified, 18:548n
  • letter from, 18:547–18:548
  • letter to, 18:584
  • An Oration, Pronounced at Charlestown, on the 4th July, 1821, at the request of the Republican citizens of that town, 17:275–17:276, 17:276n, 17:298
  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:468n

Lormerie, Louis Philippe Gallot de

  • on Florida, 3:33
  • identified, 1:131n
  • and Ky. land, 1:256+, 1:342, 5:431–5:433
  • letter from mentioned, 9:96
  • letters from, 1:128–1:131, 1:256+, 1:342–1:343, 3:32–3:35, 5:265–5:267, 5:375–5:377, 5:431–5:435, 5:550–5:552, 5:665–5:667, 6:33–6:34, 6:102–6:105, 6:190–6:191, 8:680–8:682, 9:656–9:657
  • letters from accounted for, 1:343n
  • letters to, 1:354, 5:304, 5:417, 6:49
  • medical knowledge of, 6:103, 6:103–6:104
  • Memoir on American Forest Management, 1:131–1:134, 1:256+, 1:342, 1:354, 3:33–3:34
  • on preservation of water and milk at sea, 6:103
  • Proposal for the Military Use of Sugar, 5:552
  • requests seeds from TJ, 8:680
  • returns to France, 1:256+, 6:102–6:103, 6:103, 6:190, 8:680, 8:681, 9:656–9:657
  • seeks permission to ship goods to France, 1:128–1:129, 1:256+, 1:342, 1:354, 5:265–5:266, 5:304, 5:375–5:376, 5:417, 5:431–5:433, 5:441, 5:550, 5:665–5:666, 6:33, 6:49

Lorraine, Charles de, Cardinal, 16:441

Lorton, Richard

  • identified, 10:85n
  • partnership with J. Warrell, 10:83–10:85
  • proposal for Virginia Museum, 10:83–10:85

Lot (Old Testament figure)

  • wife of, 8:407

Lothair (ship), 10:118, 10:170, 10:343, 10:358, 11:531


  • for Albemarle Academy, 7:265, 7:337–7:338, 7:339, 7:426–7:427, 8:92, 8:183, 9:93n, 9:361, 9:361, 9:496–9:497, 9:498n, 11:316–11:317, 11:317, 11:318n
  • for W. Byrd (1728–77), 9:545–9:546, 9:546n, 9:647, 10:61, 10:61n, 10:110, 12:452, 12:487, 20:515, 20:516n, 20:566
  • for Central College, 11:316–11:317, 11:317, 11:321, 12:42, 12:457–12:458
  • East Tennessee College, 2:266–2:267, 2:268n, 2:365
  • for Philadelphia Museum, 8:545
  • Potomac & Shenandoah navigation, 4:288
  • for proposed school for the poor, 16:277, 16:278
  • regulation of, 13:87n
  • Susquehanna Canal, 4:391
  • tickets for, 13:296–13:297, 18:460
  • for Washington, D.C., 16:484n, 16:609, 18:461n, 19:17, 19:663

Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th Earl of, 1:291n

Loudoun County Superior Court, 1:417

Loudoun County, Va.

  • yellow fever in, 17:603

Louis, king of Etruria

  • and Treaty of San Ildefonso (1800), 9:478, 9:480n

Louis IX (Saint Louis), king of France, 19:439

Louis XI, king of France

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506, 5:459

Louis XII, king of France

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501, 5:459

Louis XIV, king of France

  • declaration of 1683, 3:160, 3:236n
  • and edict of 1693, 2:524, 3:130, 3:131, 3:132, 3:160, 3:174n, 3:226
  • and edict of 1710, 2:524, 3:174n, 3:235, 3:236–3:237n, 3:484
  • and La. territorial charter, 2:676, 3:48n, 3:489–3:490, 10:626, 10:627
  • and ordinance of 1669, 2:657
  • print of, 11:403
  • reign of, 8:551, 11:633–11:634, 17:250n, 17:357
  • W. Short on, 3:197
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:504
  • works on, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:447

