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This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Δαβίδης ἔμμετρος, sive Metaphrasis Libri Psalmorum (J. Duport), 10:357

Dabney, Dr.

  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:20

Dabney, Charles

  • and P. Henry’s eloquence, 7:493

Dabney, George

  • and P. Henry’s eloquence, 7:493

Dabney, William (alias William D. Statham; boatman), 20:55, 20:120, 20:407

Dacier, André

  • edits Oeuvres d’Horace (Horace), 10:235, 13:537, 14:511
  • “Extrait de la Vie d’Hippocrate,” in Traduction des œuvres médicales d’Hippocrate, sur le texte grec, d’après l’édition de Foës (ed. D. J. Tournon; trans. J. B. Gardeil), 11:127, 11:152, 11:297
  • translates Les Œuvres de Platon (Plato), 12:112
  • translates Reflexions Morales de L’Empereur Marc Antonin (Marcus Aurelius), 15:133, 15:160

Dacier, Anne

  • translates Reflexions Morales de L’Empereur Marc Antonin (Marcus Aurelius), 15:133, 15:160

Dacier, Bon Joseph

  • on classical translations, 13:394, 13:394–13:395n, 13:596

da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça, Hipólito José

  • A Narrative of the Persecution of Hippolyto Joseph da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça, 17:537

Dacqueny, John, 3:233

Dacres, James R.

  • and capture of HMS Guerriere, 7:465, 7:467n

Dade, Lawrence Taliaferro

  • identified, 20:99–20:100n
  • letter from, 20:99–20:100
  • requests meeting with TJ, 20:99

Dade, William Ashton Gibbons

  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:182, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223

Daendels, Herman Willem

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Daer, Basil William Douglas, Lord

  • introduced to TJ, 15:469, 15:470n

daffodils, 10:517

Daggs, Margaretta B.

  • signs petition, 18:146

Daily Compiler and Richmond Commercial Register (newspaper)

  • L. H. Girardin as editor and publisher of, 7:450, 7:450n, 10:24n
  • TJ subscribes to, 8:676n, 13:471
  • W. C. Shields as publisher of, 7:450n

Daily National Intelligencer (Washington newspaper). See National Intelligencer (Washington newspaper)

Daines, William

  • American prisoner of war, 7:428n

Daingerfield, John

  • hires out slaves to Central College, 15:94
  • identified, 2:661n
  • letters from, 5:103–5:104
  • letters from accounted for, 2:661n
  • letters to, 2:661
  • TJ rents slaves from, 2:661, 3:111–3:112, 4:142, 5:103–5:104
  • TJ’s debt to, 2:661, 5:299

Daingerfield, Mary Willis

  • account with, 4:556
  • death of slave of, 3:180–3:181, 5:104, 5:104n
  • identified, 1:48n
  • letters to, 1:47–1:48, 2:41
  • TJ pays, 1:41
  • TJ rents slaves from, 1:48n, 2:41, 2:661, 3:55, 3:111–3:112, 3:180–3:181, 3:302, 4:81, 4:142, 4:183, 4:556, 5:103–5:104, 5:225

Daingerfield, Sarah, 1:41, 1:48n, 1:48n

Daingerfield, William

  • hires out slaves to Central College, 15:94

Daingerfield, William (d. ca. 1780), 1:48n

Dalby, Isaac

  • and weights and measures, 16:234n

Dale, Antonius van

  • Dissertatio super Aristea de LXX, 10:357, 10:386

Dale, Richard

  • American naval commander, 17:454, 17:459n, 19:74n
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 9th Earl of, 19:148, 19:149n

Dallas, Alexander James

  • and appointments, 8:126–8:127, 8:129, 8:141, 10:476–10:477, 10:496
  • An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War, 8:338–8:339, 8:340n, 8:371–8:372, 8:381, 8:381n, 8:471, 8:471n, 8:472, 8:576–8:577, 8:577n, 8:672, 10:280
  • and I. Briggs’s claim for compensation, 9:474, 9:477, 9:507–9:510, 9:515, 9:606, 9:607n
  • criticism of, 9:321–9:322
  • death of, 11:153, 11:180–11:181
  • family of, 9:711
  • and B. Franklin’s estate, 3:451, 3:452n
  • identified, 8:127n
  • letters from, 8:141, 8:279–8:280, 8:451, 9:477–9:478
  • letters to, 8:126–8:127, 8:426–8:427, 9:507–9:510, 9:511, 9:512–9:513, 10:476–10:477
  • library of, 11:503, 11:503n
  • as possible minister to France , 9:392
  • Proposals for publishing, by subscription, The Works of Alexander James Dallas (G. M. Dallas), 11:153, 11:153–11:154n, 11:180–11:181
  • publishes The Opinion of Judge Cooper on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty, 2:376, 2:377n
  • and purchase of TJ’s library, 8:279–8:280, 8:426–8:427
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution, 3:546, 19:98
  • as secretary of the treasury, 8:18n, 8:52, 8:154, 8:155n, 8:181, 8:181n, 8:426, 8:440, 8:451, 8:556, 8:557n, 9:220, 9:221n, 9:321–9:322, 9:477, 9:511, 9:512–9:513, 9:513n, 9:686, 13:378, 13:380n, 15:320–15:321n, 17:522n
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and TJ’s letters on finance, 8:18, 8:19n, 8:32, 8:154

Dallas, George Mifflin

  • family of, 11:153, 11:180–11:181
  • identified, 11:154n
  • legal opinion requested, 9:480
  • letter from, 11:153–11:154
  • letter to, 11:180–11:181
  • as Philadelphia attorney, 20:118
  • Proposals for publishing, by subscription, The Works of Alexander James Dallas, 11:153, 11:153–11:154n, 11:180–11:181

Dallas, Matilda, 11:181

Dalrymple, Sir John

  • An Essay towards a general history of Feudal Property in Great Britain, 2:51
  • Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 7:664, 19:508

Dalton, Michael

  • on land litigation, 2:324

Dalton, Ruth Hooper (Tristram Dalton’s wife)

  • TJ sends greetings to, 9:76

Dalton, Tristram

  • on field cultivation of vegetables, 11:271–11:273, 11:308–11:309
  • friendship with J. Adams, 11:217, 11:218n
  • identified, 8:678–8:679n
  • letters from, 8:678–8:679, 11:270–11:273, 11:386
  • letters to, 9:75–9:76, 11:308–11:310
  • and plowing, 11:386
  • sends pamphlets to TJ, 8:678–8:679, 9:75–9:76, 11:270, 11:308, 11:386

Dalzel, Andrew

  • Ἀνάλεκτα Ἑλληνικὰ Ἥσσονα. sive Collectanea Græca Minora, 16:381, 19:478, 20:364, 20:365n, 20:623, 20:625n
  • Ἀνάλεκτα Ἑλληνικὰ Μείζονα sive Collectanea Græca Majora, 16:381, 16:443, 20:623, 20:625n
  • Substance of Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, and on the Revival of Greek Learning in Europe by the late Andrew Dalzel (ed. J. Dalzel), 17:535

Dalzel, John

  • edits Substance of Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, and on the Revival of Greek Learning in Europe by the late Andrew Dalzel (A. Dalzel), 17:535

Damoulin. See Du Moulin, Charles

Dampier, William

  • as guardian of P. Ludwell’s daughters, 9:283, 9:284


  • destroyed, 4:165, 4:165, 12:600, 20:103
  • mill and wing, 3:421–3:422, 12:600, 12:601
  • at Natural Bridge, 17:558
  • on Rivanna River, 1:560, 1:579, 2:97–2:98, 3:303, 9:287, 9:328–9:329, 11:69, 11:72–11:98, 11:102, 11:104, 11:108, 11:108, 11:200, 11:550–11:554, 12:542, 12:594, 12:596, 12:597, 12:597–12:598, 12:599, 12:601, 12:602–12:603, 12:603, 14:357, 14:358, 14:360–14:366, 14:392, 14:396–14:397, 14:397–14:399, 14:407–14:408, 14:410–14:411, 14:417, 14:422, 14:485, 14:541, 14:554, 14:585, 15:211–15:221, 15:227, 15:268–15:269, 15:289, 15:290, 18:368, 18:522, 18:525, 18:610, 18:632, 18:641n, 18:642, 18:643, 20:72n
  • and river navigation, 14:402–14:403, 14:403, 14:403, 14:411–14:414

Dana, Daniel

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531

Dana, Francis

  • death of, 10:360

Dana, James Freeman

  • identified, 19:30n
  • letter from, 19:29–19:30
  • letter to, 19:64
  • Observations and Experiments On a new means of producing heat and light with the apparatus called the ‘American Water Burner’, 19:29–19:30n, 19:64
  • Report on a Disease afflicting Neat Cattle, in Burton, N.H., 19:30n, 19:64
  • sends works to TJ, 19:29

Dana, Samuel Whittlesey, 16:251

Danäe and the Shower of Gold (A. U. Wertmüller), 4:181, 4:182n

Dance, Harrison

  • identified, 5:224n
  • letters from, 5:224
  • letters to accounted for, 5:224n
  • and Peyton v. Henderson, 5:224
  • Va. Court of Appeals clerk, 4:402n


  • and students, 7:480, 7:687, 13:198, 13:218, 15:242n, 20:596
  • TJ attends inaugural ball, 1:9, 1:10n
  • TJ on, 12:533
  • and University of Virginia, 13:555, 13:617, 19:565

Dandolo, Tullio

  • identified, 19:459n
  • introduced to TJ, 19:457–19:458, 20:288, 20:424

Dandolo, Vincenzo, 19:457

Dandridge, Julius Burbridge

  • as cashier of Bank of U.S., 5:574, 13:123, 13:126, 13:159, 13:283, 14:624, 14:640, 14:645–14:646, 15:30–15:31, 15:62n, 15:78–15:79, 15:134, 15:143n, 15:148, 15:173, 15:196–15:197, 15:204, 15:225, 15:226n, 15:245, 15:246, 15:291
  • identified, 13:159n
  • letters from, 13:159, 14:624, 15:78–15:79, 15:148, 15:196–15:197, 15:246
  • letters to, 14:645–14:646, 15:134, 15:173, 15:225–15:226, 15:291

Dandridge, Martha Henry Fontaine (Patrick Henry’s granddaughter), 6:265

Dandridge, Nathaniel West

  • and contested election, 7:494, 7:546, 10:365–10:366, 10:366n
  • TJ spends Christmas with, 4:598, 8:645, 10:365

Dandridge, William (16891744)

  • as boundary commissioner, 9:178, 9:178, 11:22, 11:22, 11:22, 11:23n

Dandridge, William (ca. 17821830)

  • and C. Bellini estate, 12:579, 12:581, 12:586
  • as cashier of Bank of Virginia, 15:349n, 16:360n, 17:397–17:398n, 19:715
  • identified, 12:581n
  • letter from accounted for, 19:715
  • letter to, 12:581

Danet, Pierre

  • edits Phædri Augusti Cæsaris Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque (Phaedrus), 14:511

Daniel (Old Testament figure), 6:542

Daniel (TJ’s slave; b. 1790)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 8:185
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Daniel, Beverly, 11:293n+

Daniel, John G.

  • and Cartersville Bridge Company, 14:547–14:548, 14:580
  • identified, 14:548n
  • letter from, 14:547–14:548
  • letter to, 14:580

Daniel, Peter Vyvian

  • as director of Va. Literary Fund, 17:304, 17:383, 17:398n, 19:258n, 19:273
  • identified, 2:88n
  • letters from, 2:87–2:88
  • letters to, 2:133
  • as lieutenant governor of Va., 13:12n, 15:433n, 15:433n, 15:435n, 15:482n, 15:487n, 16:397n, 16:544, 17:305–17:306n
  • as member of Va. Council of State, 14:14, 15:435n, 16:544, 20:550n
  • and J. Stadler’s land grant, 2:87–2:88, 2:88n, 2:133

Daniel, Thomas

  • identified, 15:33n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • witnesses document, 15:32, 15:33n

Daniel, William

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331
  • description of, 15:14n
  • family of, 15:14n
  • identified, 15:14n
  • as judge, 17:257n
  • letter from , 15:14
  • TJ invites to dinner, 15:14

Danish language

  • study of, 13:237

Dante Alighieri

  • Inferno, 9:467, 9:468n
  • Purgatory, 19:620, 19:621n

Danton, Georges Jacques

  • leader of French Revolution, 4:471, 8:230, 8:265, 8:343

Danube River, 19:302

Darby, William

  • A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, 11:429, 11:429n, 11:459–11:460, 11:460n, 12:652
  • identified, 11:429–11:430n
  • and B. de La Harpe manuscript, 9:658–9:659n
  • letter from, 11:429–11:430
  • letter to, 11:459–11:460
  • map of La. by, 11:429, 11:430n, 11:616, 12:652
  • poem about, by “Laban Stringfellow”, 12:650–12:652

Darcantel, Paul, 3:478n

Darien, Isthmus of. See Panama, Isthmus of

Darmsdatt, Joseph

  • and fish for TJ, 2:422–2:423, 2:430, 2:502, 2:503, 3:530, 3:550, 5:155, 5:164, 6:20, 6:336, 7:448, 8:491n, 8:536, 10:157–10:158, 11:336–11:337, 13:99, 14:321, 14:353, 14:542, 14:573, 15:591–15:592, 15:593
  • identified, 2:423n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:99n
  • letters from, 2:430, 2:502, 3:550, 5:164
  • letters to, 2:422–2:423, 2:503, 3:530, 5:155, 6:336–6:337, 7:448, 8:536, 10:157–10:158, 11:336–11:337, 13:99, 14:321
  • TJ pays, 3:530, 3:531, 3:550, 3:551, 5:299, 5:660, 5:672, 6:336, 6:336, 6:337, 8:491n, 8:536, 10:157, 10:158n, 11:336–11:337, 11:337n, 14:316, 14:321, 14:353, 14:415, 14:473, 14:474
  • TJ’s account with, 15:591–15:592, 15:593, 15:606

Darnall, Joseph Rush

  • identified, 7:122n
  • letters from, 7:121–7:122
  • requests aid from TJ, 7:121–7:122
  • visits Monticello, 7:121, 7:122

Darnell, Mr. See Darnil, Nimrod

Darnil (Darnell; Darniel; Darnold), Nimrod

  • identified, 5:593n
  • letters from accounted for, 6:49n
  • letters to, 5:593
  • letters to accounted for, 6:49n
  • Poplar Forest overseer, 4:306–4:307, 4:374, 5:382, 5:403, 5:489, 5:545–5:546, 5:593, 5:653, 6:3, 6:48, 7:71, 7:387, 8:72, 8:173, 8:185, 8:493n, 13:581–13:582, 14:59
  • TJ pays, 6:544, 8:132, 9:99, 9:99n, 10:73, 11:285
  • witnesses agreement, 5:487

Darrell, Phillip

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Darsonel. See Durosnel, Antoine Jean Auguste Henri, comte

Darst, Samuel (brick mason), 14:113

Dartmoor Prison (England), 10:168

Dartmouth College

  • governance of, 10:205n, 10:383n, 10:556n
  • and J. Ledyard (1751–89), 12:188, 12:189n
  • mentioned, 12:344, 16:531
  • overseers of, 10:383, 10:383n

Darwin, Erasmus

  • medical theories of, 8:669

Daschkoff, André

  • forwards letters to TJ, 1:328
  • identified, 1:329n
  • and N. Kosloff affair, 10:483, 10:483n
  • letters from, 1:328–1:329, 1:484–1:485
  • letters to, 1:433
  • and A. H. Quincy’s stove, 7:361
  • Russian consul general to U.S., 1:120, 1:329n, 1:332, 1:360, 3:190, 4:551
  • Russian minister to U.S., 6:240, 6:241n, 6:281, 6:281, 14:614
  • visits Monticello, 1:120, 1:433, 1:484, 1:519

Dashiell, Alfred Henry

  • identified, 13:292n
  • letters from, 13:292, 13:457–13:458
  • letter to, 13:483
  • and New London Academy, 12:435, 12:436, 12:529, 13:17, 13:18, 13:18, 13:175, 13:292, 13:321, 13:457, 13:483
  • seeks recommendation, 13:292, 13:457
  • TJ on, 13:483

Dashwood. See Despencer, Sir Francis Dashwood, baron le

dates, 1:366, 2:271, 2:271

Datt, Johann Philipp

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Datura stramonium. See Jamestown weed (jimsonweed)

Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie

  • Advice to Shepherds (trans. J. Bowdoin), 3:96n, 3:343, 3:343n, 5:165, 5:165n, 11:164

Dauphin Island, Ala.

  • fortifications on, 18:387, 18:387, 19:337–19:338, 19:338n

Daveiss, Joseph N., 18:414, 18:419, 18:421

Davenport, Jesse

  • Charlottesville tavern keeper, 14:368, 14:476, 14:480, 17:382
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 5:378–5:380

Davenport, Samuel, 6:188

Davenport, Samuel T.

  • death of, 17:203, 17:204, 17:205n
  • identified, 17:205n

Davenport, Susan Garrett (Samuel T. Davenport’s wife)

  • aid for, 17:203, 17:204–17:205, 17:205n, 17:205, 17:245, 17:246n

Davenport, William

  • identified, 14:6–14:7n
  • letters to, 14:6–14:7, 14:500
  • repairs telescope, 13:596, 14:6, 14:7, 14:500, 14:501
  • TJ pays, 14:500

Davenport & Allen (Richmond firm)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 13:289, 17:396, 17:397n

Daveny. See Rioult-Davenay, Archange Louis, baron

Davezac, Jules

  • president of College of Orleans, 7:60, 7:62n, 7:226

David, king of Israel, 2:584, 6:520, 6:542, 14:419, 15:581, 16:17, 16:620, 17:505, 18:58, 18:60n, 18:533

David, Jacques Louis

  • compared to J. Trumbull, 11:3
  • Les Licteurs Rapportent à Brutus les Corps de Ses Fils, 17:73, 17:74n, 17:105
  • portrait of Napoleon, 9:218n

David, Jean

  • “First Memorandum on American Banks” , 10:22–10:23, 10:25–10:29
  • on future of France, 9:423
  • letters from, 9:197–9:201, 9:311–9:312, 9:422–9:425, 10:22–10:24
  • letters to, 9:287–9:288, 9:348–9:349
  • “Memorandum on Treaties of Commerce” , 10:22–10:23, 10:24–10:25
  • on olive trees, 9:198–9:199
  • Petition and Memorial to Congress on American Viticulture, 9:426–9:428, 10:23
  • as possible Monticello vintner, 9:197–9:199, 9:199, 9:287–9:288, 9:288–9:289, 9:311, 9:348, 9:348n, 9:362
  • promotes viticulture in U.S., 9:423–9:424, 9:426–9:427
  • promotes viticulture in Va., 9:199, 9:311, 9:422–9:423, 10:23
  • “Second Memorandum on American Banks” , 10:22–10:23, 10:29–10:31
  • seeks position as vintner, 9:348–9:349

David Moffit (brig), 10:215, 10:494, 11:531

Davidson, Capt., 1:15, 1:217, 2:362

Davie, William Richardson

  • as founder of University of North Carolina, 16:339, 16:339–16:340n
  • and Mecklenburg Co., N.C., “Declaration of Independence”, 14:450
  • as minister plenipotentiary to France, 16:339, 16:340n
  • refuses military appointment, 6:528

Davies, Dr., 18:405

Davies, Mr. (of Montreal), 10:575

Davies, Benjamin

  • estate of, 10:486

Davies, Henry L., 10:190, 10:191, 10:192n

Davies, John (16791732)

  • edits Cicero, 14:511
  • edits C. Julii Cæsaris Quæ exstant Omnia (J. Caesar), 14:510
  • translates The History of Appian (Appian), 17:535

Davies, Tamerlane W. W.

  • witnesses land conveyance, 4:318n

Davila, Enrico Caterino

  • Istoria delle guerre civili di Francia, 8:235, 8:237n, 16:441, 16:473, 19:508
  • Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, 10:234, 10:237n

Davis, Augustine

  • publisher of Richmond Virginia Patriot, 9:710–9:711, 9:711–9:712n

Davis, Daniel

  • asks for varnish, 1:419
  • identified, 1:419n
  • letters from, 1:419
  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:478, 16:481, 19:47

Davis, Edmund

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Davis, Elijah, 20:594

Davis, Eli Simpson

  • identified, 20:81–20:82n
  • letter from, 20:80–20:82
  • letter to, 20:112–20:114
  • and University of Virginia, 20:81, 20:112–20:113

Davis, George

  • consul at Tripoli, 1:26
  • resigns consular position, 4:5n

Davis, Hector

  • as Va. legislator, 20:557, 20:558n

Davis, James

  • letter to accounted for, 14:654

Davis, John (1761–1847), 18:355

Davis, John (1787–1854)

  • and A. Bancroft’s Sermons on those Doctrines of the Gospel, and on those Constituent Principles of the Church, which Christian Professors have made the subject of controversy, 20:408–20:409, 20:449–20:450
  • identified, 20:409n
  • letter from, 20:408–20:409
  • letter to, 20:449–20:450

Davis, John Winn

  • as Charlottesville assistant postmaster, 19:482–19:483
  • identified, 19:482n
  • and University of Virginia, 16:310, 16:310, 16:311, 16:313, 16:313, 16:313, 16:314, 16:315, 16:316, 17:637

Davis, Laura Matilda Gay, 18:614

Davis, Micajah

  • commends TJ, 10:361–10:362
  • identified, 10:362n
  • letter from, 10:361–10:362

Davis, Pardon

  • identified, 20:145n
  • letter from, 20:144–20:145
  • letter to, 20:166–20:167
  • The Principles of the Government of the United States. Adapted to the use of Schools, 20:144, 20:145n, 20:166–20:167

Davis, Polly H.

