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This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Paca, William

  • and American Revolution, 17:506

Pace, Edward, 1:462

Pacharetti. See Pajarete (wine)

Pacific (ship), 1:271, 1:284

Pacific Ocean

  • and canal to Atlantic Ocean, 19:305
  • and human migration to North America, 11:192
  • and Louisiana Purchase, 1:449
  • maps of, 5:202–5:203, 5:203–5:204n
  • and Northwest Passage, 1:443, 15:288
  • and U.S. Navy, 17:436–17:437
  • and western exploration, 19:198
  • works on voyages to, 1:449n

Packet (brigantine), 17:507, 17:507, 17:530, 17:530n, 17:612, 18:39n, 18:39

Packet (ship), 10:133

Packman, Mr.

  • travels of, 11:305

“Paddy Leary” (song), 16:xlix–16:l


  • translates Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae (Eutropius), 10:233, 14:511

Paganel, Pierre

  • Essai historique et critique, 3:219–3:220, 3:562
  • identified, 3:221n
  • letters from, 3:219–3:221
  • letters to, 3:562–3:563

Page, Carter B.

  • and W. Byrd’s “History of the Dividing Line” , 12:371
  • and TJ’s bond, 5:483
  • and University of Virginia, 17:636

Page, Edward Postlethwayt

  • family of, 16:15
  • finances of, 16:15
  • health of, 16:15
  • identified, 15:583n
  • letters from, 15:580–15:584, 16:15–16:18, 16:618–16:621, 18:55–18:61
  • Magic Harmonies; exemplifying the Second Advent Dispensation, 18:57, 18:57, 18:60n
  • prophecies of, 18:57
  • regarded as insane by TJ, 15:583n, 16:17n, 16:621n, 18:60n
  • travels of, 16:15
  • utopian scheme of, 18:58, 18:59, 18:60n
  • worldview of, 15:580–15:582, 16:15–16:17, 16:618–16:620, 18:55–18:59

Page, Elizabeth Burwell, 1:557, 1:634, 1:669, 1:670n

Page, Elizabeth Nelson (Thomas Nelson’s daughter; Mann Page’s wife)

  • and compensation for father’s service, 17:610–17:611, 18:25–18:26
  • identified, 17:611n
  • letter from, 17:610–17:611
  • letter to, 18:25–18:26

Page, Francis

  • recommended for collector of Yorktown, 1:77, 1:78n, 1:87

Page, Gregory, 3:191

Page, John (17431808)

  • correspondence of, 9:108, 9:109n, 10:264, 10:264n
  • death of, 4:35, 5:359+
  • family of, 1:78n, 3:276, 13:152
  • as governor of Va., 4:680, 4:683n, 5:236n
  • on P. Henry, 10:421
  • on R. H. Lee, 2:156
  • revolutionary leader, 7:411, 7:411, 7:548
  • and TJ’s newspapers, 1:469, 3:190–3:191, 3:569–3:570

Page, John (ca. 17991838)

  • identified, 13:152n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:152

Page, John (of Cumberland Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331, 12:551

Page, John Tayloe

  • employment for, 3:276, 3:423

Page, Lucy Gwynn, 3:276

Page, Mann (174981)

  • family of, 3:276
  • revolutionary leader, 7:411, 7:411, 7:548, 13:274

Page, Mann (17911850)

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:330, 13:161
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:348

Page, Margaret Lowther (wife of John Page [1743–1808])

  • identified, 13:152n
  • introduces son, 13:152
  • letter from, 13:152
  • as widow, 3:569–3:570

Page, Maria, 3:276

Page, Mary Tayloe

  • identified, 3:276n
  • letters from, 3:276
  • letters to, 3:423–3:424
  • seeks appointment for son, 3:276, 3:423–3:424

Page, Samuel (Poplar Forest overseer)

  • share of crops, 2:27, 2:28, 2:96, 2:230

Page, Thomas Nelson

  • and Revolutionary War compensation claims, 17:610–17:611

Page, William, 6:19

Page, William B.

  • and estate of W. Byrd, 15:250–15:251
  • witnesses document, 6:115+

Pagnini, Giuseppe Maria

  • translates Ἐπικτήτου Ἐγχειρίδιον. Manuale di Epitteto (Epictetus), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:428n, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

Pagowski, Jérome, 1:53n

Pahlen, Nicolas

  • visits Monticello, 3:532, 3:532n, 3:539, 3:563, 3:563n+, 3:567

Pahlen, Théodore, Count

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 3:563+
  • carries letter from Lafayette, 3:54, 3:211
  • forwards letters, 2:287, 2:487
  • and A. von Humboldt engraving, 2:310, 2:487, 3:503–3:504, 3:504n, 3:563
  • identified, 2:488–2:489n
  • letter of introduction for, 3:567
  • letters from, 2:487–2:489, 3:532
  • letters to, 2:512–2:513, 3:563
  • opinions of, 2:200n, 2:311, 2:513
  • Russian minister to U.S., 1:233, 1:329n, 1:537, 1:659n, 4:551
  • visits Monticello, 3:532, 3:539, 3:558n, 3:563, 3:563+, 3:567, 14:614

Pailherols, France

  • wine from, 10:170, 10:170, 10:307, 11:531

Pailliet, Jean Baptiste Joseph

  • Manuel de Droit Français, 14:222, 14:240

Paine, Capt. See Payne, Tarlton

Paine, Robert Treat (1731–1814)

  • J. Adams on, 6:183, 6:183, 8:148
  • death of, 8:135, 8:135n
  • and Declaration of Independence, 4:475, 6:137, 6:183, 6:183, 13:332, 14:227, 14:374
  • family of, 6:183
  • as member of Continental Congress, 6:183, 6:184n

Paine, Robert Treat (1770–98), 6:184n

Paine, Robert Treat (1773–1811)

  • The Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Late Robert Treat Paine, Jun., 6:183, 6:184n

Paine, Samuel

  • and TJ’s Richmond lot, 4:290

Paine, Seth

  • newspaper publisher, 7:519n

Paine, Thomas

  • J. Adams on, 5:184, 6:297, 7:480, 14:447–14:448, 19:366, 19:367n
  • The Age of Reason, 12:554, 20:321n
  • Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly, 4:168n
  • and American Revolution, 17:490
  • Common Sense, 14:447–14:448, 16:553, 17:360, 20:342
  • damnation of predicted, 13:569
  • in D. Fraser’s proposed book, 15:368n
  • legacy of, 19:321, 20:319–20:320
  • The Life of Thomas Paine (J. Cheetham), 20:321, 20:321n
  • J. Melish quotes, 5:626–5:627, 5:629n
  • mentioned, 6:255, 6:296
  • Never Before Published. Two Letters, being a Correspondence between Andrew A. Dean, of New-Rochelle, and Thomas Paine, author of “The Rights of Man,” &c. &c. Written August the 6th, 1806, 20:319, 20:321n, 20:342
  • portrait of, 20:320–20:321
  • quoted, 12:377, 13:529, 13:529n, 19:157n
  • relationship with W. Carver, 20:319–20:321
  • religious beliefs of, 20:321n, 20:416
  • Rights of Man, 8:668, 14:145
  • The Theological Works of Thomas Paine, 20:319, 20:321n
  • TJ on, 16:553
  • TJ quotes, 1:512, 1:512n
  • TJ’s letters to, 6:8, 6:8, 6:47, 8:7n
  • writings of, 8:4, 8:6, 14:145, 20:320

paint, 1:55n, 1:97, 11:142, 11:197–11:198, 17:654, 18:211, 19:185, 19:239, 20:555


  • books on, 17:99–17:100, 19:669, 19:694
  • study of, 7:639, 7:639, 7:687, 20:435, 20:596
  • at University of Virginia, 18:356, 19:62, 20:435

paintings See also Jefferson, Thomas: Portraits

  • composition of, 19:liii, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107–19:108
  • conservation of, 15:472–15:473, 17:573, 17:597, 17:598n
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:38–10:39, 10:71, 10:71–10:72, 10:159–10:160, 10:258–10:259
  • by J. W. Ford, 20:li, 20:lii, 20:330 (illus.), 20:330 (illus.)
  • by F. M. Granet, 16:75, 16:76n
  • by A. Hyde de Neuville, 12:li–12:lii, 12:348 (illus.)
  • by J. W. Jarvis, 3:625
  • lent by TJ, 8:136, 8:160, 8:195, 9:592, 11:266–11:267, 11:342, 11:387
  • and light, 19:108
  • miniatures, 16:501
  • at Monticello, 2:93, 8:xlvii, 8:234, 8:238–8:239, 8:239, 8:393, 9:366+, 9:366n+, 10:398, 10:443, 15:472–15:473, 16:36, 16:201, 20:155, 20:157n, 20:398
  • owned by W. J. Coffee, 16:233, 16:245, 16:249
  • owned by J. B. Moussier, 1:522
  • and C. W. Peale, 4:181–4:182, 12:xlix, 12:348 (illus.), 12:367–12:368, 12:368, 13:lii, 13:400 (illus.), 13:426, 13:426n, 13:539–13:540, 14:624–14:625, 19:liii, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107–19:108, 19:107–19:108, 20:462
  • by J. Peale, 4:181
  • by R. Peale, 3:624–3:625, 4:181, 16:xlix, 16:lii, 16:74–16:75, 16:76n, 16:219, 16:348 (illus.), 16:348 (illus.), 16:519, 16:620, 20:428–20:429, 20:429n, 20:454–20:455, 20:462–20:463, 20:463–20:464n, 20:511
  • by Raphael, 10:589, 10:589n
  • religious, 16:219
  • sale of, 9:366n+, 10:512, 10:513n
  • by G. Stuart, 3:625, 13:345, 13:360, 14:liv, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:503, 14:504n, 15:338–15:339, 15:373, 15:439, 15:480, 15:480n, 15:488–15:489, 16:192, 20:464n
  • by T. Sully, 3:625
  • by C. Thompson, 14:lii
  • by Titian, 4:181
  • by J. Trumbull, 10:615–10:616, 10:616n, 10:651–10:652, 10:653–10:654, 10:654–10:655, 11:3, 11:135, 11:145, 11:145, 11:166, 11:166, 12:282–12:283, 12:340, 13:liii, 13:158n, 13:328, 13:328n, 13:328–13:330, 13:330n, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:390, 13:400 (illus.), 13:472, 13:472n, 14:375, 14:377–14:378n, 14:464, 19:705, 20:lii–20:liii, 20:40, 20:171–20:172, 20:172n, 20:265, 20:330 (illus.), 20:496
  • by A. U. Wertmüller, 4:181
  • by B. West, 3:625, 4:181, 8:136, 8:160, 8:195, 9:592, 9:593n
  • by J. Wood, 12:li, 12:348 (illus.)

Pajarete (wine)

  • TJ on, 8:571, 8:571, 9:513, 12:30, 14:327, 14:327, 14:338, 14:338

Pakenham, Sir Edward Michael

  • British general, 8:264, 8:267n, 8:301n

Palacio Fajardo, Manuel

  • South American patriot, 9:271, 9:702


  • and Institut de France, 1:xlviii, 1:100–1:101, 1:103–1:104, 1:187, 1:248–1:249, 1:250n, 1:510–1:511
  • mastodon jawbone, 1:xlviii, 1:380 (illus.)

Palermo, Italy

  • falls to Neapolitan troops, 16:344, 16:344n, 16:383

Paleske, Charles Gottfried

  • identified, 4:160n
  • letters from, 4:160–4:161, 4:315–4:316, 5:468–5:469
  • letters to, 4:175
  • and Union Canal Company of Pa., 4:160, 4:175, 4:315–4:316, 5:468, 5:468–5:469n

Paley, William

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:480, 7:662, 16:381
  • Natural Theology, 3:590, 3:590n
  • The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 16:381, 16:458
  • works of, 19:505

Palfray, Warwick, 14:546n

Palfrey, William, 14:376–14:377, 14:378n

Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph

  • Flore d’Oware et de Benin, en Afrique, 3:472n
  • identified, 3:472n
  • letters from, 3:465–3:473, 4:89–4:90, 4:517–4:518
  • and P. Piernet’s will, 3:465–3:469, 3:472n, 3:651, 3:652–3:653, 4:42, 4:68, 4:70, 4:81, 4:89, 4:166, 4:517, 5:99, 5:116–5:118, 5:216, 5:216–5:217, 5:228, 5:333–5:335, 5:351

Palisot de Beauvois, Mary Ann Rouelle (Jean Rouelle’s widow; A. Palisot de Beauvois’s wife)

  • and P. Piernet’s will, 3:466–3:467, 3:472n, 3:652, 4:42, 4:70, 4:81–4:82, 4:166, 5:99, 5:116–5:118, 5:216, 5:216–5:217, 5:228, 5:332–5:333, 5:333–5:335, 5:351, 5:378

Palladio, Andrea

  • The Architecture of A. Palladio (G. Leoni), 14:480+, 17:133, 17:133–17:134, 19:552, 20:237, 20:237, 20:238
  • referenced, 17:263n, 18:493, 20:489
  • TJ on, 9:500
  • works of, borrowed by TJ, 12:193, 12:227, 12:297
  • works of, as models for University of Virginia construction, 14:446, 14:480+, 14:492–14:493, 16:113, 16:342–16:343, 16:345n, 17:121, 17:133, 17:133–17:134, 19:498–19:499, 19:524, 19:552, 20:139, 20:237, 20:237, 20:238
  • works of, owned by TJ, 9:502n, 12:193, 12:193n


  • Rei rusticae, 2:82, 11:164, 11:164

Pallas, Peter Simon

  • edits Linguarum Totius Orbis Vocabularia comparativa, 9:373n, 12:249–12:250, 12:294, 12:296n

Pallas of Velletri (sculpture), 14:444

Pallier, Dumont (ship captain), 16:24, 16:25n

Palm, John

  • and Antient Plymouth Society, 1:58n, 1:59

Palmer, Mr.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:638

Palmer, Aaron H., 1:518, 1:518n

Palmer, Carl Christian

  • Paulus und Gamaliel. Ein Beitrag zur aeltesten Christengeschichte, 11:307

Palmer, Charles

  • buys TJ’s flour, 17:286, 18:187
  • identified, 14:535–14:536n
  • as trustee of Smith & Riddle, 14:534, 14:535

Palmer, Elihu

  • portrait of, 20:320–20:321

Palmer, George

  • letter for, 10:487, 10:591
  • as printer, 6:77

Palmer, Job

  • and American Monthly Magazine, 20:421, 20:450
  • identified, 20:421–20:422n
  • letter from, 20:421–20:422
  • letter to, 20:450

Palmer, John, 3:385, 3:386n

Palmer, M.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:639

Palmer, Thomas H.

  • Historical Register of the United States, 6:77n, 6:124, 8:260
  • identified, 5:650n
  • and letter for G. Palmer, 10:487, 10:591
  • letters from, 5:649–5:650, 6:77, 10:487
  • letters to, 5:667–5:668, 6:124, 10:591
  • and publication on constitutions, 5:649–5:650, 5:650n, 5:667–5:668
  • and subscribers for new periodical by, 6:77, 6:77n

Palmetto Society (Charleston), 6:250, 6:251n

Palus (wine), 9:513

Pamunkey Indians, 16:79, 16:84n, 16:261

Pamunkey River, 14:404n

panada, 16:542

Panama, Isthmus of, 12:169, 12:169n, 12:249, 12:630, 16:98n, 20:267

Panégyrique de Trajan, par Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français (Pliny the Younger; trans. L. de Sacy), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

pangolin, 7:210

Pani (Pawnee) corn, 3:501, 3:502–3:503

Pannill, Samuel

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:560, 14:13–14:14

Pannill, William

  • identified, 19:679–19:680n
  • letter from, 19:679–19:680
  • letter to, 19:692–19:693
  • and Petersburg volunteers, 19:679, 19:692

pans, milk, 1:303, 15:451, 15:485, 15:485n

pantaloons, 11:450, 11:450, 16:399, 18:603, 19:15, 19:559n, 20:154

pantaloons, hose, 11:450, 12:257

Pantheon (Rome)

  • engraving of, 20:238, 20:490
  • as model for University of Virginia’s Rotunda, 16:114, 17:121, 17:582, 17:582n, 17:603, 19:490, 19:498, 19:552, 20:128, 20:139, 20:140n, 20:237, 20:489
  • TJ admires, 13:96–13:97

The Pantheon, Representing the Fabulous Histories of the Heathen Gods (F. A. Pomey; ed. and trans. A. Tooke), 14:444


  • skins of, 13:60, 13:62, 13:95
  • in Va., 11:631

pantographs, 14:lii, 14:167

Pantops (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • J. W. Eppes’s sale of, 5:102–5:103, 5:171, 5:325, 5:347–5:348, 5:349–5:350n, 7:482–7:483, 20:251, 20:252n
  • proposed exchange of portion of, 6:71–6:73, 6:129–6:130
  • and T. E. Randolph, 5:171–5:172, 5:325, 5:325–5:326, 5:347–5:348, 6:72, 6:130, 7:482
  • and T. J. Randolph, 5:102, 5:171–5:172, 18:350n
  • surveys of, 3:570–3:573
  • TJ proposes to buy, 5:102–5:103
  • TJ’s plans for, 16:67

Panza, Sancho (fictional character), 2:44–2:45, 2:46n

Paoli, Pasquale

  • compared to Napoleon, 7:477
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507

Papebroch, Daniel

  • Acta Sanctorum, 7:220, 8:559, 8:561, 8:562n
  • and Spanish Inquisition, 7:220

Papendick, George

  • The Stranger, 3:633n

paper See also stationery

  • filtering, 20:611
  • in lost trunk, 1:153, 1:180, 1:205, 1:269, 1:284, 1:311
  • manufacture of, 7:73n, 19:705
  • packing, 19:375
  • for printing, 8:629, 9:597, 10:458, 12:531, 13:417, 14:552, 16:557, 17:450, 18:171–18:172, 19:705, 20:391
  • sandpaper, 12:454, 17:7, 19:10
  • TJ records consumption of, 7:602n
  • waste, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:287–8:288, 8:289–8:290, 20:88

paper mills

  • at Petersburg, Va., 1:489
  • in R.I., 8:146

Papin, Denis

  • and steamboats, 12:518

Paradis de Raymondis, Jean Zacharie

  • Traité élémentaire de Morale et du Bonheur, 6:510–6:511, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:286, 7:627, 12:534

Paradise, John

  • American sojourn of, 18:201–18:202, 18:214–18:215
  • family of, 9:6–9:7, 9:230, 10:628, 10:629
  • and Greek language, 14:153
  • identified, 9:284–9:285n
  • marriage settlement of, 7:371, 7:373n, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:283–9:284, 9:285n, 9:285, 9:322
  • relationship with A. Coray, 20:24, 20:276
  • TJ acts as agent for, 7:372, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:285n

Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife)

  • death of, 7:329, 7:370
  • estate of, 7:329–7:330, 7:371–7:372, 9:6–9:7, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:322–9:323, 10:579–10:580, 10:580n, 10:628, 10:628, 10:629, 10:659, 10:660n, 10:664, 11:19, 11:19n, 11:59, 11:59, 11:66, 11:120, 11:146–11:147, 18:201–18:202, 18:214–18:215, 20:568, 20:598
  • family of, 7:329–7:330, 10:628
  • identified, 9:285n
  • marriage settlement of, 7:371, 7:373n, 9:7, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:283–9:284, 9:285n, 9:285, 9:322, 11:146–11:147, 11:147n
  • residence in America of, 18:215
  • TJ acts as agent for, 9:230, 9:282–9:283, 9:285n
  • trustees for, 7:329–7:330, 7:371–7:372

Paradise, Peter

  • and marriage settlement of J. Paradise and L. L. Paradise, 9:284, 9:284
  • as trustee of P. Ludwell’s daughters, 9:283, 9:284

Paradise Lost (J. Milton), 1:228–1:229n, 3:631, 3:633n, 5:585, 5:585n, 8:235, 8:358, 8:359n, 12:534, 12:545, 16:618, 19:506

Paragon (steamboat), 4:199

Parallele de l’Architecture Antique avec la Moderne (C. Errard and R. Fréart de Chambray), 14:480+, 17:133

parasols, 18:47, 18:603, 18:604n

Parat, Romain

  • on collegiate education, 12:508–12:509
  • identified, 12:510n
  • as Latin scholar, 12:506, 12:508
  • letter from, 12:508–12:510
  • letter to accounted for, 12:510n
  • seeks teaching appointment, 12:506, 12:508–12:509

paregoric, 7:387

The Parent’s Assistant; or, Stories for Children (M. Edgeworth), 2:101, 2:193, 2:264, 3:122, 4:289

Pareus, Johann Philipp

  • edits M. Acci Plauti Sarsinatis Umbri Comœdiæ XX Superstites: et Deperditarum Fragmenta (Plautus), 18:279

Parham, John

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:651–14:652

Paris See also Jackson, Henry (1778–1840)

  • banks in, 6:650, 6:650, 14:242
  • book prices in, 9:559, 14:452
  • cisterns in, 5:308
  • coutumes de (legal customs of), 3:47–3:48, 3:71, 3:130, 3:132, 3:236n, 4:643n
  • exchange rate at, 8:430, 8:438, 8:497
  • gnomon at, 15:287
  • guillotine used in, 8:551
  • hospitals in, 6:650
  • La Grille de Chaillot, 14:209, 18:425, 20:24, 20:171
  • libraries in, 10:311
  • martial law declared in, 18:384
  • massacre of prisoners in, 8:689, 8:689n, 14:614, 14:615n
  • meal market of (La Halle au Blé), 8:314, 8:315n
  • meridian at, 15:287–15:288, 19:208–19:209, 19:210
  • newspapers, 8:449, 8:452, 8:452n, 10:161, 12:293, 13:459–13:460, 13:461n
  • observatory at, 18:287
  • Parlement de, 3:174n, 3:176n
  • Place Vendôme column, 16:34
  • poor relief in, 2:331
  • rainfall in, 16:97
  • stone from, 15:586, 15:586
  • TJ on life in, 8:382
  • TJ’s book purchases in, 7:682
  • Treaty of (1763), 7:30, 7:32n, 9:479, 18:296, 18:297n, 19:462
  • Treaty of (1783), 7:455n, 8:269, 8:269n, 9:236, 9:575, 10:386, 10:387n, 13:603, 13:604n, 15:271, 17:333–17:336, 17:377n, 18:297, 18:297n, 19:710, 19:711n, 20:39n
  • Treaty of (1803) , 3:256, 9:478, 9:480n, 15:531, 15:532, 15:535n, 15:563, 15:565n, 18:177n, 19:710, 19:711n
  • Treaty of (1814), 8:38n
  • Treaty of (1815), 9:388, 9:389–9:390n
  • U.S. consul at, 1:26, 1:207, 1:208n, 1:317, 1:536, 7:428–7:429n, 8:161–8:162, 8:162n, 8:291, 8:599–8:600, 8:607, 10:21, 10:22n, 20:289

Paris, Université de (the Sorbonne), 9:175, 9:176n, 9:346, 19:303

Parish, David

  • as banker, 18:517
  • carries dispatches, 2:410
  • and iron and steel manufacture, 9:339
  • and Lafayette, 3:54, 3:105, 3:106, 3:212, 3:213, 3:314, 3:445, 3:446
  • property of, 17:585, 18:517
  • purchases bills of exchange, 4:488
  • and E. Ross, 6:568–6:569n
  • subscribes to U.S. war loan, 6:600, 6:602n, 7:137, 18:517

Parish, Elijah

  • mentioned, 8:343, 8:358, 8:359n, 9:79, 9:381, 9:383, 12:426, 18:657
  • A Sermon, Preached at Boston, before his Excellency Christopher Gore, 3:75n, 3:156

Parish, John

  • and Lafayette, 2:14, 3:212, 3:446, 4:359, 4:649, 5:68–5:69, 5:213

Paris, in Eighteen Hundred And Two, and Eighteen Hundred And Fourteen (W. Shepherd), 8:628, 8:629n, 8:672, 9:122

Parker, Mr.

  • considered for appointment by TJ, 1:26

Parker, Daniel (of Paris)

  • on British debt, 3:199, 4:273
  • and design for plow, 1:233–1:234, 1:235n, 1:375, 1:538, 3:228, 3:245, 3:251
  • and Fla. land scheme, 3:96
  • and Lafayette, 1:376, 2:16, 2:245, 3:54, 3:212, 3:314, 3:445, 5:213, 10:323
  • mentioned, 10:353
  • and merino sheep, 1:479, 1:538, 1:667, 3:342
  • paintings owned by, 7:341
  • sends dynamometer to TJ, 1:376
  • transmits letter to TJ, 7:505

Parker, Daniel (of War Department)

  • as adjutant and inspector general, 7:610n
  • reference for J. L. Edwards, 4:92
  • sends manuscripts to American Philosophical Society, 11:574, 11:574n

Parker, Edward

  • and American Edition of the New Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 3:589, 3:609
  • and Emporium of Arts & Sciences, 4:663n
  • identified, 3:589n
  • letters from, 3:589
  • letters from accounted for, 7:719
  • letters to, 3:609

Parker, George

  • as judge, 17:257n

Parker, Isaac, 8:376n

Parker, Jabez

  • purchases TJ’s flour, 13:285

Parker, James

  • and Roman cement, 18:290, 18:342

Parker, James (17681837)

  • and Missouri question, 15:532, 15:533, 15:536n

Parker, James (of New Jersey)

  • and antislavery, 15:178

Parker, Leonard Moody

  • identified, 17:276n
  • letter from, 17:275–17:276
  • letter to, 17:298–17:299
  • publishes TJ’s letter, 17:299n, 18:73
  • sends work to TJ, 17:298

Parker, Matthew

  • edits Ypodigma Nevstriæ vel Normanniæ (T. Walsingham), 16:364, 17:196

Parker, Sir Peter

  • British admiral, 6:250, 6:251n

Parker, Thomas

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:533–5:542
  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529

Parker, Thomas B.

  • identified, 13:436–13:437n
  • letters from, 13:436–13:437, 14:223, 14:526–14:527, 14:612–14:613, 16:549–16:550
  • letters to, 14:302–14:303, 14:582–14:583, 16:584–16:585
  • and Mass. constitutional convention, 16:549–16:550, 16:584–16:585
  • and publication of TJ’s letter, 14:526, 14:582, 14:612
  • sends newspaper to TJ, 13:436
  • sends pamphlets to TJ, 14:223, 14:302, 14:582, 14:612–14:613

Parker, William

  • as Treasury Department clerk, 7:294, 7:294, 7:314, 7:441

Parker & Clover (New York firm), 20:172n

Parkhurst, John

  • A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, 12:52

Parkinson, Richard

  • breeds Chinese pigs, 4:109, 4:110n
  • The Experienced Farmer, 4:110n

Parks, William, 1:370n

parlementaires, 1:128, 1:131n, 1:522

The Parlor Gardener (Cornelia Randolph), 3:635n

Parmantier, Nicholas Simon

  • identified, 10:634n
  • and Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française, 10:631–10:632, 10:635, 10:670

Parmentier, André, 10:230

Parmentier, Antoine Auguste

  • Aperçu des Résultats obtenus de la fabrication des Sirops et des Conserves de Raisins, 7:54, 7:54n
  • Recherches sur les Végétaux nourissans, 2:82
  • Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne, 2:82, 10:234, 10:237n, 11:164

Parnaso Español. Coleccion de Poesías Escogidas de los mas Célebres Poetas Castellanos (ed. J. J. López de Sedano y Pérez del Tero), 17:138, 17:445

Parny, Évariste de Forges de

  • writings of, 11:48, 11:49n, 11:201

Parr, Mr.

  • introduced to TJ, 17:78
  • travels of, 17:78, 17:79n, 17:159
  • visits Monticello, 17:78n, 17:78–17:79n, 17:136, 17:159

Parr, Samuel

  • on classical scholarship, 9:84, 9:560
  • A free translation of the Preface to Bellendenus, containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time, 1:35
  • and University of Virginia faculty, 15:388, 20:292
  • writings of, 15:338n

Parris, Albion Keith

  • U.S. representative from Mass., 9:42n

Parrott, Richard, 1:23n

parrot tulips, 5:358

Parry, Sir William Edward

  • map of discoveries of, 17:536

parsley, 20:605

parsnips, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 5:658

Parsons, Oliver

  • and Dickinson Library Company, 19:327–19:328, 19:328n, 19:371–19:372
  • identified, 19:328n
  • letter from, 19:327–19:328
  • letter to, 19:371–19:372

Parsons, Samuel Pleasants

  • drill, 7:246–7:247, 7:306
  • identified, 7:247n
  • letters from, 7:246–7:247
  • letters to, 7:306–7:307
  • as prison superintendent, 10:463

Parsons, Theophilus

  • and Federalist party, 9:6
  • as judge, 8:376n
  • and B. Waterhouse, 6:37, 6:96–6:97, 6:100n, 18:655, 19:360
  • writings of, 18:356

Parsons’ Cause

  • P. Henry and trial of, 7:493, 7:493–7:494, 7:496n, 7:546, 13:138, 13:138n

Part of the act to reduce into one the several acts concerning the Literary Fund (1819), 14:105

Partridge, Alden

  • and calculation of altitude, 9:9–9:10, 9:11–9:12, 9:71–9:72, 9:187, 9:188–9:193, 9:193–9:194, 9:193–9:194n, 9:241, 9:313–9:314, 11:51, 11:51–11:52, 12:341–12:343, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492
  • identified, 9:10n
  • introduces B. O. Tyler, 11:217, 12:536
  • letter from, to J. Williams, 11:52–11:54
  • letters from, 9:9–9:10, 9:187–9:188, 9:238, 11:51–11:52, 11:217, 12:341–12:343, 12:491–12:493
  • letters to, 9:71–9:72, 9:313–9:317
  • meteorological observations, 9:10, 9:187–9:188, 9:238, 9:239–9:244, 9:313
  • and U.S. Military Academy, 3:95n
  • and United States Military Philosophical Society, 9:192n
  • and velocity of military projectiles, 11:51, 11:52–11:54, 11:54–11:55

partridge, red-legged, 1:479, 1:599

Partridge, William

  • identified, 3:223n
  • letters from, 3:221–3:223
  • letters to, 3:238–3:239
  • and publication on dyeing, 3:221–3:223, 3:238–3:239


  • TJ hunts, 15:138n

Party-Spirit Exposed, or Remarks on the Times (D. Fraser), 5:160, 5:160n, 10:111, 10:111, 10:187–10:188n

Pascagoula River, 3:265

Pascal, Blaise

  • and atmospheric pressure, 9:189
  • Les Provinciales, ou Lettres Ecrites , 10:14
  • Thoughts on Religion, and other curious Subjects, 7:386, 7:386n

Pascalis Ouvière, Felix Alexandre

  • as editor of Medical Repository, 14:420
  • identified, 15:285–15:286n
  • letters from, 15:284–15:286, 19:566
  • letters to, 15:314, 19:592–19:593
  • and natural-history specimens for University of Virginia, 15:284–15:285, 15:314
  • and Société Linnéenne de Paris, 19:566, 19:592

Pasha, Ismail

  • expedition of, 19:439

Pasley, T. H.

  • identified, 10:316–10:317n
  • letter from, 10:316–10:317
  • on natural standard for weights and measures, 10:316

Pasor, George

  • Lexicon Græco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum, 12:52

Pasquier, Etienne Denis

  • as electoral candidate, 12:39
  • as French minister of foreign affairs, 16:135, 16:137n, 18:430

Passamaquoddy Bay, Me.

  • gold found at, 1:330

Passmore, Thomas, 14:192

pastel. See woad, blue

Pasteur, Elizabeth Stith (William Pasteur’s wife)

  • family of, 1:68n
  • and Poplar Forest land, 19:203

Pasteur, William (d. 1791)

  • family of, 1:67, 1:68n

Pasteur, William (17681823)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332

Pastoral Letter of the Archbishop of Baltimore, to the Roman Catholicks of Norfolk, Virginia (A. Maréchal), 15:315, 15:316, 15:317n, 15:335, 15:335

Paszkowski, Franciszek

  • identified, 13:355n
  • and T. Kosciuszko, 13:353–13:354
  • letter from, 13:353–13:355

Pate, Matthew

  • as Bedford Co. surveyor, 5:50n, 5:63, 5:465, 12:210, 12:261, 12:349, 13:12
  • identified, 5:465n
  • letter from accounted for, 12:261n
  • letters to, 5:465, 12:261
  • Survey of Tract Adjacent to Poplar Forest, 13:11–13:12

Patent Office, U.S. See also Thornton, William

  • appointments to, 10:545
  • congressional support of, 7:507
  • reports of, 6:226, 6:362, 7:487, 7:507, 16:578, 18:292–18:293, 18:303, 18:304n
  • saved from British destruction, 7:669n


  • of J. Baily, 6:456, 6:458n
  • of O. Barrett, 4:426, 4:512–4:513n, 4:592, 4:667, 5:181, 5:182n
  • for bateaux, 17:432n
  • of J. G. Baxter, 8:635n
  • of B. B. Bernard, 2:5, 2:5n, 2:36
  • of J. Bromwell, 14:539–14:540
  • of T. Bruff, 5:108, 8:97–8:98, 8:98n, 9:610
  • of A. Butler, 4:315, 4:315n
  • of R. Claiborne, 11:498–11:499, 11:500n
  • of J. Clarke, 16:232
  • of A. Cock, 16:607
  • T. Cooper on, 7:258, 7:386
  • of R. Crosbie, 8:201, 8:202n
  • of N. Cutting, 11:60
  • G. Du Jareau on, 2:372–2:373, 2:665n
  • duration of, 7:110–7:113, 7:113n, 7:173n
  • of G. Easterly, 2:283n
  • in Europe, 8:547, 8:554–8:555, 8:605
  • of O. Evans, 4:468n, 6:353, 6:354n, 6:379, 6:380, 6:382, 6:385, 6:454, 6:454, 6:454n, 6:455, 6:455, 6:455, 6:456, 6:457–6:458n, 6:514, 7:106, 7:106n, 7:107–7:108, 7:109n, 7:110–7:113, 7:113n, 7:128–7:129, 7:131–7:133, 7:154n, 7:170–7:173, 7:386, 7:386n, 7:386n, 8:535, 8:536n, 13:128–13:129, 13:131, 13:131n
  • and G. Fitz, 2:458, 2:479
  • of H. Gallagher, 14:118, 14:118
  • of M. Garber, 2:458n
  • guidelines for issuing, 7:509, 7:510n, 8:412n, 10:184
  • of E. Hall, 12:375
  • of J. Hall, 8:43n, 8:367, 8:369n
  • of J. Hargreaves, 4:418n
  • of B. J. Harris, 5:291, 5:292n, 5:307–5:308
  • of D. Hartley, 5:307–5:308
  • of G. F. A. Hauto and S. H. Long, 7:232, 7:233n
  • of J. I. Hawkins and C. W. Peale, 2:xlii
  • of E. Herrick, 4:417n, 4:514n
  • of W. Janes, 7:405–7:406, 7:438, 7:486, 7:506–7:507, 7:507–7:508, 7:508, 7:523–7:524, 7:552–7:553, 7:568, 7:570, 8:161n, 8:195, 8:201, 9:602n
  • of B. Kugler, 10:179n
  • of P. Laporte, 17:119–17:120, 17:149–17:150, 17:232n
  • of J. Lee, 10:548n
  • of W. Lewis, 12:378, 12:380n, 13:5
  • lists of, 6:226, 6:282, 6:362, 8:160, 8:195, 8:196n, 8:253, 8:408, 8:408n, 9:592, 9:593n, 11:135, 11:136n
  • of J. Macdonald, 17:595n
  • of C. Morneveck, 1:196n
  • number issued, 2:367
  • of T. Oxley, 19:95, 19:96n
  • and S. P. Parsons, 7:246
  • patent law of 1793, 7:171–7:172, 7:173n, 7:510n, 10:279, 10:280n, 10:534
  • of D. Peacock, 4:219–4:220n
  • C. W. Peale on, 8:546, 8:547
  • of H. Pease, 4:220n
  • of E. Perkins, 4:104n
  • of J. Perkins, 11:374n
  • of D. Pettibone, 13:408, 13:409n, 13:409, 13:409n
  • of A. H. Quincy, 5:109–5:110
  • and reform of patent system, 10:544, 10:545, 10:586, 10:586n, 11:6
  • sought by B. J. Campbell, 9:564–9:565, 9:602n
  • sought by A. Dey, 17:595n
  • sought by W. Kean, 13:154–13:155, 13:178–13:179
  • sought by C. Kendell, 20:337
  • sought by D. McClure, 14:278, 14:279n
  • sought by J. Prout, 10:534–10:535
  • of H. G. Spafford, 1:106n, 7:274–7:275, 8:209, 8:209n, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:274n, 8:350, 9:340n, 19:195–19:196, 19:196n
  • of J. Staples, 5:93n
  • of A. Stewart, 9:593n
  • of J. L. Sullivan, 10:674, 10:675
  • TJ on patent agents, 7:552–7:553, 7:568, 9:601
  • TJ on patent rights, 7:128–7:129, 7:131–7:133, 7:606–7:607, 8:160, 8:367, 8:534–8:535, 8:605, 10:279
  • of F. Tudor, 5:492n
  • of C. Whitlow, 4:427, 4:427–4:428n, 4:667, 5:22
  • of P. Williamson, 8:97–8:98, 8:98n
  • of M. Withers, 8:534–8:535, 8:536n

Paterson, William

  • as Supreme Court justice, 19:218

Pathkiller (Cherokee Indian), 7:161


  • collegiate education in, 15:124n, 17:236

Patrick, R. F.