Louis XIV, Sa Cour, et le Régent (L. P. Anquetil), 7:664

Louis XV, king of France

  • charters Company of the West, 2:657
  • and École Militaire, 17:388, 17:551
  • mentioned, 14:378n, 19:587
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:507
  • works on, 12:583, 13:295, 17:138, 17:139n, 17:447

Louis XVI, king of France

  • and American independence, 15:297
  • America’s affection for, 8:151n, 9:575
  • execution of, 3:66n, 3:221n, 4:483, 4:484, 8:230, 10:531n, 20:97, 20:98
  • family of, 9:317, 9:318n, 15:583n
  • reign of, 8:294, 9:576, 17:343–17:344, 17:356–17:358, 17:358–17:359, 17:360–17:371, 17:378n, 18:425, 19:466, 19:467–19:468
  • and relations with the Netherlands, 17:345–17:347, 17:347
  • and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:430
  • TJ on, 2:276, 10:645, 15:407
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Louis XVIII, king of France

  • American perceptions of, 8:518
  • as brother of Louis XVI, 17:360–17:361, 17:378n
  • constitutional charter of, 8:263, 8:263, 8:267n, 8:293, 9:346, 11:282, 11:283n, 12:451, 14:108, 20:370n
  • and Council of State, 9:616n
  • as counterrevolutionary, 16:136, 20:131
  • death of, 20:482, 20:483n
  • disparaged, 10:484n
  • flees France, 8:452, 8:523n, 8:580, 8:581n, 10:655
  • and French invasion of Spain (1823), 19:467, 19:468n, 19:489, 19:542, 19:543n, 19:587, 20:585
  • and J. G. Hyde de Neuville, 7:404, 7:404
  • investiture of, 14:242
  • W. Lee on, 8:151n
  • mentioned, 20:498
  • ministers of, 8:137, 8:138, 8:138, 8:139n, 9:393n, 10:494, 10:496n
  • restoration of, 7:423, 7:424, 7:425, 7:450, 7:451n, 7:537–7:538, 7:540, 7:542n, 8:476, 8:477, 8:533, 8:557, 9:68, 9:210, 9:211, 9:353, 9:471, 10:494, 11:282, 12:9–12:10, 12:46, 12:57n, 16:528
  • speeches of, 19:335n, 19:542, 19:543n
  • TJ on, 8:263, 9:108, 9:663, 10:655, 17:177, 17:177n, 19:540–19:541, 19:657
  • unpopularity of, 8:137–8:138, 9:390
  • and U.S. consulships, 12:568, 14:150, 14:239

Louis, Antoine

  • sets TJ’s wrist, 19:233, 19:233n

Louisa (TJ’s slave; b. 1816). See Hughes, Louisa (TJ’s slave; b. 1816)

Louisa County, Va.

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:351n
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Louisa County Superior Court of Law, Va., 15:135

Louisa Court House, Va., 3:254n

Louisiade Archipelago (Solomon Sea), 5:202–5:203

Louisiana (revenue cutter), 2:445n

Louisiana (Spanish and French colony) See also Louisiana Territory; Orleans Territory

  • boundaries of, 10:626–10:627, 12:156, 12:295
  • Chronology of Territorial Claims in Louisiana (Thomas Jefferson), 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 3:292, 3:297, 3:327, 3:328n, 9:487, 9:488n, 9:518, 9:518n, 12:295, 12:295n, 12:331
  • Examination of the Boundaries of Louisiana (Thomas Jefferson), 3:256, 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 9:487, 9:488n, 9:518, 12:295, 12:295n, 12:331, 12:385
  • “Journal historique Concernant l’Etablissement des françois à la Louisianne” (B. de La Harpe), 9:445–9:446, 9:447n, 9:516, 9:518, 9:518n, 9:658, 9:658–9:659n, 9:710, 12:156, 12:157n, 12:294–12:295, 12:295, 12:371
  • laws governing, 2:462, 2:471, 2:676, 3:52–3:53, 3:168, 6:395
  • maps of, 1:247, 1:248n
  • pamphlets on, 1:36, 1:37, 1:38n
  • Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana (A. Stoddard), 3:291, 3:291–3:292n
  • Spanish government of, 2:520, 2:523–2:524, 2:525, 12:249
  • and Treaty of Paris (1763), 9:479
  • and Treaty of Utrecht (1713), 10:626