  • will of, 18:210n

Davis, Richard (ship captain), 18:375, 18:447, 18:447n

Davis, Samuel B., 2:450n

Davis, Sancho (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • as boatman, 12:192
  • health of, 15:61
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • travels to and from Poplar Forest, 15:61

Davis, Shadrach

  • clerk of works, 8:592, 8:592

Davis, Thomas

  • as blacksmith, 8:535, 8:536n, 13:131, 13:131n

Davis, William

  • and University of Virginia, 17:631

Davis, William (publisher)

  • edits The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (I. Newton; trans. A. Motte), 7:282, 7:286n, 7:292, 7:293n, 7:305, 7:324, 8:469, 9:317n

Davis’s Hotel (Washington), 12:346

Davisson, George Izzard

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:498, 13:498n
  • identified, 15:256n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:255
  • as Va. state senator, 10:660n, 12:414, 12:432, 12:456–12:457, 12:459n, 15:399, 15:400n, 15:456, 15:457n

Davout, Louis Nicolas, Duc d’Auerstädt, Prince of Eckmühl, 1:372

Davy (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 20:223, 20:226

Davy (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Davy (TJ’s slave; b. 1755). See Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1755)

Davy (TJ’s slave; b. 1784). See Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1784)

Davy (TJ’s slave; b. 1785)

  • as cooper, 15:11
  • delivers letter, 8:158n
  • as driver, 14:469
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • and Shadwell mills, 13:120
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • transports hogs, 8:158

Davy (TJ’s slave; b. 1803). See Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1803)

Davy (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:62, 8:255

Davy, Sir Humphry

  • electrochemical experiments of, 20:638
  • Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 17:537
  • safety lamp of, 11:501
  • scientific theories of, 8:668, 14:313, 20:582
  • writings of, 14:168

Davy, Martin

  • and University of Virginia faculty, 15:388

Davy, William

  • and domestic manufactures, 1:170–1:172
  • identified, 1:172n
  • letters from, 1:170–1:172
  • and merino sheep, 1:16, 1:16–1:17, 1:17

Dawson, Allen

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:67n, 12:67, 12:69
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 13:162, 16:476, 17:630, 17:641n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Dawson, Henry

  • and Central College subscription, 11:333, 13:161

Dawson, John

  • diplomatic mission of, 4:648, 4:648–4:649n
  • identified, 4:648n
  • letter from, 4:648–4:649
  • letter to, 5:9–5:10
  • seeks La. judgeship, 5:9, 5:9–5:10
  • sends La. state constitution, 4:648
  • U.S. representative from Va., 1:644
  • witnesses document, 14:3

Dawson, Martin See also Martin Dawson & Company (Milton firm); Watson & Dawson (Milton firm)

  • as accountant for University of Virginia, 19:31–19:32, 19:44, 19:44n, 19:169, 19:174, 19:174, 19:178, 19:180n, 19:181n, 19:181–19:182, 19:183–19:187, 19:188–19:191, 19:237, 19:292, 19:512, 19:553, 20:178, 20:179–20:180, 20:185, 20:192, 20:193n, 20:220, 20:248, 20:248n, 20:552, 20:552
  • as Albemarle Co. justice, 15:38n
  • and Central College subscription, 11:328
  • and goods for TJ, 12:361, 18:366
  • and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 8:567, 8:567–8:568, 9:289
  • identified, 2:281–2:282n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:367–14:368, 15:348
  • P. Laporte’s debt to, 15:270, 15:280, 15:397, 15:397n, 15:426
  • petition to James Monroe
  • letters from, 2:286, 9:301, 12:361, 13:324, 14:367–14:368, 15:397, 16:375, 16:589, 20:100
  • letters from accounted for, 6:465n, 7:231n, 12:563n, 16:138n, 17:492n, 19:170n
  • letters to, 2:281–2:282, 9:111–9:112, 16:137–16:138
  • as merchant, 6:54n, 13:167, 13:167n, 16:366n, 18:374n, 18:642
  • and Milton lands, 10:471, 11:43n, 11:263, 11:263n, 12:562–12:563, 17:272
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380
  • and J. Sammons’s order, 5:298
  • and Shadwell Mill, 5:120
  • TJ pays, 6:337, 6:553, 13:459, 15:397n, 16:366, 16:366n, 17:16, 17:491, 18:623, 20:531
  • TJ’s account with, 9:301, 12:361, 12:362, 12:563n, 15:425, 16:138, 16:375, 16:589, 16:648, 18:623n, 19:494, 20:100
  • and TJ’s dispute with E. Alexander, 2:240n, 2:281, 2:286, 2:286–2:287, 2:294
  • and TJ’s land dispute with D. Michie, 5:140–5:141n, 5:260–5:261, 6:464–6:465, 6:475, 6:572–6:573, 6:574n
  • TJ’s Notes on Account with, 17:15
  • and TJ’s promissory note to E. Bacon, 13:324, 16:138, 18:435
  • and University of Virginia, 19:189, 20:201, 20:219, 20:328
  • and valuation of J. Monroe’s Highland estate, 19:394
  • witnesses documents, 7:353, 19:287, 19:287, 19:312n, 19:422n, 19:423, 19:423

Dawson, Martin, & Company (Milton firm). See Martin Dawson & Company (Milton firm)

Dawson, Pleasant

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Dawson, William

  • identified, 1:219n
  • letters from, 1:417
  • letters to S. Greenhow, 1:218–1:219, 1:240, 1:244n, 1:317–1:318
  • and Mutual Assurance Society, 1:218–1:219, 1:240, 1:244n, 1:333, 1:417, 1:417n, 1:472, 1:625, 1:659, 2:29, 13:34

Day, Charles

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:329

Day, Thomas, 14:648n

Day, Thomas (of Great Britain)

  • Fragment of an original Letter on the Slavery of the Negroes; Written in the Year 1776, 17:12, 17:14n

Dayton, Jonathan, 3:324, 12:401n, 16:252n

Deabbate, Gaspare, 16:583

dead-nettle, 14:161


  • education of the deaf, 9:361, 9:395, 9:396n, 9:397, 9:654–9:655, 9:656n, 10:39, 10:343, 10:489, 14:312, 15:411n, 15:600, 16:28–16:29, 16:46, 16:61, 16:86, 19:598
  • and old age, 8:133, 10:60, 10:650, 18:516, 19:646
  • works on, 17:535

Dean, Andrew A.

  • Never Before Published. Two Letters, being a Correspondence between Andrew A. Dean, of New-Rochelle, and Thomas Paine, author of “The Rights of Man,” &c. &c. Written August the 6th, 1806, 20:319, 20:321n, 20:342

Dean, James, 18:356

Deane, Francis Browne

  • and Cartersville Bridge Company, 14:547–14:548, 14:580
  • and Central College subscription, 11:331
  • identified, 14:547–14:548n
  • letter from, 14:547–14:548
  • letter to, 14:580

Deane, P.

  • letters from accounted for, 1:677

Deane, Samuel

  • The New-England farmer, or, Georgical dictionary, 1:582

Deane, Silas

  • and B. Franklin, 13:464–13:465, 13:466
  • as diplomat, 17:329
  • as member of Continental Congress, 6:184n, 9:575

Dearborn, Dorcas Osgood Marble (Henry Dearborn’s second wife)

  • death of, 3:552, 3:553n, 4:82
  • mentioned, 1:301
  • sends greetings to TJ, 2:430
  • TJ sends greetings to, 1:280, 2:538

Dearborn, Henry

  • and batture controversy, 2:426, 2:435
  • and charges against B. Waterhouse, 1:295
  • consults with TJ on botany, 1:189
  • conversation with TJ, 9:62
  • conveys letters to TJ, 8:678, 9:4, 9:75, 9:78
  • W. Duane on, 6:527
  • family of, 8:573, 15:339, 19:114
  • finances of, 18:387
  • and foreign relations, 3:552–3:553, 14:466–14:467, 14:503
  • and E. Gerry, 4:84n
  • and G. Granger, 3:129
  • and gunpowder, 3:583
  • and gypsum for TJ, 9:62, 9:63, 9:226–9:227
  • health of, 6:242, 13:3, 13:4n, 15:339, 17:402, 17:431, 19:356
  • and E. Herrick’s spinning machine, 4:513, 4:514n, 4:544
  • identified, 1:280n
  • introduced to T. M. Randolph, 1:572–1:573, 1:574
  • and invasion of Canada, 5:367, 5:368, 5:385, 5:493, 5:545n, 8:357–8:358
  • letters from, 1:301, 1:301–1:302, 2:429–2:430, 3:27–3:28, 3:552–3:553, 4:544–4:545, 8:286, 8:573, 9:46–9:47, 9:226–9:227, 13:3–13:4, 13:359–13:360, 14:466–14:467, 15:338–15:339, 15:439, 17:401–17:402, 18:614, 19:355–19:357
  • letters to, 1:279–1:280, 1:572–1:573, 2:537–2:538, 4:82–4:84, 4:513, 7:364, 8:357–8:359, 9:63, 13:49–13:51, 13:344–13:345, 14:502–14:504, 15:373, 15:488–15:489, 17:430–17:431, 19:112–19:114
  • Mass. gubernatorial candidate, 9:256
  • mentioned, 6:626, 15:39, 18:661
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Portugal, 5:165n, 18:387, 18:481, 18:519, 18:614, 19:112, 19:113, 19:193, 19:355–19:357, 20:105, 20:106n, 20:335–20:336
  • and Missouri statehood, 17:401–17:402, 17:431
  • on national politics, 13:3, 13:50
  • on New England politics, 2:429–2:430, 2:537–2:538, 3:28, 3:75, 3:553, 8:286
  • and New London military stores, 5:104–5:105, 5:107
  • nomination as major general, 4:513, 4:544
  • and N.Y. campaign, 5:320, 5:396, 5:441, 5:445, 5:449, 13:4n
  • plans to visit TJ, 8:286, 8:354, 8:358–8:359, 8:573, 9:46–9:47
  • praised, 9:6, 17:213
  • and A. H. Quincy’s stove, 7:362
  • recommendation by, 2:320
  • and relationship with second wife, 7:64–7:65
  • removed from military command, 13:3–13:4, 13:4n, 13:49–13:50
  • as secretary of war, 1:6, 1:7, 1:48, 1:351, 2:56, 2:57, 2:175, 2:176n, 2:315, 4:196, 4:376, 4:398, 4:412, 4:537, 4:538n, 5:684, 5:685n, 6:97, 8:537, 13:344–13:345, 13:359–13:360
  • sends fish to TJ, 1:153, 1:279
  • Statement Regarding Elias Earle’s Ironworks, 7:162, 7:163–7:164, 7:164n, 7:199, 7:200, 7:200n, 7:203
  • and G. Stuart’s portraits of TJ, 13:345, 13:360, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:503, 15:338–15:339, 15:373, 15:439, 15:488–15:489, 16:192, 17:402, 17:431
  • TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:364
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:238, 9:404
  • and TJ’s health, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:502–14:503, 15:439
  • visits Monticello, 9:76, 9:247, 9:404
  • and War of 1812, 5:167n, 5:398, 6:131, 6:131n, 6:172–6:174, 6:209, 7:13n, 8:216, 8:227n, 8:263, 8:286, 8:357–8:358
  • and wife’s death, 4:82

Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell

  • and astronomy, 4:195–4:196, 4:237–4:239
  • as Boston customs collector, 16:510, 17:86, 17:113, 17:113, 17:114, 17:129, 17:139, 17:195, 17:221, 17:507, 17:507, 17:530n, 17:612, 18:39, 18:39, 18:113, 18:118, 18:118, 18:131, 18:164, 19:78, 19:103, 19:114, 19:136, 19:137, 19:143, 19:193
  • finances of, 18:387
  • and gypsum for TJ, 9:226
  • and E. Herrick’s spinning machine, 4:544, 4:545n
  • identified, 4:197n
  • letters from, 4:195–4:197, 11:302, 17:86, 17:195, 17:612, 18:39, 18:164–18:165, 19:78, 19:103–19:104, 19:193, 20:317–20:318
  • letters to, 4:237–4:239, 10:471, 16:191, 17:113, 18:113, 19:114, 19:136, 20:350–20:351
  • military commission of, 1:78, 1:280, 1:301–1:302
  • recommends B. Waterhouse for office, 6:97
  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n
  • and seeds for TJ, 9:262–9:263, 11:302, 11:353, 11:378
  • and G. Stuart’s portraits of TJ, 13:360, 15:439, 16:192, 16:389–16:390, 17:195, 17:402
  • TJ forwards letter through, 19:114, 19:193
  • TJ introduces B. Peyton to, 16:191, 16:192
  • TJ’s account with, 18:39
  • on TJ’s correspondence with J. Adams, 20:317–20:318, 20:350, 20:383
  • translator of A Treatise on the Culture, Preparation, History and Analysis of Pastel, or Woad (C. P. De Lasteyrie), 3:462n, 10:471
  • and G. H. Ward, 12:379, 13:5

Dearborn, Sarah Bowdoin (James Bowdoin’s widow; Henry Dearborn’s third wife)

  • and J. Bowdoin’s eulogy, 5:597, 5:597n
  • conveys correspondence and publications to TJ, 9:4, 9:75, 9:78
  • and L. J. M. Daubenton’s work on sheep, 3:343n
  • family of, 7:67n
  • greetings sent to, 13:50–13:51, 13:345, 14:503–14:504, 15:373, 15:489, 17:431, 17:431, 19:113
  • health of, 17:402, 19:356
  • identified, 5:165n
  • invites TJ to Boston, 9:263
  • letter from, 9:262–9:263
  • letters to, 5:165, 5:597, 9:404
  • in Lisbon, 18:481, 18:614, 19:112
  • plans to visit TJ, 8:573, 9:46–9:47
  • and relationship with H. Dearborn, 7:64–7:65
  • sends greetings to Randolphs, 19:357
  • sends greetings to TJ, 8:286, 8:573, 9:227, 13:4, 13:360, 14:467, 15:339, 15:439, 17:402, 19:357
  • sends letter to M. J. Randolph, 9:263
  • sends seeds to TJ, 9:262–9:263, 9:404
  • sends works to TJ, 5:165, 5:165n
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 8:358–8:359
  • visits Monticello, 9:76, 9:404

Death: A Poetical Essay (B. Porteus), 16:74, 16:75, 17:73, 17:73n, 18:59, 18:60–18:61n, 20:429n

The Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec (J. Trumbull), 13:332

The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker’s Hill (J. Trumbull), 13:332

De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo Graece et Latine (Thucydides; eds. J. Wasse and K. A. Duker), 9:195, 9:455, 10:233, 14:510, 17:106

Deborah (ship), 10:132

Deborah (Old Testament figure), 6:623, 15:235

Deborah (schooner), 2:118

Debrett, John

  • publisher, 7:646n

debt, private

  • imprisonment for, 4:489–4:492, 12:402n
  • laws regarding, 16:59, 16:59n

debt, public

  • B. Austin on, 12:485
  • P. S. Du Pont on, 2:583, 2:590, 2:603, 2:611
  • A. Gallatin on, 4:547, 9:202–9:203
  • increase of, 13:7n, 18:337
  • and inventions, 7:111–7:112
  • N. Macon on, 17:554–17:555
  • reduction of, 1:62, 1:177, 1:610, 1:664, 2:358n, 4:54n, 8:111n, 10:65, 12:402n, 12:592
  • size of, 14:112n
  • TJ on, 1:168–1:169, 1:598, 3:560, 3:566, 8:42, 8:108, 8:109–8:110, 8:177, 8:242, 8:575, 9:88–9:89, 9:329–9:330, 10:65, 10:175, 10:175–10:176, 10:260–10:261, 10:460–10:461, 10:550–10:551, 10:608, 12:421–12:424, 17:436–17:437, 17:560, 18:255–18:256

Debue, Monsieur, 1:372

De Bue, Jacques, 8:558, 8:559, 8:560, 8:560

de Bure, Guillaume (1734–1820), 10:232n

de Bure, Guillaume François (1731–82)

  • Bibliographie Instructive, 10:232n, 14:451, 20:346

de Bure, Jacques (d. 1847), 10:232n

de Bure, Jean Jacques (d. 1853), 10:232n

de Bure de Saint-Fauxbin, Jean François (1741–1825), 10:232n

de Bure Frères (Paris firm)

  • identified, 10:232n
  • invoices from, 10:233–10:238, 12:112–12:113, 13:295, 14:24, 14:25, 14:85, 15:23, 15:25–15:26, 15:291, 16:56, 16:58, 16:223, 17:447–17:448, 18:71, 18:120
  • letters from, 12:109–12:112, 13:293–13:294, 13:335–13:336, 15:23–15:25, 16:56–16:58, 17:444–17:446, 20:114–20:115
  • letters to, 11:408–11:409, 12:582, 14:340–14:341, 15:258–15:259, 17:136–17:137, 18:466–18:467, 20:281–20:282
  • letters to accounted for, 13:113n, 14:25n, 14:85n
  • sends catalogue to TJ, 13:335
  • TJ purchases books from, 10:157, 10:231–10:232, 10:233–10:238, 10:243, 10:243–10:244n, 10:244, 10:311, 10:312n, 10:356, 10:393, 11:296, 11:408–11:409, 11:414–11:415, 11:417, 11:418n, 11:618, 11:632, 12:43, 12:109–12:112, 12:112–12:113, 12:203–12:204, 12:275, 12:312, 12:346, 12:582, 12:582–12:583, 12:607, 12:608–12:609, 13:291, 13:293, 13:335, 13:343n, 13:424, 13:440, 13:492, 14:24–14:25, 14:85, 14:340–14:341, 14:352, 14:442, 15:23–15:24, 15:72, 15:258–15:259, 15:259, 16:56–16:57, 16:58, 16:89, 16:223, 16:497, 17:57, 17:58n, 17:136–17:137, 17:138–17:139, 17:444–17:446, 17:534, 18:71, 18:120, 18:466, 20:114, 20:115n, 20:116, 20:281–20:282, 20:283, 20:446
  • TJ’s account with, 11:408–11:409, 11:414, 11:420, 11:420, 11:454, 12:103, 12:110, 12:112, 12:582, 12:582n, 12:644, 13:31, 13:45, 13:112, 13:113n, 13:293, 13:296, 14:24, 14:319, 14:341, 15:24, 15:27, 16:56, 16:58, 16:497, 17:136–17:137, 17:147, 17:447, 18:466, 20:114, 20:116, 20:117, 20:117n, 20:129, 20:281, 20:282n, 20:283
  • TJ’s correspondence with, 14:109, 14:499–14:500, 15:442, 20:129

DeButts, Mary Anne Welby (Samuel DeButts’s wife)

  • and Northmore’s poem, 4:392–4:393, 4:470

DeButts, Richard

  • mentioned, 4:392, 4:393n

DeButts, Samuel

  • dispute with S. Carr, 1:75, 1:75n, 1:134–1:135
  • identified, 1:75n
  • letters from, 1:75
  • letters to, 1:134–1:135
  • mentioned, 4:393n

De Bye, Corneille, 8:559, 8:560, 8:560, 8:560

Decameron (G. Boccaccio), 17:72

Decatur, Stephen

  • American naval commander, 6:645, 7:276, 10:217, 18:660, 19:427
  • and clover seed, 14:256
  • conveys moldboard, 1:111, 1:252
  • and R. Fulton’s underwater cannon, 6:249, 6:272, 6:272, 6:272n, 6:272–6:273, 6:290
  • identified, 6:273–6:274n
  • negotiates treaties, 10:217, 10:218n
  • Opinion of Robert Fulton’s Experiments with Underwater Artillery , 6:272–6:274
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Decisions Of Cases in Virginia, By the High Court of Chancery (G. Wythe), 8:630

De Cive (T. Hobbes)

  • quoted, 10:208, 10:209, 10:209n
  • quoted by TJ, 1:507–1:508, 1:508n, 10:226, 10:228n

Déclaration de la Chambre des Représentants (1815), 9:69n

Déclaration des droits des Français et des principes fondamentaux de leur constitution (1815), 9:69n

Declaration of Independence

  • committee appointed to draft, 14:290–14:291, 18:274, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:124
  • debate on, 8:625–8:626, 8:626n, 14:49, 14:120, 14:137–14:138, 14:225–14:226, 14:227, 14:290–14:292, 14:374–14:376, 14:463–14:464, 16:295, 19:470, 19:470–19:471, 20:150
  • engrossed on parchment, 14:293, 19:471
  • J. G. Jackson on, 20:31
  • and Mecklenburg Co., N.C., “Declaration of Independence”, 14:447–14:448, 14:448–14:451, 14:523–14:525, 14:545–14:546, 14:563
  • medal commemorating, 9:54, 9:91
  • mentioned, 2:105, 6:564, 7:462, 12:309, 12:377, 16:615n, 17:276n, 18:496, 18:599–18:600, 19:156, 19:462, 20:369
  • T. Pickering on, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:125, 20:137–20:138
  • publication of, 5:631–5:632, 5:632–5:633n, 5:643, 5:644n, 10:188, 10:189n, 12:531, 12:535–12:536, 12:557–12:558, 13:liii, 13:20, 13:21n, 13:21–13:22n, 13:400 (illus.), 13:477, 13:478n, 14:558–14:559, 14:568, 14:644, 15:liii, 15:346 (illus.), 18:489n, 20:155, 20:157n, 20:360n
  • quoted, 8:315n, 8:315n, 18:219, 18:633
  • readings of, 17:276n, 20:16, 20:38n
  • revision of, 13:463–13:464, 13:465n, 14:291
  • signers of, 4:429, 4:475, 4:476n, 6:137, 6:183, 10:631, 12:531, 12:536, 12:557–12:558, 13:20, 13:21–13:22n, 13:477–13:478, 13:478n, 14:292, 14:292, 14:293, 15:412, 16:li, 16:213–16:214, 16:214n, 16:228, 16:230, 16:251, 16:252n, 16:511, 17:431, 17:431n, 17:439, 18:12, 18:14n, 18:246–18:247, 18:274, 19:93–19:94, 19:95n, 19:146, 19:149n, 19:463, 20:132, 20:132n, 20:155, 20:317
  • TJ as author of, 1:11, 1:487, 1:609–1:610, 4:490, 7:503, 10:114, 10:647, 11:202–11:203, 11:252, 11:286, 11:434n, 12:163, 12:531, 12:535–12:536, 12:557–12:558, 13:20, 13:150n, 14:10, 14:290–14:291, 14:291–14:292, 14:292, 14:292, 14:447, 14:546, 14:558, 15:75, 15:296, 15:297n, 15:375, 16:42, 16:110–16:111, 17:12, 17:215, 17:276n, 18:537, 18:633–18:634, 19:402, 19:463, 20:15, 20:16n, 20:31, 20:38, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:125, 20:125n, 20:530n, 20:592, 20:594
  • TJ on, 5:135–5:136, 5:643, 10:114, 12:557–12:558, 14:290–14:292, 14:293, 19:541, 20:123–20:125
  • TJ purchases printed copy of, 10:240, 15:479–15:480, 15:480n
  • J. Trumbull on, 20:171–20:172
  • J. Trumbull’s painting of presentation of, 10:615, 10:615, 10:616n, 11:145, 11:166, 11:166, 12:282–12:283, 12:340–12:341, 13:liii, 13:328, 13:328n, 13:328–13:330, 13:330n, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:390, 13:400 (illus.), 13:577, 13:579n, 14:375, 14:377–14:378n, 14:464, 20:lii–20:liii, 20:171–20:172, 20:172n, 20:265, 20:265, 20:330 (illus.), 20:483, 20:496, 20:497

The Declaration of Independence (J. Trumbull), 11:145, 11:166, 11:166, 12:282–12:283, 12:340–12:341, 13:liii, 13:328, 13:328n, 13:328–13:330, 13:330n, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:390, 13:400 (illus.), 13:472, 13:472n, 14:375, 14:377–14:378n, 14:464, 19:705, 20:lii–20:liii, 20:40, 20:171–20:172, 20:172n, 20:265, 20:265, 20:330 (illus.), 20:483, 20:496, 20:497

Declaration of Independence. A Candid Statement of Facts (B. O. Tyler), 5:644n

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms

  • publication of, 20:360n

De Consolatione ad Helviam (Seneca), 10:276, 10:277n

De Distributione Geographica Plantarum (Humboldt), 11:395, 11:395n, 11:434

Dedman, Dixon

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:326, 11:328, 13:161, 20:199
  • and University of Virginia, 20:206, 20:226, 20:230


  • antlers sent to TJ, 17:220, 17:228, 20:313
  • head of mounted, 8:238
  • “mamouth Buck”, 20:313, 20:339
  • for Monticello, 7:260, 7:260n, 8:521
  • offered for sale, 13:60–13:61, 13:62–13:63
  • skins of, 2:118, 2:255

De errore profanarum religionum (J. Firmicus Maternus), 16:258

Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals (G. Ensor), 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625

Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (J. Adams), 5:185n, 6:238–6:239, 6:278, 6:287, 6:288, 6:296, 6:388n, 6:504, 6:564, 12:426, 19:328n, 19:330, 19:331

“The Defence of Fort McHenry” (F. S. Key). See “The Star-Spangled Banner” (F. S. Key)

“Defence of Thomas Jefferson” (“A Scots Correspondent” [J. T. Callender]), 20:640, 20:641n

Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the terms of Pecuniary Bargains (J. Bentham), 15:351, 15:352n, 16:445

“Defence of the Review of Mr. Lambert’s Memorial,”, 3:285n

Defense du Paganisme par L’Empereur Julien, en Grec et en François (J. B. Boyer), 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14

Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise du

  • Lettres de La Marquise du Deffand, 17:536
  • maxim attributed to, 18:38n
  • Voltaire on, 10:7, 10:8n

deflagrator (scientific instrument), 20:636n, 20:638

Defoe, Daniel

  • Essay upon Projects, 1:572
  • Robinson Crusoe, 1:110, 7:26, 8:4, 10:169, 10:259

Defoor (Defoe), Benjamin

  • and fowl for TJ, 15:185
  • identified, 15:185n
  • letter from, 15:185
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425

Defoor, Martha White (Benjamin Defoor’s wife)

  • and fowl for TJ, 15:185

Deforge, Mr. See Deforgues, François Louis Michel Chemin (French consul at New Orleans)

Deforgues, François Louis Michel Chemin (French consul at New Orleans), 1:203

Degen & Purviance (Leghorn firm), 1:361, 1:361–1:362n, 1:515, 3:381, 9:671, 9:673n

Degraffenreid, Joseph J.