  • letter from accounted for, 13:621

Patrick, Saint, 19:306n

Patrick, Samuel

  • edits Clavis Homerica: sive Lexicon Vocabulorum Omnium, Quæ continentur in Homeri Iliade Et potissimâ parte Odysseæ (Homer), 11:205

Patriotic Bank of Washington

  • articles of association, 8:475


  • circular to office seekers, 1:30–1:31, 2:143n, 6:648, 16:577
  • in Great Britain, 15:388
  • letters of application and recommendation from TJ, 1:77–1:78, 1:626–1:627, 2:179, 2:363–2:364, 2:416–2:417, 3:303, 4:164, 4:171–4:172, 4:186–4:187, 4:376, 4:458, 4:476–4:477, 4:482, 4:482–4:483, 4:516, 4:564–4:565, 5:9, 5:10–5:11, 5:11, 5:109, 5:299–5:300, 5:311, 5:313, 5:327, 5:359, 5:373, 5:373–5:374, 5:408–5:409, 5:417–5:418, 5:430–5:431, 5:435–5:436, 5:449, 5:495, 5:502, 5:586, 5:591, 5:645–5:646, 6:46, 6:63, 6:64, 6:211, 6:211, 6:288–6:289, 6:292, 6:396, 6:398, 6:399, 6:412, 7:203–7:204, 7:204, 7:240–7:241, 7:244, 7:364, 7:365, 7:366, 7:368–7:369, 7:370, 8:32, 8:124, 8:125n, 8:126–8:127, 8:128–8:129, 8:205–8:206, 8:244, 8:313–8:315, 8:537, 8:599–8:600, 8:600n, 8:606–8:607, 8:616, 8:616, 8:655–8:656, 9:412–9:413, 9:419, 9:446, 9:511, 9:521–9:522, 9:627–9:628, 10:318, 10:319, 10:438–10:439, 10:439–10:440, 10:441–10:442, 10:442, 10:447, 10:476–10:477, 10:496, 10:496, 10:519, 10:524–10:525, 10:525, 10:602–10:603, 10:612, 10:613, 10:653–10:654, 10:654–10:655, 11:364–11:365, 12:139–12:140, 12:148–12:149, 12:158–12:159, 12:185–12:186, 12:558–12:559, 13:244, 13:301–13:302, 13:511–13:512, 14:618–14:620, 14:641–14:642, 15:183, 15:206–15:207, 15:243, 15:330–15:331, 15:333, 15:441, 15:490, 16:289–16:290, 17:437–17:438, 17:485–17:486, 17:565–17:566, 17:566, 18:245–18:246, 18:246, 18:519, 18:625, 18:627, 18:653, 19:89, 19:128–19:129, 19:247, 19:309, 19:504, 20:95, 20:97, 20:170, 20:263, 20:294–20:295, 20:361, 20:365, 20:455–20:456, 20:520–20:521
  • letters of application and recommendation to TJ, 1:14–1:15, 1:91–1:92, 1:167–1:168, 1:404–1:406, 1:464–1:465, 2:142–2:143, 2:211–2:212, 2:319–2:321, 2:383–2:384, 2:391, 2:423–2:424, 2:458–2:460, 2:500–2:501, 3:60–3:61, 3:249–3:250, 3:276, 3:345–3:346, 3:372–3:373, 3:523–3:524, 3:532–3:533, 3:645–3:647, 3:647, 3:649, 3:650, 3:651, 4:91–4:92, 4:274–4:275, 4:372, 4:468, 4:508n, 4:545–4:546, 4:623–4:624, 4:648, 5:36–5:38, 5:42–5:43, 5:70–5:71, 5:177–5:178, 5:286, 5:297, 5:300–5:301, 5:328, 5:398–5:399, 5:408, 5:456–5:457, 5:483–5:484, 6:27, 6:28–6:29, 6:29–6:30, 6:40–6:41, 6:42, 6:74, 6:113, 6:126–6:127, 6:170–6:171, 6:229, 6:268, 6:365, 6:503, 6:525, 6:546–6:547, 7:45–7:46, 7:48–7:49, 7:162–7:163, 7:165–7:166, 7:204–7:205, 7:213–7:214, 7:215, 7:229–7:230, 7:231–7:232, 7:232, 7:273–7:276, 7:280–7:281, 7:313–7:314, 7:365, 7:366n, 7:383, 7:566–7:567, 7:656–7:657, 7:668–7:669, 7:700–7:701, 8:9–8:10, 8:24–8:25, 8:32, 8:65–8:66, 8:124, 8:129, 8:161–8:162, 8:198–8:199, 8:205–8:206, 8:249–8:251, 8:597, 8:598, 8:601–8:602, 8:616, 8:639, 9:102, 9:126–9:128, 9:183–9:184, 9:194, 9:220–9:221, 9:235–9:237, 9:337–9:339, 9:408, 9:653–9:654, 10:18–10:19, 10:297–10:298, 10:332–10:335, 10:426–10:427, 10:433, 10:439, 10:447, 10:463–10:464, 10:566–10:567, 10:578, 10:612, 10:613n, 10:615–10:617, 10:618, 10:676–10:678, 11:253–11:254, 11:339–11:340, 11:357–11:358, 11:360–11:361, 11:376–11:377, 11:487–11:489, 11:508–11:514, 11:608, 11:657–11:658, 11:659–11:660, 12:17–12:18, 12:34, 12:36, 12:103–12:104, 12:104–12:105, 12:440, 12:477–12:480, 12:506–12:507, 12:508–12:510, 12:536, 12:537n, 12:553, 13:78, 13:122–13:123, 13:125, 13:128, 13:292, 13:399–13:400, 13:418–13:421, 13:429–13:430, 13:431–13:434, 13:450–13:455, 13:485–13:486, 13:493–13:494, 13:500–13:501, 13:513–13:514, 13:521–13:522, 13:543–13:544, 13:555–13:556, 13:569–13:571, 14:21–14:22, 14:76–14:77, 14:94–14:96, 14:97, 14:98–14:99, 14:112–14:113, 14:119, 14:122–14:123, 14:128–14:129, 14:139–14:140, 14:150–14:152, 14:152, 14:160–14:161, 14:169–14:170, 14:172, 14:174, 14:246, 14:269, 14:313–14:314, 14:315–14:316, 14:332–14:333, 14:388–14:389, 14:486, 14:501–14:502, 14:550–14:552, 14:557–14:558, 14:589–14:591, 14:597–14:598, 14:598–14:599, 14:622, 14:636–14:637, 15:14–15:15, 15:39–15:41, 15:65–15:66, 15:106–15:107, 15:145, 15:265–15:268, 15:275–15:276, 15:364–15:365, 15:412–15:413, 15:448, 15:467–15:468, 15:513–15:515, 16:33–16:35, 16:43–16:44, 16:51–16:54, 16:140, 16:140–16:141, 16:143, 16:271–16:272, 16:331–16:332, 16:407, 16:408–16:409, 16:426, 16:441, 16:447, 16:459–16:460, 16:528–16:530, 17:35, 17:50–17:51, 17:51–17:55, 17:55, 17:56–17:57, 17:74, 17:96, 17:125–17:126, 17:136, 17:175, 17:222–17:223, 17:236–17:237, 17:244, 17:408–17:409, 17:424, 17:425–17:427, 17:453–17:460, 17:466, 17:480–17:481, 17:496, 17:501, 17:540–17:542, 17:557–17:558, 17:563–17:564, 18:16–18:17, 18:66–18:67, 18:68, 18:127, 18:161–18:162, 18:219–18:220, 18:370–18:371, 18:485–18:486, 18:632–18:636, 19:71–19:72, 19:83, 19:106, 19:109–19:110, 19:116–19:117, 19:152–19:153, 19:223–19:224, 19:295–19:296, 19:300–19:301, 19:313–19:314, 19:364–19:365, 19:405, 19:440–19:441, 19:459–19:460, 19:469, 19:596–19:597, 20:254–20:255, 20:263n, 20:316, 20:344–20:347, 20:414–20:415, 20:569, 20:608, 20:622–20:623, 20:632–20:633
  • literary, 1:321–1:322
  • misuse of, 2:224, 2:236, 2:385, 17:119n, 17:148–17:149
  • TJ on, 6:50, 6:161–6:162, 6:211, 15:244, 15:597–15:598, 16:433, 16:521–16:522, 16:577–16:578, 20:474, 20:598

Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1810). See Fossett, Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)

Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1815). See Hern, Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

Patterson, Capt., 2:453

Patterson, Dr. (of Nottoway Co.), 16:457n

Patterson, Mr.

  • acquaintance of Nicholas, 1:276, 2:495
  • and appointment of principal assessor, 6:443
  • and J. H. Cocke’s horse, 7:300, 7:301
  • and gypsum, 8:600

Patterson, Mr., 10:491

Patterson, Mrs. (of Buckingham Co.), 12:634, 12:635, 12:635

Patterson, Dorcas Spear, 3:526

Patterson, Edward, 3:534, 3:537n

Patterson, Elizabeth. See Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson

Patterson, James P.

  • Buckingham Co. tavern keeper, 17:190
  • identified, 17:191n
  • letter to, 17:190–17:191

Patterson, John

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319, 11:319, 12:99
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:330, 13:617, 15:98, 15:98, 17:172, 17:186, 17:630
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:25–14:26
  • friendship with J. H. Cocke, 11:320
  • and L. H. Girardin, 16:290
  • identified, 10:559n
  • letters from, 11:606, 13:558, 14:25–14:26, 17:172–17:173
  • letters to, 10:559, 13:617–13:618, 17:186–17:187, 17:403
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • sends news of Baltimore, 11:606
  • sends works to TJ, 13:558, 13:558n, 13:617
  • TJ introduces G. Flower to, 10:559
  • and University of Virginia, 13:558, 13:617–13:618, 14:25, 15:97, 15:100, 17:172, 17:186–17:187, 17:403

Patterson, J. W. & E. (Baltimore firm). See J. W. & E. Patterson (Baltimore firm)

Patterson, Robert

  • and altitude calculations, 9:187
  • and American Philosophical Society, 1:152n, 1:482, 1:571–1:572, 3:41–3:42, 5:311, 6:59–6:60, 6:60n, 6:83, 6:516n, 7:437n, 7:446, 7:486, 8:101–8:102, 8:193, 8:194n, 13:67n, 14:133, 14:133n, 14:323, 20:20–20:21, 20:47, 20:58
  • and artificial horizon, 3:448, 3:479–3:480, 5:92, 9:76–9:77, 9:77n, 9:125–9:126, 9:205–9:206, 9:275
  • and astronomical case clock, 4:xlv, 4:149, 4:167, 4:229–4:230, 5:471, 5:507, 5:558, 6:31, 6:59, 6:61, 6:82, 6:83, 6:117, 6:468n, 8:687, 9:76, 9:125–9:126, 9:126, 9:204, 9:273, 9:275, 9:359
  • and books for TJ, 5:442, 9:194, 9:340
  • describes gaslights, 10:177–10:179, 10:310
  • director of U.S. Mint, 1:330, 9:221, 14:313, 14:313, 15:325
  • and Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 3:589n
  • friendship with TJ, 1:201
  • and F. R. Hassler’s claim, 9:220–9:221, 9:273, 9:275, 15:275–15:276, 15:305
  • health of, 9:204
  • A. von Humboldt sends greetings to, 1:453n
  • identified, 1:193–1:194n
  • and instruction of M. Lewis, 6:424n, 9:705, 19:197, 19:201n
  • and W. Lambert’s astronomical calculations, 4:637n, 5:311
  • letter from accounted for, 14:500n
  • letters from, 1:193–1:194, 1:330–1:331, 3:41–3:42, 3:447–3:448, 4:167, 4:230–4:231, 4:409–4:411, 5:471–5:473, 5:558–5:559, 6:31, 6:82–6:83, 8:687, 9:125–9:126, 9:194, 9:204–9:207, 9:220–9:221, 10:177–10:179, 10:578, 13:596, 14:100–14:101, 15:325, 20:47–20:48
  • letters to, 1:482, 1:571–1:572, 3:431–3:432, 3:479–3:480, 4:147–4:149, 4:222–4:229, 4:229–4:230, 5:92–5:93, 5:311, 5:506–5:508, 6:59–6:60, 7:446, 7:486, 8:101–8:102, 9:76–9:77, 9:275, 10:630–10:631, 13:323, 14:7–14:8, 14:132–14:133, 14:501, 16:400–16:401, 20:20–20:21
  • letters to accounted for, 1:201n, 2:68n, 2:404n
  • letter to, from F. R. Hassler, 10:578–10:579
  • and D. McClure’s plotting table, 14:302
  • mentioned, 5:101n
  • and Nautical Almanac, 3:431–3:432, 3:447, 3:479, 8:144
  • and naval position for F. B. Taggart, 5:502, 5:503
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:xlix–5:l, 5:471–5:473, 5:506–5:507, 5:558–5:559, 5:559n
  • recommends E. Nulty, 14:323, 14:454
  • recommends son, 1:193
  • religious beliefs of, 20:47–20:48
  • reputation in Paris, 2:48
  • and standards of weights, measures, and coinage, 4:147–4:149, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:222–4:229, 4:409–4:411
  • and telescope, 13:323, 13:596, 14:6, 14:7, 14:270, 14:500, 14:501
  • TJ introduces H. B. Trist to, 16:400
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 10:542n, 10:650
  • A Treatise of Practical Arithmetic, intended for the Use of Schools; in two parts , 14:100, 14:132–14:133
  • and University of Pennsylvania, 16:400
  • and University of Virginia, 14:7–14:8, 17:20
  • and watchmaker for Charlottesville, 6:83, 6:118, 10:578, 10:578n, 10:578–10:579, 10:630

Patterson, Robert Maskell

  • and American Philosophical Society, 12:455
  • and T. Cooper’s scientific collections, 14:127, 14:178, 14:568–14:569
  • family of, 1:194n
  • identified, 7:113–7:114n
  • introduced into Parisian society, 2:48, 2:49n, 2:162–2:163
  • letters from, 7:113–7:114, 8:122–8:123, 8:206–8:207, 12:390
  • letters of introduction from TJ, 1:193, 1:201–1:202, 1:331
  • letters to, 7:142, 8:102–8:103, 8:246–8:247, 12:469
  • as mathematician, 13:119
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:558–5:559
  • professorship of, 8:446, 8:449n, 12:134–12:135, 13:226, 13:233, 13:252, 13:255, 15:151
  • and rabies, 14:443n
  • as secretary of American Philosophical Society, 7:113, 7:142, 8:102, 8:122, 8:202, 8:206, 8:246–8:247, 12:390, 12:469
  • suggests standard of weight, 4:411
  • and translation of P. S. Du Pont de Nemours’s works, 4:327, 6:485, 9:617n, 9:617–9:618n, 9:618n, 9:619–9:620
  • and University of Virginia, 17:20

Patterson, William

  • family of, 8:437
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • visits Albemarle Co., 3:526

Patteson, Mr. R.

  • and R. Jefferson’s watch, 4:607

Patteson, David

  • TJ stays in home of, 17:435n

Patteson, Nelson

  • and antiquities of Tennessee, 15:619–15:620
  • identified, 15:620n
  • letter from, 15:619–15:621

Patteson, Reuben B., 8:563, 17:158n

Pattison, Granville Sharp

  • and anatomical apparatus for University of Virginia, 20:573–20:574, 20:613–20:615
  • health of, 20:613
  • identified, 20:575n
  • letter from, 20:613–20:615
  • letter to, 20:573–20:576

Patton, C. B.

  • and University of Virginia, 17:630

Patton, Mathew

  • as character reference, 19:649

Patton, Robert (d. 1826)

  • and books for TJ, 12:43, 12:235, 12:275, 12:312, 12:346
  • identified, 12:235n
  • letters from, 12:235, 12:346
  • letters to, 12:275–12:276, 12:312
  • TJ pays, 12:633

Patton, Robert (d. 1828), 14:465, 14:475

Patty (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Pattyson, Martha

  • signs petition, 18:146

Pattyson, Mary Ann

  • signs petition, 18:146

Pau, France

  • schools in, 12:508

Paul. See Julius Paulus (Roman jurist)

Paul I, emperor of Russia, 10:589, 16:27

Paul, Hugh

  • and University of Virginia, 17:621, 17:625, 17:632, 17:637, 17:638, 19:47, 19:49, 19:55, 19:58, 19:58, 19:58, 20:196, 20:203, 20:206, 20:212, 20:213, 20:213, 20:224, 20:228, 20:229, 20:233, 20:555

Paul, René

  • on arithmetic, 19:616–19:618
  • Elements of Arithmetic, 19:616–19:618
  • identified, 19:619n
  • letter from, 19:616–19:619

Paul, Saint, 6:541, 7:195, 7:575, 7:582–7:583, 7:590n, 8:190, 15:539, 16:601, 18:55, 18:60n, 18:645, 20:335

Paul, Thomas

  • and abolition of slave trade, 17:289

Paulding, James Kirke

  • The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan, 5:397, 5:397n, 6:110, 6:264, 6:644, 6:645n

Paulding, John

  • medal commemorating Revolutionary War service of, 9:91, 9:92n

Paulinia aurea. See goldenrain tree

Paulus und Gamaliel. Ein Beitrag zur aeltesten Christengeschichte (C. C. Palmer), 11:307

Pauly, Lewis Abraham

  • identified, 5:99–5:100n
  • letters from, 5:116–5:119, 5:228, 5:378
  • letters to, 5:99–5:100, 5:216–5:218, 5:351
  • and P. Piernet’s will, 3:466–3:467, 3:467, 4:68, 4:68n, 4:70, 4:81, 4:89, 4:166, 4:517, 5:99, 5:116–5:119, 5:216, 5:216, 5:228, 5:332, 5:351, 5:378


  • Παυσανίου Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις. Description de la Grèce de Pausanias (trans. É. Clavier), 16:626
  • works of, 17:536, 18:375

Παυσανίου Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις. Description de la Grèce de Pausanias (Pausanias; trans. É. Clavier), 16:626

Pauw, Jan Cornelius de

  • edits Quinti Calabri Prætermissorum ab Homero (Quintus Smyrnaeus), 15:26, 17:138, 17:447
  • Recherches philosophiques sur les américains, 1:521, 1:521n

Pavia, University of, 2:565

Pawnee corn. See Pani (Pawnee) corn

Pawnee Indians, 1:521, 1:556

Pawtucket, R.I.

  • cotton factories in, 2:99

Paxton, Charles

  • as Boston customs collector, 12:494, 12:495
  • correspondence of published, 6:258

Paxton, William

  • identified, 16:163n
  • land of, 13:221, 13:221
  • letters from, 16:163, 18:181–18:182
  • letters to, 16:507, 18:104–18:105
  • letter to accounted for, 17:581n
  • and survey of Natural Bridge, 16:163, 16:507, 17:581, 17:581n, 17:587, 18:102, 18:102, 18:104, 18:104–18:105n, 18:181–18:182
  • TJ pays, 18:104, 18:104–18:105n, 18:182

Payerne, Francis, 1:222

Payne, Mary, 3:533n

Payne, Philip, 11:168

Payne, Tarlton

  • witnesses H. Marks’s will, 4:510

Payne, Thomas

  • London bookseller, 17:43

Payne (Paine), Thompson

  • and University of Virginia, 20:203, 20:223, 20:226

Payne, William (1732–1822), 14:337–14:338

Payne, William (1782–1858)

  • identified, 14:337–14:338n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:337
  • letter from, 14:337–14:338
  • and University of Virginia, 16:305, 16:307, 16:310

Pazienza, Giuseppe Maria

  • auditor in Pisa, 9:645n

peace advocacy

  • and Massachusetts Peace Society, 12:108–12:109, 12:206–12:207, 12:554, 12:615
  • and N. Worcester, 9:104, 9:410–9:411, 10:500–10:501, 12:108–12:109, 15:50–15:51, 15:51n, 15:73
  • and privateeting

Peacemaker (TJ’s horse), 16:624n

Peace-Republicans’ Manual (M. A. Hulshoff), 12:94–12:96, 12:276


  • black, 1:483
  • dried, 8:697, 13:581, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230, 15:230
  • harvest of, 11:39, 12:619
  • lemon cling, 9:545
  • planted at Monticello, 3:455
  • at Poplar Forest, 8:697, 15:428
  • preserved, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:281, 15:283
  • sent to TJ, 12:324, 14:632
  • stones of, 11:221
  • trees, 1:93, 2:107, 2:294n, 2:294, 2:313, 4:34, 4:141, 4:532, 8:71, 9:542, 12:618, 19:205

Peachy, John Blair

  • and M. B. Andrews’s will, 9:94n

Peachy, Thomas Griffin

  • and M. B. Andrews’s will, 9:94n

Peacock, David

  • plows of, 4:219, 4:219–4:220n, 4:221, 4:487, 4:526, 8:57–8:58, 8:185

Peacock, USS (sloop of war), 10:217, 10:231, 20:597

Peake, Thomas

  • A Compendium of the Law of Evidence, 2:676, 2:677n

Peaks of Otter, Va.

  • altitude of, 8:696, 9:xliii, 9:18, 9:18, 9:27, 9:71, 9:72, 9:131, 9:144, 9:145, 9:148, 9:153, 9:154–9:156, 9:156–9:172, 9:173, 9:183, 9:187, 9:315–9:316, 11:51, 13:348, 13:385, 13:385n
  • bearing of, from Poplar Forest, 3:355
  • botanical study of, 9:27
  • latitude of, 9:18, 9:36, 9:36, 9:36–9:37n, 9:173, 13:385, 13:385n
  • property near, 9:147, 11:399
  • TJ’s Summary Comments on, 9:173–9:174
  • TJ visits, 8:696, 9:xliii, 9:18, 9:33, 9:33n, 9:122, 9:131, 9:144, 9:145, 9:153, 9:183, 9:313
  • used in surveying, 9:687–9:688

Peale, Anna Claypoole. See Duncan, Anna Claypoole Peale

Peale, Benjamin Franklin

  • advises C. W. Peale, 8:464
  • and machine construction, 7:81, 7:86n, 8:460–8:461, 8:464, 10:345
  • and magnets, 19:358
  • marriage of, 8:461
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 19:107, 19:358

Peale, Charles Linnaeus

  • and machine construction, 8:460
  • makes razor strops, 15:523, 15:523n

Peale, Charles Willson

  • Address delivered by Charles W. Peale, to the Corporation and Citizens of Philadelphia, on The 18th Day of July, 1816, 10:308, 10:308, 10:311n, 11:372, 11:374n
  • on aging, 8:465, 16:518–16:519, 20:462
  • and agricultural fences, 7:80–7:81, 8:81, 9:282
  • as artist, 4:141, 8:463, 9:281–9:282, 9:386, 9:599, 10:204, 10:308, 10:308–10:309, 12:xlix, 12:367–12:368, 12:368, 12:481, 12:515, 12:516, 14:624–14:625, 16:75, 19:107–19:108, 19:358, 20:462, 20:511
  • The Artist in His Museum, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107–19:108, 19:108n, 19:424 (illus.)
  • The Artist in His Museum (study), 19:liii, 19:107–19:108, 19:108n, 19:424 (illus.)
  • and T. Cooper’s scientific collections, 14:127
  • digs well, 8:80
  • depicts specimens from Lewis and Clark Expedition, 9:605, 9:605n, 9:704–9:705, 9:707n
  • and drill, 9:280–9:281
  • on dueling, 8:464–8:465
  • An Essay to promote Domestic Happiness, 4:531–4:532, 6:68–6:69, 6:70n
  • and expenses for T. J. Randolph, 1:41, 1:45, 1:70–1:71, 1:307–1:309, 1:455, 1:458, 1:467
  • and eyeglasses, 12:367–12:368, 12:481, 12:515–12:516
  • family of, 8:460–8:461, 8:462, 12:367, 12:368, 19:107, 20:462–20:463
  • and farming, 4:136–4:142, 4:179–4:181, 4:531, 4:532, 5:324–5:325, 8:81, 8:457–8:460, 8:462, 8:547–8:549, 11:157–11:158
  • and gardening, 4:93, 4:139, 4:180, 4:531, 5:323–5:324, 8:82, 8:462
  • and gaslights, 10:177–10:179, 10:179n, 10:180 (illus.) , 10:181 (illus.) , 10:310–10:311
  • greenhouse of, 8:457
  • health of, 4:139–4:140, 8:81, 11:157–11:158, 16:518–16:519, 19:88–19:89, 19:107, 20:511
  • and A. von Humboldt, 1:25n, 1:453n
  • identified, 1:45–1:46n
  • on importance of exercise, 8:82
  • and improved saw, 7:84–7:85, 11:158, 11:159n
  • and improved windmill pump, 8:80–8:81
  • invents fruit-picker, 8:548–8:549, 10:32
  • letters from, 1:70–1:71, 1:103–1:104, 1:307–1:310, 4:136–4:142, 4:179–4:182, 4:531–4:532, 5:323–5:325, 7:79–7:86, 8:80–8:83, 8:457–8:466, 8:545–8:549, 9:280–9:282, 10:203–10:204, 10:307–10:311, 10:344–10:345, 10:351–10:352, 11:157–11:159, 11:371–11:374, 12:367–12:369, 12:515–12:516, 13:426, 13:539–13:540, 14:624–14:625, 15:522–15:523, 16:74–16:76, 16:518–16:519, 19:106–19:109, 19:358, 20:462–20:464
  • letters to, 1:45–1:46, 1:187, 1:458, 4:93–4:94, 6:68–6:70, 8:366–8:369, 8:534–8:536, 10:32–10:33, 10:326, 10:606–10:607, 11:198–11:199, 12:481, 14:591–14:592, 15:551, 16:219, 16:505, 19:88–19:89, 19:418, 20:511–20:512
  • lodges T. J. Randolph, 1:101n, 1:104
  • on I. Lukens’s mechanical bell ringer, 10:344–10:345, 10:345 (illus.) , 10:345, 10:352
  • makes dentures, 8:462, 11:158, 19:358
  • and mastodon, 1:101n, 1:103–1:104, 1:187, 2:507, 19:liv, 19:108
  • and milling machines, 7:82–7:84, 8:535
  • on modesty of Indians, 4:181
  • and paintings owned by TJ, 7:341
  • on patents, 8:546, 8:547
  • and R. Peale’s portraits of G. Washington, 20:428–20:429, 20:463, 20:511
  • and R. Peale’s The Court of Death, 16:74–16:75, 16:76n, 16:219, 16:519
  • and pedometers, 19:107, 19:108n
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 3:472n, 4:137–4:138, 4:181, 4:182n, 5:323, 5:324, 6:291, 7:152, 8:81, 8:461–8:462, 8:465n, 8:534, 8:545, 10:177–10:179, 10:179n, 10:180–10:181, 10:198, 10:203–10:204, 10:204n, 10:308, 10:309–10:310, 10:311n, 10:344, 10:397, 10:399, 11:158, 11:371–11:374, 11:374n, 12:348, 12:367–12:368, 12:481, 13:426, 13:540, 14:127, 16:lii, 16:519, 19:liii, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107, 19:107, 19:107, 19:108n, 19:358, 19:418, 20:462–20:463, 20:463, 20:511
  • and plows, 4:137, 4:181, 8:458, 8:534, 9:599, 10:547, 12:481, 12:481, 12:516, 15:522–15:523, 15:551
  • and polygraph, 2:xlii, 4:182, 5:207, 8:535, 11:481, 11:571–11:572, 14:591, 14:624, 16:505, 16:518, 19:88, 19:106–19:107, 19:108, 19:358, 19:418
  • and porcelain teeth
  • portrait of T. Cooper, 12:xlix, 12:348 (illus.)
  • portrait of T. J. Randolph, 1:xlviii–1:xlix, 1:45, 1:46n, 1:380 (illus.)
  • portrait of W. Wirt, 13:lii, 13:400 (illus.)
  • portraits by, 13:426, 13:426n, 13:539–13:540, 13:540, 13:540n, 14:624, 20:428–20:429, 20:462, 20:463
  • portraits of P. Randolph (ca. 1723–75) by, 10:199n
  • and razor strops, 15:523, 15:551
  • reflects on his life, 8:459, 8:462–8:463, 10:204, 10:308–10:309, 10:345, 11:157–11:158
  • The Retreat across the Delaware, 14:625
  • self-portraits, 19:liii, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107–19:108, 19:108n, 19:424 (illus.), 19:424 (illus.)
  • and textile manufacture, 8:545–8:546, 8:547, 8:547–8:548
  • TJ advises on agriculture, 6:69–6:70, 7:79–7:80, 8:535
  • TJ on machines of, 8:367–8:369, 8:535
  • TJ sends greetings to, 20:455
  • and TJ’s health, 19:358, 19:418
  • on underground springs, 8:457
  • and University of Virginia, 20:463, 20:511
  • visits Washington, D.C., 13:lii, 13:426, 13:539–13:540
  • and watchmaker for Charlottesville, 10:203, 10:307–10:308, 10:326, 10:344, 10:345, 10:351–10:352, 10:392–10:393, 10:436–10:437, 10:606–10:607, 11:157, 11:198–11:199
  • on weather and urban life, 19:358
  • on windmill sails, 8:458, 8:546–8:547, 14:624

Peale, Elizabeth DePeyster (Charles Willson Peale’s second wife)

  • estate of, 11:373, 11:374n

Peale, Eliza Greatrake (Benjamin Franklin Peale’s wife), 8:461

Peale, Hannah Moore (Charles Willson Peale’s third wife)

  • T. J. Randolph on, 1:458
  • sends greetings to M. J. Randolph, 1:71

Peale, James

  • copies Titian painting, 4:181

Peale, Rembrandt

  • as artist, 4:141, 4:181, 9:281, 9:386, 12:367, 20:429, 20:455, 20:462–20:463, 20:511
  • Baltimore museum of, 6:291, 6:291–6:292n, 6:374, 8:462, 10:179n, 16:75, 19:107
  • The Court of Death, 16:74–16:75, 16:76n, 16:219, 16:519, 16:620, 17:73, 17:73n, 20:428, 20:429n
  • family of, 16:75
  • forwards minerals to TJ, 3:66n, 6:291, 6:373, 7:261, 7:262
  • and gaslights, 10:179n, 10:310, 10:310 (illus.) , 10:310–10:311
  • identified, 4:357n
  • letters from, 6:291–6:292, 20:428–20:429
  • letters to, 6:373–6:374, 20:454–20:455
  • and paintings owned by TJ, 7:341
  • portrait of J. Corrêa da Serra by, 16:lii, 16:348 (illus.)
  • portrait of P. S. Du Pont de Nemours by, 2:xli, 2:380 (illus.)
  • portrait of J. Sparks by, 16:xlix, 16:348 (illus.)
  • portrait of TJ by, 3:625n, 6:125, 6:148, 6:149n, 7:429
  • portraits of Europeans by, 1:71, 1:71n, 1:104, 1:187, 1:309, 3:624–3:625
  • portraits of G. Washington by, 20:428–20:429, 20:429n, 20:454–20:455, 20:463, 20:463–20:464n, 20:511
  • and Society of Artists of the United States, 4:356, 4:400
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 6:374
  • TJ on, 16:219
  • and University of Virginia, 20:463, 20:511

Peale, Rubens

  • Baltimore museum of, 19:107
  • and gardening, 5:323
  • and gaslights, 10:310
  • and pendulums, 7:85
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 4:137–4:138, 4:181, 4:531, 5:323, 8:461, 11:373

Peale, Titian Ramsay

  • family of, 19:107
  • and machine construction, 7:81, 7:86n, 8:460
  • as naturalist, 12:368
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 19:107, 19:358

Pearney, John. See Pernier (Purney), John

pears, 3:190, 3:448, 4:561, 4:562

Pearson, Ephraim (ship captain), 11:398

Pearson, Eliphalet

  • and Andover Theological Seminary, 9:255, 9:379, 9:382
  • mentioned, 9:381, 9:383
  • A Sermon delivered in Boston before The American Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. Oct. 26, 1815, 9:255, 9:255, 9:257n, 9:379, 9:382

Pearson, George

  • A Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature, 8:429, 8:430n

Pearson, Joseph

  • duel with J. G. Jackson, 2:53–2:54n, 3:533n


  • dinner of, 6:110, 7:356, 8:454, 8:516, 10:74, 11:379
  • grown at Farmington, 1:157, 8:454, 14:271
  • grown at Monticello, 6:514, 8:305, 8:305, 11:39, 12:618
  • grown at Montpellier (Madison family estate), 11:39
  • grown at Natchez, Miss., 18:343
  • grown at Poplar Forest, 4:379, 4:379, 6:486, 7:71, 8:69, 8:71, 8:516, 8:611, 8:611, 13:545, 13:566, 13:581, 13:604
  • grown for TJ, 18:407
  • marrowfat, 20:548, 20:563, 20:571, 20:607
  • Mazzei, 7:288
  • mentioned, 3:348, 3:501–3:502, 15:567n
  • Ravensworth, 6:86, 6:86n, 6:109, 6:139, 6:140n
  • seeds sent to TJ, 20:605
  • Spanish, 13:278
  • TJ sends, 13:67, 13:80
  • TJ sends seeds, 5:658, 6:45

Pease, Horace

  • plows of, 4:219, 4:220n

Pease, Seth

  • identified, 1:216n
  • and W. Lambert’s calculations, 4:254, 4:262, 5:245–5:251
  • letters to, 1:216
  • postal official, 7:206, 7:236, 7:239, 9:508
  • surveyor of federal lands, 9:474
  • TJ appoints as surveyor, 7:206, 7:236
  • TJ recommends I. Lewis to, 1:181, 1:215, 1:216


  • planted at Monticello, 3:455
  • TJ orders via New Orleans, 1:80, 1:81n, 1:211n
  • TJ sends seeds, 2:103, 2:294n
  • TJ to plant, 1:631, 1:657

Pechin, William

  • payment to, 1:41
  • publishes TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 2:173, 2:174n, 2:215–2:216

Peck, Lyman

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 16:316, 17:577, 17:623, 17:624, 19:396n, 20:200, 20:205, 20:205, 20:205, 20:219, 20:220, 20:227, 20:227, 20:228, 20:231, 20:232
  • and capitals for University of Virginia, 20:153n
  • and jail for Nelson Co., 20:44–20:45, 20:45, 20:80

Peck, William

  • identified, 12:616n
  • letter from, 12:615–12:616
  • and Massachusetts Peace Society, 12:615

Peck, William D., 18:356

Peck & Crawford (firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:638, 17:649, 17:651, 17:654, 19:46, 19:49, 19:50, 19:53, 19:54, 19:54, 19:55, 19:63, 19:177, 19:186, 19:189, 19:238, 20:195, 20:196, 20:201, 20:201, 20:202, 20:204, 20:205, 20:205, 20:211, 20:212, 20:213, 20:213, 20:217, 20:219, 20:221, 20:222, 20:223, 20:224, 20:224, 20:225, 20:225, 20:226, 20:227, 20:228, 20:229, 20:231, 20:232, 20:235, 20:556

Peddock, Leonard , 5:595

Pedesclaux, Pierre, 3:237n, 3:478n, 3:485, 3:496–3:497, 5:85n

Pedlar (brig), 14:202

pedometers, 19:107, 19:108n

Pedro Alcántara de Toledo y Salm-Salm (Duke of Infantado), 3:342–3:343, 3:343n

Peignot, Gabriel

  • Dictionnaire raisonné de Bibliologie, 20:346
  • Manuel du Bibliophile, 20:346

Peince, Mr., 16:462

Peintures des Vases Antiques (ed. D. Maisonneuve), 1:452, 1:453n, 1:482

Peirce, Isaac

  • Philadelphia publisher, 8:210

Pekin (ship), 1:331

Pekins, Joseph. See Perkins, Joseph

Pelham, William

  • identified, 1:217n
  • letters from, 1:216–1:217, 11:177
  • sends newspaper to TJ, 11:177
  • A System of Notation; Representing the Sounds of Alphabetical Characters, 1:216–1:217, 11:177

pelisse cloth, 19:12, 19:16n

Pell, Mr.

  • letter from, 8:659
  • visits Monticello, 8:659

Pell, Mrs.

  • visits Monticello, 8:659

Pellet, Thomas A.

  • on British destruction in Washington, 8:57
  • letter from, 8:57
  • and U.S. atrocities in Canada, 8:57

Pelletier. See Mansuy Pelletier, Charles V.

Pelli-Fabbroni, Leopoldo

  • and death of G. Fabbroni, 19:343–19:344
  • family of, 19:344
  • identified, 19:346n
  • letter from, 19:343–19:346

Pelli Fabbroni, Teresa Bencivenni

  • death of, 19:344, 19:346n

Pelloutier, Simon

  • and climate change, 14:185, 14:186n
  • Histoire des Celtes, et particulierement des Gaulois et des Germains, 14:185

Pelopidas (Theban general and statesman), 20:317, 20:318n

Pelter, Samuel

  • and University of Virginia, 20:205, 20:205, 20:225, 20:227, 20:231

Pemberton, Mr.

  • recommended by C. Clay, 4:86n

Pemberton, Henry

  • works of, 20:583

Pemberton, Israel, 6:284

Pemberton, James, 2:158, 3:268, 3:269n

Pemberton, Thomas

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:332, 20:194, 20:195

penal institutions, 1:383, 1:384n, 1:474n, 14:78, 18:142

Pendleton, Edmund (17211803)

  • as administrator of J. Robinson’s estate, 15:556, 15:557n, 18:482, 18:482–18:483
  • biography of proposed, 8:619
  • family of, 1:200n
  • and P. Henry, 10:384, 10:421, 10:422, 10:423n, 10:488
  • on importance of limited government, 4:116, 4:117n
  • as judge, 19:98
  • library of, 15:479+
  • as member of Continental Congress, 4:601, 8:644
  • and revision of Va. laws, 1:381–1:382, 3:570, 5:136, 7:549, 11:133, 11:133n, 12:441, 14:456, 17:322, 17:322, 17:322, 17:323, 17:324, 17:326, 19:420, 19:421n
  • and Stamp Act Resolutions, 4:599, 8:642, 16:230
  • TJ on, 5:136–5:137, 5:137n, 7:411, 7:411, 7:548, 17:318–17:319
  • as Va. burgess, 8:644, 17:314, 17:318–17:319, 17:320
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n

Pendleton, Edmund (1745–1827)

  • identified, 1:200n
  • letters from, 1:200
  • and B. Moore’s estate, 1:200, 1:339
  • and T. Nelson’s bonds, 3:426, 3:458

Pendleton, Hembro

  • and University of Virginia, 16:311

Pendleton, John L.