Louisiana (state)

  • attorney general of, 14:583, 18:581
  • conditions for statehood, 6:389, 6:390n, 6:395
  • congressional delegation from, 18:37
  • constitution of, 4:648, 4:649n, 5:9, 5:9n, 16:146, 18:581
  • economy of, 7:384
  • education in, 16:146–16:147, 16:220
  • elections in, 16:146, 16:220, 16:221, 19:535
  • executive branch in, 16:146
  • French interference in, 19:706
  • and French-language Bibles, 7:183
  • and Guiana, 20:447
  • laws of, 18:239
  • legislature of, 8:295–8:296, 8:296n, 16:146, 16:220, 18:580–18:581
  • maps of, 10:542–10:543, 10:626–10:627, 11:429, 11:430n, 11:615–11:616, 11:616–11:617n, 12:652
  • and presidential election of 1824, 18:307, 19:220–19:221
  • religion in, 9:255
  • resistance to draft in, 7:226, 7:227
  • rice grown in, 12:554
  • as slave state, 15:531, 15:535n, 19:263n
  • state papers of, 18:325
  • N. P. Trist on, 18:580–18:581
  • U.S. district court in, 6:390, 6:394, 6:395, 10:669, 10:669n
  • and War of 1812, 7:227, 7:384, 8:38–8:39, 8:64, 8:295, 8:357, 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129, 14:583
  • works on, 7:242, 7:383–7:384, 10:626, 11:459–11:460, 11:460n, 12:627, 12:628n, 12:652, 15:40, 15:41

Louisiana (steamboat), 13:255

Louisiana Advertiser (New Orleans newspaper), 17:166n

Louisiana Gazette (Saint Louis newspaper), 4:7–4:8

Louisiana Gazette and New-Orleans Daily Advertiser, 3:234–3:235n, 3:418, 3:616

Louisiana Territory See also Lewis, Meriwether; Louisiana (Spanish and French colony); Orleans Territory

  • act to establish (1804) , 3:409, 3:410n
  • books on, 19:393, 19:393–19:394n, 19:417
  • botanical expeditions in, 1:164n, 2:533, 4:535–4:536
  • boundaries of, 3:256–3:257, 3:282–3:283, 9:445–9:446, 9:478–9:480, 9:487, 9:487–9:488n, 9:516, 9:518, 9:658, 9:658–9:659n, 11:460, 11:460n, 12:295, 13:227, 13:609, 13:610–13:611, 13:612n
  • claims related to U.S. purchase of, 9:388, 9:389n, 12:295, 17:172–17:173, 17:173n, 17:187
  • exploration of navigable waters proposed, 1:448–1:449
  • Federalists on, 3:256
  • R. Kennon appointed commandant of, 10:439, 10:440n
  • land exchange with Great Britain, 1:672–1:673
  • J. Monroe offered governorship of, 2:35, 2:42–2:43, 2:44, 2:46n
  • sugar-cane industry in, 2:556
  • title to, 14:279
  • TJ on, 2:360, 9:487, 9:488n, 10:610
  • TJ’s role in purchasing, 7:706–7:707, 7:711, 9:185, 9:551–9:552n, 10:542–10:543, 12:295, 13:255, 13:610, 14:581n, 17:401–17:402, 19:22n
  • and Treaty of Paris (1803), 3:256, 9:478, 9:480n, 15:531, 15:532, 15:535n, 15:563, 15:565n, 19:646, 19:710, 19:711n
  • and Treaty of San Ildefonso (1800), 9:478–9:480, 9:480n, 9:488n

Λουκιανός Luciani Samosatensis Opera (Lucian; eds. T. Hemsterhuis and F. W. Reiz), 15:26, 17:106

Λουκιανοῦ Σαμοσατέως Ἅπαντα. Luciani Samosatensis Opera (Lucian; eds. J. M. Gesner and T. Hemsterhuis), 14:510

The Lounger, 7:665

The Lounger’s Common-Place Book (J. W. Newman), 6:220, 6:280

Loury, Thomas T.