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473n

Degrand, Peter Paul Francis

  • accepts mail for J. Dodge, 20:18
  • identified, 19:654–19:655n
  • letter from, 19:654–19:655
  • letter to accounted for, 19:642n
  • and TJ’s orders from Dodge & Oxnard, 19:641, 19:642, 19:654, 20:70, 20:478–20:479

de Gressent, Jean Louis Aimé, 14:387

Dehaven, Mrs. (Abraham Dehaven’s wife)

  • operates boardinghouse, 9:712

Dehaven, Abraham

  • operates boardinghouse, 9:712, 9:714n

Dehon, Theodore

  • visits Monticello, 7:368n

De Imitatione Christi (Thomas à Kempis), 18:605

Dejean, Jean B., 6:436

De jure belli ac pacis libri tres (Grotius), 3:546

De jure maris et brachiorum ejusdem (M. Hale), 3:546, 3:546

De Jure Maritimo et Navali: or, a Treatise of Affairs Maritime and of Commerce (C. Molloy), 16:642n

De Jure Regni Apud Scotos (G. Buchanan), 2:172, 2:174n, 2:215

Dekay, James Ellsworth

  • as corresponding secretary of Lyceum of Natural History of New-York, 20:169, 20:259
  • identified, 20:169n
  • letter from, 20:169–20:170
  • letter to, 20:259

De Laage, Madame (A. F. De Laage’s wife)

  • introduced by TJ, 11:621
  • moves to New Orleans, 12:395
  • sends greetings to M. J. Randolph, 11:575
  • TJ’s granddaughters visit, 11:627

De Laage, A. F.

  • L. H. Girardin introduces, 11:296
  • and S. J. Harrison, 12:383, 12:395
  • identified, 11:576n
  • introduced by TJ, 11:619, 11:620–11:621
  • letters from, 11:575–11:576, 11:620, 12:383–12:384
  • letter to, 11:619
  • as merchant, 12:383, 12:395
  • moves to Lynchburg, 11:575, 11:619, 11:620–11:621, 11:627
  • moves to New Orleans, 12:383–12:384, 12:395
  • requests letters of recommendation, 12:384
  • visits Monticello, 11:296, 11:575
  • visits Poplar Forest, 11:620, 11:627

Delabigarre, Peter

  • and batture controversy, 2:524, 2:524, 2:527–2:528, 3:476, 3:478n, 3:484, 3:485, 3:492–3:493, 4:110–4:111n

DeLacy, John Devereux

  • health of, 17:125–17:126
  • identified, 6:62–6:63n
  • imprisonment of, 17:125
  • and inland navigation, 6:268–6:269n, 6:319–6:320, 7:68, 7:68n, 17:125–17:126
  • letters from, 6:268–6:269, 7:68, 17:125–17:126
  • letters from accounted for, 6:63n
  • letters to, 6:62–6:63, 6:319–6:320
  • solicits TJ’s patronage, 6:268, 17:125–17:126
  • and steamboats, 6:62, 6:63, 6:63, 7:68

Delaitre, Bernard Jean Etienne Raymond

  • as electoral candidate, 12:39

De La Liberté des Brochures, des Pamphlets et des Journaux (H. B. Constant de Rebecque), 11:601n

De La Littérature des Nègres (H. Grégoire), 1:36, 1:588, 1:590n

De l’Allemagne (Staël Holstein), 9:84, 9:88n

Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph

  • Base du Système Mètrique Décimal, ou Mesure de l’Arc du Méridien compris entre les parallèles de Dunkerque et Barcelone, 12:91, 12:156
  • and Institut de France, 1:100–1:101
  • as mathematician, 1:357
  • and weights and measures, 16:234n
  • writings of, 8:6, 14:168, 17:410

Delametherie. See Lamétherie, Jean Claude de

De la morale naturelle (J. H. Meister), 12:582

De La Motta, Jacob

  • Discourse, delivered at the Consecration of the Synagogue, of the Hebrew Congregation, Mikva Israel, in the city of Savannah, Georgia, 16:235, 16:235n
  • identified, 16:235n
  • letter from accounted for, 16:235n
  • letter to, 16:235

Delamotte, François Claude Adam

  • finances of, 15:148
  • identified, 14:513n
  • letter from, 14:512–14:513
  • seeks consulship at Le Havre, 9:319–9:320, 9:358, 9:362–9:363, 9:388, 9:446, 9:648, 9:693, 10:9–10:10, 10:21–10:22, 12:187
  • sends greetings to TJ, 14:512–14:513
  • as vice-consul at Le Havre, 9:319, 9:362–9:363, 9:363n

Delaplaine, Joseph See also Delaplaine & Hellings (Philadelphia firm)

  • American Edition of the New Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 3:51n, 3:589, 3:609
  • The Author Turned Critic; or The Reviewer Reviewed, 10:493, 10:493n, 10:497, 10:520
  • and biography of TJ, 11:202–11:203, 11:251–11:252, 12:100, 12:146–12:147, 12:180, 14:283–14:284, 14:285, 17:307, 19:245
  • commissions portraits, 10:38–10:39, 10:71, 10:71–10:72, 10:198, 10:199n
  • Delaplaine’s Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans, 3:51n, 6:149n, 7:xliii, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:295–7:296, 7:302–7:303, 7:330, 7:340–7:341, 7:399, 7:429, 7:429n, 7:444, 7:497–7:499, 7:499n, 7:522–7:523, 7:523n, 7:526, 7:562–7:564, 7:611–7:613, 8:8, 8:8n, 8:388–8:389, 8:435, 9:270, 9:405, 9:459, 9:460–9:461, 10:xlv, 10:38–10:39, 10:71, 10:71–10:72, 10:160, 10:182, 10:198–10:199, 10:200 (illus.) , 10:245, 10:245, 10:258, 10:266–10:267, 10:267, 10:268, 10:271n, 10:492–10:494, 10:497, 10:520, 10:524, 10:535–10:536, 10:536n, 10:541, 10:542, 10:542, 10:612, 10:613, 10:613–10:614n, 10:657, 11:148, 11:148n, 11:202–11:203, 11:251–11:252, 12:100, 12:146–12:147, 12:180–12:181, 12:527, 12:574, 13:40, 13:127, 13:371, 13:371n, 13:467, 13:512, 13:512n, 13:517, 14:283–14:284, 14:285, 16:576–16:577, 17:307, 19:245
  • and Emporium of Arts & Sciences, 4:663, 4:685, 5:100
  • friendship with J. Watson, 19:396, 19:399, 19:399, 19:401
  • identified, 3:51n
  • letters from, 3:589, 4:663, 5:654–5:655, 6:125–6:126, 7:295–7:296, 7:302–7:303, 7:330–7:331, 7:429, 7:497–7:499, 7:562–7:564, 8:8–8:9, 8:388–8:389, 9:270, 9:351–9:352, 9:405, 9:460–9:461, 10:38–10:39, 10:80, 10:198–10:199, 10:492–10:494, 10:497, 10:524, 10:535–10:536, 10:541–10:542, 11:148, 11:202–11:203, 12:100, 12:180–12:181, 12:527, 13:512, 16:346, 16:547, 18:223, 18:237–18:238, 19:396
  • letters to, 3:609, 4:685, 5:662, 6:148–6:149, 7:340–7:342, 7:444, 7:522–7:523, 7:611–7:613, 8:34, 8:435, 9:459, 10:71, 10:266–10:267, 10:520, 10:612, 10:613–10:614, 11:251–11:252, 12:146–12:147, 12:574, 16:576–16:577
  • and new Bible edition, 5:654, 5:654–5:655n, 5:662
  • portrait of, 10:xlv, 10:240 (illus.)
  • and portraits of TJ by G. Stuart, 7:296, 7:303, 7:429, 7:497–7:498, 7:522, 7:525–7:526, 7:562, 8:8, 8:8n, 8:34, 8:389, 8:435, 9:351–9:352, 10:38, 10:71, 10:71–10:72
  • proposal for printing Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:295, 7:296n, 7:303, 7:303n, 7:330, 7:331n, 7:444, 9:270, 9:270n, 9:351, 9:352n, 9:405n
  • proposed American travel guide, 18:223, 18:223–18:224, 18:237
  • and publication of TJ’s letters, 10:541–10:542, 10:612, 10:650, 10:658, 11:29, 11:46
  • publishes engraved portraits, 6:125–6:126, 6:148, 8:8–8:9n, 10:38–10:39, 10:198
  • sends artwork to TJ, 8:8, 8:34, 9:405, 10:38, 10:198, 10:200
  • sends greetings to Randolphs, 10:493, 12:100
  • sends letters through TJ, 10:542
  • sends work to TJ, 16:346, 16:547, 16:576, 18:238
  • visits Monticello, 10:80, 11:202–11:203, 11:203

Delaplaine & Hellings (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 3:51n
  • letters from, 3:50–3:51
  • letters from accounted for, 3:51n
  • solicits subscription, 3:50–3:51

Delaplaine’s Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans (J. Delaplaine), 3:51n, 6:149n, 7:xliii, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:295–7:296, 7:302–7:303, 7:330, 7:340–7:341, 7:399, 7:429, 7:429n, 7:444, 7:497–7:499, 7:499n, 7:522–7:523, 7:523n, 7:525–7:526, 7:562–7:564, 7:611–7:613, 8:8, 8:8n, 8:388–8:389, 8:435, 9:270, 9:351–9:352, 9:405, 9:459, 9:460–9:461, 10:xlv, 10:38–10:39, 10:71, 10:71–10:72, 10:160, 10:182, 10:198–10:199, 10:200, 10:200 (illus.) , 10:245, 10:245, 10:258, 10:266–10:267, 10:267, 10:268, 10:271n, 10:492–10:494, 10:497, 10:520, 10:524, 10:535–10:536, 10:536n, 10:541, 10:542, 10:542, 10:612, 10:613, 10:613–10:614n, 10:657, 11:148, 11:148n, 12:100, 12:146–12:147, 12:180–12:181, 12:527, 12:574, 13:40, 13:127, 13:371, 13:371n, 13:467, 13:512, 13:512n, 13:517, 14:283–14:284, 14:285, 16:576–16:577, 17:307, 19:245

“De la Propiedad Contagiosa de la Calentura amarilla” (F. Piguillém), 10:129, 10:146n

De la Révolution Actuelle de l’Espagne, et de ses suites (D. D. Pradt), 17:188, 17:189n, 17:198

De La Sagesse (P. Charron) , 7:458, 7:458n, 7:627, 8:236, 8:242, 8:435, 8:468, 8:469, 8:469n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n, 8:630, 8:632n, 12:534, 17:447, 17:448n, 20:618

De la Saisie des Batimens Neutres, ou Du Droit qu’ont les Nations Belligérantes d’arréter les Navires des Peuples Amis (M. Hübner), 17:450, 17:450n

Delaunay, Simon César, 14:115

De la Vie Privée des Romains (J. R. d’Arnay), 12:583


  • and Confederation Congress, 17:335
  • constitution of, 19:471
  • and Continental Congress, 17:317, 19:470–19:471
  • elections in, 19:563
  • Federalists in, 10:65, 12:609
  • insolvency law in, 14:237
  • legislature of, 7:111, 8:276
  • manufacturers in address Congress, 9:476, 9:476n, 9:515
  • militia of, 9:236
  • newspapers, 10:56, 10:57n
  • Quakers in, 11:354
  • size of, 16:472

Delaware and Raritan Canal, 11:415

Delaware County, Pa., 1:68–1:69n

Delaware Gazette (Wilmington, Del., newspaper), 10:56, 10:57n, 18:538

Delaware Indians, 12:296n, 12:385, 12:386n, 13:89, 16:85n, 16:108, 16:108, 16:109, 16:132–16:133, 16:261, 16:261, 16:415n, 17:547, 17:573

Delaware River

  • act to improve navigation on, 4:161n
  • British blockade of, 6:31, 6:61
  • defense of, 6:217
  • ice in, 12:455, 12:516, 15:442
  • and Revolutionary War, 14:625
  • survey of, 16:357

Delbecq, Jean Baptiste

  • and Société Royale d’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand, 19:161n

Delessert, Étienne, 2:xli, 15:167, 16:495

Delessert, François Marie, 15:167

Delessert, Jules Paul Benjamin

  • as electoral candidate, 12:39
  • and letters for Madame de Staël Holstein, 9:326, 10:379
  • as merchant, 15:167

Delessert, Jules Paul Benjamin, & Cie, 1:235

Delessert, Madeleine Catherine Boy de la Tour, 15:167

Del Governo della Peste (L. A. Muratori), 10:136

Delile, Alire Raffeneau

  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 16:568, 17:88

Delille, Jacques, 7:665

Delisle de Sales, Jean Baptiste Claude (“Henri Ophellot de La Pause”)

  • translates Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (Suetonius), 13:342, 13:358, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Della Rocca, Abbé

  • Traité Complet sur les Abeilles, 11:165

Delle Novelle di Franco Sacchetti Citadino Fiorentino (F. Sacchetti; ed. G. Poggiali), 13:39, 13:41n

De Locis Theologicis (M. Cano), 7:24–7:25, 7:27n

Delolme, Jean Louis

  • read by J. Adams, 4:474
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503
  • writings of, 10:417

Delor, Mrs., 2:441n, 6:434

Delphian Club (Baltimore), 17:73, 17:74n

Delphin edition

  • TJ on, 12:575, 12:576, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 14:511, 14:511
  • TJ orders, 8:660, 9:274, 9:464, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 10:233

Deluc, Jean André

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:314, 9:317n, 9:642


  • Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:447

Demaree, Samuel R.

  • identified, 1:457n
  • letters from, 1:455–1:457, 5:478–5:479, 7:194–7:195
  • letters to, 1:575–1:576, 5:557
  • remarks on reading by, 7:195
  • seeks grammar recommendation, 5:478
  • TJ recommends books, 1:576–1:577, 5:478, 5:479n, 5:557
  • on War of 1812, 7:194–7:195
  • on weather, 7:194

Demeneu, Mr., 2:463

Démeunier, Jean Nicolas

  • and article for Encyclopédie Méthodique, 7:616, 7:617n, 12:420, 12:430

Democrat (Boston newspaper), 1:50n

Democratic party. See Republican party

Democratic Press (Philadelphia newspaper), 8:5, 9:478, 9:480n, 13:383–13:384n, 14:125, 14:218, 15:301, 16:526n, 19:330, 19:330, 19:332n, 19:334, 20:586, 20:587n

Democritus (Greek philosopher), 10:398, 11:527, 11:527n, 13:267n, 14:375, 14:378n, 15:338n, 18:242n

De Monomachia, sive Duello. … Lines, on Duelling. Addressed to the Legislative Assemblies of America (L. H. Girardin), 16:290n

de Montcarel, Alexandre Jacques René Le Goueslier

  • identified, 13:421n
  • as portraitist, 13:419, 13:419
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 13:418–13:419, 13:441, 14:124

de Montcarel, Cérès

  • identified, 13:421n
  • letter from, 13:418–13:421
  • letter to, 13:441
  • school of, 13:418–13:419, 13:419, 13:420–13:421n
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 13:418–13:419, 13:441


  • J. Adams on, 9:528, 12:495, 17:505
  • All the Orations of Demosthenes (trans. T. Leland), 19:505
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:659, 7:659, 7:662, 14:551
  • mentioned, 1:70, 12:495, 20:281
  • Œuvres complettes de Dêmosthene et d’Eschine (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:138–17:139n, 17:447
  • On the Crown, 14:258, 14:551
  • Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes (ed. J. J. Reiske), 9:196, 10:234, 14:510
  • J. Taylor’s edition of, 8:436
  • TJ on, 7:447, 7:453, 7:630, 9:456, 10:422, 14:154, 14:631
  • TJ recommends works of, 18:251
  • works of, 16:330

Dempsey v. Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, 2:377n, 2:668, 3:79

Deneale, James

  • identified, 16:72n
  • letter from, 16:70–16:72
  • letter to, 16:89
  • surveying instrument and method of, 16:70–16:71, 16:89

Denike, Thomas (ship captain), 20:431

Denisart, Jean Baptiste

  • Collection de décisions nouvelles, 3:130–3:131, 3:160, 3:174n, 3:546


  • and Algiers, 17:340
  • early explorers from, 17:127
  • G. W. Erving appointed special minister to, 3:293, 3:459, 3:539
  • government of, 3:8–3:9, 3:12, 3:16, 13:123n, 15:573n
  • prisoners of war from, 4:362
  • relations with U.S., 4:237n, 4:611, 4:612, 4:612n, 17:336, 17:338–17:339
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506, 4:507, 4:507

Dennie, Joseph

  • and W. Byrd manuscript, 11:126

Dennis, George (TJ’s slave; b. 1808)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:386, 5:461, 6:309, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255

Denniston, David, 6:255

Denniston, Rebecca

  • signs petition, 18:146

De Nobili, Uberto

  • identified, 15:329–15:330n
  • and Imperiale e Reale Accademia Economico-Agraria dei Georgofili di Firenze, 15:328

Denon, Vivant

  • Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte, pendant les campagnes du Général Bonaparte, 13:69, 13:70n

dental care

  • T. Bruff as dentist, 5:108n, 9:683
  • dentures made by C. W. Peale, 8:462, 11:158, 19:358
  • J. Maury and molars, 5:252–5:253

De Officiis (Cicero), 1:576, 7:627, 7:661, 11:289–11:290n, 12:534, 12:575, 18:280, 19:505, 20:430, 20:430

De Oratore (Cicero), 17:105

De Peste Liber (R. Mead), 10:136

De Peyster, Abraham

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120, 19:123n

d’Épinay, Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d’Esclavelles

  • Mémoires et Correspondance de Madame d’Épinay, 13:397, 17:536

de Pradt, Dominique Dufour, baron. See Pradt, Dominique Dufour, baron de

Depriest, John

  • and building supplies for Poplar Forest, 9:505, 10:219n
  • sells horse to TJ, 9:58n, 10:73

Dequin, Mr., 10:230

Derbigny, Pierre (Peter) Augustin Bourguignon

  • and batture controversy, 2:160n, 2:444n, 2:516, 2:518n, 2:524, 3:30, 3:71, 4:110, 4:643n
  • Case laid before Counsel for their opinion on the claim to the Batture, situated in front of the Suburb St. Mary, 2:658, 2:658n, 3:476, 3:483, 3:494
  • as gubernatorial candidate, 16:146
  • identified, 4:632n
  • letters to, 4:631–4:632
  • Mémoire a Consulter, sur la Réclamation de la Batture, Située en Face du Faubourg Sainte-Marie de la Nouvelle-Orléans, 2:439, 2:441n, 2:446n, 2:531, 2:532n, 4:466
  • Réfutation du Mémoire en forme de consultation, 2:657, 2:658n, 3:173–3:174n, 3:235, 3:236n, 3:237n, 3:271, 3:476, 3:484
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:631–4:632

Derby, Elias Hasket, 12:379, 13:5

Derby, Martha Coffin (Richard C. Derby’s wife)

  • proposed visit to Monticello of, 11:134–11:135, 11:173
  • TJ introduces, 11:160
  • travels of, 11:142–11:143, 11:173–11:174

Derby, Richard Crowninshield

  • identified, 11:143n
  • introduced to TJ, 11:114–11:115, 11:134–11:135, 11:141
  • letter from, 11:142–11:143
  • letter to, 11:173–11:174
  • proposed visit to Monticello of, 11:134–11:135, 11:142, 11:173
  • TJ introduces, 11:160
  • travels of, 11:142–11:143, 11:173–11:174