  • as Caroline Co. clerk, 8:397n

Pendleton, Philip Clayton

  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:222

Pendleton, Reuben

  • buys TJ’s wheat, 17:589–17:590n

Pendleton, William F.

  • conveys document to TJ, 17:384, 17:385n, 17:389–17:390
  • as director of Va. Literary Fund, 17:304, 17:383, 17:384, 17:389–17:390, 18:118
  • as member of Va. Council of State, 15:435n, 15:435n, 20:550n

Pendleton, William Garland

  • attests document, 11:474n
  • and Central College subscription, 11:332
  • identified, 16:88n
  • letter from, 16:102–16:103
  • letter to, 16:88
  • and patent for Pouncey’s tract, 16:88, 16:102–16:103
  • as register of Va. Land Office, 17:542–17:543, 17:543n
  • as surety for J. Preston, 17:257n


  • ballistic, 11:51, 11:52n, 11:52–11:54
  • as basis for system of weights and measures, 4:147–4:148, 4:149n, 4:223–4:225, 4:226, 4:227, 4:228, 4:409–4:410, 10:316, 12:155, 16:234n
  • in clocks, 4:229–4:230, 6:82–6:83, 9:126, 9:204–9:205
  • in equilateral level, 19:207
  • innovations of, 7:85, 8:367, 8:463
  • in surveying, 19:198, 19:200

Penet, D’Acosta freres & Compagnie (Bordeaux firm)

  • drafts on, 4:578, 4:625, 4:626

Penguin (schooner), 12:512

Penguin Island (Australia), 5:202–5:203

Pénières-Delors, Jean Augustin

  • introduced to TJ, 10:491

The Penitential Tyrant (T. Branagan), 8:450, 8:451n


  • books on, 1:37
  • instructors of for University of Virginia, 13:419, 13:419, 13:555
  • TJ on, 2:335, 2:352, 16:541
  • E. Trist on her own, 14:9n

Penn, Mrs.

  • visits Poplar Forest, 10:516

Penn, Edmund

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473n

Penn, Gabriel

  • identified, 8:10n
  • letter from, 8:9–8:10
  • seeks naval appointment, 8:9–8:10

Penn, James (1794–1870)

  • clerk for A. Robertson, 8:510–8:511, 8:511, 8:511, 9:52
  • identified, 8:510–8:511n
  • letters from, 8:510–8:511, 8:511, 9:52
  • letter to, 8:511

Penn, James (of New London, Va.)

  • and son’s candidacy for naval appointment, 8:9

Penn, John (of North Carolina)

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329, 14:524

Penn, John (of Pennsylvania), 2:221, 2:223n

Penn, Thomas, 2:223n, 9:348, 9:348n

Penn, William

  • relics associated with, 17:547, 17:573
  • religious beliefs of, 6:508, 8:189, 18:532, 20:334
  • as role model, 19:382
  • The Sandy Foundation Shaken, 18:532
  • territory of surveyed, 9:689

Pennington, Edward

  • and journals of M. Lewis, 9:467, 9:605, 9:605n

Pennington, William

  • as governor of N.J., 8:444n

Pennsylvania See also Bank of Pennsylvania

  • African Americans in, 16:525–16:526n
  • banks, local, 2:135, 2:181, 6:650, 16:448, 20:586
  • banks, national, 12:179
  • bridges in, 14:247, 16:34, 16:34–16:35n
  • canals in, 4:160, 4:160–4:161n, 4:175, 4:315–4:316, 18:518
  • and Confederation Congress, 17:335
  • courts in, 10:406–10:407
  • criminal law in, 17:325, 17:326
  • crops in, 11:482–11:483, 16:448
  • education in, 16:292, 19:81
  • and election of 1824, 19:331, 20:111, 20:586, 20:588n
  • elections in, 5:370n, 5:396–5:397, 11:597–11:598n, 11:647, 12:31, 12:47, 16:221, 16:292, 16:447, 16:448n, 19:105, 19:535, 20:129n
  • exchange rates in, 14:170
  • flour from, 12:554
  • and Greek war of independence, 20:383
  • Hospital, 3:277, 3:279n
  • improvements in, 9:66
  • and internal improvements, 15:493, 15:493–15:494n, 16:562n, 18:518
  • legislative resolutions, 1:90–1:91
  • legislature of, 4:181, 4:182n, 5:468, 5:468–5:469n, 5:558, 5:559n, 6:650, 7:111, 7:112, 7:113n, 8:461, 10:204, 10:204n, 10:387n, 10:406–10:407, 10:543, 10:543–10:544n, 11:411, 11:415–11:416, 12:565n, 15:359, 15:493, 15:493–15:494n, 16:562n, 18:518, 20:118, 20:118–20:119n
  • legislature of, purchases sheep, 1:18
  • mammoth bones found in, 2:507
  • maps of, 8:77n, 10:543, 10:543n, 10:543–10:544n, 15:359, 15:359n
  • marble from, 1:473
  • mills in, 8:460
  • and Missouri question, 16:490, 16:525–16:526n, 16:617
  • moldboard of, 1:111, 1:252
  • Olmstead v. the Executrices of the late David Rittenhouse, 1:213–1:214
  • party politics in, 13:148–13:149, 20:453, 20:454n, 20:586–20:587
  • petition to legislature of, 6:650
  • Pittsburgh Commonwealth, 4:372, 4:373n
  • Pittsburgh Republicans address TJ, 1:90, 1:91n
  • politics in, 3:563, 3:564n, 3:584, 3:595, 19:635, 20:111, 20:359
  • proposed improvements to agriculture in, 18:217n
  • Provincials in French and Indian War, 1:290
  • Quakers of, 2:124–2:125, 2:125n
  • religion in, 19:79–19:80, 19:126
  • Republicans in, TJ comments on, 1:236–1:237
  • sheep in, 1:18, 1:69n
  • and S. Snyder, 3:563, 3:564n, 3:601, 10:543–10:544n
  • and state authority, 19:221
  • statute taxing dogs, 1:17, 1:68–1:69, 4:161, 4:161n
  • supreme court of, 2:376, 2:377n, 10:387n, 18:9, 20:118–20:119n
  • textile manufactories in, 8:547
  • Unitarianism in, 18:532, 20:335
  • Washington Co. Republicans, 1:4–1:6, 1:99–1:100
  • wheat harvest in, 2:496, 10:309
  • Whiskey Rebellion in, 2:385, 2:387n, 2:617

Pennsylvania, University of, 7:607–7:608, 7:608n, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323, 8:324, 8:327, 8:445–8:447, 8:449n, 8:564, 8:564n, 8:565n, 10:204, 10:545–10:546, 12:25, 12:27, 12:32, 12:134–12:135, 12:135–12:136, 12:152, 12:193, 12:195, 12:199, 12:200, 12:200, 12:237–12:238, 12:348n, 12:387, 12:389, 12:389–12:390n, 12:434, 12:435–12:436, 12:455, 12:490, 12:545, 12:620, 12:647–12:648, 13:45, 13:102, 13:102, 13:105n, 13:174, 13:174n, 13:226, 13:233, 13:249, 13:255, 13:255n, 13:269, 13:270, 13:284, 13:429, 13:430n, 13:518, 14:4, 14:5n, 14:80, 14:81, 14:125, 14:159, 14:313, 14:323, 15:74, 15:142n, 15:307, 15:341, 15:342n, 16:400, 18:363, 18:512, 18:635, 19:623, 20:473, 20:616

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia), 3:66n, 4:182, 5:166–5:167, 6:291, 7:262, 7:401, 7:443–7:444, 14:444

Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia newspaper) , 8:621, 8:622n

Pennsylvania Hospital, 3:277, 3:279n, 9:605, 9:605n, 20:84

Pennsylvania Land Office, 5:101n

Pennsylvania Magazine; or, American Monthly Museum, 4:152, 4:153n

Pennsylvania Society for the Encouragement of Manufactures, 20:588n

Pennsylvania State House (Philadelphia; later Independence Hall), 12:282, 12:283n, 12:368, 13:426, 13:426n, 19:470–19:471

pens (writing instruments)

  • metallic, 1:106, 18:271–18:272, 18:293, 18:293n
  • points for, 17:17, 17:598, 17:598n, 18:293
  • steel

Pensacola, W. Fla.

  • possession of, 3:281–3:282
  • seized by A. Jackson, 13:150–13:151, 13:151, 13:151n, 13:151n, 13:286n, 13:286, 13:414, 13:415n, 13:422, 13:424, 13:587, 14:23, 14:92, 14:466, 14:467n, 15:233

Penthièvre, Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon, duc de, 16:528

Pentland, Ephraim

  • editor of Pittsburgh Commonwealth, 4:372, 4:373n

Pepe, Florestano

  • Neapolitan general, 16:344


  • bird, 5:364–5:365, 6:xliii, 6:66–6:67, 6:67, 6:81, 6:127–6:128, 6:187–6:188, 6:195–6:196, 6:252, 6:292, 6:377, 6:386 (illus.) , 6:615, 7:326, 7:567, 7:568n
  • black, 1:31, 1:45, 1:368, 2:109, 4:211, 4:211, 6:345, 6:348, 14:420
  • cayenne, 4:102, 6:377–6:378, 6:378n
  • seeds sent to TJ, 20:605
  • tabasco, 6:252, 6:252n
  • TJ purchases, 15:451, 16:289, 16:289n, 16:470

Pepys, William Hasledine

  • scientific-instrument maker, 20:637

perambulator, 9:280, 9:282n

Peray. See Piré, Hippolyte Marie Guillaume de Rosnyvinen, comte de

Perceval, Spencer

  • assassination of, 5:68, 5:69n+, 5:156, 5:156n
  • “The Book!” or, The Proceedings and Correspondence upon the subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales (included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ; see also Book of Kings), 6:374, 6:374n, 6:413, 7:34, 7:36n, 7:270, 7:410, 7:410n, 7:500, 8:33, 8:240, 15:450, 15:452n
  • British chancellor of the exchequer, 1:285n
  • British prime minister, 1:658, 1:659n, 3:437, 4:271, 4:272, 4:586, 4:587, 5:293, 5:296, 7:40–7:41, 7:44n
  • parliamentary comments of, 4:539

perch, 5:604–5:605, 15:378, 15:378–15:379, 15:498–15:499, 15:510

Percival, John

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:195, 14:196n

Percival, Thomas

  • Extracts from the Medical Ethics, 19:386, 19:387n

Percivall, Joseph, 1:66

Percy, Mr.

  • and batture, 3:491

Percy, Fernando , 5:85n, 6:436

Perdido River, 3:177, 3:264, 3:326, 3:344n

Perdiguier, Jacques

  • museum of, 15:285, 15:286n

Péréfixe, Hardouin de Beaumont de

  • Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand, 12:534, 13:342n, 13:359, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Περι Αδικηματων Και Ποινων (C. B. Beccaria; trans. A. Coray), 20:381, 20:382n

Périer, Casimir Pierre

  • as electoral candidate, 12:39

Périon, Joachim

  • Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Excerptæ, 7:458, 7:458n


  • and grand juries, 10:428–10:430, 10:497–10:499
  • TJ on, 10:428–10:430

Perkins, Benjamin

  • insolvency of, 14:218
  • store of, 8:79

Perkins, Ebenezer (ship captain), 19:498, 19:501n, 19:702

Perkins, Elisha

  • medical invention of, 4:102, 4:104n

Perkins, George

  • as agent for J. W. Eppes, 16:270, 16:327

Perkins, Hardin

  • as executor of R. Jefferson’s will, 8:661–8:662, 9:32
  • identified, 8:661n
  • letter to, 8:661–8:662

Perkins, Jacob

  • fire engine of, 11:374, 11:374n

Perkins, John R.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332

Perkins, Joseph

  • militia service of, 7:161

Perkins, Samuel , 5:66

Perkins, Samuel G., 8:370, 8:371n

Perkins, Thomas

  • and C. Bellini estate, 12:267, 12:550, 12:578, 12:579, 12:581, 12:586
  • correspondence of, 15:542, 15:542
  • identified, 12:550n
  • letter from, 12:550
  • letters to, 12:586, 14:498–14:499
  • and stonecutters, 14:64, 14:64–14:65n, 14:475, 14:497, 14:498–14:499

Perkins, Thomas (ca. 1761–1836)

  • remittances to, 14:255–14:256, 14:532, 14:532

Pernambuco, Republic of

  • declares independence, 11:384, 11:384n

Pernety, Antoine Joseph

  • translates Cours de Mathématique (C. Wolff), 7:250, 7:253n

Pernier (Purney), John

  • account with M. Lewis, 2:34, 2:208–2:209, 2:364, 2:672, 2:673n, 3:49, 3:110
  • identified, 2:209n
  • letters from, 2:208–2:209
  • and M. Lewis’s death, 1:602, 1:603, 1:606, 1:607, 1:608n, 2:192, 2:209n
  • travel expenses paid, 2:34, 2:35n, 2:209n

Péron, François

  • biography of, 7:50
  • Voyage de découvertes aux terres Australes, 5:463, 5:464n, 11:627, 11:628n

perpetual-motion machines

  • I. Lukens’s model of, 5:358 (illus.) , 5:558–5:559, 5:559n
  • and R. Patterson, 5:471–5:473, 5:558–5:559
  • of C. Redheffer, 5:xlix–5:l, 5:358 (illus.) , 5:471–5:473, 5:473n, 5:474, 5:506–5:507, 5:558, 5:559n
  • TJ on, 5:506–5:507

Perpignan wine. See Roussillon, France: wine from

Perpignan, Peter

  • identified, 19:419n
  • letter from, 19:418–19:419
  • letter to, 19:438
  • and miniature portrait of G. Washington, 19:418–19:419, 19:419n, 19:438

Perrault, Claude

  • edits Abregé des Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve (Vitruvius), 6:381, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:456, 13:314n, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 15:26

Perregaux, Laffitte & Compagnie (Paris firm)

  • and TJ’s lines of credit in France, 8:377, 8:571, 8:579, 8:586–8:587, 8:589, 8:627, 8:632, 8:633n, 8:670, 8:673, 9:152, 9:153n, 9:186, 9:209, 9:353, 9:492–9:493, 9:561n, 11:455, 11:533, 11:652, 12:110, 12:112

Perrin, John

  • A Grammar of the French Tongue, 5:557

Perron, Charles

  • and jail for Nelson Co., 20:45


  • Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (Knight), 1:582, 2:83

Perry, Mr. (farmer), 14:430

Perry, Charles (ship captain), 14:175, 14:325

Perry, Frances T. (John M. Perry’s wife)

  • identified, 11:467n
  • sells land to Central College–University of Virginia, 11:xlv, 11:315, 11:465–11:468, 15:liii, 15:353–15:356, 17:619n

Perry, Jesse

  • identified, 2:168n
  • letters to, 2:167–2:168
  • paid for work, 7:45, 7:45n
  • TJ seeks to hire, 2:167–2:168

Perry, John M. See also Dinsmore & Perry (Albemarle Co. firm)

  • account with TJ, 14:317, 14:472, 15:426
  • agreement with TJ, 2:169, 4:420–4:421, 4:465, 4:498, 4:509
  • and bricks for Monticello, 18:381, 18:381n, 18:472, 18:472–18:473, 20:529
  • as builder for Central College–University of Virginia, 11:400, 11:401, 11:463, 11:464n, 11:468–11:469, 11:471, 11:603, 12:xlix, 12:40, 13:64, 13:97, 13:399, 13:524, 14:171, 14:173, 14:187, 14:195, 14:195, 14:197, 14:390, 14:479, 14:487, 14:508, 14:641, 15:86, 15:87, 15:87, 15:89, 15:89, 15:90, 15:91, 15:93, 15:94, 15:94, 15:94, 15:94, 15:95, 15:95, 15:96, 15:96, 15:96, 15:96, 15:97, 15:97, 15:97, 15:97, 15:98, 15:99, 15:100, 15:103, 15:103, 15:103, 15:103, 15:103, 15:103, 15:559, 16:19, 16:304, 16:304, 16:304, 16:305, 16:305, 16:306, 16:307, 16:307, 16:309, 16:309, 16:309, 16:311, 16:311, 16:312, 16:312, 16:312, 16:313, 16:313, 16:314, 16:314, 16:315, 16:315, 16:316, 16:316, 16:316, 16:317, 16:318, 16:319, 16:475, 16:475, 16:477, 16:480, 16:480, 16:481, 17:77, 17:531, 17:567–17:568, 17:620, 17:621, 17:622, 17:622, 17:624, 17:624, 17:625, 17:625, 17:626, 17:626, 17:627, 17:628, 17:628, 17:630, 17:630, 17:630, 17:631, 17:632, 17:632, 17:632, 17:632, 17:633, 17:634, 17:635, 17:635, 17:635, 17:636, 17:637, 17:637–17:638, 17:638, 17:639, 17:646, 17:649, 17:651, 17:651–17:652, 17:655n, 18:534, 19:47, 19:49, 19:49, 19:49, 19:49, 19:49, 19:51, 19:53, 19:56, 19:56, 19:57, 19:63, 19:186, 19:188, 19:237, 19:237n, 19:238, 19:240, 19:268, 19:310, 19:396n, 20:75, 20:195, 20:195, 20:196, 20:196, 20:197, 20:199, 20:200, 20:200, 20:200, 20:201, 20:202, 20:204, 20:205, 20:205, 20:211, 20:212, 20:212, 20:212, 20:213, 20:213, 20:213, 20:214, 20:214, 20:215, 20:215, 20:218, 20:218, 20:219, 20:219, 20:220, 20:221, 20:221, 20:221, 20:222, 20:223, 20:224, 20:224, 20:224, 20:225, 20:226, 20:226, 20:227, 20:229, 20:229, 20:230, 20:230, 20:231, 20:555
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:67, 12:69
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:330, 13:162, 16:475, 17:621, 17:630
  • and church for Charlottesville, 20:526
  • family of, 2:168n, 12:56, 13:64
  • finances of, 16:550, 16:559, 16:560
  • hires out slaves to University of Virginia, 17:642, 19:179
  • house of, 14:605, 14:640
  • identified, 1:192–1:193n
  • letter from, to N. Barksdale, 14:187–14:188
  • letters from, to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:171–14:172, 14:173
  • letters from, 11:400, 12:56, 13:64, 13:97, 13:524, 14:217, 14:508, 15:336, 16:559
  • letters from accounted for, 1:193n, 4:510n
  • letters to, 1:192–1:193, 2:168–2:169, 4:498, 11:401–11:402, 16:560
  • letter to accounted for, 18:381n
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • petition to James Monroe
  • and plank for TJ, 1:192, 2:168–2:169
  • Proposal for Rotunda Brickwork, 19:240
  • sawmill of, 14:173
  • sells property to Central College–University of Virginia, 11:xlv, 11:253, 11:315, 11:316, 11:316–11:317, 11:318–11:319, 11:344, 11:401, 11:463, 11:464n, 11:465–11:468, 11:468, 11:471, 13:365–13:366, 13:534, 13:534, 13:535n, 14:178–14:179, 14:217, 15:liii, 15:12–15:13, 15:13n, 15:22n, 15:85–15:86, 15:89, 15:90, 15:90, 15:93, 15:96, 15:98, 15:99, 15:101, 15:336, 15:353–15:356, 16:318, 17:577n, 17:619n, 17:651
  • sells provisions to University of Virginia, 20:216
  • and timber for University of Virginia, 14:40
  • TJ pays, 6:554n, 7:291n
  • TJ’s carpenter, 3:412, 5:92n
  • and valuation of Albemarle Co. slaves, 20:486n

Perry, Matthew Calbraith (ship captain), 19:300

Perry, Oliver Hazard

  • American naval commander, 6:370, 6:645, 7:643, 18:660, 19:427
  • diplomatic instructions to, 16:157, 16:157n
  • wins battle on Lake Erie, 6:524, 6:524n, 6:531, 6:546n, 7:11, 7:14, 7:56, 7:57n, 7:88, 7:89n, 7:530, 8:259, 8:263

Perry, Reuben

  • account with, 4:280, 6:162, 6:257, 7:44–7:45, 7:45n, 7:514, 8:63, 8:63n, 8:63, 13:112
  • and court summons, 5:381
  • family of, 2:168n
  • identified, 2:89n
  • letters from, 2:89, 3:513
  • letters from accounted for, 6:163n
  • letters to, 3:612–3:613, 4:620, 5:311, 5:338, 5:343, 5:485, 5:505, 7:514–7:515, 8:63
  • letters to accounted for, 2:89n, 6:163n
  • and plastering at Poplar Forest, 5:311, 5:343, 5:403, 5:545
  • purchases slave from TJ, 3:411–3:413, 3:513, 3:612–3:613, 3:613n, 4:620, 5:34
  • TJ’s carpenter, 2:89, 2:149, 3:412, 5:338, 5:485, 5:485, 5:488, 5:505, 6:107, 6:162, 6:257, 7:514
  • witnesses land conveyance, 3:369, 3:374

Perry, Sion (Syon)

  • militia service of, 7:161

Perry, Thomas

  • carries letter, 12:55, 12:56, 12:93
  • health of, 13:64

Perrygory, Moses

  • and Central College subscription, 11:330, 13:161

Perryman, Anthony P.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:315, 16:316, 17:620, 17:622, 17:622, 17:623, 17:626

Perseverance (steamboat), 4:199


  • history of, 10:509, 11:363
  • religion in, 10:509

Persian language

  • works translated from, 11:351, 11:351n, 11:441
  • writings in, 8:6

persimmon trees, 7:52

Persius Flaccus, Aulus

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:661, 14:551
  • D. Junii Juvenalis et auli Persii Flacci Satyræ (Juvenal; ed. C. Schrevel), 9:455, 10:234
  • works of, 14:258

Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804. by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland (trans. H. M. Williams), 10:243, 10:244n

Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik

  • and botanical classification, 7:210
  • Synopsis Methodica Fungorum, 13:342, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525
  • Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum, 1:437n, 3:167, 3:181, 3:596, 4:146, 7:626, 8:284, 8:285n, 8:319, 8:422, 10:234, 13:342, 13:342, 13:358, 13:494, 13:525, 16:224, 16:257


  • independence movement in, 10:373, 10:374
  • Indians of, 16:176
  • U.S. chargé d’affaires in, 19:336, 19:338n

Peruvian bark. See cinchona (Peruvian bark)

Peruvian Pamphlet (B. de Monteagudo), 20:402n

Pesciolini, Ranieri

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

Pescud, Edward

  • as newspaper editor, 12:42

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich

  • educational system of, 3:39–3:40, 3:88, 10:390–10:391, 11:266n, 12:229, 16:60, 16:325
  • work by loaned to TJ, 8:429
  • works on, 17:535

Pétau, Denis

  • and progeny of Noah, 20:244, 20:245n

Peter (J. Chamberlain’s slave), 4:15

Peter (J. B. Couch’s slave)

  • and lost trunk, 1:346, 1:347, 1:348

Peter (F. Smith’s slave), 6:378

Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1770). See Hemmings, Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1770)

Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1815). See Fossett, Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

Peter I (“the Great”), emperor of Russia

  • works on, 17:138, 17:447

Peter I, king of Portugal

  • crowns I. de Castro, 9:326, 9:328n

Peter III, emperor of Russia

  • and Catherine II (“the Great”), 19:357

Peter II, king of Aragon

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:66

Peter, George, 3:324

Peter, Saint

  • painting of, 8:238, 20:155, 20:157n

Peter & John Dollond (London firm)

  • and portable thermometer, 10:xlvii
  • TJ purchases telescope from, 4:237, 4:238n

“Peter Porcupine.” See Cobbett, William

Peters, Richard

  • Agricultural Enquiries on Plaister of Paris, 11:165
  • agricultural pursuits of, 9:598
  • A Discourse on Agriculture, 9:538, 9:540n, 9:600
  • and J. Hall’s agricultural improvements, 8:42
  • health of, 9:539, 9:598–9:599, 11:483
  • on history, 11:483–11:484
  • identified, 9:539–9:540n
  • as legal authority, 11:369
  • letter from accounted for, 11:215n
  • letters from, 9:598–9:601, 11:482–11:484
  • letters to, 9:538–9:540, 18:242
  • and plows, 9:599–9:600, 11:172, 11:482
  • “On Sheep-killing Dogs” , 4:161, 4:161n
  • as president of Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 1:133, 1:134n, 1:256+, 5:413, 9:600, 10:526, 10:527n, 11:172, 11:482, 18:242
  • on sheep, 1:477, 2:380, 11:347, 11:348n

Petersburg, Va.

  • banks in, 8:19, 10:74, 12:139–12:140
  • boat carriage to Richmond, 15:554
  • fire in, 10:404, 10:404n, 12:42
  • markets in, 3:102, 3:104
  • militia of, 19:679, 19:680n, 19:692
  • paper produced in, 1:489
  • schools in, 6:269, 6:332, 6:334–6:335, 7:89, 12:42
  • and state university for Va., 13:189
  • unhealthy environment of, 8:609
  • and War of 1812, 7:670, 7:697–7:698, 12:42

Petersburg Academy, 12:42n, 18:649

Petersburg Daily Courier (newspaper), 18:649, 18:650

Petersburg Intelligencer (newspaper), 18:132n, 18:133n, 18:133, 18:133n, 19:693n

Petersburg Republican (newspaper), 12:41–12:42

Petersburg Volunteers

  • TJ meets, 19:680n

Peter’s Letters to His Kinsfolk (J. G. Lockhart), 19:608, 19:608n, 19:625, 20:63–20:64

Peter’s Mountain (Southwest Mountains)

  • altitude of, 9:316
  • surveying of, 9:687
  • TJ hunts on, 4:671

Peter the Hermit

  • J. Adams on, 5:12, 5:13n

Peticolas, Edward F.

  • as artist, 20:127n

Peticolas, Jane Pitford Braddick

  • visits Monticello, 15:48n

Petigru, James Louis

  • and South Carolina College, 20:356, 20:358n

Petit, Adrien

  • as TJ’s servant, 14:li

Petit, Louis

  • family of, 18:554–18:555
  • letter from, 18:554–18:555
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 18:555

Petit, Louis Michel

  • as medalist, 19:liv

The Petition of Daniel Pettibone, to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States (D. Pettibone), 13:409, 13:409n

Petit’s Gap, Va.

  • on route to Natural Bridge, 8:697, 8:697n, 9:27, 9:35, 11:623

Petronius (Titus Petronius Niger)

  • Satyricon, 19:620, 19:621n

Pettibone, Daniel

  • identified, 13:409n
  • letters from, 13:408–13:409, 13:409
  • patents of, 13:408, 13:409n, 13:409, 13:409n
  • The Petition of Daniel Pettibone, to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, 13:409, 13:409n

petticoats, 11:450, 12:257

Pettigrew, Ebenezer

  • and scuppernong wine, 11:238, 11:293+, 11:295–11:296, 11:300, 19:115

Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, 18:655

Pettigrue, Theophilus

  • identified, 14:598n
  • letter from, 14:597–14:598
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia , 14:597

Pettit, Andrew, 14:442

Pettit, Charles, 14:442

Petty, Sir William

  • economic theory of, 6:593

Peuchet, Jacques

  • Statistique élémentaire de la France, 4:325–4:326, 4:326n, 5:436, 7:90

Peyrard, François

  • edits Cours de Mathématiques, à l’usage de la Marine et de l’Artillerie (É. Bézout), 10:235
  • translates Les Élémens de Géométrie d’Euclide (Euclid), 11:295, 11:297, 11:338, 11:352, 11:395, 11:397
  • translates Œuvres d’Archimède (Archimedes), 11:127, 11:152, 11:175, 11:193, 11:295, 11:297, 11:395, 17:536

La Peyrouse (Kotzebue), 4:269, 4:274n

Peysson, Jean Claude Anthelme

  • Histoire de la fièvre jaune qui fut observée parmi les troupes françaises, en Espagne, en 1812, 10:147n
  • treats yellow fever victims, 10:135

Peyton, Mr.

  • and Central College, 12:137

Peyton, Bernard See also Green & Peyton (Richmond firm)