  • letters from, 3:647–3:648
  • sends silver ore sample to TJ, 3:647–3:648

Loury (Lowry) & Black (firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 16:311

Louvet de Couvray, Jean Baptiste

  • as novelist, 7:665

Louvois. See Le Tellier, François Michel, marquis de Louvois


  • Pallas of Velletri (sculpture) at, 14:444
  • preservation of objects from, 9:392
  • prints of, 15:454

Love, John

  • identified, 11:537n
  • letter from, 11:536–11:537
  • letter to, 11:588
  • and wheat, 11:536–11:537, 11:588

Love & Madness, A Story too True (H. Croft), 2:204, 2:204n, 2:339–2:340

Loveday, Septimus

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Lovell, James

  • death of, 8:135, 8:135n, 8:148

Lovell, Joseph

  • as Va. legislator, 15:296n

Lovely Mathilda (ship), 2:353

“A Lover of the Truth” [C. Prentiss?]

  • The Trial: Calvin and Hopkins versus the Bible and Common Sense, 14:223, 14:612–14:613

Lovett, John

  • and books for TJ, 10:565, 10:625
  • and O. Evans’s petition to Congress, 7:113n

Lovett, N. S. I., 10:610

Lovett, Robert

  • as engraver, 14:445, 14:529, 14:568, 14:606, 15:144, 15:518–15:519
  • identified, 14:606n
  • letter from, 14:606
  • letter to, 15:144

Lovick, John

  • as boundary commissioner, 9:178, 11:22, 11:22, 11:23n

Lovilo (TJ’s slave; b. 1801). See Hern, Lovilo (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

Loving, Samuel

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 20:195

Low, Esther Prentiss (wife of John Low [1763–1809])

  • and The New and Complete American Encyclopædia, 4:281n

Low, John (1763–1809)

  • and The New and Complete American Encyclopædia, 4:281n

Low, John (ca. 1790–1829)

  • identified, 4:281–4:282n
  • letters from, 4:281–4:282, 4:336, 4:408, 4:530–4:531
  • letters to, 4:365–4:366, 4:558–4:559
  • TJ subscribes to The New and Complete American Encyclopædia, 4:281, 4:336, 4:365, 4:371, 4:408, 4:409, 4:530–4:531, 4:557, 4:558–4:559

Lowber, Edward

  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 16:319, 17:626, 17:627, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:62, 19:186, 19:190, 19:190, 19:191, 19:238, 20:185, 20:200, 20:206, 20:211, 20:212, 20:212, 20:214, 20:214, 20:215, 20:215, 20:219, 20:220, 20:220, 20:229, 20:233, 20:234, 20:555

Lowell, Charles

  • Congregational clergyman, 19:360
  • identified, 12:102n
  • introduced to TJ, 12:102

Lowell, John

  • family of, 19:360
  • B. Waterhouse on, 18:655, 19:360
  • writings of, 6:297, 18:356

Lowndes, William

  • allegedly endorsed for president by TJ, 18:xlix, 18:xlix, 18:132–18:133n, 18:133n, 18:307
  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531
  • as candidate for Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 16:159n
  • congressional Joint Library Committee member, 8:14
  • death of, 18:461n
  • health of, 18:460
  • and J. Madison’s notes on the Constitutional Convention, 16:251
  • as member of U.S. House of Representatives, 18:37
  • and Missouri question, 15:532
  • and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 12:355
  • presidential prospects of, 18:132–18:133n, 18:369, 18:460
  • recommends A. Hodgson, 16:35
  • visits Monticello, 13:315n