De Rebus Belgicis: or, the Annals, and History of the Low-Countrey-Warrs (H. Grotius), 10:358

De Re Publica (Cicero), 16:226

De Re Publica quae supersunt (Cicero; ed. A. Mai), 20:270, 20:271n, 20:323, 20:430, 20:430n

Derham, William

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:316n
  • as theologist, 7:480

Derieux, Maria Margherita Martin (Peter Derieux’s wife)

  • finances of, 3:77, 3:394–3:395, 6:335
  • and P. Mazzei’s Richmond property, 6:269, 6:295, 6:334
  • as schoolteacher, 6:269, 6:270, 6:270, 6:334–6:335, 7:89
  • sends greetings to TJ, 5:29, 9:252, 10:495, 18:637
  • stepdaughter of P. Mazzei, 3:77n, 3:381n, 3:576, 6:305, 9:114–9:115, 9:119n, 10:201, 10:203n, 10:273, 11:21

Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard)

  • delivers documents to France, 19:22n
  • and Dutasta, 6:442
  • finances of, 3:77, 3:394–3:395, 6:320, 6:332, 7:89, 9:114–9:115, 9:119n, 9:251–9:252, 9:399–9:400, 9:400n, 9:451–9:452, 10:202, 10:273
  • identified, 3:395–3:396n
  • letters from, 3:394–3:396, 5:29–5:30, 6:269–6:271, 6:332–6:333, 9:251–9:253, 9:451–9:453, 10:201–10:203, 10:494–10:496, 11:566–11:567, 18:637–18:638
  • letters to, 3:575–3:576, 5:98–5:99, 6:320–6:321, 6:442, 9:399–9:400, 10:272–10:273, 10:538, 11:21, 19:21–19:22
  • and P. Mazzei, 3:395, 3:576, 6:269, 6:270, 6:320–6:321, 6:332, 9:118n, 9:118n, 9:119n, 9:251–9:252, 9:399–9:400, 9:400n, 9:451–9:452, 10:201–10:202, 10:203n, 10:272–10:273, 10:494–10:495, 10:538, 11:21, 11:566, 11:579, 11:645, 12:584
  • and P. Mazzei’s Richmond property, 6:269, 6:295, 6:305–6:306, 6:321, 6:334, 6:335, 6:337, 10:251, 10:252n, 10:272
  • and money from French relatives, 6:337, 9:252, 9:253n, 10:202, 10:495
  • requests assistance from TJ, 6:269, 6:270, 9:252, 9:399–9:400, 9:400n, 9:451–9:452, 10:202, 11:566
  • sends tarragon to TJ, 5:29, 5:30n, 5:98
  • TJ forwards letter to, 3:77, 3:295, 3:481, 3:511, 3:575–3:576, 6:442
  • and wheat, 18:637, 19:21–19:22, 19:22n

Derieux, Peter Justin

  • and wheat, 18:637, 18:638n

Derry, Valentine

  • as French teacher, 20:182n

de Sacy, Louis

  • translates Lettres de Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français, Suivies du Panégyrique de Trajan (Pliny the Younger), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215
  • translates Panégyrique de Trajan, par Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français (Pliny the Younger), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

Desaguliers, John Theophilus

  • A Course of Experimental Philosophy, 6:381, 7:386

Desalination of Sea Water, Report on (Thomas Jefferson), 1:487, 1:487n

DeSaussure, Henry William

  • and T. Cooper, 16:50, 16:50
  • identified, 16:51n
  • letter from, to J. Vaughan, 16:50–16:51
  • opposes J. Wallace (d. 1851), 16:381–16:382

Descamps, Jean Baptiste

  • Sur l’Utilité des Établissemens des Écoles Gratuites de Dessein en Faveur des Métiers, 14:387, 14:451

Descartes, René

  • J. Adams on, 15:410
  • mentioned, 18:650

Descaves, Mark L.

  • conveys letter to TJ, 11:528, 11:581
  • identified, 11:528n
  • introduced to TJ, 11:282
  • letter from, 11:528
  • letter to, 11:581
  • and seeds for TJ, 8:420, 8:640

Descotils, Hippolyte Victor Collet

  • and Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, 9:325, 9:326n

Descripción histórica y cronológica de los piedras (León y Gama), 1:521, 1:521n, 1:556

“Description de la Greffe Juge, nouvelle sorte” (A. Thoüin), 19:353n

“Description de la Greffe Sainclair, nouvelle sorte” (A. Thoüin), 19:353n

Description de Paris et de ses Édifices (J. G. Legrand and C. P. Landon), 12:107

“Description D’une nouvelle sorte de Greffe, nommée Greffe Vilmorin” (A. Thoüin), 19:353n

Description et Usage du Cercle de Réflexion (J. C. de Borda), 11:179, 11:193, 12:153, 12:439

A Description of a System of Biography (J. Priestley), 8:472, 8:672

“Description of some of the Medals, Struck in relation to Important Events in North America” (J. Mease), 9:55n, 15:454n

A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes (J. Napier), 7:255n

“A Description of the American Yellow Fever, in a Letter from Dr. John Lining” (J. Lining), 10:131, 10:146n

A Description of the British Possessions in North America (J. Melish), 5:443n, 5:492, 5:493n, 5:501

Description of William Annesley’s New System of Boat and Ship Building; Patented in the United States (W. Annesley), 9:558n, 9:559n

A Description of William Annesley’s New System of Naval Architecture (W. Annesley), 13:425, 13:425n, 13:440

Description Statistique, Historique et Politique des États-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale (D. B. Warden), 13:42, 15:477, 17:407

Descriptio Uberior Graminum et Plantarum Calamariarum Americæ Septentrionalis Indigenarum et Cicurum (H. Muhlenberg), 7:244, 7:245n

Desdemona (Shakespearean character), 11:628

Desfontaines, René Louiche

  • Tableau de l’École de Botanique du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n

Deshay, Madame

  • letters from, 1:450–1:451
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 1:450

Deshoulières, Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde, 7:665

Deshoulières, Antoinette Thérèse, 7:665

Desilver, Thomas

  • letter from accounted for, 10:20n
  • and Port Folio, 10:19

Desmarais. See Regnier-Desmarais, François Seraphin.

Despencer, Sir Francis Dashwood, baron le, 1:124

D’Espinasse. See Lespinasse, Jeanne Julie Éléonore de

Despinville, Charles

  • and West Point appointment, 4:375n, 4:376, 4:434, 5:405–5:406, 5:430–5:431, 5:435–5:436

Desprez, Louis

  • edits Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera (Horace), 14:511

Des Systèmes d’Économie Politique (C. Ganilh), 5:636, 5:637n

Destebecho, Mr. (ship captain), 10:243n, 10:244

Destouches, Philippe, 7:665

Destrehan, Jean Noël , 5:112–5:113, 16:146

Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude

  • and American Philosophical Society, 6:458, 6:459–6:460n, 9:485, 9:485, 16:487–16:488n
  • Analyse Raisonnée de l’Origine de Tous les Cultes, ou Religion Universelle, 10:459, 10:507, 10:550, 10:573, 10:573, 10:584n, 10:586–10:587, 10:604, 11:359
  • as anonymous author, 3:335, 7:4, 7:129, 7:473, 7:475n
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:667
  • Commentaire sur l’Esprit des Lois de Montesquieu, 12:622, 13:476, 14:201–14:202, 14:114–14:115, 16:420–16:421, 16:423n, 16:486, 16:630, 19:456–19:457, 20:288, 20:423
  • Commentary and Review of Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws, 1:260–1:261, 1:262–1:263n, 1:270, 2:288, 3:xlvi, 3:3–3:4, 3:6–3:7, 3:7–3:11, 3:11–3:15, 3:15–3:19, 3:20–3:21, 3:21–3:23, 3:23–3:25, 3:89, 3:105, 3:184–3:185, 3:189, 3:207, 3:208n, 3:213, 3:310–3:311, 3:311–3:312, 3:329, 3:339, 3:339n, 3:358 (illus.) , 3:444, 3:449, 3:452, 3:509, 3:584, 4:19, 4:25, 4:25n, 4:30, 4:36, 4:36, 4:54, 4:56, 4:57n, 4:202, 4:204, 4:239, 4:240, 4:325, 4:436, 4:446, 4:457n, 4:607–4:609, 4:611n, 5:51, 5:54, 5:276–5:277, 5:436, 5:557, 5:557n, 5:577, 5:612, 5:634–5:635, 5:636n, 6:52, 6:52, 6:458, 6:484, 6:509, 6:599, 7:3, 7:5n, 7:6–7:7, 7:15, 7:16n, 7:129, 7:130n, 7:416, 7:420–7:421n, 7:472–7:473, 7:475n, 7:506, 7:607, 7:607n, 7:628, 8:182–8:183, 8:236, 8:242, 8:294, 8:294, 8:317, 9:377, 9:435–9:436, 9:441–9:442, 9:485, 9:485, 9:486n, 9:517, 9:517n, 10:61–10:62, 10:62n, 10:62, 10:63, 10:64n, 10:66, 10:80, 10:81, 10:154, 10:289–10:290, 10:294, 10:327, 10:371, 10:459–10:460, 10:550, 10:587, 10:657, 10:658, 11:31, 11:45, 11:359, 12:153, 12:248, 12:439, 12:622, 13:336–13:337, 13:590, 14:108, 14:114–14:115, 14:201–14:202, 16:486, 19:506, 20:288, 20:289n, 20:423
  • “De l’Amour” , 16:630–16:631, 16:633n, 19:457, 19:609, 20:424
  • and V. Destutt de Tracy, 7:473–7:474, 7:475n, 9:485
  • Discours prononcés dans la séance publique tenue par la classe de la langue, 1:262n
  • economic theories of, 6:53, 13:573
  • Élémens d’Idéologie, 5:7, 5:8n, 5:83, 5:114, 5:211, 5:223, 5:276, 5:436, 5:576, 5:577, 5:578, 5:579n, 5:635, 6:52, 6:458, 6:526, 6:530n, 7:3–7:4, 7:125, 7:450, 7:472–7:473, 7:527, 7:532n, 8:630, 8:630, 9:441–9:442, 10:459, 10:550, 10:586, 10:603–10:604, 10:657–10:658, 12:622, 14:115, 14:116, 16:486, 16:630, 16:633n, 17:246, 19:457, 20:288, 20:423–20:424
  • Élémens d’Idéologie: Idéologie proprement dite, 4:203, 4:209n, 4:239–4:241, 4:242–4:243n, 9:485
  • Elementos de Verdadera Lógica (trans. J. J. García), 20:423
  • family of, 10:507, 10:509n, 10:549–10:550, 10:583, 10:584n, 10:603, 10:655, 17:254, 20:424
  • on federalism, 4:204–4:206
  • and freedom of the press in France, 14:115, 16:420–16:421, 16:486
  • and A. Gallatin, 10:154, 10:603, 10:604
  • Grammaire, 4:203, 4:209n, 9:485, 20:624, 20:625n
  • health of, 4:649, 9:69, 9:377, 9:442, 9:484, 10:323–10:324, 10:550, 10:603, 11:283, 11:359, 11:618, 12:248, 12:621, 13:421, 14:115, 16:137, 16:421–16:422, 16:485, 16:486, 16:630, 18:428–18:429, 19:458, 20:288, 20:424
  • identified, 1:262n
  • introduces T. Dandolo, 19:457–19:458, 20:288, 20:424
  • and Lafayette, 4:358, 9:484, 10:289, 10:291, 10:323–10:324, 10:603, 11:283, 12:248, 16:137, 19:101, 20:369–20:370
  • letter from, to P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:484–9:486
  • letters from, 1:260–1:263, 4:202–4:209, 4:239–4:243, 6:458–6:460, 7:472–7:475, 9:441–9:443, 10:603–10:606, 12:621–12:625, 14:114–14:117, 16:420–16:423, 16:630–16:633, 19:456–19:459, 20:422–20:427
  • letters from, to I. C. Barnet, 16:423n, 16:487n
  • letters to, 3:334–3:339, 7:3–7:5, 11:359–11:360, 13:421–13:422, 16:485–16:488, 20:287–20:289
  • letters to mentioned, 4:30, 5:69, 7:15
  • on liberty in Europe, 12:621, 16:631, 20:424, 20:425
  • Logique, 4:203–4:204, 4:209n, 9:441–9:442, 9:485, 10:658, 16:630
  • T. Lyman introduced to, 11:357, 11:360, 12:622
  • and materialism, 16:196
  • on natural rights, 10:207
  • Observations sur le Systême Actuel d’Instruction Publique, 9:442, 9:443n, 11:359
  • on philosophy of language, 15:223
  • portrait of, 3:xlvi, 3:358 (illus.)
  • Principes Logiques, ou Recueil de Faits relatifs a l’Intelligence Humaine, 10:460, 10:550, 10:603–10:604, 11:359, 12:345, 12:403, 12:487, 12:528–12:529, 12:622, 12:656, 16:486, 16:631, 16:633n, 17:246, 17:247n, 19:457, 20:424
  • proposed letter of introduction to, 8:322n
  • recommends work to TJ, 20:497
  • and B. Rivadavia, 12:621
  • and D. Sacchi’s Oriele: o Lettere di due Amanti, 20:369, 20:370n
  • sends manuscript to TJ, 4:239–4:241, 4:325, 4:326n, 4:574–4:575, 6:45, 6:458, 7:3, 7:90, 7:472–7:473, 9:485, 10:290, 16:631
  • sent copy of TJ letter, 10:327, 10:603
  • and South American republics, 12:621, 14:116, 16:486–16:487, 16:631
  • and study of political economy, 12:622
  • TJ on, 15:469, 17:246
  • TJ on Commentary, 3:86–3:87, 3:334–3:339, 5:557, 5:577, 10:289–10:290, 14:108, 17:246
  • TJ on Principes Logiques, 12:345, 17:246
  • TJ on Treatise, 5:577–5:579, 9:639, 10:154–10:155, 10:290–10:291, 14:108, 14:108
  • tract of on education, 10:550
  • Traité de la Volonté et de ses effets, 4:203–4:204, 4:243n, 9:441–9:442, 9:443n, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:486n, 9:493, 9:493n, 10:460, 10:604, 11:359, 11:359, 12:28, 12:153, 12:439, 16:633n
  • transmission of letters to, 3:443, 3:444n, 3:538, 7:506
  • A Treatise on Political Economy, 4:243n, 5:577–5:579, 5:579n, 6:509, 7:628, 7:713, 8:15–8:16, 8:33, 8:38, 8:83, 8:105, 8:106, 8:164, 8:182, 8:253, 8:266, 8:268n, 8:317, 8:566, 8:628–8:629, 8:674, 9:131, 9:439, 9:441, 9:463–9:464, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:537–9:538, 9:543, 9:568n, 9:603–9:604, 9:630–9:633, 9:633–9:634, 9:638–9:639, 9:640–9:641, 9:663–9:664, 10:62–10:63, 10:64n, 10:65–10:66, 10:67, 10:120, 10:154, 10:154–10:155, 10:260, 10:290–10:291, 10:294, 10:327, 10:380, 10:452, 10:460, 10:479, 10:480, 10:550, 10:603, 10:618, 10:618, 10:625, 10:637–10:638, 10:649, 10:652, 10:658, 11:13, 11:26, 11:67, 11:109–11:110, 11:110, 11:110n, 11:140, 11:205, 11:248, 11:248n, 11:356, 11:356n, 11:359–11:360, 11:362, 11:573, 11:574n, 11:618, 11:619n, 12:41, 12:41n, 12:311, 12:438, 12:480, 12:530, 12:623, 13:36–13:37, 13:322, 13:336, 13:336–13:337, 13:350–13:351, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:414, 13:421, 13:422n, 13:423, 13:439, 13:441, 13:442n, 13:476, 13:517–13:518, 13:520, 13:520, 13:529, 13:529n, 13:558, 13:564, 13:564n, 13:572, 13:589, 13:590, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n, 13:615, 14:39, 14:60–14:61, 14:82–14:83, 14:93, 14:108, 14:114, 14:115, 14:116, 14:155, 14:190, 14:190, 14:215, 14:224, 14:298, 14:457, 15:280n, 15:306, 16:420, 16:427, 16:486, 16:488n, 16:630, 19:457, 19:506, 20:101, 20:101, 20:129, 20:158–20:159, 20:288, 20:329, 20:423
  • on U.S. Constitution, 4:204–4:205
  • and U.S. politics, 20:424–20:425
  • writings of, 16:188

Destutt de Tracy, Victor

  • military service of, 7:473–7:474, 7:475n, 9:485, 10:584n, 10:603

Desultory Facts, and Observations, illustrative of the Past and Present Situation and Future Prospects of the United States (“A Pennsylvanian” [M. Carey]), 19:591, 19:592n

“Detector” (pseudonym)

  • criticizes J. Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence, 13:333n, 13:333–13:334n, 13:390
  • letter from, to the Editor of the New York National Advocate, 13:328–13:330
  • letter to, from J. Trumbull, 13:331–13:334

de Thou, Jacques Auguste

  • Historiarum sui temporis, 19:508
  • The Life of Thuanus, with Some Account of his Writings, and a Translation of the Preface to his History (J. Collinson), 17:535

Detroit, Mich. Territory

  • W. Hull’s surrender at, 5:580, 6:54n, 6:112, 6:171, 6:645n, 8:219, 8:259, 8:263
  • Indian school at, 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 2:55–2:57, 2:58n, 3:369–3:370
  • newspaper from, 14:100
  • recaptured by U.S. forces, 6:546n
  • U.S. effort to retake, 5:336, 5:396

Detroit red apple, 3:448, 3:448n

Devany, Mr., 2:323

Devaux, François Antoine, 7:665, 7:666n

de Vendel, Emile (Emilius)

  • identified, 16:521n
  • letter from, 16:520–16:521
  • letter to, 16:580
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 16:520–16:521, 16:580

Devereaux, Capt., 12:269n

Devereux, Thomas Pollock

  • as University of North Carolina trustee, 17:521n

De Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum (L. Küster; ed. E. Leedes), 10:358

De Vezin, Olivier , 5:86n

De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romæ (J. Hardie), 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:100, 13:100, 13:107

De Vita et Moribus Epicuri (P. Gassendi), 12:582

Devore, Mary

  • signs petition, 18:146

Dewey, Stephen, 16:231n

DeWitt, Benjamin

  • mineral collection of, 15:370–15:371, 15:371n

DeWitt, Eve Bloodgood

  • as administrator of B. DeWitt’s estate, 15:371, 15:371n

DeWitt, Simeon

  • Considerations on the Necessity of Establishing an Agricultural College, 13:574, 13:574n, 13:597
  • identified, 13:574–13:575n
  • letter from, 13:574–13:575
  • letter to, 13:597
  • A Map of the State of New York, 5:581

DeWitt, William Radcliffe

  • as Presbyterian clergyman, 19:79–19:80

Dexter, Aaron

  • agricultural writings of, 8:678, 8:679n, 9:75–9:76
  • as president of Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, 8:679n, 11:386
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 11:386

Dexter, Samuel

  • biography of, 10:75, 10:75n, 10:173
  • death of, 10:360
  • friendship with J. Adams, 11:267–11:268
  • identified, 10:173n
  • Mass. gubernatorial candidate, 9:256
  • and Republican party, 9:6
  • as secretary of war, 3:68, 3:69n, 3:73
  • TJ on, 10:173
  • writings of, 18:356

Dey, Anthony

  • and flax, 17:594, 17:595n
  • identified, 17:595n
  • letter from, 17:594–17:595
  • letter to, 18:21
  • and machine for preparing flax and hemp, 18:21

Le Diable Boiteux (A. R. Le Sage), 7:665

Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language; with a free and verbal Translation in English (R. Morrison), 13:124, 13:124n, 13:142

Dialogues in Chemistry (J. Joyce), 1:332, 1:333n, 1:384, 2:101, 2:264, 3:122, 4:201, 4:288–4:289, 9:274, 9:275n

Dialogues of the Dead (G. Lyttelton), 19:508


  • purchased by TJ, 4:576, 4:577, 4:590
  • tools, 20:611

Diana (ship), 2:233, 2:360–2:361, 5:289–5:290

Diar, Francisco Geronimo Barquez, 2:480n

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall

  • bibliographical works of, 20:346

Dick (African American)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:634, 19:46, 19:50, 20:202, 20:204, 20:205, 20:223, 20:225, 20:226, 20:227, 20:229, 20:231

Dick (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Dick (TJ’s slave), 4:373

Dick (Yellow Dick) (TJ’s slave; b. 1767)

  • family of, 9:216n, 11:546n, 18:30
  • hat for, 7:124
  • house of, 8:173–8:174
  • and P. Hubbard’s dispute with J. A. Goodman, 8:173
  • as laborer, 4:379, 5:545, 5:546, 11:179, 11:207
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 8:60, 8:255, 13:387
  • as wagoner, 7:124, 8:173, 8:174, 8:184–8:185, 8:185, 8:186, 11:207, 12:324, 12:349, 13:567, 13:581, 13:604, 15:311, 16:471, 18:30

Dick (Little Dick) (TJ’s slave; b. 1781)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382
  • transports livestock, 17:39

Dick (TJ’s slave; b. 1790). See Gillette, Dick (TJ’s slave; b. 1790)

Dick, Alexander

  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:191, 15:191

Dick, J. & J. (firm). See J. & J. Dick (firm)

Dickenson, Henry

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120

Dickenson, John, 3:318

Dickerson, Mr.

  • and marble for TJ, 19:278

Dickerson, G.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86

Dickerson, Mahlon

  • as governor of N.J., 10:543

Dickerson, Wiley

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Dickey, Robert

  • mentioned, 8:362, 8:363, 9:514, 10:58, 10:58n

Dickinson, Charles Henry

  • duel with A. Jackson, 18:210n

Dickinson, John

  • and J. Adams’s intercepted letter, 6:233, 6:234n, 6:283–6:284
  • and Continental Congress, 4:601, 4:601, 6:232, 6:440, 6:612, 6:612, 6:613, 6:614n, 8:620, 8:625–8:626, 13:330, 13:330, 14:524, 17:314, 17:316, 17:316–17:317, 20:150, 20:150
  • The Farmer’s and Monitor’s Letters, 6:440
  • Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, 8:643, 8:645n
  • opposes declaring independence, 8:625–8:626, 8:626n, 8:657, 14:292, 14:292, 14:292, 19:471, 20:132
  • reputed speech of, 14:138, 16:441, 16:472–16:473

Dickinson, Robert, 16:454

Dickinson, Rodolphus

  • A Geographical and Statistical View of Massachusetts Proper, 6:44, 6:82
  • identified, 6:44n
  • letters from, 6:44
  • letters to, 6:82

Dickinson College

  • educational objectives of, 18:236n
  • faculty of, 8:609, 12:25, 12:134–12:135, 14:126, 14:127
  • influence of clergy at, 8:609, 15:436
  • students duel at, 9:482n, 9:482n
  • TJ on, 18:235
  • trustees of, 6:598–6:599

Dickinson Library Company (Granville, Mass.), 19:327–19:328, 19:328n, 19:371–19:372

Dickonson, Lieut.