  • account with TJ, 16:131, 16:141, 16:141n, 16:526–16:527, 16:594, 16:597, 16:598, 16:626, 17:15–17:16, 17:130, 17:144, 17:152, 17:174, 17:217, 17:223, 17:224–17:225, 17:256, 17:258, 17:258n, 17:259, 17:396–17:397, 17:531–17:532, 17:543, 17:553, 17:599, 18:19, 18:52, 18:118, 18:131, 18:131n, 18:163, 18:169–18:170, 18:187, 18:187, 18:222, 18:319–18:320, 18:330, 18:374, 18:436, 18:485, 18:504, 18:512, 18:531, 18:582, 18:586, 18:597–18:598, 18:602, 18:609, 18:621, 19:31, 19:38, 19:38n, 19:69, 19:132, 19:133, 19:152, 19:275, 19:367, 19:371, 19:503, 19:658–19:659, 19:695, 19:713, 20:188, 20:252, 20:382, 20:405, 20:412, 20:413, 20:413, 20:446, 20:461, 20:465–20:466, 20:472, 20:528, 20:528, 20:531, 20:576, 20:584, 20:621, 20:621–20:622
  • as adjutant general of Va., 17:83, 17:83n
  • and books for TJ, 17:218, 17:221, 17:224, 17:250, 17:291, 17:411, 18:71, 18:118, 18:120, 18:169, 18:170, 18:179, 18:194, 18:203, 18:203, 18:214, 18:222, 18:235, 18:250–18:251, 18:258, 18:298, 18:329, 18:349, 18:358, 18:375, 18:447, 18:447n, 18:471, 18:491, 18:504, 18:530, 18:601, 18:619, 19:31, 19:478, 19:483, 19:493, 19:687
  • and P. Cardelli’s busts, 18:299
  • and Central College, 15:93, 15:94
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 13:98, 15:88, 17:620, 19:46
  • and W. J. Coffee’s paintings, 16:245, 16:249
  • and corks for TJ, 14:37, 14:166–14:167, 14:175, 15:353, 18:245, 18:258, 19:385, 19:385n, 19:394, 20:551, 20:563
  • and correspondence for T. M. Randolph, 11:183, 11:204, 14:14–14:15
  • and currency for TJ, 16:122, 16:141, 16:152
  • and draft on Thomas Leiper & Son, 18:341, 18:343n, 18:349, 18:350, 18:352, 18:353, 18:357, 18:360–18:361
  • family of, 13:98, 16:170–16:171, 18:655
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:37
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:593
  • and fish for TJ, 14:542, 14:573, 17:211, 17:223, 17:223–17:224, 18:487, 18:491, 18:504, 18:512, 18:522, 18:530, 18:531, 20:22, 20:36, 20:44, 20:55, 20:112, 20:120
  • and flour for TJ’s friends, 15:487, 15:488n, 15:527–15:528
  • forwards goods for TJ, 12:481, 12:516, 12:528, 13:98, 13:140, 13:140n, 13:305, 13:326, 13:474, 14:222, 14:267, 14:273, 14:298, 14:351, 14:384, 14:434, 14:439, 14:447, 14:455, 14:467, 14:476, 14:493, 14:561, 14:570, 14:573, 14:576, 15:64, 15:108, 15:154, 15:181–15:182, 15:204, 16:375, 16:401, 16:597, 16:639, 17:3, 17:4, 17:110–17:111, 17:153, 17:386, 17:396, 17:552, 17:552n, 18:131, 19:24, 19:476–19:477, 19:477, 19:483–19:484, 19:568, 19:611, 20:40, 20:461, 20:471, 20:503, 20:549, 20:563, 20:607
  • forwards letters for TJ, 16:526, 17:150, 17:152, 17:200, 17:202, 18:456n
  • forwards letters to TJ, 12:208n
  • and goods for TJ, 8:12, 9:371, 9:371, 9:418, 11:193, 11:204, 11:260, 12:167, 12:182, 12:194, 12:261, 12:291, 12:372, 12:389, 12:516, 12:523–12:524, 12:527, 12:528, 12:543, 12:546–12:547, 12:550–12:551, 12:646, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:93, 13:99–13:100, 13:109, 13:143, 13:312, 13:314–13:315, 13:325, 13:349, 13:363, 13:530, 13:542, 13:557, 13:561, 13:588, 13:594, 13:616–13:617, 14:6, 14:37, 14:146, 14:175, 14:193, 14:215, 14:266, 14:267, 14:270, 14:286, 14:295, 14:366, 14:542, 14:573, 14:593, 15:20, 15:45, 15:46, 15:72, 15:108, 15:129, 15:155n, 15:174, 15:318, 15:334, 15:353, 15:488–15:489, 15:524, 15:554, 15:606, 16:41, 16:126–16:127, 16:131, 16:140, 16:223, 16:270, 16:270, 16:274, 16:274, 16:323, 16:326, 16:326, 16:328, 16:341, 16:366, 16:367, 16:375, 16:376, 16:389, 16:401, 16:416, 16:626, 16:639, 16:640n, 17:17, 17:19, 17:19, 17:46, 17:47, 17:95, 17:109, 17:112, 17:113, 17:151, 17:159n, 17:176, 17:178, 17:195, 17:200, 17:202, 17:243, 17:277, 17:281, 17:281, 17:303, 17:385, 17:485, 17:497, 17:612, 18:39, 18:118, 18:212, 18:214, 18:235, 18:244, 18:258, 18:298, 18:309, 18:310, 18:327, 18:330, 18:332, 18:382, 18:402, 18:411, 18:435, 18:471, 18:474, 18:484, 18:491, 18:492, 18:504, 18:512, 18:530, 18:535, 18:535, 18:586, 18:597, 18:609, 18:621, 19:38, 19:78, 19:78n, 19:78, 19:85, 19:103, 19:114, 19:137, 19:276, 19:367, 19:371, 19:394, 20:22, 20:36, 20:44, 20:55, 20:82, 20:106, 20:112, 20:120, 20:127, 20:171, 20:189, 20:264–20:265, 20:265, 20:314, 20:327, 20:496, 20:503, 20:507, 20:516, 20:531, 20:548, 20:563, 20:571, 20:607
  • on J. W. Green, 18:598
  • and gypsum for TJ, 9:542, 9:581–9:582, 9:582, 9:602–9:603, 9:603, 12:167, 12:167, 12:182, 13:582, 13:588, 13:594
  • health of, 18:504, 20:127
  • identified, 6:51–6:52n
  • introduced by I. A. Coles, 6:51, 6:52n
  • introduced by TJ, 12:42–12:43, 12:44, 16:183, 16:191, 16:192
  • introduces C. Bias, 18:364
  • introduces B. Beaven, 13:99
  • introduces D. Campbell (1779–1859) and M. H. Campbell, 20:571, 20:571–20:572
  • introduces J. Campbell (ca. 1788–1866), 18:603, 20:571, 20:571–20:572
  • and introductions for W. C. Preston, 11:183–11:184, 11:199–11:200, 11:204, 11:261
  • and lease of Lego and Tufton, 12:304n
  • letter from, to Charles C. Watson & Sons, 18:350–18:351
  • letters from, 9:418–9:419, 9:581–9:582, 9:602–9:603, 10:448, 11:183–11:184, 11:204, 11:260–11:261, 12:53, 12:182, 12:208n, 12:261, 12:516, 12:528, 12:543, 12:550–12:551, 13:93, 13:97–13:98, 13:99, 13:140, 13:143, 13:325–13:326, 13:349, 13:542, 13:594, 14:37, 14:175, 14:267, 14:270, 14:366–14:367, 14:447, 14:573–14:574, 15:19–15:20, 15:46, 15:64–15:65, 15:108, 16:3, 16:41, 16:130–16:131, 16:140, 16:141, 16:170–16:171, 16:326–16:327, 16:341, 16:367, 16:375–16:376, 16:389–16:390, 16:416, 16:436, 16:526, 16:597–16:598, 16:622–16:623, 16:639–16:640, 17:3, 17:4, 17:36–17:37, 17:47, 17:82–17:83, 17:95, 17:110–17:111, 17:112–17:113, 17:129, 17:144, 17:151–17:152, 17:153, 17:173–17:174, 17:189–17:190, 17:195, 17:202, 17:220–17:221, 17:223, 17:223–17:224, 17:242–17:243, 17:250, 17:256–17:257, 17:258, 17:263, 17:284–17:285, 17:386–17:387, 17:396, 17:416, 17:542–17:543, 17:552, 17:598, 18:52, 18:118, 18:131, 18:179, 18:187, 18:222–18:223, 18:244–18:245, 18:258, 18:298, 18:309–18:310, 18:330, 18:332, 18:349–18:350, 18:357, 18:364, 18:389–18:390, 18:434–18:435, 18:483–18:484, 18:491, 18:504, 18:512–18:513, 18:522, 18:530, 18:581, 18:597–18:598, 18:601, 18:603, 18:621, 19:30–19:31, 19:32–19:33, 19:38, 19:69, 19:78–19:79, 19:91–19:92, 19:132–19:133, 19:143–19:144, 19:151, 19:227–19:228, 19:232, 19:256, 19:275, 19:371, 19:385, 19:394, 19:464–19:465, 19:483–19:484, 19:493, 19:503, 19:585, 19:611, 19:684–19:685, 19:712–19:713, 20:29, 20:36, 20:44, 20:54–20:55, 20:82, 20:106, 20:120, 20:127, 20:168–20:169, 20:188–20:189, 20:264–20:265, 20:309, 20:327–20:328, 20:405, 20:413, 20:445, 20:465–20:466, 20:471, 20:503, 20:507, 20:516–20:517, 20:528, 20:548–20:549, 20:563–20:564, 20:571, 20:571–20:572, 20:583–20:584, 20:607, 20:621
  • letters from accounted for, 14:447n, 15:108n, 15:245n, 15:261n, 15:472n, 15:528n, 15:594n, 15:597n, 15:602n, 18:131n, 18:320n, 18:320n, 19:275n, 19:465n, 19:611n, 19:695n, 20:55n
  • letters to, 7:356, 9:371–9:372, 9:542–9:543, 10:472, 11:193, 11:199–11:200, 12:167–12:168, 12:194, 12:481–12:482, 12:523–12:524, 12:546–12:547, 13:92, 13:109–13:110, 13:314–13:315, 13:588, 14:166–14:167, 14:542, 15:45, 15:49–15:50, 15:71–15:72, 15:203–15:204, 15:244–15:245, 15:260–15:261, 15:334, 15:353, 15:472, 15:487–15:488, 15:527–15:528, 16:122, 16:126–16:127, 16:139, 16:152–16:153, 16:192, 16:249, 16:270, 16:364–16:365, 16:366, 16:376, 16:401, 16:413, 16:594, 16:626, 17:15–17:17, 17:46–17:47, 17:67–17:68, 17:86, 17:113, 17:128–17:129, 17:143–17:144, 17:176, 17:181, 17:191, 17:199, 17:200, 17:211–17:212, 17:217–17:218, 17:259, 17:269–17:270, 17:281–17:282, 17:531–17:532, 17:579, 17:588–17:589, 18:19, 18:117–18:118, 18:169–18:170, 18:214, 18:235, 18:245, 18:319–18:320, 18:353, 18:374–18:375, 18:402, 18:458–18:459, 18:474–18:475, 18:487, 18:504, 18:586, 18:586, 18:609, 18:612, 18:623, 19:25, 19:37–19:38, 19:65, 19:85, 19:110, 19:137, 19:227, 19:367, 19:476–19:477, 19:478, 19:550, 19:561, 19:594, 19:671, 20:22, 20:47, 20:67, 20:112, 20:116, 20:252–20:253, 20:314, 20:382–20:383, 20:412–20:413, 20:461, 20:496, 20:522, 20:530–20:531, 20:548, 20:551, 20:576–20:577, 20:626
  • letters to accounted for, 11:184n, 11:261n, 12:53n, 13:349n, 16:3n, 16:367n, 16:526n, 17:218n, 17:396n, 18:343n, 18:350n, 19:385n, 19:493n, 19:503n, 20:169n, 20:564n
  • letter to, from W. Nekervis, 18:298–18:299
  • marriage of, 12:53
  • as merchant, 9:370–9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 9:541, 9:542, 9:581–9:582, 9:602–9:603, 10:448, 10:472, 12:30, 12:53, 12:148, 12:477, 13:618, 14:328–14:329, 15:71, 16:170–16:171, 17:487, 19:31, 19:464, 19:503
  • and nail-rod for TJ, 16:594, 16:597, 17:143–17:144, 17:152, 17:221, 18:487, 18:491, 18:512, 18:522, 18:522, 18:530, 18:531, 18:612, 18:621, 19:594, 20:22, 20:36, 20:116, 20:127, 20:168, 20:309
  • and “A Native of Virginia”, 19:32, 19:91–19:92, 19:256, 19:256n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:640, 15:19–15:20, 15:64, 15:65n
  • payments made for TJ, 11:20, 11:573n, 11:573n, 13:109, 16:120, 16:122, 16:123, 16:123, 16:130, 16:134, 16:139, 16:141, 16:152, 16:170, 16:177, 16:293, 16:358, 16:358, 16:359n, 16:361, 16:363, 16:364, 16:366, 16:366n, 16:367, 16:370, 16:375, 16:376, 16:389–16:390, 16:393, 16:401, 16:409, 16:413, 16:414, 16:416, 16:436, 16:501, 16:526, 16:526n, 16:594, 16:594n, 16:597, 16:597, 16:598, 16:605, 16:640n, 17:3, 17:10, 17:18n, 17:21, 17:22, 17:22, 17:22, 17:36, 17:36, 17:40, 17:46, 17:46, 17:47, 17:59, 17:83, 17:113, 17:113, 17:114, 17:117, 17:122, 17:128–17:129, 17:129, 17:130, 17:143, 17:144, 17:147, 17:149, 17:151–17:152, 17:152, 17:152n, 17:176, 17:178, 17:180, 17:181, 17:189, 17:195, 17:199, 17:200, 17:202, 17:206, 17:211, 17:212n, 17:217, 17:218, 17:220, 17:232, 17:233, 17:260, 17:271, 17:285–17:286, 17:416, 17:487, 17:487, 17:542, 17:579, 17:588, 17:588, 17:588, 17:589n, 17:598, 18:19, 18:46, 18:52, 18:52, 18:113, 18:115, 18:118, 18:131, 18:131, 18:164, 18:169, 18:169, 18:169–18:170, 18:170, 18:179, 18:179, 18:183, 18:194, 18:235, 18:250, 18:298, 18:330, 18:341, 18:343, 18:349, 18:353, 18:360, 18:375, 18:389, 18:402, 18:402–18:403, 18:403, 18:403, 18:404–18:405, 18:407, 18:434, 18:441, 18:446, 18:446, 18:447, 18:458, 18:458, 18:461, 18:462, 18:462, 18:474, 18:483–18:484, 18:485, 18:487, 18:487, 18:488, 18:491, 18:494, 18:504, 18:504, 18:510, 18:512, 18:512, 18:529, 18:583, 18:583, 18:586, 18:597, 18:609, 18:621, 18:623, 18:624, 18:624n, 19:25, 19:32, 19:38, 19:65, 19:72, 19:79, 19:91, 19:110, 19:110, 19:132, 19:135–19:136, 19:136, 19:137, 19:143, 19:146, 19:151, 19:154, 19:154, 19:154, 19:162, 19:163, 19:193, 19:224, 19:227, 19:232, 19:255, 19:256, 19:271, 19:477, 19:478, 19:483, 19:488, 19:491, 19:550, 19:561, 19:594, 19:671, 19:671, 19:672, 19:681, 19:684–19:685, 19:685, 19:687, 20:21, 20:22, 20:22, 20:36, 20:44, 20:44, 20:46, 20:47, 20:54, 20:57, 20:67, 20:67, 20:82, 20:108, 20:116, 20:134, 20:135, 20:145, 20:168, 20:172n, 20:252, 20:265, 20:314, 20:327, 20:327, 20:382, 20:383n, 20:405, 20:459, 20:461, 20:465, 20:471, 20:478, 20:483, 20:496, 20:496, 20:503, 20:516, 20:529, 20:530, 20:548, 20:561, 20:576
  • and payments to TJ, 16:122, 16:270, 16:274, 16:333, 16:341, 16:349, 16:367, 17:129n, 17:179, 18:80, 18:117–18:118, 18:179, 18:214, 18:298, 18:309, 18:353, 18:361
  • plans to visit Monticello, 17:416, 18:258, 18:598, 18:612, 18:621, 20:120
  • plans to visit Poplar Forest, 14:573, 14:593
  • portrait of, 17:liv–17:lv, 17:392 (illus.)
  • as T. J. Randolph’s agent, 16:248, 16:572, 17:302–17:303, 18:436, 19:483
  • and T. J. Randolph’s loan from Va. Literary Fund, 18:389, 18:402, 18:434
  • as T. M. Randolph’s agent, 18:436
  • relationship with TJ, 17:liv–17:lv
  • and sale of TJ’s Pouncey’s tract, 16:130, 16:138, 16:139, 16:141
  • as secretary of Va. Board of Public Works, 19:23n, 19:317, 19:317n
  • seeks Richmond postmastership, 16:140, 16:152, 16:170, 20:516–20:517, 20:520–20:521, 20:521n, 20:522, 20:528, 20:564, 20:606, 20:626
  • and slater for Central College, 13:92, 13:97–13:98
  • and G. Stuart’s portraits of TJ, 16:192, 16:389–16:390
  • as surety for J. Preston, 16:436, 17:37, 17:37n, 17:256–17:257, 17:258, 17:258n, 17:269–17:270, 17:270n, 17:284–17:285, 18:52, 18:52n, 19:371, 20:405
  • TJ deeds Bedford Co. land to, 15:30–15:31, 15:36–15:38, 15:38n, 15:173, 15:196–15:197, 15:225, 15:226n, 15:246, 15:261, 15:261n, 15:282, 15:291
  • TJ invites to dine, 7:356
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 10:472
  • TJ recommends, 15:206–15:207, 15:244, 15:260, 20:520–20:521, 20:521n, 20:528
  • and TJ’s bank notes, 17:86, 17:110, 17:256, 17:258, 18:19, 18:52, 18:222, 18:235, 18:244, 18:310, 18:319–18:320, 18:402, 18:474, 18:483, 18:586, 18:597, 19:69, 19:85, 19:85, 19:85n, 19:91, 19:256, 19:275, 19:275n, 19:464, 19:476, 19:478, 19:561, 20:47, 20:112, 20:120, 20:309, 20:383, 20:531, 20:564, 20:568n, 20:570–20:571
  • and TJ’s flour, 12:645, 13:285, 16:249, 16:270, 16:401, 16:413, 16:416, 16:436, 16:526, 16:526–16:527, 16:594, 17:68, 17:111, 17:129, 17:130, 17:143, 17:152, 17:173, 17:174, 17:174n, 17:176, 17:181, 17:191, 17:199, 17:202, 17:211, 17:217, 17:223, 17:224, 17:259, 17:396, 17:396–17:397, 17:531–17:532, 17:542, 17:543, 17:552, 17:553, 17:579, 17:588, 17:588, 17:598, 17:599, 18:19, 18:52, 18:52–18:53, 18:117, 18:131, 18:179, 18:187, 18:187, 18:609, 18:623, 19:38, 19:91, 19:110, 19:132, 19:133, 19:137, 19:144, 19:151, 19:152, 20:252, 20:314, 20:382–20:383, 20:405, 20:412, 20:413, 20:413, 20:445, 20:446, 20:461, 20:466, 20:471, 20:472, 20:516, 20:528, 20:528, 20:531, 20:563, 20:576, 20:583–20:584, 20:621, 20:621
  • and TJ’s health, 15:46, 19:227, 20:82, 20:120
  • and TJ’s loan from Bank of Virginia, 16:139, 16:141, 17:190, 17:191, 17:195, 17:242–17:243, 17:259, 17:259n, 17:263, 17:282, 17:284, 17:396, 17:532, 17:542, 18:330, 18:374, 18:586, 18:597–18:598, 19:32, 19:585, 20:189, 20:265, 20:568
  • and TJ’s loan from Farmers’ Bank of Virginia, 15:20, 15:20, 15:45, 15:49–15:50, 15:64, 15:203–15:204, 15:334, 15:426, 15:470, 15:472, 16:3, 16:126, 16:130, 16:131, 16:139, 16:141, 16:249, 16:270, 16:274, 16:326, 16:326–16:327, 16:413n, 16:436, 16:594, 16:594n, 16:597, 16:622–16:623, 16:639–16:640, 17:3, 17:15–17:16, 17:36–17:37, 17:46, 17:67–17:68, 17:68n, 17:82–17:83, 17:242–17:243, 17:258, 17:259, 17:259n, 17:263, 17:271, 17:272, 17:273, 17:274n, 17:274n, 17:281–17:282, 17:284, 17:396, 17:532, 17:542, 18:298, 18:298–18:299, 18:330, 18:374, 18:389, 18:389, 18:504, 18:621, 19:30, 19:32, 19:32n, 19:37, 19:585, 19:611n, 20:29
  • and TJ’s loan from Second Bank of U.S., 16:126, 16:127, 16:130, 16:131, 16:139, 16:141, 16:249, 16:326–16:327, 16:413n, 16:594, 16:594n, 16:597, 17:47, 17:242–17:243, 17:259, 17:259n, 17:263, 17:282, 17:284, 17:396, 17:532, 17:542, 19:32, 19:585
  • and TJ’s tobacco, 15:260–15:261, 15:334, 17:181, 17:191, 17:197, 17:207, 17:211, 17:221, 17:223, 17:224, 18:319–18:320, 18:402, 18:435, 18:491, 18:581, 18:582, 18:586, 18:597, 18:601, 18:602, 18:609, 18:623, 19:550, 19:594, 19:658–19:659, 19:685, 19:695, 19:712–19:713, 20:47, 20:55, 20:168, 20:189, 20:253, 20:516
  • travels of, 16:170–16:171, 16:183, 16:183, 16:191
  • and University of Virginia, 13:143, 13:594, 14:214, 14:243–14:244, 16:311, 17:120, 17:128–17:129, 17:132, 17:144, 17:152, 17:222, 17:630, 17:631, 17:642, 18:374, 18:455, 18:483, 18:484, 18:485, 18:623, 19:51, 19:54, 19:54, 19:57, 19:184, 19:213, 19:227, 19:227, 19:232, 19:239, 19:256, 19:274, 19:294, 19:294, 19:367, 19:371, 19:684, 20:14n, 20:14–20:15, 20:29, 20:31, 20:69, 20:179, 20:203, 20:224, 20:227, 20:230, 20:234, 20:238, 20:311, 20:312, 20:314, 20:314, 20:327, 20:418, 20:556
  • visits Monticello, 14:593–14:594, 18:310
  • and wine for TJ, 17:189, 17:199, 17:202, 17:243, 18:118, 18:118, 19:151, 19:228, 19:256, 19:275, 19:307, 19:367, 19:371, 19:385, 19:394, 19:476–19:477, 19:483, 19:572, 19:611, 19:640, 20:41, 20:116, 20:127, 20:135, 20:188
  • and wine for TJ’s friends, 12:42–12:43, 12:44, 12:53, 13:302, 13:314, 13:325, 13:349, 13:372

Peyton, Craven

  • account with TJ, 1:470, 5:346, 5:420n, 5:421, 5:422–5:424, 5:426–5:428, 6:372, 6:544, 11:56–11:57, 11:58, 11:58, 11:263, 12:645, 13:430, 13:437, 15:283, 15:283, 15:457, 16:358, 16:358, 16:366, 16:604–16:605, 16:605, 16:649, 17:16, 17:22, 17:22, 17:59, 17:412, 17:487, 17:487, 17:488, 17:491, 17:491
  • and cabbage for TJ, 20:573
  • and Central College subscription, 11:327n, 11:485, 11:485n, 11:486
  • and clover seed, 4:548, 4:557
  • and conveyance from C. L. Lewis, 7:535
  • conveys Henderson lands to TJ, 1:415n, 1:439–1:441, 1:453–1:454, 1:459–1:463, 6:198
  • and corn for TJ, 5:419, 5:425, 6:553, 7:225, 7:231, 9:152n, 11:214, 11:214, 12:54, 15:60, 17:59, 17:487
  • declaration concerning Henderson lands by TJ, 1:463
  • deed to from J. Henderson, 7:352, 7:352–7:353, 10:624, 10:624, 11:5, 11:5n
  • Deposition in Jefferson v. Michie, 7:672–7:675
  • dispute with Lewis family, 11:478, 11:478n, 11:479, 11:479n, 11:485, 11:486, 11:514–11:520, 11:520n, 11:520–11:521n, 11:538, 11:538–11:539, 11:542, 13:284
  • family of, 11:58, 11:478, 11:479, 12:54, 17:413
  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:17
  • finances of, 20:161
  • and R. Grady, 3:625
  • grinds wheat, 1:109
  • and handles for TJ’s carriage, 7:360
  • and Henderson case, 1:415–1:416, 1:453–1:454, 3:594–3:595, 3:617–3:618, 4:401–4:402, 5:138–5:140, 5:147, 5:149–5:150, 5:157, 5:158–5:159, 5:193–5:196, 5:198n, 5:224, 5:275n, 5:364, 5:419–5:420, 5:651, 5:651n, 6:50–6:51, 6:78, 6:78, 6:79, 6:153, 6:196, 6:197, 6:197, 6:198, 6:198, 6:200, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:315, 6:315, 6:316, 6:367, 6:472–6:473, 6:475, 6:475, 6:572, 6:573, 6:609–6:610, 6:611n, 7:117, 7:117, 7:118, 7:118n, 7:118–7:119, 7:351–7:352, 7:352–7:353, 7:677, 8:692–8:693, 8:693n, 10:621, 10:624, 10:624, 11:5, 11:15, 11:17, 11:19, 11:56–11:57, 11:58, 11:263
  • identified, 1:415n
  • Jefferson v. Michie, 5:149–5:150, 5:157, 5:158–5:159, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:477, 6:477, 6:478, 6:478, 6:479, 6:480, 6:480, 6:481–6:482n, 7:597, 7:634–7:635, 7:672–7:674, 9:3, 9:52–9:53, 11:209–11:210, 11:212–11:213
  • and lawsuit against I. R. Jefferson, 8:258, 8:258n
  • and lease of TJ’s land, 2:132, 2:133n
  • letter from to A. L. Duncan, 2:119
  • letter mistakenly addressed to, 16:375
  • letters from, 1:415–1:416, 1:454, 10:624, 11:5, 11:58, 11:58, 11:214, 11:478, 11:479, 11:486, 11:538–11:539, 11:560, 12:54, 12:542, 13:284, 13:430, 15:60, 15:116, 15:207, 15:283, 16:358, 16:604–16:605, 17:59, 17:413, 17:487, 17:491–17:492, 20:161
  • letters from accounted for, 2:133n, 3:243n, 4:641n, 5:346n, 6:367n, 6:372n, 7:118n, 7:352n, 7:535n, 7:675n, 9:483–9:484n, 13:430n, 13:437n, 14:37n
  • letters to, 1:439–1:441, 1:453–1:454, 1:470, 2:132–2:133, 3:242–3:243, 3:617–3:618, 5:346, 5:351, 5:419–5:420, 6:50–6:51, 6:367, 6:372, 7:351–7:352, 7:360, 7:535, 7:634–7:635, 10:624, 11:56–11:57, 11:214, 11:263, 11:379, 11:485, 11:514–11:521, 11:538, 11:542, 12:543, 13:437, 15:116–15:117, 15:207–15:208, 15:283, 15:457–15:458, 16:358, 16:605, 17:22, 17:412, 17:488, 20:573
  • letters to accounted for, 5:346n, 5:420n, 11:5n, 13:430n
  • letter to from B. H. Henderson, 3:594–3:595
  • and A. S. Marks, 16:605, 17:59, 17:412, 17:412, 17:413, 17:488, 17:491–17:492, 18:501
  • offers to buy horse from TJ, 15:116, 15:117
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 2:117, 2:119, 2:255, 2:383, 2:482, 3:59–3:60, 3:186, 3:480, 3:481, 3:648, 4:640–4:641, 4:641–4:642, 5:350, 5:351, 5:409
  • and pork, 15:207, 15:207, 17:487
  • and proposed duel with D. Michie, 5:150, 5:158–5:159, 6:479
  • and T. E. Randolph, 1:470, 3:334, 3:522
  • and T. J. Randolph, 14:37n, 17:487
  • relationship with TJ, 17:492
  • requests TJ’s help repairing gig, 20:161
  • settles account for TJ, 9:482, 9:483
  • and shoemaker for TJ, 2:132, 2:132
  • slaves of, 3:90, 3:91, 3:93n, 3:242–3:243, 12:542, 13:430, 15:116, 15:116–15:117, 15:283
  • TJ invites to dine, 11:379
  • TJ makes payment for, 7:708, 8:652n
  • TJ pays, 17:487n, 17:505, 17:505n
  • TJ sends seeds to, 20:573
  • and TJ’s Shadwell mills, 12:542, 12:543
  • and visitors to Monticello, 11:560

Peyton, Harrison, 1:462, 2:119

Peyton, Jane Jefferson Lewis (TJ’s niece; Craven Peyton’s wife)

  • conveys Henderson lands to TJ, 1:441, 1:459–1:463
  • dispute with Lewis family, 11:514, 11:516, 11:516, 11:520n
  • family of, 1:415n
  • identified, 1:463n

Peyton, John

  • estate of, 2:117, 2:118, 2:119, 2:254, 2:255, 2:383, 2:482, 2:495, 3:59–3:60, 3:149, 3:186, 3:480, 3:481, 3:648–3:649, 4:48, 4:640–4:641, 4:641–4:642, 5:314, 5:351, 5:383
  • identified, 2:118–2:119n
  • Milton postmaster, 1:506n
  • receipt for effects of, 2:118–2:119
  • shoemaker employed by, 2:132, 2:132, 2:133n

Peyton, John Green

  • education of, 13:594

Peyton, John Howe

  • as attorney, 11:538–11:539
  • identified, 11:64n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 11:xlviii, 11:64, 11:68, 11:71, 11:121, 11:121, 14:399–14:401, 14:407, 14:422–14:423, 14:436, 14:436, 14:485, 14:493, 14:501, 14:514, 14:540–14:541, 15:153, 15:226–15:227, 15:289–15:290, 15:347, 15:416, 17:129n
  • letters from, 11:121, 14:540–14:541, 15:153, 15:226–15:228, 15:416–15:417
  • letters to, 11:64, 14:399–14:401, 14:422–14:423, 14:485, 15:289–15:290, 15:347, 18:655
  • and packet for I. Miller, 18:655
  • and TJ’s coffee, 20:264, 20:265n, 20:314, 20:327
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:426, 16:648, 17:129n

Peyton, Julia Amanda Green (Bernard Peyton’s wife)

  • plans to visit Monticello, 18:621
  • sends greetings to TJ, 12:53

Peyton, Robert

  • identified, 2:119n
  • letter from to A. L. Duncan, 2:119
  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 2:117, 2:118, 2:119, 2:254, 2:255, 2:383, 2:482, 2:495, 3:59–3:60, 3:149, 3:186, 3:480, 3:481, 4:640, 4:641n, 4:641–4:642, 5:314, 5:383

Peyton, Susanna Smith Madison (John H. Peyton’s wife), 14:493

Peyton, Valentine

  • and University of Virginia, 17:628, 17:639

Peyton v. Henderson

  • court costs in, 6:338n
  • and H. Dance, 5:224
  • decision in, 4:401–4:402, 5:149, 6:473, 6:477, 6:477–6:478, 6:480, 6:572
  • depositions in, 6:200, 6:479, 6:480, 6:572, 6:609, 7:117, 7:672–7:675, 7:676–7:678, 8:692–8:693, 8:693n
  • and J. Henderson, 5:138–5:141, 5:224, 5:260–5:261, 6:153, 6:197, 6:472–6:473, 6:475
  • C. Peyton on, 5:261
  • TJ on C. Peyton’s role in, 6:572

Phædri Augusti Cæsaris Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque (Phaedrus; ed. P. Danet), 14:511

Phaedrus (ancient Roman fabulist)

  • Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque (ed. N. Bailey), 19:669, 19:696
  • Phædri Augusti Cæsaris Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque (ed. P. Danet), 14:511
  • works of, 20:364

Phaëthon (mythological character), 12:426


  • of E. Randolph, 4:231–4:232n
  • taxes on, 7:xlv

Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts Medical Society, 1:35

pharmacy See also medicine

  • collegiate education in, 13:197, 13:217, 15:124n, 15:307, 17:236
  • study of, 7:639, 7:639, 7:639, 7:640, 12:647
  • TJ on, 13:312, 15:182–15:183

Pharsalia (Lucan), 4:503, 4:506n, 17:36

Phelps, Hugh, 18:161

Phelps, Jefferson

  • identified, 18:161–18:162n
  • letter from, 18:161–18:162
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 18:161

Phi Beta Kappa Society, 14:306, 14:307n, 14:433–14:434, 16:585, 16:586n, 16:606

Phidias (Greek sculptor), 10:589, 11:114, 11:114n, 19:501, 19:502n

Phifer, John, 14:450


  • Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 12:505, 13:52–13:53, 14:186–14:187n, 17:88
  • American Sentinel, 19:330, 19:330, 19:332n, 19:334
  • Athenæum of, 20:244
  • Aurora, 4:56, 4:174, 4:174n, 6:83, 6:83n, 6:510, 7:282, 7:527, 7:554, 7:564–7:565, 8:435, 8:436n, 8:468, 8:469n, 10:79, 10:536, 10:652n, 11:13, 11:455, 11:456, 11:604, 11:648, 11:648n, 12:370n, 13:475, 15:307, 15:325, 15:342
  • banks, 1:458, 2:117, 6:649, 15:349n, 15:394
  • J. Barnes describes visit to, 7:470–7:471
  • Birch & Small (publishers), 1:18, 1:19n, 1:172n
  • builders’ prices in, 8:86, 12:157, 12:159, 12:196, 12:262, 12:264, 12:278, 12:278, 12:369, 12:397, 12:520, 13:539, 14:87, 14:119, 14:129, 14:138, 14:170, 14:173, 14:196n, 14:196n, 14:211, 14:212, 14:216, 14:385, 14:516, 14:520, 14:651, 14:651, 16:341, 17:24, 17:296, 17:298n, 19:433, 19:446, 19:447–19:448, 19:450, 20:174, 20:177n, 20:307, 20:432, 20:439
  • chamber of commerce, 20:587
  • Chestnut Street Theatre, 15:514, 15:515n
  • College of Physicians, 10:131–10:133
  • commerce at, 4:26
  • controversy over ownership of land in, 10:386, 10:387n, 10:406–10:407
  • Democratic Press, 8:5, 9:478, 9:480n, 13:383–13:384n, 14:125, 14:218, 15:301, 19:330, 19:330, 19:330, 19:332n, 19:334
  • directory, 6:220, 6:280, 7:286, 7:293n, 9:130
  • dogs taxed in, 1:68–1:69n
  • and domestic manufactures, 1:170–1:172, 8:284–8:285
  • and drinking water, 4:161n
  • fires in, 18:195, 18:196n
  • Francis’s Hotel, 4:537
  • Franklin Gazette, 12:307–12:308, 12:309–12:310, 12:370
  • French immigrants in, 10:490
  • French merchants in, 8:430
  • gardens in, 8:615, 8:640, 14:325
  • Gazette of the United States, 2:92, 2:93n
  • and Genet riots, 6:254
  • Hope’s Philadelphia Price-Current and Commercial Record, 8:307, 8:629, 8:632n
  • hospitals in, 20:83, 20:84
  • houses designed in, 4:63–4:64
  • Law Academy of Philadelphia, 17:141
  • lawyers, 2:432
  • libraries in, 18:189, 18:224
  • Linnean Society of, 1:663, 2:70
  • malaria in, 20:243
  • mayor’s office, 11:500
  • and medical education, 13:388, 18:20, 18:660, 19:169
  • merchants in, 8:19, 8:430
  • monument to G. Washington in, 15:561
  • National Gazette, 1:113n
  • National Gazette and Literary Register, 13:465n, 13:467n, 15:566n, 20:32
  • National Recorder, 15:373, 15:374n, 15:375n
  • newspapers in, 5:133, 5:133n, 6:83, 6:83n, 6:510, 6:599, 6:599n, 8:469, 8:621, 8:622n, 10:79, 10:536, 12:309, 12:310, 14:91, 14:216
  • Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 3:66n, 4:182, 5:166–5:167, 6:291, 7:262, 7:401, 7:443–7:444, 14:444
  • The Picture of Philadelphia (J. Mease), 3:51n
  • Political and Commercial Register, 2:284, 2:285n
  • port of
  • Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser, 3:95n, 3:577, 3:578n, 7:36, 7:37n, 7:104, 7:104, 7:105n, 9:709n, 14:125, 14:218
  • price of flour at, 3:518, 6:561
  • printers in, 3:189, 3:329–3:330, 3:449, 8:210
  • proposed book on, 18:628, 18:629n, 19:68
  • proposed relocation of U.S. capital to, 8:104, 8:104n
  • Relf’s Philadelphia Gazette, 7:299, 7:299n, 7:311, 8:532, 8:533n
  • religious zeal in, 10:262
  • reservoir and pumping station in, 8:81, 8:82n
  • scarlet fever outbreak in, 6:74
  • schools in, 12:508, 16:511, 20:596
  • science popular in, 2:375
  • and Society of Artists of the United States, 2:437, 3:624–3:625, 4:355–4:358, 4:398–4:400, 4:407, 4:459–4:460
  • and standards of weights, measures, and coinage, 4:228
  • statehouse in, 8:461, 10:203–10:204, 10:204n, 12:282, 12:283n, 19:107, 19:107–19:108, 19:108n
  • steam engines in, 8:81, 8:82n
  • TJ desires to visit, 18:246
  • TJ on, 20:143
  • Universal Gazette, 1:30n, 1:30n
  • Walnut Street prison, 1:383, 1:384n
  • water committee of, 8:81, 8:82n
  • weather in, 18:196
  • wool analyzed at, 2:39, 2:39n, 2:252, 2:492
  • yellow fever in, 1:185n, 6:254, 10:130–10:131, 10:131–10:133, 10:152, 16:216, 16:371, 16:411

Philadelphia (ship), 1:33n

Philadelphia , USS (frigate), 6:206, 6:207n

Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, 20:636n

Philadelphia Medical Society, 14:601

Philadelphia Museum See also Peale, Charles Willson

  • act of incorporation for, 19:107, 19:108n
  • described, 1:46n, 19:358
  • dinners at, 1:104n
  • gaslights in, 10:177–10:179, 10:179n, 10:180–10:181, 10:204, 10:310
  • lectures at, 7:152
  • lottery for, 8:545
  • and mammoth bones, 12:348
  • and mastodon, 1:104n, 1:187, 10:397, 10:399, 19:liv, 19:108
  • mentioned, 1:45, 4:532, 5:324, 6:291, 8:81, 10:344
  • paintings in, 10:198, 12:xlix, 12:367–12:368, 12:368, 13:426, 16:lii, 19:liv
  • and C. W. Peale’s The Artist in His Museum, 19:liii, 19:liii–19:liv, 19:107–19:108, 19:108n
  • Philadelphia Museum, or Register of Natural History and the Arts, 20:463, 20:463–20:464n
  • relocation to New York considered, 11:373–11:374
  • rent for, 8:461, 10:203–10:204, 10:204n, 10:308, 10:311n, 11:371–11:372, 19:107, 19:108n
  • Rubens Peale manages, 4:137–4:138, 4:181, 4:531, 5:323, 8:461
  • sale of considered, 13:540
  • seeks public support, 8:461–8:462, 8:465n, 10:309–10:310, 10:311n, 12:368
  • silhouettes from, 17:liv
  • TJ on, 8:534, 12:481, 20:511
  • trustees of, 19:liii, 19:107

Philadelphia Museum, or Register of Natural History and the Arts, 20:463, 20:463–20:464n

Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture

  • addresses to, 9:600, 15:442, 15:442–15:443n, 18:216–18:217, 18:217n, 18:241, 18:242
  • founding of, 10:527n
  • letter from, 10:526–10:527
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:133, 1:256+, 5:550
  • members of, 5:435n, 8:42, 8:43n
  • Memoirs, 1:477, 1:479–1:480n, 2:220, 2:223n, 3:33, 4:161, 4:161n, 5:413, 5:416n, 5:432, 7:381, 7:382n, 7:492, 9:539n, 11:165, 11:347, 11:348n, 11:484n
  • and T. M. Randolph’s hillside plow, 11:172, 11:482, 11:484n
  • seeds sent to, 14:445
  • seeks information, 10:526

Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry, 14:446, 15:356, 15:356n, 19:591

Phile, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:315

Philip (TJ’s slave; b. 1796)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • at Poplar Forest, 7:71, 11:475, 11:475n
  • sells TJ a mink skin, 7:302n

Philip II, king of Macedon, 8:265, 10:552, 20:548n

Philip II, king of Spain

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Philip V, king of Spain

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Philip (Christian Evangelist), 7:589, 7:590n

Philip, Mr.

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:540

Philippart, John

  • edits The Royal Military Calendar, 14:41
  • identified, 14:41–14:42n
  • letter forwarded to, 14:453, 15:569
  • letter from, 14:41–14:42, 15:199
  • letter to, 14:283–14:284
  • requests biographical materials, 14:41, 14:42n, 14:283–14:284, 15:199

Philippe II, duc d’Orléans

  • and paper currency, 6:586
  • regency of, 9:432, 9:434n

Philips, Josiah

  • bill of attainder against, 7:495, 7:496n, 7:548–7:549, 8:334–8:337, 8:337–8:338n, 8:483–8:484, 8:620, 8:620, 8:643–8:644, 10:xlvi, 10:438

Philips, Mary

  • signs petition, 18:146

Philips, Naphtali (newspaper publisher), 10:110, 10:112n, 10:185–10:186, 11:491

Philips, Samuel

  • and University of Virginia, 17:631

Philis (Chamberlain’s slave), 4:15

Phill. See Hubbard, Phill (TJ’s slave)

Phill (Phil) (TJ’s slave)

  • as blacksmith, 12:349, 18:30
  • delivers message, 7:268
  • orders goods for TJ, 12:362

Phill (TJ’s slave; 1742–1810)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 8:61

Phill (Phil) (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Phill (Phil) (TJ’s slave; b. 1808)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 16:648
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:385, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 6:308, 8:62, 8:255
  • valuation of, 19:332

Phill (of Washington, D.C.)

  • and gift from H. Julien, 20:362

Phillip II, king of France

  • and 1550 edict, 3:175–3:176n

Phillips, John

  • The General History of Europe, contained in the Historical and Political Monthly Mercuries, 10:486

Phillips, John Robert

  • as cloth manufacturer, 12:408–12:409, 12:410n
  • criticizes U.S. politics, 12:409–12:410
  • identified, 12:410n
  • letter from, 12:408–12:410

Phillips, Robert

  • as cloth manufacturer, 12:408

Phillips, William

  • British general, 6:510, 6:510n

Phillips, William (17501827)

  • as deacon, 19:361
  • Mass. lieutenant governor, 9:4, 9:4, 19:361, 19:363n
  • toasts honoring, 17:290

Phillips, William B.