Lowry, Mrs., 5:121

Lowry, Andrew, 1:335, 1:335n

Lowry, Morrow, 1:335, 1:335n

Lowth, Robert

  • A Short Introduction to English Grammar, 12:534, 19:507

Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, 8:225, 8:225

Loyall, George

  • appointment to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 20:549
  • identified, 19:370n
  • invited to visit Monticello, 19:451
  • letter from, 19:370
  • letter to, 19:451
  • as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 19:lv, 19:39, 19:40n, 19:269, 19:274, 19:292, 19:324, 19:350, 19:370, 19:383, 19:395, 19:398, 19:451, 19:517, 19:565–19:566, 19:604, 20:189, 20:589
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • portrait of, 19:lv, 19:424 (illus.)
  • as Va. legislator, 16:635, 17:33, 19:lv, 19:254, 19:368, 19:368, 19:369, 19:370, 20:387, 20:558n
  • visits Monticello, 19:603n

Loyd, Mr., 6:255

Lozano, Joaquin, 3:478n

Lüber, Thomas. See Erastus, Thomas (Thomas Lüber)

Luberta (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus)

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:661
  • Lucan’s Pharsalia (trans. N. Rowe), 19:507
  • Pharsalia, 4:503, 4:506n, 17:36

Lucan’s Pharsalia (Lucan; trans. N. Rowe), 19:507

Lucas, Mr.

  • and Albemarle Library Society, 20:274

Lucas, Fielding

  • as bookseller, 12:393, 12:512

Lucas, James

  • priest in Norfolk, 15:315–15:316, 15:317n

Lucceius, Lucius

  • and Cicero, 17:490, 17:490–17:491n

Lucchesini, Cesare

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

Lucchesini, Giacomo

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

lucerne. See alfalfa

Luchini, Giuseppe

  • family of, 9:291n


  • dialogues of, 7:661
  • dialogues of, E. Murphy edition of, 14:257, 14:551
  • Λουκιανός Luciani Samosatensis Opera (eds. T. Hemsterhuis and F. W. Reiz) , 15:26, 17:106
  • Λουκιανοῦ Σαμοσατέως Ἅπαντα. Luciani Samosatensis Opera (eds. J. M. Gesner and T. Hemsterhuis), 14:510
  • Selecti ex Luciano Dialogi Quidam (ed. J. Stock), 14:551
  • works of, 11:415, 13:17
  • works of bound for TJ, 8:630

Luciani, Sebastiano

  • portrait of Columbus, 7:xliii–7:xliv

Lucinda (TJ’s slave; b. 1791)

  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 6:308, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71

Lucke & Sizer (Richmond firm)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 16:527, 17:286, 17:553
  • buys TJ’s tobacco, 18:602, 18:602, 18:602
  • and University of Virginia, 17:621

Lucket, Mr. (captain of Diana ), 5:289–5:290

Lucrece, [De la Nature des Choses] Traduction Nouvelle, avec des Notes (Lucretius; ed. and trans. N. de La Grange), 14:511

Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:661, 7:661–7:662
  • and cosmology, 13:257, 13:267n
  • Lucrece, [De la Nature des Choses] Traduction Nouvelle, avec des Notes (ed. and trans. N. de La Grange), 14:511
  • quoted, 16:127, 19:81, 19:81n

Lucy (C. L. Bankhead’s slave, one of two with this name), 8:395

Lucy (C. L. Bankhead’s slave, second of two with this name), 8:395

Lucy (C. Bellini’s slave)

  • and C. Bellini estate, 9:491
  • family of, 9:491, 9:491

Lucy (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Lucy (TJ’s slave; b. 1783)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383
  • proposed sale of, 13:437, 13:437n

Lucy (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1800)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255
  • sale of, 18:70, 18:106, 20:6
  • spinner, 4:380

Lucy (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:718

Ludlam, Lewis See also Lewis Ludlam & Company (Richmond firm)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 16:526–16:527, 17:130

Ludlow, Charles, 3:524

Ludlow, Daniel & Co.