  • letters from, 6:636
  • thanks TJ, 6:636

Dick’s Branch (Albemarle Co.), 8:567

Dickson, Adam

  • The Husbandry of the Ancients, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164, 14:222, 14:240, 19:508

Dickson, William (17701816)

  • identified, 2:242n
  • letters from, 2:241–2:242
  • letters to, 2:340
  • and M. Lewis’s effects, 2:241, 2:340

Dickson, William (d. 1823)

  • toasts honoring, 17:289

Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum (Lye), 6:406, 6:407n

Dictionarium Historicum, Geographicum Poeticum (C. Estienne), 12:112, 17:73n

Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum. Dictionnaire Latin-Français (F. J. M. Noël), 15:26

Dictionarium, seu Latinæ linguæ Thesaurus (R. Estienne), 17:535, 17:537n

Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (G. Gregory), 8:210, 16:34

Dictionary of Arts & Sciences (Owen), 1:582

A Dictionary of the English Language (S. Johnson), 6:387, 6:404, 6:406, 8:581, 9:109, 16:194, 18:256, 18:280, 18:329, 18:471, 18:619

Dictionary of the Holy Bible (Brown), 1:36, 1:630n

A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English (J. Richardson), 7:664

The Dictionary Spelling Book (J. Waldo), 7:320, 7:320n

Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares (eds. R. Duclos and J. C. Brunet), 13:343n, 13:394, 13:413, 13:413, 13:474, 13:474, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561–13:562

Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique (Ferrière), 3:130–3:131, 3:174n, 3:175n, 3:546

Dictionnaire de jurisprudence et des arrêts (Prost de Royer), 3:174n, 3:175n

Dictionnaire de la Langue Françoise, Ancienne et Moderne (P. Richelet), 3:546

Dictionnaire de la fable (F. J. M. Noël), 12:535n, 15:26

Dictionnaire de Médecine (P. H. Nysten), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:494, 13:525

Dictionnaire de Médecine-Pratique et de Chirurgie (Pougens), 13:562

Dictionnaire de Physique, 9:317n

Le Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences (T. Corneille), 7:386

Dictionnaire des Girouettes, 12:89

Dictionnaire des ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes (A. A. Barbier), 20:346

Dictionnaire Grec-Français, composé sur l’ouvrage intitulé Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, de Henri Étienne (J. Planche), 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:394, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:476, 13:494, 13:561, 13:561, 14:215, 14:303, 15:133, 15:160, 17:106, 17:230, 17:403, 17:443, 17:526, 17:535, 19:419

Dictionnaire Grec-François, dédié a son altesse sérénissime Le Prince Cambacérès, archichancelier de l’empire (J. Quenon), 13:32

Dictionnaire Historique et Bibliographique Portatif (J. B. Ladvocat), 1:580, 10:234, 10:237n, 12:582

Dictionnaire Historique et Critique (P. Bayle), 3:546

Dictionnaire portatif et de prononciation, Espagnol-Français et Français-Espagnol (J. L. B. Cormon), 8:435, 10:235, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:397, 13:369, 14:166, 15:340

Dictionnaire raisonné de Bibliologie (G. Peignot), 20:346

Dictionnaire Universel de la langue Françoise, avec le Latin (P. C. V. Boiste), 10:235

Dictionnaire Universel François et Latin … de Trévoux , 8:236, 8:237n

Dident, Mr., 7:665

Diderot, Denis

  • J. Adams on, 8:552, 9:432, 9:527, 9:527, 9:528, 9:528, 10:7
  • J. Adams quotes, 7:479
  • attends salon, 5:452n
  • and classification of knowledge, 16:194
  • Encyclopédie, 6:381, 8:580–8:581, 8:581n, 14:82–14:83, 15:589n
  • mentioned, 6:624, 10:13, 20:244, 20:245n
  • as novelist, 7:665
  • philosophy of, 9:432, 9:650
  • TJ on, 7:413, 19:525
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • writings of, 8:6, 12:403

Didot, Firmin

  • publishes work, 1:316–1:317, 4:148, 13:358

Didymus Chalcenterus

  • edits Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, 12:583, 13:293
  • edits Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς καὶ εἰς Αὐτὴν Σχόλια τῶν Παλαιῶν. Homeri Ilias, Et Veterum in Eam Scholia, 9:196, 9:455

Dietrich, William

  • and University of Virginia, 17:634

Dieu, Lodewijk de

  • Grammatica linguarum orientalium, hebraeorvm, chaldaeorvm, & syrorvm, inter se collatarum , 5:36

The Difficulties and Discouragements Which attend the Study of the Scriptures In the Way of Private Judgment (F. Hare), 20:408, 20:409n

Digby, John

  • translates Historia Alexandri Magni Regis (Q. Curtius Rufus), 1:580

Digby, Robert, 19:622

Digest. See Corpus Juris civilis Romani (D. Godefroy)

A Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans (L. Kerr and L. Moreau Lislet), 3:168, 3:546

A Digested Index to the Nisi Prius Reports (J. Manning), 18:336n

A Digest of the laws of England (J. Comyns), 3:546, 13:53, 18:335, 18:336n

A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America (T. Herty), 11:120n, 11:147n

A Digest of the Laws of Virginia, which are of a permanent character and general operation (J. Tate), 19:459–19:460, 19:460–19:461n

Digges, Dudley

  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n

Digges, Frank, 1:516

Digges, George P.

  • hires out slaves to Central College, 15:94

Digges, John

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 20:195, 20:199

Digges, Thomas Attwood

  • on C. Bagot, 13:76–13:77
  • family of, 13:77
  • health of, 13:77, 13:93
  • identified, 1:517n
  • letters from, 1:515–1:517, 13:76–13:79
  • letter to, 13:93–13:94
  • proposed visit of, 13:76
  • recommends F. C. Fenwick, 13:78, 13:94
  • sends seeds to TJ, 13:77–13:78, 13:94
  • Washington residence of, 13:77

Digges, William, 3:426

Diggs, Mr.

  • sends greetings to TJ, 11:660

Diggs, Dudley, 3:179, 5:15–5:16


  • yellow fever in, 10:136

Dill, Mr. (ship captain), 17:262n

Dille, Sarah

  • signs petition, 18:146

Dillehay, James Madison, 5:505

Dillehay, Thomas Jefferson, 5:505

Dillehay, Thomas L.

  • letters from, 5:504–5:505
  • names sons after TJ and J. Madison, 5:505, 5:505n

Dillwyn, William, 3:268

Dinah (TJ’s slave; b. 1766)

  • family of, 9:216n, 11:546n
  • health of, 13:605
  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 8:60, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387, 13:387
  • spinner, 15:428


  • Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:447

Dinsmore, James See also Dinsmore & Neilson (Albemarle Co. firm); Dinsmore & Perry (Albemarle Co. firm)

  • accounts with TJ, 1:64, 1:65n, 6:338n, 6:431, 6:431n
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Agreement with James Dinsmore and John Neilson for Carpentry and Joining for the University of Virginia Rotunda, 19:446, 19:447, 19:447–19:448, 19:450, 19:452, 20:628
  • as builder for Central College–University of Virginia, 11:256, 11:273, 11:274n, 11:471, 11:544–11:545n, 13:64, 13:380–13:381, 13:399, 13:524, 13:612, 14:170–14:171, 14:171, 14:187, 14:195, 14:197, 14:390, 14:492, 14:492–14:493, 14:641, 15:3, 15:3, 15:4n, 15:86, 15:90, 15:90, 15:94, 15:96, 15:97, 15:97, 15:97, 15:98, 15:99, 15:100, 15:102, 15:103, 15:103, 15:103, 16:305, 16:306, 16:307, 16:309, 16:312, 16:318, 16:319, 16:475, 16:477, 16:478, 17:63n, 17:77, 17:567–17:568, 17:578, 17:620, 17:622, 17:625, 17:630, 17:631, 17:634, 17:637, 17:649, 17:652, 19:49, 19:49, 19:62, 19:183, 19:188, 19:237, 19:238, 19:253, 19:268, 19:310, 19:395, 19:395n, 19:446, 19:447–19:448, 19:521, 19:552, 19:553, 20:128, 20:196, 20:199, 20:203, 20:203, 20:205, 20:207, 20:213, 20:215, 20:219, 20:220, 20:223, 20:224, 20:225, 20:226, 20:227, 20:229, 20:229, 20:233, 20:556, 20:628–20:629, 20:630
  • and building plan for J. Monroe, 11:273–11:274
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:328, 13:162, 16:303, 16:475
  • conveys message, 16:69
  • delivers papers, 13:370
  • finances of, 17:567–17:568
  • health of, 17:567
  • identified, 1:136n
  • letter from, to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:171–14:172
  • letters from, 11:273–11:274, 13:399, 14:492–14:493, 17:567–17:568
  • letters from, to N. Barksdale, 14:170–14:171, 14:187–14:188
  • letters to, 3:119–3:120, 11:256, 11:471
  • list of carpenter’s tools, 1:135–1:136
  • J. Madison recommends, 8:592
  • manufacturing mill of, 8:313–8:314
  • mentioned, 18:194
  • and J. Oldham’s dispute with University of Virginia
  • and J. M. Perry, 14:217
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • and plastering at University of Virginia, 14:184
  • and reconstruction of U.S. Capitol, 8:591, 8:592
  • Report on Tin to Central College Board of Visitors, 13:380–13:381
  • seeks recommendation for brother, 4:476, 5:449
  • TJ recommends, 8:313–8:314, 8:479, 8:592, 9:501
  • transmits goods to TJ, 11:274, 11:447
  • and weaver for Charlottesville, 12:186, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:396
  • and work at Bremo (J. H. Cocke’s Fluvanna Co. estate), 11:274n
  • works at Montpellier (Madison family estate), 1:155, 2:106, 3:119–3:120, 8:314, 8:479, 11:469, 14:171
  • works with J. Neilson, 5:299n

Dinsmore, John

  • TJ recommends, 4:476–4:477, 5:449, 5:449n

Dinsmore & Neilson (Albemarle Co. firm) See also Dinsmore, James; Neilson (Nelson), John

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 20:204, 20:225, 20:228, 20:555

Dinsmore & Perry (Albemarle Co. firm) See also Dinsmore, James; Perry, John M.

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 17:622, 17:649, 17:652–17:653, 19:46, 19:62, 19:238, 19:310, 20:217

Dinwiddie, Robert

  • as lieutenant governor of Va., 10:269, 11:83, 11:93n, 16:103n, 16:647n

Dio, Cassius. See Cassius Dio

Dio Chrysostom

  • Select Essays of Dio Chrysostom (ed. and trans. G. Wakefield), 12:183

Diocletian (Roman emperor)

  • baths of, 14:446, 14:446n, 17:133, 18:470, 18:493, 18:535, 19:liii, 19:524
  • drawings of palace of, 2:39, 3:581–3:582
  • retirement of, 16:203, 20:395, 20:402n

Διόδωρος. Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt (Diodorus Siculus; eds. P. Wesseling, C. G. Heyne, and J. N. Eyring), 10:233, 10:236n, 14:510, 17:106

Diodorus Siculus

  • Bibliothecae Historicae Libri Quindecim de quadraginta, 1:580, 6:382
  • Διόδωρος. Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt (eds. P. Wesseling, C. G. Heyne, and J. N. Eyring), 10:233, 10:236n, 14:510, 17:106
  • on Egyptian finance, 2:582
  • Historiarum Libri Aliquot, qui extant, opera & studio Vincentii Obsopoei in lucem editi, 1:580
  • Storia Universale, 14:222, 14:240, 14:266, 14:276, 14:351
  • TJ on, 7:447, 16:164

Diogenes (Greek philosopher), 10:398

Diogenes Laertius

  • Diogenis Laertii De Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus Clarorum Philosophorum Libri X. Græce et Latine (ed. M. Meibomius), 9:195, 9:456
  • Διογένους Λαερτίου περὶ βίων, δογμάτων καὶ ἀποφθεγμάτων τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, βιβλία ιʹ. Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X (ed. H. Estienne), 10:233
  • Lives of Eminent Philosophers (trans. R. D. Hicks), 7:24, 7:221n
  • quoted by J. Adams, 6:520, 6:522n
  • TJ references, 9:703

Diogenes of Sinope (“the Cynic”), 6:229, 6:230n

Diogenis Laertii De Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus Clarorum Philosophorum Libri X. Græce et Latine (Diogenes Laertius; ed. M. Meibomius), 9:195, 9:456

Διογένους Λαερτίου περὶ βίων, δογμάτων καὶ ἀποφθεγμάτων τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, βιβλία ιʹ. Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X (Diogenes Laertius; ed. H. Estienne), 10:233

Diomed (British horse), 1:52n

Diomede (TJ’s horse), 1:51, 1:52n, 17:18n, 18:623n

Dionaea muscipula (Venus flytrap), 12:445

Dionis Nicæi, rerum Romanarum a pompeio magno, ad Alexandrum Mamææ filium Epitome (Cassius Dio; ed. J. Xiphilinus; trans. G. Leblanc), 10:233

Διονυσίου Οἰκουμένης Περιήγησις, μετὰ τῶν Εὐσταθίου Ὑπομνημάτων. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio (Dionysius Periegetes; eds. Eustathius of Thessalonica, H. Estienne, and W. Hill), 10:234, 10:237n

Dionysius of Halicarnassus

  • Les Antiquités Romaines (trans. F. Bellanger), 13:342, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 13:562n, 14:215
  • mentioned, 6:542
  • On Literary Composition, 6:277
  • Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (eds. H. Estienne, J. J. Reiske, and others), 8:581, 8:582n, 9:109, 14:510, 15:26, 17:106
  • Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (trans. E. Spelman), 1:580

Dionysius II

  • as schoolmaster of Corinth, 7:477, 7:478, 7:481n

Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime (“Longinus”; trans. W. Smith), 14:200, 16:224, 16:257

Dionysius Periegetes

  • Διονυσίου Οἰκουμένης Περιήγησις, μετὰ τῶν Εὐσταθίου Ὑπομνημάτων. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio (eds. Eustathius of Thessalonica, H. Estienne, and W. Hill), 10:234, 10:237n

Diospyros. See persimmon trees

diphtheria (throat distemper)

  • in militia encampment, 8:233

diplomatic immunity

  • TJ on, 5:290–5:291

Dirat, Louis Marie

  • identified, 10:633–10:634n
  • and Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française, 10:631–10:632, 10:635

Directions for the Transplantation and Management of young Thorn or other Hedge Plants (T. Main), 2:132n, 10:195, 10:196n

disabilities, persons with

  • and education for the deaf and blind, 7:638, 10:39, 10:343, 10:489, 14:312, 15:600, 16:28–16:29, 16:46, 16:61, 16:86
  • as elementary-school teachers, 12:12n
  • limbless artist, 6:22–6:23, 6:23n
  • as paupers, 7:651

di Salò, Andrea Gratiolo

  • Discorso di Peste, 10:147n

“Discipulus Libertatis atque Humanitatis” (J. Torrey)

  • The Intellectual Flambeau, 9:641, 9:642n

Discorso di Peste (A. G. di Salò), 10:147n

Discours de L’Empereur Julien, contre les Chrétiens (Julian; trans. J. B. de Boyer), 12:583, 13:295

Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade (trans. A. Auger), 7:259, 17:138, 17:447

A Discourse concerning the Influence of America on the Mind (C. J. Ingersoll), 20:441n

A Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers (J. Mayhew), 13:138, 13:138n

A Discourse Delivered at Cambridge (D. Osgood), 2:411, 2:412n

Discourse, delivered at the Consecration of the Synagogue of ק“ק שארית ישראל in the City of New-York, on Friday, the 10th of Nisan, 5578, corresponding with the 17th of April 1818 (M. M. Noah), 13:30, 13:30n, 13:65–13:66

Discourse, delivered at the Consecration of the Synagogue, of the Hebrew Congregation, Mikva Israel, in the city of Savannah, Georgia (J. De La Motta), 16:235, 16:235n

A Discourse, delivered before the American Academy of the Arts (D. Clinton), 10:546, 10:547n

A Discourse, intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (J. Belknap), 18:xlix–18:l

A Discourse of The Liberty of Prophesying (J. Taylor), 19:399, 19:401n

A Discourse on Agriculture (R. Peters), 9:538, 9:540n, 9:600

A Discourse on the Connexion between Chemistry and Medicine (T. Cooper), 13:546, 13:546n

A Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania (P. S. Du Ponceau), 17:141n

Discourses concerning Government (A. Sidney), 19:505, 20:150

Discourses on Davila (J. Adams), 6:287, 6:288, 6:296, 12:426, 19:330, 19:331

Discours historiques, critiques, théologiques et moraux (J. Saurin), 2:322n

Discours prononcés dans la séance publique tenue par la classe de la langue (Destutt de Tracy), 1:262n

Discours sur les Progrès des Sciences, Lettres et Arts (ed. J. L. Kesteloot), 1:656, 13:147, 13:394, 13:394–13:395n, 13:428, 13:596

Discours Sur L’Origine et les Fondements De L’Inégalité Parmi Les Hommes (J. J. Rousseau), 7:479, 7:481n

Dismal Swamp Canal, 6:92–6:93, 6:94

Dismal Swamp Land Company, 4:80

Disney, John

  • English Unitarian, 6:145–6:146, 6:227, 6:228, 6:228–6:229n
  • Memoirs of Thomas Brand-Hollis, Esq., 9:175, 9:176n

Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit (J. Priestley), 6:302, 6:440, 18:58, 18:60n

D’Israeli, Isaac

  • Calamities of Authors, 9:434n, 9:527, 18:253, 18:254n
  • Literary miscellanies; including a dissertation on anecdotes, 7:389
  • maxims of, 18:371
  • Quarrels of Authors; or, Some Memoirs for our Literary History, 9:434n, 9:527

Dissertatio Medica inauguralis, de Vasis Absorptioni Servientibus (T. F. Andrews), 17:241, 17:242n

Dissertation First: exhibiting a general view of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy, since the revival of letters in Europe (D. Stewart), 12:312, 12:313, 12:356, 12:402–12:403

“A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law” (J. Adams), 11:48, 11:49n, 11:201

A Dissertation on Fire (H. Humphrey), 9:307, 9:307, 9:307n, 9:308n, 10:163–10:164

A Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations (J. Richardson), 7:664

A Dissertation on the Marriage of a Man with his Sister in Law (J. H. Livingston), 12:334

A Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind (R. Wallace), 17:535

A Dissertation on the Prophecies (G. S. Faber), 4:484, 4:485n

Dissertations de Maxime de Tyr, philosophe platonicien (Maximus of Tyre), 1:35

Dissertation Second: exhibiting a general view of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, since the revival of letters in Europe (J. Playfair), 12:107, 12:312, 12:313, 12:344, 12:345, 12:356, 12:402–12:403

Dissertations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament (D. Levi), 9:651–9:652, 9:652n

Dissertation upon Rhetoric, translated from the Greek of Aristotle (Aristotle; trans. D. M. Crimmin), 18:579

Dissertatio Politico-Juridica de Jure Coloniarum (C. J. Brand), 17:112, 17:112n, 20:430, 20:430n

Dissertatio super Aristea de LXX (A. van Dale), 10:357, 10:386

The Dissonance of the four Generally Received Evangelists, and the Evidence of their Respective Authenticity Examined (E. Evanson) , 7:595, 7:595n, 7:633, 7:646

distiller’s syphon, 1:482

Ditton, Humphry

  • J. Swift satirizes, 10:424, 10:425n

D’Ivernois, Sir Francis

  • Effets du blocus continental, 3:198, 3:200n, 3:274

Divers, George

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:265
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • Answer to Interrogatories in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 11:550–11:554, 14:399, 14:404–14:406
  • and appointment of principal assessor, 6:411–6:412, 6:412, 6:442
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:328, 15:96, 15:345, 15:398–15:399, 16:303, 19:53
  • and church for Charlottesville, 20:526
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:118
  • dines at Monticello, 10:356
  • and W. Duane, 3:507, 3:509n, 3:540
  • exchanges plants and cuttings with TJ, 4:561, 4:562, 15:567, 16:627
  • and fiorin grass, 4:561, 4:562
  • friend of TJ, 4:671
  • grapevines of, 15:429
  • grinds wheat, 1:109
  • health of, 2:265, 5:26, 6:110, 7:288, 7:409, 7:501, 8:163, 8:516, 9:711, 11:344, 11:440, 11:549, 11:641, 14:9n, 14:21n, 14:271, 15:159, 15:429, 16:572, 16:623, 17:147
  • hosts dinner, 10:352, 10:352
  • hosts E. Trist, 1:73, 16:623, 17:230
  • identified, 1:157–1:158n
  • invites TJ to dinner, 6:412, 8:454, 10:352, 14:271–14:272
  • invites TJ to visit, 7:288
  • letters from, 1:157–1:158, 3:456, 4:562, 6:412, 7:288, 8:454, 11:221, 11:549, 14:271–14:272, 15:159, 15:429, 15:567
  • letters to, 3:454, 3:460–3:461, 4:156, 4:561, 6:411–6:412, 11:220–11:221, 11:440–11:441, 13:117
  • livestock of, 11:240
  • and W. McClure’s debts, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:574–5:575, 5:575, 5:587n, 5:639–5:640
  • mentioned, 3:68n, 3:136
  • mill of, 11:185
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380
  • reports on TJ’s health, 13:395
  • and Rivanna Company, 3:192–3:194, 6:595, 6:597–6:598, 11:64, 11:76, 11:81, 11:91, 11:92–11:93n, 11:220–11:221, 11:221, 11:259–11:260, 11:260n, 11:552, 14:404–14:406, 15:268
  • seeds sent to, 15:137
  • sends herbs to TJ, 15:429
  • sends produce to TJ, 14:271, 15:159
  • sends seeds to TJ, 1:157, 7:288
  • and timothy seed, 3:454, 3:456, 3:460–3:461, 4:156, 4:157n
  • testimony in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 11:440, 11:440–11:441n, 11:549, 11:550–11:554, 11:555, 11:556–11:558, 11:641, 11:668
  • TJ sends livestock to, 15:159
  • TJ sends work to, 15:567n
  • TJ visits, 1:80, 1:98n, 8:516, 13:109, 13:111–13:112, 13:117, 16:627
  • tobacco crop of, 7:124
  • and University of Virginia, 17:575, 17:575, 17:576, 17:578, 19:58, 20:204, 20:224, 20:227
  • wheat grown by, 15:527–15:528
  • and wool manufacture, 6:114