  • as brick mason for University of Virginia, 14:163, 14:195, 14:214, 14:390, 14:479, 14:641, 15:3, 15:3, 15:3, 15:3, 15:97, 15:98, 15:98, 15:100, 15:102, 15:102, 15:102, 15:103, 16:19, 16:303, 16:309, 16:311, 16:314, 16:314, 16:315, 16:319, 16:319, 16:475, 16:475, 16:477, 16:477, 17:621, 17:621, 17:621, 17:622, 17:622, 17:625, 17:626, 17:637, 17:638, 17:649, 17:653–17:654, 19:47, 19:48, 19:53, 19:55, 19:56, 19:62, 19:183, 19:186, 19:188, 19:238, 19:446–19:447, 20:194, 20:201, 20:202, 20:205, 20:210, 20:210, 20:213, 20:213, 20:214, 20:214, 20:215, 20:220, 20:220, 20:221, 20:222, 20:223, 20:223, 20:225, 20:226, 20:226, 20:230, 20:230, 20:234, 20:361, 20:556
  • employees of, 18:472, 18:534
  • identified, 14:164n
  • and jail for Nelson Co., 20:liii, 20:45, 20:75, 20:77, 20:78–20:80, 20:80
  • letter from, to N. Barksdale, 14:163–14:165
  • letters from accounted for, 15:386n, 20:361n
  • letter to, 14:214
  • recommendations of, 14:164–14:165n
  • TJ pays, 20:383n
  • TJ recommends, 20:361

Phillis (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Philo (Philo Judaeus) , 5:183


  • collegiate education in, 20:512
  • of Indian languages, 12:385–12:386
  • TJ on, 6:403–6:406, 19:23, 19:66
  • works on, 1:265, 1:267n, 1:652, 1:652n, 4:99, 18:9, 18:473

Philosophia Britannica (B. Martin), 7:626

Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (I. Newton), 7:282, 14:168, 20:583

Philosophical Arrangements (J. Harris), 15:337

Philosophical Essays (J. Ogilvie), 8:352–8:353, 8:354n

Philosophical Essays (D. Stewart), 19:506

Philosophical Essays on Morals, Literature, and Politics (D. Hume), 12:438, 12:475, 12:480

The Philosophical Grammar; being a view of the Present State of Experimental Physiology, or Natural Philosophy (B. Martin), 1:581

The Philosophical Principles of the Science of Brewing (J. Richardson), 6:533, 6:597

A Philosophical Survey of the Animal Creation (J. Bruckner), 19:508

The Philosophical Works of the late Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke (Bolingbroke), 2:51


  • J. Adams on, 15:337–15:338, 15:587–15:589
  • of language, 15:223–15:224
  • naturalism, 15:553
  • of the philosophes, 8:551, 8:552, 8:562
  • study of, 1:502, 7:637, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 20:632
  • TJ on, 15:469–15:470

The Philosophy of Human Nature (J. Buchanan), 11:364, 11:382, 12:9

The Philosophy of Rhetoric (G. Campbell), 19:506

“The Philosophy of the Asiaticks” (W. Jones), 11:383, 11:384n

Philostratus, Lucius Flavius

  • The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (trans. E. Berwick), 17:535

Philpotts, Oakley

  • purchases TJ’s tobacco, 4:593
  • and unpaid tobacco bill, 5:138, 6:356, 8:128, 8:157, 8:180, 8:180n

Phipps, Robert, 14:551n

Phœbe Ann (brig), 16:599

phoenix (mythological creature), 12:443, 13:258

Phoenix, Alexander

  • identified, 4:491–4:492n
  • letters from, 4:489–4:492
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 4:489–4:492

Phoenix Insurance Company (N.Y. firm), 4:423

Physick, Philip Syng

  • and anatomical apparatus for University of Virginia, 20:573–20:574, 20:615–20:616, 20:617
  • correspondence of, 9:22–9:23
  • health of, 14:206
  • identified, 20:575n
  • lectures of, 1:307
  • letter from, 20:615–20:616
  • letter to, 20:573–20:576
  • letter to, from W. E. Horner, 20:617–20:618
  • and medical treatment for TJ, 14:206, 14:230, 14:230–14:231, 14:231, 14:231, 14:232, 14:242, 14:243n, 14:319, 14:442n, 14:459, 14:489
  • as physician, 12:397, 13:486
  • as university professor, 12:389, 12:490, 20:613


  • barometric calculation of altitude, 9:9–9:10, 9:10n, 9:11, 9:12n, 9:71–9:72, 9:187, 9:188–9:192, 9:193, 9:313–9:315, 9:316–9:317n
  • books on, 7:282, 7:292, 8:429, 8:429, 12:112, 12:534, 13:476, 17:138, 17:447, 20:583
  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:209, 13:214, 13:215n, 17:494, 19:295, 20:512
  • light as an element, 13:549–13:554
  • study of, 7:480, 7:480, 7:638, 7:638, 7:639, 7:640, 7:641, 7:666, 7:686, 14:313, 15:589, 16:642
  • TJ’s pamphlets on bound, 1:36, 1:38n, 8:629
  • velocity of military projectiles, 11:51–11:52, 11:52–11:54, 11:54–11:55

physiognotraces, 14:lii


  • bound pamphlets on, 13:456, 13:457n
  • collegiate education in, 13:209, 13:215n, 15:124n, 17:236
  • study of, 7:663, 7:667, 7:667, 7:687, 8:668–8:669, 8:669n, 9:641, 12:332–12:333, 12:647

pianos, 9:xliv, 9:694, 9:696n, 13:555, 14:590, 16:36

pickaxes, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548

Pickens, Israel

  • constitutional amendment proposed by, 10:608, 10:611n
  • identified, 18:470n
  • letter from, 18:469–18:470
  • and University of Alabama, 18:469

Pickering, Edward C., 16:xlix

Pickering, Elizabeth Sparks, 16:xlix

Pickering, John (17371805)

  • impeachment of, 17:351

Pickering, John (17771846)

  • edits Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians (J. Edwards), 19:348, 19:348–19:349n, 19:419
  • An Essay on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America, 16:262, 16:459, 18:198, 18:225
  • An Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language, 14:31, 14:153, 14:155, 14:536–14:537, 14:629, 14:647n, 15:54, 15:135
  • identified, 15:55n
  • and Indian languages, 19:348, 19:419
  • letters from, 18:197–18:198, 19:348–19:349
  • letters to, 15:55, 18:225–18:226, 19:419–19:420
  • proposed Greek lexicon by, 19:419–19:420
  • reviews Uebersicht aller bekannten Sprachen und ihrer Dialekte (F. Adelung), 18:198, 18:225
  • and tariffs on books, 18:197–18:198, 18:198n, 18:225
  • TJ’s letter on Greek pronunciation sent to, 14:190, 15:55
  • writings of, 18:356, 18:356

Pickering, Thomas

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:385, 15:386n, 19:48
  • and goods for TJ, 18:44, 18:45
  • identified, 15:386n
  • letter from, 15:385–15:386

Pickering, Timothy

  • accused of conspiracy, 4:83, 4:628
  • and J. Adams, 11:267–11:268, 11:270n, 11:312, 13:70, 13:70n, 18:218, 19:530, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:125
  • and American Farmer, 15:360, 15:361n
  • and apples, 7:382n
  • and Christianity, 16:598–16:601, 16:643–16:644
  • Col. Pickering’s Observations introductory to reading the Declaration of Independence, at Salem, July 4, 1823, 20:38, 20:38–20:39n, 20:123–20:125, 20:137–20:138, 20:138n
  • correspondence of, 15:360, 15:361n, 15:418
  • criticized by J. Q. Adams, 4:435, 4:435n
  • criticized by B. Waterhouse, 5:641, 5:642n
  • as Federalist, 9:17, 14:145, 14:145–14:146n, 16:601, 16:643
  • and foreign relations, 2:70, 2:387, 3:502
  • friendship with C. Thomson, 18:516
  • identified, 16:601–16:602n
  • letter from, 16:598–16:602
  • letter to, 16:643–16:644
  • memoirs of, 19:530
  • mentioned, 5:126, 6:254, 6:298n
  • opposes H. A. S. Dearborn’s nomination, 1:78, 1:280, 1:301–1:302
  • and plan for New England secession, 5:13
  • possesses TJ-Canby letters, 6:447n, 6:509n
  • as postmaster general, 7:273, 7:669
  • and Congress’s purchase of TJ’s library, 7:680
  • as secretary of state, 3:262n, 3:638, 6:194, 6:194, 6:195n, 9:575, 9:575, 9:578n, 18:218
  • and sheep, 11:347
  • and R. Smith’s removal from cabinet, 3:568
  • TJ on, 20:123–20:125, 20:260
  • as U.S. representative from Mass., 11:61n
  • on G. Washington’s cabinet selections, 6:259, 6:259n
  • writings of, 20:260n
  • and XYZ Affair, 19:173n, 19:282

Picket, A. & J. W. (firm). See A. & J. W. Picket (firm)

Picket, Albert (17711850)

  • and education of women, 17:488n

Picket, Albert, Jr.

  • and education of women, 17:488n

Picket, John W.

  • and education of women, 17:488n

Pickett, George C.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:332, 19:46

pickles, 2:291

Pickmore, Francis

  • British naval officer, 11:661

Pictet, Marc Auguste

  • correspondence of, 11:539, 12:270
  • edits Bibliothèque Britannique, 11:444, 11:446n
  • edits Bibliothèque Universelle, 11:443, 11:444, 11:446n
  • and Delessert family, 15:167, 16:495
  • and A. von Humboldt, 1:452
  • identified, 8:322–8:323n
  • letters from, 11:443–11:447, 15:166–15:169
  • letters to, 8:321–8:323, 9:419, 16:494–16:496
  • proposed immigration to U.S. of, 8:326, 8:327n
  • and D. C. Terrell, 13:42, 15:166–15:167, 16:494–16:495
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:321, 8:326
  • TJ introduces D. C. Terrell to, 9:419, 10:161, 11:443–11:444
  • and University of Virginia, 13:617–13:618, 16:495

Pictet de Rochemont, Charles

  • edits Bibliothèque Britannique, 11:444, 11:446n
  • edits Bibliothèque Universelle, 11:443, 11:444, 11:446n

The Picture of Philadelphia, giving an Account of its Origin (J. Mease), 3:51n, 4:186, 4:186n

Picturesque Views of American Scenery, 16:416, 16:416n, 16:597

Pieces Probantes, 2:439, 2:446n, 2:531, 2:532n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:233, 3:484, 3:484, 3:487n, 4:466

Piedmont, Italy

  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52
  • and France, 20:498
  • revolution in, 17:489, 19:334
  • TJ visits, 17:344

Pierce, A., 12:409

Pierce, John, 1:227, 1:228n

Pierce, John (waterman)

  • transports goods to Richmond, 9:547

Pierce, William Leigh

  • on earthquakes, 4:573

Piernet, Pierre (Peter)

  • estate of, 3:466–3:469, 3:472n, 3:651, 3:652–3:653, 4:42, 4:43n, 4:70, 4:81–4:82, 4:89, 4:166, 4:166n, 4:517, 5:99, 5:116–5:118, 5:216, 5:228, 5:332–5:333, 5:333–5:335

Pierpont, John

  • What think ye of Christ? A Sermon, preached at Newburyport, Sunday, October 26, 1823, 20:417n, 20:466, 20:558

Pierre Mages & Compagnie

  • identified, 11:657n
  • letter from, to S. Cathalan, 11:656–11:657
  • and wine for TJ, 9:323, 9:471–9:472, 11:653, 11:653–11:654, 11:656

Pierson, Mr. (of New York)

  • travels of, 11:305

Piers Plowman. See The Vision of Pierce Plowman (W. Langland)


  • mince, 7:78, 18:79n
  • pumpkin, 10:187, 11:493, 12:651, 20:399

Pigalle, Jean Baptiste, 16:604, 16:604n

Piggot, Robert (engraver), 10:199n, 16:307


  • Chinese, 4:109, 4:110n
  • fodder for, 11:272, 14:585, 14:636, 15:70, 15:70, 15:70, 15:70, 20:84
  • Guinea, 11:179
  • killed by dogs, 4:170, 6:511
  • killed by wildfires, 14:270
  • at Lego, 12:304
  • mentioned, 10:195
  • at Monticello, 8:158, 8:184, 13:134, 14:554, 15:11, 15:60, 19:485
  • owned by J. Shoemaker, 1:451
  • owned by J. Walker, 3:359
  • at Poplar Forest, 2:96, 4:306, 4:373, 4:381–4:382, 5:545, 7:71, 8:71, 8:71, 8:72, 8:132, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:185, 8:611, 8:611, 9:562, 13:386, 13:545, 13:566, 13:566, 15:134, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:282, 16:470, 18:30, 18:85
  • sent by TJ, 15:159
  • stolen, 10:575, 17:207
  • TJ sells, 17:487
  • transportation of, 8:158, 8:184, 8:185, 9:562
  • at Tufton, 2:112, 4:414, 5:545–5:546, 12:304
  • value of, 4:15, 17:22

Piguillém, Francisco

  • “De la Propiedad Contagiosa de la Calentura amarilla” , 10:129, 10:146n
  • Memoria sobre la Calentura Amarilla de las Américas, 10:129, 10:146n

Pike, Clarissa Brown (Zebulon M. Pike’s wife)

  • presents husband’s sidearms, 7:656

Pike, Nicolas

  • A New and Complete System of Arithmetic, 1:576, 4:244, 4:245n, 8:660, 12:534

Pike (steamboat), 13:255

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery

  • An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, 3:309, 3:309n, 4:354n, 4:445, 4:457n, 6:374, 6:413, 7:31, 11:574, 11:574, 11:574n, 13:100, 13:101, 13:107, 13:227, 13:228n
  • expeditions of, 13:105, 13:227, 13:227, 13:344, 13:359–13:360
  • and A. von Humboldt’s map, 4:352–4:353, 7:31
  • journal of, 11:574, 11:574n
  • mentioned, 3:149, 6:209, 6:525, 15:121
  • and War of 1812, 6:526–6:528, 6:528, 7:32n, 7:531, 7:656, 8:263, 10:186, 10:187, 11:494

Pike County, Mo.

  • population of, 16:614

Pile, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:311, 16:313

Pile, William

  • identified, 20:428n
  • as merchant, 20:427

“Pilenejo, Eritisco.” See Pagnini, Giuseppe Maria

Pilgrim (ship), 1:294

The Pilgrim’s Progress (J. Bunyan), 7:26

Pilkington, Matthew

  • dictionary of painters by, 7:563, 7:563

Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy Shaken (ed. R. Barron), 13:138, 13:138–13:139n

Pillet, René Martin

  • L’Angleterre Vue a Londres et dans ses Provinces, pendant un séjour de dix années, dont six comme prisonnier de guerre, 10:219–10:220, 10:220n, 10:247, 10:259

Pillnitz, Declaration of, 4:429, 4:430n, 7:298, 7:299–7:300n, 9:68, 9:69n, 9:345, 9:346, 9:376, 9:432, 9:484, 12:245, 17:368

Pillson, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:308

Pilot (brig), 9:470, 9:470, 9:569, 10:68, 11:531, 12:569n

Pinckney, Charles

  • on aging, 16:251–16:252
  • correspondence with TJ published, 13:501, 13:502n
  • and domestic manufacturing, 4:343
  • family of, 13:318–13:319, 13:319n
  • health of, 10:363, 16:290
  • and S. House, 1:475, 1:513
  • identified, 1:476n
  • introduces A. W. Hamilton, 17:259–17:260
  • letters from, 1:513–1:514, 4:342–4:343, 10:339, 16:249–16:253, 17:259–17:260
  • letters to, 1:475–1:476, 4:472, 10:363, 16:290–16:292
  • and J. Madison, 1:513–1:514, 16:249, 16:249–16:250, 16:251
  • and Missouri question, 16:249–16:250, 16:250, 16:251
  • and J. Monroe, 1:514, 10:339, 10:339n, 10:363
  • negotiates with Spain, 9:488n, 9:518, 9:658n
  • Observations to shew the propriety of the nomination of Colonel James Monroe, to the Presidency of the United States by the Caucus at Washington, 10:339, 10:339n, 10:363, 10:363n
  • plans to visit Va., 16:249
  • and report of S.C. legislature, 4:342, 4:343n, 4:472
  • requests TJ’s opinion, 16:249–16:250, 16:250–16:251
  • signer of U.S. Constitution, 16:251
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and TJ’s health, 16:249
  • as U.S. representative from S.C., 13:318, 13:319n, 16:250, 16:251, 16:252

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 16:532
  • as Federalist, 13:318, 13:319n
  • as peace negotiator, 5:127n
  • signer of U.S. Constitution, 16:251
  • and XYZ Affair, 19:173n, 19:282

Pinckney, Frances Henrietta, 1:514, 1:514n

Pinckney, Henry Laurens

  • An Oration, delivered in St. Michael’s Church, before an assemblage of the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina; On the Fourth of July, 1818. In Commemoration of American Independence, 13:157, 13:157–13:158n

Pinckney, Jonathan

  • and death of G. Jefferson, 5:258, 5:289–5:290

Pinckney, Mary Eleanor, 1:514, 1:514n

Pinckney, Thomas

  • as Federalist, 13:318, 13:319n
  • reports on TJ’s health, 13:395
  • War of 1812 service of, 7:162n

Pindar (Greek poet)

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662
  • mentioned, 6:403
  • Pindari Carmina (ed. C. G. Heyne), 9:196, 9:197n
  • works of, 9:87

“Pindar, Peter.” See Wolcot, John

Pindari Carmina (Pindar; ed. C. G. Heyne), 9:196, 9:197n

Pinel, Philippe, 7:342n

pine trees, 1:478, 7:52, 8:194, 8:248, 11:293+

Pini, Andrea Tozzi (Elisabetta Mazzei Pini’s husband)

  • identified, 12:265n
  • letters from, 13:508–13:509, 19:548–19:550, 20:503–20:504
  • letter to, 20:240–20:241
  • marriage of, 10:57, 10:415, 11:579, 11:646
  • and P. Mazzei’s estate, 12:265n, 12:268, 12:578, 13:508–13:509, 14:63, 14:63, 14:64n, 14:348–14:349, 14:628, 14:628n, 15:8, 15:10, 15:341, 15:395, 16:112, 16:112–16:113, 16:114, 16:342, 16:344n, 17:122, 17:199, 17:474, 17:475n, 17:475n, 18:462–18:463, 19:76n, 19:495, 19:548–19:549, 20:21–20:22, 20:240–20:241, 20:242, 20:242, 20:376n, 20:491, 20:503
  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

Pini, Antonio

  • and P. Mazzei’s will, 9:675

Pini, Elisabetta Mazzei (Philip Mazzei’s daughter; Andrea Pini’s wife)

  • copies letters from P. Mazzei, 7:697n, 7:697, 9:119n
  • described by father, 3:377, 5:359+
  • identified, 12:265n
  • letters from, 12:264–12:266, 13:508–13:509, 19:548–19:550, 20:503–20:504
  • letter to, 20:240–20:241
  • marriage of, 10:57, 10:415, 11:579, 11:646
  • and P. Mazzei’s estate, 9:644, 9:669, 9:675, 10:272, 10:273, 10:476, 11:21, 11:249, 12:264–12:265, 12:268, 12:269n, 12:578, 12:584–12:585, 13:11, 13:11n, 13:252, 13:373, 13:508–13:509, 14:63, 14:63, 14:64n, 14:255, 14:256, 14:257, 14:319, 14:348–14:349, 14:628, 14:628n, 15:8, 15:10, 15:326, 15:341, 15:395, 15:426, 15:476, 16:4, 16:112, 16:112–16:113, 16:114, 16:342, 16:344n, 16:384, 16:649, 16:649, 17:122, 17:199, 17:260, 17:474, 17:475n, 17:475n, 18:462–18:463, 19:75–19:76, 19:76n, 19:495, 19:548–19:549, 20:21–20:22, 20:240–20:241, 20:242, 20:242, 20:375, 20:376n, 20:491, 20:503
  • and P. Mazzei’s finances, 3:381n, 8:691, 9:126
  • TJ on, 3:576, 4:34, 4:35
  • TJ sends greetings to, 11:580

Pinkerton, John

  • A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages, 1:256n
  • Modern Atlas, 3:296
  • Modern Geography, 1:256, 1:256n, 1:576, 1:581, 7:626, 12:534

Pinkney, Charles

  • recommends T. Munroe (ca. 1798–1834), 18:66
  • as secretary of legation to Russia, 13:79n, 13:125n

Pinkney, William

  • attends inspection of USS Washington, 10:94n
  • as attorney, 16:484n, 16:489, 16:609
  • dispatches mentioned, 2:410, 2:419n, 2:470, 2:471n, 2:480, 2:530
  • and Embargo Act, 2:69, 2:70n
  • forwards letter to TJ, 1:124, 3:116–3:117
  • identified, 1:414n
  • letters from, 2:350–2:351, 3:116–3:117, 5:180
  • letters to, 1:414, 2:533–2:534
  • letters to mentioned, 2:544
  • mentioned, 19:530
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Russia and Naples, 9:516–9:517, 9:517n, 10:217, 11:122, 11:123n, 13:78
  • and Missouri question, 15:532
  • and J. Monroe, 1:414n
  • and Monroe-Pinkney Treaty, 1:169, 1:170n, 1:414n, 2:412n, 10:518, 10:519n
  • and Orders in Council, 1:271
  • returns to U.S., 3:577
  • supports Baltimore College, 13:451–13:452
  • TJ recommends A. McRae and J. Clarke to, 1:414
  • on TJ’s batture pamphlet, 5:180
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • as U.S. minister to Great Britain, 1:113, 1:118, 1:374, 1:409, 1:413, 1:423, 1:436–1:437n, 1:464, 1:518, 1:518n, 2:287, 2:325, 2:366, 2:418, 2:419n, 3:177, 3:245, 3:246n, 3:519, 3:519n, 3:568, 3:577, 3:600, 4:32, 4:234, 7:41, 7:41, 7:44n
  • as U.S. senator, 18:37
  • visits Washington, 4:19

pinks, 3:353, 3:355n, 5:477, 5:477n, 5:553

Pintard, John

  • identified, 7:120n
  • letter from accounted for, 11:189n
  • letters from, 7:120n
  • letters to, 7:119–7:120
  • as recording secretary of New-York Historical Society, 7:119–7:120, 11:189

Pinto de Souza Coutinho, Luís, chevalier de, 14:82–14:83, 17:339–17:340

Pio, Louis

  • aided by Lafayette, 14:259–14:260, 14:260
  • on Circello, 10:353
  • health of, 14:259–14:260
  • identified, 10:355n
  • letter from, 10:353–10:355, 14:259–14:260
  • letter to, 11:435–11:436
  • misfortunes of, 10:353–10:354
  • TJ’s friendship with, 11:435–11:436, 14:259–14:260

Piombo, Sebastiano del. See Luciani, Sebastiano

Piomingo (Chickasaw chief), 14:136

Piper, Daniel A.

  • and University of Virginia, 19:190, 20:194, 20:555

pipes, tobacco, 8:109, 9:264, 16:155, 16:174, 16:178–16:179

pipes, water

  • and cisterns, 16:96, 19:675
  • for University of Virginia, 13:534, 14:71, 14:131, 14:213, 14:390, 14:479–14:480, 14:636, 14:641–14:642, 14:653, 15:12, 15:12, 15:545, 16:19, 16:319, 16:320, 16:321n, 16:431, 17:650, 17:652, 20:4, 20:554

pippin. See Newtown pippin (Albemarle pippin)

Piré, Hippolyte Marie Guillaume de Rosnyvinen, comte de, 1:372

Pisa, Italy

  • TJ on, 8:326
  • university in, 19:346n

Pisa, University of, 13:377, 13:377n


  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 4:329


  • as gifts, 10:320–10:321, 10:357, 19:122, 19:122
  • used by TJ, 10:320–10:321

Pitcher, Nathaniel

  • as reference for J. S. Myer, 18:17

pitchers, 16:289, 16:289n, 17:110, 18:41

Pitkin, Timothy

  • A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States, 13:603

Pitman, John

  • identified, 4:306n
  • letters from, 4:305–4:306
  • letters to, 4:395–4:396
  • A Long Talk, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, on their anniversary, A.D. 1810: in Providence, 4:306n, 4:395–4:396
  • A Poem on the Social State and its Future Progress, 4:306n, 4:395–4:396
  • secretary of Republican meeting, 3:232n
  • sends pamphlets to TJ, 4:305–4:306, 4:395–4:396

Pitot, James, 2:243, 6:434–6:436, 6:437n

Pitt. See Chatham, John Pitt, 2d Earl of; Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of

Pitt, Joseph See also Joseph Pitt & Sons (firm)

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:386n, 15:386n, 16:303, 16:305, 16:306, 16:309, 16:309, 16:310, 16:312, 16:312, 16:313, 16:313, 16:314, 16:316, 16:479, 17:624, 17:626, 17:631, 17:632, 17:633, 17:634, 17:637, 17:638, 19:53, 19:54, 19:55, 19:55, 19:186, 19:189

Pitt, William

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:385, 15:386n, 16:306, 16:309, 16:310, 16:312, 16:313, 16:479
  • identified, 15:386n
  • letter from, 15:385–15:386

Pitt, William (the Younger)

  • as British prime minister, 19:542
  • correspondence of, 19:245, 19:246n
  • education of, 7:660
  • mentioned, 6:141
  • TJ on, 1:507, 10:550
  • TJ quotes, 5:303, 5:304n
  • toasts honoring, 17:289

Pittman, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305

Pitts, Mr. (Freemason)

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:64

Pitts, Johnson W.

  • and University of Virginia, 16:477, 17:620, 20:199, 20:219, 20:220

Pittsburgh, Pa.

  • banks in, 15:277, 15:278n
  • builders’ prices in, 12:278, 12:520, 13:57, 13:612, 13:613n
  • glass factory at, 6:468
  • Republicans of, address TJ, 1:90, 1:91n
  • and steamboats, 7:56–7:57, 8:591

Pius VI, pope

  • and archbishop of Baltimore, 15:335, 15:335n

Pius VII, pope

  • and Inquisition, 8:490, 8:491n
  • and Napoleon, 2:7, 2:9n, 2:242, 7:539, 8:490
  • pontificate of, 9:673
  • and restoration of Italian monarchy, 9:672, 9:673n
  • and revolution in Naples, 16:383
  • TJ on, 8:490
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Pixii, Antoine Hippolyte See also Pixii Père et Fils (Paris firm)

  • as scientific-instrument maker, 20:639n

Pixii-Dumotiez, Nicholas Constant See also Pixii Père et Fils (Paris firm)

  • as scientific-instrument maker, 20:639n

Pixii Père et Fils (Paris firm)

  • scientific-instrument makers, 20:636, 20:637, 20:637, 20:638, 20:639, 20:639n

Pizarro, Mr. See García de León y Pizarro, José


  • books on, 10:136, 10:147n
  • in Marseille, 17:507
  • Oriental, 10:127, 10:131, 10:134
  • study of, 9:207, 10:132, 10:133, 10:136, 10:147n

A Plain, Elementary Explanation of the Nature and Cure of Disease (S. K. Jennings), 9:23, 9:25, 9:25–9:26n, 9:43

Planche, Joseph

  • Dictionnaire Grec-Français, composé sur l’ouvrage intitulé Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, de Henri Étienne, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:394, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:476, 13:494, 13:561, 13:561, 14:215, 14:303, 15:133, 15:133, 15:160, 17:106, 17:230, 17:403, 17:443, 17:526, 17:535, 19:419

planes (inclined), 14:167

planes (woodworking), 1:135, 1:136n, 9:223, 11:176, 12:454, 14:541, 17:7, 17:11n

plane table

  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:222

Plan of Education in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, with the reasons of it (A. Gerard), 20:348–20:349, 20:349n, 20:481

A Plan of New Orleans & its Environs (J. L. Boqueta de Wosieri), 3:499, 3:500n

“Plan of the City and Environs of New Orleans” (B. Lafon), 3:486, 3:488n

Plant, David, 14:648n

Plantage coronopus (Plantago coronopus). See buckhorn plantain

Plantagenet , HMS, 9:259


  • buckhorn, 5:550
  • treated as weed, 4:139
  • water, 1:57

Planter (brig), 13:443, 13:446, 13:446, 13:447n, 13:447n, 13:447, 13:448, 13:449, 13:564, 13:565, 13:585, 13:585, 13:606, 14:327

The Planter’s and Mariner’s Medical Companion (J. Ewell), 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 13:73n, 15:127n

plant geography See also botany

  • Essai sur la géographie des plantes (Humboldt), 1:265, 1:267n
  • forests, 1:131–1:134, 1:354, 3:33–3:34
  • J. H. McCulloh on, 12:189–12:191

plants See also botany; seeds; specific plant names

  • books on, 1:582, 2:82, 2:83, 2:132n, 2:680, 2:681n, 3:167, 3:181, 3:320–3:321, 3:322n, 3:561–3:562, 7:458, 15:600, 15:601n, 19:352, 19:353n
  • bulbs, 4:497, 4:498n
  • catalogues of, 3:368, 3:368n
  • decay enriches soil, 18:629
  • discovery of new, 4:426–4:428
  • and dyeing, 16:160
  • eradication of weeds, 4:139, 4:142n, 4:180, 4:531, 14:249
  • forest management, 3:33–3:34
  • grown in France, 2:270, 10:215, 10:216
  • inoculation, 3:644–3:645
  • medicinal properties of, 1:56–1:57, 1:84, 1:84n, 3:419, 3:604, 5:30, 9:185, 13:248, 13:248, 13:312, 15:182–15:183, 15:281, 16:160, 16:160
  • Notes on Poplar Forest Plantings and Geography, 3:xlv–3:xlvi, 3:352–3:355, 3:358 (illus.)
  • requested from TJ, 8:21, 9:532
  • sensation in, 7:560, 7:560–7:561n
  • sent by TJ, 7:35, 9:533, 11:174–11:175, 11:219–11:220, 18:166
  • sent by TJ to Poplar Forest, 9:562–9:563, 10:517–10:518
  • sent to TJ, 3:419, 3:448, 3:645, 4:523–4:524, 4:535, 4:557, 4:559, 4:561, 8:21, 8:121, 9:185, 10:215, 10:216, 10:536–10:537, 11:292, 15:308
  • South American, 17:388
  • specimens from Lewis and Clark Expedition, 2:90–2:91, 2:140, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 7:34–7:35, 7:55, 9:704–9:705, 10:445, 10:445, 11:174
  • tares, 14:161
  • TJ orders, 1:51, 2:140, 4:496–4:497, 4:497–4:498
  • TJ requests, from Ireland, 3:294–3:295
  • uses of, 16:160
  • variety of, at Monticello, 16:325n
  • and weather, 10:526, 12:618–12:619


  • at Central College, 12:262
  • of columns, 11:389
  • of jail, 20:13
  • at Poplar Forest, 5:381–5:382, 5:403, 5:545, 14:595
  • at University of Virginia, 14:86, 14:87, 14:94, 14:95–14:96n, 14:97, 14:119, 14:184, 14:195, 17:650, 18:356, 19:403–19:404, 20:432, 20:439
  • at U.S. Capitol, 12:641–12:642

plaster (plaister) of paris. See gypsum (plaster of paris)

plasters (medicinal), 7:387, 9:40, 9:40n, 13:486, 13:486n, 18:501

Plater, George

  • family of, 7:574
  • governor of Md., 7:589n


  • crucibles, 20:638
  • evaporating dishes, 20:638
  • foil, 20:612
  • wire, 20:612


  • J. Adams on, 4:474, 5:183, 5:184, 6:503, 6:504, 6:505, 7:74–7:75, 7:75, 7:75, 7:76–7:77, 7:478–7:480, 10:360, 12:82, 17:505
  • dialogues of printed in Bibliotheque des Anciens Philosophes, 12:110, 12:582
  • lexicon of words used by, 9:276, 9:277n
  • Loix de Platon (trans. J. N. Grou), 12:112
  • mentioned, 7:24, 9:78, 11:383, 11:383, 12:163, 18:500
  • Les Œuvres de Platon (trans. A. Dacier), 12:112
  • Opere di Platone (trans. D. Bembo), 9:394, 12:583, 15:24, 15:258
  • Platonis Philosophi quae Exstant, 14:510
  • La Republique de Platon, ou Dialogue sur la Justice (trans. J. N. Grou), 12:112
  • and Scottish philosophy, 3:277–3:278
  • Θουκυδίδου Πλάτωνος καὶ Λυσίου λόγοι ἐπιτάφιοι, 10:358
  • Σχόλια εἰς Πλάτωνα: Scholia in Platonem (ed. D. Ruhnken), 15:26
  • TJ on, 4:396, 7:453–7:454, 7:478, 15:163, 16:164, 20:449
  • trinity of, 7:218, 7:221n
  • works of, 17:536
  • writings of referenced, 15:68–15:69

Platonis Philosophi quae Exstant (Plato), 14:510

Plato Redivivus (H. Neville), 4:474, 4:476n

Platt, Jeremiah

  • identified, 9:430n
  • letter from, 9:429–9:430
  • seeks information on lumber in Va., 9:429–9:430

Platt, Jonas

  • as judge, 12:588

Plattsburgh, N.Y.

  • successful U.S. defense of, 8:84, 8:112n, 8:259, 20:566

platypus, 7:152–7:153, 7:153n, 7:210, 11:368, 11:370n

Plautus, Titus Maccius

  • G. Colman’s translation of Mercator, 19:508
  • M. Acci Plauti Sarsinatis Umbri Comœdiæ XX Superstites: et Deperditarum Fragmenta (ed. J. P. Pareus), 18:279
  • works of, 14:511

Playfair, John

  • biographical essay of on J. Hutton, 12:403
  • Dissertation Second: exhibiting a general view of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, since the revival of letters in Europe, 12:107, 12:312, 12:313, 12:344, 12:345, 12:356, 12:402–12:403
  • as professor, 15:140
  • works of, 19:617

Playfair, William

  • A Sketch for the Improvement of the Political, Commercial, and Local Interests of Britain, 3:274, 3:275n
  • The Statistical Breviary, 9:60
  • TJ’s gift of a work by, 1:265, 1:267n


  • public performances of, 16:xlix–16:l
  • sent to TJ, 1:202, 1:203n, 1:509, 15:612, 15:613n, 16:25, 16:40
  • TJ sends to F. Eppes, 16:275

The Plays of William Shakespeare (ed. S. Johnson), 9:88n

Pleasant, Thomas, 3:183

Pleasants, Mr., 5:121

Pleasants, James

  • and appointments, 19:247, 19:309, 19:309n, 19:317, 19:350, 19:368, 19:405, 19:415, 20:472–20:473, 20:520
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:327n, 11:332, 11:590–11:591, 11:650–11:651, 11:651n, 12:460, 12:510, 15:98, 16:475, 17:620, 20:195
  • as governor of Va., 19:247, 19:248n, 19:248, 19:249n, 19:256–19:258, 19:258n, 19:269, 19:273, 19:309, 19:309n, 19:316–19:317, 19:430, 19:445–19:446, 19:455, 19:502, 19:504, 20:294, 20:294n, 20:340, 20:340n, 20:386, 20:515, 20:549, 20:549, 20:550n, 20:550, 20:560, 20:596
  • identified, 2:185n
  • and Juvenile Library Company of Richmond, 19:323n, 19:323n
  • letter from accounted for, 19:455n
  • letters from, 4:519–4:520, 11:650–11:651, 12:510, 18:31, 18:353–18:354, 19:316–19:318, 19:445–19:446, 19:455, 20:305, 20:549
  • letters to, 2:184–2:185, 4:482–4:483, 11:590–11:592, 18:79–18:82, 18:361, 19:247–19:248, 19:256–19:258, 19:309, 19:430, 19:504, 20:293, 20:299–20:300
  • letters to accounted for, 12:298n, 19:309n
  • as Literary Fund president, 19:256–19:258, 19:258n, 19:269, 19:273, 20:293, 20:294n, 20:299, 20:305
  • plans to visit TJ, 18:353, 18:361, 19:317
  • recommends W. J. Harris, 4:91n, 4:172
  • and W. Ronald’s estate, 2:170n, 2:184, 3:155, 4:519–4:520, 17:162–17:163, 17:179, 18:31, 18:80, 18:117–18:118, 18:179, 18:298, 18:309, 18:353, 18:361
  • TJ forwards application to, 4:482–4:483, 4:519
  • TJ on, 4:172
  • and University of Virginia, 18:354, 18:361, 19:247, 19:256–19:258, 19:258n, 19:317, 20:293, 20:294, 20:294n, 20:299, 20:305, 20:340n, 20:560
  • and U.S. judiciary, 18:80–18:81, 18:353–18:354, 18:361
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 7:214
  • and visits to Monticello, 18:31, 18:79
  • and visits to Poplar Forest, 18:31, 18:79

Pleasants, James Brooke

  • identified, 10:563n
  • letter from, 10:561–10:563
  • on superiority of roads to canals, 10:561–10:563

Pleasants, James Jay

  • identified, 7:270n
  • as proxy for S. Pleasants, 7:270

Pleasants, M.

  • and University of Virginia, 20:201, 20:221, 20:222

Pleasants, Samuel

  • and books for TJ, 5:447, 5:455, 5:493, 6:122, 6:374, 6:412–6:413, 7:260, 7:270, 7:389–7:390n, 10:452
  • A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force, 3:146, 3:177, 5:245, 5:245n, 5:253, 5:278, 5:278n, 6:122, 7:260, 7:270, 7:270, 7:270, 10:452, 10:569, 10:572, 10:617, 14:412, 14:456, 15:211, 15:222n
  • and collection of Va. laws, 5:253, 5:278
  • identified, 5:253–5:254n
  • letters from, 5:278, 5:455, 5:493, 6:412–6:413, 7:270
  • letters from accounted for, 6:122n, 7:270n
  • letters to, 5:253–5:254, 5:447–5:448, 6:122, 6:374, 7:260
  • newspaper editor, 5:193
  • prints W.W. Hening, The Statutes at Large, 3:168, 3:169n
  • Richmond printer, 4:312, 6:32, 6:32n, 8:349, 8:399, 10:404n
  • Supplement, containing the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and generally interesting nature, 12:502n

Pleasants, Thomas, 16:388

Pleasants & Smith (Lynchburg firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 17:635

The Pleasing Preceptor; or Familiar Instructions in Natural History and Physics (G. U. A. Vieth), 12:534

Pleasonton, Stephen

  • State Dept. clerk, 7:499

The Pleasures of Contemplation (T. Branagan), 12:7, 12:474–12:475

The Pleasures of Hope (T. Campbell), 11:396

The Pleasures of Imagination (M. Akenside), 20:544, 20:545n

The Pleasures of Poverty (S. Southwick), 20:247

Les Plees del Coron (W. Stanford), 3:546

Pleiades (brig), 15:442, 15:442, 16:112

pleurisy, 6:569, 14:44, 14:218–14:219

pliers, 20:611

Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus)

  • J. Adams on, 11:269
  • Naturalis Historiæ, 3:546
  • and scientific classification, 7:209

Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)

  • and Christianity, 16:600
  • letters of, 14:258, 14:511, 19:506
  • Lettres de Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français, Suivies du Panégyrique de Trajan (trans. L. de Sacy), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215
  • Panégyrique de Trajan, par Pline le Jeune, en Latin et en Français (trans. L. de Sacy), 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215

plotting table (surveying instrument), 14:278, 14:278–14:279n, 14:302, 16:357

Πλουτάρχου Βίοι Παράλληλοι (Plutarch; ed. A. Coray), 9:195, 9:197n, 9:455, 11:251, 11:296, 12:112, 14:510, 17:106, 20:156, 20:157n, 20:276

Plowden, Francis

  • An Historical Review of the State of Ireland, 1:580

plows See also drills (sowing implements)

  • bar share, 5:326
  • Cary (Dagen; Connecticut), 4:219, 4:220n, 4:487
  • Guillaume, 1:20, 1:21n, 2:111, 2:176, 2:312, 2:332, 2:333, 5:273n
  • J. Hemmings makes, 13:581
  • mentioned, 2:112, 2:259, 6:344, 6:347, 8:132, 20:388
  • D. Parker’s double, 1:538, 3:228, 3:245, 3:251
  • Peacock, 4:219, 4:219–4:220n, 4:221, 4:487, 4:526, 8:57–8:58, 8:185
  • C. W. Peale experiments with, 4:137, 4:181, 8:458, 9:599
  • Pease, 4:219, 4:220n
  • Pennsylvania moldboard, 1:111, 1:252
  • plow plates, 16:8, 16:9, 17:6, 17:291+, 18:43
  • for Poplar Forest, 13:567
  • T. M. Randolph’s hillside, 9:539, 9:540n, 9:599, 11:162–11:163, 11:164n, 11:172, 11:245, 11:309–11:310, 11:311 (illus.) , 11:347, 11:386, 11:482, 11:484n, 12:570, 13:356
  • repair of, 13:167, 13:169, 20:524
  • sent to P. Mazzei, 3:375, 3:378
  • sent to TJ, 19:78
  • shovel, 15:86
  • J. Sinclair’s, 10:501, 10:547
  • superiority of American, 9:599, 9:599–9:600
  • TJ orders, 4:522, 7:346–7:347, 7:552n
  • TJ’s moldboard, 1:252, 1:252n, 2:111, 2:145, 2:176, 2:312–2:313, 2:326, 2:332–2:333, 2:334, 2:345, 3:563+, 4:137, 5:93, 5:94n, 7:346–7:347, 7:492, 8:367, 8:458, 8:534, 8:680, 10:427, 10:547–10:548, 11:382, 11:382n, 12:481, 12:481, 12:516, 12:516, 12:528, 12:571, 15:522–15:523, 15:551
  • used in agriculture, 8:10, 8:10, 8:185, 12:304, 12:304, 16:90, 18:87n, 18:87n
  • J. Wood’s cast-iron, 10:427, 11:216, 11:462, 18:75–18:76

Plumard, M.