  • agent for N. & J. van Staphorst, 9:581, 9:581n

Ludlow, Edmund

  • as historian, 13:412
  • Memoirs, 1:37, 1:580, 7:629, 19:506

Ludlow, Gulian

  • identified, 20:302n
  • letter from, 20:329
  • letter to, 20:301–20:302
  • and TJ’s debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst, 20:143, 20:144, 20:300–20:301, 20:301–20:302, 20:302, 20:329

Ludlow, Maxfield

  • identified, 11:617n
  • letter from, 11:615–11:617
  • map by, 11:615–11:616
  • Prospectus for Publishing by Subscription, A Map of the State of Louisiana, with a part of the State of Mississippi and Alabama Territory, 11:615, 11:616–11:617n

Ludlow, Peter

  • identified, 14:29n
  • and A. Jackson’s W. Fla. campaign, 14:28, 14:29n
  • letter from, 14:28–14:29

Ludlow, Robert Crommelin See also Binney & Ludlow (Boston firm)

  • identified, 15:349n

Ludwell, Frances

  • and P. Ludwell estate, 7:371, 9:284

Ludwell, Philip

  • estate of, 7:329, 7:371–7:372, 9:283–9:284, 10:628, 10:629
  • family of, 18:215

Luke (New Testament evangelist), 6:278

Lukens, Isaiah

  • and mechanical bell ringer, 10:344–10:345, 10:345 (illus.) , 10:345, 10:345, 10:352
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:xlix–5:l, 5:358 (illus.) , 5:558, 5:559n
  • and windmill pump, 8:80

Lukens, Samuel

  • letters from, 4:571
  • letters to, 4:619
  • and I. Shoemaker, 4:571, 4:619

Lullin de Châteauvieux, Jacob Frédéric

  • Manuscrit venu de St. Hélène, d’une manière inconnue, 11:383, 11:384n, 12:90, 12:92n


  • cutting of, 13:387, 13:524, 14:477, 14:494, 15:391, 15:392, 16:253, 16:459
  • export of, 10:571
  • for flooring
  • kiln for drying, 17:652, 18:116
  • for Monticello, 18:574–18:575, 18:606
  • price of, 14:129
  • used at Poplar Forest, 8:612, 8:613, 8:695–8:696, 10:219n, 10:356, 11:207, 14:541
  • used at University of Virginia, 14:446, 14:480, 14:492, 16:318, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 16:319, 17:576, 17:649, 17:649, 17:651–17:652, 17:652, 17:652, 17:652–17:653, 17:653, 17:653, 17:653, 17:654, 17:654, 18:55, 18:116, 18:122, 18:211, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:62, 19:63, 19:63, 19:185, 19:189, 19:446, 19:447, 20:176, 20:177n, 20:179, 20:217, 20:217, 20:218, 20:218, 20:219, 20:220, 20:221, 20:221, 20:221, 20:222, 20:223, 20:224, 20:224, 20:225, 20:225, 20:226, 20:227, 20:228, 20:229, 20:230, 20:230, 20:232, 20:233, 20:234, 20:234, 20:234, 20:234, 20:235, 20:235, 20:554, 20:628
  • in Va., 9:429–9:430

lumber trade, 3:345–3:346

lunar caustic (silver nitrate)

  • as medicine, 4:416

Lundy’s Lane, Battle of (1814), 7:525n, 8:267n

Lunel, France

  • wine from, 14:327, 14:329, 14:329, 14:338

lunettes, 5:507

lupinella. See sainfoin

Lusignem, Louis Hugues Thibault Henri Jacques, marquis de, 2:11, 2:12, 2:14

Luther, Martin

  • J. Adams on, 7:23, 7:74, 7:480, 9:432
  • Lutheri Catechismus Öfwersatt på American-Virginiske Språket, 16:109
  • mentioned, 6:409, 11:424, 13:481
  • TJ on, 13:160
  • writings on, 17:593

Lutheri Catechismus Öfwersatt på American-Virginiske Språket (M. Luther), 16:109

Luzac, Jean

  • and F. A. Van der Kemp, 4:614, 10:305

Luzerne Federalist (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.)