Divers, Martha Walker (George Divers’s wife)

  • health of, 5:26, 6:110, 6:266, 7:409, 8:163, 8:516, 9:711
  • hosts E. Trist, 1:73
  • mentioned, 1:157n
  • sends greetings, 15:159, 15:567
  • TJ visits, 8:516

Divers, Thomas

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • and University of Virginia, 16:307

Divers, Thomas Jefferson, 1:157n

Diversions of Purley (J. H. Tooke), 7:629

The Diversions of Sidney (Margaret Bayard Smith), 1:10n

The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan (Paulding), 5:397, 5:397n, 6:110, 6:264, 6:644, 6:645n

divider (surveying instrument), 16:70, 19:7, 19:7, 20:216

Dix, John Adams

  • Diary Account of Monticello Visit, 15:lii, 15:404–15:406
  • identified, 15:405–15:406n
  • Memoir of Monticello Visit, 15:lii, 15:407–15:408
  • sketch of Monticello by, 15:lii–15:liii, 15:346 (illus.) , 15:407–15:408, 15:408n
  • visits Monticello, 15:lii, 15:404, 15:404–15:405, 15:407–15:408
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:404, 15:407

Dixon, Mr. (ship captain), 10:68

Dixon, Alexander

  • as ship captain , 9:470, 9:569, 11:531

Dixon, George

  • edits A Voyage Round The World (W. Beresford), 1:445–1:446, 1:449n

Dixon (Dickson), Isaac See also Alrichs & Dixon (Wilmington, Del., firm)

  • identified, 5:322–5:323n

Dixon, Jeremiah

  • surveyor, 9:689

Dixon & Mountain (Wilmington, Del., firm), 12:409

Dizionario d’agricoltura o sia la coltivazione italiana (I. Ronconi), 2:82, 11:164

Dizionario Portatile e di Pronunzia, Francese-Italiano, ed Italiano-Francese (J. L. B. Cormon and V. Manni), 11:547, 11:592, 12:153, 12:439

D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI (Juvenal; ed. G. A. Ruperti), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 11:414, 12:439, 14:387, 14:511, 17:106

D. Junii Juvenalis et auli Persii Flacci Satyræ (Juvenal; Persius; ed. C. Schrevel), 9:455, 10:234

D. Ivn. Ivvenalis et Avli Persii Flacci Satyræ (Juvenal; ed. T. Farnaby), 14:387, 14:511

D. Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor. The Four Books of Justinian’s Institutions (Justinian; trans. G. Harris), 5:136, 5:137n, 5:275–5:276, 5:277n, 7:125, 10:207, 10:209, 10:209n, 10:209n

D. Justiniani sacratissimi principis (Vinnius), 3:48, 3:175n

D. Magni Ausonii burdigalensis Opera (D. M. Ausonius; ed. J. Tollius), 18:279, 18:280n

Doane, Isaac (ship captain), 10:215, 10:215, 11:531

Dobb, M.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 16:309

Dobbins, Daniel

  • and proposed biography of J. Logan, 9:65, 9:121

Dobson, Mr., 1:308

Dobson, John, 3:211, 3:211n

Dobson, Susannah

  • The Life of Petrarch, 7:664

Dobson, Thomas

  • and American Register, 12:403, 12:488, 12:514, 12:529
  • Encyclopædia, 1:577, 1:582, 4:365, 4:366n, 10:195
  • as publisher, 13:570n, 13:571n


  • in buckwheat family, 4:142n
  • treated as weed, 4:139

The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions (T. Simpson), 5:416, 5:442, 5:443n, 5:501, 6:157, 7:286, 9:192

The Doctrine of fluxions (W. Emerson), 1:576

The Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, compared with those of Revelation (J. Priestley), 6:204, 6:317–6:318, 6:318, 6:319n, 6:367, 6:368, 6:368n, 6:439, 6:441, 6:471, 6:499, 6:499–6:500, 6:510, 6:520, 7:74, 7:148, 7:286, 7:293n

Documents and Facts, relative to Military Events, During the Late War (J. P. Boyd), 10:17, 10:17n

Doddridge, Philip

  • identified, 9:364n
  • letter from, 9:363–9:365
  • letter to, 9:405–9:406
  • as Va. legislator, 9:363–9:364, 9:405, 10:294, 16:468–16:469, 16:515, 16:635, 19:273, 19:339, 19:340n, 19:369, 19:369, 19:480

Dodge, Ezekiel Goddard, 10:533

Dodge, Joshua See also Dodge & Oxnard (Marseille firm)

  • agreement with S. Cathalan, 14:335–14:337
  • W. Bentley introduces, 19:483n
  • as consular candidate, 11:487–11:488, 11:510, 11:511–11:513, 11:533, 12:34, 12:36, 12:97, 12:277, 12:320, 12:320, 12:321, 12:350, 12:373, 12:500, 12:568, 13:9, 14:149, 14:330–14:334, 14:335–14:336, 14:618–14:619, 14:622, 14:625, 14:645, 15:104–15:105, 15:106n
  • as consul at Marseille, 15:185–15:186, 15:186, 17:86, 19:142
  • and death of S. Cathalan, 14:330–14:331, 14:622, 14:625–14:626, 14:627, 14:645, 15:195
  • family of, 11:488, 11:489n, 11:512, 12:34, 12:36
  • finances of, 14:148–14:149, 14:149, 14:330–14:332, 14:333–14:334, 14:622, 14:645
  • and French invasion of Spain (1823), 20:17
  • identified, 11:488–11:489n
  • as interim consul at Marseille, 14:333–14:334, 14:335, 14:622, 14:623, 15:76–15:77, 15:118
  • invoices from, 16:418–16:419, 16:424, 16:425, 17:271, 18:561–18:562
  • letter from, to J. Steele, 15:186–15:187
  • letters from, 14:330–14:334, 15:118, 15:185–15:186, 16:424–16:426, 16:510, 17:507–17:508, 18:546–18:547, 18:599–18:600, 20:16–20:18
  • letters to, 14:625–14:626, 16:116–16:118, 17:139–17:140, 18:561–18:562, 20:70
  • and medal for TJ, 17:507, 18:39
  • plans to visit TJ, 18:547, 18:561, 18:599, 19:142
  • on prospect of war in Europe, 20:17–20:18
  • TJ introduces, 19:483, 19:503, 19:503n
  • TJ pays, 15:555, 15:555, 16:116, 16:123, 16:177, 17:107, 17:116, 17:116, 17:147, 18:466, 18:492, 18:492, 18:561–18:562, 20:116, 20:116, 20:117, 20:117n
  • TJ’s correspondence with, 20:129
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:426, 16:117, 17:271
  • and Unitarianism, 20:17
  • and U.S. politics, 20:17, 20:70
  • on Virginia and Virginians, 20:16–20:17
  • visits J. Adams, 20:18
  • visits Monticello, 19:464, 19:464n, 19:641, 20:17, 20:18
  • visits U.S., 18:546–18:547, 18:561, 18:599, 18:600, 19:654, 20:16, 20:18, 20:70
  • and wine and groceries for TJ, 12:566, 14:625–14:626, 15:118, 15:119, 15:119, 15:186, 15:195, 15:384, 15:413, 15:442, 16:116–16:118, 16:121, 16:121, 16:419, 16:419, 16:424–16:425, 16:510, 17:86, 17:117, 17:139–17:140, 17:530, 18:510, 18:547, 18:561–18:562, 18:600, 19:641, 19:642, 20:431

Dodge & Oxnard (Marseille firm) See also Dodge, Joshua; Oxnard, Thomas

  • account with TJ, 17:507, 18:510, 19:116, 20:478–20:479
  • identified, 17:530n
  • letter from, 17:530
  • letters from accounted for, 19:78n, 20:479n
  • letters to, 18:456–18:457, 18:515, 19:641–19:642
  • TJ pays, 18:456–18:457, 18:515, 20:529, 20:530, 20:531, 20:548, 20:561
  • TJ sends letters through, 18:456, 18:456n, 18:457
  • and wine and groceries for TJ, 17:507, 17:530, 17:530n, 17:612, 18:39, 18:456–18:457, 18:461, 18:462, 18:519, 18:547, 19:78, 19:495, 19:641–19:642, 19:654, 20:70, 20:427, 20:432, 20:478–20:479

Dodsley, Robert

  • The Economy of Human Life, 3:50n, 12:534, 19:505
  • The Preceptor, 7:480, 7:481n


  • bill for taxing, 1:17, 1:68–1:69, 7:180, 7:180n
  • breeding of, 1:3n, 5:181
  • described by TJ, 2:378, 2:409, 2:490, 2:492, 2:512
  • F. Eppes conveys, 2:378
  • and R. Jefferson, 4:183, 4:481, 4:607, 8:173, 8:173, 8:257–8:258, 8:258, 8:272
  • kill livestock, 1:476, 6:511, 8:272
  • mentioned, 10:664n, 16:178, 16:616
  • proposed taxation of, 4:161, 4:170, 4:346–4:349
  • rabid, 14:442–14:443, 14:489
  • requested from TJ, 2:3, 2:32, 2:53, 2:413, 2:456, 6:369–6:370
  • sent to W. Thornton, 2:511–2:512, 2:568, 2:569, 2:666, 3:63, 3:63
  • shepherd, 1:376, 1:457, 1:469–1:470, 1:483, 1:483n, 3:63, 3:63, 3:201, 3:241, 3:252, 3:503, 5:69, 5:181, 5:209–5:210, 5:395, 6:31–6:32, 6:369–6:370, 6:511–6:512, 7:13
  • TJ on, 4:170, 6:511–6:512
  • in U.S. Congress, 3:330

dogwood , 1:272, 1:274n, 3:353, 5:189, 11:39, 12:618

D[oktor] Goethens Schriften (J. von Goethe), 6:616, 6:617–6:618, 6:619n, 7:146, 7:150n, 10:122

Dold, Jesse

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 16:316, 17:620, 17:623, 17:638, 19:50

Doll (TJ’s slave; b. 1757)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Dollond, Mr.

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:225, 12:342

Dollond, Peter & John (London firm). See Peter & John Dollond (London firm)

Dolly (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Dolly (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • health of, 16:559
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 16:648
  • as Monticello weaver, 6:556

Dolly (TJ’s slave; b. 1809). See Hughes, Dolly (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

Dolly (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 5:460, 6:310, 8:62

Dolphin (ship), 10:128–10:129

Dolphin of York (ship), 1:53, 1:64

Domat, Jean

  • Les lois civiles dans leur ordre naturel (trans. Strahan), 3:160, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546

Domenico. See Bigordi, Domenico di Tommaso (Domenico Ghirlandajo)

Domesday Book

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Domestic encyclopædia (A. F. M. Willich), 1:18, 1:19n, 1:252, 1:252n, 16:234, 16:236

Domestic Spinner. See Herrick, Ebenezer: and Domestic Spinner (spinning machine)

Dominguez Manzo, José, 20:600

Dominic, Saint, 16:590

Dominique André & Cottier

  • bankers in Nice, 9:472

Donaghey, John

  • Catholic trustee in Norfolk, 15:317n

Donaghue (Donahue), William

  • and University of Virginia, 17:638

Donald, Andrew

  • property of, 9:35, 9:168, 9:173, 13:385

Donald, James (of Bedford Co.)

  • merchant, 5:163n
  • and J. Wayles’s land purchase, 5:162, 5:339–5:340, 5:343

Donald, James (of Richmond), 2:434

Donaldson, Alexander

  • militia service of, 7:160

Donaldson, Mary

  • signs petition, 18:146

Donati, Tommaso Francesco, 14:64, 14:67n

Donatium, Christian Gottfried, 12:582

Donck, Adriaen van der

  • Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant, 2:503n, 2:503n

Donne, John

  • letter from accounted for, 13:621

Don Pedro (sheep), 1:16, 1:18, 1:19n, 2:xli, 2:379, 2:380n, 2:380 (illus.) , 9:236, 9:237n

Don Quixote (M. de Cervantes)

  • J. Adams on, 10:573
  • recommended to Albemarle Library Society, 19:508
  • TJ recommends, 12:534
  • TJ references, 5:95, 5:122, 18:563
  • W. Wirt alludes to, 10:346, 10:347n

Doolittle, Isaac

  • carries letters from Europe, 5:612, 6:489, 6:509
  • identified, 6:489–6:490n
  • letters from, 6:489–6:490
  • letters to, 6:509

D’orgenoy, Francis Joseph Le Breton

  • and batture controversy, 2:444n, 2:449, 2:450n, 2:516, 2:545, 2:659, 2:682, 5:144–5:145, 6:388, 6:390, 6:392, 6:393, 6:394–6:395
  • marshal at New Orleans, 3:233, 3:246–3:248, 3:265, 3:326, 3:326n, 3:409, 3:410n, 3:477, 3:498, 3:498n, 5:137n, 5:144–5:145, 5:314–5:315

D’oring, Mr., 3:478n

Dorsenne, Jean Marie Pierre François Lepaige, comte, 1:372

Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3d Duke of

  • and Marie Antoinette, 19:245
  • as peace negotiator, 17:348
  • on TJ, 19:245, 19:246n

Dorsey, Greenberry

  • identified, 8:140n
  • introduced to TJ, 8:38–8:39, 8:64, 8:139, 8:140, 8:140n
  • letter from, 8:139–8:140
  • unable to visit TJ, 8:139

Dorsey, John Syng

  • as university professor, 12:389, 12:389–12:390n, 12:490, 12:647, 13:45, 13:429

Dorsière, Eugene, 3:478n

Dort, Synod of (1618–19)

  • and colonial N.Y., 13:481
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Dortic, John

  • forwards seeds to TJ, 3:583, 3:604, 3:604, 3:614
  • identified, 3:583n
  • letters from, 3:583, 3:614, 3:619–3:620, 4:84–4:85, 4:419–4:420, 5:447
  • letters to, 3:604, 3:628, 4:176–4:177
  • and public dispatches, 3:619–3:620, 3:628
  • travels of, 4:419–4:420
  • and viticulture, 4:84–4:85, 4:176–4:177, 4:419–4:420, 5:447

Dossie, Robert

  • The Handmaid to the Arts, 1:582

double blue hyacinths, 5:358


  • Cherokee leader, 1:7

Doublehead (horse), 20:111

Doublehead’s Reserve, Tenn., 1:7

Dougherty, Felix, 12:461, 12:462n

Dougherty, Joseph

  • account with TJ, 1:3–1:4
  • acquires sheep for TJ, 1:153, 1:464, 1:465–1:466, 1:467, 1:476–1:477, 1:486, 5:454, 5:455n
  • acquires sheep from W. Thornton, 1:465–1:466, 1:476, 1:480–1:481
  • assaults S. Lane, 14:544–14:545
  • assists J. Shorter, 14:26, 14:26n
  • and books for TJ, 2:101
  • as bottler, 10:553–10:554, 10:577, 14:543
  • and W. A. Burwell’s death, 16:603, 16:614, 16:616
  • delivers seeds, 3:98–3:99
  • family of, 14:543, 20:347–20:348
  • finances of, 14:543–14:545, 20:269, 20:269, 20:347–20:348, 20:389–20:390
  • forwards gift from H. Julien, 20:362
  • identified, 1:3–1:4n
  • letter from, to T. M. Randolph, 14:543–14:545
  • letters from, 1:64, 1:153, 1:199–1:200, 1:286, 1:320–1:321, 1:480–1:481, 2:53–2:54, 2:101, 2:362, 2:392, 2:431–2:432, 3:241–3:242, 4:124, 4:200, 5:454–5:455, 6:365, 8:268–8:269, 8:416–8:417, 8:453, 10:553–10:554, 11:182–11:183, 13:289, 14:26, 16:603, 16:614, 16:616, 20:362
  • letters to, 1:76, 1:224–1:225, 1:310, 1:464, 1:467, 2:409–2:410, 2:490–2:491, 3:252, 4:163–4:164, 5:500, 6:396–6:397, 8:287, 10:577, 11:214, 13:307
  • letters to accounted for, 2:53n
  • makes payment for TJ, 11:456, 11:457n
  • mentioned, 3:528, 3:587, 8:473
  • and merino sheep, 1:3n, 1:153, 1:199, 1:225, 1:286, 1:286, 1:310, 1:320–1:321, 1:467, 2:362, 2:366, 2:392, 2:409, 2:431–2:432, 2:457, 2:481, 2:491, 3:241, 3:242, 3:252, 5:454, 5:455n, 5:500
  • oversees transport of TJ’s belongings, 1:53
  • proposed visit to Monticello of, 20:362
  • and ram husbandry, 2:431–2:432
  • seeks appointment, 6:365, 6:396, 6:399, 6:461
  • seeks Senate doorkeeper appointment, 4:124, 4:163, 4:164, 4:171, 4:173, 4:200, 11:182, 11:214, 13:289
  • sends music to M. J. Randolph, 10:554
  • and shepherd dogs, 2:53, 2:409, 2:413, 2:431, 2:456, 2:490, 2:492, 2:492, 3:63, 3:241, 3:252, 5:181
  • as superintendent of federal buildings, 13:289, 13:307, 14:543–14:544
  • TJ pays, 1:41, 1:42
  • and transportation of TJ’s library, 8:268, 8:268–8:269n, 8:287, 8:333, 8:373, 8:379, 8:379n, 8:386, 8:387, 8:416–8:417, 8:453
  • travels to Monticello, 1:53
  • as vendor of porter, 3:241–3:242, 3:252, 6:365, 6:396, 13:289, 20:269

Dougherty, Mary (Maria) Murphy (Joseph Dougherty’s wife)

  • family of, 1:53, 20:269, 20:269, 20:347–20:348, 20:467
  • identified, 20:270n
  • letters from, 20:269–20:270, 20:347–20:348, 20:467
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 1:3n, 20:269–20:270, 20:347–20:348, 20:389–20:390, 20:467

Dougherty (Little), Sarah E.

  • as M. Dougherty’s amanuensis, 20:269, 20:270n, 20:348n, 20:467n

Dougherty, Thomas

  • as clerk of U.S. House of Representatives, 19:365, 19:365n

Douglas, David

  • Bedford Co. innkeeper, 9:35, 10:554

Douglas, William

  • TJ’s early teacher, 17:310

Douglass, Achilles

  • as Albemarle Co. sheriff, 20:252

Douglass, Fleming

  • witnesses documents, 12:561, 12:562

Douglass, John

  • and University of Virginia, 19:189

Doujat, Jean

  • edits Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui extant (Livy), 1:580, 5:549, 5:549n, 12:576

Doulson v. Matthews, 2:432n, 2:455, 4:302n

Douthat, Robert

  • identified, 9:22n
  • innkeeper near Natural Bridge, 9:21–9:22, 9:35, 9:309, 9:310n
  • and survey of Natural Bridge, 14:248

Dow, Alexander

  • The History of Hindostan, Translated from the Persian, 7:664

Dowell, James

  • and University of Virginia, 16:306, 16:315

Dowell, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:304, 16:307

dowlas (textile), 18:48, 19:14, 19:16n

Downing, Charles

  • and Mutual Assurance Society, 15:576, 15:578n

Dox, Peter P.

  • as Albany postmaster, 7:313, 7:314n, 9:184, 9:184n
  • death of, 9:184, 9:184n, 9:194

Draco (brig), 19:498, 19:499n, 19:501n, 19:702, 20:23

Draffen, Thomas

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:325, 11:329, 20:200
  • and University of Virginia, 16:308, 16:314, 17:630, 17:631, 17:635, 17:635, 17:636, 17:637, 17:637, 17:638, 17:638, 17:638, 17:638, 17:639, 17:640, 19:46, 19:51, 19:51, 19:51, 19:53, 19:54, 19:54, 19:54, 19:54, 19:55, 19:55, 19:57, 20:179, 20:195, 20:197, 20:199, 20:200, 20:202, 20:202, 20:203, 20:203, 20:204, 20:205, 20:205, 20:206, 20:211, 20:211, 20:215, 20:216, 20:218, 20:218, 20:220, 20:222, 20:222, 20:224, 20:224, 20:225, 20:225, 20:226, 20:227, 20:227, 20:228, 20:228, 20:228, 20:229, 20:230, 20:230, 20:231, 20:232, 20:233, 20:234, 20:234, 20:556

dragons, 12:443

Drake, Daniel

  • identified, 9:526n
  • Natural and Statistical View, or Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country, 9:526, 9:526n, 9:647

Drake, Joseph Rodman, 16:599–16:600, 16:602n, 16:643

Dramata (Euripides; ed. E. Zimmermann), 11:415

Draper, George

  • and G. Washington, 18:138

Draper, John See also Murray, Draper, Fairman & Company (Philadelphia firm) , 5:654, 5:654n

Drapiez, Pierre Auguste Joseph

  • and C. S. Rafinesque, 17:88

drawers (clothing), 11:450, 11:450, 12:45+, 12:257


  • instructors for University of Virginia, 13:419, 13:419, 13:555, 13:617, 16:459–16:460
  • landscape, 17:222
  • and natural history, 11:191
  • study of, 5:359+, 7:480, 7:668, 7:687, 12:533, 12:533, 13:198, 13:218, 16:29n, 16:206, 16:208, 16:300, 19:276, 20:345, 20:596


  • architectural, 15:169, 15:170 (illus.), 15:171 (illus.), 16:60, 17:296–17:297, 17:298n, 18:196 (illus.), 19:396n, 19:675, 20:90, 20:90n
  • by J. A. Dix, 15:lii–15:liii, 15:346 (illus.), 15:407–15:408
  • by B. Otis, 14:444–14:445, 14:528–14:529
  • by C. W. Peale, 16:74–16:75, 16:76n, 16:219
  • by C. J. Randolph, 11:624n, 11:628, 15:lii, 15:346 (illus.)
  • by T. Sully, 14:444–14:445
  • by TJ, 15:228 (illus.), 16:60, 18:l, 18:l, 18:196 (illus.), 19:lv, 20:11 (illus.), 20:44, 20:45, 20:90, 20:90n
  • of University of Virginia, 17:613–17:614, 19:294–19:295, 19:308–19:309, 19:309n, 20:90, 20:90n
  • by E. Vail, 18:302n
  • by H. F. Randolph Willis, 17:liv, 17:392 (illus.)

drawknives, 1:135, 1:136n

drayman. See Ned (J. B. Couch’s slave)

Drayton, John

  • federal judge, 6:29n, 13:318, 13:319n

Drayton, William

  • and olive cultivation, 11:168n
  • TJ sends seeds to, 15:602n

Dresden, Battle of (1813), 6:619, 6:637n

Drew, Daniel

  • M. Carey introduces, 17:136, 17:501, 20:105
  • identified, 17:501n
  • letters from, 17:501, 20:105
  • and New Bern Academy (N.C.), 20:105
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 17:136, 17:501

Drew, Peyton

  • letters from accounted for, 5:687

Drew, Blair & Carroll (Richmond firm), 14:587n

drill (textile), 17:6

drills (sowing implements)

  • British model described, 9:280–9:281
  • designed by A. Cock, 16:607–16:608
  • designed by T. C. Martin, 6:382, 6:382, 6:454, 6:514, 6:515n, 7:246, 7:306
  • TJ on, 4:7, 7:306

drills (tools), 12:li

Driscoll, Mr.