  • and P. Derieux, 3:77
  • identified, 3:77n
  • letters from, 3:77

Plumard de Bellanger, Marie Françoise

  • assists P. Derieux, 3:77n, 3:395n, 6:337, 6:338n, 9:252, 9:253n, 10:202

Plumer, William (1759–1850)

  • Address to the Clergy of New-England, on Their Opposition to the Rulers of the United States, 8:175, 8:229
  • and appointments, 10:556n
  • Governor’s Message, 14:391
  • gubernatorial addresses of, 10:205, 10:260, 10:556, 10:556n, 13:87, 13:87n, 13:101, 14:391
  • on Hartford Convention, 8:175
  • historical and biographical writings of, 2:347–2:348, 2:505–2:506, 8:174–8:175, 8:176n, 8:231, 13:24, 13:24n
  • identified, 2:348n
  • letters from, 2:347–2:349, 8:174–8:176, 10:205, 10:556, 13:87, 14:391
  • letters to, 2:505–2:506, 8:229–8:231, 10:260–10:261, 13:101
  • letter to, from S. Hale, 13:24
  • Message from His Excellency The Governor of New-Hampshire, To The Legislature, June 4, 1818, 13:87, 13:101
  • and N.H. politics, 13:25, 14:391n
  • requests works from TJ, 8:175
  • on TJ, 18:179
  • TJ misattributes authorship to, 18:157n, 18:179
  • and uninhabited islands, 8:175, 8:229

Plumer, William (1789–1854)

  • An Address delivered before the Rockingham Agricultural Society, October 18th, 1821, 18:97, 18:156–18:157, 18:179
  • identified, 18:97–18:98n
  • letters from, 18:97–18:98, 18:179
  • letter to, 18:156–18:157


  • greengage, 8:548
  • harvesting of, 8:548
  • planted at Monticello, 3:455
  • trees, 9:542
  • worms feed on, 4:532


  • Lives, 7:662, 9:235n, 12:157n, 12:534, 13:26n, 16:330, 16:621n, 17:105, 17:105–17:106n
  • Lives (trans. J. & W. Langhorne), 1:580
  • mentioned, 6:542, 10:523, 16:164
  • Moralia, 20:548, 20:548n
  • Πλουτάρχου Βίοι Παράλληλοι (ed. A. Coray), 9:195, 9:197n, 9:455, 11:251, 11:296, 12:112, 14:510, 17:106, 20:156, 20:157n, 20:276
  • Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae (ed. G. H. Schaefer), 17:536, 17:537n, 18:73n, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:565, 18:619
  • Plutarchs Lives. Translated From the Greek by Several Hands. To which is prefixt the Life of Plutarch (ed. J. Dryden), 19:475, 19:505
  • quoted by Destutt de Tracy, 4:608, 4:611n
  • TJ quotes, 6:494, 6:498n, 6:591, 6:593n, 8:312, 9:95, 9:97n, 9:438, 9:438n

Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae (Plutarch; ed. G. H. Schaeffer), 17:536, 17:537n, 18:73n, 18:358, 18:375, 18:376, 18:439, 18:565, 18:619

Plutarchs Lives. Translated From the Greek by Several Hands. To which is prefixt the Life of Plutarch (Plutarch; ed. J. Dryden), 19:475, 19:505

Pluto (Roman deity), 16:618

Pluymart, Joseph L.

  • robs bank, 15:278n

Plymley, Peter. See Smith, Sidney


  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:208, 13:214, 13:215n, 20:458
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:663, 7:666, 7:686

Pocahontas (Matoaka; Algonquian Indian), 16:132, 16:132

A Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveller, along the line of the Canals, and the Interior Commerce of the State of New-York (H. G. Spafford), 18:254n

Podensac (Podenac) (wine), 9:513

Podophyllum peltatum. See mayapple

Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne (Voltaire), 7:560n

A Poem on the Social State and its Future Progress (J. Pitman), 4:306n, 4:395–4:396

“Poem on Thomas Jefferson” (C. Miner), 1:429–1:431

“Poem on Thomas Jefferson” (C. F. Welles), 1:431–1:433

“Poem on Thomas Jefferson’s Retirement” (P. Freneau), 1:226–1:229

Poems (L. S. Temple), 20:419, 20:420n

The Poems of Caius Valerius Catullus (G. V. Catullus; trans. G. Lamb), 17:535

Poems on Several Occasions (M. Prior), 9:432–9:433, 9:434n

Poems Written and Published during the American Revolutionary War (P. Freneau)

  • P. Freneau sends to TJ, 1:112, 1:113n
  • TJ’s subscription to, 2:309, 2:336, 2:369, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334

Poesie (P. Metastasio), 7:455n

Poetæ Minores Græci (ed. R. Winterton), 10:234, 14:510

La Poetica de Aristoteles (Aristotle; trans. A. Ordoñez das Seijas y Tobar), 17:138, 17:447, 17:448n

Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History (R. Valpy), 12:313, 12:356

Poetical essays, on several subjects: containing various views of nature, interspersed with moral reflections (W. Barraclough), 15:558, 15:558–15:559n, 15:591

The Poetical Works (J. Milton), 8:581, 9:109

poetry See also books: of poetry

  • in America, 4:305, 6:297
  • British, 19:506
  • dedicated to TJ, 6:464n, 16:509, 16:509–16:510n
  • forwarded by TJ to American Philosophical Society, 4:147, 4:149n
  • and Indians, 16:36
  • memorization of, 4:131
  • on Monticello, 11:113–11:114
  • sent to TJ, 1:226–1:229, 1:322–1:327, 1:429–1:431, 1:431–1:433, 1:617–1:619, 2:400–2:401, 4:167, 4:286, 4:305, 4:306n, 4:392, 4:393n, 9:207, 9:343, 9:343n, 10:186–10:187, 11:113–11:114, 11:493–11:494, 12:650, 12:650–12:652, 15:368, 15:558, 15:558–15:559n, 15:591, 16:346, 16:547, 16:576, 18:441, 18:463–18:464, 18:503, 19:234, 20:32, 20:32–20:35, 20:247, 20:484, 20:563
  • study of, 14:257, 14:258, 16:330, 16:642
  • subscriptions to, sent to TJ, 1:225–1:226, 1:504n, 2:309, 2:369, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334, 19:626–19:627, 19:627n
  • TJ on, 1:504, 1:509, 2:52, 2:336, 4:396, 4:466, 12:532, 17:479, 18:503–18:504
  • TJ orders, 4:201, 10:234, 12:583, 13:295, 17:138, 17:445, 17:447
  • in utopian societies, 19:377
  • works of, bound for TJ, 1:36, 8:630
  • written at Monticello, 6:463

Poeyfarré, Juan, 3:235, 3:237n, 3:484

Poggiali, Gaetano

  • edits Delle Novelle di Franco Sacchetti Citadino Fiorentino, 13:39, 13:41n

Pogue, Robert

  • family of, 18:226, 18:227n
  • health of, 18:226
  • and J. Lindsay’s estate, 18:226–18:227n
  • petition of, 18:226–18:227n
  • praised, 18:226

Pogue, William Lindsey

  • identified, 18:226n
  • introduced to TJ, 18:226
  • and R. Pogue’s petition, 18:226

Poindexter, Maj.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:651n

Poindexter, Dabney

  • bond of with TJ and J. A. Goodman, 8:157, 8:158n

Poindexter, George

  • appointment considered, 1:25
  • carries letter, 5:364–5:365, 6:26
  • identified, 6:27n
  • and seed for TJ, 6:26, 6:66

Poindexter, James

  • witnesses document, 8:158n

Poindexter, Samuel

  • land of, 5:487
  • witnesses document, 8:158n

Poindexter, Thomas, 3:254n

Poindexter, William Green

  • as Va. state senator, 9:361, 9:496, 12:382

Poinsett, Joel Roberts

  • European travels of, 2:467, 13:271
  • identified, 13:271–13:272n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:271
  • introduces J. Gadsden, 18:488
  • letter from, 18:488
  • and South America, 13:271
  • and South Carolina Academy of Arts, 17:228
  • visits Monticello, 13:271

Poinsinet de Sivry, Louis

  • translates Théatre d’Aristophane, avec les Fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (Aristophanes), 11:352, 11:397, 11:397, 11:456, 11:547, 11:592, 11:646, 12:153, 12:439

Poinsot, Peter

  • family of, 14:86, 14:388, 16:52
  • identified, 11:475n
  • land grant to, 11:398–11:399, 11:472–11:473, 11:474–11:475n, 12:299, 12:318, 12:381, 12:414, 12:432, 12:456–12:457, 13:54, 13:273, 13:280, 13:427, 13:427n, 14:85–14:86, 14:389n
  • letter from accounted for, 14:86n
  • letters from, 11:472–11:475, 13:54–13:55, 13:280–13:282, 14:85–14:86, 14:388–14:389, 16:51–16:54
  • letter to, 13:427
  • seeks consulship, 13:272–13:273, 13:280–13:281, 14:86, 14:388–14:389, 14:618, 16:51–16:52
  • and TJ’s health, 14:86

Poinsot de Chansac, Pierre, 16:51

Pointe Coupee, La.

  • Lafayette’s land at, 2:244, 2:418, 3:212, 3:445–3:446, 4:30, 4:649, 4:650, 5:69, 5:212–5:213, 5:213, 5:214, 7:541

Point of Honor (G. Cabell’s estate near Lynchburg), 5:28, 5:29n

Poiret, Jean Louis Marie

  • Encyclopédie Méthodique: Botanique, 17:546, 17:546–17:547n

Poirey, Joseph Léonard

  • identified, 4:527–4:528n
  • letters from accounted for, 4:527n, 9:719
  • letter to, 14:110–14:111
  • seeks compensation, 4:527n, 12:299–12:300, 12:300n, 12:355, 12:355n, 13:140, 13:141n, 13:414, 13:435, 13:593, 13:593n, 14:108, 14:110–14:111, 14:147, 14:147n, 14:198–14:199, 16:494, 17:255

Poitiaux, Michael Benoît

  • and package for TJ, 13:349


  • and Congress of Vienna, 15:52
  • government of, 3:8, 3:12, 3:16, 3:517n, 3:517n, 8:344, 9:346
  • history of, 1:35, 1:535, 4:56, 13:114, 13:115
  • M. A. Jullien on, 14:50, 16:492
  • partitions of, 6:212, 6:212n, 7:298, 7:528, 8:575, 9:68, 9:90, 9:345, 9:347n, 9:432, 9:714–9:715, 9:716n, 12:230, 13:114, 13:115, 17:368
  • scientific society in, 3:62, 7:56
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Polética, Pierre de

  • as counselor of Russian legation to U.S., 3:189–3:190, 3:208, 14:614, 15:572n
  • identified, 14:342–14:343n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:324, 14:341, 14:370, 14:425–14:426, 14:426–14:427, 14:444, 14:454, 14:454n, 14:482, 14:488, 15:210, 15:211n, 15:377, 15:377n, 17:485, 17:499
  • letter from, 14:341–14:343
  • letter to, 14:426–14:428
  • letter to, from J. Q. Adams, 18:67, 18:67–18:68
  • letter to, from J. Zajączek, 14:343–14:344
  • and T. Munroe (ca. 1798–1834), 18:67, 18:103
  • plans visit to Monticello, 14:342, 14:428, 14:444
  • as Russian minister plenipotentiary to U.S., 13:286n, 14:324, 14:341, 14:427–14:428, 14:614, 18:66
  • A Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States of America, 3:190n
  • visits Monticello, 3:532, 3:539, 3:563, 3:563n+, 3:567, 14:428, 14:488, 14:614

Polignac, Melchior de, 7:662

Polignac, Yolande Martine Gabrielle de Polastron, duchesse de

  • friendship with Marie Antoinette, 17:366

Political Arithmetic (T. Cooper), 6:583

Political, Commercial and Moral Reflections, on the late cession of Louisiana, to the United States (A. B. Magruder), 19:393, 19:393–19:394n, 19:417

Political Disquisitions (J. Burgh), 7:628, 19:506

political economy

  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403, 15:40, 15:278, 16:296n, 19:682, 20:458
  • J. W. Eppes asks TJ for outline of, 6:312
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 10:42–10:44
  • laws of, 14:145
  • as practiced in U.S., 8:489, 8:519, 9:336, 9:476n, 9:515, 14:452–14:453, 16:548
  • study of, 7:5–7:6, 7:638, 7:640, 7:663, 7:667, 7:686, 10:329, 12:32, 12:124, 12:622, 15:278–15:279, 15:280n, 15:306
  • TJ on, 16:610, 16:638
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 9:517, 13:423, 13:588, 15:305–15:306
  • TJ’s note for Destutt de Tracy’s Treatise on Political Economy, 9:633–9:634, 10:65–10:66, 10:67, 13:421, 13:422n, 14:155
  • TJ’s title and prospectus for Destutt de Tracy’s Treatise on Political Economy, 9:630–9:633, 11:109–11:110, 11:110n, 11:619n, 14:115, 14:155, 16:486, 16:488n
  • TJ’s letters on finance, 6:220–6:225, 6:490–6:497, 6:578–6:592, 7:133, 7:185, 7:230, 7:488, 7:510, 7:689, 7:714, 8:16, 8:16–8:17, 8:18, 8:27–8:29, 8:29–8:30, 8:31–8:32, 8:35, 8:44, 8:154, 8:164, 8:178, 8:206
  • and wartime finance, 7:653–7:655, 7:669–7:671, 7:689–7:691, 8:16–8:17, 8:31–8:32, 8:33n, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:42, 8:44, 8:52–8:53, 8:84, 8:108–8:109, 8:109–8:110, 8:163, 8:163–8:164, 8:164–8:165, 8:168, 8:177, 8:259–8:260, 8:265, 8:293
  • works on, 7:616, 7:617n, 7:628, 8:15–8:16, 8:33, 8:38, 8:40, 8:83, 8:105, 8:106, 8:164, 8:169n, 8:182–8:183, 8:253, 8:266, 8:293–8:294, 8:294n, 8:303, 8:308, 8:317, 8:564, 8:564n, 8:566, 8:630, 8:632n, 9:396, 9:497–9:498, 9:663–9:664, 10:61–10:62, 10:62n, 10:62–10:63, 10:66, 10:67, 10:120, 10:154, 10:154–10:155, 10:196, 10:196n, 10:239, 10:260, 10:290–10:291, 10:294, 10:327, 10:331n, 10:380, 10:452, 10:460, 10:479, 10:480, 10:550, 10:603, 10:618, 10:618, 10:625, 10:637–10:638, 10:649, 10:652, 10:652–10:653, 10:653n, 10:658, 10:659, 10:660n, 11:136, 11:136n, 11:356, 11:356n, 11:359–11:360, 11:573, 11:574n, 12:41, 12:41n, 12:153, 12:311, 12:430, 12:438, 12:480, 12:530, 12:622–12:623, 13:36–13:37, 13:322, 13:336, 13:336–13:337, 13:350–13:351, 13:408, 13:414, 13:439, 13:441, 13:442n, 13:476, 13:517–13:518, 13:520, 13:520, 13:529, 13:529n, 13:558, 13:564, 13:564n, 13:572, 13:572–13:573n, 13:573, 13:586, 13:586, 13:586n, 13:589, 13:590, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n, 13:615, 14:39, 14:60–14:61, 14:82–14:83, 14:93, 14:108, 14:114, 14:115, 14:116, 14:155, 14:190, 14:190, 14:215, 14:224, 16:420, 16:426, 16:486, 16:548, 20:101, 20:101, 20:129, 20:158–20:159, 20:288, 20:329

Political Observations (J. Madison), 19:700, 19:700n

politics See also books: on politics; Federalist party; Republican party

  • Bonapartism, 16:136
  • books on government, 1:253–1:254, 7:628, 10:40, 10:44–10:45, 10:459–10:460, 10:550, 10:556–10:557, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625, 12:398–12:399, 12:401n, 12:514, 16:255, 16:287, 16:289n, 16:353–16:354, 17:246, 18:364–18:365, 18:379, 18:551, 20:144, 20:150, 20:151n, 20:166–20:167, 20:270, 20:323, 20:532–20:533, 20:534, 20:544–20:545n, 20:546
  • bound pamphlets on, 8:630, 12:89–12:90, 13:456, 13:456, 13:457n
  • J. Cartwright on constitutions, 20:534–20:544
  • collegiate education on government, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403, 16:296n, 18:282, 19:570, 20:458
  • elections, 9:506, 9:507n, 9:563, 9:578, 10:66–10:67, 10:608, 10:611n, 11:412, 12:38–12:40, 12:450, 12:609, 12:615, 13:318, 13:319n, 13:450, 15:16, 16:448, 18:180, 18:305, 18:306, 18:307, 18:369–18:370, 19:101–19:102, 19:104–19:105, 19:111, 19:112, 19:219–19:221, 19:252, 19:263–19:266, 19:266–19:267n, 19:267n, 19:282, 19:304, 19:351, 19:362, 19:392, 19:409, 19:409–19:410n, 19:533–19:535, 19:556–19:557, 19:562–19:563, 19:580–19:581, 19:589–19:590, 19:643, 19:712, 20:111, 20:367, 20:383, 20:452–20:453, 20:454n, 20:586
  • factionalism, 7:57–7:58, 7:200–7:201, 13:50, 14:147, 14:581, 14:581n, 14:603–14:604, 16:466, 16:489–16:490, 16:496, 16:508
  • federal system of government criticized, 9:150, 10:210–10:211, 15:16–15:18, 18:337–18:340
  • D. Hume’s essay on political parties, 8:328, 8:328–8:329n
  • D. Fraser’s opinion on, 10:110–10:112, 10:185–10:186, 10:187–10:188n
  • Jacobinism, 8:150, 16:136, 18:269
  • W. Johnson on political parties, 19:216–19:217, 19:219–19:221, 19:298, 19:529–19:531
  • Lafayette on European, 12:245–12:247
  • and legislative instructions, 4:113, 4:113n, 4:128–4:130
  • in Md., 4:151–4:152, 4:153n, 13:450–13:453
  • J. Melish’s opinion on, 8:152
  • in New England, 2:429–2:430, 2:533, 2:537–2:538, 3:28, 3:75, 3:553, 4:83, 4:612, 8:84, 8:135, 8:146–8:147, 8:286, 8:518, 8:614, 9:41
  • and newspapers, 3:584, 3:595, 20:453, 20:454n
  • in Pa., 3:584, 3:595, 12:47, 13:148–13:149, 13:150n, 16:447, 19:635, 20:586
  • in R.I., 3:229–3:232, 3:257
  • in S.C., 4:342–4:343, 4:472
  • state of in U.S., 13:50, 13:544, 16:595, 17:98–17:99
  • study of, 7:480, 7:638, 7:640, 7:663, 7:667, 7:686, 8:341, 8:341, 8:342, 16:78, 17:493, 17:494, 18:281–18:283, 19:165, 20:533, 20:546
  • and tariffs, 19:533–19:535, 20:591, 20:592n
  • terminology used in, 14:145, 14:146n
  • TJ avoids political debates, 10:314–10:315, 14:584, 15:18, 16:556, 16:584, 16:617–16:618, 19:571, 19:574, 19:616, 19:623, 19:635, 19:712, 20:367, 20:453, 20:585
  • TJ on his role in Va., 2:259, 3:507–3:508
  • TJ on political parties, 18:626, 18:627n, 19:101–19:102, 19:112–19:113, 19:428–19:429, 19:660–19:661, 19:670, 19:698, 20:482
  • TJ on Republican party unity, 3:508–3:509, 3:515, 3:563–3:564, 3:584, 3:586, 3:592–3:593, 3:595, 3:606
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 16:642
  • and voluntary associations, 18:249–18:250, 18:268–18:270
  • in western U.S., 18:306–18:307, 18:308–18:309
  • works on, bound for TJ, 1:36, 1:36, 1:36, 1:36, 1:36

Politics (Aristotle), 7:686

Les Politiqves d’Aristote … traduictes de Grec en François, par Loys le Roy dict Regivs (Aristotle), 3:546

The Politics of Connecticut (“Hamilton” [G. H. Richards]), 11:527, 11:527n

Pollard, Mr.

  • and deposition on W. C. Nicholas, 20:62, 20:120–20:121, 20:136–20:137

Pollard, John

  • identified, 19:680n
  • letter from, 19:679–19:680
  • letter to, 19:692–19:693
  • and Petersburg volunteers, 19:679, 19:692

Pollard, Nathan

  • identified, 17:553–17:554n
  • letter from, 17:553–17:554
  • letter to, 17:572
  • as printer, 17:553, 17:572
  • publishes The Franklin Almanack, calculated on a new and improved plan for the Year of our Lord, 1821, 16:366, 16:375–16:376

Pollard, R.

  • invited to dinner, 12:239
  • letter from, 12:239

Pollard, Richard

  • as agent for J. Maury
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 13:161, 13:168, 15:97, 15:281
  • and festivities for A. Jackson, 9:145, 9:147n
  • identified, 9:146n
  • letter from, 9:145–9:147
  • merchant, 12:50

Pollard, Robert See also Robert Pollard & Son (Richmond firm)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 16:263
  • as character reference, 13:420n
  • as J. Maury’s agent, 15:261n, 15:334, 16:60, 17:46, 17:47n, 17:47

Pollock, Mr. (of Norfolk)

  • relays correspondence, 20:37

Pollock, George, 2:446n, 3:486

Pollock, John

  • buys bark from TJ, 14:305, 14:431n, 15:431–15:432
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:330, 13:162, 15:98, 16:303, 19:46
  • debt to TJ, 14:431, 14:472, 14:487, 14:496, 14:497n, 14:498, 14:555, 14:586
  • identified, 15:432n
  • letter from, 15:431–15:432
  • letter to accounted for, 15:432n
  • payments to, 12:614n
  • pays TJ, 15:431
  • TJ purchases leather from, 18:49
  • and University of Virginia, 15:97, 15:100, 16:303, 16:308, 16:311, 16:312, 16:314, 16:478, 17:625, 19:48, 19:51, 19:56, 19:56, 20:195, 20:201, 20:203, 20:204, 20:205, 20:206, 20:212, 20:212, 20:212, 20:220, 20:222, 20:224, 20:226, 20:227, 20:227, 20:229, 20:230, 20:231, 20:233

Pollock, Oliver

  • identified, 3:580n
  • letters from, 3:579–3:580, 4:267, 4:578–4:579
  • letters to, 3:605, 4:377–4:378, 4:625–4:626
  • and W. Robertson, 3:580–3:581
  • seeks reimbursement from Va., 3:579, 3:580, 3:605, 4:267, 4:377–4:378, 4:578–4:579, 4:625–4:626
  • To the Honourable the Legislature of Virginia. The Memorial of Oliver Pollock, of the State of Maryland, 4:267, 4:267n

Pollock, Thomas, 2:445n

Polly (M. Daingerfield’s slave), 3:112

Polly (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n

Polly (brig), 10:532, 10:532, 10:576

Polly, John

  • subject of anonymous letter to TJ, 3:225–3:226

polyanthus, 4:523

Polybii Historiarum (Polybius), 17:536, 18:375

Πολυβίου Μεγαλοπολίτου Ἱστοριῶν τὰ σωζόμενα. Polybii Megalopolitani Historiarum Quidquid Superest (Polybius; ed. J. Schweighauser), 14:510


  • The General History of Polybius (trans. J. Hampton), 1:580, 19:507
  • Polybii Historiarum, 17:536, 18:375
  • Πολυβίου Μεγαλοπολίτου Ἱστοριῶν τὰ σωζόμενα. Polybii Megalopolitani Historiarum Quidquid Superest (ed. J. Schweighauser), 14:510
  • Ἱστοριῶν … Historiarum (trans. I. Casaubon; ed. J. Gronovius), 8:581, 9:109

Polydori Vergilii Historiae Anglicae (P. Vergil), 10:358

Polygala senega. See Seneca snakeroot

Polyglot Grammar (S. Barnard), 20:501, 20:502n, 20:561


  • and M. Boulton, 11:481
  • copies, 3:281–3:282, 12:363
  • description of, 1:46n, 2:xlii
  • and J. I. Hawkins, 6:560n, 8:545, 11:481, 14:591
  • illustration of, 2:380 (illus.)
  • B. H. Latrobe uses, 4:67, 5:207, 11:481, 11:571–11:572
  • at Monticello, 8:236, 11:535
  • paper for, 8:514, 8:672, 8:673n
  • and C. W. Peale, 1:307, 4:182, 5:207, 8:535, 11:481, 11:571, 14:591, 14:624, 16:505, 16:518, 19:88, 19:106–19:107, 19:108, 19:358, 19:418
  • at Poplar Forest, 8:514, 14:591, 16:505
  • repair of, 10:33, 19:88, 19:106–19:107, 19:108, 19:358, 19:418
  • TJ’s use of, 17:lii–17:liii
  • wood used for, 8:535, 8:545

Polymetis: or, An Enquiry concerning the Agreement Between the Works of the Roman Poets, And the Remains of the Antient Artists (J. Spence), 14:444


  • and Great Britain, 20:447

Pomeroy, Mr., 5:533

Pomey, François Antoine

  • The Pantheon, Representing the Fabulous Histories of the Heathen Gods (ed. and trans. A. Tooke), 14:444

Pomona: or, The Fruit-Garden Illustrated (B. Langley), 2:82, 11:165

Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette, marquise de, 6:622

Pompei, Girolamo

  • as translator, 6:280n, 6:522, 6:541, 6:541, 6:551, 6:552n


  • works on, 17:135

Pompeius Festus, Sextus

  • works of, 17:536

Pompey’s Pillar (Alexandria, Egypt), 16:34

Pompey the Great, 6:542, 6:542, 6:625, 7:24, 11:269, 12:21, 13:571, 19:589

Pond, Capt. (ship captain), 8:452, 8:452n

Pond, John

  • British astronomer, 20:271

Poniatowski, Joseph, 13:115

Pontanus, Jakob

  • edits Pub. Ouidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon (Ovid), 9:274, 9:275n, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639

Pontécoulant, Louis Gustave Doulcet, comte de, 8:558, 8:562n

Pontius Cominius

  • reputed Du Pont ancestor, 9:232, 9:235n

Poole, William, 10:4

Poor, Immanuel

  • as agent of Rivanna Company, 11:551, 11:554n, 11:556, 11:558n, 14:368, 14:372, 14:372, 14:373, 14:380, 14:393, 14:405, 14:423, 14:514, 14:540
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:162
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Poor, Nathaniel P.

  • and sale of TJ’s retirement library, 9:218n

Pope, Alexander

  • J. Adams on, 10:589
  • and Cleanthes’s Hymn to Zeus, 6:521, 6:521
  • The Dunciad, 9:256, 9:257n
  • An Essay on Man (French translation by C. Le Brun), 18:96
  • An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle II, 17:171, 17:172n
  • An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle III, 9:432, 9:434n
  • An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle IV, 17:12, 17:14n, 19:614
  • on J. Kyrle, 17:301, 17:301n
  • legacy of, 19:321
  • Moral Essays, 4:391, 4:392n
  • poetic skills of, 19:366, 19:367n
  • quoted, 6:632, 6:633n, 8:114, 8:118n, 9:432, 9:434n, 10:7, 10:8n, 10:417, 11:268, 11:270n, 11:627, 11:628n, 12:161, 12:164n, 13:373, 13:373n, 16:200, 17:505, 17:506n, 19:529
  • religious beliefs of, 6:521, 8:187
  • TJ purchases works of, 2:466
  • TJ quotes, 13:51, 13:51n
  • TJ recommends works of, 12:532, 12:534
  • translates The Iliad of Homer (Homer), 2:51, 8:298, 8:299n, 10:284, 10:286n, 10:417, 12:534, 19:506
  • translates The Odyssey of Homer (Homer), 12:534, 19:506
  • The Universal Prayer, 6:521, 17:12, 17:14n
  • on women, 6:259, 6:259n
  • works of, 19:506

Pope, John

  • identified, 11:185n
  • introduces T. G. Watkins, 11:184–11:185
  • letter from, 11:184–11:185
  • letters to, 4:164
  • and public education in Ky., 18:478–18:479, 19:259n
  • as U.S. senator, 4:113n, 4:129, 4:163, 4:164n

Pope, Joseph

  • inventor, 7:438–7:439, 7:439n

Pope, Nathaniel

  • family of, 13:24

Pope, William

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636
  • family of, 13:24
  • S. Hale visits, 13:24–13:25, 13:27
  • identified, 13:23n
  • introduces S. Hale, 13:22, 13:23n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:23n


  • Athenian, 3:353, 13:581
  • balsam, 3:353, 3:355, 9:533, 13:604
  • Lombardy, 1:192n, 3:353, 3:354, 11:218, 11:219, 13:581
  • lumber used at Poplar Forest, 8:612, 8:613, 13:387, 16:459
  • tulip, 3:353
  • in Va., 11:624

Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate) See also Bear Creek plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate); Tomahawk plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate); Yancey, Joel (d. 1833)