  • prints poems on TJ, 1:429–1:431, 1:431–1:433

Lycée ou Cours De Littérature Ancienne Et Moderne (J. F. La Harpe), 7:26

Lyceum of Natural History of New-York, 17:88, 17:89, 17:89, 20:169, 20:169–20:170n, 20:259, 20:372n

Lycurgus (Athenian statesman)

  • Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:447

Lycurgus (Spartan lawgiver), 10:671, 12:154, 12:157n, 16:619, 16:621n, 17:393, 17:505, 18:238

Lydia (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Lydia (brig), 1:629, 3:434n

Lydia (ship), 9:259

Lydia Davis (schooner), 18:350, 18:375, 18:447


  • as scab remedy, 5:182n

Lye, Edward

  • Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, 6:406, 6:407n

Lyle, James (1726–1812)

  • agent for Henderson, McCaul & Company, 2:180, 2:216–2:217, 2:433, 2:513, 3:280, 3:341, 3:488, 3:538, 3:627–3:628, 4:11, 4:75, 16:415, 16:512–16:513, 16:649, 17:102, 17:103, 17:111, 17:145, 17:146, 17:226, 17:492, 17:493n
  • estate of, 20:107–20:108
  • identified, 2:180n
  • letters from, 2:180, 3:280–3:281, 3:488–3:489, 3:627–3:628, 4:75–4:76
  • letters to, 2:216–2:217, 3:341–3:342, 3:538, 4:11
  • supposed land purchase from W. Byrd, 6:304
  • TJ pays, 4:10, 4:24
  • TJ’s account with, 4:76
  • vision loss of, 3:280–3:281, 3:341–3:342, 3:488, 4:75

Lyle, James (1798–1850)

  • as administrator of estate of J. Lyle (1726–1812), 16:415–16:416, 16:514n, 17:102, 17:103, 17:111, 17:145, 17:146, 17:226–17:227n, 17:492, 17:493n
  • identified, 16:415–16:416n
  • letter from, 16:415–16:416, 17:102
  • Schedule of Installments to be Paid to James Lyle, 17:146
  • Statement of Bonds Payable to James Lyle, 17:102, 17:103
  • TJ’s bond with, 17:226–17:227, 19:495, 20:94, 20:107–20:108

Lyle, John

  • and TJ’s bond with James Lyle (17981850), 17:226n, 17:226n

Lyman, Jerushia

  • B. Rush on, 4:673–4:674

Lyman, Theodore (17551839)

  • family of, 11:46, 11:294, 11:294n

Lyman, Theodore (17921849)

  • carries letter to Europe, 12:621, 14:114
  • identified, 11:47n
  • letters of introduction requested for, 11:46, 11:294, 11:311, 11:357, 11:362–11:363
  • TJ introduces, 11:355, 11:356, 11:360, 12:245, 12:622

Lyman, William

  • and anonymous letter, 3:578
  • consul at London, 1:182n, 4:673, 4:674n
  • identified, 1:182n
  • letters from, 1:182
  • sends publication to TJ, 1:182

Lyman, William, Jr.

  • arrives at Philadelphia, 4:673, 4:674n

Lynch, Mr.

  • carries letter, 12:50, 12:77

Lynch, Dominick

  • and American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures, 11:441–11:442, 11:478
  • identified, 11:442n
  • letter from, 11:441–11:442
  • letter to, 11:478

Lynch, John

  • antislavery activities of, 3:267–3:269, 3:318–3:320
  • identified, 3:269n
  • letters from, 3:267–3:270
  • letters to, 3:318–3:320

Lynch, Thomas

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:332

Lynch, William

  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Lynchburg, Va.