  • letter from accounted for, 13:621

Le droit commun de la France (F. Bourjon), 3:174n

droit d’aubaine, 3:468, 3:472n

Du Droit de Pétition a l’occasion des Élections (B. C. Dunoyer), 20:497, 20:498n

Le Droit des Gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle, appliqué à la conduite & aux affaires des nations & des souverains (E. von Vattel), 3:159, 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546, 7:627, 17:334, 17:376n

Le Droit Naturel (F. Quesnay), 10:46, 10:154, 10:205, 10:209, 10:557–10:558, 10:594

Le Droit Public de L’Europe (G. B. de Mably), 17:334, 17:376n

Drouin, J. J.

  • Recueil de Recherches sur l’Education, 8:551


  • J. Adams on, 5:70

Drummond, Gordon

  • British general, 8:44, 8:45n, 8:264, 8:267n

Drummond, Spencer (ship captain), 18:442

drunkenness See also alcohol: abuse of

  • of Central College brick mason, 12:193–12:194n
  • of Charlottesville Academy students, 15:140–15:141, 15:500n
  • of W. Fontaine, 1:526, 1:645–1:646
  • of P. Hubbard, 8:174
  • of J. Madison’s maitre d’hotel, 1:53
  • of S. Scott, 5:39, 5:239, 5:243
  • TJ on, 18:378, 19:573–19:574
  • of TJ’s blacksmith, 1:419n

Dryden, John

  • Fables, Ancient and Modern, 17:209
  • King Arthur: or, the British Worthy, 17:310, 17:375n
  • quoted, 8:85, 8:85n, 20:396, 20:402n
  • TJ on, 12:532
  • tragedies of, 12:534, 19:506
  • translates Plutarchs Lives. Translated From the Greek by Several Hands. To which is prefixt the Life of Plutarch (Plutarch), 19:475, 19:505
  • translates The Works of Virgil (Virgil), 10:260n, 12:534, 19:506

Duane, James

  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:333n, 20:150

Duane, Margaret Hartman Markoe Bache (William Duane’s wife), 3:40n, 3:452n

Duane, William

  • advises Congress, 8:99
  • and J. Armstrong, 3:330–3:331
  • assistance sought for, 20:263n
  • and Bank of U.S., 3:450–3:451, 5:254–5:255, 5:257n
  • and R. de Bécourt’s book, 5:467n
  • A Bird’s Eye Sketch of the Military Concerns of the United States, 5:257n
  • books requested from, 4:56, 10:81
  • citizenship of, 8:526, 8:528n, 15:18, 15:19n
  • The Constitutions of the United States, 5:649, 5:650n
  • on H. Dearborn, 6:527
  • H. Dearborn on, 3:553, 13:3
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s works, 3:3–3:4, 3:6–3:7, 3:38, 3:184–3:185, 3:189, 3:310–3:311, 3:329, 3:339, 3:339n, 3:449, 4:25, 4:243n, 5:224, 5:557, 5:577–5:579, 6:52, 6:509, 6:526, 6:530n, 7:3, 7:5n, 7:129, 7:450, 7:527, 7:532n, 8:33, 8:105, 8:106, 8:164, 8:182, 8:182, 8:236, 8:253, 8:266, 8:267n, 8:628–8:629, 9:439, 9:463–9:464, 9:517, 9:517n, 9:537–9:538, 9:543, 9:568n, 9:640, 9:664, 10:61–10:62, 10:62, 10:63, 10:64n, 10:289–10:290, 10:290, 10:291, 10:327, 10:371, 10:380, 10:652, 10:657, 10:658, 11:13, 13:421, 13:422n, 14:201–14:202, 16:486, 20:288, 20:289n
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours’s Notes on the Encouragement of American Manufactures, 9:618n, 9:618n
  • as editor of Philadelphia Aurora, 1:48, 1:49n, 1:49n, 3:331, 4:174, 4:174n, 7:527, 7:564–7:565, 9:568n, 10:79, 10:652n, 13:50, 13:475, 18:142–18:143
  • on European affairs, 7:527–7:529
  • on W. Eustis, 5:255, 6:527
  • and failed Washington bookstore, 3:449, 3:452n
  • family of, 18:142–18:143, 18:191
  • and A. Gallatin, 3:584, 3:585–3:586, 3:600, 3:601–3:603, 3:626–3:627
  • on Great Britain, 5:256–5:257
  • A Hand Book for Infantry, 5:256, 5:257n, 8:388, 8:672
  • A Hand Book for Riflemen, 5:256, 5:257n
  • identified, 1:49n
  • letters from, 2:538–2:540, 3:37–3:40, 3:189–3:190, 3:329–3:331, 3:449–3:453, 4:25–4:26, 5:254–5:257, 5:352–5:355, 5:634–5:638, 6:526–6:530, 7:527–7:532, 8:99, 9:439, 10:652
  • letters to, 1:48–1:49, 3:4–3:7, 3:86–3:89, 3:184–3:185, 3:207–3:208, 3:310–3:311, 3:339, 3:506–3:509, 3:591–3:594, 4:56–4:57, 4:632–4:633, 5:293–5:294, 5:366–5:368, 5:577–5:579, 6:52–6:54, 6:509–6:510, 7:450–7:451, 7:564–7:565, 8:105, 8:253–8:254, 11:13, 11:455, 13:475
  • letters to accounted for, 7:565n
  • libel charges against, 4:174, 4:174–4:175n
  • mentioned, 3:385, 6:255, 12:134
  • A Military Dictionary, 3:38, 3:40n, 5:611
  • Notes on the Expediency of Using Black Troops, 7:532–7:534
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:558, 5:559n
  • portrait of, 3:xlvi, 3:358 (illus.)
  • on race and military service, 7:531, 7:532–7:534
  • recommends A. Macaulay, 2:304
  • and Republican supporters, 3:451–3:452, 3:507–3:509, 3:515, 3:540, 3:549–3:550, 3:573–3:575, 3:584, 3:585–3:586, 3:591–3:593, 4:25, 5:635, 5:637n, 13:149
  • and R. Rush’s cabinet proposal, 5:79–5:80n
  • sedition prosecution, 1:277–1:278, 2:412n, 8:528n
  • sends document to TJ, 2:538–2:539
  • and S. Snyder, 3:563, 3:564n, 3:601
  • TJ on, 3:563–3:564, 3:601–3:602, 3:603, 20:263
  • TJ’s account with, 4:56, 4:633, 4:634, 4:634n, 7:554, 7:564–7:565, 8:435, 8:436n, 8:468, 8:469n, 8:469, 9:130, 9:439, 9:439, 9:552n, 9:568, 9:568n, 10:652n, 11:13, 11:455, 11:648, 11:648n
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:632
  • on TJ’s return to office, 5:352–5:353
  • vouches for J. Melish, 4:423
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:340, 4:19
  • on War of 1812, 5:352–5:353, 5:635–5:636, 6:53, 6:526–6:530, 7:527–7:531, 8:99
  • and war with Great Britain, 5:255–5:256
  • and weavers, 11:507
  • and The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, 3:449, 3:451, 4:56, 6:374, 6:413, 8:634, 11:289, 11:290n, 11:376n, 19:507

Duane, William John

  • identified, 11:599n
  • letter from, 11:597–11:599
  • letter to, 11:647
  • and Pa. politics, 11:597, 11:599n, 11:647, 12:47

Dubois, Guillaume

  • French prelate and political advisor, 9:432, 9:434n

Dubois, William, 16:327n

Dubos, Jean Baptiste

  • on climate change, 14:185, 14:186n
  • Reflexions Critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture, 8:630
  • writings of, 7:662

Dubouchage, François Joseph de Gratet, vicomte de

  • French minister of Marine, 11:255, 11:255n

du Bourguet, Jean Baptiste d’Estienne

  • Traités Élémentaires de Calcul Différentiel et de Calcul Intégral, 20:582

Dubricius (Dyfrig), Saint

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:376

Du Buat, Pierre Louis Georges

  • referenced, 20:581

Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne

  • Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediæ & Infimæ Latinitatis, 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Ducatel, Julius Timoleon

  • identified, 13:176n
  • letter from, 13:175–13:176
  • and TJ’s correspondence, 13:147, 13:175–13:176

Duckett, Allen Bowie, 1:516


  • and dogs, 6:511
  • summer, 1:56
  • TJ purchases, 15:185, 15:185n

Duclos, R.

  • edits Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, 13:343n, 13:394, 13:413, 13:413, 13:474, 13:474, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561–13:562

Ducoigne, Jean Baptiste (Kaskaskia Indian chief)

  • mentioned, 6:324

Du Cotonnier et de sa Culture (C. P. De Lasteyrie), 1:37, 2:83, 11:164

Du Degré de Certitude de la Médecine (P. J. G. Cabanis), 10:234, 10:237n

Dudley, Mr., 18:404

Dudley, Charles Edward, 19:556

Dudley, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 20:199, 20:200, 20:214, 20:216, 20:218, 20:218, 20:224, 20:227

Dudley, Russell

  • as carpenter, 14:652

dueling, 3:277, 3:279n, 3:425, 3:425n, 5:150, 5:158–5:159, 6:479, 8:464–8:465, 9:482n, 9:482n, 16:290n, 18:210n, 18:300, 18:302n, 20:255

Duer, Catherine (“Lady Kitty”) Alexander (William Alexander’s daughter; William Duer’s wife), 7:67

Duer, William

  • and public finance, 6:626

Duffel (Duffell; Duffie), Henry Leonard

  • identified, 5:359n
  • seeks military position, 5:359, 5:359n

Dufief, Nicolas Gouin

  • account with TJ, 6:156, 6:157n, 6:157, 7:259, 7:286, 7:305, 7:554–7:555, 7:646, 8:435, 8:469n, 8:469, 8:685, 8:686, 9:645, 9:646n, 10:81, 10:81n, 10:590, 10:630, 10:643, 11:13–11:14, 11:30, 11:31, 11:31–11:32, 11:67, 11:67–11:68, 11:118–11:119, 11:128, 11:161, 11:284, 11:593, 11:593, 11:605, 14:467–14:468, 14:505, 17:444
  • and J. Adams, 6:471, 6:471n, 10:658, 11:45
  • and R. de Bécourt’s book, 5:467n, 5:467n, 6:133, 6:213, 6:368, 7:284–7:285, 7:303–7:305, 7:324
  • bookseller, 3:340, 4:71–4:72, 4:79, 5:14, 5:36, 5:133, 5:416–5:417, 5:442, 5:443n, 5:501, 5:523, 5:549, 5:557, 5:594, 5:625, 6:119, 6:156, 6:219–6:220, 6:280, 6:441, 6:471, 6:510–6:511, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:282, 7:284–7:285, 7:292–7:293, 7:303–7:305, 7:324, 7:554–7:555, 7:568–7:569, 7:646, 8:640, 9:50, 9:130, 10:80–10:81, 10:154, 11:30, 11:31–11:32, 14:221–14:222, 14:467, 17:230, 18:376
  • identified, 3:98n
  • letters from, 3:97–3:98, 3:393, 4:79–4:80, 4:278, 4:370, 5:36, 5:442–5:443, 5:523–5:524, 5:594–5:595, 6:156–6:157, 6:280–6:281, 6:471, 6:533–6:534, 6:647, 7:284–7:285, 7:292–7:293, 7:324–7:325, 7:633–7:634, 7:646–7:647, 8:468–8:469, 8:640–8:641, 8:685–8:686, 9:50, 10:80–10:81, 10:172, 10:370–10:373, 10:481–10:482, 10:590, 10:642–10:643, 11:30, 11:31–11:32, 11:161–11:162, 11:241, 11:247–11:248
  • letters to, 3:137, 4:71–4:72, 5:14, 5:416–5:417, 5:501, 5:549, 5:625, 6:119, 6:219–6:220, 6:441, 6:510–6:511, 6:597, 7:259, 7:282, 7:303–7:305, 7:554–7:555, 7:595, 8:435–8:436, 8:670, 9:645–9:646, 10:61–10:62, 10:158, 10:390–10:391, 10:580–10:581, 10:619, 10:630, 10:658, 11:13–11:14, 11:67, 11:233, 11:250–11:251
  • letter to accounted for, 8:670n
  • makes payments for TJ, 7:285, 7:633, 8:468, 8:469n, 9:447
  • mentioned, 3:309
  • Nature Displayed, 1:581, 3:98n, 5:467n, 5:557, 10:370–10:372, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 12:534, 13:513
  • A New Universal and Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages, 3:97, 3:98n, 3:137, 3:393, 4:71, 4:79, 5:557, 6:220, 6:280, 6:441, 6:471, 6:533, 7:286, 7:286n, 7:293n, 7:555, 7:633, 7:646, 8:469, 8:514, 8:628, 8:672, 9:60, 10:62, 10:81, 10:172, 10:391, 11:67, 11:161, 11:161, 11:233, 11:233n, 11:247, 11:248n, 12:534
  • sends book catalogues, 4:278, 4:370, 5:14n, 8:435, 8:436n
  • TJ orders books from, 7:259, 7:305, 7:595, 7:633, 8:435–8:436, 8:468, 8:469, 8:670, 8:674, 8:685, 8:686, 10:61–10:62, 10:62, 10:80–10:81, 10:290, 10:580, 10:619, 10:630, 10:642–10:643, 10:657, 11:250–11:251
  • TJ pays, 6:117, 7:555, 7:555–7:556, 7:556, 7:564–7:565, 7:568–7:569, 7:602, 8:469n, 9:649, 10:157, 10:158, 10:172, 10:590, 10:630
  • travels to Europe, 8:468, 10:157, 10:158, 10:172, 11:241, 11:247, 11:250, 13:513

Dufour, John James, 12:21n

Dugdale, Sir William

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:376
  • The Baronage of England, 8:581, 9:109
  • Monasticon Anglicanum, 8:581, 9:108

Dugnani, Antonio

  • death of, 15:316, 15:335
  • desires A. Maréchal to visit Monticello, 12:406, 12:469
  • A. Gallatin forwards letter to, 12:467
  • identified, 8:328n
  • inquires about TJ’s family, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 12:461, 15:316
  • letters to, 8:327–8:328, 12:460–12:462
  • mentioned, 15:316
  • sends greetings to TJ’s family, 12:406
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:327, 8:327, 12:460–12:461
  • TJ introduces G. Ticknor to, 12:462, 12:466–12:467, 12:513, 13:236–13:237, 13:338
  • TJ on, 12:466–12:467, 12:468–12:469, 15:335, 15:335n

Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri Louis

  • A Practical Treatise of Husbandry, 2:82, 6:380, 11:164
  • Traité sur la nature et sur la culture de la Vigne, 11:164

Du Jareau, Godefroi

  • and American Philosophical Society, 2:372, 2:375n, 2:663, 2:664, 2:665n, 3:41–3:42
  • civic improvement proposals of, 2:372, 2:373, 2:375n, 2:483, 2:484, 2:485, 2:487n, 2:552, 2:557, 2:665n
  • and flour milling, 2:557–2:558
  • horse-drawn saw, 2:374–2:375n, 2:553, 3:41–3:42
  • identified, 2:375n
  • letters from, 2:372–2:375, 2:483–2:487, 2:552–2:563, 2:663–2:665
  • and J. Mather, 2:373, 2:484, 2:487n, 2:657, 3:233, 3:234n, 3:484
  • water-raising machine, 2:553–2:557, 2:563–2:564, 2:663–2:664

Duke, Archibald B.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:329, 20:199

Duke, James

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 17:576
  • identified, 18:486n
  • letter from, 18:485–18:486
  • recommends A. Hord, 18:485

Duke, Richard

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:329, 16:475
  • family of, 18:485
  • identified, 13:598n
  • letter to, 13:597–13:598
  • as potential proctor for University of Virginia, 13:597–13:598
  • and University of Virginia, 16:476

Duker, Karl Andreas

  • edits De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo Graece et Latine (Thucydides), 9:195, 9:455, 10:233, 14:510, 17:106

Dulac, Madame, 2:15

Dulany, Benjamin Tasker

  • family of, 19:449
  • identified, 19:449n
  • letter from, 19:448–19:449
  • requests loan from TJ, 19:448–19:449

Dumas, Louis

  • bureau typographique of, 11:639, 11:640n, 12:100–12:101

dumb fish (dunfish). See cod: New England

Duméril, André Marie Constant

  • Traité élémentaire d’Histoire Naturelle, 10:234, 14:460, 17:138, 17:445, 17:494, 18:466, 20:114, 20:469
  • works of, 11:452

Dumfries (ship), 13:291, 13:440, 13:492, 15:72

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Dumouchel, Jean Baptiste

  • Narrationes excerptæ ex Latinis scriptoribus servato temporum ordine dispositæ, 8:482, 8:482n

Du Moulin, Charles

  • Coutumes du comté et bailliage de Mante et Meulant, 3:130–3:131, 3:174n
  • Coûtumes generales du paîs et duché de Bretagne, 3:130–3:131, 3:174n

du Moulin, Jacques

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Dumoulin, John Franklin

  • citizenship of, 10:101–10:102
  • An Essay on Naturalization & Allegiance, 9:665–9:666, 9:666n, 10:20
  • friends of, 10:102
  • identified, 9:56–9:57n
  • introduced to TJ by T. A. Emmet, 9:55–9:56
  • introduced to TJ by J. Minor, 9:125
  • letters from, 9:665–9:666, 10:101–10:102
  • letter to, 10:20
  • library of, 10:101
  • plans trip to New Orleans, 10:101–10:102
  • on principles of freedom, 10:101
  • visits Monticello, 9:666, 10:20

Dumouriez, Charles François du Périer

  • advises British ministry, 4:270
  • arrests A. G. Camus, 8:656
  • on British politics, 4:270–4:271
  • spoliations by army of, 2:13–2:14

Dunbar, John, 3:183, 3:210–3:211, 13:344

Dunbar, William

  • as astronomer, 1:498n
  • expedition of
  • writings of, 1:97n, 11:574, 11:574n

Duncan, Abner Lawson

  • as gubernatorial candidate, 16:146
  • identified, 2:119n
  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 2:117, 2:118, 2:119, 2:254–2:255, 2:255, 2:383, 2:495, 3:59–3:60, 3:149, 3:186, 3:480, 3:481, 4:640–4:641, 4:641–4:642, 5:383
  • War of 1812 service of, 8:295–8:296, 8:296n

Duncan, Anna Claypoole Peale

  • miniatures by, 13:540n

Duncan, William

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:667
  • translates Cicero’s Select Orations (Cicero), 19:505

“Duncan Grey” (song), 11:626n

Duncanson, William

  • family of, 10:297–10:298, 10:298n, 10:318, 10:319
  • letter from, 10:297–10:298
  • letter to, 10:318
  • seeks federal appointment, 10:297–10:298, 10:318, 10:319

Duncanson, William Mayne

  • economic misfortunes of, 10:297–10:298, 10:298n, 10:319
  • TJ decides against appointment of, 10:298n
  • TJ on, 10:318, 10:319

The Dunciad (A. Pope), 9:256, 9:257n

Duncombe, John, 7:662

Dundee. See Thomas Smart v. The Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Dundee (Brown’s Reports)

Dunkers, 10:671

Dunkum, John

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:329, 13:161, 15:97, 20:200
  • and University of Virginia, 20:207, 20:218, 20:218

Dunkum, William

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:329, 13:161, 15:97, 17:631, 17:641n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • sells oats to TJ, 14:295n

Dunlap, Andrew

  • identified, 18:571–18:572n
  • letter to, 18:571–18:572
  • An Oration, delivered at the Request of the Republicans of Boston, at Fanueil Hall, on the Fourth of July, 1822, 18:571, 18:572n

Dunlap, William, 3:633n

Dunlop, John & James (London firm). See John & James Dunlop (London firm)

Dunmore, Charlotte Stewart Murray, Countess of

  • and claim of V. Murray, 13:537–13:538, 13:538n, 13:538n

Dunmore, John Murray, 4th Earl of

  • colonial governor of Va., 4:601, 5:480–5:481n, 6:445–6:446, 8:337, 8:644, 8:646n, 9:212, 9:213–9:215, 10:270, 10:421, 14:289, 17:312, 17:313, 17:315
  • and elk, 7:84, 7:86n
  • family of, 9:213n, 9:213–9:215, 9:215n
  • Lord Dunmore’s War, 19:341–19:342

Dunn, Richard

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Dunn, Samuel

  • and University of Virginia, 20:201, 20:222, 20:225

Dunn, William

  • letters from, 1:467–1:469
  • requests assistance from TJ, 1:467–1:469

Dunoyer, Barthélemy Charles

  • Du Droit de Pétition a l’occasion des Élections, 20:497, 20:498n

Duns Scotus, John, 7:667

Du Pastel, de l’indigotier (C. P. De Lasteyrie), 3:461–3:462, 10:471

Duplantier, Gabriel Armand Allard

  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 1:529, 1:530n, 1:628, 2:8–2:9, 2:243–2:244, 2:418, 3:212, 3:314, 3:445, 4:649, 5:68–5:69, 5:212–5:213, 5:214

Duplessis, P. L. B., 3:478n

The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries and the Mississippi (J. Q. Adams), 19:69, 19:70n, 19:88, 19:138, 19:138n

Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:531
  • and American Philosophical Society, 3:41–3:42, 12:322, 12:455
  • “An Address delivered at the opening of the Law Academy of Philadelphia” , 17:141, 17:141n
  • and batture controversy, 1:287, 1:287n, 2:516
  • Comparison of Indian Numerals, 16:109–16:110
  • Comparison of the Nottoway and Iroquois Languages, 16:118–16:120
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 16:133
  • daguerreotype of, 9:xlv, 9:344 (illus.)
  • A Discourse on the Early History of Pennsylvania, 17:141n
  • English Phonology; or, An Essay Towards an Analysis and Description of the Component Sounds of the English Language, 12:173, 12:236
  • family of, 16:106
  • and L. H. Girardin, 16:205, 16:206
  • and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, 9:177–9:178, 9:179n, 9:180n, 9:383–9:384, 9:453–9:454, 11:21–11:22, 11:125–11:127, 12:168–12:169, 12:171–12:172, 12:235–12:236, 12:249–12:251, 12:294–12:295, 12:322, 12:331–12:332, 12:370–12:371, 12:385–12:386, 12:390–12:392, 12:462–12:463, 12:486, 12:504–12:505, 12:556, 12:636, 13:88, 13:90, 13:90n, 14:81–14:82, 14:132, 16:107–16:108
  • identified, 9:179n
  • and Indians, 14:132n, 16:79, 16:107–16:109, 16:109–16:110, 16:118, 16:118–16:120, 16:131–16:133, 16:133, 16:133n, 16:261–16:262, 16:459
  • introduces L. C. Vanuxem, 16:340, 17:140–17:141
  • letters from, 9:177–9:179, 9:453–9:454, 11:125–11:127, 12:235–12:237, 12:249–12:251, 12:322, 12:331–12:332, 12:385–12:386, 12:390–12:392, 12:462–12:463, 12:504–12:505, 12:636, 13:88, 14:81–14:82, 16:107–16:109, 16:118, 16:131–16:133, 16:261–16:262, 16:340–16:341, 16:459, 16:510–16:511, 17:50–17:51, 17:140–17:141
  • letters to, 9:383–9:384, 11:21–11:23, 12:168–12:169, 12:171–12:173, 12:173, 12:294–12:296, 12:370–12:371, 12:486, 14:132, 16:79, 16:503, 17:69
  • Mémoire en forme de consultation, 2:532n, 2:657, 2:658n
  • Opinion on the case of the alluvion land or batture, near New-Orleans, 5:45, 5:47n
  • portrait of, by T. Sully, 9:xlv, 9:344 (illus.)
  • recommends L. C. Vanuxem, 17:50–17:51, 17:56, 17:69, 17:107
  • as reference, 19:596
  • religious beliefs of criticized, 16:106
  • A Review of the Cause of the New Orleans Batture, 3:73n, 3:133, 3:135n, 3:173–3:175n, 3:235, 3:235, 3:271, 3:483, 5:275
  • and J. Sanderson, 16:503, 16:510–16:511
  • and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 6:628
  • as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n
  • and C. Wistar, 12:386, 12:391

Du Pont, Samuel Francis

  • identified, 9:236–9:237n
  • seeks naval appointment, 9:232, 9:235–9:236, 9:237n, 9:271, 9:273–9:274, 9:305–9:306, 9:306n

du Pont, Victor Marie

  • career of, 9:235–9:236
  • and cloth manufacture, 5:130, 5:199
  • family of, 5:402, 5:403n
  • and father’s death, 11:604
  • identified, 5:200–5:201n
  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 2:243
  • letters from, 5:198–5:201, 11:604
  • mentioned, 8:502
  • Notes on Samuel F. Du Pont, 9:235–9:237
  • seeks naval appointment for son, 9:232, 9:235–9:236
  • TJ on, 9:273
  • visits Monticello, 9:231, 9:234n
  • and wool production, 5:198–5:199

Du Pont, Bauduy & Company (Delaware firm), 3:223n

Dupont de l’Etang, Pierre

  • French minister of war, 8:138, 8:139n

du Pont de Nemours, Eleuthère Irénée

  • and cloth manufacture, 5:129–5:130, 5:130, 5:350, 5:448, 5:501–5:502
  • and Don Pedro (sheep), 2:xli, 2:379, 2:380n, 9:236, 9:237n
  • explosion at factory, 4:686, 4:686n
  • family of, 5:402, 5:403n
  • and father’s death, 11:604, 12:16–12:17, 13:153
  • and father’s speech, 3:414, 3:414n
  • gunpowder of, 4:218, 4:686, 5:129, 5:130–5:131, 5:201n, 5:350, 5:448, 5:500, 5:501–5:502, 6:117, 6:117, 6:186, 18:41, 18:46, 18:47
  • identified, 3:414n
  • letters from, 3:414, 3:621, 5:130–5:131, 11:604
  • letters to, 3:583–3:584, 4:218, 4:686, 5:129–5:130, 5:448–5:449, 5:501–5:502, 12:16–12:17
  • mentioned, 1:200n, 1:667, 2:431, 5:198, 8:502, 12:105, 12:409
  • and merino sheep, 1:16, 1:18, 1:19n, 1:153, 4:686, 5:454, 5:455n
  • and National Institution for the Promotion of Industry, 16:564, 16:565n
  • sells TJ gunpowder, 3:583–3:584, 3:621
  • TJ pays, 4:685, 4:686, 5:28

Du Pont de Nemours, Françoise Robin Poivre (Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours’s wife)

  • and Destutt de Tracy’s remittances, 9:485
  • illness of, 8:505, 9:611–9:612, 9:612–9:613, 10:46, 10:46
  • move of to U.S. proposed, 10:328
  • and Julienne Bureaux de Pusy, 4:155

Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel See also taxes: P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on

  • on aging, 8:502, 8:504–8:505, 9:613, 9:616n
  • on American financial system, 2:163–2:164, 2:330–2:331, 2:569–2:570, 2:578, 2:582–2:583, 2:594–2:595, 2:599, 2:600–2:601, 2:604–2:618, 3:80, 3:248, 3:515–3:516, 3:517n, 3:559–3:560, 4:327–4:328, 4:445, 8:294, 8:294n, 9:613, 9:616–9:617, 10:40–10:41, 10:329
  • on American Revolution, 10:41
  • and J. Armstrong, 1:314
  • arrives in U.S., 8:481, 8:489, 8:489n, 8:501–8:502, 9:195, 9:560, 11:357
  • on ascertaining revenue from American landholdings, 2:595–2:596, 2:604
  • on banks, 9:617
  • on R. Barlow, 6:484
  • B. S. Barton’s acquaintance with, 8:325–8:326
  • on British constitution, 2:607, 10:41
  • and Bureaux de Pusy family, 4:124–4:125, 4:155, 4:457n, 5:71, 5:71–5:72n
  • on Chinese financial system, 2:585–2:586
  • on Cicero, 8:505
  • on citizenship for indigenous populations, 10:328–10:329
  • on class and citizenship, 4:608, 10:41–10:42, 10:42–10:45
  • and contraband trade, 2:601–2:602
  • correspondence, 6:489
  • death of, 11:604, 11:604n, 11:627, 11:638, 12:16–12:17, 12:623, 13:153
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s commentary on Montesquieu, 4:436–4:448, 4:457n, 4:607–4:609, 5:51, 5:54, 5:436, 5:612, 6:52, 6:484, 6:509, 7:4, 7:5n, 7:6–7:7, 7:473, 7:475n, 8:242, 8:294, 9:484, 9:484–9:485, 10:290, 10:327
  • edits Turgot’s Oeuvres, 1:263, 1:264n, 1:584–1:585, 3:516, 4:22–4:23, 4:24n, 4:125, 4:126–4:127n, 7:7, 7:9n
  • on education, 1:202n, 1:584–1:585, 4:125
  • on Egyptian financial system, 2:582, 4:437
  • on English financial system, 2:570–2:581, 2:590–2:591, 2:612–2:613, 4:439, 10:43
  • on European republics, 8:504, 9:612
  • family of, 8:501, 8:502, 8:505, 9:232, 9:305–9:306, 9:611–9:612, 9:612–9:613, 10:46, 10:46, 10:328
  • financial estimates of, 2:587, 2:588, 2:613–2:614, 2:615
  • fluency in English, 10:327
  • on French affairs, 8:688, 9:612, 10:41, 10:42, 10:45, 10:53–10:54n
  • and French Council of State, 9:611–9:612, 9:616n
  • on French Revolution, 8:504, 10:44
  • future plans, 8:501–8:502, 8:502, 8:505, 9:612, 10:46–10:47, 10:328
  • and F. W. Gilmer, 10:45, 10:46, 10:209
  • on governmental authority, 4:608–4:609
  • on A. Hamilton, 2:578, 3:80, 4:328
  • on Hebrew financial system, 2:583–2:585
  • identified, 1:201–1:202n
  • introduces J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:350–4:351, 4:539n, 7:7
  • introduces M. A. Jullien, 2:503–2:504, 12:229
  • on labor and wealth production, 4:440–4:445, 4:446–4:448, 5:53–5:54
  • and land offices, 2:597–2:598, 2:616
  • on landownership and citizenship, 2:576–2:577, 2:581, 4:328–4:330
  • on law and justice, 4:330–4:332
  • letter from accounted for, 8:294n
  • letters from, 1:263–1:264, 2:162–2:165, 2:330–2:332, 2:503–2:504, 2:569–2:656, 3:80–3:82, 3:515–3:517, 4:22–4:24, 4:124–4:127, 4:327–4:336, 4:350–4:352, 4:436–4:458, 4:607–4:611, 5:51–5:56, 5:612–5:614, 6:484–6:485, 8:501–8:508, 8:618, 9:231–9:235, 9:270–9:272, 9:611–9:616, 10:40–10:55, 10:327–10:331
  • letters to, 1:201–1:202, 1:315–1:316, 1:385–1:386, 3:559–3:561, 7:6–7:9, 8:293–8:294, 8:489, 8:519, 9:304–9:306, 9:317–9:318, 9:699–9:702, 10:289–10:292
  • letter to, from Destutt de Tracy, 9:484–9:486
  • letter to J. Madison, 1:584–1:585, 1:592
  • Lettre a M. Jean Baptiste Say, 9:231–9:232, 9:234n, 9:304–9:305, 9:306
  • and J. Madison, 2:570, 2:654n, 4:22, 4:24n
  • on manufacturing, 9:613, 9:616–9:617
  • on marriage, 8:502, 9:612–9:613, 10:46
  • “Mémoire aux républiques équinoxiales” , 8:503, 8:508n, 9:231, 9:234n, 9:270–9:271, 9:306, 9:317, 9:611–9:612, 9:615–9:616n, 9:699, 10:40, 10:44–10:45
  • Mémoires soumis à la Troisième Classe de l’Institut, 3:516, 3:517n, 3:517n
  • and merino sheep, 1:199, 1:584–1:585n
  • on Montesquieu, 2:579, 2:592
  • and mortgage legislation, 2:593–2:598, 2:616
  • on Napoleon, 8:504, 8:505, 9:232, 9:235n, 9:304–9:305, 10:44
  • on national defense, 2:588, 2:603, 2:606, 2:614, 3:81, 4:328, 4:445–4:446
  • Notice Biographique sur M. Dupont (Pierre-Samuel) (A. Silvestre), 15:146n
  • Notes on the Encouragement of American Manufactures, 9:613, 9:616–9:619, 9:619–9:620
  • Obituary Notice for Joel Barlow, 5:612, 5:614–5:617, 5:618–5:621, 6:515, 6:516n, 7:525, 10:46
  • opinion of TJ, 8:501, 8:502
  • organizes aid for Parisians, 2:331
  • and R. M. Patterson, 1:201, 2:162–2:163
  • plans visit to Monticello, 8:505, 8:557, 8:568, 8:569, 8:618, 8:688
  • on political economy, 10:42–10:44, 10:329
  • on popular elections, 10:41–10:43
  • portrait of, 2:xli, 2:380 (illus.)
  • proposed books by, 10:46–10:47
  • proposed letter of introduction to, 8:322n
  • proposed visit with J. Madison, 8:557
  • on publication of classical works, 10:328, 10:328
  • and public lands, 2:582–2:583, 2:587
  • and public works, 2:589, 2:613–2:614
  • and F. Quesnay’s Le Droit Naturel, 10:46, 10:154, 10:205, 10:557, 10:558
  • reminiscences of, 8:502
  • on representative governments, 8:503, 10:40, 10:42–10:45
  • sends book to TJ, 5:402, 13:153
  • sent geophysical work, 2:536
  • sends copy of TJ letter, 10:327, 10:603
  • on slaves and slavery, 4:328, 4:444
  • and speech in L’Historien, 3:414, 3:414n
  • on South America, 8:503–8:504, 9:611–9:612, 9:615–9:616n
  • and subsidies to agriculture and industry, 2:613–2:614, 9:616–9:617
  • Sur l’éducation nationale dans les États-Unis d’Amérique, 1:592, 1:593n, 1:674, 4:125, 4:127n, 4:327, 5:616, 5:620, 6:484, 6:485, 7:9, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:223, 7:225n, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:429, 9:231, 9:234n, 9:306, 9:443n, 10:45–10:46, 10:328, 11:638–11:639, 11:639–11:640n, 12:100–12:101
  • Table raisonnée des principes de l’economie politique, 4:327, 5:51–5:54, 5:56n
  • taxes, 3:80, 3:248, 3:515–3:516, 3:517n, 3:559–3:560
  • G. Ticknor carries letter for, 9:195, 9:560
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 8:519, 9:305
  • TJ on, 1:402, 8:490, 8:569, 9:273–9:274, 9:630, 12:16–12:17
  • TJ receives letters from, 5:130, 5:130n, 7:422, 7:426n
  • and Treaty of Paris (1783), 9:236
  • visits Monticello, 9:231, 9:234–9:235n, 9:270, 9:304
  • on war with Great Britain, 4:328, 5:612–5:613, 9:232, 9:612
  • on G. Washington, 10:41

Duport, Adrien Jean François

  • and French Constitution of 1791, 17:370

Duport, James

  • Δαβίδης ἔμμετρος, sive Metaphrasis Libri Psalmorum, 10:357
  • as translator, 6:280n, 6:521, 6:540, 6:541, 6:551

Dupré, Augustin

  • and medals for Revolutionary War service, 15:277, 15:277, 19:liv

Dupuis, Charles François

  • J. Adams on, 11:45, 11:268, 11:363, 14:60
  • Origine de Tous les Cultes: ou, Religion Universelle, 10:424–10:425, 10:459, 10:507, 10:508, 10:509, 10:573, 10:573, 10:573, 10:584n, 10:587, 10:604
  • quoted, 7:219, 7:219–7:220
  • works of, 11:383, 11:383, 11:527

Durand, Mr.

  • and wine for TJ, 11:532, 11:532, 13:240

Durand, Asher Brown

  • as engraver, 19:705, 20:lii–20:liii, 20:40, 20:330 (illus.)
  • partnership with P. Maverick, 19:144n

Durand, David

  • translates Cicero, 9:354, 9:420

Durand, François

  • TJ recommends wine from, 11:246, 11:405
  • and wine for D. Higginbotham, 12:566–12:567
  • and wine for TJ, 9:323, 9:470, 9:570, 10:118–10:119, 10:217, 11:404, 11:532, 11:653, 13:447, 14:327, 14:626, 16:117, 16:117, 16:425, 17:139

Durand, Jean Nicholas Louis

  • Recueil et Parallèle des Édifices de Tout Genre Anciens et Modernes, 17:99, 17:135, 17:137, 17:444

Dureau de la Malle, Jean Baptiste

  • translates Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live (Livy; ed. J. Freinsheim), 11:632, 12:112, 12:203, 12:576, 14:510
  • translates Oeuvres de Salluste (Sallust), 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
  • translates Tacite (Tacitus), 13:342, 13:359, 13:394, 13:428, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561, 13:608, 14:215, 14:511, 17:106

Durfee, Calvin, 12:109n

Durham, N.Y.

  • meteorological observations in, 12:350–12:351, 12:352–12:354, 12:574

Durkin, Patrick

  • as merchant, 13:585

Durkin, Henderson & Company (Petersburg firm), 13:585, 13:606

Durnford, Andrew, 6:446

Durnford, Charles

  • Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King’s Bench, 2:455, 4:300, 4:302n

Durosnel, Antoine Jean Auguste Henri, comte, 1:372

Durot, Mr.

  • letter from, 11:402–11:404
  • sells artwork, 11:402–11:404

Durrett, Mr.

  • overseer of, 4:101

Durrett, Davis

  • identified, 5:497n
  • letters from, 5:497–5:498, 5:499
  • letters to, 5:497, 5:498
  • sells horses, 5:497, 5:497–5:498, 5:498, 5:499

Durrett, Isaac W.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:312

Durrett, John W.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:632, 17:641n

Durrett, Richard

  • carpentry agreement with TJ, 5:418
  • family of, 5:497n

Duryee, Abraham Jacob

  • education of, 11:350, 11:351n

Duryee, Charles

  • as weigher at New York, 17:448n

Duryee, John T., 10:235n, 12:386n, 15:26n

Duryee, Maria

  • health of, 11:350

Dussieux. See Ussieux, Louis d’

Dutasta, Mr.

  • and P. Derieux, 6:442
  • letters from accounted for, 6:442n

dutch fan, 5:360, 5:361n

Dutton, John

  • as Havre de Grace postmaster, 9:514, 9:515n

Du Typhus d’Amérique ou Fièvre Jaune (V. F. Bally), 10:129, 10:146n

Duval, Amaury

  • edits Collection de Moralistes Français, (Montaigne,—Charron,—Pascal,—La Rouchefoucauld,—La Bruyère,—Vauvenargues,—Duclos); publiée avec des commentaires et de nouvelles notices biographiques, 15:24, 16:56, 16:58, 17:138, 17:447, 17:448n

Duval, Benjamin

  • newspaper collection of, 1:288
  • and G. Wythe’s lectures, 3:206

DuVal, John Pope

  • alumnus of College of William and Mary, 7:214
  • identified, 7:214n
  • seeks appointment, 7:213–7:214, 17:222–17:223
  • TJ recommends, 4:458, 17:222–17:223, 17:223n

DuVal, William

  • and burnet seed, 4:515, 4:526
  • as executor of G. Wythe, 14:370–14:371, 20:592–20:593
  • on C. Greenup, 6:107
  • and Henderson case, 6:75–6:76, 6:107, 6:460
  • identified, 6:76n
  • letters from, 6:107–6:108, 7:213–7:214, 17:222–17:223, 20:592–20:593
  • letters from accounted for, 4:458n
  • letters to, 6:75–6:76
  • as E. Randolph’s trustee, 4:231–4:232n
  • seeks appointment for son, 4:458, 7:213–7:214, 17:222–17:223

DuVal, William Pope

  • and Henderson case, 6:75–6:76, 6:76, 6:76, 6:79, 6:79, 6:107, 6:460
  • identified, 6:460n
  • letters from, 6:460
  • and military recruitment, 7:213–7:214
  • plans to visit TJ, 6:460

Duvall, Gabriel

  • book sent to, 7:36
  • as comptroller of the treasury, 1:351–1:352, 2:435, 18:432n
  • essays of, on election of 1800, 18:247–18:248, 18:248n, 18:311, 19:304, 19:351, 19:351, 19:352n, 19:545, 20:431, 20:566
  • as Supreme Court justice, 19:670
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624

Duvernois, Claude Antoine Prieur

  • identified, 3:66n
  • letters from, 3:65–3:66
  • sends minerals to TJ, 3:65–3:66, 6:291, 6:373–6:374, 7:261–7:262

Duvivier, Pierre Simon Benjamin

  • and medals for Revolutionary War service, 15:277, 19:liv

Duy, Mr. (of Germantown, Pa.), 10:152, 10:152

Duy, Mrs. (of Germantown, Pa.), 10:151–10:152, 10:152, 10:152


  • letter from, 18:183
  • proposes military-science professorship at University of Virginia, 18:183

D. W. & C. Warwick (Richmond firm)

  • purchases TJ’s tobacco, 8:492, 18:602
  • TJ buys tin from, 17:200, 17:202
  • and TJ’s flour, 9:499, 9:546–9:547
  • and University of Virginia, 15:101, 16:319, 16:481, 17:631, 17:636, 17:650, 17:654, 18:211, 19:62, 19:183, 19:189, 20:195, 20:212, 20:213, 20:556

Dwight, Henry Williams

  • identified, 18:434n
  • letter to, from R. Harrison, 18:433–18:434
  • and settlement of TJ’s account, 18:433–18:434

Dwight, Timothy

  • and Andover Theological Seminary, 9:255
  • on colleges in southern U.S., 18:229
  • mentioned, 12:74n, 12:404
  • as president of Yale, 9:5, 11:350

D’Wolf, John

  • An Address delivered to the Citizens of Bristol, R. I., July Fourth, 1821, 17:570, 17:571n, 18:130
  • identified, 17:570–17:571n
  • letter from, 18:130–18:131
  • letters to, 17:570–17:571, 18:189
  • oration of, 18:130–18:131, 18:189, 18:189

D’Wolf, Sylvia Griswold (John D’Wolf’s wife)

  • as amanuensis, 18:130, 18:189

dyeing, 3:221–3:223, 3:238–3:239, 3:288–3:289, 3:326–3:327, 3:461–3:462, 6:343, 6:347, 6:349n, 9:355, 9:447–9:448, 10:471, 16:160

Dyer, Mr. (of Charlottesville), 19:398, 20:120–20:121, 20:126n

Dyer, Francis B.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329, 13:161
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:10n
  • identified, 19:652n
  • introduces J. A. von Reider, 19:652
  • letter from, 19:652–19:653
  • and University of Virginia, 16:313, 19:54, 20:206, 20:206, 20:229, 20:233
  • and valuation of Albemarle Co. slaves, 20:485, 20:486n

Dyer, John

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:332, 16:476
  • and University of Virginia, 16:481

Dyer, Samuel (17561840)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:329, 13:162, 16:476

Dyer, Samuel (17901834)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329


  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:225


  • collegiate education in, 13:208, 13:214, 13:215n
  • study of, 7:686


  • forwarded by I. A. Coles, 1:20, 1:21n, 1:376
  • loaned by R. Fulton, 2:352+, 5:673, 5:674n, 6:55–6:56
  • lost in transit, 1:180, 1:204, 1:205, 2:111, 2:333, 2:352+
  • TJ tries to obtain, 2:111, 2:145, 2:152, 2:176, 2:317, 2:332–2:333


  • among slaves, 1:354, 1:416, 19:484
  • epidemic of at Monticello, 8:636
  • outbreak of, 17:395
  • TJ suffers from, 17:314
  • treatment for, 1:483, 5:669, 9:185

Dyson, Marcus

  • letter from, 10:15–10:16
  • letter to, 10:68–10:69
  • underwater breathing apparatus of, 10:15–10:16, 10:16, 10:16 (illus.) , 10:16–10:17, 10:68–10:69