  • acreage of, 4:387, 8:255, 18:272
  • Agreement with Benjamin Johnson for Exchange of Poplar Forest Lands, 5:486–5:488
  • annual income of, 1:213, 5:400–5:402
  • asparagus grown at, 8:78
  • astronomical observations at, 3:361–3:367
  • architectural drawings of, 15:169, 15:170 (illus.), 15:171 (illus.)
  • architectural ornaments for, 18:470, 18:493, 18:493–18:494, 18:534, 18:535, 18:535, 18:630, 19:liii, 19:24, 19:276–19:277, 19:278n, 19:375, 19:476, 19:477, 19:478n, 19:483–19:484, 19:520, 19:566, 19:568, 19:611
  • attempted sale of part of, 2:77–2:78, 2:79–2:80, 3:64, 3:162, 3:163n, 3:186–3:188, 5:34–5:35, 16:69
  • balustrade at, 9:148n
  • barns at, 6:488n, 8:174, 18:64
  • beds and blankets for slaves at, 4:382–4:383, 5:33, 5:34, 5:460–5:463, 6:308–6:309, 7:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186, 8:186, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • builders at, 1:192n, 3:215, 3:412, 3:613, 7:xlvi, 7:380, 7:400, 8:10, 8:610, 8:613, 8:685, 8:697, 9:147, 9:148n, 9:304, 10:355, 14:541, 14:564, 14:566n, 14:584
  • butter for, 14:243
  • canal at, 14:589, 15:158, 15:162, 15:282, 15:306, 15:428, 15:474, 15:498, 15:608
  • carpentry at, 15:lii, 15:60, 15:61, 15:143, 15:154, 15:172, 15:174, 15:174, 15:206, 15:208, 15:209–15:210, 15:247, 15:257–15:258, 15:261, 15:264–15:265, 16:379, 17:613, 18:35–18:36, 19:liii, 19:276–19:277
  • cattle at, 7:71, 7:179, 8:72, 8:132, 8:173, 8:174, 8:520, 13:386, 17:39, 17:40
  • cellars at, 2:89, 13:545, 13:566
  • chimney backs for, 5:485, 5:485, 5:505, 6:109, 6:349, 6:350
  • chimney screens for, 5:485
  • clothing for slaves at, 6:308, 8:158, 8:185
  • clover grown at, 7:71, 7:179, 8:69, 8:70, 8:78, 8:520, 8:611, 8:611, 9:494, 9:505, 12:483
  • coopers at, 10:73–10:74, 10:74n, 10:355, 11:603
  • corn for, 18:402–18:403, 18:405, 18:406
  • corn grown at, 2:96, 4:379, 4:380, 5:489, 6:486, 6:486, 7:71, 8:69, 8:70, 8:71, 8:72, 8:158, 8:542, 8:610, 8:611, 8:611, 8:697, 10:355, 10:389, 14:430, 14:596, 15:62, 15:134, 15:229, 15:282, 15:427, 15:428, 15:608–15:609, 16:253, 16:442, 18:406
  • cotton used at, 8:97, 10:539, 13:109, 15:229
  • crops at, 14:53, 15:306, 15:457, 19:424
  • and curtilage survey, 5:482, 5:489, 8:70
  • dairy at, 19:550, 19:551
  • damaged by hail, 14:430–14:431, 14:443, 14:476, 14:494, 14:596, 14:649n
  • diet of slaves at, 8:72, 8:72, 8:610, 8:611, 17:612–17:613
  • dining room at, 18:35–18:36, 18:470, 18:534, 18:535, 19:liii, 19:424 (illus.)
  • distance from Monticello, 16:275, 16:276
  • distilling at, 8:70
  • dogs at, 7:180
  • doors at, 13:545, 13:566, 15:143, 15:154, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206, 15:206, 15:209, 15:247, 15:257, 15:264–15:265
  • and 1820 census, 16:li, 16:li
  • and F. W. Eppes, 6:71–6:73, 7:400, 7:482–7:483, 9:608, 12:590–12:591, 13:18, 16:67, 18:572–18:573, 19:115, 19:116n, 19:204, 19:333n, 19:550–19:551, 19:551
  • fertilizer used at , 8:520, 13:582
  • fish for, 2:423, 2:503, 5:33, 8:536, 10:157–10:158, 13:99, 14:321, 17:207, 17:211, 17:218, 17:221, 17:223
  • flour from, 3:421, 3:518, 3:531, 3:561, 3:612, 4:10, 4:11, 4:86, 4:87, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 5:307, 5:340–5:341, 5:341n, 5:481–5:482, 5:488–5:489, 5:545, 5:576, 5:600, 5:656, 6:3, 6:487, 6:604+, 7:72, 7:94–7:95, 7:402, 8:70, 8:132, 8:186, 8:284, 8:390, 8:582, 9:133, 9:254, 9:313, 9:370, 9:493, 9:505, 9:562, 9:593–9:594, 9:594, 10:387–10:388, 10:388, 10:466, 10:539, 10:597, 10:617, 11:179, 11:207, 11:207, 11:236, 12:29, 12:349, 12:476, 12:538, 12:541, 12:556, 12:613, 12:632, 12:645, 13:141, 13:279, 13:323, 13:355–13:356, 13:356, 13:386, 13:459, 13:475, 13:492, 13:545, 13:566–13:567, 13:604, 14:7, 14:218, 14:220, 14:220, 14:244, 14:281, 14:326, 15:390, 15:391, 16:520, 17:48, 19:496
  • furniture at, 1:44, 1:287, 1:319, 8:255, 8:256, 15:lii, 15:346 (illus.), 16:510, 16:543, 16:572, 16:573
  • garden at, 4:381, 7:400, 14:430, 16:459, 17:154, 17:612–17:613
  • glass for, 14:273, 14:274, 14:430, 14:430–14:431n, 14:439, 14:447, 14:476, 14:566, 14:648–14:649
  • grain for, 15:618
  • groceries for, 11:617, 15:172
  • gutters at, 15:4, 15:60, 15:209–15:210
  • gypsum used as fertilizer at, 8:520, 11:163, 12:349, 15:306
  • harpsichord for, 15:308–15:309, 15:378, 16:xlix, 16:67, 16:91, 16:264, 16:365, 16:365n, 16:367, 16:379, 17:85n, 17:428–17:429
  • harvest at, 10:73–10:74, 10:355, 11:475, 14:443
  • hemp grown at, 4:379, 4:380, 5:489, 6:486, 8:71, 10:32–10:33
  • hogs at, 2:96, 7:71, 8:71, 8:71, 8:72, 8:132, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:185, 8:611, 8:611, 9:562, 11:179, 13:386, 13:545, 13:566, 13:566, 14:636, 15:134, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:282, 16:470, 18:85
  • horses at, 4:373, 4:381, 5:653, 5:653n, 7:124, 8:10, 8:70, 8:71, 8:71, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:520, 10:466, 14:114n, 14:564, 14:586, 17:207, 17:207n, 17:218, 18:405, 18:406
  • household manufacture at, 4:380, 4:515
  • invitations to visit, 6:451, 6:451, 6:648, 6:649, 8:68, 8:685, 11:619, 15:56, 15:107, 16:90, 16:443, 16:444, 18:403, 18:606, 19:614
  • latitude of, 3:361–3:367, 3:563+, 4:369, 9:245–9:246, 10:514–10:515
  • lease of proposed, 16:323, 16:355
  • library at, 8:121, 8:140, 10:257, 10:257n, 11:628, 13:545, 13:566, 16:275, 17:537n
  • livestock at, 4:306, 4:373, 4:381, 4:526, 6:366, 8:10, 8:174, 8:185, 10:597, 13:519, 16:546, 17:39
  • lumber for, 8:612, 8:613, 8:695–8:696, 9:505, 10:219n, 10:356, 11:207, 13:387, 14:541, 15:391, 15:392, 16:459
  • main house at, 2:xliii, 2:380 (illus.), 6:71, 6:72, 6:129, 6:129, 6:162, 6:488n, 7:44, 7:482, 8:132, 8:185, 8:186, 8:256, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570n, 11:626, 11:670, 12:198, 13:311n, 14:430–14:431, 14:542n, 14:595, 14:648–14:649, 16:67, 18:572, 18:573, 19:551
  • management of, 16:253, 16:253, 16:519–16:520, 16:545–16:546, 16:573, 17:15–17:16, 17:17n, 17:198, 17:207, 17:218, 17:218n, 18:272, 19:612
  • map of, 4:xlv, 4:370 (illus.)
  • medical care at, 7:387–7:388, 9:40, 11:497
  • merino sheep at, 5:600
  • mills at, 3:64, 3:162, 14:588–14:589, 15:61, 15:109–15:110, 15:110, 15:110, 15:111n, 15:112, 15:113, 15:113, 15:115, 15:115, 15:118, 15:158, 15:281, 15:608
  • mismanagement at, 2:149–2:150, 8:555
  • mules sent to and from, 18:35, 18:64
  • Napoleon rumored to intend visit to, 8:697
  • neighbors provide food to, 18:407
  • Notes on Benjamin Johnson’s Lands Adjacent to Poplar Forest, 5:475–5:476
  • Notes on Poplar Forest Plantings and Geography, 3:xlv–3:xlvi, 3:352–3:355, 3:358 (illus.)
  • Notes on Wheat Shipments from Poplar Forest, 5:481–5:482
  • oat-grass grown at, 8:71, 8:520
  • oats grown at, 4:379, 8:69, 8:70, 8:542, 8:611, 14:430, 15:608–15:609, 16:253
  • orchard at, 8:70
  • paint for, 11:197–11:198
  • parlor at, 18:493–18:494n, 18:534, 18:535, 19:liii
  • peaches at, 8:697, 15:281, 15:428
  • peas grown at, 4:379, 4:379, 6:486, 6:486, 7:71, 8:69, 8:71, 8:516, 8:611, 8:611, 13:545, 13:566, 13:581, 13:604
  • plant nursery at, 8:132, 9:562–9:563, 9:563, 13:581
  • plastering at, 2:96, 2:149–2:150, 5:311, 5:338n, 5:381–5:382, 5:403, 5:457–5:458, 7:297, 7:380, 14:595, 15:22n
  • plowing at, 11:163, 11:164n
  • pork from, 16:365, 16:449, 16:470–16:471, 18:30
  • portion of offered as security, 4:584, 4:678, 15:30–15:31, 15:34–15:35, 15:36–15:37, 15:46–15:47, 15:48, 19:311–19:312
  • portions of set aside for J. W. Eppes and T. M. Randolph, 16:66–16:67, 16:68n
  • provisions for carpenters at, 8:613, 18:85
  • pumpkins grown at, 4:379, 8:70, 8:71, 8:611
  • and M. J. Randolph’s marriage settlement, 19:204n
  • M. J. Randolph visits, 10:388, 10:397, 10:420n, 10:420n, 10:492n, 17:85n, 17:383, 17:435, 17:435n, 18:377n, 18:382, 18:407–18:408, 18:408
  • T. J. Randolph visits, 16:253, 16:545, 16:548, 16:561, 17:435n, 20:46, 20:120, 20:252, 20:314
  • T. M. Randolph visits, 2:97
  • roads, 7:179, 7:430, 8:70, 8:132, 8:157–8:158, 12:203, 12:210–12:211, 12:212–12:213, 12:214, 12:215, 12:216, 12:217–12:219, 12:223, 19:286, 19:288n, 19:288
  • roof at, 15:4, 15:60, 15:143, 15:209–15:210, 15:247, 16:270, 16:379
  • round table for, 4:xlv, 4:307, 4:370 (illus.)
  • route from Natural Bridge to, 8:696, 8:697, 8:697n, 9:35, 9:450
  • rye grown at, 8:70
  • sawing at, 16:253
  • sheep at, 6:6, 8:71, 8:74, 8:185, 8:520, 13:386, 17:39, 17:40, 19:550, 19:551
  • skylight at, 14:431n, 14:542n, 14:648–14:649, 17:613, 18:35
  • slave dwellings at, 13:387
  • slaves at, 7:71, 7:124, 7:387, 8:70, 8:70–8:71, 8:173–8:174, 8:174, 8:185–8:186, 8:255, 8:697, 9:40, 9:215–9:216, 9:238, 9:494, 9:505, 9:562, 10:73–10:74, 10:74n, 10:355, 11:178, 11:179, 11:475, 11:475n, 11:546, 11:547, 11:573, 11:626, 11:626n, 12:198, 12:227, 12:228, 12:324, 12:349, 12:483, 12:538, 13:liii, 13:393, 13:567, 13:582, 14:114n, 14:218, 14:431n, 14:443, 14:476–14:477, 14:494, 14:541, 14:565–14:567, 14:574, 14:596, 14:632–14:633, 15:60, 15:138, 15:162, 15:282, 15:306, 15:608, 16:23–16:24, 16:24n, 16:66, 16:149, 16:350, 16:355, 16:470–16:471, 17:39, 17:40, 17:198, 17:612–17:613, 18:30, 18:70, 18:85, 18:106, 18:272, 18:402, 18:501, 19:liii, 19:262, 19:262–19:263n, 19:277, 19:332–19:333, 19:333n, 19:333n, 20:412
  • slaves at listed, 4:384–4:386, 8:60–8:62, 8:63n, 8:72, 8:72n, 8:255
  • spinning at, 6:106, 6:107, 6:203, 9:713, 12:538, 15:229, 15:247, 15:257, 15:282, 15:428
  • springhouse at, 10:355
  • stables at, 8:132
  • stonework at, 7:297, 7:331, 7:380, 7:380n, 14:575, 14:617
  • sundial at, 4:96–4:98
  • superintendent of, 8:496, 8:501, 8:515, 8:515, 8:542, 8:555, 8:555n, 8:610–8:611, 8:613, 9:493–9:494, 9:505, 9:562–9:563, 11:178–11:179, 13:91, 13:518
  • surveys of, 4:279–4:280, 6:488, 6:488–6:489n, 12:209–12:211, 12:212–12:213, 12:214, 12:214–12:215, 12:216, 12:217, 12:217 (illus.), 12:217–12:218, 12:218 (illus.), 12:218, 12:219, 12:219 (illus.), 12:219n, 12:219–12:221, 12:221, 12:222, 12:222–12:223, 12:224 (illus.), 12:224–12:226, 12:228, 12:261, 12:337, 12:349, 13:12
  • taxes on, 8:10, 8:47, 8:63, 8:73, 8:73n, 8:73, 8:255–8:256, 8:256, 9:50, 9:51–9:52n, 9:562, 9:568, 9:594, 10:356, 10:597, 10:597n, 12:29, 13:356, 13:356n, 14:113, 14:114n, 14:220, 15:117, 15:130, 15:134, 15:138, 15:146–15:147, 15:154, 17:531–17:532, 17:532n, 20:252–20:253
  • threshing machine at, 14:588, 15:61, 15:110, 15:111n, 15:112, 15:114, 15:115, 15:117, 15:130
  • timothy grown at, 4:379, 6:486, 8:70, 8:611, 16:353
  • title to, 19:203–19:204
  • TJ describes, 5:348–5:349, 7:482–7:483, 8:203–8:204, 10:32, 16:270
  • TJ plans visits to, 3:30, 3:46, 3:67, 3:75, 3:86, 3:86, 3:154, 3:327–3:328, 3:328, 3:332, 3:334, 3:339, 3:421, 3:644, 4:11, 4:132, 5:9, 5:17, 5:336, 5:401–5:402, 5:417, 5:446, 5:448, 6:43, 6:66, 6:76, 6:84, 6:84, 6:85, 6:86–6:87, 6:88, 6:125, 6:132, 6:156, 6:203, 6:204, 6:214, 6:225, 6:285, 6:331, 6:366, 6:372+, 6:397, 6:398, 6:412, 6:429, 6:430, 6:442, 6:442, 6:445, 6:523, 6:594, 6:595, 6:595–6:596, 6:604, 6:604+, 6:605, 6:621, 6:635, 7:71, 7:135–7:136, 7:143, 7:297, 7:300, 7:301, 7:301, 7:305, 7:316, 7:321, 7:322, 7:355, 7:357–7:358, 7:358n, 7:360, 7:365, 7:369, 7:370, 7:647, 7:710, 8:10, 8:10–8:11, 8:22, 8:47, 8:54, 8:56, 8:185, 8:354, 8:359, 8:383, 8:387, 8:427, 8:433, 8:481, 8:481, 8:482, 8:490, 8:519, 8:610, 8:656, 8:660, 8:674, 8:676, 8:677, 8:697, 9:106, 9:524, 9:554, 9:562, 9:568, 9:601, 9:608, 9:639, 9:639, 9:641, 9:648, 9:663, 9:665, 10:35, 10:71, 10:73, 10:74, 10:125, 10:168, 10:314, 10:324, 10:326, 10:331, 10:335, 10:337, 10:351, 10:366, 10:388, 10:390, 10:393, 10:397, 10:420, 10:437, 10:442, 10:451, 10:452, 10:462, 10:465, 10:467, 10:470, 10:472, 10:477, 10:529, 10:567, 11:179, 11:207, 11:237, 11:262, 11:361–11:362, 11:427, 11:428, 11:439, 11:452, 11:458, 11:459, 11:460, 11:465, 11:485, 11:500, 11:549, 11:585, 11:586, 11:587, 11:593, 11:593–11:594, 12:5, 12:41, 12:56, 12:105, 12:113–12:114, 12:148, 12:168, 12:192, 12:261, 12:338, 12:435, 12:529–12:530, 12:530, 12:538, 12:541, 12:542, 12:547, 12:556, 12:563, 12:586, 12:610, 12:610, 12:612, 12:612, 12:613, 12:625, 13:36–13:37, 13:74, 13:92, 13:110, 13:117, 13:120, 13:166, 13:168, 13:279, 13:383, 13:581, 14:114, 14:184, 14:190, 14:210, 14:210, 14:211–14:212, 14:213, 14:214, 14:220, 14:221, 14:222, 14:279, 14:385, 14:390, 14:400, 14:442n, 14:443, 14:451, 14:468, 14:473, 14:476–14:477, 14:479, 14:482–14:483, 14:484, 14:487, 14:488, 14:489–14:490, 14:490, 14:492, 14:494, 14:495–14:496, 14:496, 14:501, 14:508, 14:512, 14:513–14:514, 14:514, 14:516, 14:518, 14:520, 14:525, 14:526, 14:528, 14:529, 14:532, 14:532, 14:546, 14:633n, 15:56, 15:71, 15:428, 15:474, 15:498, 15:525, 15:537, 15:541, 15:541, 15:552, 15:554, 15:562, 15:567n, 15:591, 15:607, 15:608, 15:609, 16:48, 16:61, 16:69, 16:69, 16:120, 16:123, 16:128, 16:145, 16:145, 16:150, 16:177, 16:188, 16:193, 16:222, 16:223, 16:224, 16:244, 16:244, 16:245, 16:248, 16:249, 16:254, 16:264, 16:270, 16:273, 16:325n, 16:330, 16:333, 16:337, 16:338, 16:338, 16:338, 16:349, 16:352–16:353, 16:365, 16:376, 16:379, 16:393, 16:401, 16:507, 16:520, 16:604, 17:40, 17:48, 17:85n, 17:143, 17:147, 17:148, 17:198, 17:218, 17:247, 17:256, 17:297, 17:390, 17:412, 17:412, 17:417, 17:423, 17:428–17:429, 17:429, 17:483, 17:491, 17:496, 17:511, 17:531–17:532, 17:532, 17:576, 18:10, 18:335, 18:372, 18:375, 18:376–18:377, 18:377, 18:403, 18:606, 18:622, 19:24, 19:150, 19:490, 19:538, 19:546, 19:547, 19:550, 19:550–19:551, 19:551, 19:553, 19:561, 19:570, 19:585, 19:594, 19:603, 20:59, 20:631
  • TJ returns from, 2:33, 2:39, 2:50, 5:91, 5:94, 6:111, 6:116, 6:135, 6:155, 6:451, 6:486, 6:486n, 6:487, 6:487–6:488n, 7:100, 7:440, 7:448, 7:453, 8:55n, 8:74, 8:519, 8:569, 9:275, 9:276, 9:302, 9:702, 9:711, 10:59, 10:218, 10:256, 10:393, 10:420, 10:434, 10:436, 10:459, 10:462, 10:465, 10:516, 10:516, 10:538, 10:539, 10:540, 10:545, 10:546, 10:547, 10:549, 10:560, 10:569, 10:570, 10:576, 10:576, 10:577, 10:582, 10:584, 10:590, 10:591, 10:592, 10:594, 10:595, 10:598, 10:602, 10:606, 10:613, 11:290, 11:534, 12:29, 12:40, 12:100, 12:197, 12:273, 12:274, 12:297, 12:325, 12:332, 12:344, 12:657, 13:143, 14:245, 14:265, 14:266, 14:270, 14:272, 14:633, 14:635, 14:635, 14:642, 15:43, 15:48n, 15:53, 15:57, 15:59, 15:242n, 16:269, 16:269, 16:270, 16:271, 16:275, 16:285, 16:287, 16:293, 16:293, 17:177, 17:476n, 17:567, 17:597, 18:31, 18:382, 18:408, 18:475, 19:4, 19:615–19:616
  • and TJ’s debts, 2:260, 10:73
  • TJ sends for steers from, 4:526
  • TJ’s grandchildren visit, 10:183, 10:184n, 10:397, 10:420n, 10:491, 10:492n, 10:516–10:517, 10:517, 10:537, 10:546, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570, 10:570n, 10:570–10:571, 11:626, 11:626–11:627, 11:628, 11:641, 11:669–11:670, 12:634–12:635, 13:175, 14:430–14:431n, 14:532n, 14:542, 14:549–14:550, 14:565–14:567, 14:597n, 14:631–14:633, 15:lii, 15:23n, 15:48n, 15:138n, 15:567n, 16:263–16:264, 16:265n, 16:400n, 16:417, 16:458, 17:85n, 17:153–17:154, 17:383, 17:435n, 18:377n, 18:408–18:409, 19:608n, 19:612, 19:644
  • TJ’s instructions for management of, 4:379–4:382, 8:69–8:72, 9:562–9:563
  • TJ visits, 1:519, 2:xliii, 2:50, 2:256, 2:314, 2:329, 2:408, 2:462, 2:464, 3:64, 3:102, 3:286, 3:316, 3:347, 3:351n, 3:397n, 4:5, 4:6n, 4:82, 4:86, 4:87, 4:90, 4:93, 4:94, 4:95, 4:98, 4:146, 4:183, 4:312, 4:346n, 4:429, 4:459, 4:460, 4:463, 4:584, 4:620, 4:650, 4:675, 4:676, 4:677, 4:679, 6:106–6:107, 6:225, 6:438, 6:483n, 6:497, 6:595n, 6:604n, 6:646, 7:178, 7:248, 7:382, 7:409–7:410, 7:410–7:411, 7:412, 7:433, 7:434, 7:450, 7:457, 7:518, 8:531, 8:555, 8:556, 8:565, 8:696, 8:697, 9:18, 9:33n, 9:37, 9:41, 9:49, 9:50, 9:59, 9:90, 9:129, 9:130, 9:130–9:131, 9:147, 9:153, 9:238, 9:250, 9:254, 9:276, 9:304, 9:308, 9:343, 9:345, 9:357, 10:32, 10:183, 10:314, 10:388, 10:389n, 10:393, 10:406, 10:491, 10:492n, 10:516, 10:516, 10:517, 10:518, 10:519, 10:521, 10:521, 10:539, 10:546, 10:548, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570, 10:570–10:571, 10:576, 10:577, 10:582, 10:584, 10:592, 10:594, 10:595, 10:597, 10:598, 10:606, 10:610, 10:613, 10:665, 11:296, 11:453, 11:453n, 11:524, 11:571, 11:572n, 11:596, 11:610, 11:610, 11:610, 11:619, 11:626–11:627, 11:628, 11:641, 11:642, 11:646, 11:647, 11:648, 11:649, 11:659, 11:669–11:670, 12:8, 12:47, 12:198, 12:199, 12:203, 12:205, 12:209–12:210, 12:228, 12:239, 12:239–12:240, 12:240–12:241, 12:256, 12:261, 12:263, 12:273, 12:634–12:635, 13:14, 13:18, 13:93, 13:94, 13:94n, 13:244n, 13:311n, 13:311n, 14:224, 14:279, 14:280, 14:288, 14:521, 14:532n, 14:542, 14:549–14:550, 14:564, 14:565–14:566, 14:570–14:571, 14:573, 14:576, 14:577, 14:585, 14:591, 14:594, 14:595, 14:596–14:597, 14:613, 14:617, 14:618, 14:621, 14:626n, 14:627, 14:629, 14:631–14:633, 14:634, 14:635–14:636, 14:644, 14:645, 14:645, 14:646, 14:649n, 15:7, 15:9, 15:22, 15:59, 15:210, 16:257, 16:263–16:264, 16:265n, 16:290, 16:400n, 16:409, 16:409–16:410, 16:413, 16:417, 16:433, 16:434, 16:434, 16:444, 16:446, 16:449, 16:449–16:450, 16:457, 16:458, 16:504, 16:505, 16:552, 17:153–17:154, 17:383, 17:435, 17:435n, 17:484, 17:489, 17:491, 17:531, 17:543, 17:550, 17:550, 17:559, 17:571, 17:579, 17:588, 17:601, 17:602, 17:655, 18:31, 18:377n, 18:402, 18:403, 18:470, 18:598, 19:liii, 19:614n, 19:635, 19:638, 19:644, 19:656
  • tobacco grown at, 1:157n, 2:27–2:28, 2:96, 2:217, 2:230, 3:375, 3:392, 3:420–3:421, 4:307, 4:373–4:374, 4:379, 4:381, 4:422, 4:461, 4:515, 4:516, 4:528, 4:555, 5:91, 5:92n, 5:132, 5:531, 5:545, 5:599, 6:203, 6:486, 6:544, 7:71, 7:124, 7:179, 7:263, 8:70, 8:70, 8:97, 8:132, 8:157, 8:158, 8:186, 8:203, 8:284, 8:284, 8:417, 8:542, 8:611, 8:697, 9:51, 9:133, 9:254, 9:313, 9:370, 9:493, 9:505, 9:505, 9:541, 9:562, 9:568, 9:568–9:569, 9:569, 9:593–9:594, 9:594, 9:604, 10:355, 10:539, 11:179, 11:207, 11:290, 11:380, 11:593, 12:29, 12:349, 12:476, 12:483, 12:541, 12:645, 12:657, 13:91, 13:91, 13:141, 13:386, 13:545, 13:567, 13:567, 13:567, 14:7, 14:113–14:114, 14:218, 14:220, 14:220, 14:244, 14:275, 14:281, 14:326, 14:353, 14:430, 14:473, 14:477, 14:494, 14:496, 14:498, 15:62, 15:118, 15:130, 15:130, 15:260–15:261, 15:261, 15:282, 15:334, 15:390, 15:391, 15:427, 15:474, 15:498, 15:498, 15:537, 15:552, 15:590, 15:608, 15:608–15:609, 15:609–15:610, 15:613, 15:618, 16:253, 16:520, 17:181, 17:191, 17:197, 17:202, 17:207, 17:207, 17:211, 17:218, 17:221, 17:224, 18:69–18:70, 18:402, 18:403, 18:405, 18:406, 18:407n, 18:435, 18:491, 18:581, 18:585, 18:586, 18:601n, 18:624, 19:85, 19:494, 19:496, 19:550, 19:591, 19:594, 19:636, 19:685, 19:695, 19:695n, 19:713, 20:47, 20:253
  • trees at, 8:70, 8:613, 9:183n, 16:510
  • visitors to, 5:26+, 6:94, 6:106, 8:132, 8:212, 8:512, 8:695, 9:147, 9:147, 9:148, 10:183, 10:184n, 10:324, 10:516, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570, 11:596, 11:620, 11:624n, 11:625, 11:627, 12:198, 12:241, 13:132, 14:62n, 14:553, 15:14, 15:14n, 15:23n, 15:473–15:474, 15:498, 15:500, 15:537, 16:134, 16:292, 16:292, 16:393, 17:548, 18:407, 19:301
  • weather at, 7:400, 9:51, 10:355, 11:207, 14:430, 14:550n, 14:596, 14:633n, 14:636, 15:311, 15:608–15:609, 19:614
  • wheat grown at, 2:96, 2:217, 2:495, 3:392, 3:394, 3:420–3:421, 3:538, 4:86, 4:87, 4:94, 4:95, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:307–4:308, 4:341–4:342, 4:373, 4:379, 5:340–5:341, 5:470–5:471, 5:475, 5:481–5:482, 6:331, 6:486, 6:544, 7:94–7:95, 7:400, 7:461, 8:10, 8:69, 8:70, 8:70, 8:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174n, 8:186, 8:186n, 8:203, 8:284, 8:417, 8:542, 8:610, 8:611, 8:697, 9:51, 9:313, 9:505, 9:594, 9:604, 10:355, 10:466, 11:207, 12:483, 12:556, 12:613, 13:566, 13:567, 14:430, 14:494, 14:596, 15:118, 15:134, 15:158, 15:229, 15:282, 15:427, 15:474, 15:608–15:609, 16:253, 16:442, 17:39, 17:198, 17:207, 17:567, 17:589, 18:69, 18:106, 18:106, 18:402, 18:403, 18:403, 18:404
  • windows at, 15:143, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206, 15:208, 15:209, 15:229, 15:247, 15:247, 15:257, 15:264–15:265
  • wing of offices at, 6:71, 7:xlvi, 7:380n, 7:380n, 7:434 (illus.), 7:482, 7:483n, 8:10
  • Overseers at (See also Darnil (Darnell; Darniel; Darnold), Nimrod; Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus; Gough, William; Griffin, Burgess; Miller, Robert (overseer); Miller, William J. (overseer); Morris, Zachariah)
    • accommodations for, 8:204
    • accounting practices of, 4:94
    • attacked by slave, 19:262–19:263n, 20:412
    • competency of, 8:610–8:611, 9:254, 10:168, 12:556, 13:581–13:582
    • crop share of, 2:27, 2:28, 2:230, 2:230n, 4:342, 18:69, 18:406–18:407
    • hiring of, 4:132, 4:133n, 4:307, 8:493n, 9:34, 9:34n, 16:253
    • list slave beds and blankets, 4:382–4:383
    • make contracts for sale of wheat, 4:165, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:212, 5:482n
    • plantation management by, 2:149–2:150, 4:386n, 5:488–5:490, 5:663, 9:594
    • and prizing of tobacco, 3:269, 3:457, 8:70, 17:39
    • report plantation activities, 1:180, 2:96–2:97
    • and sale of tobacco to S. J. Harrison, 3:457, 3:561, 3:634, 3:639–3:640, 3:650, 4:422, 4:461, 4:515, 4:549, 5:531, 5:545, 5:600, 5:638, 6:4, 6:5, 6:24–6:25, 6:25–6:26
    • send tobacco to Richmond, 1:157n, 7:179, 8:132, 10:617
    • TJ entrusts documents to, 2:328, 2:330, 4:308, 10:73, 19:72
    • TJ seeks replacement for, 8:203–8:204, 8:432–8:433, 8:493, 8:496, 8:542, 8:555, 8:611, 9:604, 9:604n
    • TJ’s instructions to, 2:232, 2:233n, 4:379–4:382, 4:515–4:516, 4:526–4:527, 5:31, 5:600, 6:486–6:487, 7:71, 7:124, 7:179–7:180, 7:263, 8:10–8:11, 8:78, 8:132, 8:157–8:158, 8:184–8:186, 8:610–8:611, 10:73–10:74, 13:545
    • wages for, 8:204, 9:99, 9:99n, 9:216n, 10:73, 12:324, 17:258n, 18:441, 19:496

poppy, oil, 2:270, 2:271

Porcia (wife of Marcus Junius Brutus [the Younger]), 17:73n, 17:73n

Porée, Jean Baptiste

  • conveys book to TJ, 1:674, 2:353, 2:405
  • identified, 2:354n
  • letters from, 2:353–2:354
  • letters to, 2:405


  • at Belmont estate, 3:170–3:171
  • for Central College, 15:93, 15:95
  • consumed, 10:187, 11:493, 20:396
  • for R. Durrett, 5:418
  • as pay, 1:419, 1:421, 4:143, 6:304, 12:242, 12:324, 12:357, 16:429, 18:406
  • price of, 8:307, 16:509, 17:59, 17:381
  • purchased for University of Virginia, 19:310, 20:214
  • as rent, 12:302
  • for slaves, 8:184–8:185, 12:324, 13:566, 18:85
  • supply of, 1:451, 5:545–5:546, 12:302, 12:324, 15:207, 15:207, 15:229, 15:230n
  • TJ sells, 16:509, 17:22, 17:487
  • toll on, 5:379
  • transported to and from Poplar Forest, 10:597, 12:324, 13:519, 13:545, 13:566, 13:604, 15:248, 15:281, 15:282, 15:311, 15:311, 15:311, 16:365, 16:449, 16:470–16:471, 18:30
  • at Tufton, 2:112, 2:371

Porson, Richard

  • classical scholar, 9:86

port (wine), 8:232, 9:263, 9:313, 9:324, 9:325, 9:366, 9:402, 9:474, 9:602, 9:659, 10:247, 10:313, 10:313n, 10:335, 10:351, 11:246, 11:293+, 14:327, 14:328, 14:338, 14:338, 16:325n

Portalis, Jean Etienne Marie

  • Projet de Code Civil, 3:132, 3:135n

Port Dover, Upper Canada

  • burned by U.S. forces, 8:217

Porter, David

  • American naval commander, 7:502n, 7:642–7:643, 10:94n, 19:427, 20:165n
  • and W. Annesley’s works, 19:142
  • circular sent to, 11:595
  • friendship with J. S. Skinner, 15:360
  • identified, 1:444n
  • Journal of a Cruize made to the Pacific Ocean, 8:672
  • letters from, 1:443–1:445
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • Plan for a Voyage of Discovery to the Northwest Coast of America, 1:445–1:449
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461

Porter, Jane

  • The Scottish Chiefs, 7:65, 8:626, 8:626n

Porter, John

  • claim for compensation, 1:583–1:584, 1:625, 1:644, 8:494–8:495
  • identified, 1:644–1:645n
  • health of, 8:494
  • letter from, 8:494–8:495
  • letters from accounted for, 1:584n
  • letters to, 1:644–1:645

Porter, Letitia Breckinridge

  • friendship with TJ, 13:543, 13:599

Porter, Peter

  • and Central College subscription, 11:330, 13:161

Porter, Peter Buell

  • identified, 3:333n
  • letters from, 3:333
  • letters from accounted for, 3:460n
  • letters to, 3:437
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:536–5:540
  • as quartermaster general, 5:410–5:411, 7:656
  • and Report of the Commissioners, 3:460n
  • sends gypsum, 3:333, 3:437
  • and War of 1812, 7:405, 10:186, 10:187, 11:494, 15:121

Porter, Ralph (ship captain), 10:274–10:275, 10:411, 10:416

Porter, Timothy Dwight

  • academic career of, 17:35
  • and American Geological Society, 15:460–15:461, 15:489
  • identified, 15:461n
  • letter from, 15:460–15:461
  • letter to, 15:489

Porterfield, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:305

Porterfield, Robert

  • commands troops, 7:632

Porteus, Beilby

  • annotated Bible of, 19:400, 19:401n
  • Death: A Poetical Essay, 16:74, 16:75, 17:73, 17:73n, 18:59, 18:60–18:61n, 20:429n
  • A Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation, 3:590, 3:590n, 4:674, 4:674n, 5:98n, 6:15, 6:61

Port Folio

  • bound for TJ, 13:368, 13:449, 14:165, 14:166n, 14:200, 16:627, 16:639
  • C. Caldwell as editor of, 7:317–7:318, 7:319n, 7:328–7:329, 7:410–7:412
  • T. Cooper writes for, 7:560, 7:657, 8:12, 8:447, 8:449n
  • criticizes B. Franklin, 16:205–16:206
  • J. E. Hall as editor of, 16:204–16:205
  • H. Hall as publisher of, 12:552
  • publishes account of M. Lewis’s death, 7:63, 7:64n
  • publishes engraving, 17:73, 17:74n
  • reviews J. Melish’s work, 5:628–5:629, 5:630n
  • and Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta), 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n
  • TJ asked to write for, 7:317–7:318
  • TJ subscribes to, 7:410–7:411, 7:561, 10:19, 10:20n, 11:541, 11:599–11:600, 12:552, 18:197n


  • publishes mathematical solutions, 17:408, 17:409n, 17:410

portmanteaus, 14:245n, 20:362

Portobello (TJ’s property)

  • TJ’s patent of, 4:386

Port Royal, Va.

  • proposed bank for, 10:660n

Portsmouth, Va.

  • unusual atmospheric phenomenon reported from, 6:340–6:341
  • Washington Tavern, 6:341

Port Talbot, Upper Canada

  • U.S. attack on, 8:217


  • affairs in, 17:193, 17:200, 17:201, 17:489, 19:81, 19:334, 20:105, 20:106n, 20:137
  • and Algiers, 17:340, 17:453
  • and Brazil, 8:503, 8:508n, 10:328, 11:355, 11:384n, 16:218, 16:218, 16:432–16:433, 16:434, 19:148–19:149, 19:356, 19:490
  • climate of, 19:112, 19:356
  • and colonization of African Americans, 3:319, 18:609n
  • commercial policies of, 16:221
  • constitution of, 17:191–17:192, 17:253, 19:356–19:357
  • Cortes of, 18:614, 19:356, 19:356–19:357, 19:511
  • earthquake in, 4:189, 4:190n
  • education in, 15:74, 17:241–17:242
  • elections in, 18:614
  • French designs on, 2:274
  • gardens in, 19:675
  • and Great Britain, 2:275, 2:277n, 4:337, 4:587, 20:106n
  • health in, 4:361
  • ideology in, 20:368
  • merino sheep arrive from, 4:40
  • military operations in, 2:166, 2:233, 2:667
  • minister plenipotentiary from, 10:124–10:125, 10:125n, 10:155–10:156, 14:615n, 19:113
  • politics in, 12:245, 16:408, 16:432–16:433, 17:201, 19:113, 19:270
  • and Spain, 9:516, 20:152n
  • and revolutions in Europe, 17:177, 17:180, 17:201, 20:352–20:353
  • TJ on, 19:270
  • TJ orders wine from, 8:571, 8:571, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:133, 9:313, 9:324, 9:325n
  • and U.S., 16:218, 16:367–16:368, 16:372, 16:411–16:412, 16:412n, 16:432–16:433, 17:336, 17:339–17:340, 17:377n, 18:614, 19:229, 19:270, 20:106n
  • U.S. consulship in, 4:185, 4:212, 4:218–4:219
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505
  • wine from, 18:561

Portuguese language

  • study of, 13:238

Positive Facts, Versus Envious Assertions: being an Impartial Review and Refutation of All the Charges preferred against Governor De Witt Clinton (“A Candid Virginian” [C. Schultz]), 20:48–20:49, 20:49n

Post, Jotham

  • opposes purchase of TJ’s library, 8:26n

Post, Stephen, 10:152

Post, Willis

  • boat pilot, 9:558

Post, Wright, 12:573n


  • TJ on, 5:166, 6:233, 6:234

Posthumous Works (Frederick II, king of Prussia; trans. T. Holcroft), 9:709n

Postlethwayt, Malachy

  • and economic theory, 6:593
  • The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 12:156, 12:157n

postmaster general, U.S. See Granger, Gideon: as postmaster general; Meigs, Return Jonathan (ca. 1765–1825): as postmaster general; Pickering, Timothy: as postmaster general

Post Office, U.S.

  • accusations against employees of, 14:182–14:183n
  • appointment of postmasters, 7:239–7:240, 9:653–9:654, 15:183, 15:206–15:207
  • clerks at, 14:182, 14:182–14:183n
  • contracts with, 1:139–1:140, 1:350–1:352
  • 1810 act, 3:147–3:148
  • funds of, 1:407, 1:421, 20:343n
  • List of Post Offices in the United States, including all established before December 31st, 1807, 1:514, 1:514n
  • and mail service, 8:172, 8:415, 9:50, 9:317, 9:324, 10:351, 10:390, 12:83, 12:199, 12:239–12:240, 14:478, 14:501, 14:564, 14:575, 14:575–14:576, 14:602, 14:644, 15:369, 17:174, 17:174n, 18:246, 18:440, 18:447, 18:453, 18:487, 19:65, 19:325, 19:335, 19:425, 19:431, 19:432
  • and post roads, 1:350–1:352, 7:347, 9:474–9:476, 9:507–9:508, 9:510n, 13:81, 16:387
  • 1799 Act, 3:147–3:148
  • and H. G. Spafford’s Gazeteer, 6:449–6:450
  • Table of Post Offices in the United States, 4:10, 4:112–4:113, 20:147
  • TJ requests list of post offices, 18:292–18:293
  • TJ requests local schedule, 1:506, 1:514
  • and Va. post offices, 2:169, 2:178–2:179, 2:269, 2:333, 2:535, 3:102–3:104, 3:147–3:148, 6:644, 8:63, 8:376, 8:420, 8:420n, 8:425, 8:426n, 8:432, 8:566, 10:351, 10:390, 12:193, 13:128, 13:146, 19:482

potash, 4:8


  • chemical apparatus for, 20:611

potatoes, 1:157, 1:196–1:197, 2:38, 3:348, 4:141, 4:180, 4:531, 7:308, 9:229–9:230, 11:221, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272–11:273, 11:309, 12:255, 12:302, 12:354, 13:612, 14:246, 15:93, 15:360, 15:361n, 18:405, 19:606, 20:396

potato oats, 5:657, 5:658n

Potawatomi Indians, 8:151, 16:415n

Pothier, Robert Joseph

  • Anciennes loix des François, 3:130–3:131, 3:175n, 3:546
  • Traité du droit de domaine de propriété, 3:174n

Potocki, Jean

  • identified, 3:44n
  • letters from, 3:43–3:44
  • letters to, 3:618
  • letters to forwarded, 4:99
  • Principes de Chronologie, pour les Temps Antérieurs aux Olympiades, 2:467, 2:468n, 3:43, 3:44n, 3:115, 3:434, 3:456, 3:618, 8:235–8:236
  • writings of, 2:467

Potomac River

  • and British troop movements, 7:642, 7:643
  • causeway on, 14:580
  • establishment of steamboats on, 6:62
  • ice on, 13:520
  • locks on, 11:563, 11:565n
  • lottery to improve navigation on, 4:288
  • mentioned, 3:238–3:239, 5:215, 18:278
  • and navigation, 11:84n, 12:521, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412, 19:171n, 19:439
  • proposed port on, 5:359n+
  • surveying of, 9:686, 9:686–9:687, 9:689, 12:52
  • variant spellings of, 8:179

Potoski, Count. See Potocki, Jean


  • butter, 19:8
  • chamber, 16:289, 16:289n
  • clay, 16:180, 16:626, 16:639, 17:47, 17:83, 17:113, 18:li, 18:196 (illus.), 18:382, 18:411
  • coffee, 4:231–4:232n, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • iron, 15:86
  • kettles, 8:113+, 12:340, 12:526, 20:83
  • for slaves, 8:70–8:71, 8:186
  • TJ orders, 19:11

Potter, John (Archbishop of Canterbury)

  • Archæologia Græca: or the Antiquities of Greece, 10:358, 14:258, 15:504, 15:594, 19:508
  • as classical scholar, 7:662, 9:84

Potter, John (mathematician)

  • A System of Practical Mathematics, 7:250, 7:253n, 9:107, 9:229n, 10:357, 10:386

Potter, Nathaniel

  • identified, 13:580–13:581n
  • letter to, 13:580–13:581
  • A Memoir on Contagion, more especially as it respects the Yellow Fever, 13:558, 13:558n, 13:580, 13:581n, 13:617

Potter, Pierpont

  • identified, 19:390n
  • letter from, 19:390
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 19:390

Potter, Reuben

  • and Gospel Palladium, 20:88
  • identified, 20:89n
  • letter from, 20:88–20:89

Potter, Robert

  • translates The Tragedies of Æschylus (Aeschylus), 15:490, 15:491n, 15:503, 15:594, 17:444, 19:506
  • translates The Tragedies of Euripides (Euripides), 15:490, 15:503–15:504, 15:594, 15:607, 16:25, 16:40, 17:444, 19:506
  • translates The Tragedies of Sophocles (Sophocles), 15:159, 15:159n, 15:504, 15:594, 19:506

Potter, Tom, 3:474

Potter, Walter See also Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm)

  • and Edinburgh Review, 3:599
  • identified, 3:599n

Potts, Isaac, 2:223

Potts, Richard (17531808)

  • family of, 13:450–13:451, 13:454n

Potts, Richard (17861865)

  • education of, 13:454n

Potts, Robert Beckles

  • education of, 13:454n

Potts, Thomas (ship captain), 17:195

Potts, William (17421817)

  • family of, 13:450–13:451, 13:454n

Potts, William (ca. 17861818)

  • education of, 13:454n

Pougens, Félix Joseph Marie Alexandre

  • Dictionnaire de Médecine-Pratique et de Chirurgie, 13:562

Pouncey, Anthony, 16:103n

Pouncey’s tract (TJ’s Albemarle Co. property), 1:488n, 4:387, 16:68–16:69, 16:69n, 16:88, 16:102–16:103, 16:122n, 16:130, 16:138, 16:139, 16:139, 16:141, 16:141n, 16:244, 16:245n, 16:273, 17:23, 17:388–17:389

Poussin, Nicolas, 16:201

P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistolarum Heroidum (Ovid; ed. J. Minell), 17:138, 17:447

P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera (Ovid; ed. P. Burnam), 9:646n

Powell, Mr.

  • and Va. Senate, 12:286

Powell, Addison

  • as Va. legislator, 19:284

Powell, Alfred H.

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:592
  • as Va. state senator, 10:295n, 10:660n

Powell, Cuthbert

  • as Va. state senator, 10:659, 10:660n

Powell, Francis B.