  • bank in proposed, 12:50–12:51, 12:77, 12:78, 12:139, 12:178, 12:179, 12:280, 12:280, 12:395
  • banks in, 12:383, 14:596–14:597, 17:181, 17:197
  • boats traveling to and from, 13:109, 14:447, 14:476, 14:542, 14:573, 15:498, 15:552, 17:207
  • brickwork in, 12:239, 12:240, 12:269
  • builders’ prices in, 12:262, 12:266, 12:266, 12:269, 12:298, 12:307, 13:531–13:532, 13:604–13:605
  • chancery court at, 10:450
  • citizens of, address TJ, 1:671, 9:145–9:147
  • craftsmen of, 11:534–11:535
  • currency exchange at, 8:509, 8:511, 8:511–8:512
  • economy of, 3:102–3:104, 10:32, 12:50–12:51, 12:78, 12:383, 12:395, 15:48, 15:48n
  • fish shipped to, 2:423, 2:503, 7:448, 10:157–10:158, 11:337
  • flour market at, 3:103, 3:341, 9:562, 12:50–12:51, 12:78, 12:538
  • founding of, 3:269n
  • Franklin Hotel, 12:269
  • A. Jackson honored in, 9:145, 9:147n, 9:148, 9:148, 9:185
  • mail service to, 3:56, 3:102–3:104, 3:147–3:148, 3:164, 10:470, 14:489–14:490, 14:564, 14:575, 14:575–14:576, 14:602, 16:434, 19:482
  • mills in, 10:466
  • plaster at, 5:457–5:458
  • post office in, 8:63, 9:62, 12:239
  • road to, 12:203, 12:212
  • schools in, 6:64, 6:130–6:131, 6:451, 6:451, 8:585, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:59, 11:112–11:113, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292
  • specie sent from, 7:670
  • stagecoach to, 12:612
  • stores in, 8:79
  • taverns in, 9:20–9:21
  • timber sold at, 10:189
  • TJ on, 5:104–5:105, 7:482–7:483, 8:204, 10:32, 12:77, 12:78
  • TJ visits, 11:471
  • tobacco prices at, 4:95, 4:105, 4:461, 7:124, 9:562, 12:50–12:51, 12:78, 14:326, 14:473, 15:498, 15:537, 15:552, 15:609–15:610, 17:181
  • tobacco shipped to, 9:505, 9:541, 12:349, 12:476, 17:207, 17:218
  • toll bridge at, 11:475n
  • wheat prices at, 10:355, 17:567

Lynchburg Press (newspaper)

  • advertisements in, 11:238n
  • prints TJ’s Summary Comments on the Peaks of Otter, 9:173, 9:174n

Lyon, Mr.

  • as British consul at Pernambuco, 17:517n, 17:517n, 17:517n, 17:518

Lyon, James

  • and Georgia Republican, 4:92, 4:127, 4:128n, 4:130–4:131
  • identified, 4:131n
  • letters to, 4:130–4:131
  • whereabouts of, 4:112, 4:128

Lyon, Matthew

  • family of, 4:112
  • persecutes W. Duane, 3:449

Lyon, Oliver, 1:33n

Lyons, Mr., 1:338

Lyons, James

  • identified, 7:175n
  • letters from accounted for, 7:175n
  • letters to, 7:174–7:175
  • and J. Wayles’s estate, 7:174, 7:175

Lyons, Peter

  • as administrator of J. Robinson’s estate, 15:556, 15:557n, 18:482, 18:482–18:483
  • and J. Wayles’s estate, 2:369, 2:370, 2:540, 7:174, 7:175n, 7:175


  • A. Auger’s translation of, 7:259, 7:285, 8:630, 9:456
  • Θουκυδίδου Πλάτωνος καὶ Λυσίου λόγοι ἐπιτάφιοι, 10:358

Lyttelton, George, Baron Lyttelton

  • Dialogues of the Dead, 19:508
  • The History of the Life of Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived, 2:51
  • Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton, 19:505