  • as surety for J. Preston, 17:257n

Powell, Leven

  • and G. Washington, 18:137

Powell, Samuel

  • U.S. representative from Tenn., 9:186n

Power, J., 2:84

Power, Thomas

  • correspondence with J. Wilkinson, 4:398, 4:398n

The Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliction, and At the Approach of Death (L. Murray), 8:388, 8:672

Powers, James

  • and University of Virginia, 19:53, 20:200, 20:219, 20:220

Powers, Larkin

  • as carpenter for TJ, 12:242, 13:120, 13:120, 13:169, 13:169n, 13:476n
  • TJ pays, 13:142n

Powhatan (Wahunsenacawh; Wahunsonacock; Algonquian chief), 16:132, 16:132

Powhatan Indians, 16:79, 16:84n, 16:85n, 16:108

Powhatan Court House, Va., 3:103, 3:104n, 3:148, 3:148, 3:164

Pownall, Thomas

  • writings of, 20:163n

Poydras, Julien Lalande

  • Adresse au Conseil Legislatif du Territoire d’Orleans, 2:682, 4:466
  • affidavit on batture, 3:483, 3:486–3:487n, 3:497
  • and batture controversy, 2:427, 2:435, 2:436n, 2:463, 2:516, 2:518n, 2:658, 2:682, 3:25, 3:26n, 3:204, 3:483, 3:487n, 5:85n
  • and J. Dawson’s application, 4:648
  • Orleans territorial delegate, 1:179, 1:180n
  • Speech of Julien Poydras, Esq. the Delegate of the Territory of Orleans, in support of the right of the public to the Batture, 2:516, 2:518n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:483
  • and TJ’s Proceedings, 5:392

Pozzo di Borgo, Carlo Andrea

  • Russian minister at Paris, 13:415, 13:416n, 14:343

pozzolana (volcanic ash), 8:166, 8:402, 8:403n, 18:288–18:289, 18:289–18:290, 18:290

Practical Piety (H. More), 5:98n, 7:586, 7:590n

A Practical Treatise of Husbandry (H. L. Duhamel du Monceau), 2:82, 6:380, 11:164

A Practical Treatise of The Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates (E. B. Sugden), 6:477

A Practical Treatise on Dyeing, and Callicoe Printing (T. Cooper), 2:377n

The Practice of the Court of Chancery (J. Harrison), 8:388, 8:672, 11:97n, 11:97n

Pradelle (Pradel), Alexandrina de la Chaise, 2:523, 3:489

Pradelle (Pradel), Jean, 2:523, 2:524, 2:525, 3:489

Pradt, Dominique Dufour, baron de

  • J. Q. Adams on, 12:89–12:90, 12:154
  • De la Révolution Actuelle de l’Espagne, et de ses suites, 17:188, 17:189n, 17:198
  • Europe after the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. Forming the Sequel to the Congress of Vienna (trans. G. A. Otis), 16:42, 16:93, 18:255
  • L’Europe et L’Amérique en 1821, 19:236, 19:236n, 19:269
  • Histoire de l’Ambassade dans le Grand Duché de Varsovie en 1812, 12:90, 12:92n
  • Mémoires Historiques sur la Révolution d’Espagne, 12:90, 12:92n
  • Récit Historique sur la Restauration de la Royauté en France, le 31 Mars 1814, 11:601n, 12:9, 12:10n, 12:46, 12:81–12:82, 12:89, 12:90, 12:92n, 12:154
  • TJ on, 19:269
  • works of, 12:154

Praecipuum Atque fundamentalem in Neutoniana motuum Planetariorum Theoria errorem Pluribus demonstrat argumentis (G. Juranits), 18:32

Pragmatics of Attaliata. See Ivris Græco-romani tam canonici qvam civilis (Leunclavius)

Prat, Benjamin, 12:495, 19:439, 19:440n

Prather & Jacob (Louisville firm), 17:380–17:381

Pratt, Peter

  • translates The History of Alexander the Great (Q. Curtius Rufus), 18:579

Praxiteles (Greek sculptor), 19:501, 19:502n

Preble, Edward

  • U.S. naval commander, 6:216, 18:547

Preble, Henry, 3:212, 3:445, 5:213

Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons (J. Hatsell), 4:400–4:401, 4:464, 4:464n, 7:628

The Preceptor (R. Dodsley), 7:480, 7:481n

Précis des Découvertes et Travaux Somiologiques de Mr. C. S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz (C. S. Rafinesque), 17:89

Précis du Siècle de Louis XV (Voltaire), 17:138, 17:139n, 17:447

Précis Historique de la Maladie qui a régné dans l’Andalousie en 1800 (J. N. Berthe), 10:129, 10:130, 10:146n

Précis sur les instituts d’éducation de M. de Fellenberg, établis a Hofwil, auprès de Berne (M. A. Jullien), 12:229–12:230, 12:232n

Preignac (wine), 9:513

A Preliminary Essay, on the Oppression of the Exiled Sons of Africa (T. Branagan), 8:450, 8:451n

Prenanthes serpentaria. See lion’s foot

Prentiss, Charles

  • purported author of The Trial: Calvin and Hopkins versus the Bible and Common Sense (“A Lover of the Truth”), 14:223, 14:302, 14:526, 14:582, 14:612–14:613

Prentiss, William

  • identified, 15:446n
  • letter from, 15:444–15:446
  • Memorandum on Establishing a School, 15:447–15:448
  • on rural education in Va., 15:444–15:446, 15:447–15:448


  • in Albemarle Co., 20:90n
  • in Charlottesville, 13:341, 19:126, 20:526, 20:527n
  • clergy, 15:128, 19:682, 19:682n
  • and Congregationalism, 19:360
  • T. Cooper on, 19:80–19:81, 19:158, 19:246, 19:582
  • and P. S. Du Ponceau, 16:106
  • and education, 12:284–12:285, 12:458, 12:501, 14:14, 15:447, 15:491, 16:207–16:208, 17:395, 19:80, 19:80, 19:127, 19:146–19:147, 19:582, 20:86–20:87, 20:87, 20:90, 20:379
  • D. Hume on, 20:87, 20:88n
  • influence in Va., 18:517
  • mentioned, 11:363
  • missions to Indians, 18:646–18:647
  • in Pa., 19:79–19:80, 19:126
  • and politics, 19:580–19:581
  • B. H. Rice on, 20:87
  • synods of, 19:87
  • and tithes, 19:80, 19:582
  • TJ on, 9:379, 9:380n, 9:380–9:381, 9:382, 9:712, 15:466–15:467, 15:525–15:526, 15:539–15:540, 16:188, 17:319, 19:75, 19:84
  • and TJ’s election, 13:450
  • and University of Virginia, 16:189, 16:189–16:190, 18:516, 19:84, 20:243
  • and women, 19:79, 19:80

Prescott, William

  • J. Adams on, 8:135

A Present for an Apprentice (J. Barnard), 18:189, 18:224

The Present State of Great Britain and North America, with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially considered (J. Mitchell [ca. 1690–1768]), 9:366n+

President, USS (frigate)

  • carries mammoth bones, 1:509
  • 1815 capture of, 8:264, 8:267n
  • encounter with HMS Lille Belt , 3:638, 3:639n

President’s House (Washington)

  • alterations by Madisons, 1:53
  • description of, 1:199–1:200
  • during TJ’s presidency, 1:29n, 1:29+, 1:55–1:56, 8:592
  • furniture for, 12:235n
  • gutters at, 9:500–9:501
  • inventory of, 1:42, 1:43n, 1:76, 1:155, 1:155, 1:156n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s profile of TJ, 2:39, 2:39–2:40n, 2:106
  • J. Melish meets TJ at, 4:424n
  • mentioned, 2:225, 2:338n, 3:536, 5:109, 5:178n, 12:346, 15:497, 17:118, 18:430n
  • pictures of, 8:xlvii
  • presidential portraits, 2:127
  • reconstruction and repairs to, 8:592, 8:592, 8:596n, 12:466, 12:466n, 12:521
  • roof of, 11:432, 11:587
  • sitting room clock at, 1:85, 1:96
  • stew stoves at, 1:76
  • TJ’s belongings at, 3:581–3:582, 4:49, 4:51–4:52, 4:193, 4:219, 4:221
  • TJ on, 19:396–19:397
  • visitors to, 9:234n, 9:234n, 9:531, 9:553, 9:666, 16:124–16:125
  • and War of 1812, 7:653, 8:5, 10:442

Pressed Shot Factory (T. Bruff), 5:107–5:108n

presses, cast-iron, 2:302

Preston, Francis

  • family of, 11:184, 13:512n
  • identified, 13:485–13:486n
  • letter from, 13:485–13:486
  • letter to, 13:510
  • seeks letters of introduction for son, 13:510
  • as surety for J. Preston, 17:257n
  • as U.S. representative from Va., 11:197n
  • as Va. state senator, 10:660n, 12:317, 13:515
  • visits Monticello, 13:485

Preston, James Patton

  • American military commander, 7:610n
  • and appointments, 13:58–13:59, 13:66, 13:180
  • and Central College, 12:326, 12:329, 14:70, 14:72, 14:79, 14:105
  • Central College Board of Visitors’ report to, 12:256, 12:263, 12:271, 12:286, 12:292, 12:297–12:298, 12:298, 12:299, 12:301, 12:305, 12:306, 12:306, 12:307, 12:325, 12:326–12:330, 12:363, 12:381, 12:383n, 12:403–12:404, 12:412n, 14:515, 14:518
  • and commissioners for University of Virginia, 13:lii, 13:132–13:133, 13:133n, 13:133n
  • as governor of Va., 11:474n, 12:611n, 13:liii, 13:58–13:59, 13:66, 13:512n, 15:251–15:252
  • identified, 12:330n
  • letters from, 13:58–13:59, 14:74
  • letters from accounted for, 13:133n, 13:133n
  • letters to, 13:66, 13:132–13:133, 14:123–14:124, 15:251–15:252
  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529
  • seeks Richmond postmastership, 20:606, 20:626
  • as surety for J. Preston, 17:257n
  • and University of Virginia, 14:29, 14:34–14:35, 14:35, 14:47, 14:74, 14:74–14:75, 14:90, 14:123, 14:124, 14:176, 15:251–15:252
  • and Va. Literary Fund, 12:502n, 14:105, 14:124, 15:82–15:85, 15:85n, 15:251–15:252
  • visits Monticello, 13:325

Preston, John (ca. 1755–1842)

  • identified, 10:336–10:337n
  • letters from, 10:336–10:337, 10:338
  • letter to, 10:338
  • submits manuscript to TJ, 10:338
  • visits Charlottesville, 10:336
  • writes Lancasterian textbooks, 10:336, 10:338

Preston, John (d. 1827)

  • and Baker v. Preston, 17:257n, 17:258, 17:258n, 17:269–17:270, 17:270n, 18:52, 18:52n, 20:405
  • family of, 15:242n
  • as treasurer of Va., 15:346n, 15:352, 15:352n, 15:399, 15:456, 16:436, 16:544, 16:565, 17:37, 17:37n, 17:256–17:257, 17:257n, 17:258, 17:269–17:270, 17:270n, 17:284–17:285, 18:158, 19:371
  • and Va. Literary Fund, 12:502n

Preston, John (of Richmond)

  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n

Preston, John Bowker

  • studies at Charlottesville Academy, 15:141, 15:242n

Preston, Robert

  • visits Paris, 15:446

Preston, Thomas Lewis, 6:20–6:21

Preston, William Campbell

  • and G. W. Blaettermann, 14:251, 14:346, 17:419
  • Defense of William Campbell, 19:117, 19:118–19:124
  • identified, 11:184n
  • introduced to TJ, 11:183–11:184, 11:204
  • and legacy of W. Campbell, 19:117, 19:119, 19:130, 19:140, 19:151, 19:627
  • letters from, 19:117, 19:627–19:628
  • letter to, 19:151
  • and South Carolina College, 19:246
  • TJ introduces, 11:196, 11:196–11:197, 11:197, 11:199–11:200, 11:261, 13:485, 13:510, 13:511–13:512, 13:512n, 15:303

Prévost, Antoine François

  • Œuvres choisies de l’Abbé Prévost, 9:355n
  • translates Lettres de Cicéron a M. Brutus, et de M. Brutus a Ciceron (Brutus; Cicero; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258
  • translates Lettres de Ciceron, Qu’on nomme vulgairement Familières (Cicero; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:354, 9:355n, 9:420, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258

Prevost, George

  • governor-in-chief of British North America, 5:320–5:321, 6:529, 6:641n, 6:645, 6:645–6:646n, 7:13n, 8:112n, 8:219, 8:221, 8:264

Prevost, John B., 16:157, 16:157n, 19:336, 19:338n

Prévost, Pierre

  • translates Les Tragédies d’Euripide (Euripides), 11:179, 11:193, 12:153, 12:439, 13:596

Prevot de la Janné, 3:546

Priam (mythological character), 6:233, 7:604, 16:92, 16:92n, 16:484, 17:433, 17:434n

Price, Andrew, 2:446n, 3:486

Price, Chandler

  • identified, 5:37–5:38n
  • letters from, 5:36–5:38
  • recommends J. L. Cathcart, 17:461
  • recommends A. Stewart, 5:36–5:37, 5:81

Price, Joseph

  • and W. Bain, 16:212
  • manages W. Short’s Indian Camp estate, 3:438, 4:59–4:60, 4:197–4:198, 6:87, 7:592
  • rents part of Indian Camp, 1:234, 1:235n, 3:198, 3:272–3:273, 3:275, 3:622, 4:198, 5:363, 5:570n

Price, Mrs. (Joseph Price’s wife)

  • land tenure of, 4:198
  • sells geese, 5:5, 5:6n

Price, Richard (British author and philosopher)

  • correspondence of, 9:175, 9:176, 9:176n, 9:176n, 9:346, 19:620, 19:621n
  • family of, 20:271
  • introduces D. Stewart, 15:470n
  • Observations on Reversionary Payments; on Schemes for providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age … and on The National Debt , 6:497, 6:498n
  • Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, 12:313, 12:356
  • as theologian and moral philosopher, 6:145–6:146, 6:146, 6:227, 6:296, 6:502, 6:503, 6:503, 6:504, 6:624, 16:643
  • and Turgot, 4:22, 4:24n, 6:288n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503

Price, Richard (of Milton)

  • Deposition of in Jefferson v. Michie, 7:676–7:678
  • as gardener, 6:45
  • and Henderson estate, 6:76, 6:81, 6:198, 6:198, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:200, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:479, 6:480, 6:480, 6:573–6:574n, 7:634, 7:676–7:678
  • and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 8:567, 8:567–8:568, 9:289–9:290, 9:357, 9:362
  • hires out slaves to University of Virginia, 20:217
  • identified, 7:678n
  • Jefferson v. Michie, 7:597, 7:676–7:678
  • and University of Virginia, 19:50, 19:189, 20:217

Price, William

  • as magistrate, 14:588n
  • and Va. Land Office, 4:309n

Prichard, William

  • and P. Freneau’s poetry subscription, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334
  • identified, 3:243–3:244n
  • letters from, 3:296–3:297, 5:254
  • letters to, 3:243–3:244, 3:334, 5:222–5:223
  • and TJ’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 4:401, 5:222, 5:254

Priddy, John, 1:246n, 14:361, 16:303

Priddy, Thomas

  • and University of Virginia, 16:309, 16:310, 17:624, 17:626

Priddy, William

  • and University of Virginia, 16:309, 16:310

Pride, James, 2:84

The Pride of Britannia Humbled (T. Branagan), 8:450–8:451

Pride of China. See chinaberry (Pride of China)

Priestley, James

  • as educator, 13:451

Priestley, Joseph

  • J. Adams on, 6:145–6:146, 6:146, 6:236–6:237, 6:302, 6:317–6:319, 7:25, 7:26, 7:74–7:77, 8:551, 8:552, 8:682, 20:97–20:98
  • and Alexander I, 8:671
  • An Appeal to the serious and candid Professors of Christianity, 12:313, 12:356
  • B. S. Barton’s essay on, 8:423n
  • and Cleanthes, 6:520, 6:521, 6:521, 6:540, 6:542
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:480, 7:658, 7:662, 7:667
  • A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and Other Ancient Nations, 7:218–7:220, 7:220, 7:221, 7:221n, 10:424, 10:424–10:425, 10:508
  • and T. Cooper, 6:318, 6:318, 6:318, 19:79
  • correspondence with T. Lindsey, 6:146, 6:233, 6:278, 6:278, 6:300, 6:317–6:318, 6:367–6:368, 8:553, 8:553–8:554n, 8:658
  • correspondence with G. Logan, 8:671, 8:671n
  • death of, 6:318, 6:319n
  • A Description of a System of Biography, 8:472, 8:672
  • Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit, 6:302, 6:440, 18:58, 18:60n
  • The Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, compared with those of Revelation, 6:204, 6:317–6:318, 6:318, 6:319n, 6:367, 6:368, 6:368n, 6:439, 6:441, 6:471, 6:499, 6:499–6:500, 6:510, 6:520, 7:74, 7:148, 7:286, 7:293n
  • An Essay on the First Principles of Government, 7:628, 9:436
  • family of, 20:316
  • on B. Franklin, 11:375
  • and French Revolution, 20:97–20:98
  • A Harmony of the Evangelists, 10:357
  • An History of Early Opinions Concerning Jesus Christ, 6:302, 6:440, 7:627, 8:682
  • History of the Corruptions of Christianity, 1:581, 6:302, 6:440, 7:627
  • Lectures on History, and General Policy, 19:505
  • Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its neighbourhood, 1:119, 1:121–1:122n, 7:224, 7:225n
  • Letters to The Jews; inviting them to an Amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity, 9:651–9:652, 9:652n
  • library and scientific apparatus of, 6:598, 7:128, 10:357–10:358, 10:386, 10:465
  • Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795, written by himself, 14:461, 14:463n, 15:140, 15:436–15:437n, 15:553, 16:107
  • mentioned, 1:674, 2:489, 5:276, 6:227, 6:624, 8:668, 11:383, 11:383, 14:460
  • mineral collection of, 2:376
  • and prophecy, 4:484, 20:97, 20:98
  • religious beliefs of, 6:193, 6:300, 6:300, 11:367, 15:164, 15:436–15:437n, 16:643, 19:214
  • Socrates and Jesus Compared, 6:204, 6:317, 6:318, 6:367
  • TJ’s correspondence with, 6:146, 6:180, 6:181, 6:191, 6:193, 6:204, 6:228, 6:233, 6:233, 6:237, 6:278, 6:286, 6:298, 6:298, 6:299, 6:438, 6:439, 6:439, 6:444, 8:658, 9:596n, 10:381
  • and Unitarianism, 6:438, 18:564, 20:416
  • on university courses, 1:592, 1:593n
  • A view of the principles and conduct of the Protestant dissenters, with respect to the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of England, 1:581

Prieur, Denis, 3:234n

Prieur de la Côte-d’Or. See Duvernois, Claude Antoine Prieur

Prigg, Rachel

  • signs petition, 18:146

prime meridian, 1:54–1:55n, 1:275–1:276, 1:356–1:358, 1:359n, 1:489–1:498, 1:511–1:512, 1:534, 2:54, 2:55n, 2:337–2:338, 2:398–2:399, 2:541, 2:566, 3:285, 5:245, 5:251n, 9:681, 9:691, 15:288, 17:167, 17:172n, 18:314, 18:314n, 19:628–19:629

The Primitives of the Greek Tongue (A. Arnauld, C. Lancelot, and P. Nicole; trans. T. Nugent), 10:358, 12:313, 12:356, 17:536, 17:537n

primrose, 20:494

Prince (TJ’s slave; b. 1804)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:386, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Prince, Isaac

  • ill fortune of, 3:588, 4:3, 4:3n

Prince, James, 2:135, 2:182, 3:559, 3:587–3:588

Prince, John

  • seeds sent to, 11:171

Prince, William

  • New York City garden of, 19:566

Prince Madoc (ship), 17:127, 17:128n

The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale (S. Johnson), 19:508, 19:509n

Princess of Wales. See Caroline (Princess Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, queen of England)

Princeton, N.J.

  • J. Trumbull’s painting of battle of, 10:615, 13:332, 13:332

Princeton University. See New Jersey, College of (later Princeton University)

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (R. Hakluyt), 8:581, 9:109, 11:293+, 11:293n+

Principes de Chronologie, pour les Temps Antérieurs aux Olympiades (J. Potocki), 2:467, 2:468n, 3:43, 3:44n, 3:115, 3:434, 3:456, 3:618, 8:235–8:236

Principes Logiques, ou Recueil de Faits relatifs a l’Intelligence Humaine (Destutt de Tracy), 10:460, 10:550, 10:603–10:604, 11:359, 12:345, 12:403, 12:487, 12:528–12:529, 12:622, 12:656, 16:486, 16:631, 16:633n, 17:246, 17:247n, 19:457, 20:424

Principes raisonnés d’agriculture (a trans. of Grundsätze der rationellen Landwirthschaft) (Thaer), 6:17, 6:18n

The Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation (F. Home), 2:82, 11:164

Principles of Equity (H. H. Kames), 7:628

The Principles of Health, [Elements of Hygiene] (É. Tourtelle; trans. G. Williamson), 1:597n, 14:507, 14:529–14:530

The Principles of Mechanics (W. Emerson), 20:583

The Principles of Mechanics: Designed for the Use of Students in the University (J. Wood), 20:444–20:445, 20:445n

The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (W. Paley), 16:381, 16:458

Principles of Political Economy, considered with a view to their practical Application (T. R. Malthus), 16:421, 19:508

The Principles of the Government of the United States. Adapted to the use of Schools (P. Davis), 20:144, 20:145n, 20:166–20:167

Pringle, Mr., 3:84

Pringle, Sir John

  • as physician, 13:462


  • and antimony, 1:18, 1:283, 1:315–1:316
  • colonial policies on, 7:140, 7:141n
  • and human progress, 17:490, 20:514
  • lithography, 9:667, 14:446
  • movable type, 10:364n, 14:556, 14:556n, 20:360n, 20:391
  • presses, 13:416, 13:417 (illus.), 14:556
  • stereotyping, 10:370, 10:371, 10:482n
  • TJ on importance of, 20:131
  • in U.S., 18:11, 18:171
  • in Va., 17:553, 17:572, 17:572n, 20:443–20:444

prints See also maps

  • collection of for sale, 11:402–11:403, 11:404n
  • of Declaration of Independence, 15:liii, 15:346 (illus.) , 15:479–15:480, 15:480n
  • of the Louvre, 15:454
  • of Natural Bridge, 11:xlvii–11:xlviii, 11:232 (illus.)
  • sent to TJ, 15:454, 20:lii–20:liii, 20:171–20:172, 20:172n, 20:265, 20:265
  • of TJ, 14:284
  • TJ on, 12:340–12:341
  • of University of Virginia, 17:613–17:614

Prior, Matthew

  • An English Padlock, 7:480, 7:481n
  • Poems on Several Occasions, 9:432–9:433, 9:434n

Prior, Thomas, 14:551n

Prior Documents. See A Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America

Priscilla (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

prisons. See jails and prisons

The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. (ed. W. T. Franklin), 11:255, 11:255n, 13:371, 13:517, 16:205, 16:205–16:206


  • proposals to abolish, 15:50–15:51, 15:51n, 15:73, 15:73n

A Private Letter to the Individual Members of Congress (B. H. Latrobe), 3:537n

The Private Life of Lewis XV (trans. J. O. Justamond), 7:664


  • at Nelson Co. jail, 19:689, 20:11, 20:45, 20:77, 20:78
  • at Poplar Forest, 3:353, 3:354, 3:355n
  • at University of Virginia, 15:264, 15:264n, 17:76, 17:92, 17:294, 18:357n, 19:184, 19:187n, 19:189, 19:238, 19:514, 20:209, 20:217, 20:554

Prize Book of the Publick Latin School in Boston, 17:512, 17:512n

Proceedings and Report of the Commissioners for the University of Virginia (Thomas Jefferson)

  • copies of requested, 17:72, 17:105, 17:105n, 18:582, 18:583
  • corrected by TJ, 13:223n
  • distributed by TJ, 13:510, 13:527, 13:529, 13:544, 13:546, 13:558, 13:564, 13:564n, 13:568n, 13:579, 13:589, 13:593, 13:615, 14:276, 15:303, 15:304n, 16:220, 17:246, 17:247n, 18:582–18:583, 19:371–19:372, 19:372n
  • new edition of, 20:324, 20:325n
  • printed, 13:407n, 13:441, 13:471, 13:472–13:473
  • referenced, 19:268
  • sale of, 20:4

Proceedings of the Board of School Commissioners, in the County of Nelson, 19:315, 19:316n

The Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates Held at the Capitol, in the City of Williamsburg. in the Colony of Virginia, On Monday, the 6th of May, 1776, 9:405, 9:406n

The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston (Thomas Jefferson) See also statement on the batture case (Thomas Jefferson)

  • J. Adams on, 5:3, 5:11–5:12
  • Greek used in, 3:547n
  • W. Pinkney on, 5:180
  • printer’s errors in, 6:628, 6:628n, 7:95–7:96, 7:242
  • published, 4:292, 4:520 , 11:70
  • reprint of, 6:627, 6:627–6:628, 7:95–7:96, 7:96n, 7:241–7:242, 7:242n
  • and riverine inundations, 3:46n, 3:135n
  • R. Rush on, 6:236
  • sent to Congress, 4:565, 4:575, 4:578, 4:581, 4:582, 4:585, 4:588
  • sent to J. Madison and his cabinet, 4:574, 4:586, 4:624, 4:664
  • sent to TJ, 4:565, 4:575, 4:581, 4:582
  • sent to TJ’s lawyers, 4:594, 4:595, 4:596, 4:597, 4:605, 4:606, 4:616, 4:624, 4:646
  • L. W. Tazewell on, 5:45–5:47
  • title page, 4:xliii, 4:370 (illus.)
  • TJ distributes remaining copies, 4:624–4:625, 4:631, 4:631–4:632, 4:632, 4:637, 4:639, 4:639, 4:640, 4:642, 4:642, 4:643, 4:671, 5:6, 5:27, 5:106, 5:180, 5:219, 5:392, 5:548, 7:175
  • TJ researches, 2:657, 3:176n
  • TJ revises, 5:8–5:9n
  • E. Trist on, 5:111–5:113

Proclamation of 1763, 1:335

Pro Cluentio (Cicero), 10:206, 10:209n

Procrustes (mythological character), 13:480

Procter, Henry

  • British military commander, 6:529, 7:226, 8:221, 8:263

Proctor, Hannah

  • letters from accounted for, 19:496n, 20:643
  • letter to accounted for, 18:669
  • and loan to TJ, 19:494, 19:496n
  • sends paper, 18:317
  • TJ pays, 18:669

Proctor, Joseph B.

  • identified, 7:491–7:492n
  • TJ pays, 7:491, 7:491n

“A Progress to the Mines” (W. Byrd [1674–1744]), 12:372n

Projet Adressé au Roi … pour L’Entreprise du Balayage et Nettoyage des rues de Paris, 17:58, 17:58n

Projet de Code Civil (Portalis), 3:132, 3:135n

Prolegomena (I. Kant), 17:536

Prolegomena ad Homerum (F. A. Wolf), 9:86–9:87

Prometheus (mythological character), 12:461

Prony, Gaspard Clair François Marie Riche de

  • Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique, 6:381–6:382, 7:386

Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson (D. Clark), 3:265, 3:323, 3:325n, 3:440, 3:519, 3:519n, 3:543

The Propagation and Botanical Arrangements of Plants and Trees (J. Abercrombie), 10:357

Propertius, Sextus, 7:661

Proposal for Publishing by Subscription, the Poetical Works of Gilbert John Hunt (G. J. Hunt), 19:626–19:627, 19:627n

Proposals, by Littell & Henry, 74 South Second Street, Philadelphia, for Publishing by Subscription, a new edition of Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 17:508, 17:508–17:509n, 17:530–17:531

Proposals by Redwood Fisher, for printing by subscription, the American Artist’s Manual, or Dictionary of Practical Knowledge (J. Cutbush), 5:633, 5:633n, 5:661

Proposals, for publishing by subscription, A New Work, entitled A System of Pyrotechny (J. Cutbush), 19:28–19:29, 19:29n, 19:64

Proposals for publishing by subscription, A new American Biographical Dictionary (T. J. Rogers), 20:359, 20:360n

Proposals, For Publishing, By Subscription, An Original Work, entitled “The Biographical Compendium, and Patriot’s Mirror” (D. Fraser), 15:368, 15:368n, 16:324

Proposals for publishing by subscription, the History of America, From its discovery by Christopher Columbus, to the year 1812 (G. J. Hunt), 17:185, 17:186n, 17:219

Proposals, for Publishing by Subscription, The History of the War in Louisiana & West Florida (Latour), 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129

Proposals for publishing, by subscription, The Works of Alexander James Dallas (G. Dallas), 11:153, 11:153–11:154n, 11:180–11:181

A Proposed Memorial to the Congress of the United States (J. Gallison), 15:51n, 15:73

Propositions for Amending the Constitution of the United States (J. Hillhouse)

  • J. Adams on, 5:12–5:13, 5:13–5:14n

Prosodia: sive Institutionum Linguæ Latina (M. Alvares), 14:276, 14:351

The Prospect Before Us (J. T. Callender), 20:640, 20:641n

Prospectus for Publishing by Subscription, A Map of the State of Louisiana, with a part of the State of Mississippi and Alabama Territory (M. Ludlow), 11:615, 11:616–11:617n

Prospectus of a National Institution, to be established in the United States (J. Barlow), 4:24n, 5:615–5:616, 5:617n, 5:620

Prospectus of a new monthly publication: the Massachusetts Garden, 1:671–1:673

Prospectus of a Statistical and Historical Account of the United States of America (D. B. Warden), 11:619, 11:619n

Prosperity (ship), 10:494, 11:531

Prosser, Thomas H., 14:588n

Prost de Royer, Antoine François

  • Dictionnaire de jurisprudence et des arrêts, 3:174n, 3:175n

Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, 20:4–20:5, 20:5n, 20:109, 20:109n

protractor, 4:98, 4:341, 16:70, 16:89

Proud, Robert

  • The History of Pennsylvania in North America, 1:581, 19:507

Prout, John

  • agricultural improvement of, 10:532–10:535
  • letter from, 10:532–10:535
  • seeks patent, 10:534–10:535

Provenchere de Villiers, Pierre

  • identified, 2:129n
  • letters from accounted for, 2:129n
  • letter to, 2:128–2:129
  • TJ forwards letter to, 1:612, 1:613n, 2:128–2:129

Providence, R.I.

  • churches in, 16:266–16:268, 16:268n
  • cloth from, 18:147n
  • contagious disease in, 16:268

Providence Gazette (R.I. newspaper), 8:622n

Les Provinciales, ou Lettres Ecrites (B. Pascal), 10:14

Prunner, Leonardo de

  • identified, 2:298n
  • letters from, 2:297–2:298
  • sends Sardinian minerals to TJ, 2:297, 2:299, 2:391, 2:391n, 4:4, 6:84


  • J. Adams on, 20:383
  • and Congress of Vienna, 7:528–7:529, 9:91n, 9:218n, 11:540, 11:541n, 15:52
  • and Declaration of Pillnitz, 4:430n
  • and French invasion of Spain (1823), 19:489, 19:657
  • A. Gallatin on, 9:202
  • and Holy Alliance, 17:255n, 17:489, 17:490n
  • and Napoleon, 9:137–9:138
  • and partitions of Poland, 6:212, 6:212n, 7:298, 9:345, 9:347n, 14:50
  • relations with Austria, 9:347
  • relations with Great Britain, 2:275
  • relations with Spain, 9:347
  • and revolutions in Europe, 17:143n
  • U.S. consuls at, 3:60–3:61
  • U.S. treaty with (1785), 15:50, 15:73, 15:73, 15:73n, 17:336, 19:406, 19:408n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503, 4:505, 4:507, 4:507

Pryor, John C.

  • letters from, 7:45–7:46
  • seeks position as tax collector, 7:45

Pryor, Nathaniel Hale, 18:575

Pryor, Nicholas Ballow

  • delivers letter, 4:183, 4:184n
  • family of, 5:653n
  • identified, 5:300–5:301n
  • letters from, 5:300–5:301
  • letters to, 5:328
  • seeks military appointment, 5:300–5:301, 5:327, 5:328

Pryor, Susan B., 5:653, 5:653n, 9:489–9:490n

Pryor, Zachariah B.

  • letter from accounted for, 9:32, 9:33n

Prysot (Prisot), Sir John

  • as chief justice of the court of common pleas, 7:147–7:148, 7:150n, 7:150n

Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus (J. Spelman), 16:364

Psyche (Molière), 10:359

Psyche (mythological character), 10:589


  • TJ on, 14:470–14:471
  • works on, 14:432–14:433, 14:470–14:471

psychology, experimental

  • and human perception, 9:635–9:637, 9:638n

Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus)

  • État des étoiles fixes au second siecle, par Claude Ptolemée, comparé a la position des mêmes étoiles en 1786 (H. Montignot), 10:233

Ptolemy I, king of Egypt, 6:542

Public Advertiser (New York newspaper)

  • editors of, 10:333–10:334, 10:335n
  • publishes P. Freneau poem, 1:226–1:229
  • supports Republican party, 10:333–10:334

Public Characters

  • TJ’s biography in, 9:459, 9:459n, 10:38, 10:39n, 10:114–10:117, 14:283, 14:285

Public Documents, relating to the New-York Canals, which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes, with the Atlantic Ocean, 17:529, 17:529n, 17:569–17:570

public health See also health; hygiene; medicine

  • epidemics, 19:93, 20:453–20:454
  • fumigation of foreign correspondence, 15:326, 15:327n
  • quarantines, 10:119, 10:119n, 10:132
  • regulations concerning, 10:129, 10:131, 10:132

“Publick Good” (pseudonym)

  • on Baltimore, 17:442
  • letter from, 17:442

Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseωn (Ovid; ed. J. Minell), 17:138, 17:447

Publii Terentii Comodiae Sex (Terence; ed. J. Minell), 17:138, 17:447

Publius, James

  • letter from, 16:390
  • requests money from TJ, 16:390

Pub. Ouidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon (Ovid; ed. J. Pontanus), 9:274, 9:275n, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639

Pub. Virgilii Maronis Opera (Virgil; ed. J. Minell), 17:138, 17:447

Pucci, Giulio Ferdinando

  • archivist in Florence, 9:291n, 9:292–9:293

Pufendorf, Samuel von

  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • mentioned, 9:90
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature, 19:505

Pullen, P. H.

  • The Mother’s Book; exemplifying Pestalozzi’s Plan, 17:535

Pullen, Randall (ship captain), 15:63, 15:120

Puller, Christopher, 2:455

pulleys, 14:167

Pumfrey, John, 3:599n

Pumfrey & Fitzwhylsonn (Richmond firm), 3:599n

Pumham, Aaron (Punkapog sachem) , 5:184–5:185

Pumham, Moses , 5:184–5:185

pumping machines, 12:376


  • chilacayóte, 20:605
  • as livestock feed, 7:263, 7:282, 8:71, 8:71, 8:611
  • from Maldonado, 16:294, 16:341, 16:634, 16:634n
  • pies, 12:651, 20:399
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:379, 8:70, 8:71, 8:611
  • seeds of, 7:263, 7:282, 7:307–7:308, 16:294, 16:341, 16:634, 17:34, 17:48


  • lemon acid for, 7:594, 7:602
  • served at Monticello, 10:74
  • syrup of, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 2:154

punches (tools), 18:569

Punica (Silius Italicus)

  • translation by T. Chase proposed, 20:449n, 20:465

Punic language

  • roots of Gaelic, 7:560, 7:561n

Punkapog Indians , 5:184–5:185, 5:186n

Puñonrostro, Juan José Arias-Dávila y Matheu, conde de

  • and land grants, 18:99, 18:100n

Purchas, Samuel

  • Purchas his Pilgrimes, 8:581

Purchas his Pilgrimes (S. Purchas), 8:581

Purdie, Alexander, 1:381

Purgatory (Dante), 19:620, 19:621n


  • animosity toward, 5:387, 5:583
  • tenets of, 19:80

Purney, John. See Pernier (Purney), John

purses, 11:625

Pursh, Frederick

  • Flora Americæ Septentrionalis, 2:91n, 9:339n
  • and plant drawings, 2:90, 2:91n, 2:140

Purviance, Samuel, 1:140, 1:361–1:362n, 1:515, 9:671, 9:673n

Purviance, William Young, 9:671, 9:673n

Purviance & Nicholas (firm)

  • failure of, 16:4

Purvis, John

  • A Complete Collection of all the Lavvs of Virginia now in force, 1:404, 1:404n

Putnam, Israel

  • British attempt to capture, 6:446, 6:446–6:447n
  • and snakes, 16:15–16:16
  • supports American independence, 16:582, 19:427

putty, 6:344, 6:348, 16:11, 16:14, 19:10, 19:477, 19:522

Puy de Dôme (volcano), 9:134

Puységur, Pierre Louis de Chastenet, comte de

  • as government minister, 17:364, 17:364

Pyke, Alexander

  • An Oration, delivered on the 17th March, 1817, before the Shamrock Friendly Association of New-York, 11:204–11:205n

Pyrenees, Treaty of (1659)

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Pyrläus, Johann Christoph

  • and Indians, 9:65, 9:67n, 16:109

pyrometer, 20:636

Pyrrhon of Elis (Greek philosopher)

  • referenced, 19:245, 19:246n


  • J. Adams on, 5:185n, 6:299, 7:75, 7:75–7:76, 7:76, 7:76–7:77
  • and beans, 7:218, 7:221n
  • mentioned, 6:439, 11:383, 12:442
  • and numerology, 15:581, 15:584n
  • teachings of, 16:278–16:279, 16:279n, 20:265
  • trinity of, 7:218, 7:221n
  • Voyages de Pythagore (S. Maréchal), 17:535